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Ex  Libris 

Number    3762 

Received    Marck  10 — 19-36 

From  the  collection  of  the 

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San  Francisco,  California 


A  "Who's  Who"  and  Handbook 
of  Radicalism  for  Patriots 



(Mrs.  Albert  W.  Dilling) 


Published  by  the  Author 




Printed  in  the  United  States  of  America 

First  Printing— April  1934 
Second  Printing— May  1934 
Third  Printing— July  1934 


Without  committing  them  to  its  statements,  this  book  is  admiringly  dedi- 
cated to  all  those  sincere  fighters  for  American  liberty  and  Christian  principles 
who,  because  of  their  opposition  to  Red  propaganda  and  the  "new  social 
order"  of  Marx  and  Lenin,  are  denounced  as  "professional  patriots",  super- 
patriots",  "100  per  centers",  "patrioteers",  and  "Tories"  by  their  Red  oppo- 
nents. Particular  mention  is  gratefully  made  of  those  "patrioteers"  who  have 
aided  and  encouraged  the  author  in  her  effort  to  bring  to  the  sound  but  still 
sleeping  portion  of  the  American  public  the  truth  about  the  Communist- 
Socialist  world  conspiracy  which,  with  its  four  horsemen,  Atheism,  Immorality, 
Class  Hatred,  and  Pacifism-for-the-sake-of-Red-revolution,  is  boring  within 
our  churches,  schools  and  government  and  is  undermining  America  like  a 
cancerous  growth.  Among  these  are: 

The  national  headquarters  of  the  staunch  D.  A.  R.  (of  which  the  author, 
unfortunately,  is  not  a  member),  which  reprinted  each  article  in  her  former 
pamphlet  "Red  Revolution"  and  sent  copies  to  each  chapter  in  the  U.  S.  A. 
The  D.  A.  R.  members  are  the  best  informed  body  of  women  in  America  on 
this  subject  and  are  correspondingly  detested  by  the  Reds. 

Senator  Clayton  R.  Lusk,  whose  gift  of  the  most  valuable  and  complete 
4,450-page  four-volume  Report  of  the  Joint  Legislative  Committee  of  the 
State  of  New  York  Investigating  Seditious  Activities,  a  report  based  upon 
indisputable  documentary  evidence  made  by  the  committee  which  he  headed, 
has  made  available  the  background  and  information  concerning  the  Red  move- 
ment up  to  the  year  1920,  when  it  was  issued,  which  is  incorporated  within 
this  book. 

Lt.  Nelson  E.  Hewitt,  a  super-expert-patriot  who  has  devoted  twelve  years 
of  his  life  to  active  statistical  work  and  study  on  Red  subversive  activities, 
who  edits  the  Advisory  Associates  weekly  Bulletins  which  every  "super- 
patriot"  needs  (P.  O.  Box.  403,  Chicago)  and  who  has  given  the  greatest 
personal  aid  of  all,  having  devoted  a  number  of  full  days  of  his  time  to  check- 
ing and  supplying  information  used  in  this  book. 

Francis  Ralston  Welsh,  Philadelphia  attorney  and  research  expert  on  sub- 
versive activities — a  real  "super-patriot" — who  has  sent  many  excellent 

Miss  Margaret  Kerr,  executive  secretary  of  the  "professional  patriots' " 
Better  America  Federation,  which  placed  and  has  kept  the  Criminal  Syn- 
dicalism Law  on  the  statute  books  of  California  despite  the  frantic  efforts  of 
the  Reds  to  repeal  it — who  has  sent  valuable  data. 

Mr.  Walter  Steele,  manager  of  the  "100  per  centers' "  National  Republic 
magazine  (511  llth  St.  N.  W.,  Wash.,  D.  C.)  and  author  of  its  articles  on 
subversive  activities  which  are  unsurpassed,  who  has  sent  excellent  special 
information.  All  "patrioteers"  need  the  "National  Republic"  (price  $2.00 
yearly) . 

Mr.  Harry  Jung,  a  "professional  patriot",  of  the  American  Vigilant  Intelli- 
gence Federation,  sufficiently  annoying  in  his  anti-Red  "free  speech"  to  be 


honored  by  intimidating  libel  suits  filed  by  the  notorious  "free-speech-for- 
Reds-only"  A.  C.  L.  U.  (whose  Chicago  office  is  the  office  of  its  member,  Carl 
Haessler  of  the  Communist  school  of  Red  revolution  and  the  Reds'  Federated 
Press).  Mr.  Jung  kindly  loaned  the  author  some  documents. 

Mr.  John  B.  Chappie,  editor  of  the  Ashland  (Wis.)  Press,  author  of 
"La  Follette-Socialism,"  etc.,  whose  courageous  exposure  in  the  face  of  death 
threats  of  the  Socialist-Communist  network  in  Wisconsin  defeated  the  La  Fol- 
lette  dynasty  in  the  1932  election  for  the  first  time  in  forty  years,  who  sent 
his  helpful  book  and  pamphlets  to  the  author. 

Those  who  have  assembled  large  and  distinctive  audiences  to  hear  the 
author's  lectures,  among  them:  Paul  G.  Armstrong,  Vice  Commander  Dept. 
of  111.,  American  Legion,  and  many  other  valiant  Legion  Commanders;  U.  S. 
Army  and  Navy  Officers  Club;  the  men  of  the  Chicago  Military  Intelligence; 
leaders  of:  the  Illinois  Federation  of  Women's  Clubs;  Moody  Church  and 
Bible  Institute;  Women's  Patriotic  League;  Catholic  organizations;  Funda- 
mentalist and  other  anti-Bolshevik,  anti-Atheist  Churches;  Clubs;  Community 
mass  meetings;  etc.,  etc. 

Col.  Sidney  Story,  lecturer  and  fiery  patriot;  W.  H.  Chesbrough,  Wis- 
consin Commander  of  the  G.  A.  R. ;  Maude  Howe  of  the  Canadian  Christian 
Crusade  (against  atheism) ;  Nesta  Webster,  world  famous  English  historian 
and  author  of  "Surrender  of  an  Empire",  "World  Revolution",  "French 
Revolution",  etc.;  my  friends  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  Cretors,  residents  of 
Soviet  Russia  while  Mr.  Cretors  was  employed  there  as  an  engineer;  Mr. 
John  E.  Waters,  also  a  former  engineer  for  the  Soviet  Government,  whose 
true  story  entitled  "Red  Justice"  is  available  at  50c  (P.  O.  Box  242,  Madison, 
Wis.) ;  Mr.  Carveth  Wells,  famous  lecturer  and  author  of  "Kapoot",  a  graphic 
account  of  his  Russian  experiences;  Mrs.  C.  D.  Shipley,  tireless  patriotic 
worker  in  Waukegan,  111.,  a  Red  stronghold. 

After  reading  the  author's  pamphlet  "Red  Revolution",  David  Kinley, 
the  brilliant  and  loyal-American  president-emeritus  of  the  University  of  Illi- 
nois, wrote  in  part:  "I  congratulate  you  on  your  clear  and  earnest  exposition 
of  the  situation,  and  I  quite  agree  with  you  that  it  is  time  something  were 
done  to  prevent  the  evil  influence  of  the  advocates  of  Communism  and  their 
allies.  The  allies  include  a  good  many  people  who  would  refuse  to  be  called 
Communists,  but  whose  influence,  through  various  associations,  tends  to 
strengthen  the  work  and  claims  of  that  group.  I  agree  with  you  that  it  is 
time  that  parents  should  look  more  closely  into  the  influence  of  the  teachers 
of  the  schools  and  colleges  which  their  children  attend." 

Mr.  and  Mrs.  James  H.  Watt  of  Chicago  declare:  "From  a  viewpoint 
gained  through  our  recent  residence  of  fifteen  months  in  an  American  engi- 
neering colony  in  Soviet  Russia,  the  statements  of  Mrs.  Albert  W.  Billing 
concerning  conditions  prevalent  in  that  country  are  found  to  be  absolutely 
authentic  and  of  invaluable  import." 

May  "professional  patriots"  increase  and  multiply;  may  they  cease  to  be 
lone  voices  crying  in  the  wilderness;  may  their  number  and  activities  grow 
strong  enough  to  avert  now  threatening  Socialism  or  Fascism,  and  to  pre- 
serve for  America,  Christianity,  the  American  Constitution,  and  American 
liberty.  (See  "Professional  Patriots"  under  Organizations  herein.) 



Dedication  (To  "Professional  Patriots") 5 


Miscellaneous  Articles 

Russian  Revolution — Do  we  want  it  here? 9 

Have  We  Recognized  Russia? 14 

"O!  Let  Them  Blow  Off  Steam— As  They  Do  in  England!" 16 

Communist  Organization  in  the  U.S.A 17 

Red  Army  in  the  U.S.A 21 

Communist  Party  and  Religion 22 

Socialist  Party  and  Religion 23 

Women  and  Socialism 27 

"Christian"  Socialism   28 

"Methodists  Turn   Socialistic" 33 

"News" 38 

Jail  or  Asylum  for  Me — Suggests  "Liberal"  Mondale 41 

Who  Are  They? 45 

Gandhi    45 

Glenn  Frank 46 

Einstein 48 

Jane  Addams 51 

G.  Bromley  Oxnam 53 

Carl  Haessler— "Red  Ravinia" 54 

"I  Am  Not  Interested" 59 

1.  So-Called  "Pacifism"— Is  It  Christian  or  Red? 61 

2.  Pacifism  and  Its  Red  Aids 65 

Socialist  Party  (and  the  New  Deal) 69 

The  New  Deal  and  Roosevelt  Appointees 74 

Capitalism,  Hewer  and  "Chiseler"  of  American  Greatness 91 

Fascism  .  99 


Organizations,  Etc. 

Descriptive  data  concerning  more  than  460  Communist,  Radical  Paci- 
fist, Anarchist,  Socialist,  I.W.W.  controlled  organizations  and 
agencies.  The  names  are  alphabetically  arranged.  See  Index  for 

list 101 

Abbreviations  of   Words 253 

Explaining  some  "Red"  Terms 254 



"Who's  Who" 


Who  Is  Who  in  Radicalism? 257 

This  "Who's  Who" 258 

Listing  about  1,300  persons  who  are  leading  members  of  the  organiza- 
tions listed  in  Part  II.  Most  of  the  organizations  referred  to  in  the 
"Who's  Who"  are  described  and  discussed  in  Part  II  and  the 
abbreviations  used  are  listed  along  with  the  full  organization  names 
in  the  Index. 


Part     I — Miscellaneous  Articles 337 

Part    II— Organizations,    Etc 338 

Part  III— "Who's  Who"  .  352 

Facsimile  Illustrations 

Showing  Soviet  Anti-religious  Cartoon  in  "Economic  Justice," 

Bulletin  of  National  Religion  and  Labor  Foundation 100 

A.C.L.U.  Letter  in  Behalf  of  Radical  Legislation — Lists 

National  Committee  and  Officers 110 

Another  Similar  A.C.L.U.  Letter— Scoffs  at  "Patriots" 122 

Letter  of  Chicago  Committee  for  Struggle  Against  War — 

Lists  Intl.,  Am.  and  Chgo.  Committees 174 

Letter  of  Labor  Defense  Council,  Formed  for  Defense  of 

Bridgman  Communists — Reveals  Interlocking  of  Reds 182 

Showing  Communist  Cartoon  of  Jesus  Reproduced  in  "Economic 

Justice"  with  Editorial  Comment  and  List  of  Editors 202 

Pro-Soviet  Letter  of  National  Religion  and  Labor  Foundation — 

Lists  Its  Leaders 205 

Significant  Letter  Sent  Out  by  Socialist  Public  Ownership  League 

Revealing  Its  Close  Ties  with  Secretary  Ickes 256 


Do  We  Want  It  Here? 

To  one  who  has  seen  Russia,  unblinded  by  the  propaganda  of  a  few 
"model"  institutions  shown  to  tourists  and  built  by  foreign  brains  and  capital, 
this  talk  of  "revolution"  here  to  better  economic  conditions  strikes  terror  to 
the  heart.  One  recalls  those  great  civilizations  in  history  which  were  laid  to 
waste  and  were  then  for  centuries  unable  to  rise  again. 

In  the  Moscow  "Museum  of  the  Revolution'',  I  saw  racks  and  racks  of 
photographs  taken  during  the  Russian  Revolution  and  its  attendant  famine. 
These  pictures  of  people  who  starved  to  death  lying  in  the  streets  where  they 
fell,  cannibalistic  views  of  dead  mothers  and  babies  with  half-eaten  bodies, 
and  revolutionary  scenes  of  stark  horror  and  misery,  were  revolting  past 

The  Soviet  government  woman-guide  showing  us  these  said  she  had  lost 
two  members  of  her  own  family  in  this  famine  and  had  seen  worse  scenes 
herself  around  Odessa.  Later  I  shuddered  as  I  heard  her  announce:  "There 
is  no  use  to  waste  time  here  in  the  Foreign  Department  (of  the  Museum). 
You  people  all  read  newspapers.  You  know  what  we  are  doing  in  China, 
Spain,  and  in  your  own  country — our  strikes  and  all.  Our  world  revolution 
will  start  with  China  and  end  with  the  United  States"  In  this  Department 
is  a  map  of  the  United  States  re-districted  and  with  our  cities  renamed  as 
they  are  expected  to  be  "when  the  red  flag  waves  over  the  White  House."  On 
this  map  Cleveland  is  renamed  "Ruthenberg",  Detroit  is  "Lewistown",  etc. 
Since  I  heard  these  ominous  words  of  our  guide,  the  December  24,  1931,  issue 
of  "Inprecorr"  announced  that  "the  Soviet  power  has  already  been  set  up 
over  a  sixth  part  of  China";  the  Communist  "Daily  Worker"  of  April  5, 
1932,  in  an  article  entitled  "The  Growth  of  the  Soviet  Power  in  China", 
gave  details  of  great  new  Red  Army  victories  in  China.  No  wonder  Com- 
munists demonstrate  in  front  of  Japanese  embassies  against  "imperialist" 
war  on  China. 

In  January  1933,  authorities  reported  seven  provinces  and  at  least 
80,000,000  Chinese  Sovietized,  and  an  inner  Chinese  Soviet  state  which  had 
an  army  of  many  thousand  troops  trained  by  German  and  Russian  officers. 
Officers,  arms  and  supplies  were  being  sent  from  the  U.  S.  S.  R.  by  an  ancient 
caravan  route  through  Outer  Mongolia,  a  large  territory  practically  annexed 
to  the  U.  S.  S.  R.  after  a  revolution  was  engineered  there  in  1921,  a  point  the 
League  of  Nations  remained  strangely  silent  about.  Sovietization  is  increas- 
ing steadily  in  China. 

The  dirty,  drab  dilapidation  of  Russia,  with  its  uncurtained,  broken  win- 
dows and  unrepaired  roofs,  but  with  idle  crowds  roving  the  streets,  bespeaks 
the  loss  of  private  ownership  which  always  fosters  personal  interest  and 

10  The  Red  Network 

initiative.  Communism  has  indeed  abolished  wealth  in  Russia.  The  wealth 
of  those  "liquidated"  millions  of  the  intelligentsia,  aristocratic,  middle,  and 
small-land-holding  classes,  who  have  been  killed  or  leveled  down,  has  made 
way  for  universal  poverty.  Thirty  per  cent  of  the  poorer  portion  of  the 
160,000,000  Russian  population  still  remain  to  be  dispossessed  or  "liqui- 
dated", and  so,  unceasingly,  great  train  loads  of  those  resisting  "collectiv- 
ization" travel  the  rails  to  Siberia.  Ellery  Walter  counted,  recently,  in  four 
weeks'  time,  seventeen  train  loads,  some  forty  cars  long,  of  such  people.  Men, 
women  and  children  peered  out  at  him  through  the  bars.  They  were  enroute 
to  hard  labor,  prison  camps,  or  death  in  Siberia. 

Siberia  is  now  populated  as  never  before  with  exiled  peasants  who  have 
spoken  bitterly  about,  or  resisted,  the  giving  up  of  their  pigs,  cows,  or  little 
homes,  or  nearly  all  of  their  grain,  or  have  offended  by  upholding  religion, 
and  consequently  are  being  punished  as  "counter  revolutionaries"  or 

Tourists  in  Moscow  may  see,  near  their  hotels,  during  late  night  and 
early  morning  hours,  the  "wild"  or  deserted  children  sleeping  in  doorways. 
These  are  not  the  same  wild  hordes  of  children  seen  during  the  revolution 
sixteen  or  more  years  ago,  for  those  would  now  be  grown.  These  are  a  new 
crop,  produced  not  only  by  low  living  conditions  but  also  by  conditions  of 
low  living,  fostered  by  the  Communist  government  destruction  of  faith  in 
God,  religion,  and  morality.  Lenin's  wife  said  in  "Pravda"  (the  official 
organ  of  the  Communist  Party  of  Russia) :  "We  have  seven  million  deserted 
children  officially  registered  and  eighty  thousand  who  have  been  gathered 
into  our  asylums.  How  many  more  are  wandering  about  Russia?"  Couples 
may  simply  live  together  or  register  quickly  as  married  or  divorced  by  pay- 
ment of  a  ruble.  These  can  hardly  support  the  children  of  several  successive 
unions  on  incomes  barely  sufficient  for  their  own  existence. 

Of  course,  a  hospital  we  visited  bragged  of  forty  abortions  performed  that 
morning,  and  an  "educational"  movie  viewed  by  a  friend  showed  pictorially, 
to  a  mixed  audience,  old  and  new  abortion  methods  and  the  benefits  of  the 

While  visiting  a  "model"  institution  for  children  at  the  Tsar's  old  summer 
palace  at  Tsarskoye  Selo,  we  photographed  the  little  tots,  naked  from  the 
waist  up,  running  around  in  our  party.  Some  not  over  six  years  old  had 
learned  enough  English  to  beg  "Gimme  a  cigarette,  gimme  a  cigarette!"  In 
this,  and  in  other  respects,  our  American  institutions  for  six-year-olds  are 
unlike  the  "model"  products  of  the  Russian  Revolution.  Concerning  the 
Russian  conditions,  the  U.  S.  Fish  report  on  Communism  says:  "Documents 
and  books  presented  to  the  committee  indicate  that  the  most  terrible  kinds 
of  vice  are  encouraged  among  the  young  school  children  in  order  to  break 
down  their  family  influence  which  is  the  foundation  of  all  religion."  Sie- 
mashko,  Soviet  Commissar  of  Health,  confessed  at  one  time  that  venereal 
disease  "had  reached  the  proportions  of  a  terrible  plague". 

My  friends  Mr.  and  Mrs.  George  Cretors  have  returned  from  Russia, 
where  he,  an  American  engineer,  was  in  charge  of  475,000  acres  as  agri- 
cultural expert  for  the  Soviet  government.  They  tell  of  the  openly  free  sex 
relations  among  the  700  children  between  the  ages  of  11  and  17  in  the 
"model"  cooperative  children's  institution  on  this  project,  and  of  indecent 

Russian  Revolution — Do  We  Want  It  Here? U 

practices  taught  in  the  school  there  by  a  Soviet  official  from  Moscow,  and 
of  the  long  line  of  these  children  who  waited  in  line  to  be  treated  for  social 
disease  when  a  doctor  and  nurse  came  there  for  that  purpose. 

All  of  the  churches  our  guides  took  us  to  visit  had  been  converted  into 
anti-religious  museums.  Life-size  manikins  are  dressed  up  in  church  robes 
and  the  most  revolting  interpretations  of  religious  subjects  are  portrayed  by 
them  and  by  colored  cartoons  tacked  up  on  large  bulletin  boards  so  that  the 
crowds  of  young  workers  who  are  taken  through  may  see  and  have  explained 
to  them  by  Soviet  guides  how  ridiculous  religious  faith  is.  The  most  exquisite 
church  of  all,  the  Church  of  the  Redeemer  in  Moscow,  was  then  about  to  be 
dynamited  to  make  way  for  a  "Palace  of  the  Soviets".  I  have  movies  of  nude 
bathing  in  the  river  taken  in  the  heart  of  Moscow,  men  and  women  together, 
with  the  Church  of  the  Redeemer  in  the  background.  Beautiful  St.  Isaac's 
Cathedral  in  Leningrad,  then  an  anti-religious  museum,  is  now  used  as  an 
atheist  theatre  as  part  of  the  new  five-year  plan  to  close  all  houses  of  worship 
by  1937  and  to  eradicate  even  the  thought  of  God  from  the  minds  of  the 
people  by  a  militant  anti-God  campaign. 

Our  guides  took  us  to  the  Torgsin  stores  for  foreign  tourists,  where  gold 
trinkets,  paintings,  art  objects,  church  robes  and  ikons,  looted  from  their 
former  owners,  are  sold  by  the  Soviet  government  for  foreign  gold  only.  But 
no  visitor  or  proletarian  Russian  gets  inside  the  Soviet  officials'  special  stores, 
where  the  best  is  sold  to  the  higher-ups  at  lowest  prices.  The  windows  of 
these  stores  are  whitewashed  and  a  guard  with  a  gun  stands  out  in  front.  Nor 
did  our  guides  take  us  to  visit  the  poor,  miserable  workers'  stores,  where 
long  lines  wait  whenever  merchandise  is  offered  at  prices  the  worker  can  afford 
to  pay.  My  friends  living  there  did  take  me,  however.  Goods  on  the  half- 
empty  shelves  were  labeled  in  several  stores  "For  Display  Purposes  Only". 
Only  counter  supplies  were  for  sale.  An  oil  barrel  in  one  had  a  sign  "There 
is  no  more",  which  had  been  there  for  eight  months,  I  was  told.  In  one  store, 
buzzing  flies  fought  over  three  cheeses,  priced  at  eight,  ten,  and  twelve  rubles 
(four,  five,  and  six  dollars)  per  pound.  Three  fish  displayed  were  priced  at 
$3.75  per  pound.  A  thin,  fly-specked  box  of  candy  was  priced  at  $5.00,  small 
individual  pieces  priced  about  twenty  cents  each,  although  a  Woolworth 
buyer  in  New  York  was  offered  all  the  Soviet  candy  he  could  use  at  a  penny 
a  pound  delivered.  Incidentally,  he  patriotically  bought  American  candy  at 
five  cents  a  pound  instead. 

The  products  of  Russian  workers  are  dumped  abroad  to  break  the  markets 
of  capitalistic  countries,  to  pay  for  some  machinery  which  is  rusted  and  unfit 
for  use  in  a  short  time,  and  to  pay  for  propagandizing  Communist  revolution 
throughout  the  world. 

There  was  no  meat  in  the  stores  when  I  was  there,  as  it  was  August  and 
there  is  no  ice.  Everything  is  strictly  rationed.  Soap  was  $1.30  a  bar  and 
limited  to  two  bars  a  month.  Black  bread,  dried  herring,  and  cucumbers 
seemed  to  be  the  actual  purchases  of  the  average  buyer,  except  at  one  store 
which  offered  carrots  and  at  another  which  offered  tomatoes,  both  of  which 
had  previously  been  impossible  to  procure.  Long  lines  waited  to  buy  these 
specialties.  Milk  is  sold  at  a  special  store  and  only  to  those  with  certificates 
showing  that  they  have  infants. 

I  saw  scaffoldings  on  numerous  buildings,  but  while  there  saw  no  one 

12  The  Red  Network 

working  on  them.  An  American  engineer  who  had  been  there  three  years  said 
nobody  in  that  time  had  worked  on  a  scaffolding  across  the  street  from  our 
hotel.  I  saw  buildings  which  had  been  slopped  over  outside  with  whitewash 
a  long  time  before,  to  judge  by  their  soiled  appearance,  and  yet  the  windows, 
splotched  and  streaked  with  the  whitewash,  still  remained  unwashed.  I  saw 
no  window  curtains  anywhere,  but  I  am  told  there  are  a  few  in  Russia. 

Two  of  the  three  busses  we  rode  in  in  Leningrad  broke  down.  The 
streets  and  roads  were  very  much  torn  up  and  rutted,  and  the  government 
cars  rented  to  our  party  were  trembling  and  unsure.  On  one  trip,  a  wheel 
came  off  of  one,  and  an  axle  broke  on  another.  However,  one  day  we  had 
the  use  of  some  very  good  Packards  and  Buicks.  These  were  the  private  cars 
of  minor  Soviet  officials,  loaned  to  us.  I  was  told  there  were  over  seventy 
Rolls-Royces  then  in  use  in  Moscow  as  the  private  cars  of  Soviet  officials.  Of 
course,  the  poor  bundle-laden  proletarian  who  walks  or  hangs  out  of  an  over- 
crowded street  car  is  told  that  these  cars  are  not  the  officials'  "private"  cars 
but  are  only  for  their  "private  use".  The  Socialist  slogan  is  "Production  for 
use,  not  for  profit."  (Whose  use,  whose  profit?)  Outside  the  towns,  people 
poured  out  of  old,  dilapidated  houses  to  see  us  go  by.  Auto  traffic  is  a  novelty. 

The  incessant  propaganda  about  Communism  and  about  what  Russia  is 
going  to  do  is  the  only  lively  feature  about  Russia.  So  many  of  the  widely- 
publicized  and  supposedly  photographed  projects  are  merely  on  paper.  Din- 
giness,  bad  smells,  and  a  sense  of  fear  pervades  everything.  The  last  manager 
of  the  Grand  Hotel  in  Moscow  with  his  wife  and  children  had  been  awakened 
at  three  o'clock  in  the  morning  by  the  G.  P.  U.  (secret  police)  and  had  not 
since  been  heard  of.  They  have  a  saying  "Only  the  G.  P.  U.  works  fast  in 
Russia."  My  friends  showed  me  their  letters,  which  plainly  had  been  opened 
and  glued  together  again  before  reaching  them.  All  dispatches  by  foreign 
newspaper  correspondents  are  censored  before  entering  or  leaving  Russia. 
Our  ship  was  not  allowed  to  use  its  radio  while  within  Russian  waters. 

Russian  workers  pay  out  about  30%  of  their  earnings  in  taxes,  such  as 
the  "culture  tax"  (for  the  privilege  of  reading  newspapers  and  hearing  propa- 
ganda at  Workers'  Clubs),  a  "housing  tax"  (to  build  houses  for  others),  a 
"cooperative  store  tax"  (for  the  privilege  of  buying  at  government  stores), 
and  an  income  tax.  Besides,  all  workers  must  occasionally  "voluntarily"  give 
their  whole  month's  wages  to  the  government  as  a  loan.  Russians  are  for- 
bidden to  possess  foreign  money.  Guards,  barbed  wire,  spies,  and  heavy 
penalties  inflicted  on  relatives  left  behind  deter  Russians  from  leaving  Russia. 

The  bedbugs  in  the  Grand  Hotel  were  wild  about  me,  the  listless  waiters 
not  interested  at  all.  Some  beautiful  marble  statues,  large  Sevres  vases,  fly- 
specked  crystal  chandeliers,  and  massive  old  furniture  remained,  contrasting 
sharply  with  bare  floors  and  cheap  new  iron  beds.  The  hotel  elevator  ran 
once  in  a  while,  when  not  out  of  order.  The  dingy-windowed  empty  stores 
which  line  the  streets  (for  only  here  and  there  a  government  store  is  oper- 
ating) give  a  dismal  appearance  to  the  large  cities.  The  few  outcast  private 
peddlers  who  remained  when  I  was  there  were  ragged  and  wretched  looking 
individuals  and  were  soon  to  be  strictly  dealt  with  and  banned. 

The  hotel  food  was  the  best  Russia  provides  for  its  tourists  who  pay  pre- 
cious foreign  money  and  was  infinitely  better  than  the  Russians  get,  but  it  had 

Russian  Revolution — Do  We  Want  It  Here? 13 

a  kinship  with  the  smelliness  of  everything  connected  with  it  and  affected  the 
digestion  peculiarly — due  it  was  said  to  benzoate  of  soda  preservatives  used. 
Ragged  proletarians  loaded  with  bundles  fill  the  railroad  stations.  The 
mattress  and  pillow  tickings  of  the  special  first-class  sleepers  we  rode  on  were 
revoltingly  dirty.  On  the  train,  unwrapped  black-bread  sandwiches  were 
handed  to  us  out  of  a  basket  by  a  girl  with  soiled  hands  about  9  A.  M.  Regular 
breakfast  was  served  at  the  hotels  between  10  and  11  A.  M.,  luncheon  between 
3  and  4,  and  supper  between  10  and  11  P.  M.  Fresh  fruit  was  non-existent; 
it  is  exported. 

We  were  constantly  told  how  much  better  off  the  Russians  are  now  than 
they  were  before  the  Revolution.  To  be  sure,  we  visited  suburban  homes 
formerly  owned  by  well-to-do  families  now  in  use  as  "Workers'  Clubs,"  or 
"Homes  of  Rest  and  Culture,"  as  they  are  called.  In  one  of  these,  workers 
in  undershirts  were  sitting  around,  one  hammering  on  the  grand  piano.  Their 
old  hats  were  hung  on  an  elaborate  old  lamp  and  the  marble  statuary.  Beauti- 
ful paintings  of  the  former  owners  still  hung  at  each  end  of  the  paneled  din- 
ing room.  The  floors  were  bare  and  none  too  clean  and  there  were  iron  cots 
in  living  room  and  dining  room.  The  dining  table  was  covered  with  soiled 
oil  cloth  and  set  with  black  bread  and  soup  for  the  noonday  meal  of  the 
inmates.  A  plaster  bust  of  Lenin  with  a  red  necktie  tied  slightly  askew  graced 
the  window  seat  in  the  living  room.  Out  of  the  window,  we  saw  and  photo- 
graphed girls  very  scantily  clad  lying  in  the  tall  grass  of  what  had  once  been 
the  garden,  near  an  ornamental  pool  then  filled  with  trash. 

I  was  never  in  Russia  before  the  Revolution.  But  as  I  passed  miles  of 
homes  along  the  roads  now  neglected  and  nearly  falling  down  and  noted  how 
many  of  them  had  ginger-bread  carvings  on  them,  it  occurred  to  me  that 
someone  must  have  cared  for  them  more  than  their  present  occupants  do, 
or  else  they  would  never  have  bothered  to  carve  them.  As  I  watched  the 
workers  in  the  stores  and  noted  what  they  were  buying,  I  concluded  that  if 
they  had  formerly  had  less  to  eat  than  they  were  now  getting  they  would  not 
have  survived.  I  met  Russian  bourgeois  exiles  in  Switzerland  who  had  escaped 
only  with  their  lives  and  whose  relatives  had  been  killed  after  the  Revolution. 
I  believe  that  those  exiles  and  the  millions  who  were  killed  are  more  fortunate 
than  the  poor  Russian  proletarian  left  behind  living  as  a  mere  cog  in  a  God- 
less, slavedriving  state  machine. 

Stepping  from  Russia  into  Esthonia  is  like  stepping  from  the  slums  into  a 
comfortable  neighborhood.  Until  only  fifteen  years  ago,  Esthonia  was  a  part 
of  Russia;  but  it  has  since  had  democratic  government  and  private  trade. 
The  clean  window  curtains  and  potted  flowers,  and  the  busy  bustle  of  trade 
and  traffic,  and  the  general  air  of  well  being  contrast  sharply  with  gloomy 

When  over  one  thousand  Communists  rioted  in  front  of  the  Chicago  School 
Board  offices  (March  27,  1932),  they  bore  a  placard:  "We  Want  Soviet 
Conditions  Here."  Some  misguided  Americans,  openly  or  covertly,  are 
echoing  this  sentiment.  The  universities  seem  to  have  joined  the  gutter  Com- 
munists in  "going  Red."  They  unite  in  using  the  argument  that  inasmuch 
as  the  American  "economic  system"  has  "collapsed"  we  must  have  Russian 
revolution  to  right  matters. 

14  The  Red  Network 

Owing  to  the  spirit  of  Christian  (not  atheist)  mercy,  deeply  ingrained  in 
the  American  people,  no  one  is  starving,  or  will  starve,  here,  who  asks  for 
aid.  I  compare  the  miserable  food  and  living  conditions  of  Russians  who 
work,  with  the  rations  of  our  county  and  charity  unemployed  poor,  to  the 
latter's  advantage.  Moreover,  no  free-born  American  can  conceive  of  the 
Soviet  despotic  regulation  of  the  smallest  personal  matters  of  conduct  and 
conversation,  nor  understand  the  haunting  fear  of  the  terrorist  secret  police 
which  even  the  American  tourist  in  Russia  senses.  Much  less  would  Amer- 
icans want  to  live  under  such  "Soviet  conditions"  here. 

While  I  was  in  Moscow,  factory  workers  who  had  long  protested  bad 
working  conditions  decided  to  strike.  At  once  soldiers  and  machine  guns 
surrounded  the  factory.  The  workers  were  given  fifteen  minutes  to  decide 
whether  to  work  or  be  blown  to  bits.  They  worked. 

The  present  economic  depression  or  "collapse"  is  not  as  unprecedented 
as  was  the  era  of  prosperity  which  just  preceded  it.  No  other  country  at  any 
time  has  ever  had  a  standard  of  living,  a  condition  of  general  welfare,  to 
compare  with  ours.  Since  our  struggling  little  thirteen  colonies  pioneered 
through  to  the  foundation  of  this  nation,  we  have  survived  wars  and  many 
depressions  (or  "collapses")  without  halting  our  upward  march  and  with- 
out ceasing  to  be  the  mecca  of  the  whole  world.  Immigration  barriers  have 
been  necessary  to  hold  back  the  multitudes  drawn  here  by  the  opportunities 
and  liberty  offered  under  our  form  of  government.  Africa,  South  America, 
and  other  lands  have  soil  and  resources  as  rich,  but  they  have  lacked  our 
government  and  those  American  principles  which  have  inspired  progress  in 
the  people  of  all  nationalities  who  have  come  here  to  make  America  their 

Macauley,  the  historian,  said:  "Your  Republic  will  be  pillaged  and  rav- 
aged in  the  twentieth  century,  just  as  the  Roman  Empire  was  by  the  bar- 
barians of  the  fifth  century,  with  this  difference,  that  the  devastators  of  the 
Roman  Empire  came  from  abroad,  while  your  barbarians  will  be  the  people 
of  your  country,  and  the  products  of  your  own  institutions." 

Within  each  person  lies  the  spirit  and  the  power  to  help  guide  events  in 
this  nation  either  toward  Russian  revolution,  with  all  its  horrors,  or  upward 
toward  firmer  American  principles  and  new  American  progress.  Will  our  peo- 
ple rise  in  this  crisis,  as  they  have  before,  or  will  they  at  last  fall?  That 
depends  upon  you  and  me. 


Have  we  recognized  the  poor  Russian  peasants  deprived  of  food  cards 
and  deliberately  "liquidated" — starved  to  death — by  the  Soviet  Government 
within  the  last  year  as  "class  enemies,"  a  number  estimated  at  three  million 
by  Ralph  Barnes  of  the  N.  Y.  Herald  Tribune,  four  million  by  Henry  Cham- 
berlain of  the  Manchester  Guardian  of  England,  and  five  million  by  pro- 
Soviet  Walter  Duranty  of  the  N.  Y.  Times? 

"At  the  recent  London  Economic  Conference  Maxim  Litvinov  .  .  .  calmly 
admitted  to  an  European  diplomat  that  the  sacrifice  of  fifteen  to  twenty 
million  more  people  will  be  readily  agreed  to  by  the  Soviet  Government  in 
order  to  transform  Russia  into  a  real  Communist  State"  (from  "America" 
of  Nov.  25,  1933). 

Have  We  Recognized  Russia? IS 

Anna  Smirnova,  Moscow  factory  worker,  answering  questions  about  Russia 
in  the  communist  Daily  Worker  of  Nov.  10,  1933  says:  "It  is  true  that  we 
are  unmercifully  driving  from  our  ranks  and  from  our  enterprises  all  those 
'wreckers'  and  counter  revolutionary  forces  in  our  midst — those  forces  that 
are  using  all  their  intelligence  and  physical  strength  to  hold  us  back  and  to 
establish  a  capitalist  society  among  us.  ...  To  take  the  place  of  the  Church  we 
have  given  the  workers  the  theatre  .  .  .  club  houses,  etc.  To  take  the  place  of 
the  Bible  and  the  priests,  books  concerning  the  class  struggle  by  Lenin  and 
Stalin.  There  are  quite  a  few  churches  left  in  the  U.  S.  S.  R.  It  is  true  that 
with  each  year  the  number  grows  less  .  .  .  little  by  little  through  their  con- 
tacts with  this  culture  of  ours  they"  (the  believers)  "are  being  won  over  to 
the  cause  of  the  workers'  struggle  to  establish  a  Socialist  Society  and  they 
find  little  place  or  time  in  their  lives  to  think  of  religion."  (Won  over  by  the 
example  of  the  "liquidated.") 

Have  we  recognized  the  hapless  Christians  or  the  helpless  majority  of  the 
Russian  people  now  living  under  the  iron  dictatorship  of  their  Communist 
Party  which  comprises  but  1%  of  the  population? 

We  have  not.  We  have  recognized  the  Communist  Party  Government  of 
Russia  and  its  Communist  International,  which  are  one  and  which  are  striv- 
ing for  similar  power  in  America.  We  are  financing  agitations  for  our  own 
destruction  and  supplying  millions  of  dollars  worth  of  cotton  to  be  used  for 
explosives  for  a  war,  perhaps,  against  anti-communist  Japan,  Asia's  only  bul- 
wark against  Communism  now.  We  have  made  a  pact  with  Hell  to  help  pro- 
vide the  Cross  upon  which  to  crucify  Christian  civilization. 

"Tut  tut — be  broadminded ! "  says  the  man  educated  beyond  his  own 
intelligence.  One  is  reminded  of  two  prisoners  discussing  a  fellow  prisoner 
in  a  motion  picture.  One  asked  "What  is  he  in  for?  Didn't  he  kill  his  mud- 
der?"  "Sure,"  replied  the  other,  "he  cut  his  old  lady's  t'roat— but  he's 
sor-ry.  He's  a  good  guy!" 

The  most  broadminded  can  not  say  that  the  Soviet  Government  is  sorry. 
It  is  proud  and  hopeful  of  similar  opportunities  for  revolution  in  America 
and  fifty-eight  other  countries.  As  the  world's  outstanding  nation  that  with- 
held recognition  of  the  murder  regime  for  16  years,  we  now  capitulate  and 
provide  it  with  new  hope,  new  pride,  new  funds  for  the  fulfillment  of  its  aims. 

As  a  reward  the  communist  Daily  Worker  editorially  promises  us  the 
following  (Nov.  20,  1933): 

"The  success  of  recognition,  which  the  workers  throughout  the  world  will 
celebrate  and  greet  as  a  harbinger  of  greater  advances  for  the  workers  of  the 
Soviet  Union,  and  the  revolutionary  proletariat  throughout  the  world,  was 
made  possible  by  the  stalwart  and  brilliant  leadership  of  the  Communist 
Party  of  the  Soviet  Union,  the  Party  of  Lenin  and  Stalin,  a  section  of  the 
Communist  International. 

"Revolutionary  Way  Out  of  Crisis" 

"The  Communist  Party  of  the  U.  S.  A.,  section  of  the  Communist  Inter- 
national, points  out  that  the  only  guarantee  of  peace  is  the  abolition  of  cap- 
italism. Its  main  task  is  the  abolition  of  capitalism  in  the  United  States. 

"The  deepening  of  the  crisis  of  American  capitalism,  the  growing  sym- 
pathy for  the  Soviet  Union,  gives  the  Communist  Party  of  the  U.  S.  A.  the 

16  The  Red  Network 

widest  possibilities  of  convincing  and  winning  the  American  toiling  masses 
for  the  revolutionary  way  out  of  the  crisis. 

"In  this  country,  the  Communist  Party,  section  of  the  Communist  Inter- 
national, basing  itself  on  the  principles  of  Lenin  and  Stalin,  will  more  deter- 
minedly than  ever  strive  to  win  the  American  workers  for  the  revolutionary 
way  out  of  the  crisis,  for  the  emulation  of  the  Soviet  Union  and  its  revolu- 
tionary victories." 

M.  J.  Olgin,  member  of  the  central  committee  of  the  Communist  Party, 
and  editor  of  the  Jewish  Communist  organ,  "Freiheit,"  has  written  a  pamph- 
let since  recognition  of  Russia  by  the  United  States,  entitled  "Why  Com- 
munism," which  is  even  clearer  in  its  open  advocacy  of  violent  destruction 
of  the  United  States  government.  It  should  be  read  by  everyone,  particularly 
by  those  who  have  any  belief  in  the  piffle  printed  in  the  daily  press  about 
cessation  of  Soviet  communistic  activities  in  the  United  States.  To  quote  but 
a  small  part  of  it: 

"The  Communist  Party  of  the  Soviet  Union  is  affiliated  with  the  Com- 
munist International.  It  is  the  most  influential  but  not  the  only  influential 
party  in  the  International.  It  is  one  part  but  not  the  whole  of  the  Inter- 
national. Its  advice  is  highly  precious  because  it  has  long  accomplished  what 
the  Communist  Parties  of  the  world  are  only  striving  at — the  proletarian 
revolution.  The  advice  and  experiences  of  the  other  parties,  however,  is  also 
of  great  value  in  determining  the  policies  of  the  Comintern.  The  seat  of  the 
Comintern  is  Moscow  because  this  is  the  capital  of  the  only  workers'  and 
peasants'  government  in  the  world,  and  the  Comintern  can  meet  there  freely. 
As  the  workers  become  rulers  of  other  countries,  the  Comintern  will  not  have 
to  confine  its  meetings  to  Moscow  alone. 

"The  Communist  Party  of  the  U.  S.  A.  is  thus  a  part  of  a  world-wide 
organization  which  gives  it  guidance  and  enhances  its  fighting  power.  Under 
the  leadership  of  the  Communist  Party,  the  workers  of  the  U.  S.  A.  will  pro- 
ceed from  struggle  to  struggle,  from  victory  to  victory,  until,  rising  in  a  revolu- 
tion, they  will  crush  the  capitalist  State,  establish  a  Soviet  State,  abolish  the 
cruel  and  bloody  system  of  capitalism  and  proceed  to  the  upbuilding  of 


Before  obligingly  parroting  this  subtle  Red  propaganda: 

1.  Read  the  Communist  press  and  the  Workers  Schools  leaflets  and  see 
there  the  headlined  quotation:    "  'Without  revolutionary  theory  there  can 
be  no  revolutionary  practise?  Lenin."  Thousands  of  dollars  are  continually 
raised  for  the  Red  press  in  order  to  "blow  steam"  into  the  Red  movement, 
with  this  statement  of  Lenin's  heading  the  printed  pleas  for  funds. 

2.  Read:    "The  Surrender  of  an  Empire"  by  Nesta  Webster,  "Potted 
Biographies"  (of  British  statesmen),  and  the  weekly  "Patriot"  of  London, 
to  gain  some  actual  picture  of  England's  blind  grapple  with  Socialism-Com- 
munism within.    (Boswell  Pub.  Co.,  10  Essex  St.,  London,  W.  C.  2.) 

3.  Read  in  this  book,  in  the  daily  press,  and  A.  C.  L.  U.  reports,  of  the 
determined  fight  the  A.  C.  L.  U.  (directed  by  Communists,  Socialists  and 

"O,  Let  Them  Blow  OS  Steam" 17 

sympathizers)  wages  to  secure  the  "free  speech"  for  Reds  to  "blow  steam" 
into  the  Red  movement,  whereas  Michael  Gold's  statement  in  the  Daily 
Worker,  Oct.  28,  1933,  is  typical  of  the  Communist-Socialist  view  of  "free 
speech"  for  others.  To  quote:  "This  whole  controversy  over  free  speech 
is  an  academic  one  with  these  ivory-tower  liberals.  To  the  worker  it  is  some- 
thing as  real  as  murder.  It  is  part  of  the  class  war,  not  something  in  the 
clouds.  Free  speech  is  not  an  inalienable  right,  but  something  to  be  fought 
for — a  class  weapon.  It  is  not  to  be  given  up  to  scabs  in  a  strike,  or  to  Nazis 
and  Ku  Kluxers.  We  are  not  interested  in  hearing  what  they  have  to  say — 
we  only  wish  to  labor  that  they  may  not  exist"  Read  herein  what  Robt. 
Briffault  says  of  "liquidating"  dissenters  in  the  article  "Recovery  Through 
Revolution"  under  "Organizations." 

4.  Take  note  that  the  Garland  Fund  appropriation  "to  investigate  spy 
activities  of  the  U.  S.  Department  of  Justice"  and  the  National  Popular  Gov- 
ernment League's  false  charges   resulted  in  successfully  shutting  off  the 
appropriation  of  U.  S.  funds  to  the  Dept.  of  Justice  for  the  purpose  of 
investigating  Red  activities  in  the  U.  S.  A.  This  was  in  1925.  We  have  since 
had  no  actual  protection  from  the  Government  against  Reds  except  some 
barring  and  deportation  of  Reds  by  the  late  Mr.  Doak  through  the  Dept. 
of  Labor.   "Miss"  Perkins  has  now  changed  that.  Then  note  that  the  Com- 
munist Party  (see  Communist  Organization  in  the  U.  S.  A.),  which  was 
illegal  and  was  raided  at  Bridgman,  Michigan  in  1922,  after  1925  came  out 
more  boldly,  until  in  1928  all  camouflage  was  thrown  aside  and  it  labeled 
itself  "Communist  Party  of  the  U.  S.  A.  (Section  of  the  Communist  Inter- 
national)."   Since   1928,  it  has  increased  its  organizing  Party  workers  to 
27,000  members  and  enlisted  a  membership  in  its  subsidiary  organizations  of 
1,200,000  members,  approximately  the  number  of  Communists  now  holding 
down  Russia's  160,000,000  people  who,  however,  were  put  in  bondage  by 
not  over  79,000  Communists   (by  working  the  "united  front").    Many  of 
these  members  of  Communist  subsidiaries  are  our  college  presidents,  pro- 
fessors, ministers,  and  public  idols. 

5.  Study  various  revolutions  and  learn  what  a  small  number  of  deter- 
mined agitators  can  actually  govern  a  country.   Observe  what  is  being  done 
in  Washington  now. 

6.  Ask  yourself  if  in  recent  years  sex,  pacifistic,  atheistic,  and  socialistic 
propaganda  has  increased  in  America — and  why. 

7.  First  familiarize  yourself  with  the  names  of  leaders  and  the  principles 
of  Socialism-Communism,  then  visit  your  son's  or  daughter's  college.    Read 
the  college  paper  and  look  at  the  college  bulletin  board.  Observe  the  insidious 
High  School  journals.   Then  start  looking  elsewhere  with  "seeing"  eyes. 

8.  Finally  try  "blowing  off"  some  anti-Red,  anti-pacificst,  anti-sex-trash, 
patriotic  "steam"  and  watch  who  opposes  you.  You  will  be  surprised! 


The  World  Communist  movement  is  organized  by  three  super-organiza- 
tions. The  supreme  head  is  the  Communist  Party  of  the  U.  5.  S.  R.  The 
two  equal  and  subordinate  organizations  are  the  Soviet  government  and 
the  Third  International. 

18  The  Red  Network 

The  ruling  inner  circle  of  the  C.  P.  U.  S.  S.  R.  is  a  group  of  nine  men 
forming  the  Polit-Buro  (Political  Bureau).  This  inner  circle  rules  the  Soviet 
government  and  the  Third  International.  All  of  the  nine  members  of  the  Polit- 
Buro  are  high  officials  of  the  Soviet  Government  and  all  are  high  officials 
of  the  Third  International.  The  supreme  head  is  Joseph  Stalin,  secretary 
of  the  C.  P.  U.  S.  S.  R. 

"The  Communist  Party  of  U.  S.  A.  (section  of  the  Communist  Inter- 
national)," which  is  the  title  of  Moscow's  American  branch,  is  one  of  about 
59  national  branches  of  the  Third  International. 

To  quote  from  the  leaflet  "Revolutionary  Greetings,"  which  is  presented 
to  each  new  Party  member  in  the  U.  S.  A.:  "The  Communist  Party  was 
organized  Sept.  1,  1919,  by  the  revolutionary  workers  who  were  expelled  from 
or  left  the  Socialist  Party  when  it  became  a  reformist  organization. 

"The  Party  was  declared  illegal  by  the  Federal  government  in  January, 
1920,  when  thousands  of  its  members  were  arrested. 

"The  Party  functioned  illegally  up  to  Dec.  26,  1921,  when  it  changed 
its  name  into  Workers  Party. 

"The  name  was  subsequently  changed  to  Workers  (Communist)  Party 
and  finally  again  to  Communist  Party,  in  April,  1928. 

"The  Party  has  been  a  section  of  the  Communist  International  from  the 
day  of  its  organization." 

The  Central  Committee  of  the  C.  P.  of  U.  S.  A.  receives  its  orders  directly 
from  the  Third  International  and  in  turn  sends  out  its  orders  through  district 
committees  in  the  U.  S.  and  the  Communist  press  to  Communist  members. 

The  United  States  is  now  (1934)  divided  into  20  districts  each  with  its 
own  committee.  Each  district  is  divided  into  sections  and  sub-sections  with 
Section  Committees,  mapped  out  in  accordance  with  the  residential  location 
of  Communist  members. 

The  district  in  which  I  live  is  district  No.  8  and  comprises  all  of  Illinois 
and  part  of  Indiana  and  small  section  of  Mo.  (St.  Louis).  The  district  head- 
quarters are  in  Chicago  (101  South  Wells  St.,  Room  705)  and  the  district 
Party  school  for  training  organizers,  agitators,  functionaries,  etc.  is  called 
the  "Workers  School"  (2822  S.  Michigan  Ave.). 

New  York  City  is  in  district  No.  2  and  houses  also  the  headquarters  for 
the  entire  U.  S.  and  part  of  Latin  America.  New  Haven,  Conn.,  is  in  district 
No.  15,  Boston  in  district  No.  1,  etc. 

Each  section  is  divided  into  Units.  The  Units  establish  Nuclei  (two  or 
three  members),  in  various  neighborhoods  and  shops.  There  are  two  kinds  of 
Nuclei:  Shop  Nuclei,  made  up  of  those  working  in  one  establishment,  and 
Street  Nuclei,  made  up  of  scattered  membership  in  one  neighborhood. 

Each  Unit  has  its  own  "Functionaries,"  such  as  Organizer,  Agit-Prop 
(agitational  propaganda)  Director,  Literary  Agents,  etc.  The  Units  after 
they  number  more  than  25  members,  are  frequently  divided.  Meetings  of 
these  Units  are  held  in  the  homes  of  members  and  admittance  is  solely  by 
membership  identification  (now  a  numbering  system,  1934).  General  meet- 
ings of  functionaries  of  Units  are  held  at  a  Party  headquarters  with  admit- 
tance only  by  membership  identification.  Since  the  Communist  Party  is  a 
secret  society  it  is  impossible  to  know,  with  the  exception  of  certain  open 

Communist  Organization  in  the  U.  S.  A.       19 

leaders  and  organizers,  whether  or  not  any  individual  is  or  is  not  a  Party 
member.  He  may  or  may  not  be.  Only  a  small  percentage  of  Communist 
Party  members  are  known  as  such. 

All  Party  members  must  engage  in  active  Communist  work.  Otherwise 
they  are  expelled.  The  Communist  Party  regularly  cleans  house  of  slothful 
or  dissenting  members.  One  word  against  Party  commands  and  out  they  go. 
Often,  if  an  expelled  member  shows  contrition,  he  is  taken  back  or  put  on 
probation  more  humble  and  tractable  than  he  was  before.  This  strict  dis- 
cipline is  exercised  even  against  the  highest  Party  leaders.  Wm.  Z.  Foster 
himself  is  not  exempt.  The  offshoot  Communist  Parties  are  largely  composed 
of  expelled  Communist  Party  members  who  refused  to  "knuckle"  to  Moscow. 
This  military  organization  gives  the  Party  a  cohesive,  united  driving  force 
which  increases  its  power  a  thousand  fold  and  makes  it  "only  the  distilled 
essence  of  revolution,"  as  Wm.  Z.  Foster  once  said. 

"The  Communist"  for  Aug.  1933  (p.  716)  complains  that  thousands  are 
ready  for  Party  membership  "but  we  do  not  bring  them  in.  ...  During  1932 
our  membership  was  doubled."  For  a  number  of  years  it  had  hovered  around 
8,000  members.  The  present  active  number  is  given  as  27,000  members 
(Clarence  Hathaway,  Jan.  21,  1934).  "When  we  consider  the  composition 
of  the  mass  organizations  under  our  influence,  with  the  100,000  members  and 
the  more  thousands  in  the  left-wing  oppositions,  the  150,000  readers  of  the 
language  press,  then  we  immediately  realize  that  we  have  already  thousands 
upon  thousands  of  potential  forces  inside  of  hundreds  of  factories  in  the 
country,  among  the  millions  of  unemployed,"  etc. 

Earl  Browder,  general  secretary  of  the  Communist  Party,  at  the  Trade 
Union  Cleveland  conference  August  29-30,  1933,  stated  that  the  member- 
ship in  Communist  Party  subsidiary  organizations  was  1,200,000  members. 
This  figure  is  considered  fair  by  neutral  experts.  Russia  is  now  being  held 
down  by  about  this  number  of  Communists.  The  revolution  in  Russia  was 
put  over  by  not  over  79,000  Bolshevik  fighters. 

The  figure  of  1,200,000  members  in  Communist  subsidiaries  probably 
does  not  include  the  membership  of  the  allied  Socialist  Party  which  polled 
about  800,000  votes  at  the  last  election  (in  addition  to  the  heavy  Socialist 
and  Communist  vote  given  to  Roosevelt  as  the  radicals'  most  practical  hope), 
nor  the  I.  W.  W.  and  Communist  opposition  parties'  complete  memberships. 
Jan.  1934  the  Communist  Friends  of  the  Soviet  Union  claimed  over  the  radio 
to  have  2,000,000  members. 

Under  Soviet  Supervision 

Communist  Revolutions  do  not  just  happen.  They  are  officered  and 
planned.  From  Soviet  sources  the  Better -America  Federation  compiled  the 
following  information:  The  Polit-Buro  of  the  U.  S.  S.  R.  (the  executive  com- 
mittee of  the  central  committee  of  the  Communist  Party  of  Russia;  nine  men) 
controls  the  Torgpred  or  controlling  organization  for  the  Soviet  government's 
activities  in  the  U.  S.  Torgpred  is  organized  in  three  depts.:  one  is  the  Raz- 
vedoupr,  the  military  or  naval  espionage,  having  as  heads  two  "Voenspetz" 
military  or  naval  specialists  of  high  rank.  Razvedoupr  is  composed  of  three 

20  The  Red  Network 

sections;  Sec.  1  has  charge  of  gathering  information  relative  to  the  army  and 
navy;  Sec.  2  has  charge  of  organizing  Communist  "centuries"  or  "100's," 
which  are  to  be  the  framework  of  the  Revolutionary  army.  Sec.  3  has  charge 
of  abolishing  military  power,  also  the  organized  espionage ;  it  is  further  com- 
posed of  nine  branches: 

1.  Operations  branch;  2.  Information  branch;  3.  Disarmament  branch; 

4.  Naval  branch;  5.  Aeronautical  branch ;  6.  Transportation  branch;  7.  Bac- 
terio-Chemical  branch;  8.  Anti-militaristic  branch;  9.  Liason  with  Moscow. 

Another  of  three  sections  of  Torgpred  is  the  Tcheka  (O.  G.  P.  U.)  or 
State  political  police,  secret  in  practically  all  of  its  activities  and  personnel 
and  with  the  following  functions:  A.  Dept.  of  investigations;  B.  Education 
of  anti-revolutionary  masses;  C.  Organization  of  assaults  on  individuals  con- 
demned by  the  Tcheka;  D.  Protection  of  prominent  Communist  offiicials  who 
are  at  any  time  in  the  U.  S.  whether  on  open  missions  or,  as  is  usually  the 
case,  incognito. 

Qualifications  required  of  Tchekists  in  the  U.  S.  are  as  follows: 

1.  Must  speak  and  write  English  correctly;  2.  Must  know  American  his- 
tory and  political  economy;  3.  Must  study  minutely  and  in  minute  detail  the 
political  activity  of  the  parties  in  the  U.  S.;  4.  Must  send  a  daily  report  to 
Torgpred;  5.  Must  dress  correctly  and  in  style;  6.  Must  hide  their  identity 
as  well  as  their  functions;  7.  Must  never  have  on  their  persons,  in  case  of 
arrest,  anything  which  will  compromise  the  Party  or  anyone  connected  with 
the  Party;  8.  When  doing  a  job  must  be  certain  they  are  not  being  watched, 
but  if  watched,  escape  at  all  costs;  9.  Never  speak  of  their  assignments,  even 
to  comrades;  10.  Never  call  a  comrade  in  public;  11.  In  case  arrested  never 
confess  not  even  when  told  their  fellows  have  confessed;  12.  Before  appear- 
ing in  court  prepare  defense  carefully  beforehand,  then  speak  as  little  as  pos- 
sible; 13.  When  arms  or  explosives  are  found  on  an  arrested  Tchekist,  he 
will  swear  that  he  found  them  on  the  street,  or  they  were  handed  him  by  an 
unknown  person;  14.  In  prison  do  not  speak  to  anyone,  not  even  those 
arrested  with  you,  they  may  be  spies;  IS.  Get  a  Communist  lawyer  if  pos- 
sible; speak  only  in  his  presence;  16.  How  to  maneuver  policemen  and  judges 
is  the  first  duty  of  an  arrested  Communist.  Violations  of  any  of  the  above 
rules  cause  the  Tchekist  so  violating  to  be  considered  and  treated  as  anti- 

The  third  branch  under  Torgpred  is  Amtorg  (so-called  Commercial 
agency  of  the  Soviet  Govt.  in  the  U.  S.),  under  which  is  Ikki  (the  executive 
committee)  under  the  control  of  the  Komintern  (Communist  International). 
In  the  U.  S.,  Ikki's  mission  is  to  direct  the  action  of  the  American  Com- 
munist Party.  It  studies  the  possibilities  of  action.  The  functions  of  Ikki 
are  as  follows:  1.  Organizes  centuries  (A)  in  "clashing"  or  strife  groups 
and  (B)  in  combat  groups  (armed  Communists)  (20,000  arms  had  already 
been  imported,  in  1930,  for  this  purpose) ;  2.  Obtains  arms  in  foreign  coun- 
tries; ^3.  Organizes  specialist  corps  to  manufacture  grenades,  bombs  and 
explosives;  4.  Formulates  plans  for  disarming  the  police  and  loyal  troops; 

5.  Operates  to  break  up  all  groups  of  loyal  fighting  workmen  when  the  revolu- 
tion starts,  and  to  destroy,  when  unable  to  capture,  all  tanks,  cannon,  machine 
guns  and  other  weapons  which  the  loyal  proletariat  might  use;  6.  Details 

Red  Army  in  the  U.  S.  A. 21 

and  instructs  reliable  men  who  at  the  zero  hour  will  arrest  you  and  put  to 
death  magistrates,  police  heads  and  police  officers;  7.  To  seize  quickly  all 
barracks,  city  halls,  public  buildings  and  newspapers;  8.  To  seize  and  strongly 
occupy  all  public  means  of  transportation,  stations  and  piers;  9.  To  use 
sabotage  on  all  state  equipment,  bridges,  telegraphs  and  telephones,  rail- 
roads, army  trucks,  powder  mills,  aviation  camps,  barracks,  police  stations, 
banks  and  newspapers — which  if  left  undestroyed  will  aid  the  State  to  quell 
the  revolution. 

The  Ikki  Section  must  be  entirely  composed  of  American  citizens  who 
must  conform  themselves  strictly  to  instructions  from  Moscow. 

Clarence  Hathaway  of  the  central  committee  of  the  Party  spoke  one 
hour  Jan.  21,  1934  at  the  Chicago  Coliseum  on  Leninist  policies  for  seizure 
of  power  and  said  they  already  had  men  in  the  Army  and  Navy  ready  to 
turn  their  guns  on  their  officers  and  the  "capitalist  class"  (as  they  did  in  the 
Russian  revolution)  and  turn  any  war  into  Red  revolution.  He  emphasized 
the  point  that  "We  must  be  ready  and  prepared  to  DESTROY  everyone 
who  puts  up  any  struggle  against  us."  An  audience  of  10,000  Reds  cheered 
him  and  booed  the  American  flag  as  it  was  paraded  up  and  down  the  aisles, 
by  men  dressed  as  U.  S.  soldiers,  led  by  a  man  dressed  to  represent  a  capitalist 
holding  a  big  yellow  bag  with  a  dollar  mark  on  it.  A  huge  Red  flag  was  then 
dropped  from  the  top  of  the  stage  and  the  audience  applauded  enthusiastically. 

RED  ARMY  IN  THE  U.  S.  A. 

Now  recruiting  fighters  to  train  for  bloody  revolutionary  action.  "Red 
Front,"  the  monthly  publication  for  the  Red  Army  in  the  U.  S.  A.,  is  pub- 
lished by  the  "Central  Executive  Committee,  Red  Front  Fighters  League  of 
U.  S.  A.,  95  Ave.  B,  N.  Y.  City."  The  November  1933  issue  was  distributed 
at  the  Communist  mass  meeting  Nov.  7,  1933  at  the  Chicago  Coliseum  and 
is  headlined  "Mobilization/"  After  telling  of  the  need  for  fighting  Fascism 
in  the  U.  S.  A.,  it  says,  to  quote  from  p.  1 :  "We  revolutionary  workers  who 
at  all  strikes,  demonstrations,  and  picket  lines  have  a  share  in  the  tear  gas 
and  the  clubs  of  capitalistic  lackeys  are  also  not  more  anxious  for  terrorism 
and  beatings  without  returning  them  their  due.  We  live  in  a  new  time,  when 
any  day  may  be  the  beginning  of  the  struggle WE  RED  FRONT  COM- 
RADES HAVE  A  GREAT  RESPONSIBILITY"  (emphasis  in  original) 
"in  winning  over  the  unemployed  for  the  fight  against  Hunger  and  Frost 
and  to  open  food  storage  places.  New  methods  for  the  defense  of  strikers 
must  be  discovered.  At  the  same  time  the  question  of  anchoring  the  Red 
Front  in  different  factories  and  shops,  railroads,  etc.  are  of  the  greatest  impor- 
tance. The  dashing  to  pieces  of  the  whole  apparatus  of  government,  is,  in 
the  period  of  revolutionary  uprising,  thus  easier  to  accomplish"  (Emphasis 
supplied).  On  p.  8:  "What  is  the  Red  Front? — The  Red  Front  is  com- 
posed of  workers  and  farmers  as  poor,  downtrodden  and  exploited  as  pro- 
letarians of  all  other  working  parties  and  organizations.  .  .  .  With  Red  Front 
against  hunger  regime!  With  Red  Front  for  a  Socialist  Soviet  Republic  of 
America!  Comrades:  Decide  on  which  Front  you  are  willing  to  fight."  The 
Fist  (Red  Front  emblem)  is  "a  symbol  of  irreconcilable  battle." 

22  The  Red  Network 

And  on  p.  7:  "Join  Our  Ranks!  .  .  .  The  Chicago  Red  Front  is  the  section 
of  the  Red  Front  Fighters  League,  an  International  Workers  Defense  Organ- 
ization. Send  in  your  applications  to  Red  Front,  care  Young  Communist 
League,  Room  707,  101  S.  Wells  St.,  Chicago." 

"Join  the  Red  Front  for  Anti-Fascist  Action:  Los  Angeles,  Calif.,  224 
S.  Spring  St.,  Rm.  304;  New  York  District:  East  Manhattan,  95  Ave.  B. 
Every  Wed.,  8  P.  M.;  West  Manhattan,  108  W.  24  St.;  Yorkville  and  Har- 
lem, 350  E.  81  St.;  Bronx.  2800  Bronx  Pk.,  East,  Every  1st,  2nd  and  4th 
Wed's.;  Brownsville,  Bklyn.,  1440  E.  N.  Y.  Ave.  Every  Fri.,  8  P.  M.;  South 
Brooklyn,  291  Wyckoff  St.;  Brighton  Beach.  Inquire  at  95  Ave.  B,  N.  Y.  C.; 
Jamaica  (same) ;  Red  Front  Pioneers,  95  Avenue  B.  Every  Friday." 

Is  there  no  sedition  law  in  the  U.  S.  A.?  Must  citizens  now  simply  train 
themselves  in  target  practise  to  combat  these  revolutionaries  bent  on  seizing 
plants  (as  at  Austin,  Minn.),  farmers'  produce,  and  private  property? 

At  this  writing,  Litvinov,  the  arch  conspirator  and  bank-robbery  aid  who 
represents  these,  our  would-be  Red  assassins,  is  being  feted  and  dined  by  Pres. 
Roosevelt  as  an  honored  guest  in  our  American  White  House. 


The  Union  of  Soviet  Socialist  Republics,  "Mother  of  harlots  and  abomin- 
ations of  the  earth"  (Rev.  17:5),  is  the  world's  first  government  to  raise  the 
flag  of  absolute  hatred  and  enmity  to  God  Almighty.  It  not  only  makes  no 
secret  of  its  satanic  Marxian  atheism  but  finances  and  boastfully  backs  im- 
moral sex  and  militant  atheist  movements  the  world  over.  In  addition  to  sur- 
passing the  worst  days  of  pagan  Rome  in  its  wholesale  murder,  persecution, 
and  exile  of  Russian  Christians,  it  endeavors  to  kill  the  souls  of  the  young 
generation  by  prohibiting  all  teaching  of  God  to  children ;  by  urging  children 
to  publicly  disown  non-atheist  parents;  by  urging  parents  to  turn  over  chil- 
dren to  atheist  state  control;  by  blaspheming  God  and  Jesus  Christ  always 
and  everywhere  in  the  Communist  press,  in  plays,  in  anti-religious  parades 
and  pageants  and  in  nauseous  cartoons  placed  in  former  churches.  Its  birth 
control  societies,  there  and  in  America,  are  for  the  purpose  of  facilitating 
immorality  and  encouraging  promiscuity  and  the  abolition  of  Christian  mar- 
riage. Communism  blasphemes  not  only  against  the  "Son  of  Man"  and  all 
churches  but  against  the  Divine  Spirit  under  any  name  or  form  whatever. 

I  heard  Neil  H.  Ness  of  the  sinister  Russian  O.  G.  P.  U.  speak  at  the 
radical  Seven  Arts  Club,  Chicago,  Oct.  14,  1933.  His  outstanding  boasts 
were  that  Soviet  Russia  in  15  years  under  Communism  had  risen  to  first 
place  as  the  greatest  military  power  in  the  world,  and  that  "Godless  Russia" 
had  done  more  in  fifteen  years  than  Christianity  had  in  nineteen  hundred. 
He  said  he  had  been  often  asked  about  promiscuity  in  Russia  and  that  in 
reply  he  would  say  it  had  been  his  observation  that  the  "ladies  of  shame" 
had  all  turned  good  Bolsheviks  after  the  revolution  and  were  now  "handing 
out  their  commodity  in  a  Comradely  manner."  Truly  this  accomplishment 
of  changing  vice  from  a  segregated,  commercialized  pursuit  to  a  free  and 
general  habit  is  something  Christianity  has  not  achieved  in  nineteen  cen- 
turies, nor  have  the  savages  in  thousands  of  years.  They  are  less  degenerate. 

"The  Church  and  the  Workers"  is  pamphlet  No.  15  in  the  series  of  Inter- 

Communist  Party  and  Religion 

national  Pamphlets  published  for  Communist  Party  use.  It  proudly  says: 
"The  Soviet  Union,  under  a  workers  and  peasants  government,  is  the  only 
country  in  the  world  where  religion  and  the  churches  are  being  combatted 
with  the  active  cooperation  of  the  government  ----  As  militant  materialists,  the 
Soviet  leaders  are  uncompromising  in  their  scientific  and  atheist  position.  .  .  . 
It  is  necessary  to  link  the  fight  against  the  church  and  religion  with  the  fight 
against  capitalism  and  imperialism.  As  long  as  capitalism  exists,  religion  and 
the  churches  will  be  used  ____  In  the  United  States,  as  in  all  capitalist  countries, 
the  churches  by  developing  law-abiding  citizens  through  the  appeal  to  fear 
of  an  avenging  god,  become  part  of  the  repressive  apparatus,  equally  with 
the  police,  the  army,  the  prisons,  for  the  purpose  of  attempting  to  prevent 
rebellion.  ...  As  the  anti-religious  campaign  in  the  Soviet  Union  succeeds,  the 
religious  forces  of  the  world  are  organizing  and  supporting  interventionist 
movements  to  destroy  the  worker's  state.  ...  A  militant  worker's  anti-religious 
movement  must  be  organized  .  .  .  ";  etc. 

In  the  official  Communist  Chicago  newspaper  "Workers  Voice"  of  Mar.  1, 
1933,  was  an  article  by  Joseph  Stalin,  dictator  of  Russia,  entitled  "Com- 
munists and  Religion",  in  which  he  says:  "The  Party  cannot  be  neutral 
towards  religion  and  does  conduct  anti-religious  propaganda  against  all  and 
every  religious  prejudice.  .  .  .  The  Party  cannot  be  neutral  toward  the  bearers 
of  religious  prejudices,  toward  the  reactionary  clergy  who  poison  the  minds 
of  the  toiling  masses.  Have  we  suppressed  the  reactionary  clergy?  Yes,  we 
have.  The  unfortunate  thing  is  that  it  has  not  been  completely  liquidated. 
Anti-religious  propaganda  is  a  means  by  which  the  complete  liquidation  of 
the  reactionary  clergy  must  be  brought  about.  Cases  occur  when  certain  mem- 
bers of  the  Party  hamper  the  complete  development  of  anti-religious  propa- 
ganda. If  such  members  are  expelled  it  is  a  good  thing  because  there  is  no 
room  for  such  'Communists'  in  the  ranks  of  our  Party."  Great  placards 
with  the  words  of  Marx,  "Religion  is  the  opium  of  the  people,"  are  widely 
displayed  in  Russia. 

The  "A.  B.  C.  of  Communism"  by  N.  Bucharin  and  E.  Preobraschensky 
is  a  standard  work  for  use  in  Communist  Party  schools.  It  says:  "Religion 
and  communism  are  incompatible.  'Religion  is  the  opium  of  the  people,'  said 
Karl  Marx.  It  is  the  task  of  the  Communist  Party  to  make  this  truth  com- 
prehensible to  the  widest  circles  of  the  labouring  masses.  It  is  the  task  of 
the  party  to  impress  firmly  upon  the  minds  of  the  workers,  even  upon  the 
most  backward,  that  religion  has  been  in  the  past  and  still  is  today  one  of 
the  most  powerful  means  at  the  disposal  of  the  oppressors  for  the  main- 
tenance of  inequality,  exploitation  and  slavish  obedience  on  the  part  of  the 
toilers.  Many  weak-kneed  communists  reason  as  follows:  'Religion  does  not 
prevent  my  being  a  communist.  I  believe  both  in  God  and  communism.  My 
faith  in  God  does  not  hinder  me  from  fighting  for  the  cause  of  the  proletarian 
revolution  !  '  This  train  of  thought  is  radically  false.  Religion  and  communism 
are  incompatible,  both  theoretically  and  practically"  (To  this  I  agree!) 


The  1908  Convention  of  the  Socialist  Party  adopted  a  plank  in  its 
platform  which  stated:  "The  socialist  movement  is  primarily  an  economic 

24  The  Red  Network 

and  political  movement.  It  is  not  concerned  with  the  institutions  of  marriage 
and  religion."  Agnostic  Victor  Berger  backed  this  plank,  as  did  Unterman, 
delegate  from  Idaho,  who  started  off  his  speech  in  its  favor  by  declaring 
himself  to  be  a  thorough  atheist  but  argued:  "Would  you  expect  to  go  out 
among  the  people  of  this  country,  people  of  different  churches,  of  many 
different  religious  factions  and  tell  them  they  must  become  atheists  before 
they  can  become  Socialists?  That  would  be  nonsense.  We  must  first  get 
these  men  convinced  of  the  rationality  of  our  economic  and  political  program." 

Arthur  M.  Lewis,  delegate  from  Illinois,  who  opposed  this  plank  stated: 
"I  know  that  the  Socialist  position  ...  in  the  question  of  religion  does  not 
make  a  good  campaign  subject  .  .  .  therefore  I  am  willing  that  we  should  be 
quiet  about  it.  But  if  we  must  speak,  I  propose  that  we  shall  go  before  this 
country  with  the  truth  and  not  with  a  lie  ...  I  do  not  propose  to  state  in  this 
platform  the  truth  about  religion  from  the  point  of  view  of  the  Socialist  phil- 
osophy as  it  is  stated  in  almost  every  book  of  standard  Socialist  literature; 
but  if  we  do  not  do  that,  let  us  at  least  have  the  good  grace  to  be  silent  about 
it,  and  not  make  hypocrites  of  ourselves." 

The  official  proceedings  of  this  convention  quote  Morris  Hillquit  as  say- 
ing that  99%  of  the  Socialists  were  agnostics  (Lusk  Report,  p.  1127).  The 
International  Socialist  Review  at  that  time  said  "Religion  spells  death 
to  Socialism,  just  as  Socialism  to  religion  ...  the  thinking  Socialists  are  all  free 
thinkers."  The  New  Yorker  Volkzeitung  later  said:  "Socialism  is  logical 
only  when  it  denies  the  existence  of  God." 

In  1912,  the  Socialist  Party  Convention  dropped  this  plank  and  adopted 
a  resolution  on  "Our  Attitude  Towards  the  Church"  in  which  this  language 
appears:  "The  ethics  of  Socialism  and  religion  are  directly  opposed  to  each 
other."  (See  official  proceedings  National  Convention  held  at  Indianapolis, 
Ind.,  May  12  to  18,  1912,  pages  247-8). 

The  May  9,  1920  Socialist  Party  Convention  adopted  a  "Declaration  of 
Principles"  which  urged  complete  separation  of  church  and  state  and  allowed 
freedom  of  conscience  to  worship  or  not  as  one  pleased.  At  this  same  time 
David  Berenberg  of  Socialist  Rand  School  reported  to  the  Socialist  Party 
international  executive  committee  on  the  book  to  be  published  that  August 
by  the  Socialist  Schools  Publishing  Assn.  connected  with  the  Rand  School. 
It  was  entitled  "Socialist  Sunday  School  Curriculum."  The  Lusk  Report 
sums  up  its  review  by  saying  the  purpose  of  this  book  was  "to  inculcate  in 
the  minds  of  children  from  a  very  early  age  a  distrust  in  the  government  of 
this  country  as  now  constituted,  a  belief  that  religion  is  one  of  the  instru- 
ments invented  by  capitalists  for  the  oppression  of  workers  and  to  lead  them 
to  accept  the  revolutionary  principles  of  the  Socialist  movement."  (p.  1791). 

The  Socialist  Educational  Society  of  New  York  more  recently  published 
a  pamphlet  entitled  "Socialism  and  Religion."  It  was  sold  at  the  Rand 
School  Book  Store,  7  E.  15th  St.,  the  same  address  at  which  the  official 
Socialist  weekly  "New  Leader"  is  published  (mouthpiece  of  the  clever  "Rev." 
Norman  Thomas  and  his  fellows).  In  the  preface  the  Socialist  Educational 
Society  says:  "Our  position  is  clear.  There  can  be  no  compromise  between 
Socialism  and  religion."  Chapter  headings  include  "The  Exodus  of  Religion," 
"The  Materialist  Explanation  of  Society,"  and  "Quackery  and  Confusion." 

Socialist  Party  and  Religion 

The  booklet  sums  up  its  point  of  view  on  the  last  page  with  the  statement: 
"The  decay  of  religion  is,  indeed,  a  measure  of  the  advance  of  humanity." 

Herr  Bebel,  German  Socialist  leader  and  classic  Socialist  writer,  announced 
in  the  German  Reichstag  that  his  party  aimed  "in  the  domain  of  economics 
at  socialism  and  in  the  domain  of  what  is  called  religion  at  atheism"  (Mar. 
31,  1881),  and  again  he  said,  "Christianity  and  socialism  stand  toward  each 
other  as  fire  and  water.  .  .  .  Christianity  is  the  enemy  of  liberty  and  civilization 
...  it  has  kept  mankind  in  slavery  and  oppression." 

Today  the  works  of  atheists  Lenin,  Trotsky,  Scott  Nearing,  Robt.  W. 
Dunn,  etc.  are  recommended  and  standard  Socialist  literature  (see  L.  I.  D.), 
as  are  the  "Little  Blue  Books  of  Socialism"  of  Socialist  Haldeman-Julius 
which  are  also  recommended  by  the  Socialist  "Christian  Social  Action  Move- 
ment" of  the  Chicago  Methodist  Church  hdqts.  To  quote  the  National  Re- 
public of  Sept.  1933: 

"In  January  the  radical  and  filthy  minded  Haldeman-Julius  launched  a 
new  publication.  His  pockets  already  overflowing  with  gold  collected  through 
sales  of  his  various  socialist,  communist,  sex,  trial  marriage,  atheist  and  birth 
control  propaganda  periodicals  and  pamphlets,  the  new  publication  known 
as  the  'Militant  Atheist,'  was  begun  in  January  with  a  circulation  of  1,540. 
The  September  number  had  reached  4,051,  a  gain  of  2,511  subscribers  within 
only  eight  months.  This  sacrilegious  sheet,  the  size  of  a  daily  newspaper,  is 
edited  by  E.  Haldeman-Julius  and  'Rev.'  Jos.  McCabe.  It  contains  ballyhoo 
articles  on  atheism,  on  Russia,  on  Prof.  Einstein,  on  Karl  Marx,  on  Revolu- 
tion, and  derides  Catholicism,  Protestantism,  the  Church,  and  God  Himself." 

Among  books  sold  and  recommended  by  the  Socialist  Party  hdqts.  in 
1932-3  are:  "Socialism  the  Utopia  of  Science"  by  Engels,  in  which  he  says: 
"Nowadays  in  our  revolutionary  conception  of  the  universe  there  is  absolutely 
no  room  for  either  a  Creator  or  ruler"  (English  edition,  1901,  p.  17)  ;  "Social- 
ism in  Thought  and  Action"  by  Harry  W.  Laidler,  L.  I.  D.  student  lecturer, 
in  which  he  says:  "the  philosophy  of  Socialism  is  itself  diametrically  opposed 
to  the  principles  of  revealed  religion"  (p.  155);  the  "Communist  Manifesto" 
of  atheists  Marx  and  Engels,  admittedly  the  "bible"  and  foundation  of  Social- 
ism; a  new  edition  with  adornments  by  Socialist  leaders  is  now  advertised 
as  "A  Very  Convenient  Handbook  —  KARL  MARX.  An  Essay  by  Harold  J. 
Laski  with  the  COMMUNIST  MANIFESTO  by  Karl  Marx  and  Friedrich 
Engels.  With  Introduction  by  Norman  Thomas"  (Student  Outlook,  May, 
1933);  etc.,  etc. 

Two  friends  of  mine  attended  a  public  Socialist  meeting  at  Highland 
Park,  held  in  behalf  of  the  candidacy  of  Norman  Thomas  and  Rev.  Roy 
Burt,  a  Methodist  minister  in  good  standing  and  connected  with  world-wide 
Methodist  religious  education.  As  they  entered,  they  were  given  a  copy  of 
"America  for  ALL,"  the  official  Socialist  campaign  paper  (issue  of  August 
13,  1932),  and  noted  with  surprise  that,  under  the  heading  "Yes,  but  WHICH 
shall  I  read?  Our  Recommendations  are:",  the  first  recommendation  was 
"The  Communist  Manifesto  by  Marx  and  Engels."  The  price  was  given 
as  ten  cents  and  the  footnote  said:  "Send  order  with  remittance  to  Socialist 
Party  of  America,  549  Randolph,  Chicago."  During  the  question  period, 

26  The  Red  Network 

they  asked  Rev.  Burt,  who  presided  and  spoke,  whether  Socialism  and  Com- 
munism were  the  same.  He  replied  lengthily  that  their  aims  were  the  same 
but  that  their  methods  of  attainment  differ.  They  then  asked  him  why  the 
Socialists  recommended  the  Communist  Manifesto  for  reading.  Burt  replied 
that  the  Communist  Manifesto  is  the  basis  of  Socialism.  After  reading  this 
Manifesto,  a  copy  of  which  is  before  me,  I  was  unable  to  understand  how 
anyone  could  presume  to  be  a  disciple  of  both  Christ  and  Marx.  Since  it  is 
the  "bible"  of  Socialism-Communism,  it  is  sold  at  all  Communist  and  Socialist 
book  stores.  It  is  printed  in  pamphlet  form,  about  forty-eight  pages.  It  was 
drawn  up  first  in  1848  by  Marx  and  Engels,  later  re-edited  by  Engels  in  1888. 
Class  hatred  is,  of  course,  the  dominating  note.  Society  is  divided  into  two 
classes,  proletarian  and  bourgeoisie  (or  middle  class,  such  as  small  merchants 
and  land  owners).  The  bourgeoisie  are  represented  throughout  as  the  villains 
who  exploit  the  proletarians.  The  proletarians,  or  lowest  class,  are  represented 
as  the  noble  heroes  who  must  fight  to  the  finish  for  dictatorship  in  order  to 
make  everything  equal.  According  to  Marxian  argument,  people  are  neces- 
sarily worthy  of  ruling  all  society  because  they  are  poor. 

To  quote  (page  20) :  "The  proletariat,  the  lowest  strata  of  our  present 
society,  cannot  raise  itself  up  without  the  whole  super-incumbent  strata  of 
official  society  being  sprung  into  the  air. . .  .  the  struggle  of  the  proletariat  with 
the  bourgeoisie  is  at  first  a  national  struggle.  The  proletariat  of  each  country 
must,  of  course,  first  of  all  settle  matters  with  its  own  bourgeoisie  ...  up  to  the 
point  where  that  war  breaks  out  into  open  revolution,  and  where  the  violent 
overthrow  of  the  bourgeoisie  lays  the  foundation  for  the  sway  of  the 

(Page  23):  "The  theory  of  the  Communists  may  be  summed  up  in  the 
single  sentence:  Abolition  of  private  property." 

(Page  24):  "And  the  abolition  of  this  state  of  things  is  called  by  the 
bourgeois,  abolition  of  individuality  and  freedom!  And  rightly  so.  The 
abolition  of  bourgeois  individuality,  independence  and  freedom  is  undoubtedly 
aimed  at.  By  freedom  is  meant,  under  the  present  bourgeois  conditions  of  pro- 
duction, free  trade,  free  selling  and  buying." 

(Page  25) :  "In  a  word  you  reproach  us  with  intending  to  do  away  with 
your  property.  Precisely  so;  that  is  just  what  we  intend." 

(Page  26) :  "Abolition  of  the  family!  ...  On  what  foundation  is  the  present 
family,  the  bourgeois  family,  based?  On  capital,  on  private  gain.  In  its  com- 
pletely developed  form  this  family  exists  only  among  the  bourgeoisie.  But 
this  state  of  things  finds  its  complement  in  the  practical  absence  of  the  family 
among  the  proletarians,  and  in  public  prostitution.  The  bourgeois  family  will 
vanish  as  a  matter  of  course  .  .  .  with  the  vanishing  of  capital." 

(Page  27) :  "But  you  Communists  would  introduce  community  of  women, 
screams  the  whole  bourgeoisie  in  chorus!  .  .  .  Bourgeois  marriage  is  in  reality  a 
system  of  wives  in  common  and  thus,  at  the  most,  what  the  Communists  might 
possibly  be  reproached  with  is  that  they  desire  to  introduce,  in  substitution 
for  a  hypocritically  concealed,  an  openly  legalized  community  of  women.''1 

Communizing  women  for  free  use  was  tried  repeatedly  in  Russia  until 
the  outcries  against  it  temporarily  halted  this  program,  which  for  the  time 

Women  and  Socialism  27 

being  is  now  largely  limited  to  encouragement  of  free  relations,  legalized 
abortions,  and  state  care  for  children.  The  private  "ownership"  of  one  man 
for  one  woman  is  called  "capitalism"  and  is  frowned  upon.  The  teaching  is: 
"Break  down  the  family  unit  to  build  national  Communism,  break  down 
nationalism  (or  patriotism)  to  build  international  Communism." 

To  resume  quoting  from  the  Manifesto  (Page  29):  "But  Communism 
abolishes  eternal  truths,  it  abolishes  all  religion,  and  all  morality,  instead  of 
constituting  them  on  a  new  basis ;  it  therefore  acts  in  contradiction  to  all  past 
historical  experience.  What  does  this  accusation  reduce  itself  to?  ...  The  Com- 
munist revolution  is  the  most  radical  rupture  with  traditional  property 
relations;  no  wonder  that  its  development  involves  the  most  radical  rupture 
with  traditional  ideas."  (Thus  does  Marx  defend  the  destruction  of  all  moral- 
ity and  all  religion.) 

(Page  44) :  "In  short,  the  Communists  everywhere  support  every  revolu- 
tionary movement  against  the  existing  social  and  political  order  of  things.  .  .  . 
The  Communists  disdain  to  conceal  their  views  and  aims.  They  openly  declare 
that  their  ends  can  be  attained  only  by  the  forcible  overthrow  of  all  existing 
social  conditions.  Let  the  ruling  classes  tremble  at  a  Communist  revolution. 
The  proletarians  have  nothing  to  lose  but  their  chains.  They  have  a  world 
to  win.  Working  men  of  all  countries,  unite!" 

This  last  sentence  is  a  slogan  of  the  Socialist  Party  and  is  used  on  their 
literature  with  a  picture  of  two  hands  clasped  around  the  world.  A  Socialist 
leaflet  advertising  supplies  (secured  at  Chicago  headquarters)  lists:  "Red 
flag  buttons  or  pins  (large  and  small)  ISc  each." 


The  Socialist  authority  August  Bebel  in  "Women  and  Socialism,"  pp.  466- 
467,  says:  "In  the  new  society  women  will  be  entirely  independent  both 
socially  and  economically.  ...  In  the  choice  of  love  she  is  as  free  and  unham- 
pered as  man.  She  woos  or  is  wooed  and  enters  into  a  union  prompted  by  no 
other  consideration  than  her  own  feelings.  The  union  is  a  private  agreement 
without  interference  of  functionary.  ...  No  one  is  accountable  to  anyone  else 
and  no  third  person  has  a  right  to  interfere.  What  I  eat  and  drink,  how  I 
sleep  and  dress  is  my  own  private  affair,  and  my  private  affair  also  is  my 
intercourse  with  the  person  of  the  opposite  sex." 

Friedrich  Engels'  "Origin  of  the  Family"  (p.  91-92)  says:  "With  the 
transformation  of  the  means  of  production  into  collective  property  the  mono- 
gamous family  ceases  to  be  the  unit  of  society.  The  private  household  changes 
to  a  social  industry.  The  care  and  education  of  children  becomes  a  public 
matter.  Society  cares  equally  well  for  all  children,  legal  or  illegal.  This 
assumes  the  care  about  the  consequence  which  now  forms  the  essential  social 
factor  hindering  the  girl  to  surrender  unconditionally  to  the  beloved  man." 

Helen  R.  Marx,  daughter  of  Karl  Marx  (quoted  Chgo.  Tribune,  Nov. 
14,  1886),  said:  "Love  is  the  only  recognized  marriage  in  Socialism.  Con- 
sequently no  bonds  of  any  kind  would  be  recognized.  Divorce  would  be 
impossible  as  there  would  be  nothing  to  divorce;  for  when  love  ceases,  sepa- 

28  The  Red  Network 

ration  would  naturally  ensue."  Eleanor  Marx,  another  daughter,  never 
married  her  "husband"  Dr.  Aveling.  A  consistent  Socialist  woman  would 
neither  marry  nor  bear  her  "husband's"  name.  (Note  the  leading  Red  women 
who  do  not  bear  the  husband's  name.) 


The  American  Association  for  the  Advancement  of  Atheism  (4A),  which 
cooperates  in  its  own  World  Union  of  Atheists  with  Moscow's  International 
of  the  Godless  and  other  Communist  groups,  in  its  official  reports  proudly 
relates  how  the  socialist  Debs  Memorial  Radio  Station  (WEVD)  staunchly 
aided  it  in  regularly  broadcasting  the  4A  Atheist  propaganda.  It  states  that 
it  has  but  two  real  foes,  Fundamentalist  Christianity  and  Roman  Catholicism, 
and  adds  that  it  welcomes  the  aid  of  Modernists  in  paving  the  way  for  Athe- 
ism (and,  one  might  add,  Communism).  Jeeringly,  it  asserts  that  the  reason 
Fundamentalists  do  not  dare  openly  to  expose  heresy  within  the  Protestant 
Churches  is  because  they  are  afraid  of  a  split  and  that  the  Churches  are  thus 
held  together  "by  real  estate."  To  this  one  might  reply  that  Christ's  faith 
was  started  without  any  real  estate  in  the  first  place  and  it  can  flourish  and 
acquire  real  estate  any  time  that  it  burns  with  living  power. 

Modernist  Protestant  Churches,  united  under  the  influence  of  the  radical 
Federal  Council  of  Churches,  penetrated  with  communistic  propaganda, 
unsure  of  allegiance  to  Christian  doctrines,  are  weak  and  divided  foes,  when 
not  actual  allies,  of  the  advancing  menace  of  Bolshevism  and  Atheism  now 
assailing  America  from  the  schools  and  universities,  the  press,  the  pulpit,  the 
lecture  platform,  and  radical  politicians. 

Three  facts  stand  out: 

1.  Marxism  is  Atheism.    Both  Socialism  and  Communism  are  Marxism, 
the  only  difference  being  that  Socialism  covers  over  its  Atheism  with  a  gar- 
ment of  "Christianity"  when  camouflage  is  expedient,  while  Communism 
does  not. 

2.  Cooperation  with  Marxism  is  cooperation  with  Atheism.    Christ  has 
warned  us  against  trying  to  serve  two  masters,  saying  "he  who  is  not  with  Me 
is  against  Me."  Also,  "Be  ye  not  unequally  yoked  together  with  unbelievers: 
for  what  fellowship  hath  righteousness  with  unrighteousness?  and  what  com- 
munion hath  light  with  darkness.  .  .  .  Wherefore  come  out  from  among  them, 
and  be  ye  separate,  saith  the  Lord,  and  touch  not  the  unclean  thing;  and  I 
will  receive  you."    (II  Corinthians  7:14-17). 

The  "A.  B.  C.  of  Communism"  has  truly  stated  that  it  is  impossible  for 
a  man  both  to  believe  in  God  and  to  serve  the  Marxian  cause.  Even  though 
a  Christian  may  believe  that  he  is  no  less  a  Christian — or  that  he  in  fact  is 
even  a  more  "practical"  Christian — through  accepting  Marxism  with  a 
mental  reservation  concerning  its  immorality  and  atheism,  still  the  fact 
remains  that  he  is  aiding  those  who  have  no  such  mental  reservation  but 
whose  fixed,  immediate,  and  ultimate  purpose  is  the  destruction  of  Christian- 
ity and  its  moral  principles  everywhere.  The  intermediary  stage  of  true  Social- 
ism, which  is  called  "Christian"  Socialism,  is  a  smeary  mess  of  conflicting 

"Christian"  Socialism  29 

Marxism  and  religious  sentimentality  which  is  referred  to  facetiously  by  real 
Communists  and  Socialists  as  "the  kindergarten  of  Red  radicalism."  Social- 
ists agree  that  a  consistent  Socialist  must  lose  his  Christian  faith.  The  pity 
is  that  so  many  who  have  lost  it  continue  to  usurp  pulpits. 

3.  "Christian  Socialists"  do  cooperate  actively  with  atheist  Communists. 
This  whole  book  is  an  illustration  of  that  fact.  One  may  search  in  vain  for 
the  prominent  "Christian"  Socialist  who  is  not  working  with  and  for  Atheist 
Communists.  As  one  becomes  familiar  with  the  names  in  the  various  Red 
organizations,  the  truth  becomes  apparent  that  "Christian"  Socialism  and 
Communism  are  branches  of  the  same  movement.  Their  members  mingle  on 
the  same  committees;  they  are  arrested  in  the  same  strikes  and  riots;  they 
share  funds  from  the  same  sources;  they  unite  in  defending  Satan's  Base — 
Godless  Soviet  Russia. 

My  most  vigorous  opponents  are  "Christian"  Socialists,  even  those  who 
are  only  sympathizers  with  the  Red  movement.  My  first  experience  was 
with  the  Rector  of  the  Episcopal  Church  which  I  formerly  attended  and  in 
spite  of  this  I  believe  him  to  be  a  sincere,  tho  misguided,  believer  in  Christ. 
I  was  lecturing  about  Russia  and  I  told  him  about  the  Soviet  government's 
dreadful  blasphemous  anti-Christian  displays  I  had  seen  there,  of  their  open 
boast  that  they  would  accomplish  from  within  the  same  thing  in  America, 
and  offered  to  come  and  show  my  Russian  pictures  to  the  Women's  Guild, 
gratis.  Of  course,  I  expected  his  sympathetic  indignation  and  cooperation, 
[nstead,  to  my  surprise  and  bewilderment,  he  started  talking  about  "Christian" 
Socialism  and  about  its  being  "quite  different"  from  Communism;  he  stated 
that  he  had  once  belonged  to  a  small  Socialist  group  at  Oxford  "just  for  the 
benefit  of  the  social  order."  Later,  he  asked  if  an  anti-communist  lecturer 
who  was  to  speak  in  the  vicinity  was  "one  of  those  terrible  American  Legion 
men"  and  asked  if  I  did  not  agree  with  him  that  Norman  Thomas'  Socialist 
campaign  platform  was  "pretty  good."  His  instantaneous,  almost  automatic, 
efforts  to  shield  godless  Communism  and  his  refusal  to  allow  me  to  warn  of 
its  atheistic  Christ-crucifying  plans  came  as  a  shock  to  me  at  the  time,  but 
I  soon  found  it  to  be  but  a  mild  manifestation  of  "Christian"  Socialism. 

Try,  I  say,  attacking  Soviet  Russia's  godlessness,  and  see  where  your 
"Christian"  Socialist  will  stand.  He  will  screen  Sovietism  and  attack  youl 

As  we  observe  how  "Christian"  Socialist  Reinhold  Niebuhr  advocates 
Marxian  revolution  and  how  he  occupies  the  platform  with  atheist  Communist 
Party  officials  controlled  by  godless  Moscow;  as  I  have  observed  the  con- 
stant procession  of  Communist  notices  tacked  on  "Christian"  Socialist  Tittle's 
Evanston  M.  E.  Church  bulletin  board  and  read  his  printed  sermons  prais- 
ing Communist  revolutionaries  as  the  ones  God  "spoke  through";  as  one 
observes  with  what  zeal  Harry  Ward,  Bishop  McConnell,  and  other  "Chris- 
tian" Socialists  serve  the  A.  C.  L.  U.  legal  defense  of  atheists  and  Communist 
criminals,  and  how  pleasantly  McConnell  serves  the  Socialist  campaign  while 
Winifred  Chappell  serves  the  Communist  campaign  and  signs  a  Manifesto 
subscribing  to  Communist  principles,  and  all  of  these  unite  in  the  Methodist 
Federation  for  Social  Service,  headed  by  McConnell,  in  getting  out  the  Bulle- 
tin edited  by  Ward  and  Winifred  Chappell — after  a  thousand  more  obser- 

30  The  Red  Network 

vations  like  these — the  airy  soap-bubble  castle  built  upon  arguments  that 
"Christian"  Socialism  has  nothing  to  do  with  and  is  "quite  different  from 
Communism"  vanishes  into  thin  air! 

The  Catholic  Church,  strangely,  seems  unaware  that  it  has  a  few  Red- 
aiders  in  its  midst,  but  in  spite  of  these  no  such  headway  has  been  made  by 
radicals  with  Catholics  as  has  been  made  with  Protestants. 

Gerard  B.  Donnelly,  S.  J.,  wrote,  in  "America,"  a  Catholic  publication 
(1932),  a  statement  which  should  be  framed  and  put  on  every  church  door 
in  this  land.  He  held  that  a  vote  for  Norman  Thomas  for  President  would 
be  in  direct  violation  of  Catholic  doctrine  and  said:  "No  Catholic  can 
accept  the  Marxian  philosophy  or  the  denial  of  the  right  of  property.  Social- 
ism cannot  Christianize  itself  merely  by  soft-pedaling  or  even  by  dropping 
entirely  its  dogmas  on  class  warfare  and  property  rights.  Rome's  ban  against 
Socialism  is  not  withdrawn. . . .  The  Socialist  Party  proposes  recognition  of  the 
Soviet  Union.  Now  the  Soviets  are  publicly  and  explicitly  hostile  to  God. 
To  vote  for  their  recognition,  or,  what  is  tantamount,  to  vote  for  a  party 
which  advocates  their  recognition,  is  once  more  formal  cooperation  with  evil 
and  obviously  something  no  Catholic  can  do." 


The  Socialist  method  of  attaining  power  has  been  the  inspiration  for  the 
adjective  which  Communists  popularly  bestow  upon  their  Socialist  brothers. 
They  call  the  Socialists  "yellow"  and  the  Second  International  the  "yellow" 
International.  This  Socialist  method,  says  Hearnshaw,  is  "the  method  of 
sapping  rather  than  assault;  of  craft  rather  than  force;  of  subtelty  rather 
than  violence.  'Permeation'  has  been  their  watchword.  . . .  Above  all  they  have 
tried  to  bemuse  the  public  mind  into  the  belief  that  'socialism'  and  'collec- 
tivism' are  synonymous  terms;  and  that  all  they  are  aiming  at  is  a  harmless 
and  beneficent  extension  of  state  and  municipal  enterprise." 

Even  Friedrich  Engels,  collaborator  of  Karl  Marx,  writing  to  his  friend 
Sorge  in  America  (who  collected  Florence  Kelley's  letters  from  Engels  and 
placed  them  in  the  New  York  Public  Library)  in  commenting  on  the  camou- 
flage, subterfuge  and  indirection  of  Fabian  Socialists  said:  "Their  tactics 
are  to  fight  the  liberals  not  as  decided  opponents,  but  to  drive  them  on  to 
socialistic  consequences;  therefore  to  trick  them,  to  permeate  liberalism  with 
socialism,  and  not  to  oppose  socialistic  candidates  to  liberal  ones,  but  to 
palm  them  off,  to  thrust  them  on,  under  some  pretext.  ...  All  is  rotten."  (So- 
cialist Review,  vol.  1,  p.  31). 

Even  more  rotten  is  the  attempt  of  mis-named  "Christian"  Socialists  to 
deceive  Christians  into  believing  that  Marxism  is  like  Christianity.  The  Daily 
Northwestern  of  Dec.  13,  1932,  under  the  heading  "Niebuhr  Claims  Marxian 
Theory  Like  Christian,"  reviews  Niebuhr's  book,  "Moral  Man  and  Immoral 
Society,"  which  has  been  praised  by  both  the  Communist  and  Socialist  Red 
press  for  its  correct  Marxian  position  in  setting  forth  the  necessity  for  bloody 
class  hate  and  revolution.  It  quotes  him  as  saying:  "The  religio-political 
dreams  of  the  Marxians  have  an  immediate  significance  which  the  religio- 
ethical  dreams  of  the  Christians  lack."  Yes,  indeed!  The  religio-political 
dreams  of  the  Marxians  include  the  destruction  of  Christianity  and  of  the 
very  moral  principles  Christ  held  dear.  Whenever  and  wherever  Marxians 

"Christian"  Socialism  31 

attain  power,  as  in  Mexico,  Russia,  or  Spain,  Christian  churches  are  "signifi- 
cantly" and  immediately  closed  or  destroyed  and  Christians  persecuted. 

Reinhold  Niebuhr  is  one  of  America's  outstanding  "Christian"  Socialists. 
In  company  with  Harry  Ward  and  others  of  the  same  kind  who  adorn  plat- 
forms at  Communist  meetings,  he  teaches  at  Union  Theological  Seminary, 
where  the  L.  I.  D.  conference  on  "Guiding  the  Revolution"  was  held  and 
from  whence  Arnold  Johnston  went  forth  to  Kentucky  last  year  as  repre- 
sentative of  the  A.  C.  L.  U.,  to  be  arrested  for  criminal  syndicalism.  Niebuhr 
was  honored  with  a  place  on  the  platform  as  speaker  for  the  Communist- 
controlled  U.  S.  Congress  Against  War,  held  in  N.  Y.  City,  Sept.  29,  1933, 
in  company  with  Earl  Browder,  General  Secretary  of  the  Communist  Party, 
and  Henri  Barbusse,  French  Communist,  guest  of  honor  (Daily  Worker). 

The  Phila.  Record  of  October  14,  1933  reported:  "Reinhold  Niebuhr, 
Union  Theological  Seminary  Professor,  last  night  advocated  the  use  of  force 
to  bring  about  a  new  social  order.  .  .  .  His  open  leaning  toward  revolution  was 
expressed  at  the  opening  of  a  three-day  joint  regional  conference  of  the 
Women's  International  League  for  Peace  and  Freedom  and  the  Fellowship 
of  Reconciliation  at  Swarthmore  College"  (A  "Pacifist"  conference). 

Karl  Marx,  the  idol  of  Reinhold  Niebuhr,  denies  the  existence  of  God 
or  Supreme  Spirit  in  any  form.  He  teaches:  the  desirability  and  inescapable 
necessity  of  class  hatred,  class  revolution,  envy  and  covetousness;  the  abol- 
ition of  the  family  unit  and  of  marriage;  the  communizing  of  women;  state 
ownership  of  children;  that  matter  and  force  constitute  all  of  creation;  that 
only  materialistic  circumstance  guides  destiny,  character,  and  history;  that 
man's  spirit  is  as  material  as  a  chemical  effervescence  or  an  electric  spark 
which  flickers  out  or  rots  with  the  body;  that  "Religion  is  the  opium  of  the 
people";  that  with  the  vanishing  of  property  rights,  religion  and  morality 
will  vanish,  along  with  other  "bourgeois  sentimentalities";  that  a  govern- 
mental proletarian  dictatorship  must  be  set  up  by  violence;  and  that  any 
theory  that  the  two  classes  can  get  together  is  only  a  dodge  on  the  part  of 
the  bourgeoisie  who  wish  to  avoid  having  their  throats  cut  in  a  bloody 
proletarian  revolution. 

Jesus  Christ  teaches:  that  God  is  the  Father  of  all  life;  that  the  family 
unit  and  marriage  are  indissoluble;  that  parents  should  love  their  children 
and  children  honor  their  parents;  that  Christians  should  exercise  love  and 
charity  toward  their  neighbors;  that  no  political  kingdom  of  worldly  power 
should  be  sought  by  Christians,  as  such,  but  rather  personal  kindness  and 
a  mastery  over  self. 

Any  government  will  be  good  if  it  is  composed  of  good  persons  and  no 
government  can  be  good  that  is  built  by  persons  of  Godless  and  immoral 
principles.  Goodness  is  a  day  to  day  personal  achievement,  a  contest  with 
evil  which  constantly  breaks  down,  and  must  be  taken  up  again. 

Anyone  who  says  that  the  theories  of  Marx  and  Christ  are  alike  is  either 
a  hopeless  idiot  or  a  wilful  deceiver.  But  the  siren  call  of  Marxism  to  the 
altruist,  who  clings  to  the  title  of  "Christian"  for  the  sake  of  lingering  senti- 
ment, or  financial  or  political  expediency,  is  that  it  promises  to  obtain  by 
foul  means  a  pure,  just,  classless,  equalitarian  society;  by  means  of  rage  and 
hate  to  usher  in  the  reign  of  brotherly  love;  by  means  of  plunder  and  gory 
class  war  to  achieve  peace;  and  by  means  of  anti-moral  propaganda  to  ele- 

32  The  Red  Network 

vate  mankind.  By  discouraging  the  lazy,  incompetent  and  debauched  man 
from  the  belief  that  his  condition  is  in  any  way  the  result  of  his  own  faults, 
but  rather  that  all  sufferings  and  inequalities  are  due  to  capitalism,  it  promises 
to  eradicate  these  sufferings  through  revolution. 

The  kindly  man  cannot  see  that,  as  Hearnshaw  says:  " Socialism  debili- 
tates and  demoralizes  those  whom  it  seeks  to  succor."  It  "is  the  cry  of  adult 
babyhood  for  public  nurses  and  pap  bottles"  and  "by  means  of  doles,  poor 
relief,  free  meals,  free  education,  free  medical  services,  free  everything — all 
paid  for  by  the  industrious  and  careful — it  breeds  and  fosters  a  vast  demoral- 
ized mass  of  paupers  and  vagrants  .  .  .  battening  contentedly  and  permanently 
upon  the  industry  of  their  more  efficient  and  self-respecting  neighbors." 

"The  ultimate  source  of  our  social  evils  is  not  economic,"  says  T.  W. 
Headley  (in  "Darwinism  and  Modern  Socialism"),  "and  as  soon  as  we  realize 
that  whatever  social  malady  we  have  to  deal  with,  it  originates  with  human 
weakness  and  folly  more  than  with  outward  circumstances,  we  have  a  prin- 
ciple that  will  guide  us." 

"Socialism"  That  Is  Christian  Is  Not  Socialism 

There  is  an  epigram  to  the  effect  that  "Socialism  is  Christian  only  in  so 
far  as  it  is  not  Socialism  and  Socialism  only  in  so  far  as  it  is  not  Christian." 

Modern  predatory  Socialism  despises  and  ridicules  as  "only  sham  Social- 
ism," the  religious,  purely  voluntary  "Associations  for  Cooperative  Produc- 
tion" which  were  formed  in  England  subsequent  to  1848  by  Christian  groups 
calling  themselves  "Socialists."  Dr.  Robert  Flint  says  of  these  Christian 
"Socialists":  "They  did  not  teach  a  single  principle  or  doctrine  peculiar  to 
socialism  but  rather  by  their  ethical  and  religious  fervor  struck  at  the  very 
roots  of  socialism."  They  had  no  quarrel  with  the  existing  social  system  as 
such;  they  gave  no  countenance  to  projected  raids  on  land  and  capital;  they 
utterly  rejected  the  doctrine  that  character  and  destiny  are  determined  by 
materialistic  circumstance;  above  all,  they  repudiated  with  abhorrence  the 
idea  of  the  class  war  and  the  ferocious  savagery  of  the  Communist  Manifesto 
of  Marx  and  Engels. 

Dr.  C.  E.  Raven's  "Christian  Socialism"  tells  the  pathetic  but  ridiculous 
story  of  forty-one  of  these  community  enterprises  all  of  which  failed  dis- 
astrously and  failed  in  a  short  time.  He  illustrates  and  specifies  as  causes  of 
their  uniform  collapse:  the  vicious  principle  of  equality  of  reward  irrespec- 
tive of  output  or  ability;  lack  of  business  capacity;  quarrels;  indiscipline; 
greed;  dishonesty;  slackness;  inefficiency — it  was  said,  for  example,  "you 
could  always  tell  a  Christian  socialist  by  the  cut  of  the  cooperative  trousers." 
When  the  incentive  of  competition  and  private  profit  is  removed  only  com- 
pulsion remains  as  a  driving  force.  Without  dictatorship  and  force,  any  form 
of  Socialism  collapses.  As  Socialist-Communist  G.  B.  Shaw  has  said:  "Com- 
pulsory labor  with  death  as  the  final  punishment  is  the  keystone  of  socialism" 
(Fabian  Tract  No.  51,  1906). 

F.  J.  C.  Hearnshaw  in  "Survey  of  Socialism"  (1929)  says:  "It  is  a  pro- 
found truth  seen  equally  clearly  by  keen  sighted  Christians  and  by  keen 
sighted  socialists  that  the  principles  of  the  religion  of  love  are  wholly  incom- 
patible with  the  only  operative  form  of  socialism  viz. — that  which  incites 

"Methodists  Turn  Socialistic" 33 

the  proletariat  to  attack  all  other  classes ;  which  seeks  to  drag  down  the  pros- 
perous to  the  level  of  the  base;  which  lusts  for  confiscation  of  capital;  which 
projects  the  extermination  of  landowners;  which  envisages  the  eradication 
of  competition  by  the  reintroduction  of  slavery  under  a  criminal  dictatorship. 
'In  their  strictest  sense  Christianity  and  socialism  are  irreconcilable/  said 
the  Rev.  T.  W.  Bussell  in  a  recent  Bampton  lecture.  'It  is  a  profound  truth 
that  socialism  is  the  natural  enemy  of  religion,'  echoed  the  British  Socialist 
Party  in  its  official  manifesto." 

"Marxism  .  .  .  sublimated  robbery  into  'restitution.'  It  enabled  the  impe- 
cunious to  regard  themselves  as  'the  disinherited';  the  ne'er-do-wells  as  'the 
defrauded';  the  unsuccessful  as  'the  oppressed';  the  unskilled  as  'wage  slaves'; 
the  incompetent  as  'the  exploited';  the  unemployed  as  'the  sole  creators  of 
wealth  and  value';  the  proletariat  as  'the  people';  and  the  violent  revolution- 
aries as  'vindicators  of  the  rights  of  man.'  " 

"Marxian  socialism  is  potent  just  because  of  its  appeal  to  the  primitive 
individualism  of  the  subnormal  man.  It  excites  his  passion  for  plunder;  it 
stimulates  his  love  of  fighting;  it  bemuses  his  rudimentary  conscience,  mak- 
ing him  believe  that  he  is  out  for  justice  and  not  for  loot;  it  muddles  his 
immature  mind  with  ineffable  nonsense  concerning  complicated  economic 
theories  of  value  and  surplus  value.  Of  the  potency  and  efficacy  of  its  appeal 
there  can  be  no  doubt.  It  is  the  only  really  effective  type  of  socialism  in 
existence.  It  entirely  supersedes  its  Utopian  predecessors;  for  they  postulate 
self-sacrifice  and  hard  work,  and  depict  an  ideal  community  which  provides 
its  own  modest  sustenance  by  cooperative  toil — a  most  unattractive  paradise 
to  a  cave-man.  Only  Marxian  socialism  offers  brigandage — systematized, 
rationalized,  moralized,  glorified.  Hence,  as  Thorstein  Veblen  says:  'The 
socialism  that  inspires  hopes  and  fears  today  is  of  the  school  of  Marx.  No 
one  is  seriously  apprehensive  of  any  other  so-called  socialistic  movement.  .  .  . 
In  proportion  as  the  movement  in  any  given  community  grows  in  mass, 
maturity,  and  conscious  purpose,  it  unavoidably  takes  on  a  more  consistently 
Marxian  complexion.  .  .  .  Socialists  of  all  countries  gravitate  toward  the  theo- 
retical position  of  avowed  Marxism.'  So,  too,  Clayton:  'Modern  socialism 
is  Marx  and  Marx  modern  socialism :  there  is  no  other  foundation.'  .  .  .  Prof. 
Ely  concludes:  'In  socialism  Karl  Marx  occupies  a  position  ...  all  going  before 
him  in  a  manner  preparing  the  way  for  him  and  all  coming  after  him  taking 
him  for  a  starting  point/  "  (Hearnshaw). 

The  Lusk  Report  says:  "In  fact  the  only  scientific,  concrete  and  per- 
fectly systematic  scheme"  (of  Socialism)  "is  the  scheme  of  Karl  Marx.  This 
is  the  basis  for  materialism  inherent  in  present  day  socialism,  for  its  antago- 
nism to  religion,  to  ethics,  to  all  idealism  based  on  principles  .  .  .  that  do  not 
relate  to  purely  material  life  and  wealth  interests.'7 


If  the  great  voice  of  John  Wesley  with  its  call  to  Christianize  individual 
souls  should  finally  be  stilled  by  the  voice  of  Karl  Marx  with  its  call  to  class 
war — disguised  as  a  call  to  preach  the  "social  gospel  of  economic  justice" — 
not  only  Methodism  but  the  whole  world  will  suffer. 

Ominously,  the  Socialist  "Christian  Social  Action  Movement"  of  Chicago 

34  The  Red  Network 

Methodist  Church  headquarters  says  of  its  opportunities  for  teaching  Social- 
ism-Communism: "Our  most  fruitful  field  of  accomplishment  we  believe  to  be 
within  and  through  the  agency  of  the  Church  of  which  we  are  a  part.  It  is 
difficult  to  overemphasize  the  significance  to  the  social  and  economic  move- 
ment in  America  if  the  Methodist  Church  should  be  won  to  whole  hearted 
advocacy  and  support  of  the  social  gospel.  To  this  endeavor  .  .  .  we  pledge 
ourselves."  (p.  41  of  its  Handbook). 

"Methodists  Turn  Socialistic"  is  the  title  of  an  article  written  by  Socialist 
Chas.  C.  Webber  (jailed  in  a  radical  strike  in  1930  and  defended  by  the 
A.  C.  L.  U.),  which  appears  in  the  Socialist,  Garland-Fund-aided  "World 
Tomorrow"  of  July  1933.  In  it  he  felicitates  the  Annual  Conference  of  the 
M.  E.  Church  held  at  Central  Church,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.  for  its  report  on  "The 
Necessity  of  Social  Change — from  capitalism  to  a  socialistic  economic  system," 
and  says  that  the  motion  to  change  the  words  "social  ownership"  (complete 
Socialism)  in  the  final  report  to  "social  control"  just  barely  passed.  He  says: 
"This  debate  clearly  showed  that  the  majority  of  the  members  of  the  N.  Y. 
East  Conference  of  the  M.  E.  Church  are  convinced  that  'capitalism'  must 
be  brought  under  some  form  of  social  control." 

The  Northeast  Ohio  Conference  of  the  M.  E.  Church  exhibited  similar 
tendencies  when  "Socialized  ownership  and  control  of  the  country's  financial 
and  industrial  system  as  a  substitute  for  capitalism  were  recommended" 
(Associated  Press  report,  Sept.  20,  1932).  Other  conferences  have  likewise 
adopted  communistic-socialistic  resolutions. 

The  Methodist  Federation  for  Social  Service  is  headed  by  Bishop  Francis 
J.  McConnell,  Socialist,  A.  C.  L.  U.,  etc.,  and  its  Bulletin  is  edited  by  Harry 
Ward,  of  radical  fame,  and  Winifred  Chappell,  frankly  of  the  Communist 
Party  campaign  committee.  As  an  ex-Communist  said  to  me,  "Most  of  those 
Bulletins  sound  like  the  Daily  Worker,  only  more  so."  The  April  15,  1932 
Bulletin,  which  I  have,  not  only  frankly  admitted  Federation  cooperation 
with  Communist  organizations  but  under  the  heading  "Is  it  a  Coincidence?" 
said:  "The  nature  of  the  membership  of  the  Federation  and  the  penetration 
of  the  church  by  this  movement  is  indicated  in  part  by  the  fact  that  entirely 
without  design  one  third  of  the  Delaware  Conference  membership  belonged 
to  the  Federation.  This  overlapping  included  every  member  of  the  com- 
mission on  'Modern  Business  and  Industry,'  10  of  the  14  commission  chair- 
men, and  two  secretaries  of  the  Board  of  Foreign  Missions  who  were  largely 
responsible  for  the  conference,  and  the  presiding  officer,  the  president  of  the 

Of  the  "Call  to  Action,"  which  had  just  then  resulted  in  the  formation 
in  Chicago  of  the  Socialist  Methodist  "Christian  Social  Action  Movement," 
it  also  proudly  observed  that  "most  of  the  sponsors — were  members  of  the 
Federation."  Concerning  the  Federation's  financial  support  it  said  the  Rock 
River  Conference  had  originated  and  systematically  used  the  plan  of  donat- 
ing "one  half  of  one  per  cent  of  the  preacher's  salary  including  house  rent" 
to  the  Federation  (for  its  Socialist  and  Communist-cooperating  activities) 
and  that  "Philadelphia  uses  it  in  modified  form." 

The  editorial  of  Dr.  E.  P.  Clarke,  editor  of  the  Riverside  Daily  Press  and 

"Methodists  Ttirn  Socialistic" 35 

himself  a  prominent  Methodist  layman,  is  reprinted  in  the  National  Republic 
of  October  1933.  To  quote  from  it: 

"The  Methodist  conference  at  Long  Beach  adopted  resolutions  urging 
the  pardon  of  Mooney.  It  seems  rather  pertinent  to  ask  what  these  ministers 
know  about  the  Mooney  case.  The  evidence  has  been  reviewed  by  four 
governors — Stephens,  Richardson,  Young  and  Rolph — and  they  all  refused 
to  pardon  Mooney.  The  courts  have  also  acted  unfavorably  on  his  case  in 
several  hearings.  The  average  citizen  may  well  give  some  heed  to  the  find- 
ings of  these  various  investigations;  and  it  looks  as  if  the  Methodist  con- 
ference went  far  afield  in  seeking  some  subject  on  which  to  adopt  resolutions. 

"For  centuries  of  human  progress  and  recession  it  has  been  a  controversial 
question  as  to  the  supremacy  of  church  or  state,  but  the  Methodists  appar- 
ently have  no  fear  of  stepping  over  the  line.  The  action  on  the  Mooney  ques- 
tion might  seem  to  line  up  the  Methodists  with  the  unsavory  and  violent 
element  of  Russia  and  America. 

"Other  resolutions  were  of  similar  dubious  propriety.  To  issue  its  demands 
upon  the  mayor  of  Los  Angeles  to  abolish  the  'Red  squad'  of  police,  foe  of 
communistic  rioters,  and  to  investigate  the  Better  American  Federation,  and 
other  organizations  outside  of  church  affiliation  is  hard  to  reconcile  with  the 
teachings  of  the  gentle  Carpenter  from  Nazareth,  which  the  church  is  sup- 
posed to  further. 

"The  Methodist  Church  is  probably  the  most  powerful  of  all  religious 
denominations.  It  has  done  a  marvelous  good,  but  when  their  conference  pre- 
sumes to  rule  on  things  religious,  moral  and  political  without  regard  to 
courtesy  or  courts  of  justice  we  fear  the  church's  popularity  is  endangered, 
especially  with  the  youth  of  the  land." 

The  communist  Daily  Worker  of  May  13,  1933  under  the  heading  "Negro 
Bishops  Back  I.  L.  D.  Fight"  says:  "The  General  Board  of  the  Colored 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church  in  session  in  Jackson,  Tenn.  with  8  Bishops  and 
9  general  officers,  with  more  than  250  pastors  and  lay  representatives  through- 
out the  U.  S.  went  on  record.  .  .  .  The  resolution  reads  in  part:  'The  Bench  of 
Bishops  and  the  General  Board  of  the  Colored  Methodist  Church  in  Annual 
Session  desire  to  issue  the  following  statement  to  the  nation  with  reference 
to  the  Scottsboro  and  Peterson  cases  in  Alabama,  and  the  Angelo  Herndon 
case  in  Georgia.  . .  we  feel  it  our  duty  ...  to  call  upon  our  entire  congregations 
throughout  the  Nation  to  contribute  funds  and  moral  support  to  aid  in  such 
able  defense  as  shown  by  the  International  Labor  Defense  organization ;  and 
that  such  donations  be  given  concertedly,  and  funds  sent  to  a  designated  com- 
mittee and  in  turn  to  the  headquarters  of  the  International  Labor  Defense.'  " 
(Godless  Moscow's  Communist  organization  using  this  means  to  hook  Chris- 
tian Negroes  into  the  revolutionary  movement).  "The  Bishops  of  the  bench 
are:  Elias  Cottrell,  Holly  Springs,  Miss.;  C.  H.  Phillips,  Cleveland,  O.;  R.  C. 
Carter,  Chicago;  R.  T.  Brown,  Birmingham,  Ala.;  J.  C.  Martin,  Memphis; 
J.  A.  Hamlett,  Kansas  City,  Kans.;  and  J.  W.  McKinney,  Sherman,  Texas." 

The  colored  people  are  a  sincerely  religious  race.  As  long  as  they  stayed 
in  Africa  un-Christianized,  they  remained,  as  did  pagan  white  men,  savages. 
Their  pagan  brothers  in  Africa  today  are  savages,  while  in  a  comparatively 

36  The  Red  Network 

few  years,  under  the  opportunities  of  the  American  government  and  the 
inspiration  of  Christianity,  the  American  Negroes  have  acquired  professions, 
property,  banks,  homes,  and  produced  a  rising  class  of  refined,  home  loving 
people.  This  is  far  more  remarkable  than  that  many  Negroes  are  still  back- 
ward. The  Reds  play  upon  the  Negroes'  love  of  their  own  people  and  repre- 
sent them  as  persecuted  in  order  to  inflame  them  against  the  very  white 
people  who  have  in  reality  given  the  colored  race  far  greater  opportunities 
than  their  fellow  negroes  would  give  them  in  Africa  today.  Only  recently 
the  U.  S.  government  was  protesting  slave  holding  by  colored  officials  in 
Liberia.  The  Reds  look  upon  the  Negroes  as  their  greatest  hope.  They  want 
them  to  do  their  dirty  work  in  stirring  up  bloody  revolution  and  to  bear  its 
brunt.  Then  whether  the  Reds  win  or  lose  the  Negroes  will  be  the  losers, 
for  Sovietization  is  slavery. 

The  U.  S.  Fish  report  states:  "The  task  of  the  Communists  among  the 
negro  workers  is  to  bring  about  class  consciousness,  and  to  crystallize  this 
in  independent  class  political  action  against  the  capitalist  class;  to  take  every 
possible  advantage  of  occurrences  and  conditions  which  will  tend  to  develop 
race  feeling  with  the  view  of  utilizing  racial  antagonism.  At  every  oppor- 
tunity the  attempt  is  made  to  stir  up  trouble  between  the  white  and  negro 

"The  negroes  are  made  to  believe  that  the  Communists  practice  complete 
racial  and  social  equality  and  that  only  when  a  Communist  Government  is 
set  up  in  the  United  States  will  the  negroes  obtain  equality  and  freedom  from 
exploitation  by  the  'white  bosses,'  and  in  order  to  attract  and  impress  the 
negro,  the  Communists  make  a  point  of  encouraging  mixed  social  functions 
where  white  women  Communists  dance  with  negro  men  and  white  men  Com- 
munists dance  with  negro  women.  It  is  openly  advocated  that  there  must  be 
complete  social  and  racial  equality  between  the  whites  and  negroes  even  to 
the  extent  of  intermarriage." 

Put  yourself  in  the  Negro's  place.  Would  you  not  be  flattered  by  Dr. 
Tittle's  act  in  putting  over  a  Negro  social  equality  plank  in  the  1932  General 
M.  E.  Conference  in  Atlantic  City,  following  similar  action  by  the  Federal 
Council  of  Churches,  even  though  you  knew  in  your  heart  that  social  equality 
is  guided  entirely  by  human  desires  and  feelings  and  that  no  law  or  plank 
can  alter  this.  Neither  a  white  nor  a  colored  person  will  invite  another  per- 
son to  supper  in  his  home  unless  he  wishes  to.  Sociability  is  won,  not  forced. 
Force  on  this  point  only  engenders  real  antagonism,  even  bloodshed. 

To  quote  the  Chicago  Tribune  report  of  May  8,  1932  concerning  this 
Conference,  headed  "Racial  Question  Jars  Methodist  Church  Session": 
"Doctor  Tittle's  resolution  stated  that  future  general  conferences  will  be 
held  'only  in  cities  where  there  is  no  segregation  of  racial  groups,  no  dis- 
crimination in  hotels,  hotel  lobbies,  hotel  dining  rooms,  restaurants,  or  ele- 
vators.' ...  In  his  argument  for  the  passage  of  the  resolution  Dr.  Tittle  .  .  . 
stated  that  the  wording  of  his  resolution  'followed  closely  a  resolution  recently 
adopted  by  the  Federal  Council  of  Churches.'  .  .  .  Such  possible  inability  to 
find  a  city  that  would  entertain  the  conference,  Dr.  Tittle  said,  would  focus  the 
attention  of  church  and  nation  on  the  'cause  of  racial  equality.'  .  .  .  The  M.  E. 
Church  South  seceded  from  the  northern  church  on  the  slavery  issue  nearly 

"Methodists  Turn  Socialistic" 37 

a  century  ago.  It  was  pointed  out  in  debate  that  The  passage  of  this  resolu- 
tion would  forever  end  all  possibility  of  reunion  of  the  two  American  branches 
of  Methodism.' ': 

Dr.  Tittle  went  out  of  his  way  to  solicit  support  for  Jourdain,  a  colored 
candidate  for  Alderman,  but  not  of  Tittle's  ward.  He  signed  a  letter  sent 
out  for  this  purpose  during  the  1932  spring  campaign  and  Jourdain  was 

The  time  was,  when  Methodism  in  its  zeal  for  personal  purity  frowned 
upon  dancing.  Some  Methodists  nowadays  who  are  little  opposed  to  dancing 
even  in  a  church  were  a  bit  surprised,  however,  when  several  colored  men 
were  introduced  into  circle  dances  at  a  dance  given  in  the  parish  house  of 
Tittle's  church  and  were  thus  forced  upon  the  young  white  girls  as  partners. 
An  M.  E.  Guild  member  whose  daughter  attended  this  dance  reported  that 
when  she  phoned  the  assistant  pastor  about  this  he  said  that  these  colored 
men  had  been  invited  by  Dr.  Tittle  himself  (one  of  them  being  the  son  of 
a  classmate  of  his  at  college),  who  felt  that  it  was  now  time  that  the  young 
people  learned  to  mingle  with  other  races.  (God  created  separate  races,  but 
Communism  insists  upon  racial  inter-mixture  and  inter-marriage.) 

The  great  American  colored  man,  Booker  T.  Washington,  voiced  the 
sentiment  of  the  best  elements  in  both  races  when  he  said  the  races  should 
be  as  separate  and  distinct  as  the  fingers  of  a  hand  and  as  united  for  the 
service  of  all  humanity.  Why  should  either  race  wish  to  lose  its  distinctive 
characteristics?  Neither  the  races  nor  the  sexes  can  ever  be  equal.  They 
will  always  be  different  and  have  distinctive  functions  to  perform  in  life. 

Most  shocking  is  the  constant  procession  of  Red  and  outright  Communist 
posters  and  notices  which  disgrace  the  bulletin  board  of  this  gorgeous  M.  E. 
church,  coupled  with  the  fact  that  the  minister  himself  is  a  "book  editor" 
of  the  National  Religion  and  Labor  Foundation  and  responsible  for  dis- 
tribution of  such  Communist  literature  as  "Toward  Soviet  America''  by  Wm. 
Z.  Foster,  "Little  Lenin  Library,"  etc. 

One  such  poster  advertised  "We,  the  People,"  a  play  by  Elmer  Rice,  for 
the  benefit  of  the  militant  Socialist  L.  I.  D.,  in  which  Tittle  is  a  leader.  This 
play  is  praised  by  the  Communist  press  as  "an  argument  for  revolution." 
Others  advertised:  lectures  by  George  Soule  of  the  "New  Republic,"  on 
such  subjects  as  "The  Chances  for  Revolution,"  at  the  Chicago  City  Club, 
Mar.  6,  7  and  8,  1933,  under  the  auspices  of  the  Chicago  Forum  Council,  of 
which  Tittle  is  a  member;  Scott  Nearing's  (Communist)  lectures  under  the 
same  auspices;  Reconciliation  Trips  to  radical  headquarters;  and  the  Oct. 
23,  1933  mass  meeting  for  the  visiting  French  Communist,  Henri  Barbusse, 
whose  "pacifistic"  cure  for  war  is  bloody  Red  revolution.  Perhaps  most  incon- 
gruous of  all  was  the  large  poster  advertising  the  "Proletarian  Arts  Ball"  of 
April  15,  1933,  given  for  the  benefit  of  the  communist  International  Labor 
Defense,  Moscow's  propaganda  and  legal  defense  agency  to  aid  Communist 
criminals — a  dance  given  for  the  defense  of  Communism,  which  means  destruc- 
tion of  Christianity,  and  advertised  in  a  Methodist  Church! 

One  can  only  regret  that  men  like  this  minister  possess  the  gifts  of  glorious 
oratory,  of  charm  and  culture  to  bestow  upon  the  Socialist  cause  and  that 
their  humanitarian  sincerity  gives  them  additional  power.  For  no  hate-filled 

38  The  Red  Network 

grimy  Communist,  however  sincere,  cursing  God  and  capitalism  from  a  soap 
box,  could  ever  lure  the  Church-going  "bourgeoisie"  into  Marxism  as  can 
a  truly  sincere  and  altruistic  "Christian"  Socialist.  Yet  both  are  leaders  to 
the  same  ugly  end — Marxism.  Those  repelled  by  the  crude  who  would  shud- 
der at  raw  Marxian  doctrine,  sit  enraptured  in  a  church  to  hear  Marxism 
falsely  embellished  with  adornments  stolen  from  Christianity.  Under  the 
spell  of  soft  organ  music  and  dim  religious  light,  they  feel  that  whatever  the 
preacher's  direction  it  must  be  toward  heaven  and  they  remain  oblivious  of 
the  fact,  or  uncaring,  that  the  Communist  notices  sent  out  by  Satan's  pub- 
licity bureau  hanging  in  their  very  Church  are  calls  to  Christ's  flock  to  hear 
Communists  like  Henri  Barbusse,  advocates  of  Christ  crucifixion  and  throat- 
slitting  Red  revolution,  preach  Communism  as  the  "Way  and  the  Truth." 
As  one  sees  the  blind  leading  the  blind  into  the  ditch,  one  realizes  that  Hell 
must  indeed  live  up  to  its  reputation  of  being  "paved  with  good  intentions." 
That  some  Methodists  are  awakening  to  the  issue  now  being  forced  within 
the  church  by  radicals,  and  that  they  wish  to  cleave  to  the  "faith  once  deliv- 
ered" and  to  the  Rock  of  Ages,  rather  than  to  the  new  social  order  of  Marx 
and  Lenin,  is  shown  by  statements  such  as  that  of  Methodist  Bishop  Leete 
which  I  have  quoted  under  "Christian  Century."  The  survey  of  Bishop  Lake 
revealing  that  the  Methodist  Church  had  lost  2,000,000  members  between 
1920  and  1932  should  also  provide  food  for  thought.  The  fault  certainly 
does  not  lie  with  the  drawing  power  of  Jesus  Christ,  "the  same  yesterday, 
today,  and  forever." 


There  is  a  saying:  "When  a  dog  bites  a  man,  that  is  not  news,  but  when 
a  man  bites  a  dog,  that  is  news."  Red  meetings  are  constant  occurrences  in 
Evanston,  Illinois.  People  either  do  not  sense  their  significance  or  are  used 
to  them.  It  is  not  considered  "news"  that  James  M.  Yard  should  at  the  same 
time  be  Dean  of  Religious  Education  of  the  Methodist  Northwestern  Uni- 
versity, an  active  Communist-defending  A.  C.  L.  U.  committeeman,  an  adver- 
tised John  Reed  Club  speaker,  and  an  official  sponsor  of  the  communist 
revolutionary  Chicago  Workers  Theatre.  (Once  Methodists  frowned  upon 
the  ordinary  worldly  theatre.)  Nor,  when  the  post  of  Dean  of  Religious  Edu- 
cation was  abolished  and  Yard  lost  his  position,  was  the  public  announce- 
ment by  Pres.  Walter  Dill  Scott  that  Yard  was  not  let  go  because  of  his 
radicalism,  in  itself,  considered  news.  That  Max  Otto,  a  leader  of  the  atheist 
movement,  should  be  engaged  in  successive  years  by  this  Methodist  Uni- 
versity to  lecture  to  its  students  on  such  subjects  as  "Can  Science  Recognize 
God"  (Oct.  1933)  and  be  praised  and  honored  by  the  college  paper  for  these 
addresses,  is  not  news;  nor  is  Harry  Ward's  address  in  praise  of  Godless 
Russia  at  Garrett  Biblical  Institute,  or  the  sale  of  I.  W.  W.  and  other  Red 
literature  at  this  Methodist  college  Y.  M.  C.  A.,  news.  But  when,  following 
only  two  of  the  many  Red  meetings  held  in  Evanston  churches,  a  group  of 
patriotic  Americans  gathered  outside  and  sang  "America"  in  protest  against 
the  sedition  they  had  heard  preached  within,  this  was  indeed  as  though  a 
man  had  bitten  a  dog.  It  was  news  and  the  newspapers  featured  it! 

"News'9  39 

The  first  of  these  was  an  A.  C.  L.  U.  meeting  held  in  Tittle's  Evanston 
M.  E.  Church  and  addressed  by  Carl  Haessler,  a  teacher  and  official  of  the 
Communist  Party's  school  of  revolution  at  2822  S.  Michigan  Ave.,  Chicago, 
and  a  fellow  A.  C.  L.  U.  committee  member  with  Dr.  Tittle.  Haessler  ended 
his  talk  with  a  little  story  illustrating  the  A.  C.  L.  U.  viewpoint,  frankly  say- 
ing "And  so  what  we  want  is  not  more  liberty  but  more  licenser''  On  the 
Church  bulletin  board  hung  an  announcement  of  Communist  Scott  Nearing's 
lectures.  Tittle  attended  this  meeting.  Inside  the  door  of  the  church  at  the 
close  of  the  meeting  a  Communist  handed  out  leaflets  reading:  "A  Lecture 
of  Vital  Importance! — by  Romania  Ferguson  who  recently  returned  from 
the  Lenin  Institute  of  Moscow.  On  Tuesday,  January  17th,  8  P.  M.,  at  The 
Unitarian  Church  of  Evanston — Fight  for  the  freedom  of  the  Scottsboro 
boys!  Join  with  the  International  Labor  Defense!  Auspices:  International 
Labor  Defense,  Scottsboro  Branch  of  Evanston." 

The  patriotic  crowd  who  had  attended  this  A.  C.  L.  U.  meeting  out  of 
curiosity,  indulged  afterwards  in  some  arguments  on  the  church  lawn  with 
Red  sympathizers,  among  them  Catherine  Waugh  McCulloch  of  the  A.  C. 
L.  U.,  who  had  presided  at  the  meeting.  But  this  would  not  have  merited 
publicity,  only  that  a  young  Red  who  intruded  himself  into  the  conversation 
I  was  holding  with  friends  attempted  to  slap  my  face  when  I  contradicted 
him,  and  he  was  chased  by  my  husband  and  some  Legionnaires.  The 
attempted  but  unsuccessful  slap  was  news! 

At  the  announced  communist  I.  L.  D.  meeting  which  followed,  the  Reds 
were  prepared  to  defend  themselves  against  any  patriotic  utterances.  Police 
were  stationed  inside  the  Unitarian  Church.  And  one  menacing  looking 
Negro  in  front  of  us  pulled  out  his  gun  and  looked  it  over  before  returning 
it  to  his  pocket.  Others  had  bulging  pockets.  A  colored  woman  as  officer  of 
this  I.  L.  D.  branch  announced  that  regular  meetings  were  held  in  this 
Unitarian  Church  every  first  and  third  Tuesday  of  the  month;  also  that  all 
of  the  18  north  side  branches  of  the  I.  L.  D.  were  expected  to  participate  in 
a  Communist  demonstration  to  be  held  before  the  Japanese  consulate  in  Chi- 
cago the  following  week  as  a  protest  against  Japan's  war  against  the  Chinese 
Soviets  and  Chinese  revolution.  When  this  demonstration  actually  took  place, 
an  army  of  steel-helmeted  policemen  was  required  to  disperse  the  surging 
crowds  of  Red  rioters  which  formed  and  reformed  to  advance  on  the  building. 
Several  policemen  were  injured  and  one  without  a  steel  helmet  had  his  skull 
fractured  by  Communists. 

Romania  Ferguson,  the  colored  girl  advertised  as  speaker  for  this  I.  L.  D. 
meeting,  who  had  been  trained  at  Moscow's  Institute  for  Red  agitators  from 
all  countries,  was  then  teaching  with  Haessler  (speaker  in  Tittle's  church) 
at  the  Communist  Chicago  school  of  revolution.  She  spoke  of  the  Scottsboro 
case  and  then  contrasted  the  wonderful  life  and  race  relations  of  Soviet 
Russia,  and  said  that  the  only  way  for  the  12,000,000  colored  people  in  the 
United  States  to  obtain  a  similar  "paradise"  was  to  unite  with  the  white 
Communist  "workers"  in  the  "revolutionary  way  out"  and  set  up  a  Soviet 
government  in  the  United  States  as  the  Russians  had  done.  (Pure  sedition 
and  in  direct  violation  of  the  Illinois  sedition  law). 

She  was  followed  by  Albert  Goldman,  fellow  teacher  with  herself  and 

40  The  Red  Network 

Haessler  at  the  Chicago  school  of  revolution.  He  said  that  it  was  a  good 
thing  the  capitalistic  class  in  America  were  building  fine  homes  and  other 
buildings  as  these  would  then  be  ready  for  the  " workers"  to  take  over  and 
occupy  by  revolution  in  from  six  months  to  a  year.  He  said  that  only  old 
people  cared  for  churches  in  Russia  now;  that  no  one  under  35  went  to 
church  and,  as  the  old  people  would  soon  die  off,  churches  would  soon  be 
extinct  there.  He  pointed  out  that  children  could  be  taught  anything  and 
that  the  same  thing  could  be  accomplished  in  America  by  training  the  young 
generation  against  religion.  (A  fine  meeting  to  advertise  in  a  Methodist 
Church!)  Red  cards  were  passed  out  at  this  meeting  advertising  a  Scott 
Nearing  lecture  for  the  benefit  of  the  Communist  school  of  revolution.  Near- 
ing's  lectures  had  been  advertised  on  white  paper  on  the  bulletin  board  at 
the  Methodist  Church,  a  slight  difference — in  paper. 

The  police  who  had  so  staunchly  stood  by  while  Romania  talked  sedition, 
at  once  attempted  to  disperse  the  patriotic  crowd  that  stopped  to  discuss  the 
meeting  outside.  They  were  told  to  go  back  inside  the  church,  but  the  group 
objected  saying  they  were  not  wanted  inside  the  church,  that  the  police 
allowed  sedition  inside  why  not  patriotism  outside?  When  one  policeman 
kept  insisting  they  must  either  go  back  inside  the  church  or  go  home,  some 
in  the  crowd  said  "All  right  we  will  go  back  in.  Come  on!";  but  as  they 
started  to  do  so,  a  woman  of  the  church  aided  by  a  policeman  barred  the  door 
of  the  church  and  flourished  her  arm  at  me  and  said:  "You  shan't  come  in." 
I  said:  "Keep  your  hands  off  me"  as  she  waved  dangerously  near  my  nose 
and  this  flourishing  falsely  reported  as  "hitting"  furnished  the  "news"  for 
the  next  burst  of  publicity,  which,  however,  did  some  really  enlightening 
educational  work.  People  who  had  been  actually  unaware  of  the  Red  move- 
ment in  Evanston  started  wondering  and  inquiring  what  it  was  all  about. 

Soon  after  this,  a  patriotic  group  in  Evanston  published  a  pamphlet  of 
authentic  and  indisputable  information  revealing  the  purposes  of  the  organ- 
izations these  ministers  support.  They  distributed  a  copy  to  practically  every 
home  in  Evanston  at  their  own  expense  with  the  result  that — ?  O,  no,  they 
received  no  praise  whatever!  On  the  contrary  the  patriotic  editor  who  gave 
the  situation  in  Evanston  some  truthful  publicity  and  participated  in  pre- 
paring the  pamphlet  lost  his  position  owing,  so  he  said,  to  the  pressure  brought 
by  M.  E.  Church  supporters  upon  the  wealthy  "patriotic"  men  of  national 
reputation  who  owned  the  newspaper! 

And  what  did  the  dear  smart  successful  American  capitalist  Church 
trustees,  who  collect  $85,000  or  more  each  year  to  support  Tittle's  activities, 
do?  They  issued  a  public  statement  rebuking  those  who  would  interfere  with 
the  "free"  speech  of  the  M.  E.  Church  pulpit  and  expressing  their  staunch 
admiration  for  and  support  of  Dr.  Tittle. 

One  feels  like  snickering  at  the  thought  of  the  triumph  of  Socialism,  which 
Tugwell,  in  the  National  Religion  and  Labor  Foundation  (see)  Bulletin, 
(of  which  Tittle  is  an  editor)  says  will  literally  da  away  with  private  business. 
One  can  picture  with  amusement  these  capitalists  who  support  Socialism 
having  had  their  businesses  "done  away  with."  But  the  sad  part  is  that  we 
"bourgeoisie"  and  the  hopes  and  futures  of  the  present  rising  "proletariat" 
and  of  their  and  our  children  would  all  suffer  as  well  with  the  sweeping  away 

Jail  or  Asylum  for  Me — Suggests  "Liberal"  Mandate 41 

of  the  American  system.   That  is  why  a  public  political  propaganda  pulpit 
becomes  a  public  affair  and  deserves  public  and  political  opposition. 
The  communists'  Federated  Press  news  service,  Mar.  29,  1933,  stated: 

"The  trustees  of  the  Unitarian  Church  of  Evanston,  where  the  Intl. 
Labor  Defense  has  been  renting  a  hall  for  its  fortnightly  meetings,  declare 
that  they  'consider  it  against  the  spirit  of  the  church  to  deny  the  use  of 
its  church  house  to  any  group  of  people  who  might  wish  to  rent  it  for 
political,  economic,  social  or  educational  purposes,  except  those  whose 
meetings  would  be  objectionable  on  moral  grounds  or  those  whose  meet- 
ings might  be  definitely  forbidden  by  the  law  of  the  land.' 

"The  Rev.  R.  Lester  Mondale  of  the  church  had  been  criticized  by  pro- 
fessional patriots  for  allowing  the  I.  L.  D.  to  rent  the  church  hall.  Trustees 
of  the  First  Methodist  Church  of  Evanston  similarly  supported  the  Rev. 
E.  F.  Tittle  when  he  was  rapped  by  the  patrioteers  for  permitting  a  civil 
liberties  meeting  in  his  church  hall." 
The  Advisor  of  March  15,  1933,  stated: 

"Following  the  activities  of  the  American  Legion  and  Paul  Revere 
Clubs  in  exposing  the  affiliations  and  red-supporting  activities  of  the 
Reverend  Ernest  Fremont  Tittle,  pastor  of  the  First  Methodist  Church, 
Evanston,  Illinois,  the  government  board  of  the  church  has  issued  a  state- 
ment expressing  'absolute  confidence  in  Dr.  Tittle's  Christian  character 
and  his  deep  unselfish  devotion  to  his  country  and  humanity.'  We  note 
that  these  profound  expressions  of  support  come  from  Fred  Sargent,  presi- 
dent of  the  Northwestern  Railroad,  William  A.  Dyche,  donor  of  Dyche 
Stadium  to  Northwestern  University,  R.  C.  Wieboldt,  and  others. 

"This  is  quite  typical  of  the  warning  we  have  voiced  continually  in 
our  bulletins.  Knowing  little  or  nothing  of  the  ramifications  of  Com- 
munism and  Socialism,  these  'Captains'  of  industry  listening  to  the  siren 
voice  of  this  misleader,  come  to  his  support  with  a  vote  of  confidence. 
The  average  man  would  sing  pretty  hard  to  get  the  support  of  the  millions 
represented  by  the  three  men  named  above.  The  moral  and  financial 
support  which  is  given  the  Communist  and  Socialist  movements  by  the 
very  class  that  would  suffer  most  if  these  agencies  should  win  control,  is 
one  of  the  principal  factors  in  the  perpetuation  of  these  movements  in  this 
country.  Without  this  support  Communism  and  Socialism  would  collapse 
of  their  own  weight. 

"Men  like  Tittle  are  more  valuable  to  the  Communist  movement  than 
if  they  were  actual  members  of  the  Party.  Lenin's  injunction  'Get  things 
done  and  paid  for  by  others'  has  been  fulfilled  to  a  remarkable  degree. 
The  unfortunate  part  of  things  is  that  should  either  Communism  or 
Socialism  succeed  in  their  objectives  the  loyal  would  have  to  suffer  for 
the  mistakes  of  the  misguided.  The  more  we  study  Lenin,  the  more  we 
appreciate  his  diabolical  shrewdness  and  psychology." 


The  September,  1933  issue  of  the  communist  magazine  "Anti  Fascist 
Action,"  published  by  the  Chicago  Committee  to  Aid  Victims  of  German 

42  The  Red  Network 

Fascism  of  the  communist  W.  I.  R.,  contains,  in  addition  to  material  by  Com- 
munist authors,  a  section  headed  "Correspondence,"  which  invites  "the  true 
expression  of  workers  everywhere"  and  says:  "Here  is  the  space!  Voice 
your  indignation,  your  protest,  etc."  To  quote: 

The  following  letter  comes  from  R.  Lester  Mondale,  Evanston,  who  takes 
this  opportunity  to  answer  a  worker  who  had  written  to  him,  asking  "How 

is  it  possible  for  Mrs. (a  notorious  red-baiter)  to  insult  every  worker 

in  this  country,  calling  them  'gutter  adherents,'  without  being  thrown  into 
a  prison  or  insane  asylum?": 

"Dear  Frank: 

"You  ask,  'How  is  it  possible  that  this  woman  can  insult  every  honest 
wage  earner  in  this  country  without  being  thrown  in  a  prison  or  insane 

"Permit  me  to  tell  you  how  it  is  possible  for  these  respectable  women 
to  insult  you  and  to  get  away  with  it.  My  answer  will  sound  stranger  than 
fiction.  But  Frank,  the  reason  it  sounds  strange  is  that  you  have  been 
fed  up  on  the  lies  you  read  every  day  in  the  newspapers  and  the  lies  you 
were  taught  in  the  public  schools — lies  about  every  American  being  born 
free,  and  equal  to  the  richest. 

"The  lady  you  speak  of  is  a  well-known  North  Shore  'patriot.'  She 
speaks  before  fashionable  churches;  the  Legionnaires  admire  her;  the 
D.  A.  R.  ladies  introduce  her  at  speaking  engagements.  Now,  Frank, 
there  is  a  man  in  Chicago  (another  patriot,  who  has  an  organization  for 
spying  on  communists  and  liberals)  who  also  speaks  before  churches, 
Legionnaires  and  D.  A.  R.  conventions.  This  man  is  a  great  friend  of  the 
lady  who  insulted  the  working  men.  In  fact,  Frank,  this  lady  and  this 
man  more  often  than  not  are  seen  together  in  public  gatherings,  and  the 
style  of  her  anti-red  pamphlets  strikingly  resembles  the  style  of  the  reports 
sent  out  by  his  spy  organization. 

"One  sentence  will  explain  why  they  insult  you,  Frank.  This  man  I 
speak  of  was  for  years  a  professional  strike-breaker  in  the  Clay  Products 
Industries.  Do  you  see  the  connection  now?  By  pretending  to  be  super- 
patriots  these  people  can  break  up  the  workingman's  unions,  keep  him 
in  poverty,  and  call  all  liberals  like  myself  un-American  Communists 
because  we  would  like  to  see  these  ladies  get  a  little  less  of  the  country's 
income  and  honest  workers  like  yourself  get  your  just  share. 

"To  these  respectable  ladies,  you  are  a  'gutter  adherent.'  To  them, 
the  wife  you  love,  'stinks  of  the  gutter';  to  them,  the  babies  you  bring 
into  the  world  are  'rats  of  the  gutter'  and  they  can  use  the  gutters  (when- 
ever the  super-patriots  haven't  parked  their  Packards)  for  their  play- 
grounds. You  'gutter'  people  should  be  glad  to  kiss  the  hands  of  the 
wealthy  for  their  willingness  to  be  compelled  to  pay  enough  in  taxes  to 
keep  you  starving  to  death  on  the  installment  plan  on  the  dole.  You 
'gutter'  people  should  be  glad  to  get  a  fifteen  dollar  week  minimum  wage 
and  to  starve  and  freeze  through  life  while  the  government  dumps  wheat 
in  China,  plows  under  the  cotton  crops,  closes  coal  mines,  and  slaughters 
hogs.  You  'gutter'  people  who  complain  if  the  Citizens  Committee  (whose 

Jail  or  Asylum  for  Me — Suggests  "Liberal"  Mondale 43 

own  children  go  to  private  schools)  destroy  the  public  schools  with  their 
economies,  when  thousands  of  contractors  would  be  willing  to  put  up 
new  buildings  and  thousands  of  unemployed  teachers  would  gladly  teach 
your  'gutter'  children — you  who  complain  are  trouble  makers,  un- 
American  ! 

"You  and  I  know,  Frank,  that  the  'gutter'  people  of  New  York  and 
New  England  made  the  rulers  of  Cincinnati  and  Cleveland;  that  the 
'gutter'  people  of  Europe  and  Ohio  made  the  rulers  of  present  day  Chi- 
cago; that  the  'gutter'  people  of  Indiana  and  Illinois  made  the  pioneers 
of  the  great  West.  But  Frank,  now  there  is  no  West  where  you  can 
show  the  world  the  fight  there  is  in  you;  now  you  must  not  complain, 
you  must  not  demonstrate,  you  must  not  strike — to  do  so  would  be  to 
disturb  the  peace  and  be  un-American.  You  stay  where  you  are — in 
the  gutter. 

"But  Frank,  I  have  been  a  'gutter'  person  myself.  I  know  that  you 
have  the  intelligence  not  to  be  fooled  for  long  by  the  lies  of  the  insulting 
'patriots'  and  their  schools  and  their  newspapers. 

"Your  fellow  workers  in  Germany  were  not  fooled.  They  saw  the 
German  patriots  grinding  the  life  out  of  the  working  men  at  a  time  when 
their  country  was  over-flowing  with  milk  and  honey,  and  they  organized. 
In  Germany  the  respectable  people,  such  as  insult  you  in  this  country, 
became  afraid  that  the  working  man  would  get  justice,  that  the  working 
man  would  seize  the  factories  in  which  he  worked  and  use  them  for  all 
the  people,  rather  than  for  the  respectable  patriotic  few,  the  owners. 
Today,  the  German  relatives  of  those  American  women  who  insult  you, 
are  making  their  last  desperate  stand  under  the  leadership  of  that  mad- 
man and  enemy  of  the  worker,  Hitler.  They  are  making  one  last  desperate 
stand  to  keep  the  working  man  in  the  gutter.  The  German  workers  need 
your  help.  If  you  can  help  the  German  working  man  today,  help  to  over- 
throw Hitler  Fascism,  then,  when  the  time  comes  for  you  to  get  justice 
in  this  country,  they  will  stand  ready  to  help  you. 

"The  day  is  coming,  Frank,  when  those  who  insult  honest  working 
men  will  be  cast  into  prison  or  into  the  hospitals  for  the  insane.  And  you, 
Frank,  are  the  one  to  set  the  date. 

"Very  Sincerely  yours, 

Since  I  too  may  be  besieged  by  Red  Workers  asking  my  help  and  advice, 
I  now  take  this  opportunity  to  answer  a  Red  who  may  write  to  me: 

Dear  Red  Worker: 

You  ask  me  why  Rev.  puts  on  such  a  show  of  sympathy  for 

the  Communist  cause  and  of  hatred  for  its  enemies  while  at  the  same  time 
he  himself  does  not  come  out  and  stand  by  your  side  as  an  avowed  comrade? 
You  want  to  know  why  he  calls  himself  a  "Liberal"  instead  of  a  Communist? 

I  will  explain  this  to  you,  Red.    You  see  Rev.  has  a  much  better 

education  than  you  have  and  he  likes  North  Shore  bourgeois  comforts,  the 
title  of  "Rev.,"  an  income  from  capitalistic  sources,  and  he  does  not  want 
to  lose  these  nor  to  risk  his  head  in  Red  demonstrations,  nor  to  spend  his 

44  The  Red  Network 

time  in  smelly  jails  with  you.  Don't  you  see  how  much  safer  it  is  for  him 
to  peek  out  from  behind  the  skirts  of  respectability,  to  sic  you  on  to  do  the 
dirty  work?  In  that  way  he  gets  the  thrill  without  paying  the  bill. 

After  the  Revolution  is  over,  of  course,  I  shan't  blame  you,  Red,  if  you 
do  with  his  kind  just  what  your  brothers  in  Russia  did  after  their  Revolution. 
They  made  truces  with  some  of  their  outright  Czarist  enemies  but  they 
cleaned  out  as  so  much  bourgeois  trash  the  yellow  little  professors  and  min- 
isters who  had  tried  to  play  both  sides  and  were  true  to  neither,  especially 
when  it  came  to  making  sacrifices.  This  was  right.  One  cannot  depend  on 
a  man  who  is  not  loyal  to  his  colors — be  they  Red  or  White. 

Mike  Gold  has  the  right  idea.  In  his  communist  Daily  Worker  column, 
Oct.  24,  1933,  he  says  of  these  arm-chair  warriors: 

"One  of  the  basic  dangers  has  been  that  these  intellectuals  come  into 
the  movement  bringing  a  great  deal  of  worthless  bourgeois  baggage  in  their 
minds  and  trying  to  sell  this  junk  to  the  movement.  They  sometimes  demand 
positions  of  leadership,  and  try  to  revise  and  pervert  the  proletarian  char- 
acter of  the  Communist  movement.  .  .  .  One  of  the  most  amazing  sights  to  me 
has  been  to  watch  some  of  the  recent  recruits  to  Marxism  around  New  York. 
Their  progress  is  sometimes  as  rapid  and  humorous  as  that  of  an  old  Key- 
stone comedy.  On  May  1  they  suddenly  discover  the  proletarian  revolution. 
It  had  been  present  in  the  world  for  over  60  years  but  the  boys  shout  and 
whoop  as  though  they  were  original  Columbuses.  ...  By  the  next  May  Day 
these  heroes  have  been  completely  disillusioned.  Now  they  have  a  whole 
new  program  for  Communism  and  they  share  the  'betrayed'  feeling  of  a 
Trotsky.  Really  it  is  no  wonder  intellectuals  get  a  bad  name.  The  worker 
earns  his  Communism  and  the  right  to  make  mistakes  by  hard  and  dangerous 
experience.  Do  these  intellectuals  really  EARN  their  right  to  criticize?  They 
know  nothing,  actually  nothing,  of  the  revolutionary  practise.  It  is  all  in 
their  heads." 

The  next  day  he  took  another  crack  at  them,  saying:  "the  truth  for 
which  one  is  ready  to  die  or  (more  dreadful)  the  truth  for  which  one  is  ready 
to  go  ragged  and  poor  . . .  this  really  is  the  Integrity  that  the  vacillating  Stuart 
Chases  cannot  permit  themselves  to  see  or  announce.  This  is  the  true  luxury 
of  integrity — the  guts  to  speak  out  and  say  'Capitalism  is  dead,  Long  live 
Communism  I' ' 

One  cannot  dispute  Rev.  's  statement  that  he  belongs  in  the 

gutter ;  but  if  I  felt  about  Communism  as  he  says  he  feels,  I  would  quit  ped- 
dling the  "opium"  of  religion,  as  Marx  calls  it,  from  a  bourgeois  North  Shore 
pulpit  and  call  myself  a  Communist  not  a  "Liberal." 

But  wasn't  it  kinda  cute  and  deteckatif-like  for  him  to  find  out  all  by 
himself  that  a  big  strong  man  is  seen  with  me  "more  often  than  not?"  Of 
course  he  only  infers — you  know.  Wouldn't  he  be  surprised  if  he  could  see 
the  door  close  on  that  man  and  me  night  after  night  when  he  brings  me  home? 
He  has  stayed  with  me  for  fifteen  years,  and,  while  law  and  engineering  are 
supposed  to  be  his  professions,  still  he  does  break  spinach-eating  and  neck- 
washing  "strikes"  on  the  part  of  our  children. 

Like  the  rotten  bourgeois  that  I  am,  I  bear  his  name.  But  what's  in  a 
name  when  one  is  facing  at  best  the  penitentiary  or  asylum  as  I  am? 

Who  Are  They? — Gandhi 45 

On  the  door  of  the  A.  C.  L.  IT.  Chicago  hdqts.,  Room  611,  160  N.  La  Salle 

St.,  of  which  Rev.  and  Carl  Haessler  are  both  members  is 

printed  "Institute  for  Mortuary  Research,  The  Director,  Carl  Haessler,  Fed- 
erated Press,"  etc.  Do  you  not  see  the  connection,  Red?  While  Haessler 
capably  runs  the  communists'  Federated  Press  and  teaches  leaders  for  Red 

revolution  at  the  communist   Workers   School,  his  and   Rev.   's 

A.  C.  L.  U.  committee  in  his  office  defend  his  pupils  when  they  participate  in 
little  riot  practise  skirmishes.  But  with  the  Institute  for  Mortuary  Research 
under  the  same  capable  Haessler  direction,  how  can  people  like  me  have 
hope  of  the  asylum  or  penitentiary  after  the  Revolution? 

Yours  until  I  clasp  a  White's  lily, 



Those  who  read  newspapers  these  days  without  some  knowledge  of  Red 
propaganda  and  its  propagandists  miss  much  of  the  significance  of  what  they 
read.  Lectures,  forums  and  debates,  advertised  in  such  a  way  as  to  make  it 
appear  they  are  impartial  educational  entertainments  of  general  public 
interest,  are  the  mediums  constantly  used  for  subversive  propaganda  among 
the  intelligentsia. 

Stuart  Chase,  when  he  lectured  before  the  society  Town  Hall  audiences 
was  advertised  as  an  "economist"  and  author,  not  as  a  Socialist  propagandist 
and  former  associate  of  the  Berkman  anarchist  gang.  Scott  Nearing,  the 
Communist  mouthpiece  of  Moscow,  is  also  referred  to  in  the  press  as  a  lec- 
turer and  "economist."  In  the  press  notices  announcing  Horace  Bridges  as 
the  speaker  for  a  North  Shore  audience,  his  connection  with  the  Ethical 
Society  was  emphasized,  but  no  mention  made  of  his  connection  with  the 
Communist-aiding  American  Civil  Liberties  Union.  He  is  on  the  Chicago 
Committee  which  has  been  pushing  suits  against  the  City  of  Melrose  Park 
because  its  police,  when  attacked  and  defied  by  Communist  rioters,  were 
forced  to  uphold  law  and  order  and  use  guns.  If  these  suits  are  successful, 
no  one  will  be  safe,  for  naturally  the  police  will  not  dare  to  interfere  with 
Communist  agitators. 


Vithalbhai  J.  Patel,  speaker  at  the  Wilmette  Sunday  Evening  Club  and 
Union  League  Club  of  Chicago  last  year  was  the  Gandhi  aid  released  from 
jail  and  "welcomed  out"  of  India.  He  was  the  house  guest  while  in  Chicago, 
of  Herbert  J.  Friedmann,  who  is  on  the  executive  board  of  the  Chicago  Civil 
Liberties  Committee.  Patel  was  listed  in  the  Communist  Moscow  News  of 
August  30,  1932,  as  the  delegate  for  India  to  the  Communist  "World  Con- 
gress Against  War"  which  convened  in  Amsterdam  in  August,  1932. 

"The  Surrender  of  an  Empire"  (by  Nesta  Webster,  published  by  Boswell, 
London),  in  writing  about  Gandhi's  Moscow-financed  agitations  in  India, 
has  bits  like  this:  "In  1928,  the  Bardoli  No-Tax  Campaign  was  carried 
out  by  Vithalbhai  Patel.  This  agitation,  though  ostensibly  industrial,  was 
directly  inspired  by  Communist  agents.  .  .  .  Meanwhile  money  had  been  sent 

46  The  Red  Network 

continually  from  Moscow  to  the  strike  leaders.  In  May  it  was  publicly 
announced  that  £1575  had  been  sent.  ...  In  August  a  sum  of  £5500  ...  on 
September  5,  £1000  from  Moscow.  'The  Statesman'  confessed  itself  puzzled 
as  to  the  policy  of  the  British  government  in  allowing  Soviet  Russia  to  remit 
these  sums  through  British  banks  in  order  to  foment  agitation.  ...  In  March, 
Pravda  (Moscow  official  paper)  had  declared  that  the  battles  in  India  'are 
now  part  of  the  World  Revolution,  led,  organized  and  watched  over  by  the 
Communist  International  ...  in  July  it  devoted  eight  columns  to  an  analysis 
of  the  position  in  India,  showing  that  Moscow  was  not  only  heavily  sub- 
sidizing the  revolutionary  movement  there,  but  maintaining  its  own  spies 
and  agents,  and  again  admitting  that  it  was  out  to  destroy  British  power  in 
India."  (The  British  government  sent  an  appeal  to  the  Indian  people  say- 
ing the  government  and  Viceroy  were  in  entire  accord  with  Indian  desire 
for  self-government.  Gandhi,  Nationalist  leader,  replied  demanding  a  con- 
ference.) "The  violent  elements  in  the  Nationalist  camp  replied  more  for- 
cibly by  placing  a  bomb  on  the  rails  outside  Delhi,  with  the  object  of  blow- 
ing up  the  Viceroy's  train,  which  was  carrying  him,  on  December  23rd,  to 
a  meeting  with  Gandhi  and  other  Nationalist  leaders.  The  plot,  however, 
failed  in  its  effect  .  .  .  (1930)  Savage  rioting  broke  out  in  Calcutta;  a  raid, 
accompanied  by  the  murder  of  British  officials  and  every  form  of  violence, 
was  made  on  the  armories  of  Chittagong ;  loyal  Indian  police  were  massacred 
and  burned  by  brutal  mobs  at  Sholapur;  the  Afridis  descended  from  the 
hills  and  Peshawar  burst  into  flame.  As  Gandhi  peacefully  observed  to  the 
'Times'  correspondent  'Non-violent  and  violent  movements  always  go  hand 
in  hand.' 

"Then  and  then  only,  when  India  was  in  a  blaze  from  end  to  end,  the 
Viceroy  took  alarm  and  resolved  on  firmer  action.  ...  On  May  5  Gandhi  was 
arrested.  His  successors  to  the  leadership,  the  aged  Abbas  Tyabji  and  Mrs. 
Naidu,  then  the  Pandit  Motilal  Nehru  and  Vithalbhai  Patel  followed  him 
into  imprisonment  later." 

Glenn  Frank 

When  a  radical  forum  wrote  a  local  paper  asking  that  in  its  columns 
"particular  attention"  be  given  to  Glenn  Frank,  their  lecturer  to  be,  the 
paper  asked  me  to  write  this  publicity  and  published  the  following  (Oct.  28, 
1932),  which  complied  with  the  letter  if  not  the  spirit  of  the  request. 

Those  who  have  paid  "particular  attention"  to  the  Red  movement  know 
that  Glenn  Frank,  president  of  the  U.  of  Wis.,  is  on  the  Mooney-Billings 
Committee  organized  by  the  American  Civil  Liberties  Union,  which  fights  for 
Communists  and  upon  whose  national  board  sit  such  Moscow-controlled 
Communists  as  William  Z.  Foster,  Scott  Nearing,  and  Robert  W.  Dunn.  They 
know  also  of  the  exposures  made  by  John  B.  Chappie,  fiery  Wisconsin  editor, 
whose  revelations  showing  the  connections  between  radicalism  and  atheism 
at  Wisconsin  University  and  Communism-Socialism-La  Folletteism  resulted 
in  such  an  uprising  at  the  last  election  that  for  the  first  time  in  forty  years 
the  La  Follette  dynasty  was  overthrown.  The  Wisconsin  voters  registered 
their  unwillingness  to  surrender  to  the  threefold  Red  onslaught  against  (1) 

Who  Are  They?— Glenn  Frank 47 

the  right  to  own  property,   (2)   the  American  home  and  Christian  moral 
standards,  (3)  the  American  form  of  government. 

Harry  Elmer  Barnes,  who  said  "There  is  no  such  thing  as  sin,  scientifi- 
cally speaking,  and  hence  it  disappears  into  the  limbo  of  outworn  super- 
stitions. The  Bible  deserves  no  reverential  awe,"  etc.,  founded  the  Wisconsin 
American  Civil  Liberties  Union  chapter  with  headquarters  at  the  University. 
Governor  La  Follette,  and  Prof.  Meiklejohn,  head  of  the  Wisconsin  Uni- 
versity Experimental  College,  are  committee  members.  Meiklejohn's  pupils 
on  the  Communist  Labor  Day,  May  1,  1931,  were  flying  the  Red  flag  and 
singing  the  Internationale  without  known  protest  from  him.  One  of  his  pupils, 
Fred  Bassett  Blair,  now  running  for  governor  on  the  Communist  ticket,  was 
sentenced  to  serve  a  year  for  rioting  in  Milwaukee.  Meiklejohn  worked 
diligently  to  have  him  released.  Governor  La  Follette  pardoned  and  released 
him  before  his  term  expired. 

Bill  Haywood  House,  named  in  honor  of  the  Anarchist-Communist  and 
occupied  by  radical  students,  a  large  proportion  being  self-professed  Com- 
munists, has  been  situated  on  University  property.  A  large  photo  of  Lenin, 
sent  from  Russia,  decorated  the  walls.  (U.  P.  Dispatch.) 

The  Wisconsin  University  Zona  Gale  Scholarship  was  awarded  to  a  young 
Communist,  David  Goronefsky,  alias  Gordon.  He  led  a  Communist  parade 
at  Madison  which  resulted  in  the  injury  of  two  persons.  He  wrote  an  obscene 
poem  against  the  United  States,  printed  in  the  communist  Daily  Worker, 
which  was  so  vile  that  he  was  sentenced  to  serve  three  years  in  the  New 
York  State  Reformatory.  Zona  Gale,  one  of  the  Wisconsin  University 
Regents  wrote  the  New  York  Parole  Board  begging  for  Gordon's  early  release 
saying  in  part  (U.  of  Wis.  Cardinal,  May  8,  1928):  "I  am  interested  in  the 
future  of  David  Gordon.  Mr.  Gordon  was  the  winner  of  a  scholarship  in 
competition  with  many  other  applicants,  a  scholarship  which  he  held  at  the 
time  of  his  conviction  for  an  offense  committed  before  he  entered  the  Uni- 
versity of  Wisconsin.  As  the  donor  of  this  scholarship  I  want  you  to  know 
that  with  the  approval  of  the  president  the  scholarship  will  continue  to 
belong  to  Mr.  Gordon  upon  his  release  from  the  reformatory." 

In  a  notorious  case  involving  student  immorality  at  Wisconsin  University, 
Prof.  William  Ellery  Leonard  defended  the  actions  of  the  immoral  students 
in  a  long  letter  to  President  Frank,  saying  their  actions  were  "founded  on 
the  decent  instincts  of  human  nature."  Dean  Nardin  in  upholding  marriage 
and  morality  stated:  "Prof.  Leonard  is  an  advocate  of  free  love  and  a  con- 
tributing force  to  unsanctified  marriage."  President  Frank  was  evasive.  It 
was  noted,  however,  that  after  notoriety  died  down  somewhat,  Dean  Nardin 
was  discharged  while  Prof.  Leonard  continued  to  hold  his  position.  (See 
Chappie's  "La  Follette-Socialism.") 

Victor  Berger,  the  Milwaukee  Socialist,  in  a  speech  before  a  radical  group, 
said:  "The  ballot  box  is  simply  a  humbug.  Now  I  don't  doubt  that  in  the 
last  analysis  we  must  shoot,  and  when  it  comes  to  shooting  Wisconsin  will 
be  there."  He  advised  radicals  to  have  good  rifles  and  the  necessary  ammu- 
nition. He  died  before  his  dreams  materialized.  This  announcement  appeared 
in  the  Chicago  Daily  News  (March  20,  1931):  "The  Victor  Berger  Foun- 

48  The  Red  Network 

dation  is  preparing  to  launch  a  drive  next  month  for  a  $100,000  fund  as  a 
nucleus  for  a  national  chain  of  daily  newspapers  'for  the  promulgation  of 
liberal  thought  and  public  welfare.'  Prof.  John  Dewey  of  Columbia  Uni- 
versity is  one  of  the  leaders  of  the  foundation.  Associated  with  him  are  Clar- 
ence Darrow,  Jane  Addams,  President  Glenn  Frank  of  the  University  of 
Wisconsin,  Upton  Sinclair,  and  Elizabeth  Gilman  of  Baltimore." 

The  Communist  Daily  Worker  looked  with  such  approval  upon  Maurice 
Hindus'  book  about  Russia,  "Broken  Earth,"  that  they  ran  it  serially.  John 
Dewey  wrote  the  introduction  to  Hindus'  next  book.  Hindus  dedicated  his 
last  book  about  Russia  to  Glenn  Frank. 

Harry  Ward,  A.  C.  L.  U.  leader,  with  Harry  Elmer  Barnes  and  Sherwood 
Eddy,  sent  a  demand  to  the  United  States  War  Department  that  the  ban  on 
the  Communist  party  in  the  Philippines  be  lifted.  This  was  after  300  Com- 
munists had  been  arrested  charged  with  sedition.  One  month  after  this,  at 
the  commencement  exercises,  President  Frank  bestowed  an  honorary  degree 
upon  Harry  Ward  saying:  "As  chairman  of  the  American  Civil  Liberties 
Union  you  have  valiantly  defended  those  basic  rights  of  free  speech,  free 
press,  and  free  association,  without  which  neither  scientific  advance  nor 
social  progress  is  possible." 

A  short  time  after  this  the  New  York  Times  (August  22,  1931)  reported: 
"The  American  Civil  Liberties  Union  announced  yesterday  it  had  cabled 
$500  to  the  Philippines  to  aid  the  legal  defense  of  Communists  indicted  there 
for  sedition."  The  next  spring  (May  19,  1932)  a  New  York  Times  report 
on  rioting,  revolt  and  arson  in  the  Philippines  said:  "Fourteen  Communists, 
free  on  appeal  and  assisted  by  the  American  Civil  Liberties  Union,  are 
declared  to  be  leading  general  agitation." 

Prof.  Max  Otto,  well  known  for  his  atheistic  ideas,  is  prominent  at  Wis- 
consin University.  His  picture  appeared  in  a  periodical  with  the  heading: 
"Is  there  a  God?"  and  below  this:  "Max  Otto  says— NO." 

One  who  has  paid  "particular  attention"  to  Glenn  Frank  is  not  surprised 
that  he  thought  it  necessary  to  announce  publicly  that  he  is  not  a  Com- 
munist, and  that  he  believes  in  the  existence  of  a  God.  The  Chicago  Tribune 
commented  editorially  upon  this  announcement. 


One  of  the  best  press-agented  men  in  the  world  is  Albert  Einstein,  who 
dares  to  tell  the  smart  professors  that  his  Relativity  theory  is  so  far  beyond 
their  intelligence  that  they  cannot  understand  it — and  gets  away  it!  They 
know,  sure  enough,  that  they  cannot  understand  it  but  evidently  figure  that 
the  best  thing  to  do  is  to  keep  quiet  and  leave  him  undisturbed  on  his  self- 
erected  scientific  throne,  lest  perchance  his  theory  might  be  found  to  have 
some  basis  some  day,  in  which  event  they  would  be  classed  as  ignoramuses 
for  having  doubted  it  in  the  first  place. 

Fellow  workers  in  the  Red  movement  are  glad,  of  course,  to  magnify  Ein- 
stein's importance  in  order  to  point  out  with  pride  that  the  greatest  most 
un-understandable  scientist  in  the  world  is  one  of  their  number. 

But  no  publicity  for  some  reason  is  given  to  those  sober  courageous 

Who  Are  They? — Einstein 49 

scientific  authorities  who  with  proof  deride  Einstein's  theory.  Dr.  Nikola 
Tesla  takes  sharp  issue  with  Einstein,  saying:  "The  Einstein  theory  in  many 
respects  is  erroneous."  Charles  Lane  Poor,  Ph.  D.,  Professor  of  Celestial 
Mechanics  at  Columbia  University,  states:  "The  supposed  astronomical 
proofs  of  the  theory  as  cited  and  claimed  by  Einstein  do  not  exist."  Prof. 
Thomas  Jefferson  See,  a  distinguished  scientific  authority,  says:  "Einstein 
is  neither  astronomer,  mathematician  nor  physicist.  He  is  a  confusionist.  The 
Einstein  theory  is  a  fallacy.  The  theory  that  ether  does  not  exist,  and  that 
gravity  is  not  a  force  but  a  property  of  space  can  only  be  described  as  a 
crazy  vagary,  a  disgrace  to  our  age."  Prof.  Dayton  C.  Miller  lectured  before 
the  Western  Society  of  Engineers  on  his  experiments  in  complete  refutation 
of  the  Einstein  theory. 

Perhaps  the  most  exhaustive  treatise  on  the  Einstein  theories  is  the  volume 
entitled  "The  Case  Against  Einstein,"  written  by  Dr.  Arthur  Lynch,  a  very 
eminent  English  scientist.  While  much  of  this  treatise  is  a  technical  analysis 
of  the  mathematical  and  philosophical  fallacies  of  Einsteinism  from  a  scien- 
tific standpoint,  part  of  it  is  of  interest  to  the  layman.  Dr.  Lynch  cites  such 
critics  of  Einstein  as  the  noted  mathematicians,  M.  Picard,  Henry  Poincare, 
"perhaps  the  most  celebrated  of  his  race  since  Cauchy,"  G.  Darboux,  "who 
received  the  Nobel  prize  for  mathematics,"  M.  Paul  Painleve,  LeRoux,  the 
German  Klein,  the  Italians  Ricci  and  Levi  Civita,  "who  have  done  most  to 
develop  the  mathematical  instrument  used  by  the  Relativists"  and  who 
reject  Relativity,  and  the  American  "framers  of  the  case  which  is  the  corner 
stone  of  the  theory,  the  Michelson-Morley  experiment.  Michelson  rejected 
the  Relativist  theory." 

Dr.  Lynch  analyzes  Einstein's  popular  vogue  and  says:  "Yet  as  I  cast 
my  eye  over  the  whole  course  of  science  I  behold  instances  of  false  science, 
even  more  pretentious  and  popular  than  that  of  Einstein  gradually  fading 
into  ineptitude  under  the  searchlight;  and  I  have  no  doubt  that  there  will 
arise  a  new  generation  who  will  look  with  a  wonder  and  amazement,  deeper 
than  now  accompany  Einstein,  at  our  galaxy  of  thinkers,  men  of  science, 
popular  critics,  authoritative  professors  and  witty  dramatists,  who  have  been 
satisfied  to  waive  their  common  sense  in  view  of  Einstein's  absurdities." 

Personally  I  shall  not  forget  the  merry  evening  my  husband  and  I  spent 
at  a  University  round  table  lecture  devoted  to  the  Einstein  theory.  As  our 
instructor  diagrammed  space-time  as  a  circle  and  visioned  us  meeting  our- 
selves as  infants  again  coming  around  the  circle  of  time,  and  demonstrated 
the  speed  of  a  locomotive  and  its  beams  of  light  in  accordance  with  relativity 
and  in  contradiction  to  all  accepted  mathematical  rules,  we  all,  including 
the  instructor  who  admitted  he  could  not  understand  it  himself,  howled  with 
glee.  We  felt  as  though  we  had  spent  an  evening  in  a  mental  madhouse. 

While  I  am  unable  to  understand  the  scientific  value  of  the  Relativity 
theory,  I  can  understand  the  "relativity"  of  Einstein  to  his  daughter. who 
married  a  Russian  and  lived  in  Russia  following  her  marriage.  I  can  also 
see  the  "relativity"  of  the  atheist  book  he  endorses  and  of  the  "Down  with 
War,  Up  with  Revolution"  pacifism  of  the  War  Resisters  International,  of 
which  he  is  a  leader,  to  the  communist  Congress  at  Moscow,  which  he  attended 
(he  appears  in  a  photograph  published  by  the  Better  America  Federation), 

50  The  Red  Network 

and  the  relativity  of  the  communist  Workers  International  Relief,  which  he 
sponsors,  the  communist  Congresses  against  War  and  in  favor  of  Red  revo- 
lution (see  his  "Who's  Who"),  which  he  has  helped  to  assemble,  and  the 
communist  International  Committee  for  Struggle  Against  War,  upon  which 
he  serves  (1933)  with  Maxim  Gorki,  Remain  Rolland,  Henri  Barbusse,  etc., 
Moscow's  world  leaders  for  bloody  Communist  revolution.  Atheism,  pacifism 
for  capitalist  countries,  and  militarism  for  Russia  are  Communist  principles. 

The  League  of  Nations  Chronicle,  published  in  Chicago,  March  1931, 
reporting  Einstein's  address  to  400  "peace"  advocates  in  Chicago  said:  "No 
one  mentioned  relativity.  .  .  .  Militant  opposition  to  militarism  was  his  key- 
note. ...  'It  is  my  conviction  that  the  only  way  is  actual  refusal  of  military 
service/  he  said.  .  .  .  'What  I  propose  is  illegal,  but  whenever  a  government 
demands  criminal  actions  from  its  citizens,  they  have  a  very  real  right  to 
oppose  it  and  we  must  uphold  them.'  " 

In  his  speech  to  the  War  Resisters  conference  at  Lyon,  France,  he  not 
only  urged  defiance  of  the  government  authority  which  requires  citizens  to 
bear  arms  in  defense  of  their  government,  but  also  said:  "I  have  authorized 
the  establishment  of  the  Einstein  War  Resisters  Fund.  Contributions  should 
be  sent  to  the  treasurer  of  the  W.  R.  I.,  11  Abbey  Road,  Enfield,  Middlesex, 
England."  This  fund  is  for  the  defense  of  "militant  war  resisters." 

"The  Patriot"  of  London,  Nov.  30,  1933,  said:  "It  is  reported  from 
Berlin  that  the  entire  seized  property  of  Prof.  Einstein  and  his  wife  has  been 
confiscated  under  the  law  regulating  the  seizure  of  property  of  Communists." 

When  Hitler  started  his  campaign  against  Communists  and  Einstein's 
Jewish  relatives,  Einstein  demonstrated  his  "relativity"  theory  in  a  perfectly 
understandable  way  by  reversing  his  "pacifist"  position  and  urging  Belgian 
war  resisters  to  go  to  war  against  Germany. 

When  the  Woman  Patriot  Society  tried  in  1932  to  bar  Einstein  from 
entering  the  United  States,  the  whole  company  of  Red  intellectuals  rose  up 
in  wrath.  Jane  Addams'  W.  I.  L.  P.  F.  sent  a  message  criticizing  the  Amer- 
ican consul  for  even  questioning  the  idol,  Einstein. 

Yet,  legally,  Einstein's  membership  in  only  one  of  these  communist  organ- 
izations was  sufficient  to  exclude  him  from  admission  to  the  United  States. 

The  United  States  Immigration  Act  of  February  5,  1917,  requires:  "That 
the  following  classes  of  aliens  shall  be  excluded  from  admission  into  the 
United  States:  Anarchists  or  persons  who  believe  in  or  advocate  the  over- 
throw by  force  or  violence  of  the  government  of  the  United  States,  or  who 
disbelieve  in  or  are  opposed  to  organized  government  ...  or  who  are  members 
of  or  affiliated  with  any  organization  entertaining  and  teaching  disbelief  in 
or  opposition  to  organized  government.  .  .  .  The  giving,  loaning  or  promising 
of  money  or  anything  of  value  to  be  used  for  the  advising,  advocacy  or  teach- 
ing of  any  doctrine  above  shall  constitute  the  advising,  advocacy  or  teaching 
of  such  doctrine."  Etc.  (Section  3.) 

Nor  is  it  necessary  to  prove  he  "had  knowledge  of  the  contents  of  the 
programs  ...  or  any  one  of  them.  It  is  sufficient  if  the  evidence  showed  that 
he  was  a  member  of,  or  affiliated  with,  such  an  organization  as  contemplated 
by  the  statute."  (Case  of  "Kjar  vs.  Doak,"  page  six.) 

The  Supreme  Court  of  Pennsylvania  in  the  Robert  F.  Clark  case  (301 

Who  Are  They?  —  Jane  Addams 

Pa.  321)  held:  "Anarchy  will  stalk  in  unmolested  if  individuals,  because  of 
superior  education,  age  or  mental  reservation,  are  to  be  permitted  to  resist 
or  to  modify  the  laws  of  Congress  according  to  their  own  individual  beliefs." 
That  was  a  naturalization  case  where  the  fundamental  principle  of  the  United 
States  Constitution,  namely,  the  power  of  government  to  defend  its  existence 
and  enforce  its  laws  by  force  of  arms,  was  at  issue. 

The  program  of  Einstein's  War  Resisters  International,  which  is  actually 
affiliated  with  at  least  three  Anarchist-Communist  societies,  is  in  entire  con- 
formity with  the  teachings  of  Karl  Marx  as  quoted  by  Lenin:  "Not  merely 
to  hand  on  from  one  set  of  hands  to  another  the  bureaucratic  and  military 
machine  .  .  .  but  to  shatter  it,  and  it  is  this  that  is  the  preliminary  condition 
of  ariy  real  people's  revolution." 

Jane  Addams 

Greatly  beloved  because  of  her  kindly  intentions  toward  the  poor,  Jane 
Addams  has  been  able  to  do  more  probably  than  any  other  living  woman  (as 
she  tells  in  her  own  books)  to  popularize  pacifism  and  to  introduce  radicalism 
into  colleges,  settlements,  and  respectable  circles.  The  influence  of  her  radical 
protegees,  who  consider  Hull  House  their  home  center,  reaches  out  all  over 
the  world.  One  knowing  of  her  consistent  aid  of  the  Red  movement  can  only 
marvel  at  the  smooth  and  charming  way  she  at  the  same  time  disguises  this 
aid  and  reigns  as  "queen"  on  both  sides  of  the  fence. 

I  was  impressed  with  her  charm  and  ability  (and  subterfuge)  at  my  only 
meeting  with  her,  which  was  at  a  Legislative  Hearing  held  at  the  Chicago 
City  Hall,  May  29,  1933.  She  was  there  to  testify  against  the  passage  of  the 
Baker  Bills,  which  aimed  only  at  penalizing  the  seditious  communistic  teach- 
ing of  overthrow  of  this  government  in  Illinois  colleges.  One  would  not  have 
believed  any  person  wishing  to  appear  decently  law  abiding  could  have 
objected  to  these  Bills  which  easily  had  passed  the  Senate;  but  the  vehement 
fight  the  college  presidents  (Hutchins,  Scott,  McClelland,  and  McGuire  of 
St.  Viator's)  put  up  against  them  at  the  first  Hearing  in  Springfield  was  in 
itself  a  revelation. 

At  the  second  Hearing  in  Chicago,  in  reply  to  a  gentleman's  testimony 
concerning  Prof.  Lovett's  revolutionary  speeches,  Miss  Addams,  after  plead- 
ing for  freedom  to  teach  Socialism  and  Communism  in  schools  because  these 
are  world  movements,  said  she  was  sure  Prof.  Lovett  (who  lives  at  Hull 
House)  had  never  advocated  the  overthrow  of  this  government  by  force  and 
violence;  in  fact,  said  she,  "I  don't  believe  I  ever  heard  of  any  member  of 
the  Communist  Party  doing  so  !  Of  course  you  all  know  I  am  a  pacifist  and 
would  not  advocate  the  overthrow  of  anything  by  force  and  violence."  (Lovett 
writes  the  introduction  of  "Recovery  Through  Revolution"  [see]  .) 

I  arose  to  remark  that  Communists  do  advocate  such  overthrow  as  she 
should  know  since  she  had  been  associated  with  enough  of  them,  reminding 
her  that  she  had  spoken  only  in  December  on  the  same  program  with  Com- 
munist Scott  Nearing  at  the  Student  Congress  Against  War  (see)  at  the  Uni- 
versity of  Chicago.  She  started  to  deny  this,  but  I  held  up  the  program  of 
the  Congress  with  her  name  on  it.  Then  she  said:  "But  Prof.  Nearing  is 
not  a  member  of  the  Party  any  more."  I  replied:  "He  is  lecturing  under 

52  The  Red  Network 

the  auspices  of  the  Friends  of  the  Soviet  Union  and  for  the  benefit  of  the 
communist  Chicago  Workers  School  of  revolution  at  2822  S.  Michigan  Ave." 
"O,  I  didn't  know,"  she  murmured.  (I  had  the  announcement  card  with  me.) 

During  this  Hearing,  Carl  Haessler  of  this  same  school  of  revolution  sat 
taking  notes,  probably  for  his  communist  Federated  Press,  and  when  it 
adjourned  he  came  along  with  Jane  Addams  as  she  magnanimously  sought 
me  out,  her  "enemy,"  to  introduce  herself.  Graciously  she  said,  "I  don't 
believe  we  have  ever  met,  Mrs.  Billing,  I  am  Miss  Addams."  We  shook 
hands  and  I  said  "I  believe  you  have  a  very  kind  heart  for  the  poor,  Miss 
Addams,  but  why  is  it  you  have  been  helping  the  Communist  movement  all 
these  years?  Communism  only  pulls  people  down!"  She  said  "I  am  not  a 
member  of  the  Communist  Party."  "No,  of  course  not,"  said  I,  "You  can 
do  so  much  more  good  from  the  outside.  But  you  have  belonged  to  every 
outstanding  Red-aid  society  from  the  American  Civil  Liberties  Union  with 
its  terrible  record  in  aid  of  sedition  down  to  this  last  National  Religion  and 
Labor  Foundation  which  uses  atheist  Soviet  cartoons  and  talks  plain  revo- 
lution." She  said,  "I  make  no  apology  for  my  connection  with  the  Civil 
Liberties  Union.  It  was  quite  necessary  during  the  war.  But  what  is  this 
National  Religion  and  Labor  Foundation  you  mention?"  I  dug  down  into 
my  brief  case  and  drew  out  its  letterhead  and  pointed  to  her  name  on  its 
national  committee.  Mildly  she  professed  to  know  nothing  about  it,  and 
her  woman  companion  at  her  request  copied  off  the  address,  presumably  to 
chide  the  organization  for  "using  her  name." 

Only  a  few  weeks  later  (July  21)  the  Chicago  Daily  News  carried  the 
story  of  a  radical  strike  in  which  three  patrol  wagons  full  of  strike  pickets 
were  arrested  for  "hurling  missiles  at  returning  workers  and  the  police,"  and 
stated  that  Lea  Taylor  of  Chicago  Commons  (who  had  also  testified  against 
the  Baker  Bills  at  this  same  Hearing),  Karl  Borders  of  Chicago  Commons, 
and  Annetta  Dieckman  of  the  Chicago  Y.  W.  C.  A.,  along  with  Francis  Hen- 
son,  Victor  Brown,  Norman  Sibley,  and  Ralph  Barker,  jour  delegates  to  the 
national  conference  of  the  National  Religion  and  Labor  Foundation  then 
being  held  at  Hull  House,  had  joined  the  picket  lines.  So,  after  "discovering" 
her  membership  and  making  inquiries,  Miss  Addams  must  evidently  have 
approved  of  the  National  Religion  and  Labor  Foundation  sufficiently  to  sanc- 
tion its  convention  at  Hull  House. 

Newspaper  photographers  approached  asking  to  take  our  pictures,  as  Miss 
Addams  stood  talking  with  me  after  the  Hearing,  with  Carl  Haessler  grinning 
like  a  little  Cheshire  cat  at  her  side.  He  had  written  me  up  in  the  communist 
Federated  Press  as  a  "rabid  D.  A.  R.,"  following  our  previous  encounter  (see 
article  "Red  Ravinia"). 

To  the  photographers  Miss  Addams  said:  "If  Mrs.  Dilling  is  broadminded 
enough  to  have  her  picture  taken  with  me,  you  may  take  it  providing  you 
will  call  the  picture  Two  D.  A.  R.'s' "  and  to  me,  "You  know  I  also  am  a 
D.  A.  R."  But  before  a  Haessler-Addams-Dilling  photo  could  be  snapped 
then  and  there  I  truthfully  spoke  up  and  said  "I  am  not  a  D.  A.  R.,  I  am  sorry 
to  say,"  which  upset  her  plan. 

Roland  Libonati,  chairman  of  the  Legislative  committee  holding  the  Hear- 
ings, was  impressed  no  doubt  by  the  array  of  talent  ("important"  personages 

Who  Are  They? — G.  Bromley  Oxnam 53 

such  as  college  presidents  and  Jane  Addams)  which  opposed  the  Baker  Bills 
and  favored  freedom  for  communistic  teaching  in  our  schools.  Living  as  he 
does  within  a  block  of  Hull  House,  he  must  also  realize  the  influence  Jane 
Addams  wields  in  his  political  district.  At  any  rate,  the  Bills  were  killed,  as 
he  then  intimated  to  reporters  that  they  would  be. 

Miss  Addams  wields  great  influence  also  at  the  Chicago  Woman's  Club, 
where  the  communist  Chicago  Workers  Theatre  (see)  play  "Precedent"  was 
given  in  May,  1933.  Its  Feb.  1934  play  was  presented  at  Hull  House. 

The  communist  Daily  Worker,  Saturday,  Oct.  21,  1933,  said:  "Today  the 
John  Reed  Club  will  hold  a  banquet  for  Henri  Barbusse  at  the  Chicago 
Woman's  Club,  72  E.  llth  St.  ...  Jane  Addams  internationally  known  social 
worker,  winner  of  the  Nobel  Peace  Prize  and  head  of  the  Women's  Interna- 
tional League  for  Peace  and  Freedom,  writes  that  although  illness  will  prevent 
her  from  attending  the  mass  meeting,  she  expects  to  be  present  at  the  banquet 
and  is  anxious  to  meet  M.  Barbusse.  .  .  .  B.  K.  Gebert,  district  organizer  of 
the  Communist  Party,  and  Herbert  Newton,  editor  of  the  Workers  Voice,  are 
also  scheduled  to  speak  at  the  banquet.  .  .  .  Barbusse  will  be  accompanied  by 
Joseph  Freeman,  editor  of  the  New  Masses  and  Prof.  H.  W.  L.  Dana,  noted 

(See  "Who's  Who"  for  affiliations  of  Jane  Addams.) 

G.  Bromley  Oxnam 

Louis  Adamic,  radical,  in  an  article  entitled  "Liberals  in  Los  Angeles"  in 
"Plain  Talk"  magazine  for  December,  1929,  said:  "A  few  years  ago  there  was 
in  town  a  Methodist  minister,  Methodist  only  in  name — Bromley  Oxnam,  a 
man  of  tremendous  personal  force,  who  ran  a  dingy  institution  called  the 
Church  of  All  Nations,  preaching  in  a  vacant  storeroom  in  an  out-of-the-way 
street,  interesting  himself  in  all  sorts  of  liberal  and  radical  movements,  fighting 
for  the  atheistic  wobblies  who  got  into  jail,  pacifists,  anarchists  and  other 
victims  of  police  persecution,  running  for  office  on  independent  tickets,  speak- 
ing from  all  sorts  of  platforms  five  or  six  times  a  week.  He  wanted  to  stay 
in  Los  Angeles,  but  it  was  no  place  for  a  man  of  his  sincerity  and  capacity 
and  so  when  he  received  an  offer  of  the  presidency  of  De  Pauw  University 
in  Indiana  he  wisely  accepted  it." 

The  Daily  Worker,  Communist  newspaper,  Oct.  26,  1926,  stated:  "Rev. 
Oxnam,  one  of  the  American  delegation  of  24"  (Sherwood  Eddy's  delegation) 
"just  returned  from  Soviet  Russia  spoke  at  the  open  forum  of  the  Civil 
Liberties  Union  at  Music  Arts  Hall  to  a  large  audience.  After  reciting  what 
he  had  seen  in  that  immense  country  he  urged  that  the  American  government 
recognize  the  Union  of  Socialist  Soviet  Republics.  .  .  .  Such  statements  as 
'priests  are  considered  parasites  and  are  therefore  disenfranchised'  and  'tho 
there  is  absolute  religious  freedom  in  Soviet  Russia  yet  there  are  no  young 
people  in  the  churches'  were  greeted  with  enthusiastic  applause." 

The  American  Vigilant  Intelligence  Federation  of  Chicago  reprints  the 
charges  which  Leroy  Smith,  a  member  of  the  M.  E.  Church  of  Los  Angeles, 
laid  before  the  M.  E.  Southern  California  Bishop,  A.  W.  Leonard,  on  Sept. 
22,  1923.  To  quote  from  these  charges,  specifications  and  mass  of  data  con- 
cerning Oxnam's  radical  activities:  "I  hereby  charge  that  G.  Bromley  Oxnam, 

54  The  Red  Network 

.  .  .  has  proven  by  many  and  varied  public  activities,  by  many  personal 
affiliations  and  by  numerous  spoken  and  printed  utterances  that  he  is 
utterly  unfit  to  represent  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  as  one  of  her 

"Specification  1"  cites  details  of  a  meeting  held  April  13,  1921,  in  behalf 
of  prisoners  convicted  for  sedition  at  which  Oxnam  "had  as  a  fellow  speaker 
Harriet  Dunlop  Prenter,  the  well  known  Communist." 

Specification  2  tells  how  Oxnam  spoke  at  "a  protest  mass  meeting  against 
the  Criminal  Syndicalism  Act  of  the  State  of  Calif.";  and  at  this  same  meet- 
ing it  was  publicly  advertised  that  "members  of  the  I.  W.  W.  now  on  trial 
would  address  the  meeting  and  did  address  said  meeting,  six  of  these  men 
being  introduced  as  martyrs." 

Specification  3  charges  that  May  19,  1923  under  A.  C.  L.  U.  auspices  in 
the  interest  of  Upton  Sinclair  and  in  defense  of  so-called  "Freedom  of  Speech," 
in  company  with  specified  notorious  radicals,  "Mr.  Oxnam  opened  the 
meeting  with  prayer  and  as  he  started  to  pray,  several  in  the  gallery  called 
out  'Cut  out  the  prayer';  one  of  these  men  said,  'Who  the  hell  is  that  Bird?' 
One  of  the  others  answered,  'That's  Oxnam,  the  Wobbly  Preacher.7  The  first 
one  asked,  'Is  he  with  us?'  The  second  one  replied,  'Is  he?  You  ought  to 
hear  the  blankety  blank  blank  preach  sometimes.'  Then  the  third  man  broke 
in — 'That's  the  dope — that's  great,  once  we  get  a  few  of  these  Holy  Joes 
coming  our  way,  we'll  be  able  to  put  the  skids  on  the  whole  damned  works, 
president,  constitution,  government  and  all' — others  agreed  with  fine  fervor"; 
etc.  (Note:  "Wobblies"  is  the  slang  term  for  "I.  W.  W.'s.") 

Specifications  under  the  second  charge  concerning  Oxnam's  unfitness  for 
the  ministry  include:  "One  of  Mr.  Oxnam's  trusted  Lieutenants,  an  enthusi- 
astic teacher  in  his  Sunday  School,  has  been  Mrs.  Kashub.  Mrs.  Kashub 
entertained  Harriet  Dunlop  Prenter  and  other  numerous  Communists  and 
I.  W.  W.'s  on  visits  to  this  city.  Mrs.  Kashub  has  been  teaching  the  children 
from  9  to  11  years  of  age  in  the  Church  of  All  Nations;  she  has  been  using 
Walter  Thomas  Mills'  book  called  The  Struggle  for  Existence'  as  a  text 
book.  This  book  is  wonderfully  adapted  to  make  it  easy  to  understand  Social- 
ism. On  a  certain  Sunday  morning  not  long  since,  in  the  Sunday  School  Class 
of  Mrs.  Kashub,  the  following  program  was  carried  out:  First — The  studies 
in  Socialism  lasted  one  hour.  Second — There  was  one  hour  of  dancing.  Third 
— There  was  twenty  minutes  of  singing — the  meeting  closed  by  singing  'The 
Workers'  Flag  is  the  Red  Flag.'  " 

Specifications  No.  2  states:  "The  Boy  Scout  movement  of  the  Church 
of  All  Nations  (Methodist  Episcopal)  is  in  charge  of  a  young  Russian 
Socialist  by  the  name  of  Klussman." 

Specification  3:  "The  Church  has  a  library  of  most  up-to-date  Socialist 
and  Communist  books,"  etc. 

Specification  4:  "His  religious  services  have  not  been  religious  services." 
(See  "Who's  Who"  for  affiliations.) 

"Red  Ravinia" — Carl  Haessler 

Several  years  ago,  because  of  the  activities  of  a  certain  "Red"  clique, 
Ravinia  acquired  the  nickname  "Red  Ravinia"  in  neighboring  communities. 

Who  Are  They?  "Red  Ravinia"—Carl  Haessler 55 

Carl  Haessler  spoke  at  the  Ravinia  Woman's  Club  April  13th,  1932,  in 
favor  of  Communism  and  violent  Red  revolution  in  America.  His  audience 
was  composed  of  well-dressed  women  who  enjoy  the  comfortable  homes, 
great  new  inventions,  and  educational  benefits  of  church  and  school  which 
the  American  "capitalistic"  system  has  fostered  as  never  before  in  the  world's 
history.  To  be  sure,  Haessler  is  a  past  master  at  the  art  of  revolutionary 
propaganda.  His  own  account  of  how  he  and  a  few  others  incited  the  strike 
of  3,200  fellow  prisoners  in  Leavenworth  Penitentiary  demonstrates  practical 
ability  which  no  doubt  helped  him  to  secure  his  present  position  as  Chicago 
head  of  the  Communistic  propaganda  news-gathering  agency,  The  Federated 

In  appearance,  Haessler  is  harmless,  even  effeminate,  and  before  the 
Woman's  Club  he  employed  to  perfection  the  manner  of  a  sweet  startled  deer 
beseeching  its  captors  for  mercy,  which  is  so  appealing  to  the  mother  instinct. 
He  told  the  ladies  he  wanted  to  avoid  offending  anyone,  and  apologetically 
asked  that  his  propaganda  be  regarded  as  an  academic  question  (not  a  ques- 
tion of  life  and  death  to  all  of  us).  By  all  the  subtle  arts  of  indirection  and 
innuendo  he  proposed  a  revolution  of  terror  and  confiscation  as  smoothly  as 
though  he  were  offering  his  listeners  a  charming  prospect  or  a  chocolate  cream, 
and  most  of  them  seemed  to  accept  it  as  such. 

Haessler's  introductory  remarks  were  that,  while  he  was  not  a  member 
of  the  Club  (laughter),  he  felt  that  he  had  taken  part  in  its  life  through  his 
wife,  who  had  acted  as  Program  Chairman,  Secretary  of  the  Board,  etc.,  for 
over  ten  years.  After  hearing  this,  I  could  well  understand  the  difficulty 
patriotic  citizens  and  club  members  have  had  in  trying  to  combat  "Red"  influ- 
ence in  Ravinia,  where  the  Haesslers  live. 

Briefly,  his  arguments  were  for  the  confiscation  of  all  private  wealth  and 
property,  and  for  putting  these  under  state  control  (control  by  state  political 
machines  being  purer,  supposedly,  than  private  control).  He  said  that  while 
the  Socialist  and  Communist  systems  were  interchangeable,  Socialists  think 
they  can  win  by  peaceable  means,  while  "history  tells  Communists"  that 
violence  is  necessary,  and  that  his  sympathies  were  with  Communism.  He 
said  Communism  is  inevitable  and  we  had  only  to  choose  between  "dragging 
along"  for  several  generations  or  "having  it  over  with"  by  quick,  violent 
revolution.  He  deceptively  compared  this  proposed  revolution  with  our  own 
Revolutionary  War  for  independence  (as  Communists  always  do).  He  non- 
chalantly observed  that  while  revolutions  undoubtedly  "pull  down  houses," 
many  of  these  need  pulling  down  anyway,  and  while  they  undoubtedly  kill 
people,  all  of  these  would  have  to  die  later  anyway,  so  that,  after  a  few  gen- 
erations this  violence  becomes  immaterial.  He  omitted  to  say  that  property 
destruction  and  death  would  be  very  material  to  this  generation.  However, 
as  Haessler's  appearance  is  harmless  and  appealing,  the  ladies  applauded  him 
enthusiastically;  they  had  "listened,"  evidently,  to  his  appearance. 

It  is  interesting  to  note  in  Communist  literature  that  criminal  violence  is 
always  promoted  and  excused  under  a  cloak  of  supposed  martyrdom.  Negroes 
are  urged  to  fight  their  white  "oppressors,"  who  actually  have  freed  them  and 
given  them  better  jobs  and  opportunities  than  exist  in  Africa.  Mooney  is 
the  Anarchist  convicted  of  bombing  the  1917  Preparedness  Day  Parade  at 

56  The  Red  Network 

San  Francisco,  when  many  were  killed  and  injured.  To  the  Communists, 
Mooney  is  "framed"  by  his  "capitalistic  oppressors,"  and  freeing  him  is  a 
popular  Communist  cause.  Freeing  the  Scottsboro  Negroes  convicted  of  rap- 
ing two  white  girls  is  another  Communist  enthusiasm  (in  order  to  stir  up  race 
hatred).  Patriotic  citizens  of  Ravinia  speak  with  despair  and  indignation 
of  their  futile  efforts  to  combat  "Red"  influences  in  Ravinia  and  of  the  per- 
sistence required  to  keep  the  United  States  flag  displayed  there.  As  soon 
as  a  "Ravinia  Red"  is  reproached  for  disloyalty  to  America,  he  or  she  at 
once  assumes  the  martyr  role,  giving  the  role  of  "oppressor"  to  the  patriotic 
person,  who  is  then  referred  to  slightingly  as  a  "hundred-per-center,"  "a 
narrow-minded  D.  A.  R.,"  or  a  "super  patriot."  To  praise  the  American 
Legion  in  "Red  Ravinia"  society  circles,  would  be  the  social  faux  pas  inex- 

No  one  in  Ravinia  has  ever  accused  Brent  Dow  Allinson  of  being  a  "super 
patriot."  He  is  the  infamous  slacker  who  refused  to  serve  his  country  in  the 
World  War  and,  like  Haessler,  is  a  penitentiary  alumnus.  His  mother  is  an 
active  member  of  the  Ravinia  Woman's  Club. 

Haessler  served  twenty-six  months  in  Leavenworth  and  Alcatraz  Prisons 
(between  June  1918  and  August  1920),  for  refusal  to  serve  the  United 
States  during  the  World  War.  His  reasons  for  refusing  to  serve,  and  his 
activities  while  confined  in  prison,  are  clearly  set  forth  in  his  article  describ- 
ing the  strike  incited  by  the  "political  prisoners"  of  whom  he  was  one.  This 
article  appeared  in  the  Communist  "Labor  Defender"  (issue  of  January, 
1927),  and  is  entitled  "The  Fort  Leavenworth  General  Strike  of  Prisoners — 
An  Experiment  in  the  Radical  Guidance  of  Mass  Discontent."  It  says  in 
part:  "Not  every  convict  took  part  in  the  general  strike  that  brought  the 
War  Department  of  the  strongest  nation  on  earth  to  its  knees.  But  those 
who  scabbed  will  remember  the  surging  of  overwhelming  cooperative  action 
that  all  but  engulfed  them."  (He  tells  how  the  500  out  of  3,700  prisoners 
who  did  not  join  were  afraid  to  return  to  their  cells  for  fear  of  the  strikers.) 
"How  was  this  feeling  brought  about?  It  is  an  interesting  experiment  in  the 
solidarity  of  mobilizing  and  directing  mass  discontent.  A  small  but  highly 
organized  and  highly  conscious  body  of  prisoners  led  the  great  majority 
almost  without  the  knowledge  of  anybody  but  the  leaders  and  their  opponents, 
the  military  command  of  the  prison.  This  small  body  of  leaders  were  the 
political  objectors  to  the  Wilson  war.  .  .  .  Their  purpose  was  general  revo- 
lutionary propaganda,  and,  if  the  occasion  proved  favorable,  revolutionary 
action  ,  .  .  The  politicals  as  a  rule  had  no  conscience  so  far  as  means  of  fur- 
thering their  main  purpose  was  concerned.  They  deemed  Socialism,  or  Com- 
munism, as  many  of  them  began  to  call  it  after  the  Russian  revolution,  as 
more  important  than  any  specially  ordained  way  of  achieving  it  ...  Where 
the  commandant  used  spies  and  propaganda  the  politicals  did  likewise  with 
better  effect.  In  a  few  months  they  had  the  roughneck  ordinary  military 
convict  tatooing  red  flags  instead  of  the  national  emblem  on  their  arms  and 
chests.  In  some  weeks  more  they  had  them  rejecting  every  chance  to  shorten 
their  terms  by  reinstatement  with  the  colors."  (He  describes  the  riots  in 
which  arms  were  broken,  teeth  knocked  out,  and  prisoners  "bruised  to  a 
jelly.")  "That  night  the  commandant  surrendered.  The  men  then  returned 

Who  Are  They?  "Red  Ravinia" — Carl  Haessler 57 

to  work.  Their  strike  had  been  successful  beyond  their  dreams.  .  .  .  The 
political  prisoners  had  not  produced  the  mob  but  they  had  supplied  the  direc- 
tion for  it.  The  two  factors  cooperated  in  a  neat  little  revolutionary  experi- 
ment behind  the  walls  and  under  the  guns  of  Fort  Leavenworth.  When  the 
tide  of  events  produces  similar  conditions  on  a  national  scale,  it  may  be  that 
men  of  national  calibre  will  be  ready  to  carry  out  a  similar  experiment  on 
national  and  international  lines"  (All  italicising  mine).  He  was  the  spokes- 
man for  the  strikers,  as  is  proudly  stated  in  the  radicals'  Am.  Labor  Who's 

In  1922,  Haessler  became  Managing  Editor  of  the  Federated  Press,  which 
is  described  in  the  U.  S.  Government  Fish  Committee  report  on  Communism 
(2290).  The  Communist  Party  of  America  considers  the  Federated  Press  its 
own  press  service  organization,  and  upwards  of  200  papers  in  the  U.  S.  are 
affiliated  with  it.  It  represents  and  is  closely  associated  with  the  Soviet  Union 
Telegraph  Agency.  Louis  P.  Lochner  is  European  director  and  has  an  office 
in  Berlin  where  he  is  in  close  touch  with  the  International  Propaganda  Bureau 
of  the  Communist  International  of  Moscow.  Haessler  is  also  an  official  of  the 
communist  Workers  School  (of  revolution). 

Haessler,  while  lecturing  August  12,  1926,  is  said  to  have  referred  to  his 
sister  Gertrude  as  being  then  in  Moscow  studying  "Journalism."  Gertrude 
Haessler  writes  not  only  for  Communist  papers  but  also  for  the  Communist 
"Party  Organizer."  She  is  an  authority  on  publications  of  "shop  nuclei," 
or  revolutionary  units  in  shops.  The  April,  1932,  issue  of  that  startling  Com- 
munist paper,  the  "Labor  Defender,"  bears  an  article  by  her  entitled  "In 
Blue  Blood  Kentucky."  In  it,  she  ridicules  the  "capitalistic"  Lindberghs  and 
their  lost  baby,  as  Communist  papers  have  been  doing  ever  since  the  kid- 
napping. She  upholds  Mooney  and  the  convicted  Scottsboro  Negro  rapists 
and  says:  "Lindbergh  shaking  hands  with  the  czars  of  the  underworld  in 
the  frantic  effort  to  get  back  his  'chubby,  golden-haired  son'  doesn't  give  a 
damn  for  the  nine  terrified  little  dark  skinned  Scottsboro  lads  .  .  .  Lindbergh, 
the  ideal  of  American  boyhood,  never  made  a  move  to  see  that  Mother 
Mooney  got  her  son  back  during  the  entire  fifteen  years  of  his  legal  kid- 

After  Haessler's  talk  at  the  Ravinia  Woman's  Club,  one  of  the  "Red 
Ravinians"  said  to  a  friend  of  mine  who  has  the  honor,  which  I  have  not, 
of  being  a  D.  A.  R.  member;  "I  don't  understand  you  D.  A.  R.'s  at  all.  You 
are  all  for  that  old  1776  Revolution  but  against  this  new  revolution."  Com- 
munists delight  in  making  it  appear  that  our  Revolutionary  War  for  Inde- 
pendence and  the  second  Russian,  or  Bolshevik,  revolution,  as  well  as  the 
proposed  international  "Red"  revolution,  are  all  similar.  They  are  not 
similar.  Our  Revolutionary  War  of  1776  was  to  establish  only  the  right  of 
this  nation  to  govern  itself.  The  first  Russian  revolution  which  overthrew 
the  Czar  in  February,  1917,  formed  the  Kerensky  government,  patterned 
somewhat  after  our  own,  and  was  a  revolution  concerning  only  Russia.  The 
U.  S.  was  the  first  nation  to  officially  recognize  the  Kerensky  government. 
But  eight  months  later,  in  October,  1917,  about  36,000  Russian  Communist 
Bolsheviks  overthrew  the  Kerensky  government  and  proceeded  to  repudiate 
all  national  debts  and  set  up  a  dictatorship  over,  not  of,  the  "proletariat," 

58  The  Red  Network 

more  autocratic  than  any  Czar's.  They  confiscated  all  private  property, 
murdered  at  least  3,000,000  persons  of  the  upper  classes  and  of  those  resist- 
ing dispossession.  They  abolished  all  religion,  for  Communists  everywhere 
must  not  only  be  atheists  themselves  but  also  militantly  anti-religious.  They 
set  up  and  financed,  as  part  of  the  Soviet  government,  the  Third  International, 
whose  purpose  is  (quoting  U.  S.  Government  Report  2290)  "the  stirring  up 
of  Communist  activities  in  foreign  countries  in  order  to  cause  strikes,  riots, 
sabotage,  bloodshed  and  civil  war  .  .  .  The  ultimate  and  final  objective  is  by 
means  of  world  revolution  to  establish  the  dictatorship  of  the  so-called  pro- 
letariat into  one  world  union  of  Soviet,  Socialist  Republics  with  the  capital 
at  Moscow." 

As  this  U.  S.  report  says  (page  65) :  "There  is  a  sharp  distinction  between 
the  right  to  advocate  in  an  academic  way  any  doctrine  we  like  and  the  right, 
which  is  not  right,  under  any  reasonable  interpretation  of  our  Constitution, 
to  preach  and  plan  the  overthrow  of  our  republican  form  of  government  by 
force  and  violence."  This  report  says  in  regard  to  the  Soviet  "five-year 
plan":  "  Travda,'  the  Communist  organ,  of  August  29,  1929,  fully  defines 
its  purpose:  clt  is  a  plan  tending  to,  undermine  capitalist  stabilization.  It  is 
a  great  plan  of  world  revolution.'  "  In  spite  of  the  efforts  of  radical  Senators 
with  Soviet  sympathies,  like  Brookhart,  Borah,  La  Follette,  etc.,  the  U.  S. 
Government  long  refused  to  officially  recognize  the  Soviet  government. 

Atheism  and  Communism  go  hand  in  hand.  The  February  14,  1928, 
issue  of  the  Communist  "Daily  Worker"  announced  an  illustrated  lecture  by 
Carl  Haessler  on  "The  Twilight  of  Religion  in  Soviet  Russia"  under  the 
auspices  of  the  Russian  branch  of  the  American  Association  for  the  Advance- 
ment of  Atheism  at  Workers'  Home,  1902  West  Division  Street,  Chicago.  On 
January  7,  1932,  Haessler  gave  a  lecture  "The  Twilight  of  the  Gods  in 
Russia"  at  the  Communist  atheist  forum  at  109  West  Chicago  Avenue, 

Haessler  is  a  committeeman  of  the  American  Civil  Liberties  Union,  of 
which  the  U.  S.  Report  (2290)  says:  "The  A.  C.  L.  U.  is  closely  affiliated 
with  the  Communist  movement  in  the  U.  S.  and  fully  ninety  per  cent  of  its 
efforts  are  in  behalf  of  Communists  who  have  come  into  conflict  with  the  law. 
It  claims  to  stand  for  free  speech,  free  press,  and  free  assembly;  but  it  is 
quite  apparent  that  the  main  effort  of  the  A.  C.  L.  U.  is  to  attempt  to  protect 
the  Communists  in  their  advocacy  of  force  and  violence  to  overthrow  the 
Government,  replacing  the  American  flag  by  a  red  flag  and  erecting  a  Soviet 
government  in  place  of  the  republican  form  of  government  .  .  .  Roger  Bald- 
win, its  guiding  spirit,  makes  no  attempt  to  hide  his  friendship  for  the  Com- 
munists and  their  principles."  It  was  this  same  Roger  Baldwin  who  recently 
threatened  to  sue  Henry  Ford  for  "countenancing  the  injury"  of  the  Com- 
munist rioters  at  the  Ford  plant. 

Roger  Baldwin  was  the  speaker  for  the  Ravinia  Woman's  Club  January 
14,  1931.  Mrs.  Haessler  was  then  the  Club's  Program  Chairman.  Ravinia 
residents  tell  of  the  community  dinner  which  preceded  the  evening  meeting 
of  the  Ravinia  Woman's  Club  March  3,  1926,  at  which  the  honored  speaker 
was  Scott  Nearing,  the  well  known  Communist  lecturer  and  a  director  of 
the  communistic  Garland  Fund.  They  tell  how  a  patriotic  school  teacher 
challenged  Nearing's  statements  about  Russia  and  how  this  challenge  was 

"/  Am  Not  Interested"  59 

brushed  aside.  Scott  Nearing  and  Arthur  Fisher  of  Winnetka  (A.  C.  L.  U. 
Chicago  Chairman)  staged  a  debate  on  a  favorite  Communistic  subject, 
"Imperialism"  with  Carl  Haessler  acting  as  chairman,  at  Plumbers'  Hall, 
1340  Washington  Boulevard,  Chicago,  on  March  10,  1928. 

During  the  question  period  which  followed  Haessler 's  talk  at  the  Ravinia 
Woman's  Club,  I  asked  a  question  which  showed  my  antipathy  for  Haessler 's 
proposed  revolution.  The  audience  at  once  broke  into  a  surging  tumult  of 
angry  comment  against  me.  Then,  defying  this  hostility,  I  said:  "Oh,  you 
have  been  listening  to  the  insidious  propaganda  of  the  voice  of  Moscow, 
whose  government  is  attempting  to  overthrow  our  Government,  etc.  Just  as 
in  Russia,  you  would  be  the  class  first  to  be  murdered  in  case  of  a  revolution 
here.  This  meeting  is  an  insult  to  a  loyal  American  citizen!"  Then,  indeed, 
there  was  a  near  riot.  The  Club  President  (Mrs.  Robt.  L.  Grinnell,  wife  of 
the  President  of  the  local  school  board)  quieted  the  meeting  momentarily 
by  apologizing  to  Haessler.  Most  of  the  audience  applauded  this  act 
vehemently.  She  then  came  to  me,  and  to  prominent  members  of  patriotic 
organizations  who  were  with  me,  to  criticize  and  to  demand  by  what  right 
we  were  there.  I  was  the  invited  guest  of  two  members  but  I  refused  to 
divulge  their  names,  feeling  that  they  had  been  persecuted  enough  in  Ravinia 
for  their  patriotic  leanings.  At  Ravinia,  once  again,  as  in  the  Leaven  worth 
Prison  revolt,  Haessler  "led  the  majority  almost  without  the  knowledge  of 
anybody  but  the  leaders  and  their  opponents." 

This  is  a  time  when  the  entire  world  is  feeling  the  unrest  caused  by  the 
strikes,  sabotage,  and  revolutionary  activities  of  Communists  in  India,  Ger- 
many, England,  South  America,  New  Zealand,  America,  and  so  on.  Wealthy 
Americans  are  now  losing  their  fortunes,  aging  with  worry,  and  turning  to 
despair  and  to  suicide.  Every  American  is  feeling  the  economic  pinch  caused 
by  deflation  and  by  the  Communist  "plan  of  economic  unstabilization"  or 
"plan  of  world  revolution."  The  person  who  joins  Communists  in  accusing 
our  capitalists  of  closing  their  factories  and  ruining  themselves  for  the  pur- 
pose of  ruining  the  poor  is  either  blind  or  willfully  seditious.  We  do  need 
the  Jeffers  and  Bachmann  Federal  Bills  for  our  protection,  but  when  loyal 
fighting  Americans  unite  in  insisting  that  our  elected  officials  enforce  the 
Illinois  statutes  covering  sedition,  then  organizations  like  the  Ravinia 
Woman's  Club,  Y.  M.  C.  A.,  and  University  of  Chicago  (a  hotbed  of  similar 
speakers)  will  lose  their  taste  for  hiring  men  of  Haessler's  calibre  to  preach 
revolution  to  audiences  who  are  also  held  responsible  under  these  laws  for 
attending  such  meetings. 

The  Illinois  Criminal  Code  (Chapter  38,  Sections  558-564)  provides  a 
penalty  of  one  to  ten  years  in  the  penitentiary  for  advocating  the  overthrow 
of  our  Government  by  unlawful  means,  and  a  fine  of  $500  to  $1,000  and 
imprisonment  for  six  months  to  one  year  for  knowingly  attending  a  meeting 
at  which  such  overthrow  is  advocated. 


Police  line  the  streets  when  the  Red  flag  is  paraded  down  the  streets  of 
Chicago,  in  defiance  of  the  Illinois  sedition  law.  Any  week  one  may  attend 
immense  revolutionary  Red  meetings,  which  are  given  ample  police  protection. 

60  The  Red  Network 

In  fact,  the  Daily  News  last  year  reported  that  the  only  unseemly  incident 
in  one  Communist  parade  was  when  a  Red  flag  was  snatched  from  the  hands 
of  a  marcher  by  a  bystander,  but  that  it  was  quickly  restored  to  the  Red 
by  the  police. 

The  Chicago  police  department  granted  a  permit  for  a  parade  Sunday, 
December  17th,  1933,  of  loyal  Ukrainian-Americans  who,  after  a  service  in 
their  church,  wished  to  march  to  a  hall  to  hold  a  meeting  and  raise  funds 
to  try  to  save  their  relatives  in  the  Russian  Ukraine,  now  being  "liquidated" 
— deliberately  starved  to  death — by  the  Soviet  government.  Even  pro-Soviet 
news  reporters  estimate  the  deaths  by  such  starvation  during  the  last  year 
as  numbering  in  the  millions,  while  the  American  Communist  press  main- 
tains that  such  "liquidation"  of  bourgeois  elements  who  object  to  Soviet 
tyranny  and  destruction  of  religion,  must  go  on  until  Russia  is  a  "pure" 
Communist  state. 

Dr.  Emil  Tarnawski,  loyal  American  citizen,  and  president  of  the 
affiliated  Ukrainian-American  societies  of  Chicago,  with  some  10,000  mem- 
bers, also  Lt.  Nelson  E.  Hewitt,  warned  the  Chicago  police  department,  asked 
for  special  police  protection  for  this  parade,  and  told  them  that  a  secret  meet- 
ing of  the  Reds  had  been  held  to  plan  an  attack  on  the  parade  and  that  Dr. 
Tarnawski  and  many  of  his  people  had  been  personally  threatened  with 
death  if  they  marched. 

But  only  two  policemen  were  with  the  3,000  Ukrainian- American  marchers 
at  the  time  the  Reds  attacked  them  by  first  throwing  Communist  leaflets  from 
above,  then,  as  they  looked  up,  throwing  down  bricks  in  their  faces  from 
an  elevated  station  platform.  Hundreds  of  Communists  along  the  sidewalks 
simultaneously  rushed  in  from  both  sides,  and  assaulted  them  with  iron 
pipes,  tools,  brass  knuckles,  etc.  They  tore  the  American  flag  to  pieces,  and 
about  100  were  injured.  I  personally  saw  many  bandaged  heads  at  the 
Ukrainian  meeting  which  I  addressed.  Dr.  Tarnawski  received  a  severe  leg 
injury  and  for  some  time  was  unable  to  walk.  The  communist  Daily  Worker 
reported  the  attack  jubilantly  as  a  Communist  triumph. 

Judge  Gutnecht  (see  Robt.  Morss  Lovett  in  "Who's  Who"),  who  heard 
the  cases  the  next  day,  was  reported  in  the  press  as  criticizing  the  police  for 
having  only  arrested  Communists,  and  not  the  Ukrainians  whom  they  had 
attacked  as  well!  When  their  cases  were  tried  only  two  received  ten  and 
two  received  thirty  days  in  jail  for  this  bloody  attack! 

When  sixteen  of  us,  including  Mrs.  Tarnawski,  as  a  delegation  repre- 
senting various  patriotic  societies,  called  upon  Chief  of  Police  Allman  the 
following  Tuesday  and  laid  the  facts  before  him,  I  attempted  to  show  him  a 
copy  of  the  "Red  Front  of  U.  S.  A.,"  a  Communist  revolutionary  military 
publication  which  boldly  lists  recruiting  stations  in  New  York,  Los  Angeles, 
Chicago,  etc.  where  Reds  are  urged  to  sign  up  for  military  training  for  just 
such  attacks,  and  in  order  to  give  the  police  "their  due"  in  strikes  and  riots, 
to  "open  food  storage  places,"  and  says,  "Any  day  may  be  the  beginning  of 
the  revolutionary  struggle"  and  that  "the  dashing  to  pieces  of  the  whole  ap- 
paratus of  government  is  in  the  period  of  revolutionary  uprising,  thus  easier 
to  accomplish.  The  Chicago  office,  101  S.  Wells  St.,  Room  707  ...  meets  at 
2322  W.  Chicago  Avenue"  (near  where  the  attack  occurred).  Chief  Allman 

/.  So-Called  "Pacifism"—  Is  It  Christian  or  Red? 

said,  "We  have  recognized  those  people  now."  (We  have  not  recognized  the 
overthrow  of  this  government.)  He  refused  to  look  at  this  Red  publication, 
saying  very  coldly,  "/  am  not  interested." 

While  Chief  Allman  has  been  often  praised  by  radicals  and  by  the  1932 
report  of  the  Red-aiding  Chicago  Civil  Liberties  Committee  for  his  "enlight- 
ened attitude"  toward  "civil  liberties"  for  Communists,  some  of  us  are  still 
interested  in  civil  liberties  for  Americans,  in  the  protection  of  the  American 
flag,  and  the  enforcement  of  the  Illinois  State  sedition  law.  The  attorney 
for  the  Ukrainian-Americans  called  upon  the  Federal  authorities  the  same 
day  and  was  told  that  they  are  no  longer  interested  in  Communist  activities. 
Is  anyone  interested?  Are  you?  What  are  you  going  to  do  about  it? 


(II  Cor.  7:14)  "Be  ye  not  unequally  yoked  together  with  unbelievers: 
for  what  fellowship  hath  righteousness  with  unrighteousness?  and  what  com- 
munion hath  light  with  darkness?" 

(Matt.  12:29)  "How  can  one  enter  into  a  strong  man's  house  and  spoil 
his  goods  unless  he  first  bind  the  strong  man?  and  then  he  will  spoil  his 
house.  He  that  is  not  with  me  is  against  me  ;  and  he  that  gathereth  not  with 
me  scattereth  abroad." 

The  sincere  Christian  pacifist,  determined  in  spite  of  Biblical  prophecy 
to  immediately  invoke  Christ's  final  reign  as  Prince  of  Peace  on  earth  by 
disarmament,  buries  his  head  in  the  sand  like  an  ostrich,  blindly  ignoring  the 
fact  that  those  most  dominant  in  influencing,  financing,  boring  from  within, 
if  not  actually  controlling  the  great  majority  of  pacifist  societies  are  Socialists 
and  Communists  who  appear  in  the  clothing  of  sheep  crying  "Peace!  Peace! 
when  there  is  no  peace"  while  they  themselves,  like  ravening  wolves,  are  agi- 
tating "class  struggle,"  "class  war,"  civil  wars  and  bloody  revolution. 

"Beware  of  false  prophets,"  said  Jesus  Christ  (Matt.  7:15),  "which  come 
to  you  in  sheep's  clothing  but  inwardly  they  are  ravening  wolves.  Ye  shall 
know  them  by  their  fruits.  Do  men  gather  grapes  of  thorns  or  figs  of  thistles?" 
—  or  peace  of  civil  war  or  godliness  of  atheistic  Socialism-Communism?  one 
might  add. 

Jesus  Christ,  who  so  militantly  fought  sin  and  so  tenderly  sought  to  save 
sinners  from  the  inescapable  penalties  of  their  sins,  taught  that  "wars  and 
rumors"  of  wars  would  continue,  "for  these  things  must  first  come  to  pass. 
And  nation  shall  rise  against  nation  and  kingdom  against  kingdom"  (St. 
Luke  21:10),  until  a  final  era  of  great  tribulation  and  warfare  against  Chris- 
tianity (such  as  Communism  is  preparing)  would  culminate  in  a  mighty 
conflict  ushering  in  His  second  coming  and  real  reign  as  Prince  of  Peace. 
Throughout  the  Scriptures,  it  is  foretold  that  one  of  the  signs  preceding  that 
era  would  be  the  return  of  the  Jews,  scattered  over  the  earth,  to  Palestine, 
their  homeland. 

The  great  conflict,  as  visioned  by  St.  John  (Revelation,  Chap.  17,  18), 
will  take  place  on  the  plains  of  Armageddon  in  Palestine,  between  lovers  of 
God  and  ten  blasphemous  kingdoms,  in  power  but  a  short  time,  under  the 
control  of  "that  great  city  which  reigneth  over  the  kings  of  the  earth"  called 

62  The  Red  Network 

"The  Mother  of  Harlots  and  Abominations  of  the  Earth"  (a  description  per- 
haps of  Moscow  and  its  blasphemous  anti-God,  anti-moral  hordes  now  plot- 
ting to  control  all  governments).  "These  shall  make  war  with  the  Lamb  and 
the  Lamb  shall  overcome  them:  for  He  is  Lord  of  Lords  and  King  of  Kings: 
and  they  that  are  with  Him  are  called  and  chosen  and  faithful."  "For  her 
sins"  (the  city's)  "have  reached  unto  Heaven  and  God  hath  remembered 
her  iniquities."  In  regard  to  this  final  conflict,  Jesus  said  (St.  Luke  21:20): 
"And  when  ye  shall  see  Jerusalem  compassed  with  armies,  then  know  that 
the  desolation  thereof  is  nigh."  (Verse  22):  "For  these  be  the  days  of 
vengeance,  that  all  things  that  are  written  be  fulfilled."  (St.  Luke  21:12): 
"But  before  all  these,  they  shall  lay  hands  on  you  and  persecute  you  deliver- 
ing you  up  to  the  synagogues  and  into  prisons,  being  brought  before  kings 
and  rulers  for  My  name's  sake."  (Christians  are  now  persecuted  by  the 
Russian  government  and  similar  persecutions  are  under  way  in  Mexico  and 
Spain.  300  churches  were  closed  in  Mexico  in  August,  1933). 

St.  Paul  (Timothy  3:1-7)  says:  (1)  "This  know  also,  that  in  the  last 
days  perilous  times  shall  come."  (2)  "For  men  shall  be  lovers  of  their  own 
selves,  covetous,  boasters,  proud,  blasphemous,  disobedient  to  parents,  un- 
thankful, unholy."  (3)  "Without  natural  affection,  truce-breakers,  false 
accusers,  incontinent,  fierce,  despisers  of  those  that  are  good."  (4)  "Traitors, 
heady,  high-minded,  lovers  of  pleasures  more  than  lovers  of  God."  (5)  "Hav- 
ing a  form  of  godliness,  but  denying  the  power  thereof:  from  such  turn  away." 
(6)  "For  of  this  sort  are  they  which  creep  into  houses,  and  lead  captive  silly 
women  laden  with  sins,  led  away  with  divers  lusts."  (7)  "Ever  learning,  and 
never  able  to  come  to  the  knowledge  of  the  truth" 

One  is  forced  to  think,  in  this  connection :  of  those  present-day,  Moscow- 
loving,  intellectual  ministers  who  rewrite  the  Bible  and  teach  it  in  modernist 
style  so  as  to  leave  faith  in  little  besides  its  covers — "having  a  form  of  god- 
liness but  denying  the  power  thereof";  of  those,  "Ever  learning  and  never 
able  to  come  to  the  knowledge  of  the  truth,"  who  follow,  like  a  will-of-the- 
wisp,  every  conflicting  theory,  so  uncertain,  so  wobbly  in  their  own  faith 
that  they  willingly  yoke  their  Christian  faith  equally  together  with  the 
agnostic,  the  depraved  Hindu  and  similar  cults,  in  a  "Fellowship  of  Faiths," 
which  applauded  Wm.  M.  Brown  (unfrocked  Bishop)  when  he  said:  "We 
must  banish  capitalism  from  the  earth  and  gods  from  the  skies!";  of  Russia 
falsely  boasting  of  its  "new  social  order,"  Communism-Socialism,  which 
teaches,  in  Russia  and  abroad  (subsidized  by  the  Soviet  Govt.):  Atheism 
and  blasphemy;  disobedience  to  parents  (Children  of  parents  disenfranchised 
because  of  being  Christians  are  urged  to  publicly  disown  their  parents  in 
Russia) ;  want  of  natural  affection  on  the  part  of  parents  (who  are  urged 
to  put  their  children  into  state  orphanges  for  "mass  education"  (because  of 
the  lack  of  such  orphanages,  thousands  are  deserted) ;  trucebreaking  (Mos- 
cow makes  "Non- Aggression  Pacts"  with  nations  within  which  she  is  main- 
taining Moscow-directed  schools  training  agitators  to  stir  up  bloody  revo- 
lution and  civil  war) ;  incontinence  or  "free  love"  (taught  by  Marxian  Social- 
ists-Communists as  "freedom  from  bourgeois  sentimentality"  and  from  the 
"capitalistic  private  ownership  of  one  man  and  one  woman  for  each  other," 
and  propagandized  everywhere  by  such  sympathizers  with  the  Red  move- 

/.  So-Called  "Pacifism"— Is  It  Christian  or  Red? 63 

ment  as:  Communist  Dreiser,  Bertrand  Russell,  Bernard  Shaw,  Havelock 
Ellis,  Judge  Ben  Lindsey  (aided  by  the  Garland  Fund),  Freud,  etc.,  etc.; 
by  "sex"  publishers  such  as  the  Eugenics  Publishing  Co.;  by  some  radical 
and  numerous  commercially-greedy  motion  picture  producers  whose  pictures 
glorifying  prostitution  and  vice  inspire  people  "to  be  led  away  with  divers 
lusts" — and  so  on. 

"Pacifist"  Clarence  V.  Howell,  director  of  Reconciliation  Trips,  announced 
that  he  was  voting  for  and  supporting  the  Communist  Party  in  its  1932  cam- 
paign. "Pacifist"  J.  B.  Matthews,  exec.  sec.  of  the  "Pacifist"  Fellowship  of 
Reconciliation,  and  a  militantly  revolutionary  speaker  at  many  Communist 
meetings,  was  booked  as  co-chairman,  with  Communist  Donald  Henderson, 
of  the  communist  U.  S.  Congress  Against  War,  Sept.  29,  1933,  and  fellow 
speaker  with  Communists  Earl  Browder  and  Henri  Barbusse  at  its  sessions 
(Daily  Worker,  Sept.  8,  1933). 

That  the  "Pacifist"  Fellowship  of  Reconciliation  deliberately  uses  the 
name  of  Christ  to  propagandize  communistic  theories  among  Christians  is 
shown  in  its  release  to  members  advising:  "Position  A.  Keep  Central  and 
Typical  the  Reference  to  Jesus — Brief  A.  ( 1 )  To  omit  all  reference  to  Jesus 
from  our  public  statement  of  purpose  or  to  make  our  reference  to  Him 
incidental,  so  that  it  might  be  inferred  that  the  Fellowship  began  with  central 
emphasis  on  the  way  of  Jesus  but  has  now  substituted  a  wider  basis,  are 
positions  both  subject  to  the  following  objections:  .  .  .  The  Fellowship  would 
have  less  chance  to  influence  churches  and  the  Christian  Student  Movement 
and  to  secure  their  cooperation  in  spreading  radical  Christian  views  on  war, 
economics,  and  race  issues.  .  .  .  Many  members  might  feel  compelled  to  start 
a  new  organization  to  regain  the  advantages  of  the  original  unequivocal  basis 
of  the  Fellowship  for  demonstrating  'left-wing'  Christianity.  (3)  Much  prac- 
tical work  of  the  Fellowship  would  be  jeopardized.  Hitherto  our  leadership 
and  support  have  come  mainly  from  Christian  sources.  These  sources  espe- 
cially have  made  possible  the  extension  of  our  work  in  Europe,  Central  Amer- 
ica and  Southern  United  States.  If  the  leadership  and  support  of  them  is 
seriously  diminished  what  evidence  is  there  that  other  pacifist  groups  can 
take  over  this  work  and  carry  it  on?"  .  .  .  But  stating  our  objective  in  terms 
of  His  type  of  love,  has  in  addition  to  the  advantages  implied  above  such 
reasons  as  the  following:  (1)  The  unique  fitness  of  Jesus  of  Galilee  to  be  a 
world  wide  symbol  of  pacifism  .  .  .  the  utter  conflict  between  His  way  and  the 
way  of  military  preparedness  and  war"  etc.,  etc. 

But  Jesus  Christ  was  not  a  "left-wing"  proponent  of  "radical  views  on 
war,  economics  and  race  issues."  While  teaching  love  and  pity  in  the  heart 
for  enemy  or  sinner,  He  said  (St.  Luke  11:21-23):  "When  a  man  armed 
keepeth  his  palace  his  goods  are  in  peace.  But  when  a  stronger  than  he  shall 
come  upon  him,  and  overcome  him,  he  taketh  from  him  all  his  armour  wherein 
he  trusted,  and  divideth  the  spoils.  He  that  is  not  with  me  scattereth  against 
me."  In  St.  Luke  22:35,  He  said:  "When  I  sent  you  without  purse,  and 
scrip  and  shoes,  lacked  ye  anything?  And  they  said,  nothing.  (Verse  36): 
Then  said  he  unto  them  But  now,  he  that  hath  a  purse,  let  him  take  it,  and 
likewise  his  scrip:  and  he  that  hath  no  sword,  let  him  sell  his  garment,  and 
buy  one.  (Verse  38) :  and  they  said,  Lord  behold  here  are  two  swords.  And 

64  The  Red  Network 

he  said  unto  them,  It  is  enough."  He  also  said  (Matt.  10:34-37):  (34) 
"Think  not  that  I  am  come  to  send  peace  on  earth,  I  came  not  to  send  peace, 
but  a  sword.  (35)  For  I  am  come  to  set  a  man  at  variance  against  his  father, 
and  the  daughter  against  her  mother,  and  the  daughter-in-law  against  her 
mother-in-law.  (36)  And  a  man's  foes  shall  be  they  of  his  own  household. 
(37)  He  that  loveth  father  or  mother  more  than  me  is  not  worthy  of  me." 

Nor  was  He  pacifistic  in  His  denunciations  of  sin  and  hypocrisy,  for  when 
they  came  to  Jerusalem  "Jesus  went  into  the  temple,  and  began  to  cast  out 
them  that  sold  and  bought  in  the  temple,  and  overthrew  the  tables  of  the 
money  changers,  and  the  seats  of  them  that  sold  doves ;  And  would  not  suffer 
that  any  man  should  carry  any  vessel  through  the  temple.  And  he  taught, 
saying  unto  them,  Is  it  not  written,  My  house  shall  be  called  of  all  nations 
the  house  of  prayer?  but  ye  have  made  it  a  den  of  thieves."  (St.  Mark 

I  think  of  that  when  I  see  Communist  posters  on  the  bulletin  boards  of 
Christian  Churches. 

Jesus  taught  that  the  Kingdom  of  God  is  within  the  individual  heart.  He 
rebuked  the  idea  of  making  His  Kingdom  a  political  system  over  this  world 
until  after  the  final  culmination  of  evil  in  the  great  Armageddon  conflict  and 
the  defeat  of  that  "mystery  of  iniquity"  which  works  to  keep  this  world  in 
strife.  (Eph.  6:12):  "For  we  wrestle  not  against  flesh  and  blood,  but 
against  principalities,  against  powers,  against  the  rulers  of  the  darkness  of 
this  world,  against  spiritual  wickedness  in  high  places." 

During  His  fast  (Matt.  4),  He  was  "led  up  of  the  spirit  into  the  wilder- 
ness to  be  tempted  of  the  devil  .  .  .  the  devil  taketh  Him  up  into  an  exceeding 
high  mountain  and  sheweth  Him  all  the  kingdoms  of  the  world  and  the  glory 
of  them:  And  saith  unto  Him,  All  these  things  will  I  give  Thee,  if  Thou  will 
fall  down  and  worship  me.  Then  saith  Jesus  unto  him,  Get  thee  hence,  Satan: 
for  it  is  written,  Thou  shalt  worship  the  Lord  thy  God,  and  Him  only  shalt 
thou  serve."  Today  some  "Christians"  are  not  turning  a  deaf  ear  to  this  bid 
for  temporal  power  made  by  the  satanic  Marx. 

They  came  asking  Him  whether  they  should  revolt  against  Caesar's 
government  by  refusing  tribute  and  said:  (Matt.  22:17-21):  "Is  it  lawful 
to  give  tribute  unto  Caesar,  or  not?  But  Jesus  perceived  their  wickedness, 
and  said,  Why  tempt  ye  me,  ye  hypocrites?  Show  me  the  tribute  money. 
And  they  brought  unto  him  a  penny  and  He  saith  unto  them,  Whose  is  this 
image  and  superscription?  They  say  unto  Him,  Caesar's.  Then  saith  He 
unto  them,  Render  therefore  unto  Caesar  the  things  which  be  Caesar's;  and 
unto  God  the  things  that  are  God's." 

None  of  Christ's  disciples  taught  a  political  revolution  either  in  the  name 
of  Christ  or  of  "social  justice."  But  the  traitorous  or  misguided  Christians 
of  today  are  doing  so  in  teaching  the  "social  gospel"  of  Socialist-Communist 
revolution  for  the  sake  of  the  political  "new  social  order"  of  atheist  Karl 
Marx.  In  warning  against  the  false  prophets  that  shall  "deceive  the  very 
elect,"  Christ  said:  "For  wheresoever  the  carcass  is  there  will  the  eagles  be 
gathered."  So  Christian  pacifists  today,  dead  to  the  realization  that  they  are 
cooperating  with  Jesus  Christ's  crucifiers  when  they  cooperate  with  Marxians 
for  the  "pacifism"  of  civil  war,  merely  serve  as  the  carcasses  for  these  revo- 
lutionary eagles  to  feed  upon. 

. II.  Pacifism  and  Its  Red  Aids 6S_ 

How  earnestly  Christ  asked  his  disciples  three  times  in  the  Garden  of 
Gethsemane  to  watch  with  Him  and  to  pray  lest  they  fall  into  temptation! 
But  three  times  He  came  to  find  them  sleeping.  The  last  time,  sadly,  He 
said  (Matt.  26:45):  "Sleep  on  now  and  take  your  rest:  behold  the  hour  is 
at  hand,  and  the  Son  of  man  is  betrayed  into  the  hands  of  sinners."  Then 
Judas  approached  with  those  who  were  to  crucify  Him  and  betrayed  Christ 
to  them  with  a  kiss.  So  again  today  with  the  kiss  of  supposed  friendship  for 
Christ  the  Judas  "Christian"  worker  for  atheist  Socialism-Communism 
betrays  our  Lord  within  His  own  sanctuary  to  the  Socialists-Communists  who 
wait  only  for  the  power  to  destroy  the  Christian  faith.  It  is  as  unsuitable 
to  yoke  Christianity  to  Socialism  as  it  is  to  yoke  Christianity  to  atheism  or 
to  yoke  Christ's  teaching  pf  the  indissolubility  of  marriage  and  the  family 
unit  to  the  Marxian  teaching  of  "free  love."  The  "class  struggle"  and  "class 
war"  of  Karl  Marx  have  nothing  in  common  with  "Love  your  neighbor  as 
yourself"  and  frequent  admonitions  against  coveting  "anything  that  is  his." 
Karl  Marx  very  correctly  stated,  in  respect  to  the  success"  of  his  own  teach- 
ings, that  the  Christian  "Religion  is  the  opium  of  the  people."  It  deadens 
people  to  the  call  of  the  "Mother  of  Harlots  and  Abominations  of  the  Earth" 
to  follow  the  Marxian  way  of  hate  and  lust  and  class  war.  Instead,  the  teach- 
ing of  the  "Light  of  the  World"  offers  them  "The  Way,  the  Truth  and  the 
Life"  everlasting.  Christians  should  read  the  Parable  of  the  Talents  on  the 
unworthiness  of  doing  nothing,  and  be  sure  that  they  are  aligned  on  God's 
side  in  this  conflict  to  "fight  the  good  fight"  against  satan's  "whited  sepul- 
chres," the  Red  pacifists. 


Anyone  willing  to  peruse  the  dry  documentary  evidence  by  reading,  for 
example,  the  lists  of  Communist  organizations  and  leaders  named  side  by 
side  with  "Peace"  organizations  and  leaders,  as  cooperating  and  official  sup- 
porters of  such  Communist-organized  and  controlled  affairs  as  the  various 
Congresses  against  War  (World,  U.  S.,  Youth,  Student),  cannot  doubt  that 
the  Pacifist  and  Revolutionary  movements  are  linked  together  by  hoops 
of  steel. 

One  might  wonder  why  revolutionaries  support  Pacifism.  That  they  do 
back  Pacifism  with  good  hard  cash  is  shown  by  reading  the  Garland  Fund 
Reports.  One  sees,  for  example,  that  the  Fund's  directors:  Communists 
Wm.  Z.  Foster,  Robt.  W.  Dunn,  Scott  Nearing,  Eliz.  Gurley  Flynn,  and 
Benj.  Gitlow  (the  first  American  Communist  sentenced  during  the  war), 
and  their  close  associates  and  fellow  directors  Socialist  Norman  Thomas, 
Harry  Ward,  Roger  Baldwin,  etc.,  voted  large  sums  of  money  in  successive 
years  to  Jane  Addams'  Women's  International  League  for  Peace  and  Free- 
dom (see),  which  agitates  against  all  R.  O.  T.  C.  and  C.  M.  T.  C.  Camps, 
all  military  training  and  armament  for  the  United  States  but  advocated 
recognition  of  militaristic  Russia  and  sweetly  suggests  abolition  of  property 
rights  (Communism). 

One  is  surprised  that  a  "peace"  leader  like  Miss  Addams  could  serve 
with  these  same  men  for  10  years  on  the  national  committee  of  the  American 
Civil  Liberties  Union,  90%  of  whose  efforts  are  in  defense  of  Communist 

66  The  Red  Network 

revolutionaries,  and  not  realize  that  their  first  plan  is  for  bloody  world 
revolution  and  not  "peace."  One  may  choose  to  believe  either  that  Miss 
Addams  was  too  dull  to  comprehend  this,  or  that  she  believed  a  Communist 
revolution  would  aid  peace  eventually,  or  draw  one's  own  personal  conclusions. 

These  same  Garland  Fund  Communists  and  their  associates  voted  "To  a 
group  of  students  at  Northwestern  University  and  Garrett  Biblical  Institute, 
Evanston,  111. — April,  1924 — for  anti-militarist  movement,  $497.41,"  record- 
ing in  the  same  official  report  sums  given:  to  the  Anarchist  school  at  Stelton, 
N.  J.;  to  the  Communist  press;  to  the  American  Civil  Liberties  Union  for 
its  Communist  defense  activities;  to  the  communist  Labor  Defense  Council 
to  aid  their  own  director  Wm.  Z.  Foster  and  his  fellow  Communists  arrested 
at  Bridgman,  Mich.;  etc. 

In  the  1925-28  Report,  we  see  they  voted:  to  the  "Optional  Military 
Drill  League,  Columbus,  Ohio — for  one  half  expense  of  campaign  against 
compulsory  military  training,  $250";  to  the  "Wyoming  State  Conference 
Methodist  Church,  Laramie,  Wyo. — for  publication  of  literature  against  com- 
pulsory military  training,  $300";  and  to  the  "Committee  on  Militarism  in 
Education,  New  York  City  (1)  For  preparation  and  distribution  of  pam- 
phlet on  'Military  Training  in  Schools  and  Colleges  in  the  U.  S.'  $5,400  (2) 
Toward  general  budget,  $5,000,"  and  later  another  $2,000;  at  the  same  time 
voting  to  the  Young  Communist  League  at  Superior,  Wis.,  $2,000;  another 
$2,400  to  Jane  Addams'  W.  I.  L.  P.  F.  and  $6,122.10  to  the  communist 
Workers  School  of  New  York  City,  which  trains  leaders  for  violent  Communist 
revolution  on  the  United  States.  Are  these  gifts  for  contradictory  purposes? 

Pacifists  frequently  refer  to  Soviet  Russia's  disarmament  proposal  as  a 
proof  of  its  peaceful  intentions.  Maxim  Litvinov,  as  Soviet  "Peace  Envoy," 
proposed  to  the  League  of  Nations,  in  1928,  that  all  nations,  including  Russia, 
immediately  and  completely  disarm.  This  Maxim  Litvinov,  who  is  Meyer 
Genoch  Moisevitch  Wallach  (also  alias  Finklestein,  Graf,  Maximo vitch, 
Buchmann,  Harrison),  "In  1908  was  arrested  in  Paris  in  connection  with 
the  robbery  of  250,000  rubles  of  Government  money  in  Tiflis.  ...  He 
was  deported  from  France."  The  bomb  thrown  by  Stalin  in  this  robbery 
killed  or  injured  fifty  people.  Litvinov's  secretary  Fineberg  "saw  to  the  dis- 
tribution of  his  propaganda  leaflets  and  articles.  At  the  Leeds  Conference, 
2  June,  1917  (to  hail  the  Russian  Revolution  to  organize  British  Democracy 
to  follow  Russia,  and  establish  Soviets  to  replace  our  Government),  Litvinov 
was  represented  by  Fineberg"  (London  Patriot,  July  20,  1933).  Litvinov  was 
barred  from  England  for  his  seditious  activities ;  admitted  back  under  Ramsay 
MacDonald's  Red  Socialist  government.  Interception  of  Litvinov's  mes- 
sages from  Moscow  caused  the  raid  on  Arcos,  Ltd.,  and  the  severing  of  diplo- 
matic relations  between  England  and  Russia  (resumed  again  under  Ramsay 

Lord  Cushendum,  aware  of  the  persistent  and  flagrant  violation  of  Rus- 
sia's Trade  Agreement  to  cease  revolutionary  propaganda  in  England  ques- 
tioned Litvinov  before  the  League  of  Nations,  asking  him  whether  his  "peace" 
proposal  of  disarmament  would  include  the  cessation  of  Soviet  government 
fomentation  of  civil  war  in  all  countries.  To  this  Litvinov  replied  (N.  Y. 
Herald  Tribune,  Mar.  23,  1928):  "It  had  never  occurred  to  us  and  we  had 
no  grounds  for  believing  that  the  League  intended  to  include  under  the  ques- 

II.  Pacifism  and  Its  Red  Aids 67 

tions  of  disarmament  and  security  the  prevention  of  civil  war  and  the  class 
struggle.  I  may  say  without  the  slightest  hesitation  that  the  Soviet  govern- 
ment would  never  have  agreed  to  participate  with  the  British  or  any  other 
government  here  represented  in  working  out  questions  regarding  the  class 
war  or  the  struggle  against  revolution.  It  would  be  naive  to  expect  such  work 
from  a  government  which  owes  its  existence  to  one  of  the  greatest  revolutions 
in  history." 

The  communist  Daily  Worker,  in  a  thesis  entitled  "The  Struggle  Against 
Imperialist  War  and  the  Task  of  the  Communists"  (Jan.  3,  1929),  empha- 
sized the  point  that  this  Soviet  disarmament  proposal  was  in  harmony  with, 
not  opposed  to,  the  world  revolutionary  movement,  saying:  The  aim  of  the 
Soviet  proposal  is  not  to  spread  pacifist  illusions,  but  to  destroy  them,  not 
to  support  capitalism  by  ignoring  or  toning  down  its  shady  sides  but  to 
propagate  the  fundamental  Marxian  postulate  that  disarmament  and  the 
abolition  of  war  are  possible  only  with  the  fall  of  capitalism.  The  difference 
between  the  methods  of  combating  pacifism  employed  by  the  proletariat  in 
the  Soviet  Union  and  those  adopted  by  the  working  class  in  capitalist  coun- 
tries does  not  mean  there  is  a  contradiction  between  the  two;  nor  does  it 
follow  that  Communists  in  capitalist  countries  must  not  make  use  of  the 
Soviet  Government's  declaration  on  disarmament  in  carrying  on  agitation 
among  the  masses.  On  the  contrary  the  disarmament  policy  of  the  Soviet 
Government  must  be  utilized  for  purpose  of  agitation  much  more  energetically 
and  to  a  wider  extent  than  has  been  done  hitherto  ...  as  a  means  ( 1 )  For 
recruiting  sympathizers  for  the  Soviet  Union — the  champion  of  peace  and 
socialism ;  ( 2 )  For  utilizing  the  results  of  the  Soviet  disarmament  policy  and 
its  exposure  of  the  imperialists  in  the  effort  to  eradicate  all  pacifist  illusions 
and  to  carry  on  propaganda  among  the  masses  in  support  of  the  only  way 
toward  disarmament  and  abolition  of  war,  viz.,  arming  of  the  proletariat, 
overthrowing  the  bourgeoisie  and  establishing  the  proletarian  dictatorship." 
(Emphasis  supplied.) 

Under  the  title  "What  Is  True  Is  True,"  Izvestia  (official  Soviet  govt. 
organ),  Mar.  1,  1928,  quoted  the  accusation  "  'As  for  Russia,  in  reality  it 
is  striving  to  destroy  civilization  in  all  countries  of  the  world  and  at  the  same 
time  proposes  disarmament' — From  a  speech  by  John  Hicks,"  presenting 
below  it  a  poem  of  reply  by  Damian  Byedny,  which,  freely  translated,  was 
as  follows: 

"What  is  true  is  true 

We  admit  without  hypocrisy 

We  carry  on,  and  we  will  carry  on  agitation, 

And  we  will  prevail — rest  assured! 

In  having  all  the  world  bury  'civilization' 

Which  is  conceiving — wars! 

I  do  not  envy,  Mister,  your  situation, 

You  have  come  to  a  fateful  syllogism, 

Communism  leads  to  disarmament 

Disarmament — to  Communism." 

When  military  training  was  added  to  the  program  of  the  Young  Com- 
munist League  the  communist  Daily  Worker,  (Aug.  6,  1928)  explained: 

68  The  Red  Network 

"Our  Leninist  position  on  militarism  and  war  is  very  clear  and  certain.  We 
are  NOT  against  war  and  against  militarism  as  such.  We  are  against 
IMPERIALIST  war;  we  are  against  BOURGEOIS  militarism  (i.  e.  the 
militarization  of  the  proletarian  and  farmer  youth  to  fight  in  the  interests 
of  the  bourgeoisie).  But  we  are  in  favor  of  REVOLUTIONARY  wars  (wars 
of  oppressed  colonial  peoples  against  the  imperialist  powers,  civil  wars  of 
proletarian  revolution) ;  we  are  in  favor  of  the  military  training  of  the  pro- 
letarian youth  to  learn  to  use  arms  in  the  interests  of  their  class  and  against 
the  bourgeoisie.  'An  oppressed  class  that  does  not  strive  to  learn  to  use 
arms  .  .  .  deserves  to  remain  in  slavery.' — (Lenin.)  We  are  therefore  opposed 
to  pacifism  (which  opposes,  as  a  matter  of  principle  All  war  and  All  military 
training) ....  Our  main  task  of  course  is  to  prevent  the  young  workers  who 
are  being  militarized  from  becoming  traitors  to  their  class;  it  consists  in 
winning  them  for  the  proletarian  class  struggle  and  getting  them  to  use  their 
training  for  the  benefit  of  the  workers  and  not  against  their  own  class  . .  .  and 
this  attitude  is  in  no  contradiction  to — on  the  contrary  it  clearly  falls  in 
with  our  bitter  and  most  determined  struggle  against  new  imperialist  wars 
and  bourgeois  militarism.  .  .  .  We  realize  very  well  that  under  present  con- 
ditions and  for  the  next  period  of  time,  the  chief  way  for  us  to  obtain  military 
instruction  is  in  the  military  organizations  of  the  bourgeoisie  (regular  forces, 
National  Guard,  military  schools,  R.  O.  T.  C.,  C.  M.  T.  C.,  etc.) ;  of  course, 
as  Comrade  Gorki  points  out  (Jugend  Internationale,  May,  1928)  the  send- 
ing of  our  comrades  into  these  bourgeois  military  institutions  'implies  no 
rejection  whatever  of  the  attempt  to  set  up  a  class  organization  of  the  pro- 
letariat to  provide  military  training  for  young  workers.'  " 

The  communist  Daily  Worker  editorial  of  Sept.  30,  1933  was  addressed 
to  the  Communist-called  U.  S.  Congress  Against  War,  then  in  session  in 
N.  Y.  City,  Earl  Browder,  nat.  sec.  of  the  Communist  Party,  and  Henri  Bar- 
busse,  French  Communist  who  came  to  America  especially  for  this  Congress, 
being  the  headlined  speakers  to  share  the  platform  (according  to  Daily 
Worker,  Sept.  28,  1933)  with  Mrs.  Annie  Gray,  speaking  as  director  of  the 
Women's  Peace  Society,  Emil  Rieve,  A.  J.  Muste,  Devere  Allen  of  the  World 
Tomorrow  (War  Resisters'  organ},  and  others;  five  delegates  had  been 
elected  from  the  Pa.  Branch  of  Jane  Addams'  W.  I.  L.  P.  F.  to  attend.  (Sept. 
29,  1933  Daily  Worker.) 

This  editorial  said:  "The  Communist  Party  urges  upon  the  Congress  a 
real  united  front  on  the  basis  of  a  fighting  program  against  war — a  revo- 
lutionary working  class  program.  .  .  .  Serious  systematic  work  must  be  under- 
taken in  every  factory,  on  every  dock,  on  every  ship,  arousing  these  workers 
against  war,  exposing  every  detail  of  the  war  preparations  for  them,  setting 
up  Anti-war  committees,  hampering  and  working  to  prevent  the  manufacture 
and  shipment  of  war  material  and  munitions.  .  .  .  Phrase  mongering,  empty 
peace  talk — this  is  not  the  road.  Mass  action  behind  a  revolutionary  pro- 
gram is  the  road  the  congress  should  follow,  starting  now  against  the  N.  R.  A. 
All  the  honest  elements,  all  persons  and  organizations  ready  to  fight  can  unite 
behind  such  a  program." 

"The  A.  B.  C.  of  Communism"  (by  N.  Bukarin  and  E.  Preobrazhensky, 
English  translation  by  Eden  and  Adar  Paul,  issued  by  Communist  Party  of 

Socialist  Party  (and  the  New  Deal) 69 

Great  Britian)  is  a  standard  Communist  text  book  used  everywhere  in  Party 
schools.  It  states  on  p.  83:  "The  proletariat  is  fighting  solely  on  behalf  of 
the  new  social  order.  Whatever  helps  the  struggle  is  good;  whatever  hinders, 
is  bad."  .  .  .  "We  must  promote  disintegration  in  an  army  which  is  ranged 
against  the  workers  and  is  at  the  orders  of  the  bourgeoisie,  even  though  the 
latter  consists  of  our  fellow  countrymen.  Failing  this  the  revolution  will 
succumb  ...  a  revolutionist  who  destroys  the  State  apparatus  of  the  bourge- 
oisie may  consider  that  he  is  doing  excellent  service."  On  p.  129:  "To  think 
that  the  revolution  can  take  place  without  civil  war  is  equivalent  to  thinking 
there  can  be  a  'peaceful'  revolution." 

The  formation  of  Soviet  nuclei  throughout  our  armed  forces  is  covered 
under  "Soviet  Organization  in  the  U.  S." 

The  seditious  pronouncements  of  the  Socialist  Party  and  the  jailing  of 
numerous  Party  leaders  during  the  war,  the  attempts  of  the  Socialist  Inde- 
pendent Labour  Party  of  England  (see  "English  Red's")  to  cause  revolution, 
and  present  Socialist  Party  activities,  are  covered  more  fully  under  the  title 
"Socialist  Party  (and  the  New  Deal)." 


Because  the  Socialist  Party  generally  favors  the  taking  over  of  the  gov- 
ernment first  by  legislative  means,  relying  on  a  throat-cutting  revolution 
principally  as  a  finishing  touch  when  it  becomes  necessary,  it  is  called 
"yellow"  by  the  Communist  Party  and  "practical"  by  its  followers.  Chame- 
leon-like, the  Socialist  agitator  colors  himself  to  fit  the  group  he  is  addressing, 
appearing  asr  a  delicate-pink,  "Christian"  social  reformer  in  Churches,  and 
as  a  throat-cutting  capitalist-hating  revolutionary  and  a  genuine  Marxian 
atheist  in  militant  labor  circles.  Since  1912  the  Socialist  Party  has  achieved 
practically  its  entire  1912  platform,  passing  hundreds  of  socialistic  laws  and 
"stealing"  regular  party  elections  by  electing  Socialists  as  regular  party 
candidates,  until  now  in  1933  the  entire  Socialist  Party  rejoices  at  the  social- 
istic New  Deal  and  radical  "Roosevelt  Appointees"  (see). 

Under  the  heading  "Longuet  Urges  All  Socialists  to  Support  N.  R.  A.," 
the  Chicago  Daily  News,  Sept.  15,  1933  reported:  "Jean  Longuet,  French 
Socialist  leader  and  grandson  of  the  founder  of  socialism,  Karl  Marx,  declares 
today  in  the  French  socialist  organ  Populaire  that  socialists  everywhere 
should  approve  President  Roosevelt's  program  because  it  is  rapidly  trade- 
unionizing  the  United  States."  Without  more  extensive  unionization  than 
America  has  ever  had  the  Reds  believe  a  general  strike  would  be  unsuccessful. 
Communists,  anarchists  and  I.  W.  W.'s  have  always  advocated  the  general 
strike  as  the  prelude  to  revolution.  Most  revolutions  are  preceded  by  the 
general  strike.  The  English  general  strike,  altho  planned  to  result  in  Red 
revolution,  failed.  The  Daily  News,  Sept.  21,  1933  quotes  Clarence  Senior 
just  home  from  the  Second  Internationale  conference  in  Paris  as  saying:  "For 
the  first  time  in  its  history  the  Socialist  and  Labor  internationale  indorsed 
the  general  strike  as  a  means  of  thwarting  an  outbreak  of  war."  (Or  turn- 
ing war  into  revolution.) 

Norman  Thomas  writing  in  the  socialist  New  Leader,  Aug.  19,  1933  issue, 

70  The  Red  Network 

says:  "The  Roosevelt  program  has  achieved  certain  things  . .  .  these  things  do 
not  constitute  Socialism  but  State  capitalism,  although  a  kind  of  State 
capitalism  unquestionably  influenced  by  Socialist  influence  and  agitation.  .  .  . 
The  great  hope  of  the  New  Deal  is  that  it  may  make  it  a  little  easier  ...  to 
advance  toward  a  truly  Socialist  society."  Says  the  Socialist  "World  Tomor- 
row" (Aug.  31,  1933  issue):  "When  the  aims  of  the  Ickes-Perkins-Richberg 
forces  at  the  Capital  are  compared  to  those  of  the  previous  Administration, 
the  change  is  indeed  breath-taking.  Most  of  the  pet  nostrums  progressives 
have  advocated  throughout  the  last  two  decades  are  now  being  tried  on  a 
huge*  scale  at  Washington.  To  consider  the  formation  of  a  new  party  at  such 
a  time,  a  party  that  seeks  to  fit  in  between  Rooseveltian  liberalism  and  that 
of  the  Socialist  Party  of  America  seems  to  us  the  sheer  madness.  .  .  .  Whatever 
the  weaknesses  of  the  Socialist  Party  in  the  past  or  in  the  present,  it  has 
been  making  gigantic  strides  in  the  right  direction." 

Upton  Sinclair,  active  in  both  Socialist  and  Communist  organizations, 
the  press  reports,  is  to  run  for  governor  on  the  1934  Democratic  ticket  in 
California.  Socialist  La  Guardia  was  elected  as  the  "fusion"  candidate  for 
Mayor  of  N.  Y. 

The  Socialist  and  Communist  Parties  fight  like  brothers.  Just  as  the 
Communist  Party  fights  Socialist  leadership  everywhere,  but  at  the  same 
time  cooperates  with  and  works  for  the  same  ends  as  Socialists,  so  the  Com- 
munist Party  is  now  bitterly  fighting  the  socialistic  New  Deal,  in  which  it 
considers  Socialists  are  sitting  too  prettily,  and  is  insisting  that  the  "revo- 
lutionary way  out  of  the  crisis"  is  the  only  way.  Each  Party  accuses  the 
other  of  disrupting  the  Socialist-Communist  movement. 

Norman  Thomas  is  one  of  the  "militant"  members  of  the  National 
Executive  Committee  (N.  E.  C.)  of  the  Socialist  Party  who  voted  in  1933 
for  an  immediate  "united  front"  with  the  Communist  Party,  according  to 
the  May,  1933  issue  of  "The  Communist"  (p.  428),  which  states  that  of  the 
N.  E.  C.  members  Norman  Thomas,  Albert  Sprague  Coolidge,  Powers  Hap- 
good,  Darlington  Hoopes,  and  Leo  M.  Krzycki  voted  for  immediate  formal 
cooperation  with  the  Communist  Party,  while  Morris  Hillquit,  James  D. 
Graham,  Daniel  W.  Hoan,  Jasper  McLevy,  John  L.  Packard  and  Lilith  M. 
Wilson,  the  "old  guard,"  voted  to  wait  for  action  by  the  two  Internationals. 
The  vote  evidently  went  by  a  very  close  margin,  6  to  5,  against  immediate 
formal  cooperation.  So,  April  17,  1933,  Clarence  Senior,  exec.  sec.  of  the 
Socialist  Party,  sent  the  following  reply  to  the  Communist  Party  which  was 
printed  in  "The  Communist"  (same  issue) :  "  'The  national  executive  com- 
mittee has  voted  to  comply  with  the  request  of  the  Labor  and  Socialist 
International  not  to  enter  into  united  front  negotiations  with  national  sections 
of  the  Communist  International  until  the  L.  S.  I.  and  the  Comintern  have 
reached  an  agreement  for  an  international  united  front.'  (quoted  in  full — 
C.  A.  H.)"  (Clarence  A.  Hathaway.) 

The  Socialist  Party's  New  Leader,  Apr.  8,  1933,  stated:  "In  answer  to 
a  request  by  a  committee  of  the  Communist  Party  for  a  so-called  'united 
front'  against  fascism,  the  Conference  stated  that  it  lacked  authority  from 
any  of  its  national  and  international  parent  bodies  to  unite  with  a  party  which, 
while  making  gestures  in  the  direction  of  a  united  front,  has  since  its  incep- 

Socialist  Party  (and  the  New  Deal) 71 

tion  followed  a  policy  of  disuniting  and  disrupting  the  laboring  elements  of 
the  world.  As  soon  as  the  Communist  Party  'discontinues  its  policy  of 
destruction  of  our  united  strength,  a  united  front  will  be  possible  not  only 
against  fascism  but  against  all  the  forces  of  capitalism  which  are  grinding 
down  the  strength  of  labor.'  " 

"But  Norman  Thomas  puts  the  case  for  the  'militants'  most  clearly," 
says  "The  Communist"  (May  1933),  and  reprints  Thomas'  letter,  which  was 
sent  out  by  the  Socialist  Party  N.  E.  C.,  in  which  Thomas  says  (the  voting 
was  by  mail) :  "I  am  voting  Yes  on  Comrade  Krzycki's  motion  for  the  ap- 
pointment of  a  sub-committee  to  discuss  with  the  sub-committee  of  the  Com- 
munist Party  the  question  of  united  front.  I  cannot  too  strongly  urge  the 
adoption  of  this  proposal.  I  have  recently  been  traveling  rather  extensively 
in  New  England  and  elsewhere  and  know  that  in  our  own  Party  and  outside 
of  it  we  shall  suffer  very  considerable  harm  if  we  can  be  made  to  appear  to 
be  blocking  any  kind  of  united  front  action.  Frankly,  I  am  skeptical  whether 
the  Communists  will  undertake  united  action  on  honorable  terms.  But  for 
the  sake  of  our  own  members,  especially  our  younger  people,  it  must  be  made 
obvious  that  it  is  they  who  sabotage  the  united  front,  not  we  who  disdain- 
fully reject  it,"  etc.  "The  Communist"  adds  that  the  united  front  proposal 
"requires  more  than  here  and  there  a  joint  meeting  or  now  and  then  a  joint 
conference."  Socialists  and  Communists  have  had  these  all  along. 

Though  jealous  of  each  other,  Socialists  and  Communists  since  their 
division  in  1919  have  worked  together,  intermingled,  and  quarreled  like  a 
family.  When  they  split  in  1919,  Morris  Hillquit,  the  "conservative"  N.  E.  C. 
member,  always  a  Socialist  Party  executive,  said  (New  York  Call,  Sept.  22, 
1919,  also  Lusk  Report):  "Our  newly  baptised  'Communists'  have  not 
ceased  to  be  Socialists  even  though  in  a  moment  of  destructive  enthusiasm 
they  have  chosen  to  discard  the  name  which  stands  for  so  much  in  the  his- 
tory of  the  modern  world  .  .  .  they  have  not  deserted  to  the  enemy.  The  bulk 
of  the  following  is  still  good  Socialist  material  and  when  the  hour  of  the  real 
Socialist  fight  strikes  in  this  country  we  may  find  them  again  in  our  ranks." 

In  a  letter  appearing  in  the  New  York  Call,  May  21,  1919  (also  Lusk 
Report,  pp.  524-30),  headed  the  "Socialist  Task  and  Outlook,"  Hillquit 
referred  to  the  Socialist-Communist  impending  split  and  said:  "Let  them 
separate  honestly,  freely  and  without  rancor.  Let  each  side  organize  and 
work  its  own  way,  and  make  such  contribution  to  the  Socialist  movement  in 
America  as  it  can.  Better  a  hundred  times  to  have  two  numerically  small 
Socialist  organizations,  each  homogeneous  and  harmonious  within  itself,  than 
to  have  one  big  party  torn  by  dissensions  and  squabbles,  an  impotent  colossus 
on  feet  of  clay.  The  time  for  action  is  near.  Clear  the  decks." 

When  five  Socialist  members  of  the  N.  Y.  State  Legislature  were  expelled 
on  the  ground  that  the  Socialist  Party  was  not  an  American  political  party 
but  a  revolutionary  organization,  the  1920  Socialist  Party  national  convention 
issued  a  report  which  "modified  the  relations  with  the  Third  Internationale 
of  Moscow  so  as  to  permit  association  with  that  institution  while  giving  to 
the  Socialist  Party  in  America  the  opportunity  to  carry  out  its  campaign  in 
this  country  by  parliamentary  methods"  (Lusk  Report  p.  1780). 

Benj.  Glassberg,  a  leading  socialist  Rand  School  instructor,  in  a  letter 

72  The  Red  Network 

published  in  the  N.  Y.  Call,  July  26,  1920,  commented  on  this  Socialist  Party 
report  and  "modification''  saying  in  part:  "It  has  'Albany'  written  all  over 
it.  It  was  framed,  ostensibly,  to  meet  the  objections  which  were  raised  by 
Sweet  against  the  Socialist  Party  so  that  the  next  delegation  of  Assemblymen 
will  not  be  unseated.  It  is  intended  to  paint  the  Socialist  Party  as  a  nice, 
respectable,  goody-goody  affair,  rather  than  a  revolutionary  organization 
whose  one  aim  is  to  overthrow  a  dying  social  order  and  replace  it  with  a 
Cooperative  Commonwealth." 

Morris  Hillquit,  speaking  as  a  Socialist  Party  leader  Sept.  25,  1920  (Lusk 
Report  p.  1789),  said  of  this  supposed  "change":  "We  have  never  at  any 
time  changed  our  creed.  Never  certainly  to  make  ourselves  acceptable  to 
any  capitalist  crowd.  ...  As  international  Socialists  we  are  revolutionary,  and 
let  it  be  clearly  understood  that  we  are  out  to  overthrow  the  entire  capitalist 

Eugene  V.  Debs,  while  in  prison  for  seditious  activities,  was  nominated 
as  the  Socialist  Party  candidate  for  President  of  the  U.  S.  A.  The  Socialist 
Party  bulletin  for  June  1,  1920  contained  the  official  report  of  Debs'  speech 
of  acceptance  upon  notification  of  his  nomination  in  which  he  said:  "Before 
serving  time  here,  I  made  a  series  of  addresses,  supporting  the  Russian  Revo- 
lution which  I  consider  the  greatest  single  achievement  in  all  history.  I  still 
am  a  Bolshevik.  I  am  fighting  for  the  same  thing  here  that  they  are  fighting 
for  there.  I  regret  that  the  Convention  did  not  see  its  way  clear  to  affiliate 
with  the  Third  International  without  qualification." 

While  the  1920  National  Convention  report  (before  referred  to)  "soft 
pedaled"  its  revolutionary  program  for  expediency's  sake  saying  it  was 
opposed  to  the  "Dictatorship  of  the  Proletariat  in  the  form  of  Soviet,"  it  at 
the  same  time  passed  a  resolution  reading  as  follows:  "Resolved,  That  this 
convention  favor  the  election  of  representatives  to  all  legislative  bodies  by 
industries  as  well  as  by  geographical  units,"  which  is  an  endorsement  of  the 
Soviet  form  of  government,  which  is  "based  upon  territorial  units  and  repre- 
sentation through  industries"  (Lusk  Report). 

Press  reports  of  the  Socialist  International  congress  held  at  Paris,  France, 
Aug.,  1933,  stated  that  Maynard  C.  Krueger  advocated  the  arming  of  the 
proletariat  for  violent  revolution  and  that  the  American  delegation  was  the 
most  militant  of  those  present.  Aug.  21,  1933,  the  Chicago  Tribune  reported: 
"Comrade  Levinson  of  the  executive  body  will  tell  the  congress  how  the  new 
deal  is  going  to  lead  to  Socialism  in  America." 

Russia  is  honored  as  the  first  Socialist  country.  Its  name  is  now  the  Union 
of  Soviet  Socialist  Republics  (U.  S.  S.  R.)  It  is  held  up  as  the  example  of 
Socialism  in  action.  Leaders  of  both  Communist  and  Socialist  Parties  state 
that  their  principles  and  aims  are  identical  but  that  they  differ  as  to  choice 
of  leadership  and  tactics. 

The  Socialist  Party  of  America  is  not  an  American  political  party  in  the 
sense  that  the  Democratic  and  Republican  Parties  are.  Its  control  lies  not 
solely  with  Americans  but  also  with  alien  members  in  America  as  well  as 
abroad.  The  opening  statement  in  the  Constitution  of  the  Socialist  Party 
(also  Lusk  Report,  p.  563)  says:  "The  Socialist  Party  of  the  U.  S.  is  the 
political  expression  of  the  interests  of  the  workers  in  this  country  and  is  part 

Socialist:  Party  (and  the  New  Deal) 73 

of  an  international  working  class  movement.  .  .  .  The  workers  must  wrest  the 
control  of  the  government  from  the  hands  of  the  masters  and  use  its  powers 
in  the  upbuilding  of  the  new  social  order — the  cooperative  commonwealth.  .  .  . 
To  accomplish  this  aim  it  is  necessary  that  the  working  class  be  powerfully 
and  solidly  organized  also  in  the  economic  field  to  struggle  for  the  same 
Revolutionary  goal." 

The  Preamble  to  the  Socialist  Party  Constitution  adopted  in  1919  says: 
"The  Socialist  party  seeks  to  organize  the  working  class  for  independent 
action  on  the  political  field  not  merely  for  the  betterment  of  their  condition, 
but  also  and  above  all  with  the  revolutionary  aim  of  putting  an  end  to  the 
exploitation  or  class  rule." 

When  the  U.  S.  declared  war,  the  Socialist  Party  convention  at  St.  Louis, 
April  7-14,  1917,  adopted  a  lengthy  disloyal  resolution  favoring  seditious 
activities,  saying:  "The  Socialist  Party  of  the  U.  S.  in  the  present  grave 
crisis  solemnly  declares  its  allegiance  to  the  principles  of  internationalism 
and  working  class  solidarity  the  world  over,  and  proclaims  its  unalterable 

opposition  to  the  war  just  declared  by  the  government  of  the  United  States 

As  against  the  false  doctrine  of  national  patriotism,  we  uphold  the  idea  of 
international  working  class  solidarity.  We  brand  the  declaration  of  war  by 
our  government  as  a  crime."  (The  U.  S.  Govt.  was  finally  forced  to  jail 
many  Socialists  whose  seditious  activities  were  camouflaged  as  "peace"  work.) 
"The  acute  situation  created  by  the  war  calls  for  an  even  more  vigorous 
prosecution  of  the  class  struggle  and  we  recommend  to  the  workers  and  pledge 
ourselves  to  the  following  course  of  action:  Continuous  and  active  public 
opposition  to  the  war  through  demonstrations,  mass  petitions  and  all  other 
means  in  our  power.  Unyielding  opposition  to  all  proposed  legislation  for 
military  or  industrial  conscription.  .  .  .  Vigorous  resistance  to  all  reactional 
measures  such  as  censorship  Oif  the  press  and  mails,  restriction  of  the  right 
of  free  speech,  assemblage  and  organization,  or  compulsory  arbitration  and 
limitation  of  the  right  to  strike.  Consistent  propaganda  against  military  train- 
ing and  militaristic  teaching  in  the  public  schools.  .  .  .  We  recommend  the 
National  Executive  Committee  extend  and  improve  propaganda  among 
women."  One  delegate  is  reported  to  have  said  "If  I  knew  we  could  sway 
the  boys  when  they  got  guns  to  use  them  against  the  capitalist  class  I  would 
be  for  universal  training." 

The  1932  Socialist  Party  election  platform  similarly  called  for  total  dis- 
armament of  the  United  States,  no  deportation  or  barring  of  alien  Reds,  free 
speech,  free  press,  and  "civil  liberties"  (for  revolutionaries),  recognition  of 
militant  bloody  Soviet  Russia,  etc. 

The  New  York  Call,  June  28,  1921,  printed  the  following  Resolution, 
passed  by  the  Socialist  Party,  which  was  offered  by  Morris  Hillquit:  "Re- 
solved that  the  incoming  national  executive  committee  be  instructed  to  make 
a  careful  survey  of  all  radical  and  labor  organizations  in  the  country  with 
the  view  of  ascertaining  their  strengths,  disposition  and  readiness  to  coop- 
erate with  the  Socialist  Movement  upon  a  platform  not  inconsistent  with  that 
of  the  party,  and  on  a  plan  which  will  preserve  the  integrity  and  autonomy 
of  the  Socialist  Party."  This  was  headed  "Text  of  Hillquit  Resolution  that 
Ends  Isolation  of  Socialist  Party."  With  this,  the  "boring  from  within"  other 

74  The  Red  Network 

parties  began  in  earnest.    (See  under  Internationals;  also  August  Claessens, 
Victor  Berger,  Debs,  etc.) 

Socialist  Party  National  Hdqts.,  549  Randolph  St.,  Chicago. 


(See  page  256  for  facsimile  of  letter.) 

The  average  brainy  American  business  man,  whose  capable  concentrated 
efforts  have  raised  the  American  standard  of  living  to  a  preeminent  place  in 
the  world's  history,  feels  that  he  is  too  busy  running  his  own  business  to 
bother  with  politics.  He  wants  " George"  to  do  it  and  a  Red  "George"  has 
been  working  to  do  "it"  and  do  him  out  of  his  business  for  a  long  time. 

Only,  perhaps,  when  Red  George  and  his  political  cronies  step  in  to  com- 
pletely run  his  business  for  him  will  he  awaken  to  find  time  to  attend  to 

Mr.  Successful  American  bountifully  endows  Colleges  teaching  Socialism 
and  supports  ministers  teaching  Socialism,  but  objects  to  voting  for  a  "crack- 
brained  radical"  on  the  Socialist  ticket,  as  the  radicals  know.  So  they  arrange 
matters  so  that  he  votes  for  the  "crack-brained"  Socialist  on  a  conservative 
ticket.  The  Conference  for  Progressive  Political  Action  (see)  since  1922  has 
been  successfully  boring  from  within  to  "steal"  elections  for  radical  candi- 
dates. They  are  organizing  more  energetic  and  deceptive  programs  for  future 
elections  right  now. 

Americans  who  are  alarmed  at  the  present  Socialist  administration, 
labeled  as  "Democratic,"  may  easily  turn  out  "Democrats"  and  vote  in 
Republicans  at  the  next  election,  but  how  many  of  the  elected  "Republican" 
officials  will  be  radicals  of  the  same  stripe? 

Many  of  the  radicals  now  making  this  Democratic  administration  a  Social- 
ist one  only  left  the  Republican  Party  during  the  last  campaign  at  the  invita- 
tion of  Mr.  Roosevelt,  their  kindred  soul.  While  the  radicals  have  a  keenly 
organized,  well  planned  program,  American  conservatives  have  practically 
none.  If  they  wait  until  election  day,  they  may  find  themselves  in  the  pre- 
dicament of  having  a  choice  between  Tweedle-Dum  and  Tweedle-Dee, 
between  Socialists,  Communists,  Democratic-Socialists,  or  Republican-Social- 
ists, because  the  radicals  are  also  active  within  both  conservative  parties  and 
"practical",  short-sighted  politicians  seem  to  believe  that  by  compromising 
with  them  and  pampering  them  they  are  increasing  the  Party's  hopes  of 
success.  "Marx  versus  Washington"  will  be  the  real  issue  in  the  next  election, 
and  this  issue  transcends  former  partisanship.  If  the  fight  were  clear-cut, 
Americanism  would  win  with  the  people  hands  down,  but  a  fight  with  radicals 
is  a  fight  with  snipers.  They  do  not  fly  their  true  colors  willingly. 

The  only  propaganda  now  dinned  into  an  American's  ears  is  that,  because 
of  "emergency,"  or  "collapse  of  capitalism,"  he  must  either  accept  Socialistic 
measures  or  have  Communist  dictatorship  thrust  upon  him.  (This  is  Socialist 
propaganda.)  Why  does  almost  no  one  propagandize  a  return  to  Wash- 
ingtonian  principles  which  built  this  country's  greatness?  Bureaucracy  and 
the  load  of  governmental  taxation  have  been  steadily  increasing  of  late  years 
under  Socialist  manipulation,  until  under  depressed  trade  conditions  business 
came  nearly  to  a  standstill.  Now,  inside  of  a  few  months,  more  billions  in 

The  New  Deal  and  Roosevelt  Appointees 75 

taxation  have  been  heaped  upon  American  taxpayers  than  our  share  of  the 
cost  of  the  World  War.  How  many  years  will  it  take  to  pay  off  the  present 
load  of  indebtedness  which  this  administration  has  only  started  to  incur? 
During  this  process  the  American  taxpayer  is  apt  to  lose  his  property  as  the 
Socialists  intend  that  he  shall.  Between  forfeited  loans  and  heavy  taxation, 
it  is  hoped  to  confiscate  farms,  homes,  banks  and  utilities  by  legal  means. 

As  Communist  V.  F.  Calverton  says  in  "Recovery  Through  Revolution" 
(see) :  .  .  .  "what  with  the  state  practically  supporting  and  subsidizing  the 
industrial  and  financial  set-up  of  the  nation  by  means  of  monies  afforded 
by  the  Reconstruction  Finance  Corporation,  in  time,  if  such  subsidies  con- 
tinue, and  the  railroads  and  industries  which  have  accepted  them  cannot 
meet  the  obligations  that  they  necessitate,  there  will  be  no  other  recourse 
than  for  the  State  to  take  them  over."  (Our  "peaceful  revolution.") 

Wm.  E.  Sweet,  whom  the  Conference  for  Progressive  Political  Action 
claimed  credit  for  electing  Governor  of  Colorado  (See  "Who's  Who"),  is 
one  of  Pres.  Roosevelt's  radical  appointees  in  the  Public  Relations  Division 
of  the  N.  R.  A.  He  was  very  prompt  in  having  published  in  the  Daily  News, 
Oct.  30,  1933,  his  protest  against  a  "white"  Daily  News  editorial  of  Oct.  26. 
His  was  a  lengthy  letter  sent  from  Washington,  D.  C.,  in  which  he  said: 
"The  editorial  'Back  to  the  Constitution'  printed  on  the  front  page  of  the 
Daily  News,  Oct.  26,  would  be  highly  important  if  it  voiced  the  sentiments 
of  any  considerable  inarticulate  body  of  citizens  as  the  Daily  News  seems 
to  think  it  does.  .  .  .  Has  the  time  come  in  America  when  a  man  may  not  do 
as  he  pleases  with  his  oil?  It  has.  But  this  is  clearly  unconstitutional.  .  .  . 
The  Constitution  was  based  on  security  and  privilege  for  the  owners  of 
property,  but  this  is  no  reason  for  confusing  it  with  holy  writ.  ...  If  these 
revolutionary  changes  in  our  economic  system  work  out  satisfactorily,  they 
will  be  found  to  be  constitutional.  .  .  .  When  former  Pres.  Hoover  made  his 
concluding  speech  in  Madison  Square  Garden  he  said:  'This  campaign  is 
more  than  a  contest  between  two  parties,  it  is  more  than  a  contest  between 
two  men,  it  is  a  contest  between  two  fundamentally  different  theories  of 
government.'  Mr.  Hoover  rightly  appraised  the  issues  of  the  campaign.  The 
people  have  placed  their  seal  of  approval  for  the  present  on  the  theory  of 
government  advanced  by  Franklin  D.  Roosevelt  and  they  are  following  his 
leadership  with  loud  acclaim.  As  yet  there  is  no  sign  of  any  diminution  in 
his  popularity."  (?) 

"The  radicals  you  complain  of  have  been  chosen  by  the  President.  He 
may  not  agree  with  all  their  theories  but  he  would  rather  have  their  counsel, 
noise  and  all,  than  that  of  the  traditionalists,  'money  changers,'  and  reaction- 
aries who  surrounded  and  dominated  his  predecessor.  Wm.  E.  Sweet,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C." 

Senator  Warren  R.  Austin  of  Vermont  said,  (Sept.  18,  1933,  Chgo.  Amer- 
ican) :  "Only  one  step  further  need  be  taken  to  destroy  the  Constitution  and 
overthrow  the  government,  namely,  to  remold  the  judiciary."  And  Senator 
Henry  D.  Hatfield  of  W.  Va.  declared,  (Chgo.  Tribune,  Oct.  20,  1933): 
"President  Roosevelt's  executive  order  threatening  N.  R.  A.  violators  with 
$500  fines  and  six  months'  imprisonment  means  that  economic  serfdom  has 
become  a  grim  reality  in  the  United  States." 

76  The  Red  Network 

The  attitude  of  radicals  with  regard  to  the  recent  U.  S.  Supreme  Court 
decision  in  the  Minnesota  mortgage  moratorium  case  is  clearly  indicated  in 
the  following  excerpts  from  the  January  18,  1934  "World  Tomorrow": 


"The  five-to-four  decision  of  the  Supreme  Court  of  the  United  States 
in  the  Minnesota  mortgage  moratorium  case  enormously  increases  the 
possibility  of  revolution  in  this  country  without  another  civil  war.  If 
the  principles  enunciated  therein  are  incorporated  in  forthcoming  decisions, 
the  NRA,  the  AAA  and  other  aspects  of  the  New  Deal  are  likely  to  be 
upheld.  In  this  event  the  creditor  and  property-owning  class  will  lose 
billions  and  billions  of  dollars.  The  validation  of  recent  state  and  national 
legislation  by  the  Supreme  Court  will  result  in  the  redistribution  of  wealth 
on  an  almost  unimaginably  colossal  scale. 

"The  law  under  review  authorized  owners,  when  about  to  lose  their 
property  through  foreclosure,  to  apply  in  court  for  a  two-year  extension 
of  time  in  which  to  redeem  their  holdings.  The  invalidating  decree  of  the 
district  court  was  reversed  by  the  Minnesota  Supreme  Court,  and  the 
latter 's  decision  was  upheld  at  Washington."  (Chief  Justice  Hughes  and 
Justices  Brandeis,  Cardozo,  Roberts,  and  Stone  [radicals,  three  of  whom 
were  appointed  by  Pres.  Hoover],  against  Justices  Butler,  McReynolds, 
Sutherland,  and  Van  Devanter  [Constitutionalists] ). 

"Pacifists  who  are  struggling  for  radical  changes  in  the  present  social 
order  have  reason  to  be  encouraged  by  the  Court's  decision  in  the  Minne- 
sota case.   Once  more  it  has  been  demonstrated  that  the  Supreme  Court 
tends  to  follow  public  opinion.    Progress  has  often  been  slowed  down, 
but  the  highest  tribunal  of  the  land  is  not  likely  to  become  a  permanent 
barrier  to  revolutionary  change.  As  a  last  resort  its  powers  may  be  shorn 
or  its  decision  changed  by  increasing  the  size  of  the  Court  and  the  appoint- 
ment of  new  Justices  who  are  in  sympathy  with  radical  legislation." 
This  last  brazenly  gives  voice  to  a  radical  threat  that  has  been  propa- 
gandized under  cover  ever  since  Pres.  Roosevelt  took  office  and  has  reference 
to  the  emergency  power  which  the  President  has  of  increasing  the  number 
of  Supreme  Court  Justices.    For  example,  it  is  alleged  that  in  case  of  any 
adverse  decision,  say  5  to  4,  against  any  phase  of  the  "New  Deal,"  the  Presi- 
dent will  appoint  two  more  radicals  (possibly  Felix  Frankfurter  and  Donald 
Richberg,  or  at  least  men  of  their  persuasion)  to  the  Supreme  Bench,  insur- 
ing a  reversal  or  favorable  decision  of  6  to  5,  in  favor  of  the  proposition 
when  it  again  comes  up  for  action. 

In  passing,  it  should  be  noted  that  Pres.  Roosevelt's  "first  assistant," 
Secy.  Ickes,  served  on  the  National  Campaign  Executive  Committee  when 
Chief  Justice  Hughes  ran  for  President  in  1916. 

Norman  Thomas  in  "Student  Outlook"  for  Nov.,  1933  (p.  5)  proceeds 
to  tell  how  N.  R.  A.  must  be  turned  into  permanent  Socialism.  He  says: 
"Only  social  ownership  of  natural  resources  and  the  great  means  of  produc- 
tion and  distribution,  their  management  according  to  plan  for  the  use  of 
the  great  company  of  people  and  not  for  the  profit  of  any"  (true  enough) 

The  New  Deal  and  Roosevelt  Appointees 77 

"can  fulfill  the  promise  of  N.  R.  A. .  .  .  The  codes  must  not  only  be  improved 
but  correlated  under  a  general  economic  plan. 

"We  can  scarcely  have  experts  plan  for  us  unless  we  own  the  things 
which  are  vital  to  this  plan.  We  must  acquire  rapidly  our  banking  system, 
our  coal,  oil,  electric  power  and  railroads.  Speedily  we  must  add  other  nat- 
ural resources  and  basic  industries  and  utilities.  We  should  socialize  market- 
ing machinery  of  what  farmers  buy  and  sell.  The  milk  situation,  for  instance, 
cannot  be  solved  without  socially  owned  milk  distributing  companies  in  place 
of  the  present  trusts.  Taxation  of  incomes  and  inheritances  in  a  transitional 
period  should  meet  most  costs  of  government,  though  the  land  values  tax 
can  and  should  be  used  to  end  private  landlordism.  A  capital  levy  must  be 
employed  to  help  reduce  debt,  care  for  the  unemployed,  and  facilitate  the 
transfer  of  the  industries  to  be  socialized.  In  general,  under  present  con- 
ditions, compensation  for  socialized  industries — usually  in  notes  or  bonds 
of  these  industries — plus  such  taxation  as  I  have  outlined  is  likely  to  prove 
more  equitable  and  practicable  than  piecemeal  confiscation.  For  the  imme- 
diate present  we  need  a  far  bolder  plan  of  unemployment  relief  and  public 
works,  including  housing.  Such  a  program  plus  social  insurance  will  aid  not 
only  in  terms  of  social  justice  but  in  economic  recovery  by  its  help  in  redis- 
tributing national  income  a  little  more  equitably. 

"No  program  can  be  carried  out  merely  by  wishing.  It  requires  effective 
organization.  .  .  .  The  party  which  represents  the  workers  is  still  to  be  built. 
It  is  that  party  which  the  Socialist  Party  wishes  to  help  to  create  or  become. 
There  is  an  unfortunate  tendency  among  radicals  to  spend  in  their  own  dis- 
cussions more  time  on  an  attempt  to  prophesy  the  degree  of  violence  which 
will  bring  about  a  desirable  social  revolution  than  on  working  on  a  dynamic 
organization  without  which  ballots  or  bullets  are  equally  futile." 

This,  then,  is  the  Red  program  for  confiscating  private  property  and 
American  liberty  "under  present  conditions"  and  under  the  flag  of  patriotism. 
Later  on — well  that  is  still  another  story. 

It  is  significant  that  Socialist  Basil  Manly  (See  "Who's  Who"),  long  a 
noisy  voice  for  public  ownership  of  Muscle  Shoals  and  kindred  projects,  who 
in  1927,  announced  (See  People's  Legislative  Service)  that  proper  strategy  in 
the  1928  elections  would  secure  radicals  a  real  voice  in  the  choice  of  President 
in  1932,  is  now  Pres.  Roosevelt's  appointee  as  chairman  of  the  Federal  Power 
Commission,  in  charge  of  these  very  projects,  now  threatening  extermination 
of  the  privately-owned  competing  power  industries  and  saddling  taxpayers 
with  the  extravagant  expense  of  political  ownership. 

Roosevelt,  in  his  Detroit  campaign  speech,  frankly  told  the  American 
people  he  was  as  "radical  as  the  Federal  Council  of  Churches"  (see),  which 
meant  a  great  deal  more  than  the  average  person  realized. 

John  Boettiger,  Washington  correspondent  of  the  Chicago  Tribune,  Oct. 
1,  1933,  wrote:  "One  recovery  policy  seems  to  reduce  while  another  pro- 
motes larger  production.  Millions  are  spent  to  take  farm  lands  out  of 
production.  Millions  are  spent  to  put  farm  lands  into  production.  Food  and 
cotton  are  destroyed,  while  many  people  hunger  and  go  ill-clothed.  Prices 
are  sky-rocketed  and  people  are  told  to  buy  more.  Water  power  is  planned 
to  take  the  place  of  steam  while  thousands  of  coal  miners  are  jobless.  Water- 

78  The  Red  Network 

ways  are  projected  while  the  railroads  go  bankrupt  and  thousands  of  rail 
workers  go  jobless.  .  . .  For  all  this  the  tax  payers  bear  the  brunt  at  both  ends, 
paying  processing  taxes  to  pay  the  farmers  for  destroying  produce;  paying 
for  the  dole  to  feed  the  hungry ;  paying  for  power  plants  whether  their  com- 
munities benefit  or  not;  paying  more  and  more  taxes  to  support  the  ever 
growing  bureaucracy,  which  invokes  all  the  schemes  at  Washington. 

"These  paradoxes  and  many  others  are  held  inevitable  in  a  government 
which  almost  overnight  has  essayed  to  control  farming,  industry,  finance  and 
transportation,  which  is  starting  to  spend  three  billions  of  public  moneys 
for  a  thousand  and  one  widely  diversified  projects,  most  of  which  are  leading 
the  government  into  endeavors  to  paternalism,  government-in-business  and 

"In  a  single  year  the  consuming  Americans  must  pay  additional  taxes 
aggregating  approximately  $364,500,000  for  farm  products.  That  money  is 
to  be  paid  to  farmers  in  return  for  their  agreement  to  curtail  wheat  acreages, 
plow-up  cotton,  send  pigs  and  sows  to  slaughter,  cut  production  of  tobacco, 
butter,  and  cheese,  to  raise  prices  paid  to  farmers  who  are  accused  of  increas- 
ing productively  to  get  the  federal  funds. 

"Reclamation  to  make  more  arable  land,  and  power  projects  for  more 
electrical  power  than  required,  thus  far  approved  by  Secretary  Ickes  call 
for  the  expenditure  of  $166,000,000  .  .  .  will  compete  with  steam  produced 
power  for  the  cities  of  the  northwest,  and  will  drive  more  nails  into  the 
coffin  of  feeble  old  King  Coal. 

"The  Tennessee  valley  authority  dream  of  Pres.  Roosevelt  and  Sen. 
George  Norris  of  Nebraska  with  $50,000,000  to  spend  this  year,  is  a  com- 
bination of  these  described  paradoxes,  bringing  new  lands  into  cultivation, 
creating  new  water  power  where  there  is  insufficient  demand  for  what  is 
available."  This,  of  course,  will  tend  to  force  privately-owned  utilities  into 
ruin  by  governmental  competition  and  thus  into  political  ownership. 

The  Chicago  Tribune  of-  Sept.  16,  1933  says:  "In  the  rate  structure 
announced  by  David  E.  Lilienthal,  director  of  the  Tennessee  experiment  in 
charge  of  power,  there  is  no  provision  for  repaying  to  the  federal  treasury  a 
net  loss  of  $43,590,619  which  the  hydro-electric  power  plant  at  Muscle 
Shoals  already  has  cost  the  tax  payer.  Besides  waiving  past  expenditures  as 
money  already  'gone  over  the  dam,'  Director  Lilienthal  has  computed  his 
rates  which  undersell  existing  commercial  companies  by  75  percent  on  a 
quasi-socialistic  basis  ...  by  disregarding  the  original  investment,  making 
no  provision  for  profits,  avoiding  taxes  and  computing  interest  at  the  low 
rate  available  to  the  government,  the  Muscle  Shoals  officials  have  given 
themselves  a  75  percent  advantage  in  rates  over  commercial  companies.  .  .  . 
These  rate  schedules  .  .  .  are  being  held  up  as  models  to  commercial  com- 
panies which  have  to  meet  all  these  costs." 

Radical  "Unity"  of  Abraham  Lincoln  Center,  Chicago,  says  (Sept.  4, 
1933) :  "One  has  only  to  scan  the  newspapers  these  days  to  comprehend  the 
stupendous  magnitude  of  what  is  going  forward  in  this  country.  .  .  .  No  such 
vast  undertaking  of  industrial  planning  has  ever  been  attempted  in  the  world 
outside  of  Russia.  ...  It  also  means  that  success  can  only  lead  to  new  and 
final  disaster,  unless  the  administration  sweeps  straight  on  into  Socialism." 

The  New  Deal  and  Roosevelt  Appointees 7£ 

The  subject  of  Curtis  Reese's  lecture  for  Jan.  7,   1934  was  "Why  Social 
Radicals  Should  Support  the  New  Deal"  (see  "Who's  Who"). 

The  communist  Daily  Worker,  Oct.  6,  1933,  under  the  heading  "A 
Socialist  Invitation,"  said:  "Yesterday  Franklin  D.  Roosevelt,  President  of 
the  United  States,  was  invited  to  join  the  Socialist  Party.  .  .  .  Over  ten  thou- 
sand New  York  workers  heard  Abraham  Cahan,  one  of  the  oldest  leaders  of 
the  Socialist  Party,  and  editor  of  the  Socialist  paper,  the  ' Forward/  invite  him 
in.  Here  are  his  actual  words  set  down  for  every  worker  to  see:  'The  NRA 
has  been  handled  in  a  democratic  way,  and  the  President  has  earned  the 
gratitude  of  every  thinking  man  in  the  country  ...  on  the  basis  of  his  work 
so  far  he  really  should  be  a  Socialist.'  On  one  side  of  Cahan  sat  Norman 
Thomas.  On  the  other  sat  the  Tammany  Police  Chief.  .  .  .  This  was  the  set- 
ting for  the  invitation  to  Roosevelt  to  join  the  party  of  Eugene  Victor  Debs. 
Thomas  seconded  the  invitation — with  the  typical  Thomas  reservations. 
Thus  the  Thomas  'left-wing'  and  the  Hillquit-Cahan  'right-wing'  of  the 
Socialist  Party  joined  hands.  .  .  .  Cahan's  invitation  is  only  the  logical  cul- 
mination of  the  congratulatory  visit  that  Thomas  and  Hillquit  paid  Roose- 
velt at  the  White  House  in  April.  The  Socialist  leaders  have  looked 
Roosevelt  over.  And  they  find  him  good.  .  .  Cahan  sees  in  Roosevelt  a  fellow- 
socialist.  He  is  right.  They  are  both  socialists — of  the  same  calibre.  Of  the 
calibre  of  Hindenburg,  the  fascist  butcher."  (Pres.  Roosevelt  sent  his 
condolences  to  Mrs.  Morris  Hillquit  when  Hillquit  died  recently.) 

This  last  is  typical  of  the  insults  Communists  and  Socialists  hurl  at  each 
other.  No  insult  could  be  more  far  fetched  than  the  epithet  of  "fascist"  or 
anti-Red  applied  to  Socialists,  whose  leaders  serve  on  the  selfsame  anti- 
fascist committees  with  Communists;  but  it  conveys  the  intended  meaning 
that  the  Socialism  of  Socialists  is  a  farce,  that  only  the  Socialism  of  the 
Communist  Party  is  the  "pure  goods". 

Why  this  continual  horse  play  between  Red  parties  with  identical  prin- 
ciples and  objectives?  Were  it  entirely  due  to  bitter  Party  rivalry  and  jeal- 
ousy the  Party  leaders  would  not  be  on  the  close  friendly  terms  that  they 
are.  The  Garland  Fund  illustrates  their  chummy  interlocking  cooperation. 
The  "hymn  of  hate"  publicity  policy  is  undoubtedly  mutually  understood. 
It  helps  to  keep  the  rank  and  file  members  in  separate  camps,  gives  the  dis- 
gruntled Red  another  place  to  go  to  help  the  movement,  spurs  members  on 
to  rivalry,  confuses  and  ensnares  some  of  the  bourgeoisie  into  believing 
Socialism  different  from  Communism,  and  enables  the  Parties,  like  two  flanks 
of  an  army,  to  carry  on  separate,  even  apparently  hostile,  coordinated  Red 
movements — one  penetrating,  the  other  agitating. 

While  the  Socialist  Party  in  a  practical,  gentlemanly  manner  has  bored 
from  within  and  secured  governmental  power  and  now  guides  NRA  as  far 
toward  complete  Socialism  as  the  leash  of  legalism  will  stretch,  sanctions  de- 
stroying food  and  confiscating  property,  has  forced  upon  the  A.  F.  of  L.  its 
former  enemy,  the  pro-Soviet  Amalgamated  Clothing  Workers  unions,  and  is 
aiding  the  A.  F.  of  L.  to  unionize  America  in  the  expectation  of  using  the 
enlarged  organization  as  an  instrument  for  the  general  strike  as  suggested  by 
the  Second  International  Conference  at  Paris  1933,  the  Communist  Party  has 
adopted  the  definite  program  of  utilizing  the  deepening  discontent  NRA  is 

80  The  Red  Network 

creating,  and  is  agitating  rabid  hatred  against  the  NRA  "slave  regime," 
and,  with  hundreds  of  violent  strikes  to  its  credit  already  within  the  past 
few  months,  hopes  with  increasing  strikes  to  finally  bring  on  a  psychological 
moment  of  chaos  and  despair,  in  which  that  taut  leash  of  legalism  may  be 
broken  by  a  united  front  General  Strike  culminating  in  Red  seizure  of  power. 
Then  would  Socialists  and  Communists  hold  this  power  together,  and  with 
violence.  For,  as  Socialist  Norman  Thomas  says  in  "Why  I  am  a  Socialist" 
(p.  11):  "Socialists  are  not  non-resistants.  We  want  to  minimize  violence 
and  place  the  onus  of  it  when  it  comes  where  it  belongs:  On  an  owning  class 
that  will  not  give  up  while  it  can  hypnotize  anyone  to  fight  in  its  behalf." 

Concerning  the  "General  Strike"  (the  I.  W.  W.  specialty),  the  Com- 
munist International,  May  25,  1928,  stated:  "The  task  of  the  party  (Com- 
munist) is  to  lead  the  working  class  into  the  revolutionary  struggle  for 
power.  When  the  revolutionary  tide  is  flowing,  when  the  dominant  classes 
are  disorganized  .  .  .  and  the  masses  are  prepared  for  action  and  for  sacrifice, 
the  task  of  the  party  is  to  lead  the  masses  into  the  direct  attack  upon  the 
bourgeois  state.  This  is  to  be  achieved  by  propaganda  in  favor  of  all  tran- 
sition slogans  ...  to  which  all  other  branches  of  party  work  must  be  subordi- 
nated. This  includes  strikes,  strikes  combined  with  demonstration,  the  com- 
bination of  armed  demonstrations  and  strikes,  and  finally  the  General  Strike 
conjointly  with  the  armed  uprising  against  the  political  party  of  the  bourge- 
oisie. This  struggle  must  be  subjected  to  the  rules  of  military  art;  it  must 
be  conducted  according  to  a  plan  of  war  and  in  the  form  of  a  military  offen- 
sive. . . .  Communists  do  not  think  it  necessary  to  conceal  their  views  and  aims. 
They  openly  declare  that  their  goal  can  be  achieved  only  by  the  violent  over- 
throw of  the  whole  of  the  present  social  system."  Both  the  Russian  and  the 
Cuban  Red  revolutions  were  preceded  by  a  "General  Strike". 

In  the  communist  Daily  Worker,  Oct.  21,  1933,  appears  the  headline 
"Roosevelt  Invites  Soviet  Envoy,  U.  S.  S.  R.  Decides  to  Send  Litvinov,"  and 
an  editorial  saying:  "The  chief  conflict  in  the  present-day  world  is  between 
the  system  of  advancing  Socialism  and  of  decaying  world  capitalism.  .  .  .  The 
United  States  is  now  forced  to  step  aside  from  its  traditional  policy  of  non- 
recognition  and  undertake  diplomatic  negotiations  with  the  workers'  father- 
land. .  .  .  The  Roosevelt  regime  now  grasps  for  this  market."  Other  captions 
are  typical  of  Communist  opposition  to  NRA  and  include:  "New  Revolt 
Looms  As  Miners  Sense  Deception  of  NRA";  "NRA  Cuts  Wages  at  Sheffield 
Steel  Mills";  "Farms  Rise  in  Strike  Against  NRA"— this  last  over  the  gloat- 
ing announcement  that  "Government  officials  are  unable  to  conceal  their 
alarm  at  the  unusual  depth  and  prevalence  of  the  farmers'  bitterness  against 
the  Roosevelt  regime";  and  announcement  that  the  next  convention  of  the 
National  Farmers  Committee  of  Action  would  take  place  under  Communist 
auspices  Nov.  15-18  in  Chicago  (to  stir  up  further  strikes). 

Page  4  (same  issue)  is  entirely  devoted  to  the  speech  of  the  Communist 
Party  general  secretary,  Earl  Browder,  before  the  Central  Committee  of  the 
C.  P.  U.  S.  A.,  in  which  he  said:  "We  point  out  the  increased  and  more  effec- 
tive participation  in  strikes"  (against  NRA) ;  and,  after  covering  the  com- 
munist Anti-War  Congresses  and  other  Party  activities,  he  terminated  with 

The  New  Deal  and  Roosevelt  Appointees 81. 

this  advice:  "An  essential  part  of  the  whole  propaganda  of  the  revolutionary 
solution  of  the  crisis,  the  proletarian  dictatorship,  is  the  example  of  the  suc- 
cessful revolution  and  building  of  socialism  in  the  Soviet  Union.  ...  A  large 
number  of  our  leading  comrades  in  many  districts  who  think  they  can  get  a 
larger  number  of  workers  to  join  the  Party  by  talking  to  them  only  about 
the  immediate  demands,  and  who  soft-pedal  the  ultimate  program  of  our 
Party  in  order  to  be  popular,  are  making  a  big  mistake.  Precisely  this  line 
is  what  keeps  workers  out  of  the  Party,  because  it  doesn't  give  them  the 
essential  reason  why  the  Party  is  necessary  and  why  they  must  join  ...  it  is 
essential  to  bring  forward  the  revolutionary  program,  the  revolutionary 
character  of  our  Party,  to  propagandize  the  revolutionary  way  out  of  the 
crisis,  the  problem  of  seizure  of  power,  the  problem  of  building  socialism  in 
America  as  a  problem  of  the  next  future  of  the  United  States." 

An  article  in  the  Daily  Worker  of  Sept.  30,  1933  by  Joseph  Stalin,  head 
of  the  Soviet  government,  of  the  Communist  Party  of  U.  S.  S.  R.,  and  of 
the  Third  International,  is  entitled  "The  Peace  Policy  of  the  U.  S.  S.  R."  He 
states:  "Our  policy  is  a  policy  of  peace  and  strengthening  of  trade  relations 
with  all  countries"  and  refers  to  the  U.  S.  S.  R.  as  the  "citadel  of  the  revo- 
lution". Then  in  the  adjoining  column  is  this  quotation  from  Lenin: 

"  'We  do  not  only  live  in  one  State  but  in  a  system  of  States,  and  the 
existence  of  the  Soviet  Republic  side  by  side  with  the  imperialist  States  is 
inconceivable  jor  any  considerable  length  of  time.  Eventually,  one  or  the 
other  must  win'  "  (Emphasis  in  original),  with  the  following  comment:  "The 
Communist  Party  of  the  Soviet  Union  and  the  Communist  International,  under 
the  leadership  of  Comrade  Stalin,  have  worked  untiringly  for  the  realization 
of  this  bequest.  To  win  over  the  workers  and  peasants  of  the  imperialist 
powers,  ...  to  obtain  the  sympathy  of  the  petty-bourgeoisie  and  the  intellec- 
tual middle  class,  to  utilize  the  imperialist  antagonisms  in  the  interest  of 
Socialist  construction  and  the  extension  of  peace,  of  the  breathing  space — 
this  has  been,  and  still  is,  the  meaning  of  the  policy  of  the  Soviet  Union  .  .  . 
because  the  peace  policy  of  the  Soviet  Union  was  linked  up  with  the 
realization  of  the  First  Five  Year  Plan,  and  the  beginning  of  the  realization 
and  carrying  out  of  the  Second  Five  Year  Plan." 

The  "breathing  space"  is  the  Communist  term  for  Russia's  present  period 
of  preparation.  Propaganda  abroad  and  industrialization  in  the  U.  S.  S.  R. 
must  both  be  supported  in  order  that  the  Red  Army's  millions,  now  train- 
ing, may  be  supported  when  they  step  forth  to  fulfill  their  promise  to  the 
"Workers  of  the  World"  to  aid  them  in  overthrowing  such  capitalist  govern- 
ments as  have  not  by  that  time  already  been  overthrown  by  means  of  revo- 
lutions inspired  by  Red  propaganda.  Communists  everywhere  confidently 
hope  that  if  sufficient  credits  can  be  secured  from  capitalist  governments — 
particularly  from  rich  Uncle  Sam — to  aid  in  this  preparation,  that  the  end 
of  the  Second  Five  Year  Plan  will  find  Russia  able  to  support  its  Red  Army 
in  the  field. 

"Long  live  the  American  proletariat!  Long  live  the  Communist  Inter- 
national, the  general  staff  of  the  World  Proletarian  Revolution,"  says  the 
Daily  Worker  in  the  column  adjoining  Stalin's  article,  while  Rooseveltian 

82  The  Red  Network 

supporters  are  now  flooding  the  press  with  the  statement  that  Stalin  now 
ignores  the  Third  International  which  he  heads,  and  the  embargo  against 
slave-made  Soviet  products  (1934)  has  been  lifted! 

Communist  leaders  long  ago  said  that  capitalists  would  commit  suicide 
for  the  sake  of  temporary  profits  (on  paper).  American  patriotic  societies, 
I  know,  have  flooded  Pres.  Roosevelt  with  information  concerning  the  one- 
ness of  the  Soviet  Government  and  Third  International  which  spreads  sedition 
in  the  U.  S.  A.  for  the  purpose  of  overthrowing  this  government  and  setting" 
up  a  Socialist  Soviet  one.  The  U.  S.  S.  R.  has  "cried"  for  recognition,  as  a 
baby  cries  for  a  bottle.  It  needs  credits  for  industrialization  and  the  sub- 
sidization of  world  revolutionary  propaganda.  It  wants  above  all  else  this 
freedom  in  America,  world  prestige,  and  money  to  strengthen  itself  for  our 
assassination,  all  of  which  recognition  will  give. 

Then  why  does  Pres.  Roosevelt,  against  all  precedent,  in  effect  say  "Nice 
kitty!"  to  this  man-eating  tiger  which  would  devour  America's  government 
and  invite  him  over  to  feed  and  roam  in  America?  Is  he  stupid,  blind,  badly- 
informed  and  played-upon  by  radicals,  or  well-informed  and  deliberately 
playing  the  Red  game  as  socialist  Ramsay  MacDonald  and  every  other  clever 
socialist  statesman  plays  it? 

The  Literary  Digest,  Nov.  4,  1933,  quotes  the  editor  of  "L'Echo  de  Paris" 
as  stating:  "  'Doubtless  Roosevelt  was  influenced  by  members  of  the  "brain 
trust"  and  by  intellectual  snobs  who  believe  that  Communism  would  be  a 
diverting  experiment.'  "  It  must  be  assuring  to  our  capitalistic  Reds  to  read 
that  Litvinov,  the  proletarians'  spokesman,  sailed  for  America  occupying  the 
Royal  Suite  on  the  Berengaria. 

Concerning  Soviet  Recognition,  the  Chicago  Daily  News,  Oct.  24,  1933 
(Paul  Mallon),  says:  "The  real  inside  negotiations  were  handled  by  Wm.  C. 
Bullitt,  special  assistant  to  Hull.  He  is  the  man  who  made  a  secret  trip  to 
Europe  last  spring.  .  .  .  Bullitt's  real  mission  was  to  sound  out  European 
governments  as  to  how  they  were  getting  along  with  the  Reds.  His  report 
was  favorable."  It  would  be,  as  Pres.  Roosevelt  must  have  known. 

Bullitt,  Roosevelt  appointee  as  special  adviser  of  the  State  Department, 
and  now  as  Ambassador  to  the  U.  S.  S.  R.,  was,  until  recently,  married  to 
Louise  Bryant  Reed,  widow  of  John  Reed,  a  founder  of  the  American  Com- 
munist Party.  Louise  Bryant  and  Lincoln  Steffens  of  the  Anarchist-Com- 
munist group  sent  a  joint  telegram,  quoted  in  the  Lusk  Report,  asking  Lenin 
and  Trotsky  to  appoint  a  man  in  America  with  whom  they  could  cooperate 
in  aiding  the  Russian  revolution.  After  this,  Bullitt  and  Lincoln  Steffens 
went  over  on  a  confidential  mission  to  Russia.  To  quote  magazine  "Time" 
of  May  1,  1933:  "Wm.  C.  Bullitt  went  to  Sweden  on  Henry  Ford's  Peace 
Ship  in  1915.  .  .  .  In  Feb.,  1919,  Diplomat  Bullitt,  with  Journalist  Lincoln 
Steffens,  was  entrusted  with  a  confidential  mission  to  Russia  to  make  peace 
terms  with  the  Soviet.  .  .  .  Mr.  Bullitt  spent  a  week  in  Moscow  and  came  to 
terms  with  Dictator  Lenin.  On  his  return  to  Paris  his  peace  proposal,  involv- 
ing recognition  of  the  Bolshevist  regime  was  suddenly  tossed  into  the  waste 
basket  by  Messrs.  Wilson  and  Lloyd  George.  ...  He  impulsively  resigned  from 
the  Peace  Commission  after  Pres.  Wilson  refused  to  give  him  an  audience. 
An  admirer  of  Lenin,  he  predicted  that  the  Reds  would  oversweep  all  Europe. 

The  New  Deal  and  Roosevelt  Appointees 

.  .  .  Mr.  Lloyd  George  referred  to  'a  journey  some  boys  were  reported  to  have 
made  to  Russia'  and  flayed  the  Bullitt  report  as  a  tissue  of  lies.  After  a  Paris 
divorce  in  1923  Bullitt  married  Anne  Moen  Louise  Bryant  Reed,  widow  of 
Red  John  Reed  of  Greenwich  village  who  went  to  Russia  and  today  lies 
buried  in  the  Kremlin  wall." 

Paul  Mallon  states  in  the  Daily  News  of  Sept.  13,  1933:  "The  Com- 
munists used  to  have  no  shoulder  on  which  to  weep  in  Washington.  They 
have  one  now.  It's  Louis  Howe's."  (Roosevelt's  secretary.)  "A  Washing- 
ton detective  tried  to  cross-question  several  well-known  Reds  a  few  days  ago. 
'We  don't  want  to  talk  to  you'  they  said.  'We  are  going  to  see  Howe.'  —  They 
got  in.  Howe  is  also  credited  with  the  appointment  of  two  former  leaders 
of  the  bonus  army  to  the  department  of  justice.  What  they  do  is  not  gen- 
erally known  in  the  department,  but  they  are  on  the  payroll."  The  bonus 
army  was  Communist-led.  Einstein,  barred  as  a  Communist  from  Germany, 
in  Jan.,  1934  was  an  over  night  guest  of  the  President  at  the  White  House. 

Under  the  heading  "An  Alarming  Appointment,"  Francis  Ralston  Welsh 
reports:  "In  'Science'  for  Sept.  6,  1933  is  the  following  notice:  'Prof.  Vladi- 
mir Karapetoff,  of  the  department  of  electrical  engineering  of  Cornell  Uni- 
versity, has  been  appointed  Lieutenant  Commander  in  the  Naval  Reserve 
and  has  been  assigned  to  the  Volunteer  Naval  Reserve  for  engineering 
duties.'  "  Karapetoff  is  and  has  been  vice  president  of  the  League  for  Indus- 
trial Democracy,  the  left-wing  Socialist  organization  spreading  Socialist  and 
Communist  propaganda  in  schools  and  colleges.  To  quote  Mr.  Welsh: 
"Appointee  Karapetoff  should  be  kept  under  closest  scrutiny." 

Under  the  heading  "A  Shameless  Appointment,"  Mr.  Welsh  reports  the 
appointment  of  Frederic  Clemson  Howe  as  chairman  of  the  Consumers'  Board 
of  AAA.  When  Mr.  Welsh  brought  about  an  investigation  of  Howe's  activities 
when  Howe  was  Commissioner  of  Immigration  at  the  Port  of  New  York, 
Howe  resigned,  but  the  Congressional  investigation  brought  out  letters  show- 
ing Howe's  close  connection  with  Emma  Goldman,  Eliz.  Gurley  Flynn  and 
other  Anarchists  and  Communists  and  his  aid  to  their  cause.  "Byron  H.  Uhl 
testified  that  he  had  issued  orders  to  the  Ellis  Island  officials  to  stop  the 
circulation  of  radical  literature  among  inmates  of  Ellis  Island,  but  that  this 
order  was  held  up  under  Howe's  regime  and  the  circulating  of  I.  W.  W.  and 
Anarchist  literature  permitted.  Howe  was  shown  also  to  have  held  up  depor- 
tation proceedings  against  the  Reds  brought  to  Ellis  Island  and  that  various 
Reds  were  released  without  giving  bail  and  permitted  to  travel  about  the 
country  continuing  their  Anarchist  and  Communist  work.  The  proceedings 
of  the  committee  were  reported  at  the  time  in  the  'New  York  Times'.  Just 
before  Howe  resigned  as  Commissioner,  information  came  to  me  that  he 
had  been  tipped  off  that  there  would  be  a  Congressional  investigation.  This 
information  came  from  inside  the  Berkman  anarchist  gang.  From  whence 
they  got  it  is  not  disclosed."  (Welsh)  (See  also  "Who's  Who"). 

"Miss"  Perkins,  who  is  the  mother  of  Mr.  Paul  Wilson's  daughter,  follows 
the  custom  popular  with  Red  married  ladies  who  refuse  to  acknowledge  the 
"private  ownership"  of  marriage  and  show  that  they  "wear  no  man's  collar" 
by  refusing  to  use  a  husband's  name.  The  cry  of  the  Socialists  and  Com- 
munists had  long  been  "Down  with  Deportation  Doak".  Secy.  Doak  utilized 

84  The  Red  Network 

the  machinery  of  the  Department  of  Labor  to  deport  and  bar  certain  notorious 
Red  alien  agitators.  "Miss"  Perkins,  his  successor  as  Roosevelt's  Secretary 
of  Labor,  ended  this  activity  at  once.  Tom  Mann,  notorious  English  Red 
agitator,  jailed  in  England,  barred  from  Ireland,  and  previously  absolutely 
barred  from  the  United  States,  recently  (1933)  preached  sedition  and  Red 
revolution  in  the  United  States,  with  his  temporary  visa  extended,  due  to  the 
new  policy.  Henri  Barbusse,  Communist  agitator,  has  lectured  in  many 
American  cities  advocating  Red  revolution,  and  Frank  Borich,  vicious  Com- 
munist agitator  slated  for  deportation,  has  been  turned  loose  to  create  vio- 
lence and  disorder. 

Yet,  because  the  smokescreen  must  ever  be  kept  before  the  public,  the 
Daily  Worker  of  Oct.  5,  1933  actually  "razzes"  Secy.  Perkins;  to  quote: 
"The  lady,  Miss  Perkins,  whom  the  wily  Roosevelt  chose  as  the  liberal 
window-dressing  for  his  cabinet"  .  .  .  "claims  to  have  'liberalized'  the  immi- 
gration regulations  regarding  the  admittance  of  foreign  visitors  to  the  United 
States.  The  hypocrisy  of  her  claims  can  find  no  better  proof  than  the  delay 
in  granting  Tom  Mann's  visa.  .  .  .  Mann's  visa  was  not  granted  by  the 
American  Consul  in  London  until  too  late  for  him  to  attend  the  U.  S.  Con- 
gress Against  War";  and  again,  slightingly,  the  Daily  Worker  of  Oct.  18, 
1933  refers  to  "Miss"  Perkins  as  a  former  member  of  the  Socialist  Party. 
She  was  an  executive  and  fellow  worker  with  Mrs.  Roosevelt  in  the  New  York 
National  Consumers  League. 

Of  the  Blue  Eagle,  which  Senator  Schall  (Minn.)  calls  "the  Soviet  Duck," 
P.  H.  Hatch,  writing  in  the  Literary  Digest  of  Nov.  4,  1933  asks:  "I  would 
very  much  like  to  know  why  the  Soviet  eagle  is  selected,  that  bears  electricity 
in  its  talons,  and  is  placed  here,  there  and  everywhere,  instead  of  our  Amer- 
ican eagle,  carrying  an  olive  branch,  and  which  is  shown  on  the  obverse  side 
of  the  great  seal  of  the  United  States?" 

The  Daily  Worker,  Sept.  8,  1933,  found  it  necessary  to  take  Communist 
Theodore  Dreiser  to  task  for  not  following  the  Party  line  of  attack  on  NRA, 
saying:  "Theodore  Dreiser  has  come  out  with  a  statement  of  his  conversion 
to  NRA  on  the  grounds  that  the  New  Deal  comes  to  us  direct  from  Moscow." 

Rexford  Guy  Tugwell  (see  "Who's  Who"),  whose  radical  speech  on  doing 
away  with  private  business  entirely  is  quoted  under  "National  Religion  and 
Labor  Foundation,"  said  in  Chicago,  Oct.  29,  1933:  "We  are  passing  through 
a  fairly  sensible  mass  revolution,"  to  which  the  Chgo.  Daily  News  replied 
with  a  great  editorial,  Nov.  1,  1933,  headed  "Did  You  Vote  for  Revolution?" 
He  is  Pres.  Roosevelt's  Assistant  "Commissar"  of  Agriculture  and  one  of 
the  principle  spokesmen  for  the  administration. 

To  quote  Cong.  Hamilton  Fish's  speech  before  the  House  of  Repre- 
sentatives, May  2,  1933:  "Mordecai  Ezekiel,  Economic  Adviser  to  the  Secre- 
tary of  Agriculture,  is  a  real  shadow  of  Prof.  Tugwell  so  far  as  the  Russian 
farm  plan  is  concerned.  He  appears  to  be  the  Professor  Einstein  of  the  admin- 
istration and  carefully  elaborates  the  working  of  the  'new  deal'  to  Congress 
by  the  use  of  logarithms,  letting  a  hog  equal  X,  the  squeal  equal  Y,  and  the 
price  equal  Z.  If  it  works  out  'everything  will  be  all  right'.  Prof.  Ezekiel  has 
visited  Russia,  where  he  made  a  considerable  study  of  the  Gosplan.  .  .  .  Here 
is  a  clipping  from  the  greatest  propagandist  of  Soviet  Russia  in  the  world,  a 

The  New  Deal  and  Roosevelt  Appointees  85 

writer  for  the  N.  Y.  Times,  Mr.  Walter  Duranty,  who  says  that  after  IS 
years  the  agricultural  plan  in  Russia  has  failed.  .  .  .  The  heading  of  this  article 
in  the  N.  Y.  Times  is  'All  Russia  suffers  shortage  of  food,  supplies  dwindle, 
two- thirds  of  people  are  not  expected  to  get  sufficient  allowances  for  winter; 
crops  below  1930;  live  stock  reduced  more  than  50  percent  from  5  years  ago, 
with  fodder  lacking;  new  plans  dropped'.  These  are  the  agricultural  plans 
that  were  commended  by  Mr.  Tugwell  and  probably  are  the  plans  now  being 
suggested  or  copied  from  Soviet  Russia  in  the  pending  farm  bill.  If  its  pur- 
pose is  to  reduce  production  of  farm  products,  as  has  happened  in  Soviet 
Russia,  then  this  farm  bill  ought  to  succeed  at  least  in  that  respect,  although 
that  was  not  the  intention  of  the  framers  of  the  Soviet  Gosplan  in  Russia. 

"Where  did  the  'new  deal'  come  from?  ...  is  it  possible  that  the  'new  deaF 
was  borrowed  from  the  Socialist  book  'A  New  Deal,'  from  which  apparently 
a  large  part  of  the  proposed  legislative  program  has  been  taken?  ...  in  which 
Stuart  Chase  says  that  'in  a  way  it  is  a  pity  that  the  road  to  revolution  is 
temporarily  closed'."  I  note  that  the  last  line  of  this  same  book  is  "Why 
should  Russians  have  all  the  fun  of  remaking  a  world?" 

When  Smith  Wildman  Brookhart,  defeated  radical  Iowa  Senator,  Roose- 
velt's Foreign  Trade  Adviser  of  Agricultural  Adjustment  Administration, 
debated  with  Hamilton  Fish  in  Chicago,  1932,  under  L.  I.  D.  and  A.  S.  C. 
R.  R.  auspices,  with  Prof.  Paul  H.  Douglas,  executive  of  both,  presiding,  he 
took  the  side  of  Soviet  Russia  and  of  Soviet  recognition.  He  spoke  in 
friendly  familiar  terms  of  his  friend  Boris  Skvirsky,  unofficial  Soviet  repre- 
sentative in  Washington,  and  to  judge  by  the  plaudits  of  the  audience  he 
might  well  have  been  born  in  Russia  instead  of  the  United  States.  The  hall 
was  packed  with  Reds  who  cheered  Brookhart  and  hissed  Fish. 

Among  other  radical  Roosevelt  appointees  is  Robert  M.  Hutchins,  self 
assured  young  president  of  the  University  of  Chicago,  under  whose  admin- 
istration the  U.  of  C.  has  become  a  hotbed  for  Communist  propaganda.  The 
Student  Congress  Against  War  with  Scott  Nearing  and  Earl  Browder  of 
the  Communist  Party  as  speakers,  mass  meetings  with  Wm.  Z.  Foster,  Carl 
Haessler,  and  others,  advocating  overthrow  of  our  government  in  defiance 
of  the  Illinois  sedition  law,  are  not  only  held  in  University  auditoriums,  but 
the  communist  National  Student  League  is  an  officially  recognized  U.  of  C. 
student  activity.  Hutchins,  accompanied  by  Victor  Olander  of  the  Illinois 
Federation  of  Labor,  Pres.  Walter  Dill  Scott  of  N.  U.,  etc.,  opposed  me  in 
testifying  before  the  Illinois  Legislative  hearing  at  Springfield  on  the  Baker 
Bills,  aimed  at  curbing  sedition  in  colleges.  Jane  Addams  opposed  me  at  the 
second  Chicago  hearing.  I  was  in  the  unique  position  at  Springfield,  at 
Senator  Baker's  invitation,  of  being  the  only  person  to  testify  in  favor  of 
curbing  sedition.  The  presidents  of  St.  Viator's  College,  and  Northwestern 
and  Chicago  Universities  were  pitted  against  me,  with  Mrs.  Ickes,  wife  of 
Secy.  Harold  L.  Ickes,  leading  Roosevelt  appointee,  applauding  on  the  side- 
lines the  remarks  of  the  opponents  of  the  sedition  bills. 

When  I  showed  documentary  proof  of  my  charges  that  Communism  is 
allowed  to  flourish  at  the  U.  of  C.,  young  Hutchins  came  back  with  the  very 
good  answer  that  he  did  not  know  why  Communism  should  not  be  a  student 
activity  at  the  U.  of  C.,  since  Wm.  Z.  Foster  and  the  Communist  Party  were 

86  The  Red  Network 

allowed  on  the  ballot  of  the  State  of  Illinois  (and  a  scandal  that  it  is  true!), 
and  that  he  taught  Marxism  and  Leninism  himself.  Hutchins  heads  the  Chi- 
cago Mediation  Board  of  NRA.  Jane  Addams  was  invited  to  serve  also  but 
declined,  but  Victor  Olander,  his  ally  at  the  Springfield  Hearing,  serves  under 
him,  as  does  James  Mullenbach  (see  "Who's  Who")  and  John  Fitzpatrick 
(appointed  through  Leo  Wolman),  president  of  the  Chicago  Federation  of 
Labor  and  a  member  of  the  Chicago  Committee  for  Struggle  Against  War, 
which  put  over  the  huge  Communist  mass  meeting  I  attended  Oct.  23,  1933 
in  honor  of  Communist  Henri  Barbusse.  Only  the  Red  flag  was  displayed  and 
the  Internationale  sung,  and  Revolution  was  cheered.  Fitzpatrick's  com- 
mittee were  seated  on  the  stage  and  a  Communist  pamphlet  sold  at  the  meet- 
ing stated  that  Fitzpatrick  had  been  asked  to  address  the  meeting  but  had 
not  dared  do  so  as  a  representative  of  the  A.  F.  of  L. 

This  Chicago  Labor  Board  (according  to  the  Chicago  Tribune,  Oct.  20, 
1933)  was  chosen  from  nominations  submitted  to  Senator  Robt.  E.  Wagner, 
chairman  of  the  National  Board.  Wagner  himself  is  a  warm  advocate  of 
Russian  recognition  and  a  contributor  to  the  radical  Survey,  Graphic  and 

According  to  the  Daily  Worker  of  March  19,  1934,  Sen.  Brookhart 
praised  Soviet  agriculture  at  the  New  School  for  Social  Research  (Mrs.  F.  D. 
Roosevelt  was  on  its  Advisory  Board,  1931)  and  said  similar  collectivisation 
could  be  achieved  here  by  means  of  his  Bill.  To  quote:  "  'My  Bill  is  the  rev- 
olution. A  couple  of  Bills  like  that  and  there  would  be  no  more  Wall  Street!' 
Brookhart  suggested  that  the  audience  read  Stalin's  speech  on  agriculture 
mimeographed  copies  of  which  he  distributed  free." 

We  are  not  surprised  at  Mrs.  Roosevelt's  lavish  praise  of  Jane  Addams, 
her  friend,  with  whom  she  shared  the  program  led  by  Newton  D.  Baker,  in  a 
drive  for  relief  funds,  Oct.  30,  1933  in  Chicago,  nor  to  read:  "Mrs.  Franklin 
D.  Roosevelt  and  Mrs.  Henry  Morgenthau,  Jr.,  motored  from  the  summer 
White  House  at  Hyde  Park,  N.  Y.,  to  pay  a  visit  tonight  to  Miss  Lillian 
Wald,  welfare  worker  and  sociologist.  The  President's  wife  and  her  com- 
panion joined  Miss  Jane  Addams  .  .  .  and  Dr.  Alice  Hamilton  ...  as  dinner 
guests  of  the  founder  of  Henry  St.  Settlement,  New  York."  (Chicago  Trib- 
une, Aug.  8,  1933.) 

The  A.  S.  C.  R.  R.,  a  Communist  subsidiary,  was  formed  at  Henry  St. 
Settlement.  Lillian  Wald  and  Mrs.  Roosevelt  served  together  on  the  Non- 
intervention Citizens  Committee,  26  of  the  75  members  of  which  were  out- 
right Socialists  or  Communists,  and  the  others  all  more  or  less  connected 
with  the  pacifist  movement.  Rose  Schneidermann  (see  "Who's  Who"),  who 
has  objected  to  the  nickname,  the  "Red  Rose  of  Anarchy,"  was  also  one  of 
this  committee  and  is  a  Roosevelt  appointee  on  the  Labor  Advisory  Board. 

Rose  Schneidermann,  Lillian  Wald  and  Mrs.  Roosevelt  are  associated 
together  also  in  the  National  Women's  Trade  Union  League  (radical  enough 
to  merit  Garland  Fund  support  and  the  Garland  Fund  plainly  states  it  gives 
only  for  radical  purposes). 

"Miss"  Frances  Perkins  was  formerly  executive  secretary  of  the  socialist 
National  Consumers  League,  of  which,  in  1931,  Mrs.  Roosevelt,  Jane  Addams, 
Newton  D.  Baker  and  Alice  Hamilton  were  vice  presidents. 

Nor  is  it  strange  that  Leo  Wolman  and  Sidney  Hillman,  two  outstanding 
radicals  (see  "Who's  Who"),  should  be  Roosevelt  appointees  to  the  Labor 

The  New  Deal  and  Roosevelt  Appointees 

Advisory  Board.  They  were  both  directors  of  the  Garland  Fund,  which  aided 
two  of  the  organizations  of  which  Mrs.  Roosevelt  is  a  member  (National 
Consumers  League  and  National  Women's  Trade  Union  League). 

Paul  Douglas  left  his  work  at  the  U.  of  Chicago  to  go  to  Washington 
as  Roosevelt's  Adviser  to  NRA.  His  radical  record  (see  "Who's  Who")  is 
lengthy.  Sam  Hammersmark,  the  head  of  the  Chicago  Communist  Book 
Store  at  2019  W.  Division  St.  and  a  Communist  Party  district  executive, 
knows  him  well  enough  to  call  him  "Paul".  A  columnist  quoted  Douglas, 
commenting  on  the  present  change  in  administration,  as  saying:  "And  to 
think  but  a  short  time  ago  we  were  called  radicals!"  He  left  his  wife  and 
children  in  recent  years  and  married  the  daughter  of  Lorado  Taft,  the 
sculptor.  Taft  now  serves  on  the  Red  "Chicago  Committee  for  Struggle 
Against  War". 

Wm.  E.  Dodd  (see  "Who's  Who"),  a  member  of  the  executive  committee 
of  the  Chicago  A.  C.  L.  U.,  is  Pres.  Roosevelt's  appointee  as  Ambassador  to 
Germany.  How  Hitler  must  love  that! 

Harold  L.  Ickes,  radical  "Republican,"  is  Roosevelt's  Secretary  of  the 
Interior.  He  owns  a  gorgeous  Winnetka,  111.  estate  and  has  been  active  in 
"reform"  politics  for  many  years.  He  is  held  up  as  the  model  "honest"  poli- 
tician. He  is  in  Paul  Douglas'  utilities-baiting,  socialist  Utility  Consumers 
and  Investors  League  and  is  either  a  member  of  or  contributor  to  the  A.  C. 
L.  U.  His  wife,  a  member  of  the  Illinois  Legislature,  is  said  to  be  an  ardent 

Donald  Richberg,  another  member  of  Paul  Douglas'  Utility  Consumers 
and  Investors  League,  is  Pres.  Roosevelt's  General  Legal  Advisor  of  NRA. 
Said  the  Chgo.  Daily  News,  Sept.  5,  1933:  His  position  in  NRA  "can 
be  measured  by  the  fact  he  gets  $12,500  while  the  others  (including  John- 
son) get  $6,000."  He  was  chairman  of  the  resolutions  committee  of  the 
radical  Conference  for  Progressive  Political  Action  in  Cleveland,  1924,  which 
"steals"  elections  for  radical  candidates  (Am.  Labor  Who's  Who).  (See  also 
this  "Who's  Who"). 

Henry  Wallace,  the  radical  Roosevelt  Secretary  of  Agriculture,  was  a 
member  of  the  Nat.  Citizens  Committee  on  Relations  with  Latin  America 
and  Nat.  Save  Our  Schools  Com. 

Sophonisba  P.  Breckenridge  and  Anne  Guthrie  (see  "Who's  Who")  were 
U.  S.  delegates  to  the  Pan-American  Conference,  Nov.,  1933,  with  the 
official  party. 

Wm.  H.  Leiserson,  Secretary  of  the  National  Labor  Board,  is  a  fellow 
author  with  Norman  Thomas  and  Harry  Laidler  of  the  book  "Socialism  of 
Our  Times".  His  section  is  entitled  "Socialist  Theory  and  the  Class  Struggle". 

Prof.  Raymond  Moley,  Roosevelt's  appointee  as  Assistant  Secretary  of 
State,  is  a  close  friend  of  Wm.  C.  Bullitt.  According  to  "Time"  of  May  8, 
1933:  "At  Western  Reserve  he  is  still  well  remembered  as  the  professor  who 
required  his  classes  to  read  the  New  Republic  when  that  journal  of  parloi 
liberalism  was  considered  Red."  (It  is  still  considered  Red). 

John  F.  Sinclair,  of  the  Garland  Fund  Committee  on  Imperialism  and 
of  the  A.  C.  L.  U.  national  committee,  was  reported  by  the  press  to  be  engaged 
in  confidential  work  for  Pres.  Roosevelt  (Chgo.  Tribune,  May  9,  1933).  He 

88  The  Red  Network 

was  appointed  member  of  the  NRA  review  board,  March  1934,  with  Clarence 
Darrow,  chairman  (See  "Who's  Who"  for  both). 

Heywood  Broun  and  Joseph  Wood  Krutch,  well  known  radicals  (see 
"Who's  Who"),  were  appointed  as  NRA  industrial  advisors  for  codes  of 
fair  competition  in  the  theatre  industry  (Chgo.  American,  Aug.  8,  1933). 

If  McKee,  1933  candidate  for  Mayor  of  New  York,  was,  as  he  claimed, 
a  Roosevelt  man,  and  the  accounts  in  the  Daily  Worker  of  Sept.  13,  15,  17, 
1933  concerning  Pres.  Roosevelt's  aid  to  La  Guardia  are  correct,  then  the 
non-Tammany  voter  indeed  had  a  Tweedle-Dum  and  Tweedle-Dee  choice 
between  Rooseveltian  candidates.  To  quote  the  Daily  Worker;  "Wm.  J. 
Schiefflin,  known  as  the  founder  of  the  Fusion  movement,  is  a  wily  demagogue 
who  has  considerable  distinction  among  capitalist  politicians.  On  May  17, 
1931  Schiefflin  paid  verbal  tribute  to  Norman  Thomas.  He  said  that  Thomas 
was  'a  man  excellently  capable  and  fitted  for  the  office  of  Mayor.  .  .  .  But  in 
the  Fusion  fight  Schiefflin  feared  that  Thomas  might  handicap  his  capitalist 
political  wing  through  his  Socialist  tag."  And  then:  "By  Aug.  2"  (1933) 
"the  whole  Fusion  movement  seemed  to  be  at  the  point  of  collapse.  It  was 
then  that  Roosevelt's  personal  advisor  was  rushed  upon  the  scene  to  save 
the  day.  Adolph  A.  Berle,  Jr.,  a  member  of  Roosevelt's  so-called  'brain 
trust,'  went  into  hurried  conference.  Another  such  gathering  was  called  the 
following  night  and  it  was  at  this  session  that  La  Guardia  was  chosen  as 
standard  bearer.  Since  that  time  Roosevelt's  personal  advisor  has  helped 
La  Guardia  to  draft  the  City  Fusion  Party  platform.  .  .  .  Fusion's  standard 
bearer  is  a  former  Republican,  a  former  Socialist,  a  former  Progressive,  a 
former  well  paid  advisor  of  the  Tammany  administration"  (legal  services  in 
1923).  "In  the  following  autumn"  (1924)  "he  entered  the  race  for  Con- 
gress on  the  Socialist  ticket. ...  As  a  Socialist  La  Guardia  had  often  expressed 
his  opposition  to  war  .  .  .  ,"  etc. 

The  National  Labor  Tribune  for  June  22,  1933  states  that  Adolph  A. 
Berle,  Jr.  and  the  radical  Congressman  Fiorello  H.  La  Guardia  wrote  the 
Railroad  Corporation  Reorganization  Bill.  A.  A.  Berle,  Jr.  and  Paul  Blans- 
hard,  for  15  years  a  leading  Socialist,  and  an  executive  of  the  Socialist 
L.  I.  D.,  are  now  members  of  the  La  Guardia  cabinet. 

The  Daily  Worker  failed  to  give  La  Guardia  credit  for  his  Socialist  con- 
sistency in  boring  from  within  these  various  parties  and  at  the  same  time 
that  he  was  the  Fusion  candidate  for  conservatives  joining  in  issuing  the  call 
for  the  Conference  for  Progressive  Political  Action  held  in  Chicago,  Aug.  29, 
1933,  to  plan  radical  nation-wide  action  along  the  same  political  lines. 

A.  A.  Berle,  Jr.,  Special  Advisor  of  Reconstruction  Finance  Corporation, 
is  the  the  son  of  A.  A.  Berle,  who  served  on  the  executive  committee  of  the 
Civil  Liberties  Bureau  (Lusk  Report,  p.  1083).  He  was  formerly  in  the  law 
office  of  Louis  D.  Brandeis,  radical  Supreme  Court  Justice  (see),  whose 
decision  in  the  Oklahoma  Ice  Case  is  cited  by  radicals  as  a  victory  for 

Louis  E.  Kirstein  of  the  National  Advisory  Board  is  the  socialistic  asso- 
ciate of  Edward  A.  Filene  of  Boston.  "Incidentally  it  was  learned  today  that 
the  Century  Fund  endowed  by  Edward  A.  Filene,  Boston  merchant,  paid 

The  New  Deal  and  Roosevelt  Appointees 89 

all  the  expenses  of  the  industry  control  administration,  including  salaries  of 
many  publicity  men,  etc.  .  .  .  during  the  organization  before  the  industrial 
control  bill  had  been  passed  by  Congress."  (Chgo.  Tribune,  July  30,  1933). 

Judson  King,  Research  Investigator  for  Tennessee  Valley  Authority; 
James  P.  Warbasse  of  the  Consumers  Board  of  NRA;  Wm.  F.  Ogburn, 
resigned  member  of  Consumers  Advisory  Board;  David  E.  Lilienthal,  con- 
nected with  Tennessee  Valley  Authority;  Henry  T.  Hunt,  General  Counsel, 
Federal  Emergency  Administration  of  Public  Works  (of  Communist  and 
Socialist  committees) ;  and  Arthur  E.  Morgan,  Director,  Tennessee  Valley 
Authority;  all  have  radical  affiliations  listed  in  this  "Who's  Who,"  as  has 
Felix  Frankfurter,  at  whose  request  Jerome  Frank  was  made  Gen.  Counsel 
of  AAA,  Wm.  L.  Nunn,  Nathan  Margold,  Chas.  Edw.  Russell,  etc. 

"The  safety  of  the  country  rests  on  the  provision  it  makes  for  adult  edu- 
cation George  F.  Zook,  United  States  Commissioner  of  Education,  declared 
today  before  the  Adult  Educational  Council  of  Chicago"  (Chgo.  Daily  News, 
Oct.  20,  1933).  (The  Adult  Educational  Council  provides  Socialist  and  Com- 
munist lecturers  for  adult  education  which  should  make  America  safe  for 
Socialism.)  "Mr.  Zook  added  that  the  orders  of  the  Federal  Employment 
Relief  Service  to  the  effect  that  public  funds  be  made  available  for  employ- 
ment of  unemployed  persons  in  adult  education  projects  grew  out  of  a  con- 
ference sponsored  by  the  education  office  and  prompted  in  part  by  successful 
adult  education  projects  in  New  York  under  Harry  Hopkins,  now  Federal 
Director  of  Relief." 

The  speech  of  Hopkins,  who  shared  the  program  with  Mrs.  Roosevelt 
and  Newton  D.  Baker  at  the  Stevens  Hotel,  Chgo.,  Oct.  30,  1933  (as  reported 
in  the  Chgo.  Daily  News,  Oct.  31),  may  be  summed  up  in  his  statement: 
"A  new  social  order  is  to  come  out  of  the  new  deal."  No  socialistic  speaker 
ever  forgets  that  phrase  "new  social  order,"  which  of  course  differentiates 
Marx'  social  order  from  the  American  social  order. 

The  Roosevelt  administration  mouth  piece  "Today"  (of  Raymond  Moley) 
said  editorially,  Jan.  27,  1934,  concerning  President  Roosevelt: 

"To  the  Philippine  Islands  he  sent  Frank  Murphy,  the  colorful  and  pro- 
gressive Mayor  of  Detroit.  Frank  Murphy,  sharing  some  of  Father  Cough- 
lin's  ardent  progressivism,  is,  in  his  thinking,  rather  to  the  left" 

Father  Coughlin,  who  said  over  the  radio,  Jan.  14,  1934,  that  he  would 
rather  live  in  Russia  under  the  heel  of  Stalin  than  in  America  under  the  lash 
of  Morgan,  has  been  hailed  with  glee  by  the  socialist  Public  Ownership 
League  (see).  His  radio  propaganda  is  deeply  appreciated  by  radicals. 
Father  John  A.  Ryan  of  the  Public  Ownership  League  and  the  national 
committee  of  the  infamous  Communist-aiding  American  Civil  Liberties  Union 
declares  that  Father  Coughlin  "is  on  the  side  of  the  angels,"  while  other 
Catholic  dignitaries  have  dubbed  him  a  "rabble  rouser". 

When  Pres.  Roosevelt  was  Governor  of  New  York,  he  appointed  Frank  P. 
Walsh,  one  of  the  most  valuable  friends  the  Red  movement  has  had,  to  the 
N.  Y.  Commn.  on  Revision  of  Public  Utility  Laws,  June,  1929,  and  chmn.  of 
Power  Authority  of  the  State  of  N.  Y.,  May,  1931.  The  radical  activities  of 
Frank  P.  Walsh  and  Felix  Frankfurter,  one  of  the  insiders  of  Pres.  Roose- 

90  The  Red  Network 

velt's  "brain  trust,"  have  been  extensive.  See  Fred  Biedenkapp  (notorious 
Communist  agitator)  in  "Who's  Who"  for  aid  given  him  by  F.  D.  Roosevelt 
while  Governor. 

The  Chicago  Daily  News,  Dec.  26,  1933,  under  the  caption,  "Hails  1500 
Yule  Pardons  As  Victory  for  Free  Speech,"  quotes  the  words  of  praise  of  Harry 
N.  Weinberg,  the  attorney  who  defended  Anarchist  Emma  Goldman,  for  the 
action  of  Pres.  Roosevelt  in  extending  pardon  and  amnesty  to  1500  Reds, 
who  had  been  convicted  of  seditious  activities  against  the  U.  S.  government 
— a  gesture  of  friendship  following  close  upon  recognition  of  Russia,  not 
unappreciated  by  revolutionaries.  It  is  noteworthy,  however,  that  at  the 
same  time  the  nation's  newspapers,  after  months  of  haggling,  were  still 
unsuccessful  in  securing  a  clause  guaranteeing  them  "freedom  of  speech"  in 
their  NRA  code.  As  a  consequence,  Emma  Goldman,  deported  Anarchist- 
Communist  and  free  love  exponent,  has  now  returned  and  is  spreading  her 
ulcerous  doctrines  again. 

Pres.  Roosevelt  recently  pardoned  Robert  Osman,  Brooklyn  corporal, 
convicted  in  1931  of  communicating  military  secrets  to  Communists  (see 
Louis  Waldman  in  "Who's  Who"). 

An  Associated  Press  dispatch  of  Dec.  15,  1933,  stated  that  "Raymond 
Moley,  former  assistant  Secretary  of  State,  criticized  his  former  chief,  Secre- 
tary of  State  Cordell  Hull,  for  terming  the  administration's  relief  and  recov- 
ery measures  'temporary  and  extraordinary'  measures  .  .  .  saying  that  'we  are 
building  permanently  and  not  for  a  mere  purpose  of  recovery/  urged  the 
reconstruction  of  the  Democratic  Party  to  carry  on  the  principles  of  the 
administration's  recovery  and  relief  measures." 

Pres.  Hutchins,  who  shared  the  Sinai  Temple  program  of  Oct.  30,  1933, 
with  Mordecai  Ezekiel  and  Norman  Thomas,  pleaded  for  federal  funds  and  a 
federal  secretary  of  education  in  order  that  education  might  be  more  and 
more  state  subsidized  and  controlled.  Norman  Thomas,  of  course,  supple- 
mented this  socialistic  idea  with  other  Socialist  plans  and  Ezekiel  said  that 
the  long  term  aim  of  the  U.  S.  agricultural  program  is  to  "place  the  best 
farmers  on  the  best  land,"  placing  the  surplus  farmers  in  city  factories. 

I  think  when  Ezekiel  comes  to  shifting  farmers  around,  as  Russia  does, 
and  telling  a  farmer  who  loves  his  home  that  he  is  a  "surplus"  farmer  he 
may  find  that  the  "loud  acclaim"  which  Wm.  E.  Sweet's  letter  asserts  Roose- 
velt is  receiving  will  change  to  something  like  the  statements  of  Gov.  'Alfalfa 
Bill'  Murray,  as  recently  reported  in  the  press.  Having  heard  that  the  pan- 
handle section  of  his  State's  lands  were  to  be  declared  unfit  for  farming  and 
the  settlers  moved  elsewhere,  he  declared  he  would  call  out  the  National 
Guard  and  "not  one  d —  settler  would  be  moved".  The  residents  them- 
selves declared  they  had  lived  on  and  loved  their  land  for  many  years  and 
knew  more  about  its  possibilities  than  the  government  appointees  and  did 
not  care  to  be  moved.  Of  course  the  more  probable  and  smoother  method 
of  making  the  farmers  move  peaceably  would  be  to  pay  for  the  land  and 
load  the  bill  onto  the  taxpayers.  Any  measure  which  raises  taxes  is  a  means 
of  socialization  or  doing  away  with  private  ownership. 

Abraham  Lincoln  said  that  any  issue  should  be  judged  not  by  whether 
it  is  all  good  or  all  bad,  but  by  whether  it  is  preponderantly  good  or  bad,  as 
no  issue  or  individual  is  wholly  good  or  bad. 

Capitalism — Hewer  and  "Ckiseier" 91 

American  government  along  Washingtonian  lines  has  demonstrated  its 
worth.  It  is  as  perfect  a  form  of  government  for  any  age  as  human  nature 
will  allow  it  to  be.  It  spurs  initiative  and  offers  incentive  with  a  maximum 
of  freedom  and  a  minimum  of  coercion.  Until  recent  years,  when  radical 
tamperers  started  saddling  it  with  bureaucracy,  it  maintained  its  people  at 
the  highest  level  ever  known. 

No  former  depression  was  able  long  to  halt  the  upward  surge  of  Amer- 
ican progress.  Given  back  their  real  liberty,  their  freedom  to  work  for  some- 
thing except  the  tax  collector,  Americans  would  again  down  this  depression. 
Socialism  in  Austria,  England  and  Australia  has  kept  those  countries  depressed 
for  years  by  the  vicious  cycle  of  taxation,  more  unemployment,  more  unem- 
ployment, more  taxation.  For  every  rich  employer  "swatted,"  many  wage 
earners  were  thrown  on  the  dole,  then  more  people  on  the  dole  required 
more  taxation. 

The  many  thousands  of  middle  class,  or  "bourgeois,"  American  citizens 
who  have  a  financial  interest  in  the  packing  industry,  or  the  public  utilities, 
through  the  ownership  of  stock,  bonds,  life  insurance  policies,  etc.,  may  well 
look  with  apprehension  upon  the  recently  announced  plan  of  the  Roosevelt 
administration  to  take  over  the  packing  industry  as  a  "basic  industry."  And 
yet,  if  quick,  drastic  and  concerted  action  in  opposition  is  not  taken,  that  is 
what  may  possibly  be  done,  as  one  of  the  various  steps  toward  complete 
socialization  of  the  Country  under  the  guidance  of  "Commissars"  Morgen- 
thau,  Johnson,  Perkins,  Ickes,  Wallace  and  Tugwell. 

A  comparison  between  the  Communist  Manifesto's  ten  measures  for 
socializing  a  state,  the  1932  Socialist  Party  platform,  and  the  Rooseveltian 
Bills  passed  by  Congress  1933-4,  is  shocking.  It  is  significant  that  Post- 
master General  Farley,  Administration  spokesman  and  still  head  of  the 
Democratic  National  Committee,  insists  (summer  1934)  that  every  feature 
of  the  "New  Deal"  was  conceived  in  the  mind  of  Franklin  Roosevelt  before 
he  was  even  nominated  for  the  Presidency,  and  deplores  the  popular  vogue 
of  giving  the  credit  (or  blame)  to  the  "Brain  Trust." 

Not  partisanship,  but  "Socialism  versus  Americanism"  is  the  issue  before 
America  now.  No  Socialist-Democrat,  no  compromising  willy-nilly  Republican 
torn  between  innate  American  conservatism  and  internationalist  radical- 
pacifism  deserves  support.  We  need  a  rockbound  old  American  or  an  anti- 
Marxian  Democrat  (with  a  Congress  to  match)  to  lead  America.  Who  is 
he?  Even  though  he  is  found,  he  will  not  relieve  individuals  of  responsibility 
in  picking  local  election  slates  before  "George"  does  it  for  them. 

Every  American  who  values  his  home,  his  liberty  and  the  future  of  his 
children  should  give  himself  heart  and  soul  in  the  next  election  to  the  Party 
which  gives  proof  that  its  candidates  will  uphold  the  American  principles 
which  have  made  America  great  and  will  offer  American  voters  the  opportunity 
to  vote  "Karl  Marx"  out  of  office. 


The  slogan  of  socialism  is  "Production  for  use  and  not  for  profit,"  but 
the  spirit  of  capitalism  is  production  for  use  and  for  profit.  Socialists  every- 
where are  as  familiar  with  the  Soviet  cartoons  and  myths  concerning  the  ugly, 
fat,  heavy-jowled  old  man  in  the  frock  coat  and  high  hat,  greedily  clutching 
bags  of  gold,  whom  they  label  "Capitalism"  as  we  all  are  with  cartoons  and 

92  The  Red  Network 

myths  about  fat,  jolly,  old  Santa  Glaus  with  his  pack  of  toys.  The  myths 
built  up  around  each  of  these  imaginary  old  gentlemen  are  childish,  but  no 
less  satisfying  to  certain  mentalities. 

What  could  be  simpler  in  time  of  economic  stress  and  bewilderment  than 
to  imagine  a  few  greedy  old  fat  capitalists  clutching  all  of  the  nation's  wealth 
in  their  money  bags,  while  exulting  maliciously  over  the  hardships  of  the 
unemployed,  the  unemployed  advancing  upon  them,  cracking  them  over  their 
heads  and  "re-distributing  the  wealth"  in  their  bags  to  the  needy?  An  end- 
ing as  simple  and  happy  as  the  arrival  of  Santa  Claus  with  toys,  with  the 
added  satisfaction  of  taking  revenge  on  the  villain. 

In  reality  millions  of  Americans,  a  greater  proportion  of  the  population 
than  in  any  other  country,  own  farms,  homes,  property,  stock,  savings,  or  a 
business  of  some  sort  and  are  capitalists  on  a  larger  or  smaller  scale.  When 
a  Socialist  tells  the  "old  one"  about  a  half  dozen  or  so  capitalists  controlling 
all  of  the  wealth  in  the  United  States,  he  should  be  sent  to  read  the  volumes 
of  names  of  owners  of  property  listed  on  the  tax  books  of  various  districts 
and  to  poll  the  store  keepers  and  business  men  of  any  "Main  Street"  to  ask 
them  how  many  of  their  concerns  are  owned  by  the  half  dozen  big,  bad, 
capitalists,  and  how  many  are  privately  owned. 

Anyone  who  owns  any  investment,  property,  or  business  nowadays  knows 
that  profits  are  doubtful,  dividends  and  interest  are  not  being  paid,  taxes  are 
almost  confiscatory,  that  capitalists  who  have  large  holdings  are  distressed, 
tax  eaten  and  gloomy,  and  that  some  of  them  commit  suicide.  The  Socialists' 
mythical  capitalist  exulting  over  the  present  depression  is  not  to  be  found 
in  real  life,  nor  is  it  conceivable  that  any  capitalist  would  deliberately 
deprive  himself  of  profits  in  order  to  deprive  his  employees  of  the  prosperity 
wages  paid  when  business  is  run  at  prosperity  speed. 

Who,  then,  should  be  cracked  over  the  head?  How  can  wealth  that  is  not 
produced  be  re-distributed?  Property,  tools,  business,  factories,  cannot  be 
eaten,  hoarded  in  bags,  or  hidden  under  the  bed.  These  produce  wealth  only 
when  they  can  function  at  a  profit  for  everyone.  When  they  do  not,  their 
owners  are  "property  poor." 

Russians  are  told  they  must  suffer  deprivation  in  order  that  the  goods 
they  produce  may  be  exported  abroad  to  pay  for  machinery  (soon  rusted 
through  carelessness),  to  industrialize  Russia. 

Ellery  Walter,  fascinating  author  and  lecturer  who,  after  living  under  the 
"planned  society  order"  of  Russia,  became  depinked,  told  how  he  stood 
looking  at  a  long  line  of  tractors  which  were  out  of  commission  and  asked 
his  Russian  girl  guide  what  was  the  matter  with  them.  She  said  they  had 
broken  down  from  lack  of  greasing.  Noting  a  peasant's  cart  rumbling  along 
with  a  bucket  of  grease  swinging  from  the  axle,  he  pointed  it  out  and  said  to 
her:  "Those  peasants  know  enough  to  grease  their  wagons.  What  is  the 
matter  with  them  that  they  don't  know  enough  to  grease  the  tractors?"  She 
happened  to  know  the  peasant  and  merely  replied,  "O!  that  wagon  belongs 
to  him." 

America,  the  world's  greatest  industrial  nation,  industrialized  itself  under 
private  capitalism,  for  use  and  for  profit,  not  only  without  deprivation,  but 
while  enjoying  increasing  prosperity  and  highest  wages.  American  suffer- 

Capitalism — Hewer  and  "CMseler" 93_ 

ings  started  only  when  capitalism  took  sick.  Like  a  sick  horse,  the  decrepit 
economic  system  back  of  which  we  are  now  crawling  along  is  not  Capitalism 
himself,  but  a  Capitalism  loaded  down  with  Socialism.  Quietly,  step  by  step 
since  1912,  one  socialistic  measure  after  another  has  been  passed,  one  state 
or  federal  bureau  after  another  has  been  put  into  operation  at  the  expense  of 
the  tax  payer.  It  is  estimated  that  a  generation  ago  a  man  worked  one  day 
in  every  fifty  to  pay  taxes,  whereas  just  before  the  New  Deal  he  worked  one 
day  in  every  five  to  pay  taxes.  A  mere  list  of  governmental  activities  run  at 
the  expense  of  the  taxpayer  would  fill  a  good  sized  booklet. 

America's  horse  "Capitalism,"  or  private  industry,  carried  his  steadily 
mounting  load  very  well  until  recent  years,  when  his  back  caved  in  alarm- 
ingly and  his  gait  became  labored.  Promising  to  cure  this  overloaded  back 
and  slow  gait  by  "balancing  the  budget,"  the  New  Deal  has  instead  piled 
onto  him  a  further  load  of  billions  of  dollars  in  socialistic  taxation.  Social- 
ists gleefully  predict  that  our  horse  will  die.  They  exult  that  "Capitalism 
has  failed."  He  probably  will  die  unless  he  is  rescued.  If  he  does,  it  will 
not  be  his  fault,  but  the  fault  of  those  deliberately  aiming  to  kill  him  with 
Socialist  burdens.  Unload  Capitalism  and  give  him  a  sniff  of  oats  for  his 
profit,  and  he  will  trot  along  as  he  did  before.  He  has  proven  what  he  can 
do  in  the  past. 

What  have  socialistic  experiments  ever  achieved,  except  deficits  or  failure? 
While  Russia  was  primitive  under  the  Czars,  it  danced  on  holidays  and  wor- 
shipped God  with  a  full  stomach.  The  Ukraine,  now  starving,  was,  in  fact, 
called  the  bread  basket  of  Europe.  Famine,  spy  and  shot  gun  ridden  Russia 
now  turns  out  more  propaganda  than  produce. 

Dr.  H.  Parker  Willis,  Columbia  U.  professor,  one  of  the  authors  of  the 
federal  reserve  act,  and  a  monetary  authority,  said  before  the  American 
Economic  Association,  Dec.  28,  1933,  that  he  had  had  difficulty  in  analyzing 
the  recovery  program  because  of  "a  lack  of  consistency  and  frankness  on  the 
part  of  those  identified  with  its  origin  and  administration.  One  fully 
accredited  spokesman  of  the  recovery  administration  stated  that  the  New 
Deal  was  devised  after  a  careful  study  of  European  Socialism,  Russian  Com- 
munism, and  Italian  Fascism.  But  almost  at  the  same  time,  another  equally 
high  and  equally  authoritative  spokesman  denied  that  there  was  anything 
revolutionarv  in  the  undertakings. 

"But  taking  the  most  recent  and  official  exposition  of  the  recovery,  I 
find  it  based  upon  a  fundamentally  false  premise.  It  rests  upon  the  assump- 
tion that  the  depression  was  due  to  a  breakdown  of  laissez  faire.  When  did 
industry  lose  its  freedom?  Certainly  not  on  March  3,  1933,  but  many  years 

"As  a  matter  of  fact,  the  panic  of  1929  grew  out  of  the  existence  of  too 
much  interference  with  some  industries  and  nursing,  spoon-feeding,  and 
coddling  others.  It  is  not  true  that  uncontrolled  excessive  individualism  has 
destroyed  itself.  What  we  are  suffering  from  today  is  an  undue  govern- 
mental interference  with  business."  (Chicago  Tribune,  Dec.  29,  1933). 

I  listened  to  Henry  A.  Wallace,  Secretary  of  Agriculture,  telling  the 
world  over  the  radio  on  Christmas  morning  that  governmental  "planning" 
under  the  New  Deal  must  go  on  in  ever  broadening  measure,  to  secure  for 

94  The  Red  Network 

the  people  of  America  a  more  "equitable  redistribution  of  wealth,"  to  abolish 
the  "profit  motive,"  the  "greed"  and  "rugged  individualism"  (all  good 
Socialist  phrases),  which  had  ruined  this  country.  He  said  that  nothing  that 
governmental  "planning"  could  do  in  the  future  could  fail  as  America  had 
failed  in  the  past,  and  that  nothing  it  could  do  could  ruin  America  as  we 
Americans  had  already  ruined  it. 

I  wondered  if  Mr.  Wallace  were  unaware  of  the  fact  that  America  and  its 
capitalism  is  the  greatest  success  in  history,  that  the  "rugged  individualism" 
of  our  American  pioneering  ancestors  "chiseled"  from  the  forests  of  a  vast 
wilderness,  no  richer  than  similar  vast  wildernesses  in  South  America,  Africa 
and  Asia,  which  remain,  however,  wildernesses  today,  a  nation  which  is  the 
envy  of  every  nation  on  earth,  and  this  in  the  space  of  only  about  150  years. 
The  freely  released  energies  of  those  who  fled  the  autocracies  of  European 
countries  created  the  miracle  of  modern  times — America. 

I  wondered  how  Mr.  Wallace  could  call  America  a  failure  unless  per- 
chance he  had  never  seen  the  rest  of  the  world  to  draw  his  comparisons. 
Anyone  who  has  traveled  over  the  world  knows  that  the  greatest  part  of 
its  surface  is  still  untouched  by  "Capitalism"  or  "rugged  individualism,"  that 
its  minerals  lie  unmined,  that  the  feet  of  countless  millions  go  bare,  that 
mud  or  straw  huts  and  a  few  rags  remain  in  style  century  after  century, 
for  the  majority  of  human  beings,  that  insect-bitten,  comfortless  poverty 
on  a  bare  subsistence  level  reigns  unchallenged  over  the  vast  stretches  of 
Africa,  Asia,  South  America,  and  China,  where  famines  also  regularly  kill 
off  millions,  that  these  millions  never  experience  depressions  because  they 
never  have  any  prosperity.  They  cannot  drop  because  they  remain  down. 

Enroute  to  the  Orient  last  year  when  I  facetiously  jibed  a  kerosene  lamp 
salesman  about  his  business  being  out  of  date,  he  came  back  with  very  exact 
figures  on  the  millions  of  inhabitants  in  India,  Asia,  Africa,  Pacific  Islands, 
etc.,  who  have  never  had  gas  or  electricity,  could  not  afford  it  if  it  were 
available,  who  live  countless  miles  from  the  few  foreign  settlements  where 
it  is  available,  and  are  now  using  far  more  primitive  lighting  devices  than 
kerosene  lamps.  He  assured  me  that  his  business  was  in  its  infancy! 

City  Americans  naturally  look  upon  those  who  have  had  their  gas  and 
electricity  shut  off  during  the  depression  as  sufferers.  Yet  our  own  parents 
had  none.  My  mother,  during  Christmas  holidays,  was  reminescing  with  an 
old  friend  about  their  youthful  days  in  Ohio.  She  recalled  the  horse  and 
buggy  days.  He,  a  prominent  Chicago  physician,  said:  "I  go  you  one  better. 
Remember  you  lived  in  northern  Ohio,  which  with  its  lake  port,  Cleveland, 
developed  ahead  of  Southern  Ohio  where  I  lived.  I  travelled  by  ox  cart 
at  a  time  when  you,  in  northern  Ohio,  had  advanced  to  horses  and  carriages." 

To  "rugged  individualism"  and  capitalism  we  owe  machines,  road  and 
transportation  developments,  and  countless  other  comforts  unknown  in  any 
previous  age. 

If  capitalism  and  capitalists  are  a  blight  to  humanity,  then  a  land  like 
Egypt — where  its  sore-eyed  fellaheens,  who  live  in  mud  huts,  till  the  fields 
with  the  same  style  crooked  stick  plows,  raise  water  from  the  Nile  with  the 
same  old  water  wheels,  and  sail  the  Nile  in  the  same  old  model  dahabeahs  as 
are  pictured  on  the  walls  of  King  Tut's  tomb  which  was  sealed  centuries 
ago — should  be  a  happy  spot.  But  the  happiest  event  which  has  befallen 

Capitalism — Hewer  and  "Chiseler" 95 

Egypt  in  many  centuries  came  with  the  British  "imperialism"  and  "capitalism" 
which  built  the  Assuan  Dam  to  control  Nile  floods,  increase  tillable  land, 
and  prevent  famines.  While  the  dam  may  have  been  built  for  the  profit  of 
British  capitalism,  it  has,  no  less,  profited  the  Egyptians  by  filling  their 
stomachs  with  food. 

If  capitalism  is  "greed"  and  a  blight  to  humanity,  then  why  are  the 
savage  and  miserable  lands  which  have  no  capitalism,  not  blessed?  Why  is 
the  standard  of  living  of  the  whole  people  in  any  land  raised  in  proportion 
to  the  success  and  development  of  its  capitalistic  enterprises? 

How  inconsistently  the  very  people  who  welcome  the  advent  of  a  factory 
to  their  home  town  and  mourn  its  closing  as  a  catastrophe,  who  glory  in  the 
memory  of  the  $10  per  day  wages  it  once  paid  and  the  silk  shirts,  radios  and 
Fords  they  were  able  to  buy  when  capitalism  was  pulsing  with  life,  who 
themselves  hope  for  nothing  so  much  as  the  legitimate  chance  to  again  make 
profits,  and  the  sooner  the  better,  will  applaud  the  thrilling  experienced 
"rabble-rouser,"  with  his  ever  popular  appeals  to  envy,  when  he  denounces 
as  the  source  of  all  evil  the  "profit-motive"  of  the  capitalist  who  built  or  ran 
that  factory  for  their  mutual  benefit.  When  he  made  profits  they  profited  also. 

There  is,  of  course,  an  alternative  to  the  "profit-motive"  for  spurring 
human  beings  on  to  perform  hard,  worrisome,  or  distasteful  labor.  It  is  the 
shot  gun.  As  Bernard  Shaw  put  it:  "Compulsory  labor  with  death,  the  final 
punishment,  is  the  keystone  of  socialism."  Business  men  are  not  apt  to  volun- 
tarily get  too  "tired"  working  for  the  State,  nor  are  laborers  on  public  works 
noted  for  their  over  exertion.  Try  calling  on  a  politician  early  in  the  day. 
"He  is  not  down  yet"  is  what  you  will  probably  be  told.  We  may  reward  or 
punish  people  to  make  them  work,  "crack  down"  on  them,  employ  a  G.  P.  U. 
spy  system  to  enforce  Socialism,  or  return  to  the  American  Capitalistic  prin- 
ciple of  production  for  use  and  for  profit. 

A  capitalist  business  must  efficiently  produce  goods  for  use  or  it  can  make 
no  profit.  State  works  on  the  other  hand,  need  not  be  either  useful,  necessary, 
or  efficiently  run,  since  the  tax  payers  pay  the  bills  out  of  the  proceeds  from 
private  efficiency.  Even  the  U.  S.  Post  Office  piles  up  a  large  yearly  deficit 
(112  million  dollars  in  1933).  Capitalism  is  a  system  of  spending  which 
pumps  profits  into  every  part  of  society.  Buying  goods  is  spending  for  the 
products  of  industry,  while  buying  investments  is  spending  to  maintain  and 
develop  industry.  Even  savings  are  loaned  out  to  be  spent  for  home  building 
and  business  enterprise,  or  else  the  banker  realizes  no  profit.  New  investment 
means  new  industry,  new  employment,  new  spending,  new  investing,  and  so 
on  around  the  circle  again. 

Have  you  ever  had  your  wants  completely  satisfied?  Other  Americans 
have  not  had  theirs  satisfied  either.  There  is  no  limit  to  new  wants,  new  devel- 
opments, new  possibilities,  within  America  itself,  while  other  lands  have  been 
scarcely  touched  with  modern  equipment.  Wash  bowls  and  pitchers  formed 
the  entire  window  display  in  a  prominent  London  store  when  I  visited  there 
only  a  few  years  ago.  There  is  no  over-production  and  there  never  has  been. 
Yet  Rex.  Tugwell,  our  "brain  trust"  leader,  says  new  industry  should  not  be 
allowed  to  arise  unless  it  has  first  been  planned  for  and  considered  probably 
desirable  by  the  government.  (See  under  Nat.  Religion  and  Labor  Found.) 

In  Russia,  where  Marxism  rules,  employees  do  not  receive  the  full  value 

96  The  Red  Network 

of  their  products  in  wages,  according  to  the  accepted  Marxian  theory  of 
value.    Someone  there,  as  everywhere,  must  take  part  of  the  sale  price  of 
products  and  spend  it  to  develop  processes,  build  and  maintain  the  factory 
and  tools,  with  which  the  product  is  made.  The  government  is  that  someone  in 
Russia  or  under  Socialism  anywhere.   Individual  owners  are  the  "someones" 
under  capitalism.  Which  is  the  more  efficient?  No  capitalist  can  actually  use 
for  himself  a  great  amount  of  the  world's  goods.   As  the  old  British  jingle 
about  being  able  to  sleep  in  only  one  bed  or  wear  one  hat  at  a  time  goes: 
"You  can  only  wear  one  eye-glass  in  your  eye, 
Use  one  coffin  when  you  die — don't  you  know!" 

The  rest  of  a  capitalist's  profits  are  not  hoarded  in  bags,  but  invested,  and 
that  is  spent,  for  further  development  of  industry  and  further  profits  for 
others  as  well  as  himself. 

Many  business  men,  now  harassed  by  the  evident  animosity  of  socialistic 
"New  Dealers"  toward  private  business  for  profit,  warned  to  keep  prices  down, 
wages  up,  hours  of  business  long  (for  themselves),  hours  of  employees  short, 
to  compute  sales  taxes  and  to  expect  to  lose  their  blue  eagle  if  they  err,  would 
gladly,  but  for  the  hope  of  future  change,  rid  themselves  of  the  worrisome  bur- 
den of  running  a  profitless  business  for  others,  and  become  employees  them- 
selves. Many  people  who  saved  to  buy  investments  for  their  own  "old  age 
security,"  which  are  now  almost  worthless,  wish  they  had  squandered  the 
money  instead.  Even  the  movies  portray  all  mortgage  owners  as  villains. 
Many  of  these  villains  are  widows,  orphans,  and  aged  people  dependent  for 
support  on  this  income.  Insurance  policies  depend  largely  upon  mortgages. 

Many  Chicago  home  owners,  straining  to  pay  preposterous  state,  county, 
sanitary  district,  and  other  taxes  on  their  homes  and  furniture,  would  now 
gladly  change  places  with  renters  of  furnished  apartments  and  give  up  the 
struggle  of  meeting  taxes. 

When  it  no  longer  "pays"  to  own  property  or  run  a  business,  it  means 
that  capitalism  or  "private  ownership"  is  being  squeezed  to  death.  Socialism 
is  killing  it.  Only  when  Socialism  is  throttling  legitimate  profits  does  the 
big  and  little  capitalist  stop  investing,  that  is,  spending,  and  try  to  hide  a 
little  of  his  fast  disappearing  money  from  the  tax  collector,  but  "New  Dealers" 
have  devaluated  even  money  now.  The  State  seems  about  ready  to  gobble  up 
all  private  ownership  rights. 

In  the  face  of  all  evidences  of  the  success  of  capitalism  and  of  the  failures 
of  Socialism,  one  can  but  marvel  at  the  ever  gushing  zeal  of  Socialist  propa- 
gandists. Their  appeals  to  abolish  the  profit  motive  are  as  sweet  as  the  rustle 
of  angels'  wings.  Who  could  remain  unmoved  by  the  following  from  "Toward 
A  New  Economic  Society"  by  Kirby  Page  and  Sherwood  Eddy?  (p.  83): 
"What  can  religion  as  the  champion  of  personality  do  to  give  our  economic 
activities  an  ethical  content  and  place  them  in  their  proper  sphere?  .  .  .  The 
profit  motive  must  be  supplanted  by  the  motive  of  service  or  production  for 
use,  which  in  turn  means  that  ownership  as  soon  as  practicable,  should  rest 
in  the  hands  of  the  community.  .  .  .  The  Columbia  Conserve  Company  in 
Indianapolis,  owned  and  controlled  by  its  employees,  is  a  rare  but  enlightening 
example  of  this  form  of  organization."  (Soulful,  is  it  not?) 

The  Columbia  Conserve  Company,  from  a  thousand  pulpits,  lecture  plat- 

Capitalism — Hewer  and  "Ctriseler" 97 

forms,  and  class  rooms,  has  long  been  heralded  as  the  most  advanced  form 
of  industrial  democracy,  an  example  to  youth,  a  reproof  to  the  American 
business  man.  Yet,  the  socialist  World  Tomorrow  (Dec.  21,  1933)  itself 
publishes  this  story  of  its  debacle:  About  15  years  ago  Mr.  Wm.  P.  Hapgood 
with  the  cooperation  of  his  brothers,  Norman  and  Hutchins,  established  a 
canning  factory  with  the  avowed  purpose  of  demonstrating  the  possibilities 
of  democracy  in  industry.  A  system  was  also  devised  whereby  the  ownership 
of  the  company  would  pass  by  stages  into  the  hands  of  the  employees.  About 
a  year  ago,  the  quarrel  between  Mr.  Hapgood  and  some  of  the  ablest  veteran 
workers  became  so  acute  that  in  February,  with  the  consent  of  all  parties 
concerned,  Sherwood  Eddy,  Jerome  Davis,  Paul  H.  Douglas,  and  James  Myers 
(all  radicals)  were  requested  to  serve  as  a  committee  for  the  purpose  of  inves- 
tigating the  whole  situation.  An  agreement  was  reached  which  was  to  remain 
in  force  until  April,  1934.  Nevertheless,  within  two  months  Mr.  Hapgood 
requested  of  the  committee  that  the  company  be  released  from  the  agreement. 
Opposition  was  offered  to  this  by  a  group  of  employees,  etc.  (Wm.  M.  Leiser- 
son,  Roosevelt  appointee  as  secy.  Nat.  Labor  Bd.,  was  chosen  as  arbitrator.) 

To  quote  from  the  reply  of  this  Committee  of  Four  who  charged  breach 
of  faith  and  of  contract:  "During  our  own  experience  with  the  Columbia 
Conserve  Company  during  recent  weeks,  we  have  observed  with  deep  regret 
that  Mr.  Wm.  P.  Hapgood,  although  in  his  philosophy,  democratic,  seems  to 
have  proved  autocratic  in  dealing  with  the  workers.  ...  It  seemed  to  the 
Committee  that  the  leaders  of  those  who  dared  openly  to  differ  with  the 
management  were  forced  out  or  impelled  to  resign  until  effective  industrial 
democracy  had  disappeared"  (as  in  Russia). 

The  socialist  World  Tomorrow  draws  from  this  "disappointing  outcome 
of  a  notable  experiment"  the  conclusion  that  "genuine  democracy  in  industry 
cannot  be  achieved  by  isolated  efforts.  .  .  .  Nothing  short  of  the  socialization 
of  natural  resources  and  basic  industry  will  suffice.  .  .  .  Therefore  it  seems 
to  us  that  deeper  wisdom  has  been  displayed  by  Powers  Hapgood  who  left 
his  father's  plant  to  become  a  national  organizer  for  the  Socialist  Party.  The 
collapse  of  the  experiment  in  industrial  democracy  at  the  Columbia  Conserve 
Company  is  partly  the  result  of  the  failure  of  the  human  spirit,  but  much 
more  it  is  the  consequence  of  an  inadequate  social  philosophy  and  an  incorrect 
social  strategy." 

Jail  or  the  shot  gun  is  the  "correct  social  strategy"  in  the  Soviet  Socialist 
paradise.  These  take  the  place  of  competition,  under  capitalism,  in  settling 
wage  and  other  controversies.  Had  the  United  States  been  completely  social- 
ized at  the  time  this  quarrel  broke  out,  governmental  forces  would  have  been 
used  to  "crack  down"  on  these  disgruntled  workers. 

Socialist  appeals  for  complete  Socialism,  sharing,  and  abolition  of  the 
"profit  motive"  would  be  so  much  more  winning  if  Socialists  first  voluntarily 
proved  the  success  and  practicability  of  their  theories,  instead  of  insisting 
upon  the  necessity  for  brute  force  to  achieve  and  hold  Socialism  in  power. 

One  notes  that  even  such  a  zealous  "Christian"  Socialist  as  Rev.  E.  F. 
Tittle  of  Evanston,  while  denouncing  Capitalism  and  social  inequality  be- 
tween whites  and  negroes,  yet  continues  to  enjoy  his  capitalistic  salary,  home 
and  car,  instead  of  sharing  them  with  poor  evicted  negroes,  and  sends  his  own 

98  The  Red  Network 

daughter  through  Roycemore,  the  most  exclusive  private  school  on  the  North 
Shore,  although  Evanston  has  good  public  schools. 

Morris  Hillquit,  national  executive  of  the  Socialist  Party  for  many  years, 
died  recently,  leaving  a  fortune  of  some  $200,000,  which  according  to  his 
Socialist  principles,  should  be  "redistributed."  He  should  have  shared  it 
long  ago. 

Bernard  Shaw,  one  of  the  world's  most  outstanding  propagandists  for 
Communism-Socialism,  lives  in  England  where  he  can  enjoy  the  huge  profits 
from  his  writings  and  other  capitalistic  ventures.  Portly  Maxim  Litvinoff, 
who  visited  the  United  States  while  hunger  was  rampant  in  Russia,  bore  no 
marks  of  suffering,  nor,  as  the  Chicago  Tribune  remarked  at  the  time,  was 
there  any  direct  evidence  that  he  had  been  "especially  fattened  for  the  oc- 
casion." He  demonstrated  the  well-known  fact  that  political  commissars, 
everywhere,  eat,  regardless  of  whether  others  starve  or  not.  The  cure  for  the 
temptations  inherent  in  politics  which  give  rise  to  its  widespread  corruption, 
is  not  more  political  offices,  more  temptation,  more  politicians,  more  political 
power,  more  graft,  more  taxes — in  other  words  more  Socialism — but  less,  and 
a  return  to  the  individualistic  sense  of  responsibility,  the  private  initiative 
and  capitalism  which  has  actually  hewn  and  chiseled  American  greatness  out 
of  a  primitive  wilderness  and  given  its  people  the  highest  standard  of  living 
of  any  people  in  history. 

The  National  Republic  (Dec.  1933  issue)  under  the  heading  "The  Failure 
of  Socialism"  states: 

"Persons  socialistically  inclined  often  point  to  the  present  world-wide 
depression  as  'a  failure  of  the  capitalist  system,'  that  is,  of  the  system  of 
private  ownership  of  property  and  liberty  and  from  this  argue  in  favor  of 
fundamental  changes  in  the  economic  order  as  a  means  of  improving  the  lot 
of  the  people. 

"But  the  present  world-wide  breakdown  could  more  properly  be  charged 
to  a  collapse  of  the  socialist  system.  Every  important  power  in  the  western 
world  today,  except  the  United  States,  is  under  either  socialist  parliamentary 
control,  or  that  dictatorship  to  which  socialism  leads  as  in  Italy,  Poland, 
Germany  and  Russia. 

"Beyond  this  effect  of  direct  socialist  control,  the  menace  of  political 
ownership  of  property  and  destruction  of  individual  liberty  and  enterprise, 
and  the  meddling  with  the  established  monied  systems,  are  the  chief  factors 
in  the  slowing  down  of  business  enterprise.  It  is  not  to  be  expected  that 
productive  enterprise  will  go  ahead  full  steam  when  enemies  of  all  private 
enterprise  are  busily  engaged  in  trying  to  tear  up  the  tracks  and  burn  the 
bridges  just  ahead. 

"In  western  Europe,  under  the  threat  of  socialism  and  bolshevism,  money 
was  withdrawn  from  productive  enterprise  in  thousands  of  cases  and  went  into 
hiding.  In  this  country  political  demagogues  and  doctrinaires  who  are  at 
heart  socialists  whatever  their  outward  party  profession,  have  been  busily 
engaged  in  threatening  all  business  enterprise,  and  hampering  and  ham- 
stringing it  wherever  possible.  What  they  cannot  immediately  destroy  by 
socialist  legislation,  they  try  to  tax  and  restrict  and  handicap  to  the  point  of 
extinction.  In  this  they  are  joined  by  those  international  adventurers  of 

Fascism  99 

capitalism  who  seek  by  this  method  to  kill  off  all  independent  enterprise  in 
the  belief  that  they  may  gain  profits  not  only  through  national  but  world- 
wide mergers.  .  .  . 

"The  failures  of  socialism  in  the  Old  World  are  resulting  in  dictatorships. 
Socialism  centralizes  all  power  in  the  politicians.  It  hands  over  to  them 
complete  control  of  the  life,  property  and  liberties  of  the  people.  Thus  it  builds 
up  a  giant  machine  ready  for  the  hand  of  dictators.  Will  we  venture  into 
such  chaos?" 


Fascism,  the  bitterest  enemy  of  Socialism-Communism,  resembles  Socialism 
in  the  respect  that  it  gives  great  power  to  the  State  and  dictatorship  over  all 
industry,  employment,  education,  freedom  of  the  press,  etc.  The  points  of 
difference  which  make  it  violently  hated  by  the  Reds  are:  its  opposition  to 
the  "class  struggle"  and  the  subjugation  of  the  bourgeoisie  by  the  dictatorship 
of  the  proletariat.  Rather,  it  seeks  a  harmony  between  all  classes  and  concedes 
to  industrialists,  white  collar,  professional,  as  well  as  laboring  workers,  a  place 
in  the  social  order  as  necessary  parts,  not  "class  enemies,"  of  the  whole,  but 
under  State  control.  It  defends  some  property  rights  and  religion.  It  opposes 
Marxist  philosophy  and  the  Communist  and  Socialist  Marxian  parties.  Fas- 
cism in  Italy  is  not  anti-Semitic.  The  problem  of  the  large  number  of  revo- 
lutionary Russian  Jews  in  Germany  doubtless  contributed  toward  making 
Fascist  Germany  anti-Semitic. 

Fascism  arose  in  Italy  and  Germany  as  the  result  of  the  weakness  of 
Democracy  in  combatting  the  Marxian  poison  which  had  been  allowed  to 
disintegrate  the  entire  social  fabric  of  these  nations  with  agitations  for  strife 
and  disunity.  It  took  over  power  at  a  time  in  both  countries  when  the  choice 
lay  between  Fascist  or  Red  dictatorship.  It  is  the  only  enemy  feared  by  the 
Reds,  because  it  is  the  only  system  which  opposes  militancy  with  militancy 
and  puts  down  one  dictatorship  by  means  of  another. 

The  price  of  Democratic  freedom  is  eternal  vigilance.  When  a  people  are 
too  indifferent  to  the  loss  of  their  liberty,  too  blind  to  see  that  unchecked 
Marxism  will  result  in  complete  chaos,  disunity  and  national  helplessness,  too 
lazy  to  bother  to  protect  their  form  of  government,  or  to  govern  themselves, 
then  some  form  of  dictatorship  will  arise  to  take  over  the  task  for  them. 

Unless  large  numbers  of  Americans  shake  off  their  present  indifference  to 
fast  disappearing  liberty  and  to  danger  from  within,  and  combat  Socialism- 
Communism  vigorously,  some  form  of  Fascism  will  arise  in  America  to  do 
battle  with  Socialism  for  the  dictatorship  over  the  indifferent.  As  the  strength 
of  Socialism-Communism  increases,  the  chance  to  preserve  Democracy  de- 
creases, until  eventually  Fascism  becomes  the  only  alternative  to  Socialism- 
Communism.  It  is  late,  but  not  too  late  to  save  American  Democracy  if 
Americans  will  awaken — now/  Where  are  America's  leaders? 


The  Red  Network 






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Descriptive  data  concerning  more  than  460  Communist,  Anarchist,  Social- 
ist, I.  W.  W.,  or  Radical-Pacifist  controlled  or  infiltrated  organizations  and 
other  agencies  referred  in  the  "Who's  Who"  (Part  III) : 

A  Unity  Publishing  Co.,  of  Lincoln  Center, 

also  headed  by  Curtis  Reese,  publishes  a 
weekly  magazine,  of  which  the  editor  is 
John  Haynes  Holmes,  which  has  long  had  a 
reputation  for  radicalism.  The  Lusk  Re- 
port in  1920  (p.  1129)  said:  "Such  Uni- 
tarian ministers  as  J.  M.  Evans  and  A.  L. 
Weatherly"  (on  Unity  staff  1933)  "can 
abjure  God  without  leaving  their  ministry. 
John  Haynes  Holmes  changed  the  name  of 
his  so-called  church  from  'Church  of  the 
Messiah'  to  'Community  Church'  as  an  out- 
ward mark  of  his  change  of  heart  from 
Christianity  to  Communism.  An  insidious 
anti-religious  campaign  is  being  carried  on 
by  these  men  and  their  colleagues  in  such 
reviews  as  'The  World  Tomorrow*  (New 
York)  and  'Unity'  (Chicago)." 

"A  Song  of  Revolt,"  a  poem  by  Com- 
munist Robert  Whitaker  with  his  footnote 
explaining  "how  I  can  accept  the  Com- 
munist position  with  my  opposition  to 
War,"  appears  in  Sept.  4,  1933,  issue  of 
"Unity."  To  quote  from  page  12:  "This 
significant  fast  of  Gandhi — to  me  is  second 
in  significance  only  to  the  crucifixion  of 
Christ"  (Gandhi  is  a  pet  of  the  Reds). 
Words  of  praise  for  Harry  Ward's  book  on 
Russia  are  written  by  J.  B.  Matthews; 
another  review  says  "Once  again  we  are 
favored  with  a  book  from  the  pen  of  that 
fearless  Methodist  preacher,  Ernest  Fre- 
mont Tittle"  (see  this  "Who's  Who").  The 
"New  Humanist"  magazine  featuring  Harry 
Elmer  Barnes  (vice  pres.  atheist  Free- 
thinkers Society)  exchanges  advertisements 
with  "Unity"  and  a  cut-rate  is  offered  for 
subscriptions  to  both. 

Sidney  Strong,  radical,  father  of  Anna 
Louise  Strong  (the  Communist  editor  of 
the  Moscow  Daily  News  in  Moscow)  and 
of  Tracy  Strong  (whose  communistic  ac- 
tivities in  the  Y.M.CA.  were  widely  com- 
mented upon  by  the  press),  is  one  of  the 
board  of  directors  of  Unity.  In  his  article 
in  the  Sept.  18,  1933,  issue  he  says:  "More 


Anyone  reading  the  bulletins  posted  in 
the  entrance  hall  of  the  six-story  building 
entirely  occupied  by  Abraham  Lincoln 
Center  (a  social  settlement)  would  believe 
that  he  had  entered  a  Communist  insti- 
tution. For  example,  in  Sept.  1933,  one 
placard  read:  "Enroll  Now!  Chicago 
Workers  School,  2822  S.  Michigan  Av." 
(Communist  school  of  revolution) ;  another 
announced  new  issues  of  "New  Masses" 
(Communist  magazine)  and  said  "You  can 
get  it  from  M.  Topchevsky  here  at  desk!" 
(M.  Topchevsky  teaches  art  at  the  com- 
munist Workers  School) ;  another  headed 
"John  Reed  Club"  (Communist  club  at 
1475  S.  Michigan  Av.)  listed  lectures  to 
be  given  there,  among  others  "Eugene  Bech- 
told  Sat.,  Sept.  23,  at  8:30"  (another 
teacher  at  communist  Workers  School) ; 
another  notice  addressed  to  "All  Organiza- 
tions— Save  Our  Schools  Committee,"  etc., 
signed  by  Sam  Lessitz,  secretary  of  the 
communist  National  Student  League,  urged 
all  those  interested  to  come  to  a  meeting 
to  be  held  Sept.  22,  1933,  at  3223  W. 
Roosevelt  Road,  Room  302,  for  the  pur- 
pose of  planning  further  agitations  against 
Chicago  school  economies  and  pointed  out 
that  the  National  Student  League  "a  non- 
partisan  organization"  ( !)  was  already  re- 
sponsible for  recent  strikes  in  two  schools. 
Lincoln  Center  is  the  meeting  place  for 
such  Communist  groups  as  the  I.L.D., 
national  convention  of  John  Reed  Clubs 
1932,  etc.  Players  from  Lincoln  Center 
helped  to  form  the  communist  Chicago 
Workers  Theatre  (see)  of  which  Curtis 
Reese,  head  of  Lincoln  Center,  is  an  official 
sponsor.  The  communist  Workers'  Labora- 
tory Theatre  School  (see)  is  conducted  at 
Lincoln  Center  for  the  purpose  of  training 
actors  for  revolutionary  plays. 



The  Red  Network 

than  a  year  ago  Litvinoff  of  the  Soviet 
Republic  made  proposals  that  involved  a 
drastic  reduction  of  arms  all  around — in 
fact  at  one  instance  he  proposed  that  steps 
be  taken  towards  total  and  general  dis- 
armament" (see  "Pacifism").  "Unfortun- 
ately his  proposals  were  not  heeded.  .  .  . 
Everyone  should  be  encouraged  to  take 
a  personal  stand — to  be  a  war  resister.  .  .  . 
Anti  war  congresses  should  be  held.  There 
cannot  be  too  many  public  protests." 

The  editorial  in  this  issue  voices  the 
usual  Red  "anti-imperialist,"  anti-Ameri- 
can-government attitude  in  reviewing  red 
Carleton  Reals'  book  on  Cuba,  saying  in 
part:  "We  are  made  to  see  our  own  coun- 
try, the  United  States,  as  the  chief  of- 
fender against  the  Cuban  people.  In  1898 
we  did  not  free  Cuba,  but  only  transferred 
her  from  the  bondage  of  Spain  to  the  ex- 
ploitation of  America.  It  is  to  the  ever- 
lasting credit  of  President  Roosevelt  and 
Secretary  Hull  that  they  not  only  did  not 
interfere  with  the  revolutionists,  but  ac- 
tually gave  them  friendly  counsel  and  as- 

In  1933,  "Unity"  lists  the  following: 
Unity  Publishing  Co.,  Abraham  Lincoln  Cen- 
ter, 700  Oakwood  Blvd.,  Chicago,  111.  John  Haynes 
Holmes,  Editor:  Curtis  W.  Reese,  Managing  Edi- 
tor; Board  of  Directors:  Mrs.  Salmon  O.  Levinson, 
President;  Mrs.  E.  L.  Lobdell,  Vice  President; 
Mrs.  Irwin  S.  Rosenfels,  Treasurer;  Mrs.  Francis 
Neilson  (Helen  Swift  Neilson,  daughter  of  the  cap- 
italistic packer,  Gustavus  F.  Swift,  and  sister  of 
Harold  Swift,  pres.  of  the  bd.  of  trustees  of  the 
Univ.  of  Chicago,  where  Communism  is  a  recog- 
nized student  activity);  Mrs.  Ella  R.  Nagely;  Mrs. 
O.  T.  Knight;  Mrs.  Irwin  Rosenfels;  Mr.  Curtis 
W.  Reese;  Miss  Mathilda  C.  Schaff;  Mrs.  E.  E. 
Smith;  Mr.  Francis  Neilson;  Secretary,  May  John- 
son; Editorial  Contributors:  W.  Waldemar  W. 
Argow;  Dorothy  Walton  Binder  (Wife  of  Carroll, 
editorial  assistant  to  publisher  of  the  Chicago  Daily 
News,  which  urged  recognition  of  Soviet  Russia); 
Raymond  B.  Biagg;  Edmund  B.  Chaffee;  Percy  M. 
Dawson  (advisor  in  Alex  Meikle John's  ultra  radical 
Experimental  College  at  U.  of  Wis.,  1927-29); 
Albert  C.  Dieffenbach  (chmn.  for  Boston  of  the 
Fellowship  of  Faiths  "Threefold  Movement"); 
James  A.  Fairley;  Zona  Gale;  A.  Eustace  Haydon; 
Jesse  H.  Holmes;  Louis  L.  Mann;  Jos.  Ernest 
McAfee  (of  Union  Theological  Seminary,  dir.  for 
John  Haynes  Holmes  Church  of  "community  serv- 
ice" since  1924);  Henry  R.  Mussey;  Max  C. 
Otto;  Alson  H.  Robinson;  Robt.  C.  Scholler;  Clar- 
ence R.  Skinner;  Sidney  Strong;  Jabez  T.  Sunder- 
land  (of  Union  Theol.  Sem.;  Pres.  of  various 
Indian  Freedom  Organizations);  Arthur  L.  Weath- 
erly;  James  H.  West.  Poetry  Editors:  Lucia  Trent, 
Ralph  Cheyney.  Foreign  Representatives:  Australia 
— Chas.  Strong;  Austria — Stefan  Zweig;  Bulgaria — 
P.  M.  Mattheff;  England— Harrison  Broun,  Fred 
Hawkinson,  Reginald  Reynolds;  France — G.  De- 
martial,  Remain  Rolland  (Communist) ;  Germany 
— Theodor  Hahn;  India — Rabindranath  Tagore; 
Japan — Nobuichire  Imaoka;  Palestine — Hans  Kohn; 
Russia — Alina  Huebsch. 


(of  Illinois) 
See  Chicago  Forum  Council. 


A  communist  T.U.U.L.  Union;  rec'd 
$3,000  from  the  Garland  Fund;  A.  E. 
Sanchez,  1643  Lawrence  St.,  Denver,  Colo., 
organizer  of  beet  workers ;  Donald  Hender- 
son, sec. 




Name  now  is  Anti  Imperialist  League, 
American  section  of  Moscow's  Interna- 
tional League  Against  Imperialism;  an 
"All  America"  Communist  subsidiary  which 
in  1928  had  12  sections  established  in  the 
U.  S.  and  11  Latin  American  countries 
spreading  "vicious  and  false  propaganda  in 
Mexico,  Central  and  South  American 
countries  against  the  United  States,  depict- 
ing this  country  as  a  big  bully  trying  to 
exploit  Latin  America.  This  campaign  has 
been  successful  in  arousing  hatred  among 
Latin  Americans  against  the  United  States" 
(U.  S.  Fish  Report) ;  it  agitates  against  the 
Monroe  doctrine  and  forms  "Hands  Off 
Committees"  (see)  to  propagandize  against 
U.  S.  interference  whenever  the  Commun- 
ists are  endangering  American  lives  and 
property  by  stirring  up  trouble  and  revolu- 
tion in  Cuba,  China,  Mexico,  Nicaragua, 
etc.  This  propaganda  is  echoed  by  such 
A.C.L.U.  affairs  as  the  Committee  on  Cul- 
tural Relations  with  Latin  America,  Non 
Intervention  Citizens  Committee,  National 
Citizens  Committee  on  Relations  with 
Latin  America  (see),  etc.  Works  in  close 
association,  though  not  affiliated,  with  the 
Chinese  Students  Alliance  (mid- west  sec- 
tion), Conference  for  Filipino  Indepen- 
dence, Monsang  (Chinese  Waiters  Union  of 
Chicago),  Sun  Yat  Sen  Society,  etc.  The 
official  report  of  the  Communist  Party's 
convention  held  in  Chicago  Aug.  21-30, 
1925  (then  called  Workers'  Party),  where 
it  was  formed,  stated:  "Under  the  present 
Central  Executive  Committee  the  Worker's 
Party  of  America  has  for  the  first  time 
made  anti-imperialist  work  one  of  its  basic 
activities — the  most  important  step  in  this 
direction  being  the  successful  organization 
of  the  All  America  Anti-Imperialist 

Organizations,  Etc. 


League The  A.A.A.I.Lg.  was  endorsed  by 

the  Comintern  and  Profintern."  (page  19). 
The  Garland  Fund,  in  1927  and  later,  not 
only  donated  $1,500  to  the  A.A.A.I.Lg.  it- 
self but  spent  thousands  and  thousands  of 
dollars  for  "research  work  on  imperialism" 
and  appointed  and  paid  "the  Garland  Fund 
Committee  on  American  Imperialism" 
(see)  for  its  efforts  along  this  line;  Roger 
Baldwin,  a  director  of  both  Garland  Fund 
and  A.C.L.U.,  went  with  Wm.  Pickens  of 
the  N.A.A.C.P.,  Richard  Moore  (director 
of  Communist  Negro  work)  and  Com- 
munist Manuel  Gomez,  Nat.  Sec.  of  the 
A.A.A.I.Lg.,  to  Brussels,  Belgium,  in  1927 
as  a  delegate  to  the  communist  World 
Congress  Against  Imperialism,  which  or- 
ganized Moscow's  International  League 
Against  Imperialism,  the  coordinating  body 
of  all  communist  Anti  Imperialist  League 
branches  throughout  the  world.  (Daily 
Worker,  Mar.  9-22,  1927).  This  Congress, 
according  to  Baldwin,  "was  conceived  by 
the  same  Communists  and  near-Commun- 
ists who  were  active  in  the  International 
Workers'  Aid,  working  in  close  cooperation 
with  the  European  representatives  of  the 
Kuomintang  party  and  the  Mexican  work- 

The  AAA.I.Lg.'s  first  official  report 
stated  that  "direct  contact  with  Mexico 
was  maintained  through  the  visits  of  Com- 
rades Johnstone,  Gomez,  and  Lovestone  to 
Mexico."  Lovestone  was  then  head  of  the 
Communist  Party  of  the  U.  S.  A.,  called 
then  the  "Workers  Party." 

Paul  Crouch,  the  Communist  convicted 
of  sedition  in  Hawaii,  has  been  an  active 
leader.  He  issued  a  manifesto  in  behalf  of 
the  A.A.A.I.Lg.  printed  in  the  Daily 
Worker  Nov.  2,  1928.  Communist  Manuel 
Gomez,  who  first  headed  the  A.A.A.I.Lg. 
as  nat.  sec.  and  acted  as  active  organizer 
in  1927,  was  replaced  in  1929  by  Wm. 
Simons,  who  is  still  nat.  sec.  (1933),  and 
Communist  Scott  Nearing  became  nat. 
chmn.  The  Chicago  hdqts.  were  at  156  W. 
Washington  St.  with  the  Federated  Press 
and  units  were  established  in  large  cities 
like  New  York,  Chicago,  San  Francisco, 

Soon  after  the  recent  Communist- 
fomented  Cuban  revolution  broke  out,  the 
"Daily  Worker"  headlined  "Hands  Off 
Cuba"  and  Wm.  Simons  and  a  delegation 
visited  Pres.  Roosevelt  to  protest  against 
the  sending  of  warships  to  Cuba  (Sept., 
1933).  The  Mar.  1933  issue  of  National 
Republic  reported  that  about  150  members 
of  the  A.A.A.I.Lg.  took  part  in  a  demon- 

stration of  1,000  Reds  in  New  York  City 
and  paraded  before  the  Chinese  consulate 
to  protest  against  the  imprisonment  in 
China  of  a  Communist  leader  Huang  Ping. 

Members  of  committees  supporting  Wash- 
ington, D.  C.  conference  of  A.A.A.I.Lg. 
(Daily  Worker,  Dec.  14,  1926)  were: 

Clarence  Darrow,  Waldo  Frank,  Scott  Nearing, 
Frank  Weber  (pres.  Wis.  Fed.  Labor),  Henry  Tei- 
gan  (sec.  Minn.  Farmer-Lab.  Party),  R.  C.  Wiggin 
(Asst.  City  Atty.  Mpls.),  Albert  F.  Coyle  (ed. 
Locomotive  Engrs.  Journal),  Rev.  J.  H.  Holmes, 
Robt.  W.  Dunn,  E.  G.  Flynn  (nat.  chmn.  I.  L.  D.), 
Manuel  Gomez,  Jac  Frederick  (Machinists'  Un.), 
Guy  Anderson  (Electricians  Un.),  Ernest  Unter- 
mann  (edtl.  writer  Milw.  Leader),  Wm.  F.  Dunne 
(ed.  Daily  Worker),  Paul  Jones  (Fell.  Recon.  as- 
soc.  dir.),  Prof.  Ellen  Hayes  (Wellesley  Coll.), 
H.  W.  L.  Dana,  Robt.  M.  Lovett,  Carl  Haessler, 
Wm.  Pickens  (N.  A.  A.  C.  P.),  Dorothy  Gary 
(chmn.  Minn.  State  Fed.  Lab.  ed.  dept.),  John 
Stockwell,  Arthur  Fisher  (sec.  Emer.  For.  Pol. 
Conf.),  Ex-Cong.  Clyde  M.  Tavenner  (ed.  "Philip- 
pine Republic"),  Mike  Gold  (New  Masses),  V.  F. 
Calverton  (ed.  "Modern  Quarterly"),  Ralph  Chap- 
lin (I.  W.  W.),  Rev.  David  Rhys  Williams,  Eliz. 
Glendower  Evans,  Lucia  Ames  Mead  (W.  I.  L.  P. 
F.),  Wm.  H.  Holly,  Prof.  H.  S.  Bucklin  (Brown 
U.),  Justine  Wise  (Yale  U.  Law  Sch.),  John  F. 
Markey  (U.  of  Minn.),  "Bishop"  Wm.  M.  Brown, 
Cirilo  Mavat  (Filipino  Assn.  of  Chgo.),  Marx 
Lewis  (sec.  to  Cong.  Victor  L.  Berger).  Lawrence 
Todd  (Wash.  corr.  Fed.  Press),  Rev.  Sidney  Strong 

The  Daily  Worker,  April  18,  1928,  stated 
concerning  an  A.A.A.I.Lg.  conference: 

"The  Conference  voted  unanimously  for  the  im- 
mediate formation  of  a  permanent  All-America 
Anti-Imperialist  League  branch  to  be  composed  of 
the  organizations  present.  The  provisional  execu- 
tive committee  with  many  additional  names  was 
made  the  permanent  executive  of  the  Chicago 
League  with  William  H.  Holly  as  chairman,  Ray 
Koerner  as  vice-chairman  and  Harry  Cannes  as 

"The  complete  committee  of  the  Chicago  All- 
America  Anti-Imperialist  League  is  as  follows: 
Anacleto  Almanana,  Filipino  Association  of  Chi- 
cago; Zonia  Baber,  chairman,  Pan-American  Rela- 
tions Committee,  Women's  International  League 
for  Peace  and  Freedom;  John  Bielowski,  United 
Brotherhood  of  Carpenters  and  Joiners,  Local  No. 
1367;  Clarence  Darrow,  lawyer  and  publicist; 
Henry  Duel,  League  for  Industrial  Democracy; 
Arthur  Fisher,  Secretary,  Emergency  Foreign  Policy 
Conference;  Harry  Cannes;  A.  Cans,  Jewish 
Marxian  Youth  Alliance;  Alice  Hanson,  secretary, 
Chicago  Liberal  Club;  Sam  Herman,  Young  Work- 
ers (Communist)  League;  Lillian  Herstein,  Teach- 
er's Union;  William  H.  Holly;  T.  Y.  Hu,  Sun  Yat 
Sen  Lodge  492 ;  Peter  Jenson,  pres.  Machinists 
lodge  492;  Arnulfo  E.  Jimenez,  Sociedad  Mutulista; 
Benito  Juarez;  Ray  Koerner,  secretary  Boilermakers 
Lodge  626;  Dr.  John  A.  Lapp;  Prof.  Robert  Morss 
Lovett,  associate  editor,  New  Republic;  C.  J.  Mar- 
tell,  Chicago  Watch  and  Clock-makers  Union; 
Walter  Rienbold,  president,  Boilermakers  626;  F. 
Scriben,  Filipino  Workers  Club;  Mordecai  Schu1- 
man,  Workmen's  Circle  516;  Arne  Swabeck,  Paint- 
ers Union;  Otto  Wangerin,  editor,  Railroad  Amal- 
gamation Advocate;  Dr.  David  Rhys  Williams." 

The  official  organ  (1933)  is  "Upsurge";  pub.  by 
Wm.  Simons;  editor  is  Martin  Kaye.  Hdqts.  90 
East  10th  St.,  N.  Y.  City. 


The  Red  Network 

The  letter-head,  1928,  lists: 

"Secretary,  Manuel  Gomez;  National  Committee: 
Clarence  Darrow,  James  H.  Maurer,  Alexander 
Howat,  Roger  Baldwin,  Socrates  Sandino,  Charlotte 
Anita  Whitney,  H.  H.  Broach,  Lewis  S.  Gannett, 
Harriet  Stanton  Blatch,  Scott  Nearing,  John  Brophy, 
William  Blewitt,  William  Mahoney,  S.  A.  Stock- 
well,  William  Z.  Foster,  Paxton  Hibben,  W.  E.  B. 
Du  Bois,  William  Pickens,  L.  J.  De  Bekker,  Louis 
F.  Budenz,  Robert  W.  Dunn,  Albert  Weisbord, 
Robert  Morss  Lovett,  Arthur  Garfield  Hays,  Pablo 
Manlapit,  Ben  Gold,  Anacleto  Almanana,  Freda 
Kirchwey,  Lillian  Herstein,  Hugo  Oehler,  Max 
Schachtman,  Harry  Cannes,  Arthur  C.  Calhoun, 
Fred  T.  Douglas,  Ernest  Untermann,  William  F. 
Dunne,  Harriet  Silverman,  Eduardo  Machado,  P. 
T.  Lau.  National  office,  United  States  Section — 
39  Union  Square,  New  York  City." 

The  International  League  Against  Im- 
perialism, the  parent  organization,  has 
branches  in  all  parts  of  the  world  and  is 
Moscow's  agency  for  spreading  revolution- 
ary doctrines  among  colonial  peoples.  It 
urges  those  still  primitive  peoples  who  are 
now  united  with  and  defended  by  strong 
civilizing  powers  such  as  the  U.S.,  England, 
Holland  and  France,  to  throw  off  "foreign 
imperialism"  in  order  that  they  may  more 
easily  be  captured  piecemeal  for  Moscow 
imperialism — an  imperialism  which  by 
comparison  with  the  modern,  liberal,  so- 
called  "imperialism"  of  the  nations  it 
attacks  is  like  a  penitentiary  reform  school 
compared  with  a  Montessori  Kindergarten 
(where  freedom  of  "self  expression"  for 
each  little  personality  is  the  rule).  It  not 
only  urges  the  Philippines  to  break  away 
from  United  States  "imperialism,"  and 
Latin  America  to  throw  off  the  Monroe 
Doctrine,  but  it  tries  to  persuade  the  citizens 
of  all  ruling  countries  that  civilizing  and 
keeping  order  in  savage  countries  is  brutal 
bullying  "imperialism"  on  the  part  of  their 
governments  and  that  they  should  urge 
their  governments  to  keep  "Hands  Off" 
regardless  of  danger  to  the  lives  or  property 
of  other  nationals.  Communist  sympa- 
thizers naturally  help  this  propaganda 

Willi  Muenzenberg,  German  Communist, 
has  been  its  head  or  international  secretary. 
Bertrand  Russell  has  been  head  of  the  Eng- 
lish section  and  Henri  Barbusse,  French 
Communist,  head  of  the  French  section. 
Albert  Einstein,  Mme.  Sun  Yat  Sen 
(China),  Upton  Sinclair,  Willi  Muenzen- 
berg, Maxim  Gorki  (U.S.S.R.),  Sen.  Kata- 
yama,  artist  Diego  Rivera  (then  mem. 
cent.  com.  Communist  Party  of  Mexico), 
Prof.  Wm.  Pickens,  James  Maxton  of  Eng- 
land, with  various  Negro  and  Asiatic  Com- 
munist leaders  from  all  parts  of  the  world 
were  photographed  and  featured  as  mem- 
bers of  the  League  presidium  and  leaders 

of  the  Leagues'  Anti-Imperialist  World 
Congress  held  at  Frankfort-on-Main,  July 
20,  1929,  by  the  Communist  organ  "Illus- 
trierte  Arbeiter  Zeitung"  (of  Berlin) 
(reproduced  also  in  Hartley's  "T.N.T."). 

The  World  Congress  against  War  (Am- 
sterdam 1932),  U.S.  Congress  against  War, 
Student  Congress  against  War  (see)  and 
their  various  off-shoots — Anti-War  Com- 
mittees, etc.,  etc.,  are  controlled  by  the 
League  Against  Imperialism  and  its  various 
leaders.  See  its  Intl.,  American  and  Chi- 
cago Committees  for  Struggle  Against  War, 
Hands  Off  Committees,  Mexican  Propa- 


Headed,  since  1929,  as  president,  by  John 
Haynes  Holmes;  a  radical  pacifist  organ- 
ization upholding  "pacifist"  Gandhi,  whose 
agitations  resulting  in  strikes,  murder  and 
violence,  are  so  useful  to  Moscow;  closely 
related  to  the  Threefold  Movement — Union 
of  East  and  West,  League  of  Neighbors 
and  Fellowship  of  Faiths  (see) ;  sponsors 
"Fellowship  Center,"  opened  1933  as  a 
"House  of  Retreat"  for  pacifists  under  the 
management  of  Wm.  H.  Bridge,  at  Crow 
Hill  Road,  near  Mt.  Kisco,  New  York. 


Of  New  York  and  Chicago,  operated  by 
the  Amalgamated  Cloth.  Workers  Unions; 
agents  for  Soviet  American  Securities 
Corp.,  which  sells  bonds  of  the  Soviet 


Amalg.  Cloth.  Wkrs.  of  Am. 

A  pro-Soviet  labor  union  of  about 
100,000  members  organized,  according  to 
Jane  Addams'  book,  at  Hull  House;  "Like 
all  other  subversive  organizations  its  tac- 
tics are  those  of  the  class  struggle.  Its 
ultimate  object  is  to  take  possession  of  the 
industry.  It  has  gained  control  of  the 
clothing  industry  in  the  State  of  N.Y.  and 
in  many  other  of  the  industrial  centers" 
(Lusk  Report) ;  formed  by  Socialist  dele- 
gates, excluded  because  of  extreme  radical- 
ism from  the  A.F.  of  L.  United  Garment 
Workers  Union  convention  Oct.  1914,  who 
then  constituted  themselves  a  separate 
organization  under  Sidney  Hillman,  using 
the  same  name  until  legal  action  by  the 
United  Garment  Workers  forced  them  to 
choose  a  new  name,  Dec.  1914;  formed 
Russian-American  Industrial  Corp.  to  aid 
and  finance  clothing  industry  in  Russia; 

Organizations,  Etc. 


celebrate  the  Communist  Labor  Day — May 
1  (A.F.  of  L.'s  is  in  Sept.) ;  predominantly 
Jewish;  anti-American  during  the  war; 
closely  affiliated  with  Amalg.  Textile  Wkrs. 
and  Intl.  Ladies  Garm.  Wkrs.;  official 
organ  "Advance."  Hdqts.  address:  Jos. 
Schlossberg,  11  Union  Square,  N.Y.  (See 
Intl.  Ladies  Garment  Wkrs.) ;  joined  with 
A.F.  of  L.  1933. 

A     Communist    labor    union;     part    of 

Amalg.  Textile  Wkrs. 

"An  industrial  union  under  the  domi- 
nation of  the  Socialist  Party  and  having 
a  revolutionary  objective  is  the  Amalg. 
Textile  Wkrs.  of  Am.  This  organization  is 
an  outgrowth  of  the  Lawrence,  Mass,  strike 
in  1919,  which  was  promoted  and  assisted 
by  the  Amalg.  Cloth.  Wkrs.  of  Am.  The 
relationship  therefore  ...  is  very  close  .  .  . 
the  principal  agent  sent  there  for  that  pur- 
pose was  Paul  Blanshard"  (pp.  947,  951, 
Lusk  Report) .  "Wm.  Z.  Foster  attended  the 
first  Congress  of  the  Red  Trade  Union 
Intl.,  at  Moscow,  in  June  1921,  as  a  repre- 
sentative of  the  Amalg.  Textile  Wkrs.  of 
Am."  (Whitney's  "Reds  in  Am.") 


Official  Soviet  shipping  agency;  trans- 
port agents  of  Amtorg. 



Organized  by  4A;  Mr.  Recht,  who 
attended  to  the  papers  of  incorporation, 
was  the  legal  representative  of  the  Soviet 
Govt.  in  this  country  (see  N.Y.  Herald- 
Tribune,  Aug.  3,  1927);  officers:  pres., 
James  I.  Elliott;  vice  pres.,  O.  H.  Bailey; 
nat.  sec.,  Wm.  S.  Bryan.  It  announces: 
"The  object  of  the  Am.  Anti-Bible  Soc.  is 
to  discredit  the  Bible.  The  budget  for  the 
first  year  calls  for  $83,000.  Headquarters 
for  Anti-Biblical  Literature:  If  it's  against 
the  Bible  we  have  it.  Catalogue  free  on 
request";  119  East  14th  St.,  N.Y.C. 


"The  Fool  hath  said  in  his  heart,  There 
is  no  God."  But  the  4A,  whose  slogan  is 

"Kill  the  Beast"  (religion),  says:  "To  Hell 
with  compromise — The  4A  is  here  to  ensure 
a  complete  job  in  the  wrecking  of  religion. 
.  .  .  Killing  the  Beast  is  rough  work  and 
those  who  are  afraid  of  its  claws  might  at 
least  keep  quiet.  We  shall  ignore  their  wail- 
ings.  We  offer  no  apology  for  our  tactics. 
We  sneer  and  jeer  at  religion  and  shall  con- 
tinue doing  so  until  it  is  laughed  out  of 
existence.  .  .  .  The  supernatural  does  not 
exist.  There  is  no  God.  Religion  deserves 
no  more  respect  than  a  pile  of  garbage. 
It  must  be  destroyed." 

Beneath  this  article  on  "Tactics"  in  the 
1929  Official  Report  of  the  4A,  appears 
the  picture  of  the  misguided  youth,  then 
national  secretary  of  the  Junior  Atheist 
League  of  the  4 A,  who  has  now  returned 
to  Christianity^Albert  Dehner  Bell.  He 
tells  me  how  he  was  drawn  into  Atheism 
and  Communism  by  propagandists  planted 
in  the  very  Seminary  in  which  he  was 
studying  for  the  ministry. 

A  severe  automobile  accident  which 
brought  him  to  death's  door  and  long 
semi-consciousness  seemed  also  to  bring  to 
him  the  guilty  consciousness  of  what  he 
was  doing. 

From  Mar.  1929  to  July  1931,  he  served 
as  nat.  sec.  of  the  Junior  Atheist  League 
of  the  4A,  at  the  same  time  acting  as  N.Y. 
sec.  of  the  Young  Communist  League 
under  his  Communist  Party  name  (his 
own  spelled  backwards)  of  L.  R.  Trebla. 
During  that  time,  he  met  many  "Christian" 
ministers  and  others  on  the  friendly  terms 
of  fellow  opponents  of  Christ.  ( !)  His 
note  book,  kept  to  jot  down  the  affiliations 
of  office  callers  and  correspondents,  con- 
tains names  which  if  published  with  proof 
should  blow  the  lid  off  of  certain  Church 
organizations.  He  was  shocked  even  before 
his  conversion,  he  says,  when  a  high  official 
of  the  Federal  Council  of  Churches  (now 
serving  openly  on  a  communistic  com- 
mittee) came  in  to  his  office  and  gave 
him,  as  secretary,  a  $50  donation  for  atheist 
Communist  camps. 

He  tells  me  that  the  4A  while  main- 
taining its  public  offices  and  Atheist  Book 
Store  at  307  E.  14th  St.,  N.Y.C.,  also 
maintains  six  floors  of  offices  with  unlet- 
tered doors  at  347  Madison  Ave.;  that  it 
has  about  3,000  actual  members,  about 
500,000  contributors,  and  had  an  income 
of  $2,200,000  in  1931,  its  official  report  of 
around  $15,000  being  the  accounting  only 
of  its  New  York  funds,  as  required  of  New 
York  corporations.  The  4A  was  incor- 
porated in  New  York  in  1925. 


The  Red  Network 


In  conjunction  with  the  World  Union  of 
Atheists,  which  it  helped  to  form  at  Mos- 
cow 1931,  it  maintains  atheist  missionaries 
in  various  countries.  The  official  4A  Re- 
ports say:  "New  Years  day  1927  was  sig- 
nalized by  the  sailing  of  our  first  foreign 
representative.  On  that  day  Mr.  Edwin 
Bergstrom,  who  had  organized  a  branch 
in  British  Columbia,  left  New  York  to 
spread  the  4 A  message  in  Sweden.  A  dele- 
gation was  at  the  pier  to  see  him  off." 
The  work  of  Chen  Tsai  Ting,  365  Hennessy 
Road,  Hong  Kong,  and  of  Felix  Borbon, 
director  of  the  Spanish  division,  is  also 
commented  upon.  The  1928  Report  says: 
"We  have  established  the  Confederacion 
Americana  del  Ateismo  with  hdqts.  in 
Mexico  City.  Nanni  Leone  Costelli,  a  man 
of  extraordinary  ability,  already  has  done 
much  in  advancing  Atheism.  He  is  now 
organizing  branches  in  all  Central  and 
South  American  countries.  His  address  is 
Apartado  Postal  1065,  Mexico  D.  F.,  Mex- 
ico." .  .  .  "We  are  pleased  to  have  as  a 
member  Prof.  Alphonse  A.  Herrera  of 
Mexico  City,  director  of  Biological  Studies 
of  the  Republic  of  Mexico  and  in  charge 
of  the  National  Museum.  He  has  under 
his  supervision  a  chimpanzee  nearly  old 
enough  to  be  utilized  in  a  hybridization 
experiment."  (With  a  human,  being). 
Elsewhere  in  the  same  Report:  "To 
demonstrate  the  truth  of  Evolution  and 
particularly  to  prove  the  kinship  of  man 
and  ape  a  fund  has  been  started  to  hybrid- 
ize the  two  by  artificial  fecundation.  Mr. 
Geo.  T.  Smith  has  opened  the  fund  with 
a  $100  contribution." 


These  official  Reports  point  with  pride 
to  the  formation  of  many  "Damned  Souls 
Societies,"  "Liberal  clubs,"  "Truth  Seekers 
Societies,"  in  high  schools  and  colleges  all 
over  the  U.S.  The  1928  Report  says  its 
first  "Damned  Souls  Society"  was  organized 
at  Rochester  University  (N.Y.).  The 
Junior  Atheist  League  for  high  school  stu- 
dents was  established  with  many  branches 
in  1927-8.  The  4A  divides  the  United 
States  into  areas.  Each  area  has  a  director 
who  is  supposed  to  organize  nuclei  in 
schools  of  his  area.  The  photo  of  Robert 
Conine,  of  Tulsa,  appears  in  the  1930  re- 
port, for  example,  as  director  of  the  Fifth 

Elated  reports  are  made  of  the  formation 
also  of  such  sex  and  blasphemy  societies 
as:  the  Thespian  Society,  an  actors'  guild, 

"to  offset  the  Actors'  Guild,  a  Catholic 
society";  Church  Taxation  League:  "We 
must  either  tax  ecclesiastical  possessions  or 
confiscate  them";  Conception  Control  So- 
ciety, to  "Conduct  an  aggressive  propa- 
ganda for  the  repeal  of  Section  211  of  the 
U.S.  Penal  Code  and  similar  laws  in  24 
States.  .  .  .  The  next  great  battle  will  be 
for  the  elimination  of  venereal  disease  and 
greater  sex  freedom  of  which  the  Church 
has  been  and  is  the  greatest  enemy.  .  .  . 
Free  prophylactic  stations  should  be  main- 
tained in  every  city.  Scientific  sex  instruc- 
tion should  be  given  in  every  high  school. 
There  is  ample  room  for  another  organ- 
ization opposed  to  ecclesiastical  bigotry 
concerning  sex." 

The  Feb.  1928  Report  stated:  "The 
greatest  achievement  of  the  year  was  the 
founding  in  August  by  the  officers  of  the 
Assn.,  together  with  other  leading  anti- 
religionists,  of  the  American  Anti-Bible 
Society.  This  new  organization  .  .  .  has 
made  a  good  beginning,  and  under  the 
leadership  of  Tennessee's  Grand  Old  Man, 
Wm.  S.  Bryan,  historian  and  humorist, 
should  soon  make  a  laughing  stock  of  the 
Christian  fetish  book,  causing  people  to 
smile  whenever  it  is  named.";  "Atheist 
Training  School:  The  national  office  has 
established  in  New  York  a  training  school 
with  meetings  for  the  present  once  a  week. 
Young  men  and  women  and  boys  and 
girls  are  given  practise  in  public  speaking 
.  .  .  ";  "Foreign  Language  Groups  have 
been  organized  among  the  non-English 
speaking  groups,  such  as  the  Russian, 
Lithuanian,  Bohemian,  which  hold  regular 

Virtually  all  branches  conduct  Forums, 
say  the  Reports;  one  at  Communist  Party 
hdqts.  (see  Red  Army),  224  S.  Spring  St., 
Los  A.,  Cal.,  having  held  meetings  since 
1925.  One  of  the  best  known  of  the  Inger- 
soll  Forums  is  in  New  York,  "meeting  in 
Pythian  Temple  (70th  St.,  East  of  Broad- 
way) Sunday  evenings  the  year  round"; 
"The  Atheist  Society  of  Chicago  under  the 
direction  of  Mr.  James  E.  Even  ran  two 
weekly  forums  during  the  past  season." 
(One  at  Communist  Party  local  hdqts., 
357  W.  Chicago  Ave.)  "Regular  meetings 
(Open  Air)  were  held  almost  every  week- 
day evening  along  Broadway  (N.Y.)  with 
a  battery  of  speakers  including  Messrs. 
Smith,  Teller,  Bedborough,  Murphy,  Blan- 
chet,  Wright,  Mieler,  Portal,  Goldberg, 
Kewish,  Goldsmith,  Sklaroff,  Peiser  and 
others."  (May  1932  Report). 

Phonograph     records     of     parodies     on 

Organizations,  Etc. 


hymns,  atheist  words  to  the  tune  of  the 
International,  etc.  are  made  for  the  4A 
and  distributed  by  them.  A  gold  "A" 
within  a  red  five-pointed  star  on  a  back- 
ground of  blue  was  adopted  as  the  official 
4 A  insignia  in  1931. 


The  A.C.L.U.  is  frequently  mentioned  as 
suing  in  behalf  of,  or  cooperating  with,  the 
4A  in  suits.  In  the  Anthony  Bimba  case 
(Communist  Party  functionary  tried  for 
blasphemy),  the  Garland  Fund,  A.C.L.U., 
and  4A  all  cooperated  in  his  defense. 

The  Socialist  Debs  Memorial  Radio 
Station  (W.E.V.D.)  fittingly  proved  itself 
a  true  friend  of  Atheism,  according  to  the 
Apr.  1929  Report:  "We  have  outwitted 
the  bigots  and  now  broadcast  regularly 
over  Station  W.E.V.D.,  New  York  (231.0- 
1300  K.C.),  Saturdays,  6  P.M.  The  recent 
increase  in  this  station  enables  us  to  reach 
a  much  larger  audience.  Because  of  our 
sending  Atheism  over  the  air  through  its 
transmitting  plant,  Franklin  Ford  of  Sta- 
tion W.H.A.P.  terminated  his  contract  with 
Station  W.E.V.D.,  which  now  has  its  own 
plant."  The  June  1930  Report  says:  "Mr. 
Kenneth  Blanchet  is  the  official  broad- 
caster for  the  Association  over  Radio  Sta- 
tion W.E.V.D.,  New  York." 


"Tons  of  tracts"  are  sent  out.  The  June 
1930  Report  says:  "At  the  last  printing 
of  leaflets  and  folders,  a  total  of  300,000 
copies  was  run  off.  Previous  to  that  and 
during  the  year  1929  we  had  printed  50,000 
copies  of  'Uncle  Sams  Mistress' "  (the 
Church),  "100,000  copies  of  'Read  With- 
out Fear,'  20,000  copies  of  'What  is 
Religion?'"  110,000  copies  of  "The  Bible 
in  Balance"  were  sold.  "Most  of  this 
literature  is  sold  to  members  and  friends 
at  cost  or  less  than  cost  and  by  them  given 
away.  .  .  .  Now  that  we  have  a  ground 
floor  store  on  one  of  the  city's  busiest 
streets  a  considerable  number  of  leaflets 
and  folders  is  given  away  each  day  to 
passersby  who  are  invited  by  a  large  sign 
to  help  themselves." 

Atheist  literature  specializes  in  obscen- 
ity. The  title  of  an  article  in  the  Apr. 
1929  Report  is  "The  Cohabitation  of 
Church  and  State."  "Uncle  Sam's  Mis- 
tress," the  leaflet  mentioned  above,  says 
in  part:  "The  Church  calls  herself  the 
bride  of  Christ.  But  as  he  does  not  sup- 
port her,  she  is  forced  into  dishonorable 
relations.  This  kept  woman  of  the  State 
is  supposed  to  repay  those  from  whom 

the  State  collects  money  by  looking  after 
their  morals.  But  what  is  the  conduct  of 
the  Church  worth  as  a  moral  example? 
We  might  as  well  hire  one  of  those  females 
called  gold-diggers  to  train  our  daughters 
in  virtue." 

The  same  Report  reprints  from  its  4A 
organ  "Truthseeker"  two  items  which  had 
aroused  opposition  from  a  minister.  One, 
an  obscene  birth  control  suggestion  for 
government  supervised  prostitutes,  another 
a  "Holy  Ghost  joke"  which  is  typical  of 
the  atheist  anti-religious  literature  of  Jos. 
Lewis  and  his  ilk:  "A  very  pious  young 
lady  had  died  and  had  gained  admittance 
into  heaven.  Saint  Peter  took  her  around 
and  presented  her  to  God,  Christ  and 
various  other  notables.  Being  left  alone, 
she  strolled  around  and  admired  the  scen- 
ery, but  noticed  she  was  being  followed 
by  a  very  small,  mean  looking  fellow,  who 
kept  bowing  to  her  and  was  evidently  try- 
ing to  'pick  her  up.'  Much  alarmed,  she 
ran  back  to  St.  Peter,  told  him  what  had 
happened,  and  asked  him  who  this  little 
fellow  could  be.  Looking  up  and  seeing 
who  it  was,  Peter  replied:  'Oh,  that's  the 
Holy  Ghost,  but  we  don't  introduce  him 
to  ladies  since  he  had  that  little  affair  with 
the  Virgin  Mary.'"  This  draws  a  picture 
which  reminds  one  of  the  blasphemous 
Soviet  cartoons  of  Christ  and  the  Holy 
Ghost  which  fill  Russian  Churches  (see 
Proletarian  Party). 

Under  the  heading  "Hypocrites  Howl 
About  Russia,"  the  June  1930  Report  tells 
how  President  Smith  of  the  4A,  in  defense 
of  Soviet  Russia's  persecution  of  Chris- 
tians, addressed  an  audience  of  15,000  at 
the  N.Y.  Coliseum,  Mar.  16,  1930. 

"The  First  Annual  Trial  of  God— A 
Blamegiving  Service  held  in  New  York 
Nov.  26,  1931,  under  the  auspices  of  the 
4A,  Inc.,  on  the  assumption  for  the  day 
only  that  God  exists.  Blamegiving  Day 
has  been  officially  established  by  the  Asso- 
ciation as  a  day  of  protest  against  Thanks- 
giving services.  ...  It  is  hoped  and  ex- 
pected many  such  services  will  be  held 
in  each  State  of  the  Union  next  Blame- 
giving  Day  and  in  coming  years  until 
Thanksgiving  is  abandoned."  A  parody  of 
the  Lord's  Prayer  to  be  said  in  unison 
follows  and  a  Modern  Doxology  of  nu- 
merous verses  beginning:  "Blame  God 
from  whom  all  cyclones  blow,  Blame 
Him  when  rivers  overflow,  Blame  Him  who 
swirls  down  house  and  steeple,  who  sinks 
the  ship  and  drowns  the  people,"  and 
ending:  "For  clergy  who  with  hood  and 


The  Red  Network 

bell,  Demand  your  cash  or  threaten  hell, 
Blame  God  for  earthquake  shocks,  and 
then,  Let  all  men  cry  aloud,  'Amen.' " 

The  report  of  the  mock  trial  for  1931 
follows,  in  which  God  is  called  "Public 
Enemy  No.  1."  Woolsey  Teller  opened 
it  saying:  "I  am  sorry  to  announce  that 
God  cannot  be  with  us  this  afternoon  .  .  . 
as  there  is  a  law  in  N.Y.  state  against  his 
personal  appearance  on  the  platform.  His 
son,  Jesus,  is  absent  also — peacefully  being 
digested  in  the  stomachs  of  those  pious 
persons  who  ate  him  this  morning  at  early 
mass.  We  can  picture  Jesus  today  as  being 
mixed  up  with  turkey  and  cranberry 
sauce";  etc.,  etc.  A  verdict  of  guilty  was 
rendered  against  God  for  his  malevolence 
and  another  such  trial  was  held  1932. 
"When  recently  the  Ingersoll  Forum,  our 
N.Y.  branch,  announced  that  in  a  lecture 
by  Mr.  Woolsey  Teller  on  ' Crazy  Jesus' 
the  Atheist  would  impersonate  the  New 
Testament  character,  the  more  clearly  to 
demonstrate  the  absurdities  of  his  actions 
and  teaching,  we  were  warned  by  our 
lawyer  that  representation  of  the  deity  of 
a  religious  sect  is  prohibited  in  this  State." 
(1930  Report). 


There  is  much  food  for  thought  on  the 
part  of  Christians  in  the  following  dis- 
sertations taken  from  4A  Reports  on  the 
"Church  Drift  to  Atheism."  Ironically 
enough,  they  are  powerful  sermons — from 

"The  religious  forces  have  cause  for 
alarm.  Divided  by  internal  strife,  they 
possess  neither  the  power  nor  the  courage 
to  expel  heretics.  Christians  cannot  agree 
upon  anything  except  their  name.  Protes- 
tantism is  breaking  up,  and  whenever  its 
adherents  attempt  to  cooperate  with 
Catholics  they  get  a  slap  in  the  face." 

Atheism  in  America  today  may  be 
likened  unto  a  huge  iceberg,  of  which  the 
visible  peak  is  but  a  small  part  of  the 
submerged  mountain. 

"Churches  are  becoming  secular,  preach- 
ing anything  except  the  oldtime  orthodox 
religion.  They  are  becoming  social  centers 
with  just  enough  of  nominal  religion  to 
escape  taxation.  Sermons  on  books  are 
more  popular  than  those  on  the  barbaric 
doctrine  of  the  Atonement.  The  Clergy- 
men are  bewildered.  They  do  not  know 
what  to  preach.  Evolution  explodes  their 
doctrines.  They  are  declining  in  number 
and  quality.  Church  leaders  now  even 
oppose  missionizing  the  Jews,  thereby  con- 
fessing, in  effect,  that  Christianity  is  only 
a  religion,  not  the  religion." 

"The  clergy  are  so  honeycombed  with 
heretics  that  they  are  powerless  to  expel 
known  heretics.  The  only  real  cleavage  is 
between  the  Modernists  and  Fundamental- 
ists. They  cannot  force  the  issue  in  their 
conventions  and  they  dare  not  withdraw 
from  the  denominations.  Most  college 
graduates  are  godless.  The  number  of 
churches  is  increasing  in  which  the  mono- 
logue called  prayer  is  omitted."  (Apr. 

"The  spread  of  Atheism  was  never  faster. 
It  is  not  measured  by  the  growth  of  Atheist 
groups  but  by  the  decline  of  religious 
belief  as  a  controlling  factor  in  the  lives 
of  men.  The  drift  of  the  age  is  away 
from  religion."  (Is  this  the  "falling  away" 
and  "spiritual  wickedness  in  high  places" 
prophesied  for  the  era  before  Armaged- 

"This  loss  of  faith  causes  consternation 
among  the  Orthodox,  who  are  powerless 
to  arrest  the  movement.  The  reconcilers, 
the  Liberals  and  the  Modernists — are 
heroically  saving  the  ship  of  Christianity 
by  throwing  her  cargo  overboard.  With 
what  zeal  the  Fosdicks,  the  Matthews  and 
the  whole  crew  of  rescuers  toss  out,  first 
the  Garden  of  Eden  and  the  Flood,  fol- 
lowed by  the  Virgin  Birth,  Atonement, 
and  the  Resurrection.  Then  they  gain  a 
victory  by  getting  rid  of  Hell  and  Heaven 
and  of  the  Devil  and  God,  tho  with  much 
ado  they  keep  the  name  of  the  last.  They 
may  save  the  vessel  of  ecclesiasticism,  but 
how  long  will  man  sail  the  seas  in  an 
empty  ship?  They  will  go  ashore  and 
enjoy  life  with  the  Atheists.  We  wel- 
come the  aid  of  the  Modernists  and  pledge 
them  our  fullest  cooperation  in  ridding  the 
world  of  Fundamentalism — of  any  serious 
acceptance  of  Christian  theology." 

"The  supreme  literary  honor  was  con- 
ferred last  year  upon  an  avowed  Atheist, 
when  the  Nobel  Prize  was  given  to  Sin- 
clair Lewis,  author  of  'Main  Street'  and 
'Elmer  Gantry'  ...  a  terrific  indictment 
of  evangelical  religion."  (Apr.  1931 

"There  is  much  Atheism  in  the  Church. 
Heresy  is  rampant  among  the  clergy,  a  few 
of  whom  openly  express  their  rejection 
of  religious  dogma,  without  fear  of  expul- 
sion. Even  the  Methodist  Church  now 
tolerates  clergymen,  such  as  the  Rev. 
James  Hardy  Bennett  of  N.Y.,  who  preach 
that  Jesus  was  physically  the  son  of 
Joseph  and  Mary,  who  told  the  Virgin 
story  to  shield  themselves."  (Feb.  1928) 
"...  Why  do  these  men  stay  in  the  pulpit? 
Some  of  them  must  stay  or  starve.  They 

Organizations,  Etc. 


know  no  trade.  Among  them  are  Atheists 
and  even  members  of  the  4A."  A  letter 
is  then  quoted  from  an  atheist  minister 
wishing  to  leave  the  ministry  with  this 
comment:  "If  any  member  or  friend  will 
contribute  $200  for  the  special  purpose  of 
freeing  this  prisoner  of  the  pulpit,  the  4A 
will  liberate  him  and  announce  his  name." 

"Most  denominational  schools  are  hot- 
beds of  heresy,  as  it  is  impossible  for  any 
educational  institution  to  maintain  any 
degree  of  dignity  without  teaching  Evo- 
lution which  inevitably  undermines  religion. 
These  schools,  even  when  controlled  by 
Fundamentalists,  are  often  compelled  to 
employ  Infidels,  who  are  hypocrites  from 
necessity.  Members  of  the  4A  are  teach- 
ing in  Catholic  and  Fundamentalist  Col- 

"The  growth  of  what  is  called  Human- 
ism, together  with  the  establishment  of  a 
few  churches  and  societies  for  its  propa- 
gation, caused  considerable  discussion  dur- 
ing the  year.  However  much  Humanists, 
for  reasons  of  expediency  shun  the  title 
'Atheist,'  they  are  Godless.  Consequently, 
we  welcome  their  aid  in  overthrowing 
Christianity,  and  all  other  religions  based 
on  the  supernatural."  (June  1930  Report). 

"There  is  a  marked  increase  in  the  use 
of  the  word  Atheist  to  designate  the 
opponent  of  religion.  The  change  is  for 
the  better.  Atheist  is  the  logical  title  for 
whoever  has  no  god.  Formerly  for  weighty 
reasons  the  titles  of  Liberal,  Rationalist 
and  Freethinker  were  adopted  because  of 
their  uncertainty  of  meaning.  .  .  .  Under 
cover  timid  Atheists  are  helping  to  under- 
mine religion  by  demanding  a  new  con- 
cept of  God.  These  critics  profess  to  be 
searching  for  the  true  God.  They  might 
as  well  search  for  the  true  witch  or  a 
true  hobgoblin." 

"Modernism  is  unworthy  of  serious 
notice.  It  is  intellectual  mush,  a  disgusting 
mass  of  figurative  language.  .  .  .  The  down- 
fall of  Christianity  is  presaged  by  the 
passing  of  Hell  which  inevitably  drags 
Heaven  with  it,  since  the  two  have  the 
same  foundation.  If  the  one  is  figurative, 
so  is  the  other." 

"Much  as  we  dislike  Modernists  because 
of  their  illogical  compromising,  we  must 
recognize  that  for  many  Modernism  is  but 
a  stopover  on  the  road  to  Atheism.  Per- 
haps we  should  have  a  little  more  patience 
with  these  our  weaker  brothers  who  are 
unable  to  go  straight  from  Orthodoxy  to 
Atheism  without  resting  at  the  camps  of 
Liberalism  along  the  way.  Modernism  be- 
ing no  abiding  place  for  a  reasoning  mind, 

some  of  them  will  yet  arrive.  For  the 
present  we  should  train  our  guns  prin- 
cipally on  such  religious  standpatters  as 
the  Roman  Catholic  Church  and  the 
Protestant  hotbeds  of  Fundamentalism. 
The  American  Tract  Society  deserves  spe- 
cial attention." 

"The  Modernists  seem  to  attack  Atheism 
only  to  screen  their  own  unbelief.  No 
better  proof  of  our  contention  that  the 
Church  is  losing  ground  can  be  given  than 
that  the  Modernists  are  now  in  control  of 
all  the  larger  Protestant  denominations 
and,  working  from  the  inside,  discredit 
the  basic  teachings  of  Christianity  in  the 
name  Christianity.  ...  we  now  hear  of 
that  absurdity,  'a  creedless  faith' — of  per- 
sons who  believe,  without  believing  any- 
thing. Thus  Christianity  slowly  dissolves. 
But  the  good  work  of  Modernists  not  only 
does  not  lessen  the  need  of  Atheist  propa- 
ganda ...  the  Advance  Guard  is  always 
the  most  important  unit  in  the  army.  We 
must  continue  to  lead  the  way."  (June 
1933  Report). 

"The  Ten  Demands  of  the  4A: 
(1)  Taxation  of  church  property.  (2)  Elimi- 
nation of  chaplains  and  sectarian  institutions  from 
public  pay  rolls.  (3)  Abrogation  of  laws  enforcing 
Christian  morals  and  restricting  the  rights  of  Athe- 
ists. (4)  Abolition  of  the  oath  in  courts  and  at 
inaugurations.  (5)  Non-issuance  of  religious  proc- 
lamations by  chief  executives.  (6)  Removal  of  'In 
God  We  Trust'  from  coins  and  the  cross  from 
above  the  flag.  (7)  Exclusion  of  the  Bible  as  a 
sacred  book  from  the  public  schools.  (8)  Sup- 
pression of  the  bootlegging  of  religion  through  dis- 
missing pupils  from  religious  instructions  during 
school  hours.  (9)  Secularization  of  marriage,  with 
divorce  upon  request.  (10)  Repeal  of  anti-evo- 
lution and  anti-birth-control  laws." 

"The  Five  Fundamentals  of  Atheism: 
(1)  Materialism:  The  doctrine  that  Matter, 
with  its  indwelling  property,  Force,  constitutes  the 
reality  of  the  universe.  (2)  Sensationalism:  The 
doctrine  that  all  ideas  arise  out  of  sensation,  and 
that,  therefore,  man  can  have  no  conception  of 
an  infinite  God,  or  of  ultimate  causation,  or  that 
absolute  moral  imperative  which  certain  philoso- 
phers have  made  the  foundation  of  Theism.  (3) 
Evolution:  The  doctrine  that  organisms  are  not 
designed,  but  have  evolved,  mechanically,  through 
Natural  Selection.  (4)  The  existence  of  Evil:  The 
patent  fact  that  renders  irrational  the  belief  in  a 
beneficent,  omnipotent  being  who  cares  for  man. 
(5)  Hedonism:  The  doctrine  that  happiness  here 
and  now  should  be  the  motive  of  conduct." 

The  Report  of  May  1932  (officers  same 
in  1933)  lists: 

Officers:  Pres.,  Chas.  Smith,  Vice  Pres.,  Woolsey 
Teller;  Gen.  Sec.,  Freeman  Hopwood;  Treas., 
Freda  Rettig;  Board  of  Directors:  O.  H.  Bailey, 
Ohio;  Geo.  Bedborough,  N.Y.;  Wm.  S.  Bryan, 
Mo.;  Louis  J.  Bergson,  Pa.;  Felix  Borbon,  Mich.; 
John  A.  Bremner,  Wash.;  Ira  D.  Cardiff,  Wash.; 
Stanley  J.  Clark,  Okla.;  J.  Howard  Cummins, 
Tex.;  N.  Louis  Dorion,  N.Y.;  Mary  E.  Elliott, 
N.Y.;  Howell  S.  England,  Mich.;  James  E.  Even, 


The  Red  Network 

HAUT  Eum  B**NOi 



JOHN  D^wrn 
JAMU  H.  DiLLAto 

JOHN  F.  F::ai«T» 




Gio»ci  W.  KIKMWBT 

AITHUI  LcSutu* 
Htmv  R.  LINVILL» 
.Voesn  Mous  Lovirt 


Hirnr  R.  Munav 
A.  J.  Musn 

JUUA  &  OtToNNOt  PA»M« 


VIDA  D.  Scuoon 
AMA  HU.LB.  Sitvn 

MILL*  R.  T«UM»WU. 
WM.UAM  S.  (JRw 
OA»B>  W 

ttrtm  Wr 

American  Civil  Liberties  Union 

100  Fifth  Avenue.  New  York  City 

February  27,  1932. 


HAM.  F.  WAU 

Hiuw  PH«Li>f  STOCM 


B.  W.  HunicH 


Roan  N.  BALDWIN 



Ktttach  Sttrtttn 
l.ucn-u  B.  MILND 

To  the  members  of  the  Senate  and 
House  Immigration  Committees. 


We  send  you  herewith  a  pamphlet  in 
regard  to  a  bill  pending  before  you  intended 
to  carry  into  effect  the  opinion  of  Chief  Just- 
ice Hughos  in  st  case  recently  decided,  5  to  4, 
by  the  U.S.  Supreme  Court.   Justice  Hughes' 
opinion  is  set  out  almost  in  full. 

We  trust  that  the  proposed  change 
in  the  law  in  accordance  with  Justice  Hughes' 
opinion  may  have  your  support. 

Very  truly  yours, 



Attvnr,!  -mj  rerrtipom. 
Jtntt  m  ItfJing  ciiin 



Facsimile  of  a  letter  typical  of  constant  efforts  of  A.C.L.U.  to  influence  legislation  favored  by  radicals. 
Signed  by  John  Haynes  Holmes,  acting  Chairman  while  Harry  F.  Ward  was  in  Russia.    Note  names  of 

National  Committee  and  Officers. 

Organizations,  Etc. 


III.;  Linn  Gale,  B.C.;  E.  Haldeman-Julius,  Kans. 
Robt.    F.    Hester,    S.C.;    John   T.    Kewish,    N.Y. 
Geo.  T.  Marclay,  N.Y.;  Philip  G.  Peabody,  Mass. 
M.   A.    Stolar,   111.;    Walter  Van   Nostrand,   N.Y. 
Clark  H.   Yater,  N.Y.   Organ:     "Truthseeker,"   49 
Vesey    St.,    N.Y.;    4A    Hdqts.    307    E.    14th    St., 
N.Y.  City. 


Am.  Assn.  Lab.  Legis. 

"There  are  doubtless  many  people  who 
have  contributed  to  the  support  of  the 
Am.  Assn.  Lab.  Legis.  who  are  far  above 
the  charge  of  consciously  desiring  the  suc- 
cess of  a  subversive  movement.  If  we 
subtract  these  .  .  .  there  remains  a  large 
number  who  are  prominently  connected 
with  the  radical  movement  and  in  some 
instances  indirectly  with  the  Communist 
Party  of  America.  ...  It  beseeches  legis- 
lators for  the  adoption  ©f  social  insurance 
by  the  state.  To  it  we  owe  the  present 
workmen's  compensation  laws  which  are  on 
the  statute  books  of  the  various  states. 
Compulsory  health  insurance  is  a  part  of 
its  legislative  program.  .  .  .  'En  passant' 
it  should  be  said  that  these  measures  were 
born  of  revolutionary  Socialism  in  the  dec- 
ade following  1860.  The  effect  of  its 
adoption  means  a  lightening  of  responsibil- 
ity on  the  part  of  labor  in  the  maintenance 
of  a  healthy,  well  balanced  society,  and 
quick  adaptation  of  the  working  classes  to 
the  idea  of  dependency  on  the  state. 
Samuel  Gompers,  at  one  time  a  member  of 
the  Am.  Assn.  Lab.  Legis.,  resigned,  repu- 
diating all  its  words  and  works.  Social 
insurance  legislation  is  class  legislation  and 
socialistic.  .  .  .  Among  its  conspicuous  offi- 
cials are  or  have  been  in  the  past  such 
well  known  radicals  as  Mrs.  Raymond 
Robins,  organizer  and  pres.  Worn.  Tr.  Un. 
Lg.  .  .  .  her  associates  Miss  Agnes  Nestor 
and  Miss  Mary  Anderson;  the  Rev.  John 
Haynes  Holmes,  the  radical  pacifist,  and 
his  friend  and  co-worker  Stephen  S.  Wise; 
Owen  Lovejoy  .  .  .  Miss  Lillian  Wald  .  .  . 
Miss  Jane  Addams  .  .  .  and  a  host  of  others 
of  like  thought.  In  general  there  is  a 
mutual  sympathy  for  the  objects  which 
this  class  of  organizations  desire  to  attain, 
an  Interlocking  personnel  in  the  director- 
ates, and  programs  which  dovetail  into 
each  other  that  suggest  common  inspiration 
and  mutual  financial  resources.  They  pre- 
sent the  appearance  of  a  united  front,  and 
might  be  deemed  the  shock  troops  of  an 
insinuating  army  of  borers,  whose  province 
it  is  to  wedge  ignorant  inertia  aside  and 
make  room  for  advancing  Communism. 
To  call  such  organizations  'socialistic'  as 

opposed  to  communistic  is  in  reality  a  dis- 
tinction without  a  difference.  These  sys- 
tems differ  in  degree  and  not  in  principle." 
(Whitney's  "Reds  in  America,"  p.  182); 
similar  to  A.A.  for  O.A.S.;  hdqts.:  John 
B.  Andrews,  131  East  23rd  St.,  N.Y. 


AA.  for  O.A.S. 

Organized  to  promote  old  age  pensions 
at  the  expense  of  state  and  nation,  among 
the  immediate  objectives  of  the  Socialist 
program  which  aims  ultimately  to  put 
every  possible  human  activity,  as  well  as 
all  property,  under  state  (political)  con- 
trol. (See  Am.  Assn.  Lab.  Legis.)  Officers 
1931:  pres.,  Bishop  Francis  J.  McConnell; 
exec,  sec.,  Abraham  Epstein;  treas.,  Nicholas 
Kelley;  exec,  com.:  Eliz.  Gilman,  Agnes 
Brown  Leach,  Mary  K.  Sinkovitch, 
Stephen  S.  Wise;  vice  presidents:  Jane 
Addams,  Herbert  S.  Bigelow,  Edw.  T. 
Devine,  Glenn  Frank,  John  A.  Lapp,  James 
H.  Maurer,  Wm.  A.  Neilson,  I.  M.  Rub- 
inow,  John  A.  Ryan;  hdqts.:  Abraham 
Epstein,  22  East  17th  St.,  N.Y. 


Interaligns  with  the  atheist  movement; 
cooperates  with  other  radical  groups;  aid- 
ed by  Garland  Fund;  pres.,  Margaret  San- 



"Your  actions  speak  so  loud  I  can't 
hear  what  you  say!"  said  Ralph  Waldo 
Emerson,  and  this  quotation  exactly  fits 
the  A.C.L.U.,  which  says  it  is  a  non-com- 
munist organization  interested  only  in 
maintaining  the  rights  of  "free  speech,  free 
press  and  free  assembly  as  guaranteed  by 
the  Constitution  of  the  U.S."  while  drown- 
ing out  its  words  by  its  actions.  Any 
one  who  has  taken  the  trouble  to  investi- 
gate what  the  A.C.L.U.  is  and  does,  knows 
that  it  is  directed  by  Communist  and  So- 
cialist revolutionary  leaders  and  their  sym- 
pathizers, and  that  it  works  untiringly  to 
further  and  legally  protect  the  interests  of 
the  Red  movement  in  all  of  its  branches — 
Red  strikes,  Atheism,  sex  freedom,  disarm- 
ament, seditious  "academic  freedom,"  de- 
portation and  exclusion  of  Reds,  rioting, 
etc.,  constantly  supporting  and  cooperating 
with  Moscow's  open  legal  defense  agency, 


The  Red  Network 

the  I.L.D.,  for  this  purpose.  It  plays  the 
"white  collar"  role  in  the  movement. 

One  is  amused  at  the  A.C.L.U.  high- 
brow appeals,  its  constant  cries  for  un- 
limited "freedom  of  speech"  for  Reds  "as 
guaranteed  by  the  Constitution,"  which 
the  Reds  aim  to  destroy,  while  at  the  same 
time  it  is  suing  for  libel,  patriotic  anti- 
Red  defenders  of  this  Constitution  who 
make  comparatively  petty  criticisms  of  its 
own  members. 

The  sort  of  "freedom  of  speech"  defended 
by  the  A.C.L.U.  seems  to  cover  the  Red's 
right  to  conduct  a  libelous,  obscene,  and 
seditious  press  against  our  American  gov- 
ernment and  its  loyal  supporters,  the  right 
to  not  only  advocate  sedition,  violence  and 
murder  but  to  commit  these  deeds  as  well, 
for  after  a  Red  commits  these  crimes  the 
A.C.L.U.  redoubles  its  efforts  to  secure  his 
release.  The  statement  of  Tom  McKenna, 
a  busy  little  spectator  at  Communist  riots 
and  secretary  of  the  Chicago  A.C.L.U., 
that  the  Chicago  Committee  had  devoted 
one  day  a  week  and  reviewed  some  1300 
cases,  practically  all  Communist,  in  Cook 
County  during  1932,  taking  part  of  these 
cases  up  with  Police  Commissioner  Allman 
and  filing  suit  in  behalf  of  some,  would 
indicate  a  more  than  mere  theoretical 
interest  in  "free  speech"  on  the  part  of  the 
A.C.L.U.  It  is  impossible  to  believe  that 
A.C.L.U.  bureaus  and  lawyers  all  over  the 
United  States  are  maintained  at  great 
expense  for  the  purpose  of  fighting  count- 
less legal  battles  in  behalf  of  Reds  merely 
because  of  a  love  for  defending  "free 
speech"  for  everyone  including  "those  with 
whose  opinions  we  disagree,"  particularly 
in  view  of  the  A.C.L.U.  petty  libel  suits 
against  Anti-Reds  who  actually  dare  to 
disagree  with  the  A.C.L.U. 

The  U.S.  Fish  Report  says:  "During  the 
Gastonia  strike  there  was  a  bloody  con- 
flict between  the  communist-led  workers 
and  the  police,  in  which  the  chief  of  police 
was  shot  and  killed  and  two  of  his 
assistants  wounded.  Seven  communists 
were  sentenced  to  long  terms  in  prison.  .  .  . 
During  the  trial  of  the  communists  at 
Gastonia,  not  for  freedom  of  speech,  of 
the  press,  or  assembly,  but  for  conspiracy 
to  kill  the  chief  of  police,  the  A.C.L.U. 
provided  bail  for  five  of  the  defendants, 
amounting  to  $28,500,  which  it  secured 
from  the  Garland  Fund.  All  of  the  defend- 
ants convicted  jumped  their  bail  and  are 
reported  to  be  in  Russia.  The  $28,500  bail 
was  forfeited,  including  $9,000  more  ad- 
vanced by  the  International  Labor  De- 
fense" (Communist), 

Chief  Aderholt  was  murdered  by  the 
Communists  and  the  murder  was  planned 
three  days  before  the  event,  yet  the  1929- 
30  A.C.L.U.  Report  jauntily  and  brazenly 
says:  "The  only  violence  by  strikers  oc- 
curred in  a  shooting  affray  on  the  strikers' 
lot  in  Gastonia  in  which  Chief  of  Police 
Aderholt  of  Gastonia  was  killed  and  one 
policeman  and  one  striker  were  wounded; 
and  at  Marion  where  a  few  strikers  were 
caught  dynamiting  private  property  with- 
out however  injuring  any  person"  (A  mere 
trifle,  of  course,  compared  to  bloody  Red 
revolution).  And  this  same  Report  adds 
with  pride:  "The  Civil  Liberties  Union 
was  active  from  the  beginning  of  the 
trouble  in  the  cases  both  at  Marion  and 

The  N.Y.  State  Lusk  Report  says:  "The 
American  Civil  Liberties  Union,  in  the  last 
analysis,  is  a  supporter  of  all  subversive 
movements;  its  propaganda  is  detrimental 
to  the  State.  It  attempts  not  only  to  pro- 
tect crime  but  to  encourage  attacks  upon 
our  institutions  in  every  form."  To  this 
indictment,  based  upon  barrels  of  incon- 
testable documentary  proof,  the  A.C.L.U. 
leaders  blithely  answer:  "O!  the  Lusk 
Report  is  discredited"  (by  the  A.C.L.U.). 
Asked  for  proof,  they  have  and  offer  none. 
Financed  by  the  Red  Garland  Fund,  the 
Reds  campaigned  while  patriots  slept  and 
secured  the  repeal  of  the  N.Y.  State  Crimi- 
nal Syndicalism  Law  which  had  been  spon- 
sored by  the  Lusk  Committee  and  since 
that  repeal  N.Y.  has  become  one  of  the 
great  centers  of  World  revolutionary  activ- 
ity. South  American  Communist  work  is 
controlled  from  N.Y.  Meetings  of  22,000 
Reds  are  held  in  N.Y.  City  nowadays. 

The  U.S.  Committee  appointed  by  the 
71st  Congress  to  investigate  Communist 
Propaganda,  headed  by  Hon.  Hamilton 
Fish,  officially  reported  Jan.  1931:  "The 
A.C.L.U.  is  closely  affiliated  with  the  com- 
munist movement  in  the  United  States, 
and  fully  90%  of  its  efforts  are  on  behalf 
of  communists  who  have  come  into  conflict 
with  the  law.  It  claims  to  stand  for  free 
speech,  free  press,  and  free  assembly;  but 
it  is  quite  apparent  that  the  main  func- 
tion of  the  A.C.L.U.  is  to  attempt  to  pro- 
tect the  communists  in  their  advocacy  of 
force  and  violence  to  overthrow  the  gov- 
ernment, replacing  the  American  flag  by 
a  red  flag  and  erecting  a  Soviet  Govern- 
ment in  place  of  the  republican  form  of 
government  guaranteed  to  each  State  by 
the  Federal  Constitution." 

"Roger  N.  Baldwin,  its  guiding  spirit, 
makes  no  attempt  to  hide  his  friendship 

Organizations,  Etc. 


for  the  communists  and  their  principles.  He 
was  formerly  a  member  of  the  I.W.W.  and 
served  a  term  in  prison  as  a  draft  dodger 
during  the  war.  This  is  the  same  Roger  N. 
Baldwin  that  has  recently  issued  a  state- 
ment 'that  in  the  next  session  of  Congress 
our  job  is  to  organize  the  opposition  to 
the  recommendations  of  the  Congressional 
Committee  investigating  communism.'  In 
his  testimony  before  the  Committee  he  ad- 
mitted having  said  at  a  dinner  in  Chicago 
that  'the  Fish  Committee  recommendations 
will  be  buried  in  the  Senate.' "  (And  they 
have  been,  and  are!) 

"Testifying  on  force  and  violence,  mur- 
der, etc.  the  following  is  quoted:  The 
chairman:  Does  your  organization  uphold 
the  right  of  a  citizen  or  alien — it  does  not 
make  any  difference  which — to  advocate 
murder?  Mr.  Baldwin:  Yes.  The  Chair- 
man: Or  Assassination  ?  Mr.  Baldwin: 
Yes.  The  Chairman:  Does  your  organ- 
ization uphold  the  right  of  an  American 
citizen  to  advocate  force  and  violence  for 
the  overthrow  of  the  Government?  Mr. 
Baldwin:  Certainly;  in  so  far  as  mere 
advocacy  is  concerned.  The  Chairman: 
Does  it  uphold  the  right  of  an  alien  in 
this  country  to  urge  the  overthrow  and 
advocate  the  overthrow  of  the  Govern- 
ment by  force  and  violence?  Mr.  Baldwin: 
Precisely  on  the  same  basis  as  any  citizen. 
The  Chairman:  You  do  uphold  the  right 
of  an  alien  to  advocate  the  overthrow  of 
the  Government  by  force  and  violence: 
Mr.  Baldwin:  Sure;  certainly.  It  is  the 
healthiest  kind  of  thing,  of  course,  for  a 
country  to  have  free  speech — unlimited." 

Both  Communist  and  Socialist  Party 
platforms  stand  for  this  same  unlimited 
"free  speech"  (for  Reds)  and  so  it  seems 
very  picayunish,  to  say  the  least,  that 
Maynard  C.  Krueger,  member  of  the  So- 
cialist Party  executive  committee,  should  be 
suing,  as  is  now  reported,  the  Chicago 
Tribune  for  calling  him  a  "jackass"  and 
that  the  A.C.L.U.  should  be  suing  Mr. 
Jung  of  the  American  Vigilant  Intelligence 
Federation  for  calling  one  A.C.L.U.  mem- 
ber, Karl  Borders  (see  Who's  Who),  a 
"propagandist  of  the  Bolshevik  murder 
regime"  and  John  Haynes  Holmes,  another 
A.C.L.U.  member,  an  "exponent  of  free 
love."  If  I  believed  the  Constitution  guar- 
anteed unlimited  free  speech  to  everyone 
to  advocate  force,  violence  and  assassi- 
nation I  would  certainly  not  be  so  fussy 
as  to  sue  anyone  for  using  his  Consti- 
tutional right  to  call  me  a  mere  "propa- 
gandist" or  an  "exponent"  of  an  idea. 
Instead  I  would  be  flattered  that  he  had 

not  advocated  boiling  me  in  oil,  cutting 
my  throat,  or  assassinating  me.  Of  course, 
every  organization  hews  to  its  own  line. 
Perhaps  if  those  whom  the  A.C.L.U.  sues 
would  fall  into  line  and  advocate  assassi- 
nating the  A.C.L.U.  and  its  members  in 
cold  blood,  the  A.C.L.U.  would  feel  more 
sympathetic  and  be  impelled  itself  to 
defend  them  (?).  This  would  be  an  intri- 
guing and  novel  experiment  for  patriotic 
Americans  who,  ordinarily,  consider  murder 
and  its  advocacy  a  little  out  of  their  line. 
What  possible  interest  could  such  Mos- 
cow-directed Communists  as  Wm.  Z.  Foster, 
Robt.  W.  Dunn,  Scott  Nearing,  Anna 
Rochester,  etc.,  etc.  (who  help  direct  the 
A.C.L.U.),  have  in  merely  promoting  free 
speech  for  everyone,  since  their  chosen 
career  is  to  work  for  a  Soviet  United 
States  barring  free  speech?  The  A.C.L.U. 
nicely  explains  this  fight  for  "free  speech" 
in  its  1929-30  Annual  Report,  p.  5:  "Our 
services  are  essential  for  whatever  degree 
of  tolerance  we  can  achieve,  and  will  be 
until  a  political  and  economic  opposition 
arises  strong  enough  to  defend  its  own 
rights.  .  .  .  These  early  months  of  1930 
have  produced  a  larger  crop  of  court  cases" 
(for  the  A.C.L.U.  to  defend)  "involving 
civil  liberty  than  any  entire  year  since  the 
war.  This  is  due  to  the  wave  of  suppres- 
sion by  officials  of  the  militant  activities 
of  the  Communist  Party  and  left-wing 
strikes."  In  other  words,  under  the  guise 
of  free  speech,  etc.,  by  means  of  legal 
battles,  revolutionary  Communism-Social- 
ism must  be  defended  until  it  gains  power, 
and  the  large  crop  of  A.C.L.U.  cases  was 
due  to  defense  of  Communist  militant 
activities.  "Minorites"  is  also  a  favorite 
A.C.L.U.  term  for  revolutionaries. 

One  need  not  accept  the  conclusions  of 
the  U.S.  Fish  Report,  N.Y.  State  Lusk 
Report,  Better  America  Federation,  or 
other  expert  reports  concerning  the  A.C. 
L.U.  One  who  carefully  reads  the  daily 
newspapers  or  who  reads  the  Communist 
press  may  gain  constant  evidence  of  A.C. 
L.U.  activities  in  support  of  the  Red  move- 

Doubting  Thomases  should  read  for 
themselves  the  official  yearly  Reports  of 
the  A.C.L.U.  Since  a  40-60  page  pamphlet 
is  required  each  year  to  report  merely  the 
outstanding  cases  handled  by  the  A.C.L.U. 
and  its  branches  in  the  United  States,  it  is 
obvious  that  only  a  smattering  of  these 
can  be  given  in  this  article.  Each  Report 
might  easily  have  a  volume  written  about 


The  Red  Net-work 

its  cases.  Each  case  aids  some  phase  of 
the  Red  program,  while  90%  are  out-and- 
out  Communist-defense  cases.  Patriotism 
is  always  sneered  at  by  the  A.C.L.U.;  hence 
the  1931-32  Report  is  sarcastically  entitled 
"Sweet  Land  of  Liberty."  To  quote 
from  it: 

"Among  the  professional  patriots,  the 
American  Legion  and  the  D.A.R.  stood  out 
as  the  most  active  inciters  against  pacifists 
and  radicals."  .  .  .  "Local  patriots  continue 
to  function,  often  to  our  annoyance.  In 
Chicago  the  Vigilant  Intelligence  Federation 
continually  prods  the  authorities  to  bring 
proceedings  against  Communists  and  sym- 
pathizers, but  with  much  less  open  and 
reckless  charges  since  libel  suits  were  lodged 
against  its  secretary  by  John  Haynes 
Holmes  and  Karl  Borders"  (filed  by  A.C. 
L.U.  against  H.  A.  Jung). 

"The  professional  patriots  were  particu- 
larly active  in  attacking  in  Congress  the 
bill  to  admit  alisn  pacifists  to  citizenship 
and  in  pushing  the  bill  for  deportation  of 
Communists  as  such.  .  .  .  John  W.  Davis 
of  N.Y.,  former  Ambassador  to  Great 
Britain,  who  served  as  Prof.  Macintosh's 
personal  counsel  and  who  appeared  before 
the  Senate  Committee  to  argue  for  a  change 
in  the  law,  was  attacked  by  these  organ- 
izations as  unpatriotic,  along  with  the  other 
spokesmen  at  the  hearing — Bishop  Francis 
J.  McConnell  of  the  Federal  Council  of 
Churches,  Rabbi  Edward  L.  Israel  of  Balti- 
more, and  the  Rev.  Richard  A.  McGowan 
of  the  National  Catholic  Welfare  Con- 

"Conflict  between  Communists,  sym- 
pathizers, and  the  Philippine  government 
continued,  with  prosecutions  for  sedition — 
etc.  The  Civil  Liberties  Union  has 
endeavored  to  aid  at  long  distance  and  has 
lodged  protests  with  the  War  Dept.  at 
Washington  and  with  the  Philippine  Govt. 
A  representative  of  the  Union  in  the  Philip- 
pines, Willard  S.  Palmer,  aids  in  cooperation 
with  Vincente  Sotto  of  Manila,  Attorney 
for  the  Communists  and  their  sympath- 
izers." Under  "New  Loans  made  1931,"  is 
listed:  to  "Philippine  representatives  of 
Civil  Liberties  Union — for  defense  of 
sedition  cases  $500,"  and  under  "Expendi- 
tures": "For  defense  of  sedition  cases  in 
Philippines  $571.50."  (Good  practical  sup- 
port of  "civil  liberties,"  that!) 

Concerning  these  "civil  liberties,"  a  1932 
New  York  Times  dispatch  (reprinted  in 
Chgo.  Tribune),  headed  "Rioting  Spreads 
in  Philippines;  Revolt  Feared — Manila, 
P.I.,  May  19,"  said:  "Unrest,  rioting  and 
the  threat  of  a  Communistic  uprising  in  the 

northern  Luzon  provinces  took  a  more 
serious  turn  today  when  Secretary  of  the 
Interior  Honoris  Ventura  ordered  provincial 
constabulary  commanders  at  Bulacan,  Pam- 
panaga  and  Nueva  Ecija  to  report  instantly 
at  Manila  to  check  the  threatened  danger — 
in  which  arson  and  a  general  revolt  is 
threatened.  Fourteen  Communists,  con- 
victed of  Manila  sedition,  free  on  appeal 
and  assisted  by  the  American  Civil  Liberties 
Union,  are  declared  to  be  leading  general 
agitation  in  Nueva  Ecija  which  has  already 
resulted  in  destruction  of  property  of  those 
refusing  to  join  the  movement.  ..."  etc. 

Perhaps  the  newly  appointed  Gov.  of  the 
Philippines,  Ex-Mayor  Murphy  of  Detroit, 
the  Roosevelt  appointee,  will  establish  an- 
other record  for  non-interference  with  com- 
munists' "civil  liberties"  and  relieve  the 
A.C.L.U.  of  its  tasks.  The  A.C.L.U.  Re- 
port (p.  41)  eulogizes  Murphy  saying:  "A 
break  in  the  year's  record  of  Detroit  under 
Mayor  Frank  Murphy's  administration  in 
no  police  violence  against  street  meetings 
occurred  in  November  while  the  Mayor  was 
out  of  the  city.  Police  attacked  a  Com- 
munist meeting  at  a  point  where  they  had 
been  accustomed  to  assemble,  but  for  which 
permits  had  been  refused.  Protests  of  the 
committee  resulted  in  an  order  by  the 
Mayor  changing  the  system  from  permits 
to  mere  notification  to  the  police,  except 
at  a  few  designated  points." 

The  A.C.L.U.  cooperates  with  the  4 A 
and  Freethinker  Atheist  societies  in  their 
attacks  on  religion.  The  destruction  of 
religion  is  an  objective  of  Socialism-Com- 
munism. Supposed  ministers  of  Christ  who 
serve  on  the  A.C.L.U.  boards  must  be  un- 
decided as  to  which  master  they  are  serving. 
No  minister  could  convince  me  that  he  can 
both  be  yoked  together  with  atheist  Com- 
munists and  aid  in  filing  suits  for  atheists 
and  atheist  Communists  and  be  serving 
Jesus  Christ.  The  letter  of  Joseph  Lewis, 
the  self-styled  "Enemy  of  God,"  threaten- 
ing suit  to  stop  Bible  reading  in  N.Y. 
public  schools  appears  in  this  book  under 
"Freethinkers  of  America."  The  A.C.L.U. 
Report,  p.  34,  says:  "An  attempt  to  stop 
Bible  reading  in  the  public  pchools  through 
a  suit  in  court  was  lost  in  N.Y.  City  when 
the  Freethinkers  of  America  raised  the 
constitutionality  of  a  charter  provision  of 
New  York  City."  (which  permits  Bible 
reading  in  schools) .  "The  Civil  Liberties 
Union  supported  the  suit.  The  Court  of 
appeals  upheld  the  provision.  A  directly 
contrary  provision  in  the  constitution  of 
the  State  of  Washington  prohibiting  the 
reading  of  the  Bible  in  the  schools  was  sus- 

Organizations,  Etc. 


tained  by  the  State  Supreme  Court  and 
review  was  refused  by  the  U.S.  Supreme 
Court"  (a  triumph  for  the  Atheists). 

The  Atheist  4A  Report  of  1932  states 
that  seven  atheists  in  the  New  Jersey 
Levine  case  who  refused  to  take  an  oath, 
since  they  deny  the  existence  of  God,  were 
barred  from  testifying,  and  that  the  4A 
and  A.C.L.U.  were  sharing  costs  of  an 
appeal.  The  A.C.L.U.  Report  under 
"Expenditures"  lists:  "Appeal  in  test  case 
New  Jersey  on  rights  of  atheists  as  wit- 
nesses $206.35." 

The  Atheist  4  A  Report  for  1927-8 
(p.  11)  said:  "Last  spring  Meyer  Konin- 
kow  and  Meyer  Applebaum  members  of 
the  Society  of  the  Godless,  the  Greater  N.Y. 
branch  of  the  Junior  Atheist  League,  wrote 
Miss  Christine  Walker,  Nat.  Sec.  of  the 
League,  asking  for  her  assistance  in  free- 
ing them  from  compulsory  attendance  at 
Bible  reading  in  the  high  school  assembly. . . 
Harold  S.  Campbell,  Supt.  of  High  Schools, 
refused  to  excuse  Applebaum  and  on  his 
remaining  away  expelled  him.  But  a  threat 
of  Court  action  with  the  aid  of  the  Amer- 
ican Civil  Liberties  Union  recalled  the 
school  officials  to  their  senses  . . .  they  rein- 
stated young  Applebaum.  The  victory 
reestablished  a  valuable  precedent." 

The  A.C.L.U.  promised  to  send  Arthur 
Garfield    Hays    to    Little    Rock,    Ark.,    to 
fight    against    Arkansas    anti-Atheist    laws, 
says  the  4A  April  1929  Report.   Also  when 
the   contract   for   use   of   the   Huntington, 
West  Va.,  auditorium  for  an  Atheist  lecture 
by  Chas.  Smith,  Pres.  of  4A,  was  cancelled, 
the  A.C.L.U.  wired  protests,  according  to 
the  4A  1927-8  Report.    "A  Court  Victory 
for  Atheists"  is  the  heading  of  the  account 
in  the  4A  1931-2  Report  of  the  case  won 
Mar.  23,  1932,  "argued  by  Mr.  Albert  E. 
Kane  of  381  Madison  Ave.,  a  rising  young 
New  York  lawyer  .  .  .  who  represented  the 
American    Civil    Liberties    Union"    (Chas. 
Smith,  Pres.  of  the  4 A,  had  been  arrested 
for  conducting  Atheist  street  meetings  with- 
out a  permit).    To  quote:    "As  a  result  of 
our  reopening  the  streets  for  Atheist  propa- 
ganda numerous  free  lance  speakers  began 
holding     anti-religious    meetings    of    their 
own  all  over  the  city.  This  spread  of  Athe- 
ism caused  the  city  authorities  to  attempt 
to  suppress  it  by  one  of  the  most  absurd 
prosecutions  ever  instituted."  The  A.C.L.U. 
Report   also   jubilates  and  lists   under  the 
heading  of   its  "Gains":     "6.    Decision    of 
Court  of  Appeals  in  New  York  that  athe- 
ists' street  meetings  are  not  religious  gath- 
erings within  the  meaning  of  the  law  and 
require  no  permit." 

In  suits  like  this,  as  a  4 A   Report  said 
of  a  similar  contest,  "Not  Mr.  Smith,  but 
Atheism  is  on  trial."  The  A.C.L.U.  rejoices 
and  "Gains"  when  Atheism  wins,  evidently. 
Concerning    violent    Red    revolutionary 
agitation  in  the  Kentucky  Coal  fields,  the 
A.CJL.U.  Repart  says  (p.  26) :    "The  Civil 
Liberties   Union   early    in   the    struggle   in 
1931,  raised  money  and  aided  the  defense 
committees   both   of  the  I.W.W.  and  the 
International  Labor  Defense"  (Communist). 
"The  Civil  Liberties  Union  sent  into  this 
district  in  July,   1931,  Arnold  Johnson,  a 
Union  Theological  student,  who  after  a  few 
weeks  of   activity   was  arrested  and  held 
under  bail  on  a  charge  of  criminal  syndical- 
ism."   "The  Union  also  took  charge  of  a 
proposed  damage   suit   by   Tom   Connors, 
I.W.W.    organizer,    against    the    sheriff   of 
Harlan  County.  .  .  .  Finally  when  repeated 
efforts  to  establish  civil  rights  in  the  area 
had  failed  the  Civil  Liberties  Union  under- 
took a  mission  of  its  own.  A  party  headed 
by    our   general   counsel,   Arthur   Garfield 
Hays,  announced  its  intention  to  go  into 
Bell  and  Harlan  Counties.  The  prosecuting 
attorney  of  Bell  County  at  once  countered 
with  threats  of  violence  to  the  party.   The 
Union  thereupon  sought  an  injunction  in 
the  federal  court  in  Ky.  to  restrain  violence 
to  the  party.  ...  He  denied  the  injunction, 
warned  the  party  to  stay  out  and  held  that 
Bell  and  Harlan  Counties  had  a  right  to  be 
'protected   from   free   speech.'    The  Union 
has  taken  an  appeal.    The  party  made  an 
effort   to   go   into   Bell   County,   but  was 
blocked  by   force   at   the   boundary.    Mr. 
Hays,  returning  to  the  seat  of  the  Federal 
court,  sued  the  county   officials  for  dam- 
ages" (Atty.  Smith  of  Bell  County  chal- 
lenged the  A.C.L.U.,  calling  it  an  egotistical 
atheistic     communistic     menace,     to     dare 
spread   their  propaganda   in   Bell   County. 
He   said   Bell   Co.  had   as   much   right   to 
be  protected  from   Communism  as  it  had 
from  a  mad  dog.   The  A.C.L.U.  so  far  has 
not  dared  pass  him!). 

(p.  19)  "The  Civil  Liberties  Union  works 
on  the  Mooney-Billings  case  from  our 
office,  and  particularly  this  year  through 
attorney  Aaron  Shapiro  .  .  .  spending  some 
$1500  more  than  the  A.C.L.U.  raised 
toward  his  expenses"  (for  freeing  the 
AnrtrrMct-Communist  dynamiter  Mooney). 
Jubilantly  the  A.C.L.U.  lists  as  "Gain's": 
"The  parole  of  two  of  the  remaining  six 
men  in  Centralia,  Wash.,  I.W.W.  case" 
(convicted  of  murdering  six  Legionnaires  in 
an  Armistice  Day  parade).  Says  the  A.C. 
L.U.:  "The  State  Board  of  Parole  is  evi- 
dently slowly  releasing  the  men  one  by  one 


The  Red  Network 

in  order  not  to  arouse  political  opposition 
from  the  American  Legion"  (Harry  Ward 
and  Bishop  McConnell,  of  both  Federal 
Council  of  Churches  and  A.C.L.U.,  have 
long  kept  up  a  campaign  for  the  release  of 
these  Reds). 

(p.  16)  "The  chief  campaign  in  Congress 
revolved  around  bills  aimed  at  aliens  backed 
by  the  professional  patriots.  The  fight  cen- 
tered on  registering  aliens,  on  deporting 
Communists  as  such,  and  on  the  admission 
of  alien  pacifists  to  citizenship.  The  Civil 
Liberties  Union  mobilized  its  forces  against 
the  proposal  to  register  aliens  and  to  deport 
Communists  as  such,  enlisting  the  support 
of  well-known  men  and  women  through- 
out the  country  in  opposition  to  both 
proposals.  Neither  has  passed."  (True 
enough.  And  where  the  alien  registration 
law  did  pass,  in  Michigan,  the  newly- 
elected  Atty.  Gen.  O'Brien,  an  A.C.L.U. 
atty.,  immediately  aided  in  nullifying  it.) 

The  case  of  "Twenty-seven  Communists 
arrested  at  Bridgman,  Mich,  on  criminal 
syndicalism  charges,  and  still  awaiting 
trial"  is  listed  under  "Defense  Cases  Await- 
ing Trial  in  the  Courts"  (Atty.  Gen. 
O'Brien  after  his  election  called  these  cases 
and  aided  in  having  them  dismissed.  About 
$100,000  in  bond  money  which  had  been 
held  by  the  State  was  thus  released  for  the 
use  of  the  Communist  Party.)  (See  Bridg- 
man Raid.) 

The  A.C.L.U.  lists  in  its  Report  as 
"Issues  Pending  June  1932":  its  "Appeal 
from  order  upholding  indictments  against 
six  Communist  organizers  in  Atlanta, 
Georgia  on  charges  of  'incitement  to  insur- 
rection' and  'distributing  insurrectionary 
literature.'"  (See  "Nat.  Com.  for  Defense 
of  So.  Political  Prisoners,"  formed  to  defend 
them) ;  its  "Argument  in  the  U.S.  Supreme 
Court  against  the  conviction  of  seven 
Negro  boys  at  Scottsboro,  Alabama" 
(Case  being  handled  largely  by  the  com- 
munist I.L.D.  and  used  as  Communist 
propaganda  to  incite  Negroes  against  Amer- 
ican "justice"  and  government) ;  its 
"Appeal  to  the  U.S.  Supreme  Court  to 
review  the  deportation  order  against  Edith 
Berkman,  National  Textile  Workers  Union 
organizer"  (a  most  virulent  Communist 
organizer  of  a  Communist  union) ;  its 
"Appeal  from  the  conviction  for  sedition 
at  Media,  Pa.  of  two  young  Communists 
for  a  speech  hi  the  1931  election  campaign"; 
its  "Appeal  from  decision  of  Common 
Pleas  Judge  Wanamaker  holding  Ohio 
criminal  syndicalism  law  constitutional 
in  case  of  Paul  Kassey."  (This  Hungarian 
Communist  was  caught,  and  admitted 

sabotaging  the  U.S.  airship  Akron.  He  was 
declared  liable  under  the  criminal  syndical- 
ism law,  which  the  Ohio  Supreme  Court 
later  upheld,  but  in  the  meantime  by  some 
unknown  means  and  unknown  influence 
Kassey  was  not  prosecuted  and  secured  a 
passport  and  skipped  the  country  in  the 
Spring  of  1933.) 

Among  A.C.L.U.  "Defense  Cases  Await- 
ing Trial  in  the  Courts"  listed  are:  "Twenty 
Philadelphia  May  Day  demonstrators 
charged  with  inciting  to  riot,  assault  and 
battery,  parading  without  permit,  etc." 
(May  Day,  the  Reds'  labor  day  in  cele- 
bration of  the  anarchists'  Haymarket  Riot, 
is  a  day  of  Communist  violence.) 

"Kentucky  coal  miners  and  sympathizers 
for  'conspiracy  to  murder,'  'criminal 
syndicalism'  and  other  charges."  (Com- 

"Fifty-eight  charged  with  riot  and  inciting 
to  riot  at  Melrose  Park,  May  6th,  1932." 
(Communist  riot  called  and  advertised  by 
the  I.L.D.  and  carried  out  in  defiance  of 
the  police.  When  the  Reds  attacked,  the 
police  shot  several  in  the  legs.  The  Chi- 
cago A.C.L.U.  is  also  suing  Melrose  Park 
for  injuring  these  Communists.  The  police 
undoubtedly  did  make  a  mistake  in  shoot- 
ing the  Reds — in  the  legs.) 

"Two  members  of  the  Young  Commu- 
nist League,  arrested  in  July,  1931  on 
sedition  charges  for  distributing  literature 
at  Fort  Logan  military  camp"  (trying  to 
make  Red  traitors  of  our  soldiers). 

"Seven  Communists  indicted  in  Franklin 
County,  111.  for  criminal  syndicalism  in 
connection  with  coal  strike  activities." 

"Three  Communists  held  for  'inciting 
to  riot'  at  a  demonstration  at  New  York 
City  Hall  in  April." 

"Two  I.W.W.'s  arrested  in  Ohio,  June, 
1931,  for  criminal  syndicalism  for  distribut- 
ing literature." 

Under  "Damage  Suits  Handled  Through 
the  A.C.L.U."  listed  are:  "Against  the 
village  of  Melrose  Park,  111.  in  behalf  of 
nine  persons  shot  by  police  on  May  6th  at 
a  meeting.";  "In  behalf  of  Paul  Brown, 
representative  of  the  Unemployed  Council" 
(Communist)  "and  his  friend  John  Kaspar, 
against  Chief  of  Police  Cornelius  J.  O'Neill 
.  .  .  ";  "In  behalf  of  Russian  Workers 
Cooperative  Association  in  Chicago.  ..." 
(16  suits  listed.) 

Activities  in  behalf  of  "Political  Pris- 
oners" listed  include:  "Campaign  for  par- 
don of  Tom  Mooney  and  Warren  K. 
Billings"  (Anarchist-Communist  dynamit- 
ers) ;  "Parole  of  the  four  remaining  Cen- 
tralia  I.W.W.  prisoners"  (murderers  of  6 

Organizations,  Etc. 


Legionnaires) ;  "Pardon  application  for 
Israel  Lazar,  also  known  as  t>ill  Lawrence, 
sentenced  to  two  to  four  years  under  the 
Pennsylvania  sedition  act";  "Pardon  appli- 
cations for  two  Pennsylvania  prisoners 
serving  two-year  sentences  for  'inciting  to 
riot'  at  Wildwood  in  the  1931  coal  strike"; 
"Parole  instead  of  deportation  for  Carl 
Sklar,  Russian-born,  and  voluntary  depar- 
ture to  Russia  for  Tsuji  Horiuchi,  Imperial 
Valley,  Calif,  prisoners  whose  terms  expire 
July  1932."  (Sklar  was  a  convicted  Com- 
munist revolutionary  agitator.  A  Japanese 
Communist  deported  to  Japan  would  be 
jailed;  hence  the  A.C.L.U.  request  for  his 
"voluntary  departure  to  Russia"). 

Exultantly,  the  A.C.L.U.  lists  under  its 
"Gains"  for  the  year: 

"Decision  .  .  .  permitting  Tao  Hsuan  Li, 
Chinese  Communist,  and  Guido  Serio,  anti- 
Fascist  Communist,  to  go  to  Soviet  Russia 
instead  of  to  certain  death  or  imprisonment 
in  their  home  lands.  Eduardo  Machado, 
slated  for  deportation  to  Spain,  also  was 
granted  voluntary  departure  to  Russia." 

"Ruling  of  U.S.  Judge  Woolsey  that  Dr. 
Marie  C.  Stopes  book  'Contraception,'  is 
moral  and  can  legally  be  imported  ...  the 
first  book  on  specific  birth  control  infor- 
mation admitted  since  1890.  The  Courts 
overruled  the  Customs  Bureau  in  admitting 
it.  It  cannot  however  be  sent  by  mail." 

"The  acquittal  of  Communists  held  in 
East  St.  Louis,  arrested  for  meeting  in  pri- 
vate house,  and  the  establishment  of  the 
right  to  hold  Communist  meetings  with- 
out interference." 

"Final  discharge  of  ten  Communists  held 
in  Portland  a  year  under  the  Oregon  crimi- 
nal syndicalism  law." 

"Frank  Spector  freed  from  prison,  his 
conviction  in  Imperial  Valley,  Calif.,  strike 
criminal  syndicalism  case  having  been 
reversed."  (Communist  organizer.) 

"Defeat  of  bills  sponsored  by  the  D.A.R. 
in  Mass,  and  Minn,  for  special  oaths  of 
loyalty  by  school  teachers."  (Reds  do  not 
wish  to  take  an  oath  of  loyalty  to  this 

"Alabama  Syndicalism  bill  designed  to 
outlaw  Communists  rejected  in  Committee." 
(A  "Gain"  indeed  for  the  Reds.) 

"Decision  of  New  Jersey  Vice  Chan- 
cellor upholding  rights  of  Communists  to 
utter  views."  (No  Red  movement  without 
Red  propaganda  is  possible.) 

"Release  of  Theodore  Luesse,  Commu- 
nist, confined  on  an  Indiana  prison  farm 
in  default  of  $500  fine,  for  Unemployed 
Council  activities." 

"Refusal  of  U.S.  Supreme  Court  to  re- 

view a  case  from  Washington  in  which 
Bible  reading  in  public  schools  was  sought 
to  be  established."  (No  Bible  reading,  say 
the  Reds.) 

The  A.C.L.U.  lists  among  its  "Setbacks": 
"The  violent  police  attacks  on  street 
demonstrations,  Communist-led,  before 
offices  of  the  Japanese  government  in  Chi- 
cago and  Washington,"  but  does  not  men- 
tion the  fact  that  the  only  real  violence 
in  the  Chicago  Japanese  consulate  riot  was 
the  shooting  by  a  Communist  of  thr  ,e 
policemen  merely  performing  their  ducy 
in  dispersing  a  Red  army  of  rioters.  The 
Reds  were  bent  on  violence  against  Japan- 
ese officials  in  protest  against  Japan's  war 
on  Communist  China.  Banners  were  car- 
ried saying  "Defend  the  Chinese  Revolu- 
tion," "Down  with  Japanese  Imperialism," 
etc.  Three  policemen  were  seriously 
wounded  by  Communist  "Chuck,"  who  was 
given  only  two  years  in  prison  for  this. 
I  met  one  of  the  policemen  recently  who 
is  still  under  treatment  as  the  result  of 
three  vicious  wounds  inflicted  by  this  Com- 
munist. The  A.C.L.U.  boasts  that  it  has 
Chicago  Police  Chief  Allman  behaving 
nicely  and  considerately  toward  the  Reds 
nowadays,  so  much  so  that  some  police- 
men are  wondering  which  pays  the  best: 
to  be  the  Red  who  smashes  in  Relief  Sta- 
tions and  yells  for  Red  revolution  and  is 
treated  as  an  innocent  martyr  by  "leading 
Chicagoans"  of  the  A.C.L.U.  Committee, 
or  to  be  the  Police  defender  of  law  and 
order  and  be  cut  with  razor  blades,  have 
red  pepper  thrown  in  one's  eyes,  have  one's 
word  discounted  at  Court,  be  sued  for 
"roughness"  to  Communists  by  the  A.C. 
L.U.,  and  be  shot  by  Reds,  without  receiv- 
ing thanks  and  without  appropriate  pun- 
ishment being  given  the  Reds.  No  protest 
committee  ever  waits  on  Chief  Allman 
when  the  Reds  fracture  a  policeman's  skull, 
as  they  do  frequently. 

The  legislative  program  of  the  A.C.L.U. 
is  stated  as: 

"1.  To  enact  in  each  state  a  model  anti- 
injunction  bill  along  the  lines  of  the  new 
federal  bill."  (Sponsored  by  the  A.C.L.U. 
It  gives  Red  strikers  freedom  to  make 
employers  helpless.) 

"2.  In  New  York  State  to  repeal  the 
moving  picture  censorship,  the  theatre  pad- 
lock law"  (allowing  padlocking  of  a 
theatre  for  showing  obscene  plays),  "to 
take  away  special  police  powers  from  the 
Vice  Society"  (why  repress  vice?),  "and 
in  Massachusetts  to  set  aside  free  speech 
areas  in  public  parks;  to  take  away  from 


The  Red  Network 

Boston  officials  the  power  of  censorship 
over  meetings  in  private  halls  and  over 
theatres."  (Then  Red,  atheist  and  obscene 
affairs  in  parks  and  theatres  could  not  be 
interfered  with.) 

"3.  In  Pennsylvania,  to  repeal  sedition 
act"  (against  Reds),  "to  take  police  out  of 
strikes,  to  abolish  the  coal  and  iron  police 
and  to  force  the  incorporation  of  company 
towns."  (This  would  put  Red  strikers  in 

"Among  other  issues  tackled  by  the  Chi- 
cago Committee  were  the  barring  of  minor" 
(Communist,  etc.)  "political  parties  from 
the  ballot  in  Illinois,  compulsory  military 
training  at  the  State  University  ..."  etc. 
(Weakening  national  defense  is  a  Red 

Significant  indeed  is  the  Report  of  the 
A.C.L.U.  "Bail  Fund"  and  "Expenditures." 
To  quote:  "Bonds  amounting  to  $29,050 
were  cancelled  in  22  cases,  18  of  which 
involved  Communist  defendants,  and  4 
I.W.W.'s  .  .  .  Bail  bonds  amounting  to 
$16,750  are  still  outstanding.  $13,000  of 
these  are  placed  on  six  defendants  in  the 
Atlanta,  Ga.  insurrection  case.  Of  the  12 
persons  now  bonded,  8  are  Communists, 
2  are  members  of  the  I.W.W.  and  2  are 
independent  of  any  affiliation." 

"Expenditures  for  the  ordinary  oper- 
ations of  the  Union  were  $25,300,  against 
$24,808  the  year  previous." 

"Special  Fund  expenditures  totaled 
$23,300.  .  .  .  $15,589  went  to  carrying  the 
expenditures  in  excess  of  receipts  of  the 
three  auxiliary  organizations  created  by 
the  Union,  the  National  Mooney '-Billings 
Committee,  the  National  Committee  on 
Labor  Injunctions,  and  the  National  Coun- 
cil on  Freedom  from  Censorship.  The 
remainder  of  the  special  funds  outside  of 
the  specific  grants  from  the  American 
Fund  for  Public  Service"  (Garland  Fund) 
"went  into  court  cases." 

Under  "Loans"  are  listed:  to  "General 
Defense  Committee  $500"  (I.W.W.);  to 
"International  Labor  Defense,  national 
office  $1518.30,  Philadelphia  office  $450, 
Boston  office  $50."  (Communist.) 

"Expenditures"  for:  "Cases  of  Ky. 
Miners  and  sympathizers,  defense  in  court 
$1269.55."  (Communists  and  I.W.W.'s) ; 
"Toward  expenses  of  appeal  to  U.S. 
Supreme  Court  conviction  of  Yetta  Strom- 
berg  in  the  California  anti-red  flag  law 
$263.25."  (The  leader  of  a  Communist 
camp  for  children  teaching  sedition,  athe- 
ism, etc.,  was  convicted  of  displaying  the 
Red  flag) ;  "Defense  of  National  Miners 

Union  members,  West  Va.  $250."  (Commu- 
nist union) ;  "Court  costs,  deportation  case 
against  Guido  Serio  $526.95."  (Commu- 
nist) ;  "Suit  against  Glendale,  Cal.  police 
and  American  Legion  $100"  (for  breaking 
up  a  Red  Socialist's  meeting) ;  "For  appeal 
from  convictions  of  two  Communist  girl 
leaders  at  a  Children's  summer  camp,  Van 
Etten,  N.Y.  $71.35";  etc.,  etc.,  etc. 

Concerning  its  branches  the  A.C.L.U. 
Report  states  that: 

"In  Pennsylvania,  the  work  is  organized 
on  a  state-wide  basis  with  headquarters  at 
Harrisburg,  in  charge  of  Allan  G.  Harper, 
state  secretary,  and  local  committees  at 
Philadelphia,  Pittsburg,  and  other  centers. 
The  committee  tackles  repression  on  many 
fronts — by  legislative  act,  public  and  pri- 
vate police  and  by  local  officials  .  .  .  The 
Committee  won  pardons  for  two  men 
serving  five-year  sentences  under  the  sedi- 
tion act.  Other  sedition  convictions  in 
which  men  are  serving  sentences  will  be 
taken  before  the  board,"  etc. 

"In  Seattle  a  local  Civil  Liberties  Com- 
mittee was  formed  in  1931  with  Edward  E. 
Henry  as  secretary,  and  has  since  been 
active  in  efforts  to  get  downtown  meeting 
places  and  permits  to  parade  for  Commu- 
nist-led organizations  .  .  .  The  Committee 
has  participated  in  defense  of  deportation 
cases;  .  .  .  and  has  taken  part  in  the 
movement  to  abolish  compulsory  military 
training  at  the  state  university." 

"In  Cincinnati  the  local  committee  with 
Mrs.  Mary  D.  Brite  as  secretary  took 
part  in  the  protest  against  the  expulsion  of 
Prof.  Herbert  A.  Miller  from  the  state 
university"  (for  radicalism)  "and  later  had 
him  as  speaker  at  a  meeting;  has  backed 
repeal  of  the  criminal  syndicalism  law,  and 
aided  in  obtaining  dismissal  of  cases  brought 
in  Cincinnati  under  that  law.  A  protest 
meeting  against  treatment  of"  (Commu- 
nist) "Kentucky  coal  miners  was  held.  The 
attitude  of  the  present  City  Manager  of 
Cincinnati  toward  public  meetings  by 
radicals  is  such  that  no  issue  has  arisen 
during  the  present  year."  (Nice  man!) 

"A  small  committee  was  formed  in 
Wash.,  D.C.  to  aid  in  work  with  Congress 
and  the  departments  as  occasion  demands." 

"The  Union  continues  to  prepare  a  page 
for  the  monthly  issues  of  the  Arbitrator, 
published  by  Wm.  Floyd,  thus  reaching  a 
large  number  outside  the  Union's  member- 
ship." (Wm.  Floyd  is  one  of  the  gentle 
"pacifists"  who  decry  violence  so  earnestly 
that  they  oppose  all  national  defense — for 
the  U.S.) 

Organizations,  Etc. 



Among  the  numerous  Red  pamphlets  and 
publications  put  out  by  the  A.C.L.U.  is 
"Professional  Patriots,"  edited  by  Norman 
Hapgood.  Its  distribution  was  reported  as 
A.C.L.U.  "Work  in  Hand"  for  1927,  and 
the  Communist  Daily  Worker  published 
it  serially  as  good  Communist  propaganda. 
It  took  the  customary  shots  at  all  who 
dare  criticize  its  activities  giving  particular 
mention  to  the  Better  America  Federation, 
which  is  responsible  for  the  enactment  and 
retention  of  the  California  Criminal  Syn- 
dicalism Law,  in  spite  of  the  frantic  and 
united  efforts  of  the  A.C.L.U.,  I.W.W.  and 
Communist  and  Socialist  Parties  to  repeal 
it.  The  Better  America  Federation  came 
right  back  with  a  published  reply  which 
is  a  classic.  Reading  it  gives  one  the  desire 
to  yell  "Hurrah  for  you!"  and  throw  a 
hat  into  the  air.  To  quote: 

"The  B.A.F.  is  pleased  to  say  this: 

"The  American  Civil  Liberties  Union  is 
the  'respectable  front'  in  the  United  States 
of  America  for  the  organized  forces  of 
revolution,  lawlessness,  sabotage,  and  mur- 
der. It  is  so  recognized  and  acknowledged 
by  these  forces.  It  numbers  among  its 
board  of  control  not  only  the  Moscow- 
appointed  chief  of  the  American  Branch  of 
the  Communist  International,  but  also  an 
assortment  of  Socialists,  Defeatists,  and 

"It  was  spawned  to  give  aid  and  comfort 
to  the  enemies  of  this  Republic. 

"Its  first  organized  movement  was  that 
of  encouraging  the  youth  of  the  United 
States  to  defy  their  country's  laws. 

"Its  consistent  policy  is  one  of  breeding 
hatred  and  suspicion  and  hostility  toward 
this  country  in  the  minds  of  all  it  can 

"It  consistently  preaches  the  doctrine 
proven  false  in  the  Supreme  Court  of  the 
United  States  and  many  state  Courts, 
namely,  that  inciting  to  crime  is  not  a 

"Its  literature  and  its  representatives  are 
characterized  by  flagrant  dishonesty,  men- 
dacity, and  categorical  lies. 

"It  spends  each  year  more  money  for 
its  program  of  moral  and  civic  sabotage 
than  the  entire  stipends  of  those  it  evilly 
dubs  'professionals  patriots.' 

"It  has  been  in  bad  odor  with  many 
governmental  and  educational  agencies  in 
this  Republic  from  its  birth. 

"It  is  the  god-mother  of  slackerism,  the 
chum  of  Socialism,  the  tried  and  true  friend 

of  the  I.W.W. ,  the  helpful  hand-maiden  of 
Communism,  and  the  attorney-in-fact  for 
obscenity,  criminal  syndicalism,  and  anar- 

"It  has  a  100%  record  of  aiding  persons 
and  movements  about  whose  character, 
lawful  practices,  and  statutory  patriotism 
there  have  been  grave  official  doubts. 

"It  has  never  caused  a  single  human 
being's  heart  to  turn  toward  the  love  or 
even  the  decent  respect  for  this  Republic; 
on  the  contrary,  it  has  been  from  the 
beginning,  is  today,  and  blatantly  promises 
to  continue  to  be  a  breeder  of  disaffection 
and  a  protector  of  revolutionary  move- 
ments aimed  at  the  life  of  this  Republic. 

"And  it  is  an  enemy  many  fold  more 
detestable  than  any  we  have  fought  in 
any  war;  for  those  foes  were  proud  to 
wear  a  uniform  and  to  die  in  open  battle 
for  their  flags;  while  the  American  Civil 
Liberties  Union  is  a  rascally,  skulking  foe, 
operating  under  a  camouflage,  and  mar- 
shalling the  lewdest  fellows  of  the  basest 
sort  to  secret  sapping  of  the  foundations 
of  this  Republic. 

"The  Better  America  Federation  will  be 
proud  to  be  a  'Professional  Patriot,'  and 
will  continue,  in  company  with  its  many 
allies,  to  fight  the  American  Civil  Liberties 
Union  organization,  program,  and  person- 
nel— Clergymen,  Communists,  Bishops, 
Slackers,  Revolutionaries,  I.W.W.'s,  and 


Says  the  Lusk  Report  (p.  1077):  "To 
compel  American  neutrality  and  to  still 
the  growing  demand  for  military  prepa- 
ration by  the  United  States,  it  became 
necessary  for  German  propagandists  to 
stimulate  pacifist  sentiment  in  this  coun- 
try. .  .  .  Among  the  active  organizers  of 
the  American  League  to  Limit  Armaments 
will  be  found  the  names  of  many  who  were 
at  the  same  time  active  in  the  movement 
directed  by  Louis  Lochner  in  Chicago, 
under  the  name  of  the  Emergency  Peace 
Federation.  Among  them  are:  Jane 
Addams,  Rev.  John  Haynes  Holmes,  David 
Starr  Jordan,  Dr  Jacques  Loeb,  Dr.  George 
W.  Nasmyth,  George  Foster  Peabody, 
Oswald  Garrison  Villard,  Morris  Hillquit, 
Hamilton  Holt,  Elsie  Clews  Parsons, 
Lillian  D.  Wald,  Stephen  S.  Wise,  and  L. 
Hollingsworth  Wood,  secretary."  .  .  . 


"In  the  early  part  of  1915  the  members 
of  the  executive  committee  of  this  league 


The  Red  Network 

felt  that  its  scope  was  not  wide  enough 
and,  therefore,  the  anti-preparedness  com- 
mittee was  formed,  which  later  became  the 
American  Union  Against  Militarism  with 
hdqts.  at  70  Fifth  Ave.,  New  York" 
(which  in  May  1917  carried  on  a  vigorous 
Anti-Conscription  Campaign  in  conjunc- 
tion with  the  Socialist  Party,  Woman's 
Peace  Party,  Emergency  Peace  Federation)  ; 


"The  passage  of  the  draft  act,  after  our 
entry  into  the  war  caused  the  American 
Union  Against  Militarism  to  increase  its 
activities.  It  immediately  undertook  to 
assist  all  persons  desiring  to  avoid  the 
draft,  and  to  protect  all  persons  from  so- 
called  'infringement  of  Civil  liberties,' 
opening  branch  offices  under  the  name  of 
the  Civil  Liberties  Bureau,  both  in  Wash- 
ington and  New  York,  for  this  purpose."  . . . 

"Since  both  the  conscription  and  espion- 
age bills  were  soon  passed  by  Congress  it 
was  not  very  long  before  the  American 
Union  Against  Militarism  virtually  with- 
drew leaving  the  field  in  the  hands  of  its 
branch  offices"  (the  Civil  Liberties 
Bureau) . 

'Though  the  ostensible  object  of  the 
Civil  Liberties  Bureau  was  to  protect  free 
speech  and  civil  liberties  during  war  times, 
an  exhaustive  examination  of  its  files  shows 
.  .  .  some  of  the  real  objects  were:  1.  En- 
couraging naturally  timid  boys  and  dis- 
contents to  register  as  conscientious  objec- 
tors. 2.  To  assist  any  radical  movement 
calculated  to  obstruct  the  prosecution  of 
the  war,  as  evidenced  by  the  bureau's 
activities  in  collecting  funds  for  the  I.W.W. 
and  'Masses'  defense.  3.  Issuing  propa- 
ganda literature  ...  to  influence  public 
sympathy  toward  the  I.W.W.,  conscientious 
objectors  and  radical  organizations.  4.  To 
discourage  in  every  possible  way  any  con- 
scientious objector  from  doing  his  military 
duty  in  the  war;  and  pointing  out  to 
mothers  and  friends  the  means  employed 
by  others  to  escape  military  service.  5.  To 
furnish  attorneys  for  conscientious  objectors 
and  persons  prosecuted  for  violation  of  the 
Espionage  act.  ...  6.  'Boring  from  within' 
in  churches,  religious  organizations,  wo- 
men's clubs,  American  Federation  of  Labor, 
etc.,  in  order  to  spread  radical  ideas.  ...  7. 
Working  towards  an  after-the-war  pro- 
gram, usually  referred  to  as  'a  democratic 
program  of  constructive  peace.' " 

"A  full  list  of  the  officers  and  executive 

committees  of  the  Civil  Liberties  Bureau 
was  as  follows: 

Lillian  D.  Wald,  chmn.;  Amos  Pinchot,  vice- 
chmn.;  L.  Hollingsworth  Wood,  treas.;  Crystal 
Eastman,  exec,  sec.;  Chas.  T.  Hallinan,  edtl.  dir. 
Executive  Committee:  Roger  Baldwin,  director  of 
Civil  Liberties  Bureau;  Jane  Addams,  A.  A.  Berle, 
Frank  Bohn,  Wm.  F.  Cochran,  John  Lovejoy 
Elliott,  John  Haynes  Holmes,  Paul  U.  Kellogg, 
Alice  Lewisohn,  Frederick  Lynch,  James  H. 
Maurer,  Scott  Nearing,  Oswald  Garrison  Viilard, 
Emily  Greene  Balch,  Herbert  S.  Bigelow  (of  Cin- 
cinnati), Sophonisba  P.  Breckenridge,  Max  East- 
man, Zona  Gale,  David  Starr  Jordan,  Agnes  Brown 
Leach,  Owen  R.  Lovejoy,  John  A.  McSparran, 
Henry  R.  Mussey,  Norman  M.  Thomas,  James  P. 
Warbasse,  and  Stephen  S.  Wise." 


"In  October  1917  the  Civil  Liberties 
Bureau  enlarged  both  its  offices  and  scope 
under  the  name  of  National  Civil  Liberties 
Bureau.  The  Am.  Union  against  Militarism 
in  announcing  this  separate  establishment 
enclosed  significantly  a  reprint  of  the  Rus- 
sian Council  of  Workmen's  and  Soldiers' 
Delegates'  peace  terms"  (the  Soviets  of 

Roger  Baldwin,  director  of  the  enlarged 
organization  was  soon  convicted  under  the 
Selective  Service  Act  and  sent  to  prison. 
While  he  had  said  in  his  letter  to  Socialist 
Lochner  concerning  the  infamous  People's 
Council:  "We  want  to  look  like  patriots 
in  everything  we  do.  We  want  to  get  a 
good  lot  of  flags,  talk  a  good  deal  about 
the  Constitution  and  what  our  forefathers 
wanted  to  make  of  this  country,  and  to 
show  that  we  are  really  the  folks  that 
really  stand  for  the  spirit  of  our  institu- 
tions," he  was  in  reality  a  "philisophical 
anarchist,"  according  to  the  sworn  testi- 
mony of  his  friend  Norman  Thomas  dur- 
ing his  trial,  and  a  radical  to  the  bone.  He 
said  (quoted  from  leaflet  issued  by  his 
friends,  Nov.  1918):  "The  Non-Partisan 
League,  radical  labor  and  the  Socialist 
Party  hold  the  germs  of  a  new  social  order. 
Their  protest  is  my  protest"  (against  the 


After  Baldwin's  conviction,  the  National 
Civil  Liberties  Bureau  continued  its  activ- 
ities, and  in  March  1920  changed  its  name 
to  its  present  one — American  Civil  Liber- 
ties Union,  with  the  following  list  of 

Harry  F.  Ward,  chmn.;  Duncan  McDonald, 
111.,  and  Jeannette  Rankin  of  Montana,  vice  chair- 
men; Helen  Phelps  Stokes,  treas.;  Albert  de  Silver 
and  Roger  N.  Baldwin,  directors;  Walter  Nelles, 
counsel;  Lucille  B.  Lowenstein,  field  secretary; 
Louis  F.  Budenz,  publicity  director;  National 
Committee,  Jane  Addams;  Herbert  S.  Bigelow; 

Organizations,  Etc. 


Sophonisba  P.  Breckenridge,  Robt.  M.  Buck, 
Chgo. ;  John  S.  Codman,  Boston;  Lincoln  Col- 
cord,  Wash.,  B.C.;  James  H.  Dillard;  Crystal 
Eastman;  John  Lovejoy  Elliott;  Edmund  C.  Evans 
and  Edward  W.  Evans,  Phila.  Pa.;  Wm.  M. 
Fincke,  Katonah,  N.Y.;  John  A.  Fitch,  N.Y.  City; 
Eliz.  Gurley  Flynn;  Felix  Frankfurter,  Harvard 
U.;  Wm.  Z.  Foster;  Paul  J.  Furnas,  N.Y.  City; 
Zona  Gale;  A.  B.  Gilbert,  St.  Paul,  Minn.;  Arthur 
Garfield  Hays;  Morris  Hillquit;  John  Haynes 
Holmes;  Frederic  C.  Howe;  James  Weldon  John- 
son; Helen  Keller,  Forest  Hills,  L.I.;  Harold  J. 
Laski,  Cambridge,  Mass,  (now  England);  Agnes 
Brown  Leach;  Arthur  LeSueur;  Henry  R.  Lin- 
ville;  Robt.  Morss  Lovett;  Allen  McCurdy; 
Grenville  S.  MacFarland,  Boston;  Oscar  Maddaus, 
Manhasset,  L.I.;  Judah  L.  Magnes;  James  H. 
Maurer;  A.  J.  Muste;  Geo.  W.  Nasmyth;  Scott 
Nearing;  Julia  O'Connor;  Wm.  H.  Pickens;  Wm. 
Marion  Reedy,  St.  Louis;  John  Nevin  Sayre;  Rose 
Schneidermann ;  Vida  D.  Scudder;  Norman  M. 
Thomas;  Oswald  G.  Villard;  L.  Hollingsworth 
Wood;  Geo.  P.  West,  Oakland,  Cal. 


To  quote  the  1932  Report:  "The  National 
Committee  which  controls  the  Union's 
general  policies  now  numbers  69.  Former 
Federal  Judge  Geo.  W.  Anderson  of  Boston 
was  added  to  the  committee  during  the 
year.  The  committee  suffered  the  loss  by 
death  of  Dr.  David  Starr  Jordan  for  many 
years  a  vice  chairman  of  the  Union;  Julia 
C.  Lathrop  of  Rockford,  111.  and  A.  M. 
Todd  of  Kalamazoo,  Mich.  Former  U.S. 
Senator  Thos.  W.  Hardwick  of  Georgia 
resigned  because  of  a  difference  with  the 
policies  outlined  in  our  pamphlet  'Black 
Justice.'  Anna  Rochester"  (Communist) 
"resigned  from  the  National  Committee, 
but  remains  on  the  board  of  directors;  Jos. 
Schlossberg,  Dr.  Henry  R.  Linville  and 
Hubert  C.  Herring  resigned  from  the  board 
of  directors  but  remain  on  the  National 

"The  Board  of  Directors,  meeting  weekly, 
in  active  charge  of  the  union's  affairs,  is 
now  composed  of: 

Dr.  Harry  Elmer  Barnes,  Robt.  W.  Dunn" 
(Communist),  "Morris  L.  Ernst,  Walter  Frank, 
Arthur  Garfield  Hays,  Rev.  John  Haynes  Holmes, 
Ben  W.  Huebsch,  Dorothy  Kenyon,  Corliss  Lament, 
William  L.  Nunn,  Frank  L.  Palmer,  Amos  R. 
Pinchot,  Eliot  Pratt,  Roger  William  Riis,  Anna 
Rochester"  (Communist),  "Rev.  Wm.  B.  Spof- 
ford,  Dr.  Harry  F.  Ward,  and  the  executive  staff: 
Forrest  Bailey,  Roger  Baldwin  and  Lucille  B. 
Milner.  The  officers  ar«  unchanged.  Dr.  Ward 
has  been  absent  abroad  on  his  sabbatical  year" 
(spent  in  Soviet  Russia)  "and  his  place  taken 
by  John  Haynes  Holmes  as  Acting  Chairman." 

(Wm.  Z.  Foster's  and  Scott  Nearing's 
names  disappeared  from  the  letterhead  in 
1931.  They  became  possibly  too  conspic- 
uous. Jane  Addams,  after  10  years  of 
service  on  the  nat.  com.,  removed  hers 
also  at  this  time.  She  had  been  repeatedly 
attacked  for  this  connection.) 

A.C.L.U.  National  Officers  1932: 

Chmn.,  Harry  F.  Ward;  Vice  Chmn.:  Helen 
Phelps  Stokes,  James  H.  Maurer,  Fremont  Older; 
Treas.,  B.  W.  Huebsch;  Directors:  Roger  N. 
Baldwin,  Forrest  Bailey;  Counsel:  Arthur  Garfield 
Hays,  Morris  L.  Ernst;  Research  Sec.,  Lucille  B. 
Milner;  Washington  Counsel.  Edmund  D.  Camp- 

National  Committee  1932: 

Chas.  F.  Amidon,  Geo.  W.  Anderson,  Harry 
Elmer  Barnes,  Herbert  S.  Bigelow,  Edwin  M. 
Borchard,  Richard  C.  Cabot,  John  S.  Codman, 
Clarence  Darrow,  John  Dewey,  James  H.  Dillard, 
Robt.  W.  Dunn,  Sherwood  Eddy,  Eliz.  Glendower 
Evans,  John  F.  Finerty,  Eliz.  Gurley  Flynn, 
Walter  Frank,  Felix  Frankfurter,  Ernst  Freund, 
Kate  Crane  Gartz,  Norman  Hapg9od,  Powers  Hap- 
good,  Hubert  C.  Herring,  Morris  Hillquit,  John 
Haynes  Holmes,  Frederic  C.  Howe,  James  Weldon 
Johnson,  Geo.  W.  Kirchwey,  John  A.  Lapp,  Agnes 
Brown  Leach,  Arthur  LeSueur,  Henry  R.  Lin- 
ville, Robt.  Morss  Lovett,  Mary  E.  McDowell, 
Anne  Martin,  Alexander  Meiklejohn,  Henry  R. 
Mussey,  A.  J.  Muste,  Walter  Nelles,  Wm.  L. 
Nunn,  Julia  S.  O'Connor  Parker,  Wm.  Pickens, 
Amos  Pinchot,  Jeannette  Rankin,  Edw.  A.  Ross, 
Elbert  Russell,  Father  John  A.  Ryan,  John  Nevin 
Sayre,  Wm.  Scarlett,  Jos.  Schlossberg,  Vida  D. 
Scudder,  Abba  Hillel  Silver,  John  F.  Sinclair,  Clar- 
ence R.  Skinner,  Norman  M.  Thomas,  Edw.  D. 
Tittmann,  Millie  R.  Trumbull,  Wm.  S.  U'Ren, 
Oswald  Garrison  Villard,  B.  Charney  Vladeck, 
David  Wallerstein,  Geo.  P.  West,  Peter  Witt,  L. 
Hollingsworth  Wood. 

Local  Committee  Officers  1932: 

Cincinnati  Branch,  845  Dayton  St.,  Cincinnati; 
Dr.  W.  O.  Brown,  chmn.;  Mary  D.  Brite,  sec. 

Detroit  Branch,  1976  Atkinson  St.,  Detroit; 
Walter  M.  Nelson,  chmn.;  Fannie  Ziff,  sec. 

Maryland  Civil  Liberties  Committee,  Inc.,  513 
Park  Ave.,  Baltimore;  Dr.  A.  0.  Lovejoy,  chmn.; 
Eliz.  Gilman,  sec. 

Massachusetts  Civil  Liberties  Committee,  1241 
Little  Bldg.,  Boston;  John  S.  Codman,  chmn.; 
David  K.  Niles,  sec. 

New  York  City  Committee,  100  Fifth  Ave.,  N.Y. 
City;  Dorothy  Kenyon,  chmn.;  Eliz.  G.  Coit,  sec. 

Pennsylvania  Civil  Liberties  Committee,  219 
Walnut  St.,  Harrisburg;  Rev.  Philip  David  Book- 
staber,  chmn.;  Allan  G.  Harper,  sec. 

Philadelphia  Civil  Liberties  Committee,  318  S. 
Juniper  St.,  Phila.;  J.  Prentice  Murphy,  chmn.; 
Ada  H.  Funke,  sec. 

Pittsburg  Civil  Liberties  Committee,  1835 
Center  Ave.,  Pitts.;  Ralph  S.  Boots,  chmn.;  Sid- 
ney A.  Teller,  sec. 

Seattle  Branch,  515  Lyons  Bldg.,  Seattle;  H.  E. 
Foster,  chmn.;  Edward  E.  Henry,  sec. 

Southern  Calif  ornia  Branch,  1022  California 
Bldg.,  Los  A.;  John  Beardsley,  chmn.;  Clinton  J. 
Taft,  sec. 

St.  Louis  Branch,  3117  Osage  St.,  St.  Louis; 
Dr.  Albert  E.  Taussig,  chmn.;  Richard  C.  Bland, 

Wisconsin  Civil  Liberties  Committee,  Univ.  of 
Wis.,  Madison;  Wm.  G.  Rice,  chmn.;  W.  Ellison 
Chalmers,  sec. 

Chicago  Civil  Liberties  Committee,  Room 
611,  160  N.  La  Salle  St.,  Chicago  (Office 
of  Carl  Haessler,  Federated  Press  and  Chgo. 
Com.  for  Struggle  Against  War) ;  pres., 
Arthur  Fisher;  vice  pres.,  Wm.  H.  Holly; 
treas.,  Duane  Swift;  exec,  sec.,  Thomas 
M.  McKenna. 

122  The  Red  Network 



fcarch  23,  1932, 

To  our  Washington  friends;  - 

May  we  ask  you  to  make  an  effort  to  attend  a  hearing 
to  "be  held  this  Saturday^  morning  at  10:30  in  Room  450,  Senate 
Office  BldgT'  on  Se na t or  CuftTn g  •  s  till  to  adroit  alie n  pz~~c i  f  i  s  t  s 
to~"citiz6nship  without  promising  to  bear  arras?  The  hearing  is 
"before  a  sub-committee  of  the  Judiciary  Committee  composed  of 
Senators  David  A.  Reed  of  Pennsylvania,  chairman;  Marcue  A, 
Coolidge  of  Massachusetts  and  Roscoe  C.  Patterson  of  Missouri,  • 
a  not  too  hopeful  group. 

This  hearing  is  solely  for  the  opponents  of  the 
measure.  We  had  our  field-day  yesterday,  and  according  to  re- 
ports, it  was  a  highly  effective  presentation  of  the  case  for 
the  bill.   John  W.  Davis,  counsel  for  Prof.  Macintosh,  led  off, 
followed  by  Bishop  McConnell,  president  of  the  Federal  Council 
of  Churches,  Father  McGowan  of  the  National  Catholic  Welfare 
Conference,  Rabbi  Israel  of  the  Central  Conference  of  Arasrican 
Rabbis  and  Francis  Taylor  of  the  Society  of  Friends.   The  com- 
mittee room  was  crowded  with  numbers  of  "patriotic"  societies 
who  had  gotten  wind  of  the  hearing >  although  we  had  done  our 
best  to  keep  if  quiet  so  tha??e  would  not  be  the  high-tension 
emotional  atmosphere  which  marked  the  Griffin  bill  hearings. 
Apparently  there  is  no  escape  frora  that  conflict  at  hearings. 
We  are  therefore  asking  all  cur  friends  to  be  out  in  force  on 
Saturday  morning  to  hear  what  the  "patriots"  have  to  say.1 

A  good  turnout  will  help  offset  them.  We  trust  you 
will  make  an  effort  to  be  present. 


Facsimile  of   A.C.L.U.   letter  urging  support   of   a   Bill   to  admit   alien   pacifists   to  citizenship   without 

promise   to  bear  arms   (sponsored  by  Senator  Cutt-ng  of  the  Senate  radical  bloc).    Any  measure  which 

will  weaken  the  power  of  a  capitalist  government  to  defend  itself  receives  radical  support     Note  the  bit 

about  offsetting  the  patriots.    Signed  by  Roger  Baldwin  (see  this  "Who  s  Who   ). 

Organizations,  Etc. 


Executive  Board: 

The  officers  and  Helen  Ascher,  Margaret  B. 
Bennett,  Jessie  F.  Binford,  Karl  Borders,  Ray- 
mond B.  Bragg,  Herbert  J.  Friedman,  Charles  W. 
Gilkey,  Lloyd  H.  Lehman,  Robt.  Morss  Lovett, 
Curtis  W.  Reese,  Wm.  E.  Rodriguez. 


Frederick  Babcock,  Melbourne  P.  Boynton, 
Percy  H.  Boynton,  Sophonisba  P.  Breckenridge, 
Horace  J.  Bridges,  A.  J.  Carlson,  Eliz.  Christman, 
Clarence  Darrow,  Samuel  Dauchy,  Wm.  E.  Dodd, 
Paul  H.  Douglas,  Margaret  Furness,  Carl  Haessler, 
Alice  Hamilton,  Florence  Curtis  Hanson,  A. 
Eustace  Haydon,  Lillian  Herstein,  Paul  Hutchin- 
son,  A.  L.  Jackson,  Esther  L.  Kohn,  John  A. 
Lapp,  Harold  D.  Lasswell,  Frederic  W.  Leighton, 
Clyde  McGee,  Louis  L.  Mann,  Mrs.  G.  M. 
Mathes,  Wiley  W.  Mills,  Catherine  Waugh 
McCulloch,  Fred  Atkins  Moore,  R.  Lester  Mon- 
dale,  Chas.  Clayton  Morrison,  Robt.  Park,  Fer- 
dinand Schevill,  Chas.  P.  Schwartz,  Amelia  Sears, 
Mary  Rozet  Smith,  T.  V.  Smith,  Clarence  Starr, 
Ernest  Fremont  Tittle,  Arthur  J.  Todd,  Edward 
M.  Winston,  James  M.  Yard,  Victor  S.  Yarros. 

Claims  about  2000  members. 

Committees  and  Auxiliary  Organizations 
of  A.C.L.U.: 

Committee  on  Academic  Freedom;  Prof.  Wm. 
H.  Kilpatrick,  chmn.;  Forrest  Bailey,  sec. 

Committee  on  Indian  Civil  Rights;  Nathan 
Margold,  chmn.;  Robt.  Gessner,  sec. 

National  Committee  on  Labor  Injunctions; 
Former  U.S.  Judge  Chas.  F.  Amidon,  chmn.;  Dr. 
Alexander  Fleisher,.  sec. 

National  Council  on  Freedom  from  Censorship 
(see);  Prof.  Hatcher  Hughes,  chmn.;  Gordon  W. 
Moss,  sec. 

National  Mooney-Billings  Committee  (see) ; 
Henry  T.  Hunt,  chmn.;  Roger  N.  Baldwin,  sec. 




These  committees  were  organized,  when 
the  Communists  were  in  control  of  the 
National  Party  of  China,  in  order  to  pre- 
vent U.S.  intervention  in  behalf  of  Amer- 
ican citizens  and  property  in  jeopardy 
there.  See  "Hands  Off  Committees." 


See  under  "Intl.,  American,  and  Chi- 
cago Committees  for  Struggle  Against  War," 
also  "World  Congress  Against  War." 


Am.  Com.  on  Inf.  About  Russia. 

A  group  spreading  pro-Soviet  propa- 
ganda; formed  1928  with  hdqts.  Room 
709,  166  W.  Washington  St.,  Chicago. 

Chmn.,  John  A.  Lapp;  sec.-treas.,  Lillian  Her- 
stein; Jane  Addams,  A.  Barton  (of  Machinists 
Union  492),  Prof.  Paul  H.  Douglas,  Carl  Haessler, 
Felix  Hauzl  (Bus.  Agt.  Woodcarvers  Assn.),  Mary 
McDowell,  Peter  Jensen  (Chmn.  System  Fed- 
eration 130),  Hyman  Schneid  (pres.  Amalg.  Cloth. 
Wkrs.  111.),  Wm.  H.  Holly,  Prof.  Robt.  Morss 
Lovett,  Thos.  A.  Allinson  (father  of  Brent  Dow), 
Ray  Korner  (sec.  Boilermakers  Union  626),  Ed. 
Nelson  (sec.-treas.  Painters  Union  194),  J. 
Schnessler  (Photo  Engravers  Union  5),  John  Wer- 
lik  (sec.  Metal  Polishers  Union  6). 

A.F.  of  L. 

Up  to  this  time  the  A.F.  of  L.  has  been 
a  bitter  disappointment  to  Moscow,  which 
long  ago  expected  to  take  it  over.  Con- 
tinuously, however,  the  warfare  of  "boring 
from  within"  to  bring  the  A.F.  of  L.  under 
Communist  control  goes  on.  Wm.  Z.  Foster 
and  Robt.  W.  Dunn  were  long  ago 
expelled;  other  Communists  are  from  time 
to  time  expelled  and  licenses  of  Locals  "go- 
ing Red"  are  revoked.  Many  A.F.  of  L. 
leaders  deserve  unstinted  praise  for  their 
pro-American  efforts  against  Red  domi- 
nation. Certain  A.F.  of  L.  unions  are 
under  Red  control,  however,  others  are 
well  penetrated  and  influenced,  and  in 
practically  every  "united  front"  Commu- 
nist activity,  A.F.  of  L.  Locals  and  repre- 
sentatives participate.  It  is  to  be  hoped 
the  Red  element  will  not  eventually  gain 
control.  Lillian  Herstein  of  the  radical  Am. 
Fed.  of  Tchrs.,  an  A.F.  of  L.  affiliate,  who 
is  a  Socialist  and  a  member  of  two  Com- 
munist subsidiary  organizations,  serves  on 
the  executive  board  of  the  Chicago  F.  of  L. 
of  which  John  Fitzpatrick  of  the  red  Chgo. 
Com.  for  Struggle  Against  War  is  president. 
Victor  Olander,  Illinois  F.  of  L.  executive, 
made  a  most  bitter  speech  against  the 
Baker  Bills  (to  curb  teaching  of  sedition 
and  overthrow  of  the  Govt.  in  Illinois 
schools  and  colleges),  quoting  Hapgood's 
"Professional  Patriots,"  etc.,  at  a  public 
hearing  in  Springfield,  May  1933,  yet  say- 
ing he  was  opposed  to  Communists.  Press 
reports  concerning  the  proposed  union  of 
the  radical  "outlaw"  Amalgamated  Cloth- 
ing Workers  with  the  A.F.  of  L.  stated 
that  this  movement  indicated  an  increasing 
"liberalization"  of  A.F.  of  L.  policy.  The 
Communist  Daily  Worker  Sept.  6,  1933 
contained  a  message  from  Earl  Browder 
(sec.  Communist  Party)  in  which  he  said: 
"Now,  more  than  ever,  it  is  necessary  to 
seriously  build  up  our  forces  inside  the 
A.F.  of  L.  There  is  still  the  remnants  in 
all  districts  of  the  old  mistaken  idea  that 
we  cannot  both  build  the  militant  unions 
of  the  T.U.U.L.  and  at  the  same  time  the 


The  Red  Network 

left  wing  opposition  inside  the  A.F.  of  L. 
More  attention  than  ever  must  be  given 
to  this  problem."  (Emphasis  in  original.) 

Full  name  is  the  "A.F.  of  L.  Trade  Union 
Committee  for  Unemployment  Insurance 
and  Relief";  hdqts.,  799  Broadway,  Room 
336,  N.Y.C.  (Communist  hdqts.).  A  Com- 
munist movement  in  the  A.F.  of  L.  for 
the  purpose  of  disruption;  "organized  in 
N.Y.  City  on  Jan.  27,  1932  at  a  Con- 
ference representing  19  A.F.  of  L.  Unions"; 
headed  by  Communist  Harry  Weinstock 
expelled  by  the  A.F.  of  L.  Painters  Union, 
N.Y.C.,  Feb.  1933,  for  Communist  mem- 
bership, assisted  by  Walter  Frank,  a  Minne- 
apolis Communist ;  endorsed  heartily  in  let- 
ter from  Tom  Mooney  published  by  this 
committee;  barred  by  order  of  Wm.  Green 
from  participation  in  A.F.  of  L.  Conven- 
tion at  Wash.,  B.C.,  Oct.  4,  1933. 


Am.  Fed.  Tchrs. 

Radical;  stands  for  abolition  of  R.O. 
T.C.;  recognition  of  Russia;  full  "academic 
freedom"  to  teach  anything,  including 
Socialism,  Communism  or  Atheism;  closely 
allied  to  A.C.L.U.;  received  financial  aid 
from  the  Garland  Fund,  which  gives  only 
to  radical  agencies;  monthly  organ  "The 
American  Teacher";  pres.,  Henry  R.  Lin- 
ville,  N.Y.;  sec.-treas.,  Florence  Curtis 
Hanson,  Chgo. 


Am.  Friends  Serv.  Com. 

A  Quaker  relief  organization;  part  of 
the  War  Resisters  International  Council  of 
international  anti-militarist  organizations 
having  their  first  meetings  in  Holland, 
linked  together  "working  for  the  super- 
session of  capitalism  and  imperialism  by 
the  establishment  of  a  new  social  and  inter- 
national order"  (see  W.R.  Intl.  Coun.) ; 
cooperates  with  L.I.D.,  Fell.  Recon.,  Y.M. 
C.A.  and  Y.W.C.A.  in  recruiting  students 
to  "investigate  industry"  and  in  holding 
conferences  featuring  radical  pacifist,  so- 
cialistic speakers;  conducted  an  Institute 
at  N.U.,  Evanston,  June  1932,  with  hdqts. 
also  at  Tittle's  M.E.  Church;  Herbert  A. 
Miller,  Tucker  P.  Smith,  Kirby  Page,  Harry 
D.  Gideonse,  Louis  L.  Mann  and  E.  F. 
Tittle  were  Institute  faculty  members;  see 

connections  of  Robt.  W.  Dunn,  Karl 
Borders,  Paul  Douglas,  W.  K.  Thomas,  and 
Institute  faculty  members  in  "Who's  Who"; 
National  Office:  20  S.  12th  St.,  Phila.,  Pa.; 
Midwest  hdqts.:  Room  902,  203  S.  Dear- 
born St.,  Chgo.,  111. 


See  under  Garland  Fund. 


Published  yearly  by  the  Rand  School 
Press,  7  E.  15th  St.,  N.Y.C.,  formerly 
financed  by  the  Garland  Fund;  reports 
activities  of  radical  organizations. 


Formed  by  the  communist  U.S.  Con- 
gress Against  War  and  endorsing  the 
Manifesto  of  the  World  Congress  Against 
War  at  Amsterdam.  The  Daily  Worker, 
Nov.  13,  1933,  says  of  its  N.Y.  demon- 
stration: "Along  Broadway,  along  River- 
side Drive,  through  the  heart  of  the  'silk 
stocking'  district,  the  demonstrators  par- 
aded carrying  the  banners  of  their  organ- 
izations, shouting  'Down  with  Imperialist 
War,  Down  with  Fascism.'  At  the  Monu- 
ment speakers  of  the  participating  organ- 
izations .  .  .  emphasized  the  need  for  mili- 
tantly  protesting  the  war  provocations 
against  Soviet  Russia,  the  workers'  father- 
land. They  urged  that  the  workers  and 
students  'become  traitors  to  the  ruling 
class  of  their  own  country  and  refuse  to 
fight  to  protect  their  profits.'  The  organ- 
izations participating  were:  National  Stu- 
dent Lg.,  Lg.  of  Struggle  for  Negro  Rights, 
Young  Communist  Lg.,  Wkrs.  Ex-Service 
Men's  Lg.,  War  Resisters  Lg.,  Conference 
for  Progressive  Labor  Action,  Labor  Sports 
Union,  I.W.O.,  Youth  Section  of  T.U. 
U.C.  and  the  I.L.D."  (All  but  the  two 
italicized  are  openly  Communist  organ- 
izations.) Monthly  organ  "Fight — against 
war  and  fascism." 

Chmn.,  J.  B.  Matthews;  Vice  Chmn:  William 
Pickens  and  Earl  Browder;  Sec.,  Donald  Hender- 
son; Asst.  Sec.,  Ida  Dailes;  Treas.,  Annie  E. 
Gray;  Asst.  Treas.,  Edythe  Levine. 

(Note  the  cooperation  of  "peace"  leaders 
and  exponents  of  bloody  Red  revolution.) 


See  under  A.C.L.U.,  section  on  "for- 

Organizations,  Etc. 




A  Communist  subsidiary  (U.S.  Report 


Official  Communist  Negro  subsidiary 
organized  in  Chicago,  Oct.  1925;  name 
changed  at  the  American  Negro  Labor 
Congress  at  St.  Louis,  Nov.  16,  1930,  to 
its  present  title  "League  of  Struggle  for 
Negro  Rights." 


See  "Emergency  Peace  Federation." 


For  newspaper  writers;  organized  by 
Heywood  Broun  (see  "Who's  Who"), 
Sept.  1933,  aided  by  Morris  Ernst  and 
other  radicals;  demands  5-day  week  NRA 
code,  etc. 



Atheistic;  Dr.  Percy  Ward,  pres.  1926—; 
Chgo.  society,  founded  by  M.  Mangasarian, 
changed  name  to  Chgo.  Humanist  Society, 
Jan.  12,  1934  (Burdette  Backus  leader 


For  aiding  American-Russian  trade;  agi- 
tated recognition  of  U.S.S.R.;  sponsor  of 
American-Russian  Institute ;  cooperates 
with  the  Soviet  Union  Information  Bureau ; 
now  preparing  a  Handbook  of  the  Soviet 
Union,  in  Russia,  to  be  published  by  the 
John  Day  Co.  of  the  U.S.A.;  pres.  Hugh 
L.  Cooper. 

Of  New  York;  affiliate  of  the  American 

Russian   Chamber  of   Commerce   and  A.S. 

C.R.R.;  sponsors  exhibits  of  Russian  goods, 




A  Communist  subsidiary  (U.S.  Report 
2290)  ;  the  American  affiliate  of  the  Russian 
V.O.K.S.  (Bureau  of  Cultural  Relations 
between  U.S.S.R.  and  Foreign  Countries), 
operating  in  several  countries  and  very 

active  in  England;  formed  to  break  down 
antipathy  toward  the  Soviet  government; 
the  "Nation"  announced  Jan.  14,  1925: 
"The  establishment  of  closer  cultural  rela- 
tions between  the  United  States  and  the 
Soviet  Union  is  the  mission  of  Mr.  Roman 
Weller  of  Moscow  who  has  just  arrived 
in  this  country  as  representative  of  the 
Bureau  of  Cultural  Relations  established 
in  Moscow  about  a  year  ago";  the  N.Y. 
Herald  Tribune,  April  24,  1927,  reported: 
"With  the  announced  intention  of  bring- 
ing together  Americans  who  are  interested 
in  Russian  life  and  contemporary  culture 
the  A.S.C.R.R.  was  formed  yesterday.  The 
first  meeting  will  be  at  the  administration 
building  of  the  Henry  Street  Settlement" 
(of  Lillian  Wald)  "on  Wednesday  evening. 
The  speakers  will  be  Leopold  Stokowski, 
Robt.  J.  Flaherty,  Lee  Simonson,  Graham 
Taylor  and  Elizabeth  Farrell.  Mrs.  Norman 
Hapgood  will  preside.  The  Society  is 
planning  many  activities  including  lectures 
by  Russian  scientists.  A  Russian  exhibit 
is  also  being  arranged  ...  the  Society  will 
have  a  permanent  program  of  work  which 
will  include  the  collection  and  diffusion  in 
the  U.S.  of  developments  in  science,  edu- 
cation (etc.)  .  .  .  and  an  exchange  of 
students  and  professors  as  well  as  scientists, 
artists  and  scholars  as  'a  practical  way  of 
promoting  cultural  relations  between  the 
two  countries'  is  contemplated."  In  1929 
were  listed: 

President,  William  Allan  Neilson  (of  Smith 
College);  Vice-Presidents :  John  Dewey,  Leopold 
Stokowski,  Stephen  P.  Duggan,  Floyd  Dell,  Lillian 
D.  Wald;  Treasurer,  Allen  Wardwell;  Secretary, 
Lucy  Branham;  Chairman  Executive  Committee, 
Graham  R.  Taylor;  Directors:  Thos.  L.  Cotton, 
Jerome  Davis,  Ernestine  Evans,  Mrs.  Norman  Hap- 
good,  Arthur  Garfield  Hays,  Horace  Liveright, 
Underhill  Moore,  Ernest  M.  Patterson,  James  N. 
Rosenberg,  Lee  Simonson,  Edgar  Varese,  and  the 
officers;  Advisory  Council:  Jane  Addams,  Carl 
Alsberg,  Franz  Boas,  Phillips  Bradley,  Stuart 
Chase,  Haven  Emerson,  Zona  Gale,  Frank  Colder, 
Mrs.  J.  Borden  Harriman,  David  Starr  Jordan, 
Alexander  Kaun,  Susan  Kingsbury,  Julia  Lathrop, 
Eva  Le  Gallienne,  Howard  Scott  Liddell,  E.  C. 
Lindeman,  Jacob  G.  Lipman,  Robert  Littell,  H. 
Adolphus  Miller,  Walter  W.  Pettit,  Boardman 
Robinson,  Clarence  S.  Stein,  Lucy  Textor,  Wilbur 
K.  Thomas,  Harry  Ward,  William  Allen  White, 
and  Lucy  Wilson.  Others  listed  in  the  various 
committees  are:  Joseph  Achron,  Sergei  Radamsky, 
Kurt  Schindler,  Joseph  Freeman,  Oliver  Sayler, 
Kurt  Richter,  Benj.  M.  Anderson,  Jr.,  Gamaliel 
Bradford,  Dorothy  Brewster,  Louise  Fargo  Brown, 
V.  F.  Calverton,  Kate  Holladay  Claghorn,  George 
A.  Dorsey,  W.  E.  Burghardt  Du  Bois,  Edward 
Meade  Earle,  Haven  Emerson,  John  Erskine,  John 
Farrar,  Harry  Hansen,  Sidney  Howard,  Horace  M. 
Kallen,  Joseph  Wood  Krutch,  Joshua  Kunitz,  Fola 
LaFollette,  Sinclair  Lewis,  Alain  Locke,  Robt.  H. 
Lowie,  Eugene  Lyons,  Chas.  E.  Merriam,  Wesley 
C.  Mitchell,  Raymond  Pearl,  Walter  W.  Pettit, 
James  Harvey  Robinson,  Mrs.  K.  N.  Rosen,  Edwin 
R.  A.  Seligman,  Clarence  Stein,  Walter  Stewart, 


The  Red  Network 

Louis  Untermyer,  Carl  Van  Doren,  Mark  Van 
Doren,  Hendrik  Willem  Van  Loon,  Robert  Woolfe, 
Stark  Young,  and  Rosalind  A.  Zoglin.  The  Chi- 
cago branch:  Chairman,  Paul  H.  Douglas;  Direc- 
tors: Jane  Addams,  Clarence  Darrow,  Henry  J. 
Freyn,  Chas.  E.  Merriam;  Executive  Committee: 
Karl  Borders,  Chairman,  Wm.  Burton,  Arthur 
Fisher,  Lillian  Herstein,  Agnes  Jacques,  Stewart 
Leonard,  A.  D.  Noe,  Fred  L.  Schuman,  Arvid  B. 
Tanner;  Treasurer,  S.  Jesmer.  Chicago  Hdqts. 
(1933),  38  S.  Dearborn  St.,  Room  765. 

Monthly  organ  of  the  American  Fed- 
eration of  Teachers;  Florence  Curtis  Han- 
son, Executive  Editor;  Advisory  Editorial 
Board:  Henry  R.  Linville;  Chas.  B.  Still- 
man,  Chgo.;  A.  D.  Sheffield,  Wellesley 
College;  Ruth  Gillette  Hardy,  N.Y.;  Selma 
M.  Borchardt,  Washington;  Mary  C. 
Barker,  Atlanta;  Lucie  W.  Allen,  Chgo.; 
Editorial  office,  506  S.  Wabash  Ave., 
Chgo.>;  features  radical  articles  and  upholds 
the  principles  of  its  organization  (See  "Am. 
Fed.  of  Tchrs."). 


New  name  for  A.  J.  Muste's  Conf.  for 
Prog.  Lab.  Action  (see)  1933;  a  militant 
revolutionary  party  adhering  neither  to 
Second  or  Third  International. 


American  representative  of  Sovkino,  the 
Soviet  government  motion  picture  dis- 
tributing agency. 


Official  book  distributing  agency  of 
Soviet  State  Publishing  House;  N.Y.  City. 


See  "People's  Freedom   Union." 


The  official  Soviet  government  trading 
organization  in  the  U.S.;  sister  organization 
of  Arcos,  Ltd.,  of  England,  which  was 
raided  in  1927  by  British  authorities  and 
proven  to  be  the  headquarters  and  branch 
of  the  Communist  International  in  England. 


Many  anarchist  groups  (such  as  the 
Nihilists  of  Russia)  might  be  described 
and  their  differences  shown,  but  the  first 
important  anarchist  movement  in  the  U.S., 
which  established  several  newspapers 
("The  Anarchist"  at  Boston,  "The  Arbeiter- 
Zeitung"  at  Chicago,  and  the  "Voice  of 
the  People"  at  St.  Louis),  in  1883  at  Pitts- 

burg,  issued,  through  twenty  representa- 
tives, the  following  program:  "(1)  De- 
struction of  the  existing  class  rule  by  all 
means,  i.e.,  energetic,  relentless,  revolution- 
ary and  international  action.  (2)  Estab- 
lishment of  a  free  society,  based  upon  co- 
operative organization  of  production.  (3) 
Free  exchange  of  equivalent  products  by 
and  between  productive  organizations, 
without  commerce  and  profit-mongering. 

(4)  Organization  of  education  on  a  secular, 
scientific   and   equal   basis   for  both  sexes. 

(5)  Equal  rights  for  all,  without  distinc- 
tion of  sex  or  race.    (6)   Regulation  of  all 
public  affairs  by  free  contacts  between  the 
autonomous  (independent)    communes  and 
associations,  resting  on  a  federalistic  basis." 
This,  together  with  an  appeal  to  workmen 
to    organize,    was    published    in    Chicago 
(1883)    by    the    local    committee,    among 
whom   was   August   Spies,    later   convicted 
and    executed    for    murder    in    connection 
with    the    anarchist    Haymarket    Riot    of 
1886.    His  widow  spoke  and  was  honored 
with  a  standing  ovation  at  the  Communist 
Mooney  meeting  May  1,  1933,  at  the  Chi- 
cago Stadium.   Anarchism  has  many  points 
in  common  with  the  Socialist  and  Syndi- 
calist programs,  as  is  shown  in  the  above 
Anarchist    Manifesto.     Subsequent    Amer- 
ican groups  led  by   Emma  Goldman   and 
Alexander  Berkman  called  their  movement 
Anarchist-Communism      (Lusk      Report). 
Their  official  organs  were  "Mother  Earth," 
"The     Blast"     (of    Tom    Mooney),    and 
"Freedom."    In  the  March   IS,   1919  issue 
of  "Freedom,"  Emma  Goldman  defined  as 
follows:    "Anarchist-Communism  —  Volun- 
tary economic  cooperation  of  all  towards 
the  needs   of   each.    A  social  arrangement 
based  on  the  principle:    To  each  according 
to  his  needs;   from  each  according  to  his 

The  Garland  Fund  donated  to  the 
anarchist  Ferrer  School  at  Stelton,  N.J., 
founded  by  Leonard  D.  Abbott,  a  N.Y. 
City  branch  of  which  was  organized  by 
Emma  Goldman  and  Berkman.  The  Ferrer 
Assn.  and  Colony  of  about  300  houses  was 
located  at  Stelton,  but  had  branches  in 
many  parts  of  the  country.  The  Ferrer 
Assn.  was  created  as  a  memorial  to  the 
Spanish  anarchist  Francesco  Ferrer,  who 
was  executed  by  his  government.  Harry 
Kelley  was  one  of  the  trustees  of  the  asso- 
ciation and  colony  at  Stelton,  and  editor 
(as  he  still  is)  of  the  Freedom  magazine, 
published  formerly  at  133  E.  15th  St., 
N.Y.,  the  same  place  which  housed  the 
Union  of  Russian  Workers,  another  anar- 
chist association.  The  June  1,  1920  issue 

Organizations,  Etc. 


of  Freedom  praised  the  Liberator,  Rebel 
Worker,  Revolutionary  Age,  the  Dial, 
World  Tomorrow,  Nation,  New  Republic, 
Survey,  etc.,  saying:  "These  publications 
are  doing  excellent  work  in  their  several 
ways,  and  with  much  of  that  work  we 
find  ourselves  in  hearty  agreement.  They 
are,  however,  either  liberal  in.  the  best 
sense  of  the  word,  Bolshevik  or  Socialist, 
and  we  are  none  of  these,  even  if  we  look 
with  a  kindly  eye  on  all  of  them.  We  are 
Anarchists,  because  we  see  in  the  State  the 
enemy  of  liberty  and  human  progress;  and 
we  are  Communists,  because  we  conceive 
Communism  as  the  most  rational  and  just 
economic  theory  yet  proposed  ...  As 
Anarchists  we  seek  the  abolition  of  the 
State  or  organized  government,  and  would 
substitute  for  it  a  society  founded  upon 
the  principles  of  voluntary  association  and 
free  Communism.  The  Left  Wing  Social- 
ists now  advocate  the  same  thing.  So  our 
differences  are  merely  in  the  tactics  pur- 

Emma  Goldman  in  her  essay  "Anar- 
chism," on  page  59,  said:  "Religion,  the 
dominion  of  the  human  mind;  Property, 
the  dominion  of  human  needs;  and  Gov- 
ernment, the  dominion  of  human  conduct, 
represent  the  stronghold"  of  man's  enslave- 
ment and  all  the  horrors  it  entails";  and 
on  page  134:  "Indeed  conceit,  arrogance 
and  egotism  are  the  essentials  of  patriot- 

In  her  essay  "Marriage  and  Love,"  she 
says,  on  page  242:  "Love,  the  freest,  the 
most  powerful  molder  of  human  destiny; 
how  can  such  an  all-compelling  force  be 
synonomous  with  that  poor  little  state 
and  church-begotten  weed,  marriage?";  on 
page  72:  "Direct  action,  having  proven 
effective  along  economic  lines  is  equally 
potent  in  the  environment  of  the  individual 
*  .  .  Direct  action  against  the  authority 
in  the  shop,  direct  action  against  the 
authority  of  the  law,  direct  action  against 
the  invasive  meddlesome  authority  of  our 
moral  code"  (she  herself  writes  of  the 
many  men  with  whom  she  had  intimate 
relations  in  her  book  "Living  My  Life") 
"is  the  logical,  consistent  method  of  Anar- 
chism. Will  it  lead  to  a  revolution?  Indeed 
it  will.  No  real  social  change  has  ever 
come  without  a  revolution.  People  are 
either  not  familiar  with  their  history,  or 
they  have  not  yet  learned  that  revolution 
is  but  thought  carried  into  action." 

Acts  of  violence,  such  as  her  amour 
Berkman's  stabbing  and  shooting  of  Frick, 
the  steel  magnate,  as  a  protest  against 
capitalism,  are  called  "attentats"  by  Emma 

Goldman  and  her  followers  and  are  revered 
as  heroic  deeds  in  behalf  of  the  "class 

The  Lusk  Report  cites  an  intercepted 
telegram  of  March  2,  1918  addressed  to 
Leon  Trotsky,  Smolny  Institute,  Petro- 
grad,  from  Leonard  Abbott  for  the  Ferrer 
Association,  as  follows:  "Ferrer  Asso- 
ciation is  with  you  to  the  death.  Are  form- 
ing Red  Guards  to  help  you  defend  the 
Revolution";  and  another  cablegram  sent 
the  same  date  by  M.  Eleanor  Fitzgerald 
to  Wm.  Shatoff,  Smolny  Institute,  Petro- 
grad:  "Mother  Earth  groups  with  our 
lives  and  our  last  cent  are  with  you  in 
your  fight";  Lincoln  Steffens  was  another 
of  this  group  who  sent  a  cablegram  to 
Russia  (March  4,  1918)  with  Louise 
Bryant,  formerly  wife  of  Communist  John 
Reed  and  until  recently  wife  of  Wm.  C. 
Bullitt,  a  radical  who  in  1919  was  accom- 
panied on  an  official  mission  to  Russia  by 
Lincoln  Steffens.  Bullitt  has  been  chief 
advisor  of  the  U.S.  State  Dept.  by  appoint- 
ment of  Pres.  Roosevelt  and  is  now 
Ambassador  to  Bolshevik  Russia  (1934). 
The  Bryant-Steffens  cablegram,  addressed 
to  Lenin  and  Trotsky,  Smolny  Institute, 
Petrograd,  said:  "Important  you  designate 
unofficial  representative  here  who  can  sur- 
vey situation,  weigh  facts  and  cable  con- 
clusions you  might  accept  and  act  upon. 
Will  undertake  secure  means  of  com- 
munication between  such  man  and  your- 
self." (Evidently  Bullitt  was  the  man.) 

The  Lusk  Report  (p.  860)  says  of  Anar- 
chist-Communism: "the  interesting  feature 
of  this  movement  is  the  similarity  of  its 
methods  and  tactics  with  those  of  the 
Socialist  Party,  Communist  groups  and 
I.W.W.  (1)  It  stands  for  the  international 
solidarity  of  the  working  class.  (2)  It 
advocates  industrial  unionism  as  the  best 
instrument  for  affecting  the  social  revo- 
lution. (3)  It  advocates  direct  action, 
meaning  thereby  the  general  strike  and 
sabotage.  (4)  It  sympathizes  with  and 
supports  Soviet  Russia.  (5)  It  advocates 
amnesty  for  so-called  political  prisoners. 
(6)  It  advocates  the  raising  of  the  Russian 

When  Emma  Goldman  and  Berkman 
were  arrested  for  their  seditious  anti-war 
activities,  the  League  for  Amnesty  of 
Political  Prisoners  was  organized  by  their 
supporters.  (See  "Lg.  for  Amn.  of  Pol. 

Anarchists  now  and  always  cooperate 
with  the  Communists,  Socialists  and  I.W. 
W.'s,  in  "united  front"  class  war  revo- 
lutionary activities.  See  "Free  Society" 


The  Red  Network 

and  "Intl.  Workingmens  Assn.,"  American 
anarchist  societies. 


A     communist     subsidiary     (U.S.     Fish 
Report) .  The  German  Anti-Fascisti  League, 
Italian  Anti-Fascisti  League,  etc.,  are  sec- 

A     Communist    subsidiary     (U.S.    Fish 
Report) . 

The    present    title    of    the    All-America 
Anti-Imperialist    League    (see). 


The  communist  Daily  Worker,  Nov.  9, 
1933,  says,  "a  delegation  representing  the 
Anti-Imperialist  League  of  the  United 
States  is  sailing  today  for  Cuba,"  and 
states  that  "the  delegation  plans  to  ar- 
range numerous  mass  demonstrations  in 
Havana  and  other  cities"  and  is  "bringing 
banners,  letters  and  other  expressions  of 
warm  revolutionary  greetings  and  solidar- 
ity. ..."  The  delegation  consists  of  J.  B. 
Matthews,  Henry  Shepard  of  the  T.U.U.L., 
Geo.  Powers,  sec.  shipyards  division  of 
Steel  and  Metal  Wkrs.  Indust.  Union  (Com- 
munist), Joe  Thomas  (T.U.U.L.),  Harry 
Cannes  of  the  Daily  Worker,  chmn.,  and 
Walter  Rellis,  student  member  already  in 


The  Soviet  government  trading  company 
of  England ;  a  sister  organization  to  Amtorg 
in  the  U.S.;  was  raided  in  1927  and  docu- 
ments seized  revealed  it  to  be  the  head- 
quarters of  the  Communist  International 
in  England  and  gave  proofs  of  the  Red 
conspiracies  against  our  own  as  well  as 
England's  government;  because  of  this 
raid  trade  relations  were  severed  between 
England  and  the  U.S.S.R.  until  a  Socialist 
Labor  government  again  renewed  them. 


Oriental  atheist  "missionary"  society  of 
the  American  Assn.  for  the  Advancement 
of  Atheism. 



Founded  by  Julio  Antonio  Mella,  Cuban 

Communist   leader;    active   in    New   York 

in   association    with   the    Spanish    Workers 

Center.    Mella  was  killed  in  Mexico  some 

time  ago  and  rioting  occurred  in  Cuba, 
1933,  when  Communists  attempted  to 
bring  his  remains  back  for  a  big  Red 
burial  demonstration. 

To    promote    atheism    among    primary 
school  children;  a  4A  society. 

Communist     T.U.U.L.     union;     hdqts.: 
4819    Hastings    St.    and    4210    Woodward 
Ave.,  Detroit,  Mich.,  etc. 


An  internationalist,  pacifist,  "religious" 
organization  professing  to  accept  and 
include  persons  of  any  or  all  religious 
beliefs — in  other  words  the  religion  of  the 
individual  is  his  own  affair;  takes  part 
in  War  Resisters  International  (see)  con- 
ferences; the  World  Tomorrow,  July  1933 
issue,  stated:  "Members  of  the  Bahai 
religion  have  recently  been  arrested  in 
Turkey  and  will  be  brought  to  trial  charged 
with  'aiding  communism  and  international- 
ism'"; one  branch  is  at  Wilmette,  111. 


Berger  Nat.  Found. 

A  Socialist  organization  "organized  to 
honor  the  memory  of  the  late  Victor  L. 
Berger.  Its  founders  believe  that  this  can 
be  done  best  by  rendering  effective  aid  to 
those  minority  causes  to  which  he  devoted 
himself  for  four  decades  ...  by  the  build- 
ing of  a  newspaper  press  which  will  mobil- 
ize public  opinion  in  behalf  of  the  ideals 
for  which  liberals,  progressives  and  peace 
advocates  contend."  (From  announcement 
of  Victor  L.  Berger  Foundation  Dinner  held 
at  Morrison  Hotel,  Nov.  12,  1931.)  The 
announcement  does  not  dwell  on  Victor 
Berger's  conviction  for  sedition  and 
speeches  favoring  direct  action  and  revo- 
lution, although  "minority  causes"  is  a 
polite  phrase  for  "revolutionary  causes." 
The  "Statement  of  Clarence  Darrow  on 
accepting  the  presidency  of  the  Victor  L. 
Berger  National  Foundation"  is  printed  as: 
"It  is  of  paramount  importance  we  estab- 
lish our  own  press  as  quickly  as  possible. 
There  is  every  evidence  of  the  emergence 
of  working  class  forces  in  this  country.  .  .  . 
I  think  the  splendid  work  started  by  the 
late  Victor  L.  Berger,  of  whose  fearless 
independence  I  was  an  admirer,  should  be 
pushed  with  all  possible  energy";  it  was 
founded  Mar.  1,  1931  at  the  National  Press 

Organizations,  Etc. 


Club,  Wash.,  B.C.;  incorporated  under  the 
laws  of  the  District  of  Columbia  and  its 
Dinner  Announcement  which  scheduled  as 
speakers  at  the  Morrison  Hotel,  Nov.  12, 
1931,  Gov.  Philip  F.  LaFollette,  Mayor 
Daniel  W.  Hoan,  Mrs.  Meta  Berger  (Regent 
of  Wis.  U.  and  widow  of  Victor),  Donald 
R.  Richberg,  Clarence  Darrow,  presiding, 
also  listed  as  Officers: 

Clarence  Darrow,  pres.;  Jane  Addams,  John 
Dewey,  Glenn  Frank,  Eliz.  Oilman,  James  H. 
Maurer,  Upton  Sinclair,  vice  presidents;  Marx 
Lewis,  exec,  dir.;  Stuart  Chase,  treas.;  B.  C. 
Vladeck,  Meta  Berger,  E.  J.  Costello,  Thos.  M. 
Duncan,  Wm.  T.  Evjue,  Sidney  Hillman,  Morris 
Hillquit,  Daniel  W.  Hoan,  Norman  Thomas, 
Howard  Y.  Williams,  as  Board  of  Trustees,  and 
a  National  Council  as  follows: 

William  J.  Adames,  Bernard  M.  Allen,  Devere 
Alien,  Rev.  Peter  Ainslie,  Oscar  Ameringer,  Wood 

F.  Axton,  Forrest  Bailey,  Emily  G.  Balch,  Joseph 
Baskin,   Morris  Berman,  Rev.   Herbert  S.   Bigelow, 
S.   John    Block,   Cong.    Gerald   J.    Boileau,   Gladys 
Bopne,    William    Bouck,    A.    P.    Bowers,    Paul    F. 
Brissenden,      Heywood      Broun,      Lewis      Browne, 
Howard     Brubaker,     John     P.     Burke,     Abraham 
Cahan,  Stuart   Chase,   Henry  S.   Churchill,   George 
A.  Coe,  Mabel  Dunlap  Curry,  Jerome  Davis,  Paul 
H.     Douglas,     Daniel     R.     Donovan,     W.     E.     B. 
Du  Bois,  Sherwood  Eddy,  George  Clifton  Edwards, 
Morris    L.     Ernst,    Frederick    V.    Field,    William 
Floyd,  Zona  Gale,  Adolph  Germer,  Helen  B.  Gil- 
man,    Carl    Henry    Gleeser,    Mrs.    Henry    Francis 
Grady,     Florence    Curtis    Hanson,    Rev.    Otto    R. 
Hauser,  Dr.   A.    Eustace  Haydon,   Max   S.  Hayes, 
Arthur   Garfield  Hays,  Adolph  Held,  Rabbi  James 

G.  Heller,    Arthur   E.    Holder,    Rev.    John   Haynes 
Holmes,     Frederick     C.     Howe,     Arthur    Huggins, 
Fannie    Hurst,    Rabbi    Edward    L.    Israel,    Bishop 
Paul  Jones,  Vladimir  Karapetoff,  Paul  U.  Kellogg, 
Frederick    M.     Kerby,     Casimir    Kowalski,    Elmer 
Krahn,  Leo  Krzycki,  Harry  W.  Laidler,  Prof.  John 
A.    Lapp,    William    Leiserson,    Henry    R.    Linville, 
Owen  R.  Lovejoy,  Robert  Morss  Lovett,  Benjamin 
C.    Marsh,    John    T.    McRoy,    Lucia    Ames    Mead, 
Alexander  Meikeljohn,    Darwin  J.   Meserole,  Jacob 
C.    Meyer,    Henry    Neumann,    Reinhold    Niebuhr, 
Edward  N.  Nockels,  Henry  J.  Ohl,  Jr.,  Joseph  A. 
Padway,    Kirby   Page,   Jacob   Panken,    Clarence  E. 
Pickett,   Amos  R.    E.   Pinchot.  Rabbi  D.    De  Sola 
Pool,  Jeannette  Rankin.  W.  N.  Reivo,  Milo  Reno, 
E.    A.    Ross,    Charles    Edward    Russell,    Mary    R. 
Sanford,  Benjamin  Schlesinsrer,  Rose  Schneiderman. 
Vida  D.   Scudder,  Emil  Seidel,   Rabbi  Abba  Hillel 
Silver,    George    Soule,    Seymour    Stedman,    Morris 
Stern,     Spencer     Stoker,     Helen      Phelps     Stokes, 
Augustus    O.    Thomas,     Oswald     Garrison    Villard. 
H.   J.    Voorhis.    Grace    D.   Watson.   S.    F.   Weston, 
Rev.   Eliot  White,  Charles  H.  Williams,  James  H. 
Wolfe,  Abel  Wolman,  Leo  Wolfsohn,  S.  N.  Ziebel- 
man,  Phil  E.  Ziegler. 

The  following  are  listed  in  the  dinner 
announcement  as  "Sponsors": 

Mary  M.  Abbe,  Jane  Addams,  Robert  C.  Beers, 
Carl  Borders.  M.  O.  Bousfield,  Fritz  Bremer, 
Charles  H.  Burr,  Ralph  Chaolin.  Agnes  B.  Clohesy, 
Lenetta  Cooper,  Mrs.  E.  C.  Costello,  William  A. 
Cunnea.  Clarence  Darrow,  Paul  E.  Darrow,  George 
E.  Dawson,  Arthur  Fisher,  John  Fitzpatrick,  John 
Fralick,  Herbert  T.  Friedman,  Judge  E.  Allen 
Frost,  Denton  L.  Geyer,  Rev.  Charles  W.  Gilkey, 
M.  Gitlitz,  Morris  Gold,  Rabbi  S.  Goldman,  Dr. 
R.  B.  Green,  Margaret  A.  Haley,  M.  V.  Halushka, 
Leon  Hanock,  N.  M.  Hanock,  Florence  Curtis 
Hanson,  Dr.  A.  Eustace  Haydon,  Josef  L.  Hek- 
toen,  Lillian  Herstein,  Samuel  H.  Holland,  William 

H.  Holly,  Paul  Hutchinson,  Newton  Jenkins,  M.  B. 
Karman,  Jesse  T.  Kennedy,  S.  J.  Konenkamp, 
Casimir  Kowalski,  Carl  Laich,  Lloyd  Lehman, 
Samuel  Levin,  Victor  I.  Levinson,  Fay  Lewis, 
Abraham  Lidsky,  Robert  Morss  Lovett,  Theodore 
H.  Lunde,  Franklin  Lundquist,  Maurice  Lynch, 
Mary  E.  McDowell,  A.  D.  Marimpetri,  Prof.  Chas. 
E.  Merriam,  Agnes  Nestor,  Rev.  J.  Pierce  Newell, 
Edward  N.  Nockels,  Edwin  P.  Reese,  Wallace 
Rice,  Donald  R.  Richberg,  William  E.  Rodriguez, 
Hayden  J.  Sanders,  Stephen  Skala,  Dr.  Ferdinand 
Schevill,  Clarence  Senior,  Jacob  Siegel,  Morris 
Siskind,  Peter  Sissman,  Donald  Slesinger,  Prof. 
T.  V.  Smith.  Morris  Spitzer,  J.  Edward  Stake, 
Seymour  Stedman,  L.  P.  Straube,  Duane  Swift, 
Carl  D.  Thompson,  Rev.  Ernest  Fremont  Tittle, 
Irwin  St.  John  Tucker,  S.  Turovlin,  Daniel  A. 
Uretz,  Ethel  Watson,  Dorothy  Weil. 

National  hdqts.;  907  15th  St.,  N.W., 
Wash.,  D.C.;  Western  Office:  308  W.  North 
Ave.,  Milwaukee,  Wis. 


Russian  Godless  society ;  American  branch 
of  the  official  militant  Communist  anti- 
religious  society;  section  of  Proletarian 
Anti-Religious  Lg. 


Communist  agitational  propaganda  dra- 
matic groups  affiliated  with  League  of 
Workers  Theatres. 


Formed    by    communist    Workers    Ex- 
Service  Men's  League;  supporting  org.  of 
U.S.   Congress  Against  War. 


"The  most  colossal  conspiracy  against 
the  U.S.  in  its  history  was  unearthed  at 
Bridgman,  Mich.,  Aug.  22,  1922,  when  the 
secret  convention  of  the  Communist  Party 
of  America  was  raided  by  the  Michigan 
constabulary,  aided  by  county  and  Fed- 
eral officials.  Two  barrels  full  of  docu- 
mentary proof  of  the  conspiracy  were 
seized  and  are  in  possession  of  the  author- 
ities. Names,  records,  checks  from  promi- 
nent people  in  this  country,  instructions 
from  Moscow,  speeches,  theses,  question- 
naires— indeed  the  whole  machinery  of  the 
underground  organization,  the  avowed  aim 
of  which  is  the  overthrow  of  the  U.S. 
government,  was  found  in  such  shape  as 
to  condemn  every  participant  in  the  con- 
vention. ...  It  is  known  that  agents  of 
Communists  are  working  secretly  through 
'legal'  bodies  in  labor  circles,  in  society,  in 
professional  groups,  in  the  Army  and  Navy, 
in  Congress,  in  the  schools  and  colleges  of 
the  country,  in  banks  and  business  con- 
cerns, among  the  farmers,  in  the  motion 
picture  industry — in  fact  in  nearly  every 


The  Red  Network 

walk  of  life.  These  agents  are  not  'low 
brows'  but  keen,  clever,  intelligent  educated 
men  and  women.  .  .  .  They  range  from 
bricklayers  to  bishops  and  include  many 
prominent  official  and  society  people.  There 
were  present  besides  Wm.  Z.  Foster,  C.  E. 
Ruthenberg,  three  times  candidate  for 
mayor  of  Cleveland;  Ben  Gitlow,  N.Y. 
labor  leader;  Ella  Reeve  Bloor,  who  says 
she  has  been  arrested  more  than  a  hundred 
times  for  radical  agitation  among  workers; 
Robert  Minor;  J.  Lovestone;  Ward  Brooks, 
direct  representative  of  the  Communist 
Intl.,  of  Moscow;  Boris  Reinstein,  repre- 
senting the  Red  Trade  Union  Intl.  of 
Moscow;  Rose  Pastor  Stokes;  Wm.  F. 
Dunne;  and  many  others.  The  seventeen 
arrested  at  or  near  Bridgman  were  Thos. 
Flaherty  of  N.Y.;  Chas.  Erickson,  Chas. 
Krumbein,  Eugene  Bechtold"  (Chgo.  Wkrs. 
School  now),  "and  Caleb  Harrison  of  Chi- 
cago; Cyril  Lambkin,  W.  Reynolds, 
Detroit;  Wm.  F.  Dunne  of  Butte,  Mont, 
and  N.Y.;  J.  Mihelic,  Kansas  City;  Alex. 
Ball,  Phila.;  Francis  Ashworth,  Camden, 
N.J.;  E.  McMillin,  T.  R.  Sullivan  and 
Norman  H.  Tallentire,  St.  Louis;  Max 
Lerner,  Seattle;  and  Zeth  Nordling,  Port- 
land, Oregon,"  (from  Whitney's  "Reds 
in  America").  This  revolutionary  Party 
frankly  aiming  to  overthrow  the  U.S. 
Govt.,  compelled  to  meet  in  secret  in  1922, 
is  now  on  the  ballot  in  39  states,  is  mail- 
ing tons  of  treasonable  literature  through 
the  U.S.  mails,  and  is  conducting  schools 
of  revolution  without  interference;  after 
ten  years,  these  Communists  then  arrested 
have  had  their  cases  brought  up  by  Pat- 
rick H.  O'Brien,  A.C.L.U.  attorney  elected 
Attorney  General  of  Michigan  in  1932,  and 
dismissed,  thus  releasing  the  bond  money 
for  the  benefit  of  the  Communists  and 
other  radicals;  see  Labor  Defense  Council 
and  Garland  Fund,  for  aid  to  Bridgman 


A  left  wing  Socialist  school  for  training 
radical  Negro  and  white  agitators;  located 
at  Katonah,  N.Y.;  the  American  Labor 
Year  Book  states: 

"During  the  summer  of  1931,  four  members  of 
the  Brookwood  staff  assisted  at  the  West  Va. 
Mine  Workers  strike.  Other  faculty  members 
taught  at  Barnard  and  Bryn  Mawr  summer  schools 
and  lectured  at  various  summer  institutes.  Faculty 
for  1931-32  consisted  of  A.  J.  Muste,  Chairman, 
Josephine  Colby,  David  J.  Saposs,  Helen  G.  Nor- 
ton, Mark  Starr,  and  J.  C.  Kennedy,  instructors; 
Cara  Cook,  Katherine  Pollak  and  Lucile  Kohn, 
assistants;  Tom  Tippett,  extension  director.  Lec- 
turers on  special  topics  include  Louis  Budcnz, 
Herbert  S.  Bigelow,  Frank  Palmer  and  Carl 
Haessler,"  and  states  that  the  American  Federation 

of  Teachers,  the  Conference  for  Progressive  Labor 
Action,  and  Eastern  States  Cooperative  League 
held  conferences  at  Brookwood,  1931-32;  see  Gar- 
land Fund  for  bountiful  aid  it  received. 

After  a  row  over  policies  in  1933,  A.  J. 
Muste  resigned  and  Tom  Tippett  left  to 
become  educational  director  of  the  Pro- 
gressive Miners  Union  at  Gillespie,  111.,  and 
Tucker  P.  Smith  (of  the  C.M.E.)  became 
director  of  Brookwood,  and  James  H. 
Maurer,  Pres.;  Fannia  M.  Cohn,  Vice 
Pres.;  Bd.  of  Directors:  Abraham  Lef- 
kowitz,  John  Brophy,  Phil  E.  Zeigler,  A.  J. 
Kennedy,  plus  officers;  Faculty:  Tucker 
P.  Smith,  Director;  Josephine  Colby; 
David  J.  Saposs,  Sec.;  Helen  G.  Norton; 
Mark  Starr,  Extension  Dir.;  J.  C.  Ken- 
nedy, Dir.  of  Studies. 


See  under  "Messenger." 


Communist  union  of  the  T.U.U.L. 


Communist  camps  near  N.Y.,  Chicago, 
Lumberville,  Pa.,  Wash.,  D.C.,  Detroit, 
Birmingham,  etc.;  run  by  the  communist 
Jewish  "United  Workers  Cooperative 
Assn."  The  camp  near  Chicago  for  example 
is  located  on  Paddock  Lake  14  miles  west 
of  Kenosha,  Wis.  and  occupies  about  205 
acres;  accommodates  500  to  600  people 
from  July  4,  to  Nov.  1 ;  a  Young  Pioneer 
Camp  has  been  held  here  for  the  past 
two  years  (under  direction,  1933,  of  Com- 
rade Levine  of  the  Young  Communist 
League) ;  vicious  dogs  guard  the  place  and 
no  autos  except  those  belonging  to  the 
camp  are  allowed  in  the  grounds;  there  is 
an  auditorium  seating  500  people  with  stage, 
piano,  etc.;  has  new  bath  house,  a  swim- 
ming tank,  5  boats;  Comrade  Hels  of 
Chgo.  in  charge  of  it  is  reported  to  have 
claimed  "the  damned  dirty  Legion  burned 
it";  it  has  been  burned  three  times  and 
each  time  rebuilt  bigger  and  better;  Miss 
Litzinger  of  Kenosha  is  reported  to  be  office 


At  Wingdale,  N.Y.;  Communist  T.U.U.L. 


Pacifist  -  internationalist      organization; 
composed,  no  doubt,  for  the  most  part  of 

Organizations,  Etc. 


perfectly  sincere,  non-radical,  Christian 
pacifists.  However,  Rev.  John  A.  Ryan, 
chmn.  of  its  Ethics  Committee,  is  at  the 
same  time  one  of  three  book  editors  (with 
E.  F.  Tittle  and  Edw.  Israel)  of  the  very 
radical  National  Religion  and  Labor 
Foundation  and  responsible  for  distributing 
such  Communist  literature  as  Wm.  Z.  Fos- 
ter's "Toward  Soviet  America";  John  A. 
Lapp,  of  its  Intl.  Law  and  Organization 
Committee,  is  on  the  exec.  com.  of  the  same 
National  Religion  and  Labor  Foundation; 
Both  Lapp  and  Ryan  were,  in  1923,  on 
the  Labor  Defense  Council  (see)  (now 
Communist  I.L.D.),  formed  to  defend  Wm. 
Z.  Foster  and  other  Communists;  James  E. 
Hagerty,  of  its  Economics  Relations  Com- 
mittee, is  at  the  same  time  Hon.  Pres.  of 
the  National  Religion  and  Labor  Foun- 
dation, which  also  disseminates  red  revo- 
lutionary propaganda,  Communist  cartoons 
of  Jesus,  etc.  (see) ;  and  Patrick  H.  Calla- 
han,  of  its  Com.  on  Dependencies,  is  also 
on  the  exec.  com.  of  the  same  National 
Religion  and  Labor  Foundation;  Prof. 
Carlton  J.  H.  Hayes  (see  "Who's  Who"), 
whose  activity  in  behalf  of  the  I.W.W.  is 
cited  in  the  Lusk  Report,  serves  as  chmn. 
of  one  and  member  of  several  other  of  its 
committees;  Rev.  R.  A.  McGowan,  a  com- 
mittee chmn.,  was  the  fellow  spokesman 
with  the  A.C.L.U.  group  (Edw.  I.  Israel, 
Bishop  Francis  J.  McConnell,  etc.)  at  the 
Hearing  on  admission  of  Prof.  Macintosh, 
radical  pacifist,  to  U.S.  citizenship  without 
promise  to  defend  this  Govt.  by  arms 
(June  1932  A.C.L.U.  Report,  p.  36;  also 
see  facsimile  of  A.C.L.U.  letter) ;  Parker 
T.  Moon,  pres.,  is  author  of  "Imperialism 
and  World  Politics,"  which  was  part  of 
the  socialist  L.I.D.  program  of  reading  for 
1927-8;  Edw.  Keating  (see  "Who's  Who"), 
active  member  of  radical  organizations, 
serves  on  its  Com.  on  Economic  Relations; 
Rev.  Francis  Haas,  a  vice  pres.,  is  classi- 
fied as  "radical"  by  Advisory  Associates, 
serving  in  radical  company  as  Roosevelt 
appointee  to  the  NRA  Labor  Board  (with 
Leo  Wolman,  Rose  Schneidermann,  etc.). 
I  heard  Rev.  J.  W.  Maguire  of  its  Com. 
on  Economic  Relations,  who  is  pres.  of 
St.  Viator's  College,  in  action  when  he 
oratorically  and  vehemently  pleaded  at  the 
Springfield  Legislative  Hearing,  May  1933, 
in  company  with  Pres.  Hutchins  of  the  U. 
of  Chicago  (where  Communism  is  a  recog- 
nized student  activity),  against  the  passage 
of  the  Baker  Bills  (to  penalize  the  teach- 
ing of  seditious  Communism  in  Illinois 
colleges).  He  said  that  if  passed  these 

Bills  might  even  make  him  trouble  as  some 
people  considered  him  a  dangerous  radical. 
He  also  advanced  the  anarchistic  argument 
that  no  one  should  be  forced  to  obey  a 
law  against  his  own  conscience.  At  this, 
Senator  Barr  asked  him  which  of  our  laws 
he  would  refuse  to  obey.  After  this  Hear- 
ing, at  which  I  testified  in  favor  of  the 
Bills  to  curb  Communism,  I  expressed  to 
Rev.  Maguire  my  respect  for  his  Church, 
having  attended  a  convent  school  myself, 
and  my  surprise  and  disappointment  to 
find  him  on  the  side  of  those  fighting  for 
freedom  to  teach  Communism  and  destroy 
Christian  faith  in  our  colleges. 

There  is  however  no  finer,  truer  Chris- 
tian and  American  than  Rev.  Edmund  A. 
Walsh,  author  and  opponent  of  Soviet 
recognition,  who  is  a  member  of  this 
Catholic  Assn.  Whether  or  not  its  Esper- 
anto connections  are  with  the  international 
Red  Esperanto  groups  I  have  not  ascer- 




Of  Superior,  Wis.;  affiliated  with  the 
Workers  and  Farmers  Cooperative  Alliance, 
which  is  a  branch  of  the  communist  T.U. 
U.L.;  a  communistic  group  that  has  had 
three  Communist  Party  members  on  its 
board  of  directors;  sells  food  products  to 
97  member  societies  with  the  Soviet  em- 
blems, hammer  and  sickle  and  red  star, 
branded  on  them ;  maintains  organizers  and 
conducts  conferences  and  summer  schools 
with  the  affiliated  Northern  States  Co- 
operative League;  is  dedicated  to  the 
"class  struggle";  it,  and  its  affiliates,  the 
Cooperative  League  of  U.S.A.  and  North- 
ern States  Cooperative  League,  received 
money  from  the  Garland  Fund;  its  affili- 
ated Cooperative  Trading  Co.  of  Wau- 
kegan,  111.,  organized  Cooperative  Un- 
employed Leagues,  affiliated  with  Borders' 
Communist  -  I.W.W.  -  controlled  Federated 
Unemployed  Leagues  (see),  in  every  com- 
munity in  Lake  County,  1932-3;  the  1932 
American  Labor  Year  Book  reports  internal 
friction  over  control  of  the  administration 
between  Socialists  and  Communists;  the 
report  of  the  Communist  International  of 
1928  said  on  p.  346;  "the  Central  Co- 
operative Exchange  is  a  left  wing  organ- 
ization." .  .  .  (See  Cooperative  Lg.  of 
U.S.A.) ;  its  organ  "Cooperative  Builder" 
is  sold  at  Communist  bookstores. 


The  Red  Network 


It  is  estimated  that  some  fifteen  or  six- 
teen atheist  forums  are  being  conducted  at 
various  of  the  70  local  Chicago  Communist 
headquarters,  Sunday  afternoons.  One, 
which  is  plainly  advertised  each  Saturday 
in  the  Chicago  Daily  News,  is  conducted 
by  the  American  Assn.  for  the  Advance- 
ment of  Atheism,  at  357  Chicago  Ave., 
Communist  Party  local  hdqts.  Speakers 
for  1933:  Haldeman- Julius,  Rev.  Norman 
Barr,  Prof.  Frank  Midney,  Dr.  Percy 
Ward,  Neal  Ness,  Rev.  Aronson,  etc.  Only 
atheist  literature  and  the  Communist  Daily 
Worker  are  sold  at  these  meetings.  On 
Nov.  12,  1933,  the  atheist  speaker  used  vile 
obscene  language  in  ridiculing  the  Chris- 
tian religion,  and  the  existence  of  God. 
His  opponent,  Rev.  L.  Hoover,  made  a  weak 
plea  for  the  existence  of  a  power  called 
God  as  evidenced  in  viewing  sunsets,  etc. 
This  the  atheist  was  given  the  opportunity 
to  ridicule  vigorously.  The  hall  is  dec- 
orated with  communist  Russian  posters, 
I.L.D.  and  T.U.U.L.  local  branch  signs, 
Workers  Theatre  announcements;  a  big 
red  paper  bow  drapes  the  top  of  the  stage; 
and  a  black  board  lists  meetings  and 
speakers  of  the  communist  Unemployed 
Councils,  which  meet  there.  On  Nov.  12, 
the  name  of  "James  M.  Yard,  D.D."  was 
chalked  up  as  speaker  for  Nov.  IS.  (See 
under  "Who's  Who.") 



Purposes  similar  to  and  cooperates  with 
A.C.L.U.;  formed  1932;  hdqts.:  City 
Club,  315  Plymouth  Court,  Chgo.  At  the 
City  Club,  the  "Workers  Training  School" 
of  the  C.W.C.  on  Unemp.,  A.C.L.U.  and 
L.I.D.  meetings  are  also  held. 

See  under  "Intl.,  American  and  Chicago 
Committees  for  Struggle  Against  War." 


Chicago  section  of  the  Nat.  Com.  to  Aid 
Victims  of  German  Fascism  (see)  of  com- 
munist W.I.R.;  hdqts.  Room  310—208  N. 
Wells  St.,  Chicago;  organ  "Anti-Fascist 


See    under    Emergency    Committee    for 
Strikers  Relief. 


An  intellectual  agency  propagandizing 
socialistic  communistic  doctrines;  organized 
about  1925;  merged  with  the  Adult  Edu- 
cation Council,  about  1929;  directed  then 
and  now  by  Fred  Atkins  Moore  (of  the 
Chicago  A.C.L.U.  Committee  and  com- 
munist Nat.  Council  for  Protection  of 
Foreign  Born  Workers) ;  operates  the  Chi- 
cago Forum,  which  features  the  reddest  of 
Communist  and  Socialist  speakers;  pub- 
lishes "Educational  Events,"  a  bulletin 
widely  distributed,  announcing  radical 
meetings  and  forums;  sponsors  radio 
broadcasts  of  radical  speakers  and  con- 
ducts a  speakers  bureau.  In  1928  among 
council  members  were: 

Arthur  Fisher,  Louis  L.  Mann,  John  A.  Lapp, 
Herbert  J.  Friedman  (president),  Wm.  H.  Holly, 
Jessie  Binford,  Horace  Bridges,  Wm.  E.  Dodd,  Paul 
Douglas,  •  Rev.  Chas.  W.  Gilkey,  A.  L.  Jackson, 
Robt.  Morss  Lovett,  Mary  E.  McDowell,  Chas. 
Clayton  Morrison,  Curtis  Reese,  Amelia  Sears,  Jane 
Addams,  Rev.  E.  F.  Tittle,  Harold  L.  Ickes, 
(all  A.C.L.U.),  Henry  P.  Chandler,  "liberalizer 
of  the  Union  League  Club,"  Rev.  Norman  Barr, 
John  Fitzpatrick,  Ann  Guthrie,  Solomon  B.  Free- 
hof,  Mrs.  B.  F.  Langworthy,  Salmon  0.  Levin- 
son,  Frank  Orman  Beck  (Reconciliation  Trips 
director),  James  Mullenbach,  Agnes  Nestor,  Mor- 
decai  Shulman,  Graham  Taylor,  David  Rhys 
Williams,  Dr.  Rachelle  S.  Yarros,  Samuel  Levin, 
Charles  E.  Merriam  (see  "Who's  Who"  for 
these),  S.  J.  Duncan-Clark,  etc. 

The  1933  program  featured  as  speakers: 
Communists  Anna  Louise  Strong  and  John 
Strachey;  Socialists  Sherwood  Eddy,  Norman 
Thomas,  etc.;  our  Assistant  "Commissar"  of 
Agriculture,  Rex.  G.  Tugwell;  Dr.  Alfons  Gold- 
schmidt,  Red  professor  welcomed"  out  of  Ger- 
many; James  Weldon  Johnson  of  the  Garland 
Fund,  etc.  and  names  as  the  managing  com- 
mittee: Wm.  H.  Holly,  chmn.  and  Lillian  Her- 
stein,  vice  chmn.  (both  members  of  Communist 
and  Socialist  organizations) ;  Mrs.  Beatrice  Hayes 
Podell,  sec.;  R.  G.  Sathoff,  treas.;  Chas.  W. 
Balch,  Benj.  Baltzer,  Howard  S.  Bechtolt,  Edith 
Benjamin,  R.  E.  Blount,  Fred  Chayes,  Mrs.  Eli 
Daiches,  Rev.  Theodore  C.  Hume,*  Chas.  E. 
Lewis,  Mrs.  Fred  Lowenthal,*  Abraham  Nechin, 
Mrs.  M.  D.  Neufield,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Edw.  VV. 
Ohrenstein,  Geo.  C.  Olcott,  Mrs.  Glenn  E. 
Plumb,  Chas.  A.  Snyder,  C.  Francis  Stradford, 
Chas.  E.  Suiter,  Grace  W.  Weller,  W.  H.  Wicker- 
sham,  Dr.  Walter  Verity;  Hdqts.:  224  S. 
Michigan  Ave.;  Director,  Fred  Atkins  Moore.* 
(*Listed  in  this  "Who's  Who.") 

Chicago  branch  of  the  Labor  Research, 
Inc.;  collects  material  for  Communist 
speakers,  trade  unions,  organizers,  etc.; 
hdqts.  Chicago  Workers  School,  2822  S. 
Michigan  Ave. 



Purposes  similar  to  and  cooperates  with 
A.C.L.U.;  formed  1932;  Hdqts.:  Leon  M. 
Despres,  77  W.  Washington  St.,  Chgo. 

Organizations,  Etc. 



C.W.C.  on  Unemp. 

Claims  sixty  Locals  with  20,000  members 
in  Chicago;  headed  by  Karl  Borders  and 
organized  by  him  originally  as  a  sub- 
sidiary of  the  socialist  League  for  Indus- 
trial Democracy  (L.I.D.)  Chicago  branch 
to  capitalize  upon  unemployment  by  organ- 
izing the  unemployed,  ostensibly  to  aid 
them  but  at  the  same  time  to  endoctrinate 
and  finally  align  them  with  the  Socialist 
movement.  It  is  represented  on  the  board 
of  the  Federation  of  Unemployed  Organ- 
izations of  Cook  County  headed  by  Com- 
munist Karl  Lochner  and  both  organiza- 
tions are  affiliated  with  the  national  Fed- 
eration of  Unemployed  Workers  Leagues 
(See)  of  which  Karl  Borders  was  national 
chairman  until  May  1933,  when  the  con- 
vention held  at  Lincoln  Center,  Chicago, 
May  13,  14,  15,  elected  a  controlling  board 
of  Communist,  Proletarian  (communist- 
supporting)  and  I.W.W.  officers.  This  indi- 
cates the  present  marked  drawing  together 
of  revolutionary  forces  for  united  action 
(See  this  also  under  Socialism,  U.S.  Con- 
gress Against  War,  etc.).  The  C.W.C.  on 
Unemp.  conducted  a  "Workers  Training 
School"  beginning  March  30,  1933  at  the 
Chicago  City  Club  with  Prof.  Maynard  C. 
Krueger  teaching  "New  Economics  for 
Old,"  Lillian  Herstein  "The  Class  Struggle 
in  American  History,"  W.  B.  Waltmire 
"How  to  Organize,"  etc.,  at  which  repre- 
sentatives of  the  Educational  Committees 
of  the  Locals  were  expected  to  be  present. 
Fortnightly  Executive  Committee  meetings 
are  held  at  Graham  Taylor's  Chicago  Com- 
mons, 955  W.  Grand  Ave.,  of  which  Karl 
Borders  is  assistant  head  resident.  W.  B. 
Waltmire  is  chairman  of  this  "Workers 
Training  School"  and  when  the  C.W.C.  on 
Unemp.  cooperated  with  the  Communist 
Party  in  staging  the  Chicago  Oct.  31,  1932 
"Hunger  March"  in  which  hundreds  of 
revolutionary  placards  and  Soviet  emblems 
and  flags  were  carried,  Waltmire  was 
spokesman  before  the  Mayor  for  the 
demonstrators.  The  official  organ  is  the 
"New  Frontier,"  a  fortnightly  paper  which 
publishes  such  propaganda  as  the  Commu- 
nist revolutionary  songs  "Red  Flag"  and 
"Internationale"  and  the  I.W.W.  song 
"Solidarity"  by  Ralph  Chaplin  (who 
served  5  years  in  the  Penitentiary  for 
seditious  activities),  and  urges  members  to 
paste  these  songs  in  their  hats,  sing  them 
in  the  bathtub,  and  learn  them  so  they 
can  "raise  the  roof"  with  them  at  the 

meetings  (See  Mar.  4,  1933  issue).  Pub- 
lished at  20  W.  Jackson  Blvd.,  Chicago, 
L.I.D.  headquarters;  editor  Robt.  E.  Asher; 
mg.  ed.  John  Paul  Jones;  circ.  mgr.  C.  W. 
Fisher;  ed.  bd.;  Karl  Borders,  W.  B.  Walt- 
mire, Glenford  Lawrence,  Chas.  Williams, 
Harry  Roberts. 

The  60  Chicago  C.W.C.  on  Unemp. 
Locals  meet  according  to  the  "New 
Frontier"  at  the  following  places: 

Lincoln  Center;  New  England  Congl.  Church, 
19  E.  Delaware  Place;  Jefferson  Pk.  Congl. 
Church,  5320  Giddings  St.;  Baptist  Church,  670 
E.  39th  St.;  Graham  Taylor's  Chicago  Com- 
mons; Olivet  Institute;  Ogden  Park  Mcth. 
Church;  Chase  House  (Episc.);  Workers  Pro- 
gressive Club,  608  N.  Leavitt  St.;  Pilgrim 
Congl.  Church;  Hyde  Pk.  Neighborhood  Club, 
1364  E.  56th  St.;  Hull  House;  Christopher 
House;  Marcy  Center;  Hermosa  Park  Field 
House;  Howell  Neighborhood  House;  Garibaldi 
Institute;  Trumbull  Pk.  Field  House;  Association 
House;  Eli  Bates  House;  U.  of  Chgo.  Settle- 
ment; Emerson  House;  etc.,  etc. 

The  Executive  is  Karl  Borders,  20  W.  Jackson 
Blvd.,  Chicago;  Committee  Chairmen:  L.  C. 
Brooks,  G.  B.  Patterson,  W.  D.  Hogan,  W.  H. 
Seed,  Glenford  Lawrence,  D.  S.  Howard;  Execu- 
tive Committee:  Rev.  W.  B.  Waltmire,  Lester 
Dewey,  vice  chmn.,  Winifred  Frost,  sec.,  Frank 
W.  McCulloch  (son  of  Catherine  Waugh),  treas., 
Norman  Buending,  E.  J.  Cook,  Annetta  Dieck- 
mann,  Ray  Jacobson,  John  Paul  Jones,  G.  B. 
Patterson,  Moderato  Renzi,  Hyman  Schneid, 
T.  M.  Torgerson,  Vincent  Wojdinski;  Advisory 
Committee:  Rev.  Norman  Barr,  Jessie  Binford, 
Prof.  Sophonisba  P.  Breckenridge,  C.  F.  Case, 
Geo.  E.  Chant,  Prof.  Paul  Douglas,  Hilda  R. 
Diamond,  Prof.  Aaron  Director,  Adolph  Drei- 
fuss,  Arthur  Fisher,  A.  L.  Frost,  Anton  Garden, 
Frank  Z.  Click,  Edw.  Hammond,  Prof.  Arthur 
E.  Holt,  Mrs.  H.  R.  Henshaw,  Paul  Hutchinson, 
Florence  Jennison,  Harold  Kelso,  Marjorie  Kemp, 
Rev.  Harold  O.  Kingsley,  A.  M.  Krahl,  Dr.  John 
A.  Lapp,  Glenford  Lawrence,  Samuel  Levin, 
Judith  Lowenthal,  Prof.  Robt.  Morss  Lovett, 
David  McVey,  Rev.  Victor  Marriott,  Dr.  James 
Mullenbach,  Rev.  D.  M.  Nichol,  Rev.  Raymond 
P.  Sanford,  Sarah  B.  Schaar,  William  Seed, 
Clarence  Senior  (nat.  sec.,  Socialist  Party),  Lea 
D.  Taylor  (daughter  of  Graham),  Harriet  Vit- 
tum,  John  Werlik,  Edward  Winston,  Dr.  James 

Local  branch  of  the  Communist  "League 
of  Workers  Theatres  of  the  U.S.A.,"  which 
is  the  American  section  of  the  "Inter- 
national Union  of  the  Revolutionary 
Theatre"  headed  at  Moscow;  Chicago 
headquarters  John  Reed  Club  (Commu- 
nist), 1475  South  Michigan  Ave.;  the 
official  Chicago  Communist  newspaper, 
"Workers  Voice,"  announced  Jan.  21,  1933: 
"The  Workers  Theatre  of  Chicago,  a  revo- 
lutionary group  and  the  first  of  its  kind 
in  the  city  was  launched  by  John  Reed 
Club  which  took  the  lead  in  its  formation 
and  which  regarded  the  step  as  a  potent 
weapon  of  the  toiling  masses  in  their 
struggle  against  capitalism.  .  .  .  Leading 


The  Red  Network 

players  from  the  universities,  Lincoln  Cen- 
ter and  the  Jewish  Peoples  Institute 
crowded  John  Reed  Club  headquarters, 
1475  S.  Michigan  Ave.,  on  a  bitterly  cold 
night  to  discuss  plans  for  the  theatre.  A 
production  committee  .  .  .  was  elected  to 
carry  out  .  .  .  casting  for  the  first  play 
'Precedent,'  a  drama  by  I.  J.  Golden  deal- 
ing with  the  Tom  Mooney  frameup."  This 
play  was  presented  at  the  Goodman 
Theatre,  Grant  Park,  as  the  first  of  the 
series.  Patriotic  efforts,  it  was  reported, 
caused  the  Goodman  Theatre  to  cancel  the 
lease  after  two  performances,  but  at  the 
Communist  May  Day  Mooney  Rally  at 
the  Chicago  Stadium,  May  1,  1933,  tickets 
were  being  sold  for  this  play  to  be  given 
at  the  Chicago  Woman's  Club  that  same 
week;  sponsors  of  the  communist  Chi- 
cago Workers  Theatre  as  listed  by  their 
announcements  are  as  follows: 

Sherwood      Anderson,      Waldo      Frank,  Prof. 

Eustace     Haydon,     Prof.     Scott     Nearing,  Prof. 

Louis    Wirth,     Malcolm    Cowley,     Michael  Gold, 

Mary  McDowell,  Dr.  Curtis  Reese,  Prof.  James 
M.  Yard,  Jacob  L.  Crane,  Albert  Goldman,  Prof. 

Harold  Lasswell,  Prof.  Fred  L.  Schuman,  Prof. 
Robt.  Morss  Lovett. 


Communist  Shanghai  publication  (in 
English)  published  by  an  American,  Harold 
R.  Isaacs,  23  Yuen  Ming  Yuen  Road, 
Shanghai,  China. 


Branch  of  A.A.A.I.  Lg.  of  U.S. 


Classified  by  Smith-Johns  (in  "Pastors, 
Politicians  .and  Pacifists")  as  a  "pro- 
Russian,  revolutionary,  religious  weekly"; 
features  Socialist  and  Communist  articles 
such  as  "The  Communist  Way  Out"  by 
Communist  Scott  Nearing  (Oct.  12,  1932 
issue),  etc. 

Editor,  Chas.  Clayton  Morrison;  mng.  ed., 
Paul  Hutchinson;  lit.  ed.,  Winifred  Ernest  Gar- 
rison; contrib.  eds. :  Lynn  Harold  Hough,  Alva 
W.  Taylor,  Herbert  L.  Willett,  Fred  Eastman, 
Reinhold  Niebuhr,  Joseph  Fort  Newton,  Thos. 
Curtis  Clark,  Robt.  A.  Ashworth;  hdqts.:  440 
S.  Dearborn  Street,  Chicago. 

Chas.  Clayton  Morrison  presided  at  the 
huge  Communist  meeting,  Oct.  23,  1933, 
at  the  Chicago  Coliseum,  held  to  honor 
and  hear  Henri  Barbusse,  French  visiting 
Communist,  founder  of  the  Ex-Service 
Men's  International,  which  teaches  soldiers 
of  all  armies  to  "turn  an  imperialist  war 
into  a  civil  war"  or  red  revolution  by 
shooting  their  officers  in  the  backs,  as  they 

did  in  Russia,  and  blowing  up  their  coun- 
try's ammunition,  etc.  at  the  right  moment. 
Only  the  red  flag  of  revolution  was  dis- 
played and  the  International  sung  at  this 
meeting,  attended  by  about  9,000  Reds 
(and  myself).  Morrison  was  cheered  when 
he  said  we  would  never  have  peace  until 
the  capitalist  system  was  abolished!  In 
introducing  the  various  Communist  speak- 
ers, he  referred  to  Joseph  Freeman  of  the 
communist  "New  Masses"  as  his  "fellow 

"The  Christian  Century,,"  March  29, 
1933,  p.  433,  under  the  heading  "Methodist 
Bishop  Attacks  The  Christian  Century," 
stated:  "In  a  mid-year  letter  to  Methodist 
ministers  in  the  Omaha  area  Bishop  Fred- 
erick D.  Leete  warns  them  against  reading 
The  Christian  Century  and  certain  books, 
unspecified,  published  by  the  Methodist 
book  concern:  'Fellow-preachers,'  says  the 
bishop,  'we  will  do  better  work  if  our 
reading  is  spiritual  rather  than  materialistic, 
critical  and  weak  in  faith  in  the  great 
essentials.  I  find  evidence  and  hear  reports 
which  I  feel  I  ought  to  pass  on  to  the 
effect  that  The  Christian  Century  is  doing 
Methodism  and  the  church  in  general  little 
good.  Some  of  our  pastors  tell  me  they 
have  decided  not  to  support  it  further. 
Some  books  even  from  our  own  firm,  seem 
to  me  injurious.  I  am  determined  to  sup- 
ply my  mind  with  the  most  strengthening 
food.'  " 


Chr.  Soc.  Act.  M. 

A  movement  to  introduce  Socialism- 
Communism  into  churches,  according  to  its 
"Leaders  Handbook,"  sold  at  Methodist 
Board  of  Education  hdqts.,  740  Rush  St., 
Chicago  (price  I5c) ;  organized  April  1932 
by  a  conference  of  84  ministers,  their  wives, 
and  laymen,  fourteen  of  these  giving  "740 
Rush  Street"  as  address;  the  handbook 
anounces  that  "A  Socialist  Minister's  Pro- 
tective Association,  with  21  charter  mem- 
bers was  formed.  .  .  .  The  purpose  of  the 
Assn.  is  to  provide  emergency  maintenance 
for  any  member  who  loses  his  job  because 
of  social  interest  and  activity.  For  detailed 
information  inquiry  may  be  made  of  the 
Rev.  W.  B.  Waltmire,  Humboldt  Pk.  Com- 
munity Church,  Chicago." 

This  precaution  is  not  surprising  in  view 
of  the  program  outlined  in  the  handbook, 
which  gives  detailed  instructions  for  con- 
ducting unemployed  "hearings,"  confer- 
ences, mid-week  discussion  meetings,  dra- 
matics, games,  calling  attention  in  ser- 

Organizations,  Etc. 


mons  to  a  rack  of  Communist  and  Social- 
ist literature  to  be  placed  in  the  Church 
for  reading,  and  numerous  other  schemes 
for  definitely  propagandizing  the  belief 
that  our  American  "capitalistic"  social  sys- 
tem has  permanently  collapsed  and  that 
Socialism  must  be  substituted  for  it.  The 
books  recommended  for  reading  by  Church 
people  are  by  such  authors  as  Atheist- 
Socialist  Haldeman-Julius,  atheistic  Com- 
munists Robt.  W.  Dunn,  Scott  Nearing, 
Grace  Hutchins,  Anna  Rochester,  Char- 
lotte Todes,  and  M.  Ilin  of  Russia  (Geo. 
S.  Counts'  translation),  and  radicals  Nor- 
man Thomas,  Harry  Ward,  Kirby  Page, 
Sherwood  Eddy,  James  Weldon  Johnson, 
Winthrop  Lane,  Oscar  Ameringer,  Paul 
Douglas,  the  Webbs  (English  radicals), 
G.  B.  Shaw,  H.  W.  Laidler,  Maurice  Hin- 
dus, Stuart  Chase,  Arthur  Garfield  Hays, 
Raushenbush,  Meiklejohn,  etc.;  and  also 
A.C.L.U.  pamphlets. 

Under  "Resource  Agencies,"  are  listed 
the  leading  radical  organizations  such  as 
the  League  for  Industrial  Democracy,  Fel- 
lowship of  Reconciliation,  Committee  on 
Militarism  in  Education,  Methodist  Fed- 
eration for  Social  Service,  etc.  Observance 
of  the  "first  of  May  Labor  Day"  (the 
Communist  Labor  Day)  is  advised. 

The  following  are  characteristic  excerpts 
from  this  "Leaders  Handbook":  "Pro- 
gressive Steps  Toward  Socialism  (1)  Up- 
lift and  coercion.  Our  task  is  to  get  under- 
neath the  victims  of  our  present  order  and 
lift  up  and  get  above  and  press  down" 
(Most  capitalists  are  well  pressed  down 
now  it  would  seem  and  because  of  that 
the  job  holders  suffer.)  "Industrial  Justice 
cannot  be  secured  without  coercion." 
(Coercion  is  a  polite  word  for  a  Socialist 
program);  "(4)  Political  Organization: 
Workers  must  be  organized  into  a  political 
party."  (The  un-American  idea  of  joining 
church  and  state  in  politics);  (p.  58). 
"Foment  Discontent.  There  is  great  danger 
religion  may  be  'the  opium  of  the  people'  " 
(quoting  atheist  Karl  Marx),  "it  is  the 
duty  of  the  Church  to  stimulate  the  spirit 
of  protest  and  revolt  within  the  breasts 
of  impoverished  men  and  women;  (12) 
That  all  ministers  who  are  willing  to  par- 
ticipate actively  in  the  industrial  conflict 
register  with  the  Methodist  Federation  for 
Social  Service  ...  to  act  as  arbitrators  or 
as  actual  participants  in  the  distribution 
of  literature,  parading,  speaking,  picketing," 
etc.;  (p.  58)  "Minority  groups:  The 
local  church  should  cooperate  with  all 
those  organizations  in  the  community 
which  are  seeking  basic  changes  in  the 

economic  order."  (Socialists,  Communists, 
Anarchists,  I.W.W.'s  are  such  "minority 
groups,"  and  advocate  "basic  changes" 
involving  sedition  and  revolution.)  "The 
church  building  should  be  made  available 
as  a  meeting  place  for  such  groups  when- 
ever there  is  a  denial  of  free  speech. 
Wherever  there  is  no  agency  to  call  a 
meeting  of  protest  in  the  event  of  violation 
of  human  rights  and  civil  liberties,  min- 
isters and  churches  should  take  the 
initiative  in  so  doing."  ("Free  speech"  is 
the  battle  cry  of  all  Reds  favoring  sedition 
and  revolution.)  The  conference,  in  this 
handbook,  thanks  those  who  "so  gener- 
ously contributed  time,  effort  and  expert 
information"  to  make  it  a  success,  naming 
as  "good  angels":  Kirby  Page,  Arthur  E. 
Holt,  J.  Stitt  Wilson,  Paul  Hutchinson, 
Clarence  Tucker  Craig,  Karl  Borders,  David 
Shillinglaw,  Wm.  C.  Bonner,  F.  S.  Deibler 
and  Clarence  Senior. 

The  chairman  of  the  Christian  Social  Action 
Movement  is  Gilbert  S.  Cox;  Secretary,  Owen  M. 
Geer,  740  Rush  St.,  Chgo.;  Executive  Com- 
mittee: Ross  Conner,  Whitewater,  Wis.;  J. 
Pierce  Newell,  Rockford,  111.;  Paul  Hutchinson, 
Chgo.;  John  C.  Irwin,  740  Rush  St.,  Chgo.; 
Douglas  Anderson,  Illiopolis,  111.;  W.  B.  Walt- 
mire,  Chgo.;  B.  E.  Kirkpatrick,  740  Rush  St., 
Chgo.;  Wade  Crawford  Barclay,  740  Rush  St., 
Chgo.;  O.  W.  Auman,  740  Rush  St.,  Chgo.;  Edi- 
torial Committee:  Alice  B.  Mallory,  Elmhurst, 
111.,  and  several  of  the  executive  committee 
members.  Other  committee  members  listed  are: 
Gross  W.  Alexander,  Fresno,  Cal.;  Lester  Auman, 
Jamaica,  N.Y.;  E.  W.  Blakeman,  Wesley  Foun- 
dation, Ann  Arbor,  Mich.;  Karl  Borders,  Chi- 
cago; E.  A.  Brown,  Cleveland,  Ohio;  Harold  C. 
Case,  Glencoe,  111.;  Richard  Decker,  Auburn, 
Wash.;  R.  O.  Hills,  Casper,  Wyo.;  Theo.  Miner, 
Saltsburg,  Pa.;  R.  B.  Porter,  Eugene,  Ore.;  Harry 
O.  Ritter,  St.  Louis,  Mo.;  Chas.  Schofield,  Ft. 
Collins,  Colo.;  Benj.  Schwartz,  Muscatine,  la.; 
Carl  C.  Seitter,  Los  Angeles,  Cal.;  Paul  J. 
Snyder,  Minneapolis,  Minn.;  J.  Stitt  Wilson, 
Berkeley,  Cal. 

Other  conference  members  listed  are: 

James  Asher,  St.  Paul,  Minn.;  Carl  Asmus, 
Stevens  Pt.,  Wis.;  G.  E.  Bailey,  Minneapolis, 
Minn.;  Chas.  F.  Boss,  Jr.,  740  Rush  St.,  Chi- 
cago; Mr.  and  Mrs.  Chester  L.  Bower,  Chgo.; 
Ina  C.  Brown,  Nashville,  Tenn.;  Dan  B.  Brum- 
mitt,  740  Rush  St.,  Chgo.;  Geo.  A.  Burcham, 
Evanston,  111.;  Roy  E.  Burt,  740  Rush  St., 
Chgo.;  Mrs.  Roy  E.  Burt,  Chicago;  Fay  Butler, 
Los  Angeles,  Cal.;  Mark  Chamberlain,  S.  Mil- 
waukee, Wis.;  Clarence  Tucker  Craig,  Oberlin, 
O.;  Lewis  H.  Davis,  Long  Island,  N.Y.;  Nellie 
M.  Day.  Chicago;  Merle  N.  English,  740  Rush 
St.,  Chicago;  Mrs.  M.  N.  English,  Chicago; 
Carl  Gamer,  Mazon,  111.;  Ruth  C.  Geer,  Elm- 
hurst,  111.;  Mrs.  U.  S.  Grant,  Evanston,  111.; 
W.  E.  J.  Gratz,  740  Rush  St.,  Chicago;  Earl  C. 
Heck,  Westchester,  N.Y.;  Chas.  Hempstead, 
Cleveland,  Ohio;  E.  C.  Hickman,  St.  Paul,  Minn.; 
Carl  Hutchinson,  Chicago;  Geo.  B.  Jones,  Brook, 
Ind.;  C.  C.  Jordan,  Gary,  Ind.;  Andrew  Juvinall, 
Evanston,  111.;  Clyde  Keegan,  Boulder,  Colo.; 
H.  R.  Kelley,  Centralia,  111.;  Roy  Kelley,  740 
Rush  St.,  Chgo.;  A.  E.  Kirk,  740  Rush  St., 
Chgo.;  Mrs.  B.  E.  Kirkpatrick,  Chgo.;  Clyde 


The  Red  Network 

Little,  DeSoto,  Mo.;  Wm.  Matson,  Huntington 
Beach,  Cal.;  Frank  M.  McKibben,  Evanston, 
111.;  Wendell  Miller,  Harbor  City,  Cal.;  Lester 
R.  Minion,  Polo,  IB.;  Floyd  Morris,  Jackson- 
ville, N.Y.;  Ruth  Morton,  Chicago;  T.  Otto 
Nail,  740  Rush  St.,  Chicago;  Kirby  Page,  N.Y. 
C.;  Mary  Randolph,  740  Rush  St.,  Chicago; 
Victor  H.  Reiser,  Waveland,  Ind.;  Paul  A. 
Schlipp,  College  of  the  Pacific,  Stockton,  Cal.; 
Joseph  Sefl,  Chicago;  Russel  Stroup,  Balboa, 
Cal.;  A.  E.  Tink,  West  Bend,  Wis.;  Mrs.  Geo. 
H.  Tomlinson,  Evanston,  111.;  Frank  Toothaker, 
Hynes,  Cal.;  Vernon  C.  Tyree,  Delta,  Colo.; 
W.  D.  Waller,  Santa  Fe,  N.M.;  E.  C.  Wareing, 
Cincinnati,  Ohio;  Morgan  Williams,  Chicago, 
111.;  Roland  Wolseley,  Evanston,  111.;  James  M. 
Yard,  Evanston,  111. 

The  handbook  states  on  page  48  that 
invitations  to  this  conference  were  sent 
"only  to  those  who  were  socially  awakened ; 
had  already  done  a  good  deal  of  thinking 
on  social  and  economic  questions;  who 
were  ready  to  start  with  the  assumption 
that  the  present  system  is  basically 
wrong,  ..."  etc. 


Ch.  Emer.  Com.  Rel.  Textile  Strik. 

Formed  to  aid  the  jointly-conducted 
Communist  and  Socialist  strike  at  Dan- 
ville Va.,  of  the  United  Textile  Workers 
Union  and  communist  National  Textile 
Workers  Union;  hdqts.:  287  4th  Ave., 
N.Y.C.;  includes:  Dr.  Alva  W.  Taylor, 
chmn.,  Rev.  Wm.  B.  Spofford,  treas.,  Rev. 
James  Myers,  Rev.  W.  Russel  Bowie, 
Winifred  Chappell,  Jerome  Davis,  Mary 
Dreier,  Rev.  Hubert  Herring,  Rev.  Ronald 
Tamblyn,  Rev.  Worth  M.  Tippy,  Rev. 
Chas.  Webber. 


Ch.  L.I.D. 

An  Episcopal  Socialist  organization  using 
L.I.D.  literature;  it  absorbed  the  Church 
Socialist  League  (see) ;  was  formed  in  1920 
by  members  of  the  A.C.L.U.  and  L.I.D. ; 
the  pres.  was  Rev.  Edw.  L.  Parsons;  chmn. 
Vida  Scudder;  treas.  Geo.  Foster  Peabody; 
asst.  treas.  Rev.  Horace  Fort;  sec.  Rev. 
Wm.  B.  Spofford;  now  headed  by  Rev. 
Wm.  B.  Spofford;  claims  about  1,000 

The  following  excerpts  are  from  the 
"Statement  of  Principles"  of  the  Church 
L.I.D.:  "We  face  a  world  in  revolution.  .  .  . 
We  believe  that  the  Church  is  ready  and 
anxious  to  discover  how  it  can  best  be 
useful  in  forwarding  the  New  Order;  and 
we  therefore  pledge  ourselves  to  help  the 
great  mass  of  Church  people  who  are  as 

yet  uncertain  how  to  find  the  way.  .  .  . 
In  case  of  teachers  and  preachers  in  our 
communion  whose  positions  are  endangered 
by  reason  of  their  social  radicalism  we 
promise  ...  to  give  moral  and  practical 
support  to  those  who  shall  clearly  be  seen 
to  have  incurred  persecution  through 
advising  of  social  change.  .  .  .  We  further 
intend  to  assist  in  recruiting  such  candi- 
dates for  the  ministry  as  shall  enter  it 
with  desire  for  socialized  leadership." 

To  quote  from  an  "Open  Letter  to  Mem- 
bers of  the  Protestant  Episcopal  Church," 
issued  by  The  Movement  Against  Socialism 
in  the  Church,  18  Tremont  Street,  Room 
732,  Boston,  Mass.  (Page  8):  "The  first 
convention  of  the  Church  League  for 
Industrial  Democracy,  at  New  York,  was 
addressed  by  the  conspicuous  radical  agi- 
tators, the  Rev.  Harry  F.  Ward,  Chair- 
man of  the  American  Civil  Liberties  Union 
(hereinafter  called  A.C.L.U.) ;  Lincoln 
Steffens,  magazine  writer ;  James  H.  Maurer, 
of  the  communist  Trades  Union  Edu- 
cational League,  who  seems  to  have  signed 
the  call  for  the  convention,  and  others. 
Professor  Vida  D.  Scudder,  of  Wellesley 
College,  an  officer  of  both  the  League  for 
Industrial  Democracy  (hereinafter  called 
L.I.D.)  and  A.C.L.U.,  and  the  Rev.  Horace 
Fort,  also  of  the  L.I.D.,  are,  or  were,  offi- 
cers of  the  Church  League  for  Industrial 
Democracy  (hereinafter  called  C.L.I.D.). 
Its  Executive  Secretary,  the  Rev.  William 
B.  Spofford,  wrote  of  it  under  date  of  June 
1,  1926,  in  answer  to  an  inquiry,  as  fol- 
lows: 'The  Church  Socialist  League,  to 
which  you  addressed  your  letter,  was  dis- 
banded last  year;  the  members  at  that 
time  joining  the  C.L.I.D.  We  felt  that 
there  was  hardly  room  in  the  Episcopal 
Church  for  two  organizations  with  prac- 
tically the  same  aim.  ...  We  are  people 
who  are  classed  all  the  way  from  liberals 
to  communists.'  (Italics  ours.)  Another 
letter  from  Mr.  Spofford,  printed  in  the 
Twentieth  Aniversary  booklet  of  the  L.I.D. 
says:  'At  a  meeting  of  the  Executive  Com- 
mittee of  the  C.L.I.D.  recently,  it  was 
decided  that  there  was  little  use  for  pub- 
lications of  our  own,  so  long  as  the  L.I.D. 
continued  to  get  out  such  splendid  pam- 
phlets, which  could  be  purchased  for  dis- 
tribution at  low  cost.' " 



Organized  1911  by  Episcopal  clergy  and 
laymen;  its  national  secretary,  Rev.  Byron- 
Curtiss,  in  a  report  in  the  radicals'  Amer- 
ican Labor  Year  Book  (volume  II,  pp. 

Organizations,  Etc. 


358-60)  said:  "In  spite  of  the  conservatism 
of  the  Episcopal  Church  and  its  members 
yet  that  church  has  officially  adopted 
radical  and  even  revolutionary  resolutions 
and  the  influence  of  the  Church  Socialist 
League  is  discernible  as  giving  color  to 
them.  A  considerable  share  of  the  clergy 
are  tinctured  with  Socialism.  With  but 
6,000  clergy,  several  hundred  are  avowed 
Socialists  and  nearly  one  hundred  are  mem- 
bers of  the  Socialist  Party";  the  official 
organ  was  the  quarterly  'The  Social 
Preparation,"  whi'ch  asserted:  "We  are 
not  reformers  trying  to  patch  up  an  out 
worn  garment  but  revolutionists";  a  meet- 
ing of  the  League  held  at  the  Rand  School, 
June  29,  1919,  issued  a  radical  manifesto 
calling  for  a  "complete  revolution  of  our 
present  economic  and  social  disorder,"  etc., 
and  sent  a  message  to  Pres.  Wilson  express- 
ing absolute  sympathy  with  the  Soviet 
government  of  Russia  and  asking  him  to 
cease  intervention  in  Russia  (Lusk 
Report).  Those  who  signed  this  manifesto 
and  in  whose  behalf  Reverends  Smiley  and 
Spofford  sent  the  message  to  Pres.  Wilson 
were:  Reverends  John  Paul  Jones,  J.  P. 
Morris,  Chas.  H.  Collett,  James  L.  Smiley, 
Wm.  B.  Spofford,  J.  G.  Mythen,  Alfred 
Pridis,  Irwin  St.  John  Tucker  (convicted 
that  year  of  sedition),  A.  L.  Byron- Curtiss, 
Horace  Fort,  Robt.  Johnson,  Richard  M. 
Doubs,  Alfred  Farr,  Geo.  J.  Miller,  and 
John  M.  Horton ;  the  League  was  absorbed 
by  the  Church  League  for  Industrial 
Democracy  about  1920  (see  above). 


Sponsored  by  4A  and  other  radicals. 


Chinese  Communist  subsidiary;  head- 
quarters H.  T.  Chang,  P.  O.  Box  2454, 
San  Francisco,  California. 


French  Communist  club,  30  W.  58th  St., 
N.Y.  City;  part  of  the  Clarte  Movement 
formed  by  Henri  Barbusse.  Associated  with 
him  were  the  writers:  Anatole  France, 
Jules  Romains,  Thos.  Hardy,  and  H.  G. 
Wells  (Daily  Worker,  Sept.  29,  1933). 


Communist  T.U.U.L.  union;  223  Second 
Ave.,  N.Y.  City. 


Aug.  29-30,  1933 ;  called  by  about  thirty 
Communist  Party  leaders,  joined  by  some 

A.F.  of  L.  local  officers;  10  Progressive 
Miners  Union  representatives;  Full  Fash- 
ioned Hosiery  Wkrs.  officers;  Francis  Hen- 
son  of  the  Nat.  R.  &  L.  Found.;  etc. 

A  Communist  T.U.U.L.  union. 


Abbreviation  for  Communist  Inter- 
national (see  Internationals;  also  Commu- 
nist Organization  in  the  U.S.A.). 



Of  the  A.C.L.U.;  defends  the  right  of 
teachers  to  teach  Red  revolutionary  doc- 
trines in  the  class  room;  Prof.  Wm.  H. 
Kilpatrick,  chmn.;  Forrest  Bailey,  sec. 


Com.  on  Coal  &  Giant  P. 

A  Socialist-controlled  organization  sub- 
sidized by  the  Garland  Fund  (see  "Garland 
Fund"),  working  for  public  ownership  of 
utilities  and  the  coal  industry,  which  is 
part  of  the  Socialist  program.  Italicized 
names  in  the  following  list  of  its  advisory 
council  members  (1926)  were  also  League 
for  Industrial  Democracy  (L.I.D.)  officers 
or  directors:  Oscar  Ameringer,  Robt.  W. 
Bruere,  Stuart  Chase,  McAlister  Coleman, 
H.  C.  Cross,  Morris  Ernst,  Clinton  J. 
Golden,  Robt.  L.  Hale,  Arthur  Garfield 
Hays,  A.  S.  Holcombe,  A.  B.  Jones,  Milton 
Jones,  H.  W.  Laidler,  J.  H.  McGill  (vice 
pres.  Pub.  O.  Lg.  of  Am.),  Evelyn  Preston, 
Donald  Richberg,  Champlain  Riley,  J.  H. 
Ryckman,  George  Soule,  Norman  Thomas, 
Edw.  Wieck,  U.S.  Sen.  Geo.  W.  Norris, 
Delso  Wilcox  (vice  pres.  Pub.  O.  Lg.  of 
Am.),  H.  W.  Raushenbush  (secretary). 


Com.  Cult.  Rel.  Lat.  Am. 

An  A.C.L.U.  -  dominated  committee 
organized  about  1928-29  with  Hubert  C. 
Herring  (A.C.L.U.,  nat.  com.)  as  executive 
director;  is  antagonistic  toward  the  Mon- 
roe Doctrine  and  deplores  U.S.  "imperial- 
ism" ;  in  this  respect  its  program  is  identical 
with  that  of  the  communist  All  America 
Anti-Imperialist  League,  which,  among 
other  activities,  directs  its  propaganda 
shafts  at  U.S.  "imperialism"  and  the  Mon- 
roe Doctrine;  a  letter  sent  out  Oct.  26, 


The  Red  Network 

1931  by  the  Chicago  Branch  soliciting 
attendance  at  a  dinner  at  the  Chicago 
Woman's  Club,  Nov.  9th,  to  be  addressed 
by  Herring,  stated  in  part:  "Among  other 
features  will  be  a  description  by  Mr. 
Herring  of  some  proposed  short  conducted 
trips  in  December  and  January  and  a 
Seminar  in  the  Carribean  in  February. 
These  should  appeal  to  many  people  who 
have  been  charmed  with  what  they  have 
read  and  seen  of  Mexico  and  the  Carri- 
bean, especially  those  who  have  been  read- 
ing recent  volumes  such  as  that  of  Stuart 
Chase."  On  the  letterhead,  executives  of 
the  Chicago  branch  were  listed  as:  "Mrs. 
Frank  H.  McCulloch,  chairman,  231  S. 
La  Salle  St."  (Catherine  Waugh  McCul- 
loch, A.C.L.U.  Chgo.  Com.);  "Clyde  C. 
McGee,  vice  chairman,  1755  W.  103rd  St." 
(A.C.L.U.  Chgo.  Com.) ;  "Mrs.  Henry  W. 
Austin,  treasurer,  1022  Lake  Street,  Oak 
Park;  Rudolph  A.  Clemen,  secretary,  650 
Garland  Ave.,  Winnetka." 

Officers:  John  Dewey,  Hon.  Chmn.; 
Stuart  Chase,  Chmn.;  Walter  Frank, 
Treas.;  Edward  A.  Ross,  Florence  E. 
Allen,  Henry  Goddard  Leach,  Father  Fred- 
eric Siedenburg,  Vice-chmn.;  Hubert  C. 
Herring,  Exec.  Dir. 


C.M.E.  and  C.M.E.I11. 

Supporting  organization  of  Communist- 
organized  and  controlled  U.S.  Congress 
Against  War  and  represented  on  similar 
World  Congress  of  Youth  Against  War 
and  Fascism  by  Edwin  C.  Johnson. 

Received  $12,400  from  the  "Red"  Gar- 
land Fund  to  propagandize  against  military 
training  in  the  schools,  $5,400  of  which, 
according  to  the  Garland  Fund  1925-28 
official  report,  was  "for  preparation  and 
distribution  of  pamphlet  on  Military 
Training  in  Schools  and  Colleges  in  the 
U.S."  by  Socialist  Winthrop  D.  Lane.  This 
pamphlet  was  widely  distributed  by  the 
closely  associated  Fellowship  of  Recon- 
ciliation, the  League  for  Industrial  Democ- 
racy, Women's  International  League  for 
Peace  and  Freedom,  American  Civil  Lib- 
erties Union,  all  financed  in  part  by  the 
Garland  Fund,  and  to  some  extent  by  the 
Federal  Council  of  Churches.  Quarters 
adjoined  the  Fellowship  of  Reconciliation 
(Room  383)  at  387  Bible  House,  Astor 
Place,  New  York  City  (until  the  Fell. 
Recon.  moved,  1933). 

Alvin  C.  Goddard,  Treasurer;  Tucker  P.  Smith 
Rnd  Edwin  C.  Johnson,  Secretaries;  Executive 
Board:  George  A.  Coe,  Chairman,  Harry  A.  Over- 

street  and  John  Nevin  Sayre,  Vice  Chairmen,  and 
Roswell  P.  Barnes,  Leslie  Blanchard,  Mrs.  J. 
Henry  Callister,  Inez  Cavert,  Mrs.  Bennett  Ep- 
stein, Mrs.  J.  Malcolm  Forbes,  William  B.  Harvey, 
E.  C.  Lindeman,  Patrick  Malin,  Norman  Thomas, 
Wellington  H.  Tinker,  Walter  Van  Kirk,  Kenneth 
Walser;  National  Council:  Will  W.  Alexander, 
Rev.  W.  Russell  Bowie,  Howell  Hamilton  Broach, 
John  Brophy,  Bayard  H.  Christy,  J.  Elwood  Cox, 
Albert  F.  Coyle,  Mrs.  J.  Sergeant  Cram,  Prof 
Jerome  Davis,  James  H.  Dillard,  Sherwood  Eddy, 
Rev.  Noble  S.  Elderkin,  Prof.  Charles  Ellwood, 
Zona  Gale,  Lindley  V.  Gordon,  Rev.  Joel  Hayden 
Prof.  Carlton  J.  H.  Hayes,  Pres.  John  M.  Henry 
(Coll.  Pres.),  Rev.  John  Herring,  Prof.  Manley 
O.  Hudson,  Hannah  Clothier  Hull,  Prof.  Rufus 
Jones,  James  Weldon  Johnson,  Frederick  Libby 
Prof.  Robert  Morss  Lovett,  Halford  Luccock, 
Frederick  Lynch,  James  H.  Maurer,  Prof.  Alexander 
Meiklejohn,  Bishop  Francis  J.  McConnell,  Mrs. 
John  F.  Moors,  Orie  O.  Miller,  Pres.  Arthur  E. 
Morgan  (Coll.  Pres.),  Pres.  S.  K.  Mosiman  (Coll. 
Pres.),  A.  J.  Muste,  Rev.  Reinhold  Niebuhr,  Frank 
Olmstead;  Pres.  Bromley  Oxnam,  (Coll.  Pres ) 
Kirby  Page,  Pres.  Marion  Park  (Coll.  Pres.), 
Bishop  Edward  L.  Parsons,  Carl  Patterson,  Prof 
Ira  M.  Price,  Justice  James  Hoge  Ricks,  Prof.  W. 
Carson  Ryan,  Dean  William  J.  Scarlett,  Henry 
Seabury,  Mary  Seabury,  J.  Henry  Scattergood, 
Charles  M.  Sheldon,  Rabbi  Abba  Hillel  Silver, 
Katherine  V.  Silverthorn,  Thomas  Guthrie  Speers 
Rev.  Ernest  F.  Tittle,  Henry  P.  Van  Dusen, 
Oswald  G.  Villard,  Rabbi  Stephen  S.  Wise,  Prof 
Luther  A.  Weigle,  Pres.  Mary  E.  Woolley  (Coll. 
Pres.),  William  Allen  White;  Illinois  Committee 
on  Militarism  in  Education:  Jane  Addams,  Jos. 
C.  Artman,  Rev.  Orrin  W.  Auman,  Zonia  Baber, 
Rev.  James  C.  Baker  (Champaign),  Rev.  Norman 
Barr,  Rev.  (Prof.)  Frank  O.  Beck,  Alice  Boynton, 
Rev.  Dan  B.  Brummitt,  Rev.  A.  J.  Burns  (Cham- 
paign), Dr.  Geo.  A.  Coe,  Rev.  Gilbert  Cox,  Prof. 
Paul  H.  Douglas,  A.  J.  Elliott  (Evanston),  Prof. 
Fred  Eastman  (Chgo.  Theological  Seminary,  con- 
trib.  "Christian  Century"),  Arthur  Fisher,  Marion 
Fisher,  Prof.  R.  Worth  Frank  (McCormick 
Theol.  Sem.,  radical  pacifist).  Rev.  Chas. 
Gilkey,  Wilbur  D.  Grose  (Wesley  Found.  U.  of 
111.;  organizer  of  Com.),  Ann  Guthrie  (exec.  sec. 
Chgo.  Y.W.C.A.;  Fellowship  for  a  Christian 
Social  Order),  Maude  Gwinn,  Frederick  Hall  (con- 
trib.  "Christian  Century"). 


National  movement  for  boycotting  Ger- 
many, supposedly  because  of  its  anti- 
Jewish  activities,  organized  by  Samuel 
Untermyer  of  N.Y.  City.  No  one  who 
treasures  American  freedom  wants  fascism 
or  Hitlerism  for  America,  but  it  is  only 
fair  to  note  that  Germany  had  6,000,000 
Communists  bent  on  Red  terrorist  revo- 
lution and  that  Russian  Jews  had  made 
themselves  prominent  in  the  Red  move- 
ment, and  that  Naziism  has  directed  its 
attacks  more  against  conspiring,  revo- 
lutionary Communist  Jews,  than  against 
nationalist  German  Jews  who  aided  Ger- 
many during  the  war;  if  it  has  discrim- 
inated against  the  innocent  also,  it  has 
been  with  no  such  ferocity  and  loss  of  life 
as  the  planned  and  imminent  Communist 
revolution  would  have  wreaked  upon  the 
German  population,  had  it  been  successful 

Organizations,  Etc. 


as  in  Russia.  Those  making  altruistic 
appeals  for  human  rights  for  Jews  in 
Germany,  should  at  the  same  time  raise 
their  voices  urging  boycott  of  atheist  Rus- 
sia in  behalf  of  its  persecuted  Christians 
and  millions  of  "liquidated"  starved 
Ukrainians,  in  order  to  escape  the  suspicion 
that  they  are  protesting  for  Communist 
rather  than  "human"  rights. 

Chicago  officers:  Chmn.  Salmon  O. 
Levinson  (pres.  of  red  Abraham  Lincoln 
Center) ;  pres.  Paul  Hutchinson  (active 
in  various  pro-Soviet  activities) ;  exec.  sec. 
Prof.  James  M.  Yard  (backer  of  various 
Communist  activities). 

Committee:  Dr.  Preston  Bradley,  Gen.  John  V. 
Clinnin,  Dr.  Copeland  Smith,  Dr.  Arthur  O. 
Black,  Gen.  Frank  A.  Schwengel,  Chas.  Sincere, 
Mrs.  Ella  Alschuler,  Mrs.  Paul  Steinbrecher,  Mrs. 
Geo.  V.  Mclntyre,  Dr.  Willard  Hotchkiss,  Samuel 
H.  Holland,  Dr.  Horace  J.  Bridges  (A.C.L.U.), 
Mrs.  Clark  Eichelberger ;  see  "Who's  Who"  for 
John  A.  Lapp,  Chas.  Clayton  Morrison,  Curtis  W. 
Reese  (of  A.  Lincoln  Center),  Col.  Raymond 
Robins,  Mrs.  B.  F.  Langworthy,  John  Fitzpatrick. 

Hdqts.:  Room  437,  30  N.  La  Salle  St., 


Com.  for  Thomas 

Committees  organized  to  aid  the  peren- 
nial campaigns  of  Norman  Thomas  as  So- 
cialist candidate  for  Governor  of  New 
York,  President  of  the  United  States  and 
other  offices  bear  names  such  as  "Non- 
Partisan  Committee  for  Norman  Thomas," 
"Educators' "  (also  Professional  Men's, 
Writers',  Artists'  and  Publicists',  Trade 
Union,  Intercollegiate)  "Committee  for 
Thomas  and  Maurer,"  etc. 


A  very  radical  new  magazine;  mouth- 
piece of  the  League  for  Independent 
Political  Action  (L.I.P.A.)  and  its  Conf. 
for  Prog.  Pol.  Action  and  cooperating  with 
the  National  Religion  and  Labor  Foun- 
dation, Christian  Social  Action  Movement, 
and  Emergency  Committee  for  Strikers 
Relief;  organized  and  edited  by  Alfred  M. 
Bingham  of  the  national  committee  of  the 
communist  F.S.U.,  son  of  Hiram  Bingham, 
former  U.S.  Senator  from  Connecticut; 
Editors:  Alfred  M.  Bingham,  Selden  Rod- 
man; Contributors  include:  Communists 
John  Dos  Passos,  V.  F.  Calverton,  Robt. 
Cantwell,  Max  Eastman,  Albert  Weisbord, 
Chas.  Yale  Harrison,  James  Rorty;  Com- 
munist-Socialist Upton  Sinclair;  former 
Communists  Ludwig  Lore,  J.B.S.  Hard- 
man,  etc.;  Carleton  Beals;  also  Socialists 
Stuart  Chase,  George  Soule,  A.  J.  Muste, 
Robt.  S.  Allen  (L.I.P.A.  dir.),  Henry  Haz- 

litt  (ed.  "Nation")  and  other  radicals. 
(The  communist  "Anvil,"  Sept.-Oct.  issue, 


At  Mena,  Arkansas;  a  communistic,  co- 
educational, cooperative  labor  college  to 
train  radical  labor  agitators  and  organizers ; 
has  about  forty-three  students  and  ten 
faculty  members,  whose  delegation  to  Ken- 
tucky in  1932  were  arrested  as  Commu- 
nists; received  $24,580  between  1924-8 
from  the  Garland  Fund,  and  when  this 
support  stopped,  Communists,  Socialists, 
I.W.W.'s  and  intellectual  sympathizers 
were  called  upon  to  help  maintain  it;  the 
Federated  Press,  N.Y.,  Sept.  1,  1926,  stated: 
"Legal  services  of  the  American  Civil 
Liberties  Union  are  offered  to  Common- 
wealth College  to  resist  the  attempt  of 
the  Arkansas  American  Legion  executive 
committee  to  investigate  the  teaching  and 
maintenance  of  the  institution";  the  Feb. 
1931  issue  of  the  National  Republic  said: 
"In  a  recent  issue  of  Fortnightly"  (the 
bulletin  of  Commonwealth  College)  "Prof. 
Zeuch  declared  that  he  wished  the  Fish 
Committee  would  visit  Commonwealth 
College  so  that  they  could  be  told  of  'the 
many  good  things  about  red,  red  Russia 
and  the  many  evil  things  about  the  U.S.,' 
and  printed  a  letter  from  a  longshoreman 
engaged  in  trying  to  teach  negroes  atheism 
and  to  organize  'the  right  kind  of  labor 
unions  under  Communist  auspices'";  the 
same  National  Republic  issue  also  con- 
tained the  following:  ".  .  .  the  13th  anni- 
versary of  the  'first  workers'  democracy — 
Soviet  Russia — was  celebrated  at  the  Com- 
mons, Commonwealth  College,  Mena, 
Arkansas,  on  Nov.  9.  The  meeting  con- 
cluded with  singing  of  the  Internationale. 
Under  the  caption  'Fellow  Builders,'  the 
'Fortnightly'  says  that  'since  the  last  issue 
the  Brandeises' "  (Justice  and  Mrs. 
Brandeis)  "'and  Floyd  Dell  have  re- 
pledged  for  the  1931-32-33  period'"; 
among  the  officers  of  Commonwealth  Col- 
lege (1931)  besides  W.  E.  Zeuch  were: 
Kate  Richards  O'Hare;  Covington  Hall,  an 
I.W.W.  writer  and  poet;  Albert  E.  Coyle; 
William  Bouck,  radical  agricultural  leader; 
Alice  Stone  Blackwell;  U.S.  Sen.  Lynn  J. 
Frazier;  John  Haynes  Holmes;  Ernest  R. 
Meitzen,  member  of  the  Communist  I.L.D. 
and  Communist  United  Farmers  Edu- 
cational League;  and  Upton  Sinclair,  "a 
violent  literary  Socialist"  (Lusk  Report) 
and  Communist  writer. 

Among  1933  financial  contributors  were 
Harry  Ward,  Max  Eastman,  Aaron  L. 


The  Red  Network 

Shapiro,  Roger  Baldwin,  Prof.  Ernest  W. 
Burgess  (U.  of  Chgo.).  The  Oct.  1932 
Nat.  Republic  quotes  from  the  Common- 
wealth Bulletin  the  ironical  news  that  the 
capitalistic  Carnegie  Corporation  had  do- 
nated funds  for  modernizing  the  Common- 
wealth plant.  How  capitalists  do  love  to 
help  the  Reds!  Lucien  Koch  was  director 
1933  and  the  following  telegram  was  sent 
dated  Nov.  7,  1933  to  "M.  Litvinoff.  In 
care  of  Boris  Skvirsky,  Washington,  D.C.": 

"Commonwealth  has  long  recognized  Soviet 
Russia  and  its  tremendous  significance  to  the 
future  of  economic  planning.  It  extends  greetings 
and  felicitations  to  Soviet  Russia's  able  repre- 
sentative and  invites  him  to  visit  and  inspect 
Commonwealth,  a  worker's  college  at  Mena, 
Arkansas,  which  supports  itself  by  running  a 
Kolhoz  or  collective  farm.  Wire  answer  collect. 
Commonwealth  College,  Mena,  Arkansas." 

While  the  wire  states  that  Common- 
wealth supports  itself  another  column  of 
the  college  paper  announces  that  Lucien 
Koch  is  in  the  East  begging  funds  to 
carry  on. 

COMMUNIST,  THE  (Magazine) 
The    official    monthly    magazine    of    the 
Communist      Party     of     U.S.A.     theory; 
address:    P.O.  Box  148,  Station  D.,  N.Y. 
City;  20c  per  copy. 

A  former  Communist  Party  executive 
estimates  that  during  1933  there  were 
about  300  Communist  camps  in  the  United 
States  including  Camps  Unity  (of  the 
T.U.U.L.),  Camps  Nitgedaiget,  Young 
Pioneer,  W.I.R.,  Young  Communist  League 
Camps,  etc. 

The  St.  Denis  Bldg.,  N.Y.  City,  is  located 
on  the  S.W.  corner  of  llth  and  Broadway, 
with  addresses  of  80  East  llth  St.  on  one 
side  and  799  Broadway  on  the  other. 
Suite  436  is  the  national  hdqts.  of  the 
communist  Unemployed  Councils  now  agi- 
tating in  36  states.  In  the  same  building 
are  located  the  offices  of  the  communist 
F.S.U.,  I.L.D.,  I.C.O.R.,  Nat.  Com.  for 
Defense  Political  Prisoners,  Labor  Re- 
search Assn.,  Workers  Health  Service, 
Proletarian  Anti-Religious  League,  United 
Council  of  Working  Class  Housewives, 
United  Council  of  Working  Class  Women, 
and  League  of  Struggle  for  Negro  Rights. 
The  main  hdqts.  is  an  eight  story  building 
owned  and  completely  occupied  by  the 
Communist  Party.  It  has  two  addresses: 
35  E.  12th  St.,  and  SO  E.  13th  St.  26-28 
Union  Square  is  owned  by  the  Party  and 

houses    the    Freiheit    and    Daily    Worker 
printing  plants. 

Chicago  district  hdqts.  were  moved,  July 
1933,  from  1413  W.  18th  St.  to  101  South 
Wells  St.,  Room  70S. 


See  under  Internationals  (1st,  2nd  and 
3rd) ;  also  it  is  the  semi-monthly  official 
organ  of  the  Executive  Committee  of  the 
Communist  International  (lOc  copy;  order 
from  Workers  Library  Publishers). 

American  adherents  of  the  expelled  Trot- 
sky faction  hi  the  Communist  Internation- 
al; organized  1928;  while  not  affiliated 
with  the  Communist  Party  of  U.S.A.  it 
supports  the  Communist  T.U.U.L.  strikes 
and  participates  in  other  "united  front" 
activities;  is  more  violently  revolutionary 
in  theory  than  even  the  parent  Communist 
Party.  In  1930  the  national  committee  in- 
cluded Martin  Abern,  James  P.  Cannon, 
Vincent  Dunne,  Albert  Glotzer,  Hugo 
Oehler,  Max  Schactman,  Carl  Skoglund, 
Maurice  Spector,  Arne  Swabeck;  issues 
Youth  and  Jewish  papers  besides  the  Eng- 
lish weekly  "Militant";  1933  hdqts.  126  E. 
16th  St.,  N.Y.C.  (Conf.  for  Prog.  Lab. 
Action  offices  adjoin);  Chicago  hdqts.: 
2SS9  W.  North  Ave. 


Communist  Lg.  P.  G.  for  F.  &  F. 

A  group  pledged  to  vote  Communist  and 
aid  the  Communist  Party  program  and 
campaign;  its  pamphlet  (published  by  the 
Communist  Party  Workers  Library  Pub- 
lishers, P.O.  Box  148,  Sta.  D.,  N.Y.  City, 
Oct.  1932)  stated:  "In  Sept.  1932,  a  group 
of  over  fifty  American  writers,  painters, 
teachers,  and  other  professional  workers 
declared  their  support  of  Foster  and  -Ford 
and  the  Communist  ticket  in  the  1932 
national  election.  ...  In  October  this  group 
was  organized  as  the  League  of  Professional 
Groups  for  Foster  and  Ford.  An  editorial 
committee  was  appointed  and  instructed 
to  expand  the  original  statement  into  a 
10,000  word  'Open  Letter,'  and  publish  it 
as  an  election  pamphlet.  This  pamphlet  is 
now  issued  under  the  title  of  'Culture  and 
the  Crisis.'  ...  As  responsible  intellectual 
workers,  we  have  aligned  ourselves  with 
the  frankly  revolutionary  Communist 
Party.  .  .  .  The  Communist  Party  of 
America  proposes  as  the  real  solution  of 
the  present  crisis  the  overthrow  of  the  sys- 

Organizations,  Etc. 


tern  which  is  responsible  for  all  crises.  This 
can  only  be  accomplished  by  the  conquest 
of  political  power  and  the  establishment  of 
a  workers'  and  farmers'  government  which 
will  usher  in  the  socialist  commonwealth. 
The  Communist  Party  does  not  stop  short 
merely  with  a  proclamation  of  its  revo- 
lutionary goal.  ...  Its  actions  and  achieve- 
ments are  impressive  evidence  of  its  revo- 
lutionary sincerity.  ...  We  call  upon  all 
men  and  women — especially  workers  in  the 
professions  and  arts  to  join  in  the  revo- 
lutionary struggle  against  capitalism  under 
the  leadership  of  the  Communist  Party  .  .  . 
and  join  us  in  this  move  to  form  'Foster 
and  Ford'  Committees  throughout  the 
country."  Etc.  Signed  by: 

Leonie  Adams,  Sherwood  Anderson,  Newton 
Arvin,  Emjo  Basshe,  Maurice  Becker,  Slater 
Brown,  Fielding  Burke,  Erskine  Caldwell,  Robert 
Cantwell,  Winifred  L.  Chappell,  Lester  Cohen, 
Louis  Colman,  Lewis  Corey,  Henry  Cowell,  Mal- 
colm Cowley,  Bruce  Crawford,  Kyle  S.  Crichton, 
Countee  Cullen,  H.  W.  L.  Dana,  Adolf  Dehn, 
John  Dos  Passos,  Howard  N.  Doughty,  Jr., 
Theodore  Dreiser,  Miriam"  Allen  De  Ford,  Waldo 
Frank,  Alfred  Frueh,  Murray  Godwin,  Eugene 
Gordon,  Horace  Gregory,  Louis  Grudin,  John  Her- 
mann, Granville  Hicks,  Sidney  Hook,  Sidney 
Howard,  Langston  Hughes,  Orrick  Johns,  William 
N.  Jones,  Matthew  J«,sephson,  Alfred  Kreymborg, 
Louis  Lozowick,  Grace  Lumpkin,  Felix  Morrow, 
Samuel  Ornitz,  James  Rorty,  Isidor  Schneider, 
Frederick  L.  Schuman,  Edwin  Seaver,  Herman 
Simpson,  Lincoln  Steffens,  Charles  Walker,  Robert 
Whitaker,  Edmund  Wilson,  Ella  Winter. 

Hdqts.:  35  East  12th  St.,  N.Y.  City  (the 
Communist  " Workers  School"). 

A  Communist  party  which  broke  away 
from  the  Communist  Party  of  U.S.A.  led 
by  Albert  Weisbord;  organized  Mar.  IS, 
1931;  participates  in  "united  front"  Com- 
munist strikes,  etc.;  its  official  organ  is 
"Class  Struggle";  it  puts  out  a  shop  paper 
in  the  Brooklyn  Navy  Yard  ("Red  Dread- 
nought") ;  favors  many  of  Trotsky's  ultra 
revolutionary  theories;  hdqts.  Albert  Weis- 
bord, 212  9th  St.,  N.Y.  City. 


The  "Workers  Voice"  is  the  official  "mid- 
west organ  of  the  Communist  Party  of 
the  U.SA.  Published  at  2019  W.  Division 
St.,  Chicago,  111."  Herbert  Newton,  colored 
Communist,  is  its  editor.  The  "Southern 
Worker,"  "Western  Worker,"  and  "Mich- 
igan Worker,"  with  the  "Daily  Worker," 
all  Communist  newspapers,  together,  rather 
thoroughly  cover  United  States  Communist 
activities  (in  English).  The  Foreign  Lan- 
guage Groups  publish  8  daily  and  18  weekly 

Another  separate  Communist  party 
formed  by  members  of  the  official  Commu- 
nist Party  of  U.S.A.;  organized  about  1931, 
led  by  Communists  Jay  Lovestone  and 
Benj.  Gitlow  (of  Garland  Fund).  The 
Am.  Labor  Year  Book  1932  says:  that  it 
"fully  endorses  the  general  course  of  the 
Communist  Party  of  the  Soviet  Union  in 
economic  construction  although  it  criticizes 
the  inner  party  methods  used  by  the  Stalin 
leadership";  that  its  official  organ  "Revo- 
lutionary Age,"  although  supported  by  the 
American  Civil  Liberties  Union,  finally  was 
barred  by  the  Post  Office  authorities  from 
second  class  mailing  privileges,  the  "Work- 
ers Age"  replacing  it  as  the  official  weekly; 
that  "the  anniversaries  of  the  Russian 
Revolution  and  death  of  Chas.  E.  Ruthen- 
berg  were  the  occasions  of  large  meetings"; 
that  "energies  of  the  group  were  concen- 
trated on  individual  unions  in  the  needle 
trades  and  among  the  anthracite  and 
marine  workers,  Locals  1  and  22  of  the 
Intl.  Ladies  Garm.  Wkrs.,  as  well  as  in  the 
Amalgamated  Clothing  Workers  and  Fur- 
riers left-wing  elements";  that  "The  re- 
building of  the  left-wing  in  the  Workmen's 
Circle  also  occupied  the  attention"  of  the 
Party;  and  that  in  the  Nov.  1931  elec- 
tions instructions  were  given  members  to 
vote  the  official  Communist  Party  tickets." 
Jay  Lovestone,  editor,  Will  Herberg,  mg. 
ed.,  and  Bertram  D.  Wolfe,  assoc.  ed.,  are 
given  as  Staff  members  of  its  "Workers 
Age."  Hdqts.  51  W.  14th  St.,  N.Y.  City. 



The  main  powerful  Moscow-directed 
world  party  of  Communists.  See  under 
Communist  Organization  in  the  U.S.A. 



These  authors  and  their  writings  are 
officially  endorsed  and  recommended  for 
reading  by  the  "Soviet  Union  Review," 
organ  of  the  official  Soviet  government 
agency  in  Washington,  D.C.,  the  "Soviet 
Union  Information  Bureau,"  headed  by 
Boris  Skvirsky,  known  as  the  "unofficial 
ambassador"  of  the  Soviet  Union  in  Wash- 
ington. Considering  the  strictness  of  Soviet 
censorship,  an  author's  propaganda  neces- 
sarily must  be  pro-Soviet  in  order  to 
receive  official  Soviet  endorsement. 

Ralph  Albertson,  R.  Page  Arnot,  W.  J.  Austin 
Newton  D.  Baker,  Roger  N.  Baldwin,  John  Becker, 
May  L.  Becker,  Karl  Borders,  Margaret  Bourke- 


The  Red  Network 

White,  H.  N.  Brailsford,  Eugene  Braudo,  Adams 
Brown,  David  A.  Brown,  Joseph  Budish,  Wm.  C. 
Bullitt,  Emile  Burns,  George  A.  Burrell,  Thomas 
D.  Campbell,  John  M.  Carmody,  Huntley  Carter, 
Wm.  H.  Chamberlain,  Stuart  Chase,  Mrs.  Cecil 
Chesterton,  W.  P.  Coates,  Alzada  Comstock,  Hugh 
Lincoln  Cooper,  H.  M.  Dadourian,  Ruth  Dadou- 
rian,  Jerome  Davis,  Vera  Micheles  Dean,  John 
Dewey,  Maurice  Dobb,  Theodore  Dreiser,  Louis  I. 
Dublin,  Robert  W.  Dunn,  Walter  Duranty,  Hans 
von  Eckardt,  Clough  Williams  Ellis,  Ernestine 
Evans,  Michael  Farbman,  Arthur  Feiler,  Alice 
Withrow  Field,  Louis  Fischer,  Joseph  Freeman, 
Elisha  Friedman,  Edgar  S.  Furniss,  General  Wm. 
S.  Graves,  Mordecai  Gorelik,  Frederick  Griffin, 
G.  T.  Grinko,  Anna  J.  Haines,  Jeyhoun  Bey 
Hajibeyli,  Talbot  Faulkner  Hamlin,  Jack  Hardy, 
Samuel  N.  Harper,  Julius  F.  Hecker,  Maurice 
Hindus,  A.  Ford  Hinricks,  John  Haynes  Holmes, 
Calvin  B.  Hoover,  Bruce  Hopper,  William  Kistler 
Huff,  M.  Ilin,  Albert  A.  Johnson,  John  A.  Kings- 
bury,  H.  R.  Knickerbocker,  Joshua  Kunitz,  Ivy 
Lee,  Dr.  Richard  Lewinsohn,  E.  C.  Lindeman,  Ray 
Long,  Louis  Lozowick,  Anatole  Lunacharsky, 
Eugene  Lyons,  Robert  McManus,  Valeriu  Marcu, 
V.  M.  Molotov,  Albert  Muldavin,  Scott  Nearing, 
Reinhold  Niebuhr,  Albert  Parry,  Ashley  Pettis, 
Boris  Pilniak,  Albert  P.  Pinkevitch,  Walter  N. 
Polakov,  George  M.  Price,  George  Earle  .Raiguel, 
Arthur  Ransome,  John  Reed,  Geroid  T.  Robin- 
son, Edward  A.  Ross,  Walter  Arnold  Rukeyser, 
Leonid  Sabaneyef,  A.  A.  Santalov,  Prof.  Fred  L. 
Schuman,  Louis  Segal,  Wm.  Philip  Simms,  Jessica 
Smith,  Gregory  Sokolnikov,  George  Soule,  Max- 
well S.  Stewart,  Anna  Louise  Strong,  Valentine 
V.  Tchikoff,  Rex.  Guy  Tugwell,  Sidney  Webb, 
Walter  Wells,  William  C.  White,  Robert  Whitten, 
Albert  Rhys  Williams,  Frankwood  E.  Williams, 
Ella  Winter,  Thomas  Woody,  Victpr  Yakhontoff, 
Y.  A.  Yakovlev,  Avram  Yarmolinsky,  A.  Y. 
Yeghenian,  Judah  Zelitch,  and  Lucien  Zacharoff. 

See  International  Pamphlets,  Inter- 
national Publishers,  and  Workers  Library 
Publishers  for  further  lists. 

A  branch  of  the  Am.  Assn.  for  Advance- 
ment of  Atheism  (4A). 


N.Y.  City  Communist  organization  oper- 
ating cooperative  apartments,  camps,  etc. 
Autos  leave  their  Cooperative  Restaurant, 
2700  Bronx  Park,  East,  regularly  for 
Nitgedaiget  Hotel,  Beacon,  N.Y.,  Camp 
Unity,  etc. 


Conf.  Prog.  Lab.  Act. 

A  very  militant  left-wing  Socialist  trade 
union  organization  somewhat  similar  to  the 
communist  T.U.U.L. ;  cooperates  with  the 
Trotskyite  Communists  in  labor  strikes  and 
struggks;  is  under  the  leadership  of  A.  J. 
Muste,  until  recently  head  of  Brookwood 
Labor  College,  and  Louis  Budenz,  profes- 
sional labor  organizer  and  agitator.  Its 
Unemployed  Citizens  Leagues  have  been 
active  in  ''united  front"  activities  with  the 

Communists  throughout  the  country.  A 
report  Sept.  28,  1933  from  Seattle,  where 
this  League  virtually  controlled  the  last 
Seattle  municipal  election,  stated  that  the 
Unemployed  Citizens  League  of  Seattle 
was  "affiliated  with  the  National  Commit- 
tee of  the  Unemployed  Councils"  of  the 
Communist  Party;  supporting  organization 
of  Nat.  Com.  to  Aid  Victims  of  German 
Fascism  (of  communist  W.I.R.)  of  which 
Muste  is  nat.  chmn.,  and  of  U.S.  Congress 
Against  War;  forming,  1934,  the  Amer- 
ican Workers'  party. 


A  radical  political  organization  formed 
in  Chicago,  Feb.  20,  1922  by  the  LaFol- 
lette  organization  of  Farmers,  Amalgamated 
Clothing  Workers,  People's  Legislative  Serv- 
ice (of  LaFollette),  Women's  Trade  Union 
League,  Farmer-Labor  Party,  Non-Partisan 
League,  Communists,  Socialists,  I.W.W.'s, 
and  radicals  of  all  hues,  for  the  purpose 
of  running  and  electing  radical  candidates 
on  regular  party  tickets.  The  organizing 
conference  praised  Soviet  Russia,  damned 
capitalism,  and  endorsed  (in  1922  and 
1923)  Senators  LaFollette,  Brookhart,  Nor- 
ris,  Ashhurst  (Arizona) ,  Dill,  Frazier,  Kend- 
rick,  Ralston,  Swanson,  and  Howell  on 
the  Republican  and  Democratic  tickets, 
and  Shipstead  and  Johnson  (Minn.)  on  the 
Farmer-Labor  Party  ticket,  all  of  whom 
were  elected  (See  Whitney's  "Reds  in 
America") . 

Wm.  H.  Johnston  (Sec.-Treas.  of  the 
People's  Legislative  Service  and  Nat.  Pop- 
ular Govt.  League)  called  the  second  Con- 
ference for  Progressive  Political  Action  at 
Cleveland,  Dec.  11,  1922,  with  Edw.  Keat- 
ing (1933  Roosevelt  appointee)  as  chmn. 
of  the  Committee  on  Program  and  Reso- 
lutions, Judson  King  (1933  Roosevelt 
appointee)  as  delegate  from  the  Pop.  Govt. 
Lg.,  Morris  Hillquit,  Victor  Berger,  Sey- 
mour Stedman,  Geo.  E.  Roewer,  B.  Char- 
ney  Vladeck,  Otto  Branstetter  and  James 
O'Neal,  as  delegates  from  the  Socialist 
Party,  Norman  Thomas,  Robt.  Morss 
Lovett  and  D.  J.  Meserole,  as  delegates 
from  the  Socialist  L.I.D.,  etc. 

Conferences  held  in  St.  Louis,  Feb.  11, 
12,  1924  and  July  4,  1924,  prepared  the 
Socialist  platform  and  nominated  LaFol- 
lette and  Wheeler  to  run  as  the  choice  of 
the  combined  radical  forces  on  a  ticket 
dubbed  as  the  "Progressive,"  Carl  D. 
Thompson,  Norman  Thomas,  and  Morris 
Hillquit  of  the  Socialist  Party,  and  innu- 
merable other  well  known  radicals,  were 

Organizations,  Etc. 


delegates  to  these  Conferences  called  by 
Wm.  H.  Johnston. 

Early  in  August  1933,  a  call  for  a  United 
Conference  for  Progressive  Political  Action 
to  be  held  at  Judson  Court,  University  of 
Chicago,  Sept.  2-3,  1933  was  issued  by  the 
socialist  League  for  Independent  Political 
Action  to  about  a  hundred  Socialist, 
farmer-labor,  racial,  radical  organizations. 
The  call  was  signed  by  Prof.  John  Dewey, 
Congressman  LaGuardia  (one  time  Social- 
ist candidate  then  running  for  Mayor  of 
N.Y.  City  on  Fusion  ticket),  Howard  Y. 
Williams  (exec.  sec.  of  socialist  Lg.  for 
Independent  Political  Action),  Congress- 
man F.  H.  Shoemaker,  Milo  Reno  (leader 
of  farm  marches  and  riots),  Upton  Sinclair 
(Socialist  and  Communist  leader  then 
running  on  Democratic  ticket  in  Cali- 
fornia), Prof.  Paul  Douglas  (chmn.  So- 
cialist Party  campaign  1932,  now  on 
President  Roosevelt's  "Democratic"  Plan- 
ning Board),  Prof.  Robt.  Morss  Lovett 
(leader  of  Socialist  and  Communist  organ- 
izations), Vida  Scudder,  and  similar 

Paul  Douglas  presided  as  temporary 
chmn.  and  the  former  LaFollette  Congress- 
man, Thos.  R.  Amlie,  of  Wis.,  was  made 
permanent  chmn.  Addresses  were  delivered 
by  W.  R.  Truax,  Estelle  Sternberger,  Jos. 
Schlossberg,  Mayor  Wm.  Mahoney  of  St. 
Paul  (Socialist),  John  W.  Wirds  (pres. 
United  Farmers  of  Am.),  Alfred  Bingham, 
editor  of  the  radical  "Common  Sense" 
Magazine,  and  other  radicals. 

The  conference  adopted  a  platform  call- 
ing for  "public  ownership  of  the  means  of 
wealth  production"  as  the  "ultimate  objec- 
tive" of  the  movement  and  as  a  step  in  this 
direction  the  nationalization  of  money  and 
credits,  of  public  utilities  and  of  various 
"basic  industries."  The  collapse  of  our 
present  system  was  predicted  and  the  scrap- 
ping of  our  Constitution  proposed,  to  abol- 
ish what  they  call  "absentee  ownership  of 
property."  The  establishment  of  national 
unemployment,  maternity,  sick,  accident, 
and  old  age  insurance,  heavier  taxation  on 
wealth,  on  incomes  and  inheritances,  etc., 
and  a  foreign  trade  monopoly  similar  to 
the  Russian  plan  was  advocated.  The 
masses  were  urged  to  "rise  and  take  con- 

"Cautious  and  conservative"  measures 
were  adopted  to  "insure  the  realization  of 
their  purposes"  says  a  release  from  the 
N.Y.  City  office  of  the  movement.  A  pro- 
motional "Committee  on  Action  was  set 

up  to  be  known  as  the  Farmer-Labor 
Political  Federation  with  representatives  in 
every  section  of  the  country,  authorized  to 
call  national  and  state  conventions  on  or 
before  July  1,  1934,  and  charged  with 
organizing  farmer-labor  units  similar  to 
those  now  existing  in  Minnesota  and  other 
states.  Committees  almost  at  once  were 
set  up  in  16  states. 

Howard  Y.  Williams,  exec.  sec.  of  the 
L.I.P.A.,  will  remain  as  executive  secretary 
of  the  newly  formed  group. 

John  Dewey  is  hon.  chmn.  of  the  "Committee 
on  Action";  Oswald  Garrison  Villard,  treas.;  and 
ex-Congressman  Thos.  K.  Amlie,  Henry  Ohl  (Pres. 
Wis.  Fed.  Labor),  Congressman  Ernest  Lundeen 
(of  Minnesota),  John  H.  Bosch  (pres.  Minnesota 
Farmers  Holiday  Assn.),  Hjalmore  Peterson  of 
Minn.,  Alfred  Dale  (state  treasurer  of  N.D.), 

E.  E.  Green  of  the  Farmers'  Union  of  N.D.,  John 
T.  Wirds   (pres.   United  Farmers  of  Iowa),   E.  E. 
Kennedy   (sec.  Nat.  Farmers  Union  of  111.),  Prof. 
Paul   Douglas,  Wm.   J.   Joyce    (of   Chgo.   Workers 
Com.    on    Unemp.).    Howard    Y.    Williams    (exec, 
sec.  L.I.P.A.),   Alfred  Bingham   (editor  9f   "Com- 
mon   Sense"),    Stephen    Raushenbush    (director   of 
Security  Lg.),   and  C.   G.  Lubrand  of  Mich.,  are 
among   the  Committee  members. 

(Nov.  1933),  United  Action  Campaign 

Thos.  R.  Amlie,  chmn.;  Howard  Y.  Williams, 
nat.  organizer;  Alfred  M.  Bingham,  exec,  sec.; 
Wm.  A.  Anderson,  Hon.  Henry  Arens,  Alfred  M. 
Bingham,  Kath.  Devereux  Blake,  LeRoy  E.  Bow- 
man, Paul  Brissenden,  Heywood  Broun,  Lucy  P. 
Garner,  Stuart  Chase,  Geo.  A.  Coe,  Eleanor  G. 
Coit,  Jerome  Davis,  Edw.  T.  Devine,  Dorothy 
Detzer,  Paul  H.  Douglas,  Sherwood  Eddy,  Morris 
Ernst,  Helen  Everett,  Henry  Pratt  Fairchild, 
Walter  Frank,  Zona  Gale,  Wm.  P.  Hapgood,  John 
Herring,  Sidney  Hillman,  Julius  Hochman,  Jesse  H. 
Holmes,  Ben  Howe,  Hannah  Clothier  Hull,  Fannie 
Hurst,  Edw.  L.  Israel,  Hon.  Magnus  Johnson,  C. 

F.  Keeney,     Emily     R.     Kneubuhl,     Fiorello     H. 
LaGuardia,     Corliss    Lamont,     Caroline     Lamonte, 
Benson   Y.   Landes,  John  A.   Lapp,   Abraham  Lef- 
kowitz,    Jos.    Lilly,    Edward    C.    Lindeman,    Robt. 
Morss   Lovett,   Hon.   Ernest   Lundeen,    Hon.   Wm. 
Mahoney,    John     McLaren,    Lois    Hayden    Meek, 
Alexander   Meiklejohn,    Henry  Neumann,   Reinhqld 
Niebuhr,   Bishop   Edw.   L.    Parsons,   Augustus  Pig- 
man,  Mercedes  M.  Randall,  Ira  De  A.  Reid,  John 
Nevin   Sayre,   Hon.   F.   H.   Shoemaker,  Estelle   M. 
Sternberger,     Alva     W.    Taylor,     Oswald     Garrison 
Villard,  Howard  Y.  Williams,  Max  Zaritsky. 

Closely  affiliated  with  the  League  for 
Independent  Political  Action  and  other 
radical  organizations;  similar  to  and  co- 
operates with  Methodist  Federation  for 
Social  Service;  Hubert  C.  Herring  of  the 
A.C.L.U.  nat.  com.  has  been  sec.  of  its 
Dept.  of  Social  Relations  since  1924;  its 
hdqts.  in  1932  occupied  the  same  office 
with  the  League  for  Independent  Political 
Action,  112  E.  19th  St.,  N.Y.  City. 


The  Red  Network 


The  Congressional  Record  of  the  69th 
Congress,  First  Session,  Volume  67,  num- 
ber 12,  Dec.  19,  1925,  states: 

"Exposed  in  the  Senate  investigation  as 
war  obstructors,  red,  etc.,  was  long  list, 
and  afterwards  another  list  was  given  out 
in  January,  1921  by  the  Department  of 
Justice,  of  radicals  who  controlled  radical 
organizations  in  the  United  States.  On 
both  lists  we  find  the  names  of  many  of 
the  A.C.L.U.  officers  and  committee, 

"Rev.  Norman  M.  Thomas,  Roger  N.  Baldwin, 
Morris  Hillquit,  Scott  Nearing,  James  H.  Maurer, 
Helen  Phelps  Stokes,  Rabbi  Judah  L.  Magnes, 
Edmund  C.  Evans,  Rev.  John  Haynes  Holmes, 
Frederick  C.  Howe,  Oswald  Garrison  Villard,  Agnes 
Brown  Leach. 

"Other  A.C.L.U.  names  on  the  first  list 
are  those  of: 

"Jane  Addams  and  Sophonisba  P.  Breckenridge 
(Women's  International  League  for  Peace  and  Free- 
dom), John  Lovejoy  Elliott,  Elizabeth  Gurley 
Flynn,  Rev.  John  N.  Sayre,  Rev.  Harry  F.  Ward, 
L.  Hollingsworth  Wood. 

"While  on  the  second  list  are: 

"Max  Eastman,  Crystal  Eastman,  Vida  D.  Scud- 
der,  Joseph  D.  Cannon,  George  P.  West,  Robert 
Morss  Lovett,  Benjamin  L.  Huebsch,  Lincoln  Col- 
cord,  Allan  McCurdy. 

"We  also  find  on  both  lists  the  names  of: 

"Prof.  Emily  Green  Balch,  H.  W.  L.  Dana  of 
the  Workers',  Education  Bureau,  Lillian  D.  Wald 
of  the  Foreign  Policy  Association,  Amos  R.  E. 
Pinchot,  Louis  P.  Lochner. 

"Other  noteworthy  names  on  one  or  the 
other  lists  are: 

"Harold  Evans,  Prof.  Wm.  I.  Hull  of  Swarth- 
more  and  the  Rand  School,  Rev.  Frederick  Lynch, 
Kate  Richards  O'Hare,  Jacob  Panken,  Alexander 
Trachtenberg,  James  P.  Warbasse,  Eugene  V.  Debs, 
Mrs.  Florence  Kelley  of  the  Consumers'  League, 
Charles  Recht,  Rebecca  Shelley  (friend  of  Jane 
Addams,  Lochner,  etc.),  Isaac  A.  Hourwich.  Lin- 
coln Steffens,  J.  A.  H.  Hopkins,  Harry  A.  Over- 
street,  Dudley  Field  Malone,  Elsie  Clews  Parsons, 
Owen  R.  Lovejoy." 

"Connected  with  the  communist  Amer- 
ican Civil  Liberties  Union  by  a  system  of 
interlocking  committee  memberships  are  a 
number  of  other  organizations  that  play 
into  the  hands  of  the  communists.  Among 
them  are  the  old  Intercollegiate  Socialist 
Society  with  its  name  changed  to  League 
for  Industrial  Democracy.  This  tries  to 
poison  the  minds  of  college  youths,  spon- 
sors college  forums,  the  youth  movement, 
etc.  Others  are  the  American  Committee 
for  Chinese  Relief;  the  Fellowship  of 
Reconciliation  which  practically  owns  the 
Fellowship  of  Youth  for  Peace;  the  Rand 
School  of  Social  Science;  the  Trades  Union 

Educational  League  (now  the  Trade  Union 
Unity  League) ;  the  National  Popular 
Government  League;  the  Foreign  Policy 
Association;  the  Worker's  Education 
Bureau;  the  Public  Ownership  League;  the 
Old  Labor  Defense  League;  the  Conference 
to  Perfect  Plans  for  the  Committee  of 
Forty-Eight;  the  People's  Council;  Berk- 
man's  League  for  Amnesty  of  Political 
Prisoners;  Friends  of  Soviet  Russia;  Peo- 
ple's Reconstruction  League;  the  Labor 
Publication  Society;  the  People's  of  Amer- 
ican Society;  Conference  for  Progressive 
Political  Action  and  International  Labor 

Since  the  above  list  was  published  in  the 
Congressional  Record,  there  have  been 
changes  in  name  of  some  of  the  agencies, 
and  many  additional  groups  have  been 

Organized    by    Socialist    Party    hi    state 
units;    advocates    abolition    of    Capitalism 
and  state  ownership  of  all  means  of  pro- 
duction, etc.    Hdqts.  Moxley  Bldg.,  Clin- 
ton Street,  Chicago. 


A  Communist  T.U.U.L.  labor  union. 


The  cooperative  movement  is  intended 
to  eliminate  the  private  store,  private 
industry  and  individual  initiative.  The 
Cooperative  League  of  U.S.A.  is  part  of 
the  National  Federation  of  Consumers 
Cooperatives  and  member  of  the  Inter- 
national Cooperative  Alliance  of  which 
Centre  Soyus,  the  Russian  Cooperative,  is 
a  member;  was  approved  and  financially 
aided  by  the  Garland  Fund;  has  145 
affiliated  societies  with  approximately 
135,000  members;  its  president,  J.  P.  War- 
basse, says  in  his  book  "Cooperative 
Democracy,"  pp.  258-9:  "The  ultimate  aim 
of  the  Consumer's  Movement  should  be 
to  purchase  the  land  from  the  farmers 
and  employ  the  latter  as  an  agricultural 
worker"  (abolishing  private  ownership  of 
property  is  of  course  a  fundamental  prin- 
ciple of  Socialism-Communism) ;  hdqts.: 
167  W.  12th  Street,  N.Y.  City.  (See  Cen- 
tral Cooperative  Wholesale,  a  member 

The  "Communist  International,"  pub- 
lished July,  1928  by  the  Communist  Party 
of  Great  Britain,  p.  346,  stated:  "The 

Organizations,  Etc. 


Cooperative  League  of  North  America 
contains  considerable  Left  Wing  elements 
—The  Central  Cooperative  Exchange  (Su- 
perior, Wisconsin)  serving  100  retail 
stores  is  a  Left  Wing  organization.  The 
Left  Wingers  in  the  Cooperatives  have 
succeeded  in  securing  some  relief  for  the 
striking  coal  miners  and  recently  called  a 
conference  to  extend  this  work.  In  New 
York  City  is  the  United  Workers'  Cooper- 
ative Association  which  is  controlled  by 
the  Left  Wing.  This  cooperative  has  spread 
recently  to  other  cities,  Boston,  Philadel- 
phia, Chicago  and  Los  Angeles.  It  is  build- 
ing a  series  of  houses,  controls  a  number 
of  camps  for  workers,  conducts  cultural 
work  on  a  Communist  basis,"  etc. 


Of  Highland  Park,  Waukegan,  and  Lake 
County,  111.;  section  of  Federated  Unem- 
ployed Workers  Leagues  (see). 


Monthly  organ  of  the  National  Asso- 
ciation for  the  Advancement  of  Colored 
People  (N.A.A.C.P.). 


"Central  Organ  of  the  Communist  Party 
U.S.A.  (Section  of  the  Communist  Inter- 
national)" is  its  heading;  pub.  daily 
except  Sunday  in  English  at  50  E.  13th 
St.,  N.Y.C.;  Washington  Bureau,  Room 
954,  National  Press  Bldg.,  14th  and  G  St., 
Wash.,  D.C.  (Seymour  Waldman  and  Mar- 
guerite Young  in  charge) ;  Clarence  Hath- 
away, editor,  Harry  Cannes,  etc.,  assts. 
Sold  at  all  Communist  stores  and  meetings. 

The  front  page,  Nov.  4,  1933,  under 
the  heading:  "Towards  a  Soviet  America!", 
says:  "You  can  help  hasten  the  day  when 
we  shall  celebrate  a  Victorious  Workers' 
and  Farmers'  Soviet  Republic  in  the  United 
States  by  building  strong  the  Daily  Worker, 
which  agitates,  organizes  and  mobilizes  the 
forces  for  the  destruction  of  capitalism  in 

That  is  plain  enough  sedition,  is  it  not? 

Radio  station  WEVD  named  after 
Eugene  V.  Debs,  "started  and  continued  by 
Socialists  and  radicals,"  was,  according  to 
1932  Am.  Labor  Year  Book,  "finally 
allowed  to  keep  its  license  after  a  hard 
fight,  and  was  heavily  endowed  by  the 
Jewish  Daily  Forward"  (Socialist  news- 
paper). The  third  annual  report  of  the 

American  Association  for  the  Advance- 
ment of  Atheism  (issued  April  1929)  an- 
nounced (p.  3):  "We  have  outwitted  the 
bigots  and  now  broadcast  regularly  over 
Station  WEVD,  New  York  (231.6-1300 
K.C.),  Saturdays,  6  P.M.  The  recent 
increase  in  the  power  of  this  station  en- 
ables us  to  reach  a  much  larger  audience." 


A  Communist  T.U.U.L.  union. 


A  League  for  Industrial  Democracy 
(L.I.D.)  publication  which,  like  all  Social- 
ist-Communist publications,  advocates  com- 
plete disarmament  of  the  United  States  for 
the  purpose  (as  it  has  stated)  of  achieving 
international  Socialism,  urged  recognition 
of  militaristic  Russia,  urges  internationalism 
in  place  of  patriotism,  and  features  articles 
advocating  the  establishment  of  the  Social- 
ist state  and  the  abolition  of  capitalism 
(or  private  ownership  of  property). 

Communist  T.U.U.L.  union. 

A  Communist  -  controlled  committee 
formed  in  1931,  headed  by  Theodore 
Dreiser,  to  investigate  mining  conditions 
in  the  Pittsburg  coal  district,  then  a  center 
of  strike  activities  under  the  influence  of 
the  National  Miners  Union  (Communist) ; 
the  committee  included:  Malcolm  Cowley, 
Robt.  W.  Dunn,  John  Dos  Passes,  Mary 
Heaton  Vorse,  Anna  Rochester,  Horace  B. 
Davis,  Frank  L.  Palmer. 

Communist  T.U.U.L.  union. 

Bulletin    of   the    National    Religion   and 
Labor    Foundation;    discussed    under   that 


Communist  semi-monthly  magazine  pub- 
lished by  Amtorg  Trading  Corporation  (of 
the  Soviet   Government),  261   Fifth  Ave.. 
N.Y.  City. 



A    Communist    international    union    of 
educators;    American  section   is   the   Edu- 


The  Red  Network 

cational  Workers  Leagues  affiliated  with 
the  T.U.U.L.,  with  branches  in  N.Y.,  Pa., 
Cal.,  Chicago,  etc.  The  N.Y.  League  pub- 
lishes "Education  Worker,"  an  agitational 
publication  for  teachers;  address  Box  79, 
Station  D,  New  York  City. 


Emer.  Com.  So.  Pol.  Pris. 

A  Communist  committee  (U.S.  Report 
2290),  formed  by  the  John  Reed  Club  and 
International  Labor  Defense  (I.L.D.)  to 
assist  the  I.L.D.  in  raising  funds  for  the 
defense  of  six  Communists  arrested  in 
Atlanta,  Georgia,  in  1930,  for  seditious 
activities  (Herbert  Newton,  colored,  Henry 
Storey,  Joe  Carr,  Anne  Burlak,  Mary  Dai- 
ton,  and  M.  H.  Powers) ;  out  of  this  com- 
mitte  grew  the  National  Committee  for 
Defense  of  Political  Prisoners;  hdqts.  80 
E.  llth  St.,  N.Y.  City; 

Theo.  Dreiser,  chmn.;  John  Dos  Passes,  treas.; 
members:  Sherwood  Anderson,  Wm.  Rose  Benet, 
Witter  Bynner,  Malcolm  Cowley,  John  Dos  Passos, 
Waldo  Frank,  Josephine  Herbst,  Sheila  Hibben, 
Alfred  Kreymborg,  Suzanna  LaFollette,  Scott  Near- 
ing,  Burton  Rascoe,  Lola  Ridge,  Boardman  Robin- 
son, Upton  Sinclair,  Louis  Untermyer,  Carl  Van 
Doren,  Edmund  Wilson. 

Emer.  Com.  Strik.  Rel. 

Organized  in  1926  by  Norman  Thomas 
and  other  American  Civil  Liberties  Union 
(A.C.L.U.)  and  League  for  Industrial 
Democracy  (L.I.D.)  members,  with  finan- 
cial aid  from  the  Garland  Fund,  to  assist 
the  Passaic  textile  strikers  in  the  so-called 
Communist  "first  lesson  in  revolution," 
led  by  Communist  Albert  Weisbord;  it 
next  aided  the  Communist  Gastonia  strike; 
is  now  aiding  the  left  wing  Socialist-Com- 
munist penetrated  Progressive  Miners 
Union  strike  in  Illinois  and  is  soliciting 
funds  through  the  National  Religion  and 
Labor  Foundation  and  other  cooperating 
agencies  for  this  purpose; 

1933  chairman,  Norman  Thomas;  treasurer, 
Reinhold  Niebuhr;  committee  members:  McAllister 
Coleman,  Anna  N.  Davis,  Morris  L.  Ernst,  Eliz- 
abeth Oilman,  Bishop  F.  J.  McConnell,  Evelyn 
Preston,  H.  S.  Raushenbush,  Lillian  D.  Wald, 
Bertha  Poole  Weyl,  John  Herling,  exec.  sec. 

Special  Committee:  Helen  L.  Alfred,  Algernon 
Black,  Paul  Blanshard,  Harriot  Stanton  Blatch, 
Susan  Brandeis,  Heywood  Broun,  Mrs.  George 
Burnham,  Jr.,  Rev.  Edmund  B.  Chaff ee,  John 
Chamberlain,  Stuart  Chase,  Dr.  Bernard  C.  Clau- 
sen, Dr.  Morris  R.  Cohen,  Marc  Connelly,  Max 
Danish,  Margaret  De  Silver,  Mary  Dreier,  Sher- 
wood Eddy,  John  Lovejoy  Elliott,  Charles  Ervin, 
Elizabeth  Glendower  Evans,  Frederick  V.  Field, 

Louise  Adams  Floyd,  Walter  Frank,  Dr.  A  L 
Goldwater,  Powers  Hapgood,  Arthur  Garfield  Hays, 
Adolph  S.  Held,  John  Haynes  Holmes,  J.  A.  H. 
Hopkins,  Rev.  Clarence  V.  Howell,  Rev.  Paul 
Jones,  Nicholas  Kelley,  Paul  U.  Kellogg,  Freda 
Kirchwey,  Corliss  Lament,  Rev.  Leon  Rosser 
Land,  E.  C.  Lindeman,  Dr.  Henry  R.  Linville, 
Robert  Morss  Lovett,  Mrs.  James  Marshall,  Rev. 
J.  Howard  Melish,  Darwin  J.  Meserole,  Mary 
Raoul  Millis,  Dr.  Wesley  C.  Mitchell,  Mrs.  Her- 
bert Mitler,  Dr.  Henry  Neumann,  Irving  S.  Otten- 
berg,  Amos  Pinchot,  Margaret  Pollitzer,  Caroline 
Pratt,  George  D.  Pratt,  Jr.,  Mrs.  William  I.  Rosen- 
feld,  Jr.,  Helen  G.  Sahler,  John  Nevin  Sayre,  Rose 
Schneidermann,  Mrs.  Arthur  J.  Slade,  Rex  T. 
Stout,  Genevieve  Taggard,  Alva  W.  Taylor, 
Samuel  Untermyer,  Oswald  Garrison  Villard,  James 
P.  Warbasse,  Rev.  Charles  Webber,  Rev.  Eliot 
White,  Mrs.  Stephen  S.  Wise. 

The  1928  committee  membership  was 
largely  the  same.  Communists  John  Dos 
Passos,  Eliz.  Gurley  Flynn,  Paxton  Hibben, 
and  Clarina  Michelson  were  then  mem- 
bers, and  Forrest  Bailey  was  treas.  In 
1930  Roger  Baldwin,  Florence  and  Dr. 
Gertrude  B.  Kelley  were  members,  also 
Herbert  Croly. 

The  Chicago  branch  of  the  Emer.  Com. 
Strik.  Rel.  hdqts.  are  at  20  W.  Jackson 
(L.I.D.  hdqts.). 

Robt.  M.  Lovett,  chmn.;  Karl  Borders,  sec.- 
treas.;  members:  Mrs.  Inez  Asher,  Alice  Boynton, 
Roy  Burt,  Hilda  Diamond,  A.  Dreifuss,  Prof 
Thos.  D.  Eliot,  Rev.  Chas.  W.  Gilkey,  Mrs. 
Alfred  Hamburger,  Mrs.  Esther  Henshaw,  Lillian 
Herstein,  William  H.  Holly,  Paul  Hutchinson, 
Mrs.  Alfred  Kohn,  Glenford  Lawrence,  Hilda 
Howard  Lawrence,  Sam  Levin,  Lola  Maverick 
Lloyd,  Mrs.  Judith  Lowenthal,  Rabbi  Louis  Mann, 
Wiley  W.  Mills,  James  Mullenbach,  Mrs.  Andrew 
McLeish,  Rev.  U.  M.  McGuire,  Mrs.  Murry  Nel- 
son, Frances  Paine,  Mrs.  James  F.  Porter,  Curtis 
W.  Reese,  Donald  R.  Richberg,  Ethelyn  Potter 
Rolfe,  Mrs.  M.  E.  Simpson,  Graham  Taylor,  Mrs. 
Walter  Vose,  Chas.  Weller,  Edw.  Winston,  Victor 




Emer.  Com.  Strik.  Rel.  N.W.F.S.T.S. 

The  name  given  the  Emergency  Com- 
mittee for  Strikers  Relief  (see  above)  dur- 
ing one  of  its  activities. 

Oct.  1914  to  Mar.  1915,  and  revived 
Feb.  to  May,  1917  as  a  rejuvenation  of 
American  Neutral  Conf.  Com.;  organized 
first  by  Rosika  Schwimmer,  Louis  Loch- 
ner,  Jane  Addams,  and  representatives  of 
six  Socialist  and  fifteen  Socialist-sympath- 
izing organizations,  to  propagandize  a  peace 
favorable  to  Germany  (Lusk  Report) ;  the 
1917  revival  was  aided  as  well  by  Mrs. 
Henry  Villard  (mother  of  Oswald  Garrison 
Villard),  Emily  Greene  Balch,  Mrs.  J.  S. 
Cram,  Norman  Thomas,  Mrs.  Warbasse, 

Organizations,  Etc. 


Lola  M.  Lloyd,  etc.;  a  "peace  demonstra- 
tion" of  250  was  staged  Feb.  12,  1917  at 
the  White  House;  $76,000  was  raised  in 
three  months  and  a  nation-wide  propaganda 
organization  perfected;  a  letter  condemn- 
ing it,  which  was  received  by  Congressman 
Chandler  and  is  reproduced  in  the  Lusk 
Report,  ends:  "I  cannot  believe  you  will 
give  a  moment's  consideration  to  the  pro- 
German  propaganda  of  the  so-called  Emer- 
gency Peace  Federation,  but  I  feel  that 
you  should  hear  from  those  who  condemn 
it  as  traitorous  and  dangerous  not  alone 
to  the  United  States,  but  to  world  civil- 
ization." (See  also  under  A.C.L.U.  For- 


Anarchist-Communist  groups. 


"The  dividing  line  between  Socialism  and 
Communism  is  an  imaginary  one,  like  the 
equator.  The  Socialist  ('Labour')  Party 
sometimes  publicly  repudiates  Communism ; 
and  then  elects  Communists  to  its  own 
Executive ;  and  Communists  run  the  Labour 
Research  Department.  Socialists  find 
excuses  for  all  crimes  of  the  Bolsheviks, 
who  direct  and  finance  Communism  all 
the  World  over,"  says  the  authentic  "Potted 
Biographies"  (of  Boswell  Publishing, 
Ltd.,  10  Essex  St.,  London,  W.C.,  price 
6  d),  which  gives  startling  facts  and 
extremely  interesting  political  record^  of 
49  Socialists  (some  belonging  to  the  Com- 
munist Party).  These  "Socialists"  are: 

C.  G.  Ammon,  Norman  Angell,  R.  Page  Arnot, 
Miss  Margaret  Bondfield,  H.  N.  Brailsford,  A. 
Fenner  Brockway,  John  Bromley,  W.  J.  Brown,  C. 
Roden  Buxton,  W.  M.  Citrine,  J.  R.  Clynes,  G. 
D.  H.  Cole,  A.  J.  Cook,  Herbert  Dunnico,  J.  H. 
Hayes,  Arthur  Henderson,  George  Hicks,  Frank 
Hodges,  J.  F.  Horrabin,  F.  W.  Jowett,  Jos.  Mon- 
tague Kenworthy,  George  Lansbury,  Harold  J. 
Laski,  J.  Ramsay  MacDonald,  C.  J.  L'Estrange 
Malone,  Tom  Mann,  James  Maxton,  Sir  Oswald 
Mosley,  H.  Pollitt,  A.  A.  W.  H.  Ponsonby  (Lord 
Ponsonby),  Bertrand  A.  W.  Russell,  Dora  Rus- 
sell, S.  Saklatvala,  Tom  Shaw,  Emanuel  Shinwell, 
Robert  Smillie,  Herbert  Smith,  Philip  Snowden, 
H.  H.  Thomas,  E.  Thurtle,  Ben  Tillett,  C.  P. 
Trevelyan  (Sir),  R.  C.  Wallhead,  Sidney  Webb 
(Lord  Passfield),  J.  C.  Wedgwood,  Miss  Ellen  C. 
Wilkinson,  Robert  Williams,  and  Edward  F.  Wise. 


"The  Patriot"  (of  London)  for  June  1, 
1933  says:  "that  Litvinoff— who  left  this 
country  for  this  country's  good  fifteen 
years  ago — is  to  be  permitted  re-entry  to 
attend  the  Economic  Conference  is  un- 
fortunate. .  .  .  His  presence  will  be  a 
national  insult.  ...  He  is  a  Jew  whose 
real  name  is  Finklestein,  and  he  lived  in 

the  East  End  before  the  war.  He  attracted 
the  notice  of  Scotland  Yard  in  June,  1917, 
as  one  of  six  members  of  the  Moscow 
Soviet  who  arrived  in  London — apparently 
by  invitation — in  order  to  witness  the 
overthrow  of  constitutional  government  by 
Ramsay  MacDonald's  Leeds  conference, 
which  was  a  treasonable  attempt  to  destroy 
our  Constitution — in  the  midst  of  the  war 
in  our  national  defense — by  setting  up 
Soviets  here  under  the  name  of  Soldiers' 
and  Workers'  Councils.  Litvinoff  took  an 
office  at  82  Victoria  Street,  which  he  called 
the  Russian  Embassy.  There  were  a  num- 
ber of  complaints  of  Litvinoff's  offences 
against  the  Defense  of  the  Realm  Act  in 
1917  and  1918,  but  he  was  merely  sent  to 
Brixton  Gaol  and  had  his  fingerprints 
taken  and  was  then  deported  as  an  unde- 
sirable alien." 

"This  attempt  to  organize  a  revolution 
to  end  the  war  was  supported  by  the 
U.D.C."  (wartime  organization  of  the 
Socialist  Ind.  Labour  Party),  "Indepen- 
dent Labor  Party,  British  Socialist  Party, 
Women's  International  League"  (Jane 
Addams',  under  Mrs.  Pethwick  Lawrence), 
"Herald  League  (an  offshoot  of  the  Daily 
Herald),  the  Clyde  Workers  Committee, 
etc.  Sinn  Feiners  also  attended  the  con- 
vention. Among  the  supporters  of  the 
scheme  were  Tom  Mann,  Arthur  Mac- 
Manus,  W.  Gallacher  (Clyde),  Noah 
Ablett,  and  other  Syndicalists  from  South 
Wales."  (Morning  Post,  Nov.  1918.) 

The  "Socialist  Network"  by  N.  Webster 
says:  "Amongst  the  most  active  supporters 
of  the  movement  were  Ramsay  MacDonald, 
the  Snowdens  and  C.  G.  Ammon,  all  Ind. 
Labour  Party;  Chas.  Roden  Buxton,  Peth- 
wick Lawrence  and  Bertrand  Russell,  U.D. 
C.;  E.  C.  Faerchild  and  Mrs.  Dora  Monte- 
fiore,  British  Socialist  Party;  and  Sylvia 
Pankhurst  of  the  Workers  Socialist  Fed- 
eration" (which  became  Communist  in 

"It  was  in  May  of  the  same  year,  1917, 
that  Ramsay  MacDonald  applied  for  a 
passport  to  go  to  Russia  in  order  to  con- 
sult with  the  Workmen's  and  Soldiers' 
Soviets,  but  in  view  of  his  Pacifist  activities 
during  the  war  the  National  Seamen  and 
Firemen's  Union  under  Havelock  Wilson 
refused  to  carry  him." 

"Potted  Biographies"  says:  "In  June 
1917,  MacDonald,  assisted  by  Snowden, 
Smillie,  Ammon,  Anderson,  Roden  Buxton, 
Mrs.  Despard,  Mrs.  Snowden,  and  many 
East  End  Jews,  held  a  conference  at  Leeds, 
and  agreed  to  the  formation  of  Workmen's 
and  Soldiers'  Councils,  on  Russian  lines, 


The  Red  Network 

to  end  the  war  by  outbreak  of  a  revolution 
which  wouM  paralyze  our  military  oper- 
ations. MacDonald  said:  'Now  is  the 
turn  of  the  people;  we  must  lay  down  our 
terms;  make  our  own  proclamations;  estab- 
lish our  own  diplomacy.'  He  was  appointed 
to  the  committee  for  acting  and  creating 
thirteen  Soviets.  In  April  1918,  a  huge  mass 
meeting  at  Woolwich  passed  this  resolution, 
reported  in  the  Times:  'That  this  meeting 
says:  "To  Hell  with  Ramsay  MacDonald 
and  Philip  Snowden.  .  .  .  that  the  engineers 
of  Woolrich  Arsenal  are  Englishmen  and 
they  demand  to  be  led  by  men  who  love 
their  country." '  .  .  .  Mr.  MacDonald  was 
Prime  Minister  in  the  nine  months  Socialist 
Government  of  1924,  inflicted  on  us  by 
Mr.  Asquith.  In  the  Govt.  were  twenty- 
seven  members  of  the  Ind.  Labour  Party, 
and  it  was  responsible  for  recognition  of 
the  atrocious  Soviet  Govt.  with  the  con- 
sequent enormous  extension  of  the  prepar- 
ations for  World  Revolution  and  with 
active  promotion  of  strikes  and  labour  un- 
rest here.  ...  In  March,  1924,  he  was 
recipient  of  30,000  shares  in  McVitie  and 
Price  Biscuit  Co.  and  a  Daimler  car." 


"In  1925  delegates  from  Moscow  were 
in  England  arranging  with  members  of 
the  Trades  Union  Congress  for  strikes 
which  might  develop  into  revolution;  and 
on  May  1,  1926,  the  great  General  Strike 
was  declared  at  a  meeting  of  trade  union 
leaders,  when  MacDonald  said:  'We  (the 
Socialist  Party)  are  there  in  the  battle  with 
you,  taking  our  share  uncomplainingly  until 
the  end  has  come  and  right  and  justice 
have  been  done.'  He  and  J.  H.  Thomas 
then  joined  in  singing  'The  Red  Flag'; 
and  he  became  a  co-opted  member  of  the 
Strike  Committee,  which  was  later  charged 
in  a  Cabinet  paper  with  'having  held  a 
pistol  at  the  head  of  Constitutional  Gov- 
ernment.' .  .  .  Mr.  Baldwin  said:  'The 
General  Strike  will  remain  forever  a  stain 
on  the  annals  of  our  country.'  .  .  .  Miss 
Ellen  Wilkinson"  (a  Communist  made  an 
Ind.  Labour  Party  executive)  "took  a  very 
active  part  in  the  General  Strike.  .  .  .  She 
toured  the  country  addressing  strike  meet- 
ings. .  .  .  MacDonald  in  Oct.  1928  said 
the  strike  'as  the  manifestation  of  human 
solidarity  was  one  of  the  most  glorious 
things  that  this  20th  Century  had  pro- 
duced' .  .  .  during  the  Miners'  strike  he 
wrote  Miss  Ellen  Wilkinson  in  the  U.S. 

•"    oi<» 

.  .  .  ,    etc. 
See  Independent  Labour  Party  also. 


Affiliate  of  Freethought  Press  (anti- 
religious),  having  identical  addresses  and 
companion  catalogues.  Dr.  Wm.  J.  Robin- 
son, author  of  "the  scathing  denunciation 
of  religion"  so  lauded  by  Albert  Einstein 
in  the  atheist  catalogue,  is  also  author  of 
several  of  the  sex  books.  "Sane  Sex  and 
Sane  Living"  by  H.  W.  Long,  purporting 
to  be  written  to  benefit  "married  couples," 
uses  some  medical  language,  wallows  ap- 
parently in  enthusiastic  licentiousness  with 
descriptive  erotic  suggestions,  and  recom- 
mends and  condones  masturbation.  The 
advertising  leaflet  for  this  book  states  that 
it  is  "Recommended  by  Union  Theological 
Seminary."  ( !)  Vile  advertisements  are 
sent  out  offering  lewd  books  about  sex 
perversions  and  atrocities  fully  illustrated. 
Why  the  Post  Office  Dept.  allows  such 
material  to  go  through  the  mails  is  a 
mystery.  Hdqts.  317  E.  34th  St.,  N.Y. 


Communist  veterans'  organization  with 
which  the  Workers  Ex-Service  Men's 
League  (of  the  U.S.)  is  affiliated,  formed 
by  Communist  Henri  Barbusse,  of  France, 
its  president;  its  purpose  is  "to  make  war 
on  war"  by  bloody  Red  revolution ;  teaches 
soldiers  to  "turn  an  imperialist  war  into 
civil  war." 


An  English  "drawing  room  Socialists' " 
society;  founded  1884  by  Prof.  Thomas 
Davidson,  "an  ethical  Anarchist-Commu- 
nist," who  was  quickly  superseded  by  G. 
B.  Shaw,  then  a  clerk,  and  Sidney  Webb, 
son  of  a  London  hairdresser,  Annie  Besant 
and  H.  G.  Wells  later  becoming  leading 
members;  "by  its  method  of  middle  class 
permeation,  notably  in  the  Civil  Service, 
has  done  more  to  accelerate  the  revolution- 
ary movement  than  the  crude  agitation  of 
the  Socialist  Democratic  Federation"  (from 
"Socialist  Network"  by  Nesta  Webster) ; 
its  program  states:  "The  Fabian  Society 
consists  of  Socialists.  It  therefore  aims  at 
the  reorganization  of  Society  by  the 
emancipation  of  Land  and  Industrial 
Capital  from  individual  ownership,"  etc.; 
aided  in  forming  the  very  red  Independent 
Labour  Party  of  Great  Britain  in  1893 
(see  Ind.  Lab.  Party). 


Is  virtually  synonymous  and  inter- 
changeable with  the  Socialist  Party,  each 

Organizations,  Etc. 


supporting  candidates  of   the   other  party 
for  certain  offices;  strong  in  Minnesota. 


Formed  by  the  Conference  for  Progres- 
sive Political  Action  (see) ;  pres.  Thos.  R. 
Amlie;  Alfred  M.  Bingham,  exec.  sec. 


See  under  United  Farmers  League. 


Fed.  Coun.  Chs. 

The  Federal  Council's  claim  that  it  repre- 
sents   the    will    of    22,000,000    Protestant 
Church    members   is   ridiculous.    Members 
of  Protestant  congregations  do  no  voting 
on  the  policies  of  this  Council.  While  about 
400  delegates  meet  once  every  four  years, 
appointed  on  the  basis  of  four  from  each 
of    twenty-eight    denominations,    plus    one 
for   each    50,000   communicants,   these   are 
entertained  by  a  well  planned  steam-roll- 
ered   program.     The    executive    committee 
meets  only   once  a  year.    In  the  interim, 
an   Administrative   Committee   of   twenty- 
eight    members  largely    appointed    by    the 
Council's  President  issues  the  radical  pro- 
nouncements  in    favor   of    Birth    Control, 
disarmament,  Negro  social  equality,  League 
of  Nations,  World  Court,  prohibition,  and 
against  "sanctioning  war"  and  the  Naval 
Bill,    against    deportation    or   exclusion    of 
alien     Reds     (in     cooperation     with     the 
A.C.L.U.) — all    matters    upon    which    the 
22,000,000     Protestant     Church     members 
never    vote    at    all.     S.    Parkes    Cadman, 
now  on  the  nat.  com.  of  the  very  red  Nat. 
Religion  and  Labor  Foundation,  president 
of  the  Federal  Council   1924-8  and   radio 
minister   of   the    same   since,    has   shocked 
many  denominational  leaders  into  agitating 
for  withdrawal  from  the  Federal  Council 
by    his    radio    talks    in    contravention    of 
essential    New    Testament    Christian    doc- 
trines.     Bishop     Francis     J.     McConnell, 
president  from  1929-33,  has  a  long  record 
for    radicalism    (see    this    "Who's    Who"). 
Many    denominational    and    Congressional 
protests    have    been    registered    concerning 
radical    Council    activities,   but   "The   evi- 
dence shows  that  the  Federal  Council  will 
continue    to    function    regardless    of    any 
activity  by  the  membership  denominations 
respecting   financial   support   since    75   per 
cent   of  its  income  is  donated  from   out- 

side the  churches,  a  condition  which  tends 
to  support  the  charge  that  it  is  serving 
these  interests  instead  of  the  denomi- 
nations." (From  "Tainted  Contacts"  by 
E.  N.  Sanctuary,  156  5th  Ave.,  N.Y.  City, 
price  50c  and  $1.00,  an  expose  of  the 
Federal  Council.) 

The  Marion  Star  stated:  '"They  have 
been  hand  in  hand  with  the  Civil  Liberties 
Union  which  has  been  doing  its  utmost 
to  oppose,  hinder  and  hamstring  the  Gov- 
ernment in  every  activity  in  which  it  has 
engaged  to  protect  American  lives  and 
property  from  the  foes  of  all  governments 
.  .  .  from  the  I.W.W.,  the  agents  of  Soviet 
Russia,  from  Communists  and  Direct- 
actionists  of  every  label  and  variety.  It 
was  responsible  for  the  sending  out  to 
125,000  Clergymen  the  Kirby  Page  anti- 
war service  pledge  'I  never  again  will  sanc- 
tion or  participate  in  war'  and  'will  not 
give  financial  or  moral  support  to  any 
war.'  It  is  to  the  everlasting  credit  of  the 
clergy  that  the  125,000  largely  refused  to 
sign  the  seditious  pledge.  It  is  indeed 
heartening  to  know  that  one  of  our  Fed- 
eral lawmakers  has  the  backbone  ...  to 
ask  that  this  organization,  which  has  been 
so  consistently  fighting  the  government 
and  all  its  policies  for  the  protection  of 
American  ideals,  be  investigated.  The 
country  should  know  the  people  at  the 
head  of  it  and  the  forces  behind  them, 
and  the  manner  in  which  they  are  making 
dupes  of  the  memberships  of  many 
denominations  of  the  Christian  Church  of 
the  land." 

In  1914  Carnegie  endowed  the  Church 
Peace  Union,  a  self  perpetuating  board  of 
29  trustees  practically  all  of  whom  are  in 
some  way  identified  with  the  Federal 
Council,  "which  gave  the  controlling  group 
in  the  Federal  Council  an  annual  income 
which  has  enabled  it  to  run  the  budget 
for  the  Federal  Council  and  its  cooperating 
organizations  up  into  the  millions.  Among 
these  organizations  are  the  Church  Peace 
Union,  World's  Alliance  for  International 
Friendship  Through  the  Churches,  The 
Commission  on  International  Friendship 
and  Good  Will,  the  National  Council  for 
Prevention  of  War,  American  Civil  Liber- 
ties Union."  ("Pastors,  Politicians  and 
Pacifists"  by  Smith- Johns.) 

The  Federal  Council  admittedly  violates 
the  American  ideal  of  separation  of  Church 
and  State.  In  relating  the  work  of  its 
Washington  Committee  (on  page  217  of 
the  Federal  Council  "Handbook  of  the 
Churches"),  it  states  that  it  "Serves  as  a 
center  for  the  cooperating  work  of  the 


The  Red  Network 

churches  in  their  relation  to  agencies  of 
the  government.  It  is  a  clearing  house  of 
information  concerning  governmental  activ- 
ities which  affect  moral  and  social  con- 
ditions and  also  a  medium  for  interpreting 
to  the  government  from  time  to  time  the 
point  of  view  of  the  churches." 

"Young  Peoples  Relationships"  is  a  dis- 
gusting sex  manual  for  "leaders  of  young 
people  between  the  ages  of  16  and  19" 
written  by  "a  Conference  convened  by  the 
Federal  Council  of  Churches.  Issued  under 
the  auspices  of  the  Conference  on  Prepar- 
ation for  Home  Making,  Instituted  by  the 
Federal  Council  of  Churches"  .  .  .  (quoted 
from  its  title  page).  General  Amos  Fries, 
in  his  booklet  "Sugar  Coating  Commu- 
nism" (price  2Sc;  address:  3305  Woodley 
Road,  Washington,  D.C.),  hails  this  sex 
manual  as  "A  crowning  achievement  of  the 
Federal  Council  controlling  group  along 
the  line  of  preparing  the  way  for  atheistic 
communism."  Perhaps  because  of  Gen. 
Fries'  exposure,  the  reference,  in  the  second 
printing  of  the  manual,  to  the  Federal 
Council  sponsorship  has  been  carefully 
deleted.  Otherwise  it  is  the  same  and  is 
sold  by  the  Pilgrim  Press  (14  Beacon  St., 
Boston  and  418  S.  Market  Street,  Chicago, 
price  7Sc) . 

Full  detailed  instructions  and  tests  for 
studying  various  phases  of  sex  and  sexual 
intercourse  by  the  "discussion  method"  in 
an  "atmosphere"  that  is  "informal," 
"frank,"  and  "open  minded"  are  given  with 
the  advice  that  "some  leaders  report  good 
results  in  mixed  groups."  Model  "opinion" 
and  "word"  tests  are  given  to  analyse  the 
reactions  of  the  young  people  individually 
to  suggestive  words  and  sentences  such  as: 
"Light  Petting,  Heavy  Petting,  Sex  Con- 
sciousness in  Girls,  in  Boys,  Birth  Control, 
Unmarried  Mother,  Flaming  Youth,  Mod- 
esty, Free  Love,  Necking;  What  sensations 
come  from  spooning  ? ;  On  the  basis  of  the 
stimulation  experienced  by  men  at  the 
touch  of  some  girls  what  is  the  stimulation 
in  the  girl  and  is  that  stimulation  more 
intense  at  some  times  than  at  others?; 
What  can  a  girl  do  when  she  is  out  with 
a  boy  in  a  car  and  he  stops  along  the  road, 
turns  off  the  light  and  says  'Now  we  can 
have  a  good  time?'";  etc.,  etc.,  etc.  The 
Birth  Control  report  of  the  Federal  Coun- 
cil "Committee  on  Marriage  and  the  Home" 
is  quoted  in  this  pamphlet  with  this  addi- 
tion: "This  report  contemplates  only  the 
use  of  contraceptives  by  married  people, 
the  facts  stated  however  are  of  universal 

interest  and  apply  with  still  more  signifi- 
cance to  sexual  intercourse  outside  of  mar- 
riage." The  infamous  Mary  Ware  Dennett 
pamphlet  "The  Sex  Side  of  Life"  is  en- 
dorsed as  "indispensable."  Gen.  Fries 
states:  "Anyone  reading  the  whole  pam- 
phlet cannot  fail  to  get  the  idea  that  when 
all  is  said  and  done  sexual  intercourse  is 
a  personal  matter  and  if  two  want  to 
indulge  therein  it  is  nobody  else's  business. 
.  .  .  Had  this  pamphlet  come  out  of  Russia 
direct  as  one  of  their  means  of  breaking 
down  all  morality,  the  family,  and  the 
home,  as  the  final  step  toward  communism, 
we  would  have  felt  it  well  qualified  to 
carry  out  the  intent  of  its  authors."  What 
a  manual  for  use,  as  it  recommends  itself, 
for  "Denominational  Summer  Conferences, 
Young  People's  Societies  and  Study  Groups 
in  Churches,  in  Hi-Y  Clubs  and  Girl 
Reserves!"  It  was  "prepared  by  Benj.  S. 
Winchester,"  who  is  secretary  of  the  Fed- 
eral Council  and  contributing  editor  of  the 
official  Federal  Council  Bulletin,  while  Fed- 
eral Council  officials  Rev.  Samuel  McCrea 
Cavert  (executive  secretary  of  the  Council 
and  Editor  of  the  Bulletin)  and  Rev. 
.Worth  M.  Tippy  (secretary  of  the  Council 
and  contributing  editor  of  its  Bulletin) 
were  fellow  members  of  the  Conference 
which  assisted  and  sponsored  its  prepar- 
ation and  publication.  The  average  parent 
would  sicken  with  disgust  to  take  part  in 
such  licentious  discussions  as  are  presented 
in  this  manual  for  decent  young  church 
people  who  normally  would  never  hear  or 
become  interested  in  a  tenth  part  of  the 
sexual  trash  presented  for  them  to  "study" 
in  this  manual. 

Fed.  Press. 

Claimed  by  Communists  as  their  own 
press  service;  headed  by  Carl  Haessler  of 
the  communist  Chgo.  Workers  School; 
supplies  news  to  Communist,  Socialist, 
radical,  revolutionary  papers  in  the  United 
States;  was  handsomely  aided  by  the  Gar- 
land Fund  (see  "Garland  Fund") ;  the 
Lusk  Report  (1920)  quotes  Roger  Bald- 
win as  saying  "There  was  organized  some- 
time in  1908  largely  through  the  activity 
of  Scott  Nearing,  a  small  press  association 
known  as  the  International  Labor  News 
Service  with  headquarters  at  7  East  15th 
Street.  The  active  management  of  the  news 
service  was  in  the  hands  of  Louis  P.  Loch- 
ner. ...  In  December  1919  (it)  became  the 
Federated  Press.  The  Federated  Press  is 
now  serving  something  over  one  hundred 
papers  .  .  .  has  international  connections 

Organizations,  Etc. 


with  and  cable  news  service  from  England, 
Scandinavia,  France  and  Australia.  Its 
news  service  deals  primarily  with  the  labor 
movement  and  with  revolutionary  pro- 
gress"; U.S.  Report  2290  points  out  that 
Tass,  the  Soviet  Union  Telegraph  Agency, 
has  one  and  the  same  office  and  representa- 
tive at  Washington,  B.C.,  with  the  Fed- 
erated Press;  E.  J.  Costello,  its  first  man- 
ager, after  visiting  Russia  and  European 
countries,  to  establish  connections  with  rev- 
olutionary organizations,  was  deported  from 
England  (1920)  as  a  Red.  Louis  P.  Loch- 
ner  took  charge  of  the  Berlin  office  used 
as  a  publicity  outlet  by  the  Third  Inter- 
national of  Moscow;  Carl  Haessler  sup- 
planted Costello  as  manager  from  1922 
on;  in  1927  members  of  the  Federated  Press 
executive  board  were  Earl  Browder  and 
Arne  Swabeck  of  the  executive  committee 
of  the  Communist  Party,  W.  Maloney, 
Joseph  Schlossberg,  Phil  Ziegler,  John 
McGivney,  Math  Tenhunen  (prominent 
Communist),  Albert  F.  Coyle  and  Frank 
Palmer;  in  order  to  collect  funds  to  aid 
the  Federated  Press,  a  Federated  Press 
League  was  organized  in  Chicago,  Feb.  4, 
1922,  with  Robert  Morss  Lovett  as  pres- 
ident. Wm.  Z.  Foster  was  then  a  member 
of  the  executive  board  of  the  Federated 

The  Chicago  office  of  Carl  Haessler  and 
the  Federated  Press  is  (1933)  also  the  office 
of  the  A.C.L.U.  Chgo.  Committee,  the 
Chgo.  Com.  for  Struggle  Against  War,  the 
Acme  News  Syndicate  and  the  "Institute 
for  Mortuary  Research"  (whatever  that 
is),  of  which  Haessler  is  director. 

Fed.  Unemp.  Org.  Cook  Co. 

A  Communist-officered  committee  with 
hdqts.  at  1910  South  Kedzie  Ave.,  Chicago, 
and,  according  to  its  letterhead,  "Affiliated 
to  the  National  Federation  of  Unemployed 
Workers  Leagues  of  America"  (Borders') ; 
a  letter  dated  July  12,  1933,  signed  by  the 
Communist  chairman,  Karl  Lochner,  was 
addressed  "To  All  Workers  Organizations  in 
Cook  County,"  and  said  in  part:  "The 
newly  organized  Federation  of  Unemployed 
Organizations  of  Cook  County  is  organiz- 
ing a  Hunger  March  to  force  an  answer 
from  the  bosses  for  next  July  26th.  .  .  . 
We  want  your  organization  to  endorse  this 
march,  to  participate  in  it  under  your 
own  signs  and  banners,  and  to  help  popu- 
larize it.  ...  Further,  this  action  will 
require  the  issuing  of  a  great  deal  of  pub- 
licity matter  at  considerable  expense.  We 

want  to  ask  your  organization  to  help  us 
in  this  by  making  a  generous  donation. 
We  can  send  you  speakers  for  meetings. 
You  can  get  publicity  material  from  our 
headquarters  after  July  19.  Fraternally 
yours,  Karl  Lochner." 

This  letterhead  lists  as  officers: 
Chmn.,  Karl  Lochner,  Unemployed  Council  (of 
Communist  Party) ;  vice  chmn.,  Bernard  Klein, 
Chicago  Workers  Committee  (Expelled  Local  No. 
2);  secretary,  L.  Armstrong,  Unemployed  Coun- 
cil; treas.,  J.  Kasper,  Chicago  Workers  Committee 
on  Unemployment;  exec,  com.;  Harry  D.  Weiser, 
Melting  Pot  League  of  America;  G.  Reeves,  Un- 
employed Council;  May  Delin,  Women's  Com- 
mittee, Unemployed  Council;  Albert  Simon,  Chi- 
cago Workers  Committee  (Expelled  Local  No.  2); 
Norman  Satir,  Workers  League  of  America  (of 
communist  Proletarian  Party);  Paul  Tucker,  Un- 
employed Council;  O.  Heckner,  Single  Men's 
Committee,  Unemployed  Council. 


Fed.  Unemp.  Wkrs.  Lgs.  Am. 

A  communist-I.W.W.-controlled  "united 
front"  federation  of  unemployed  organ- 
izations first  organized  all  over  the  U.S. 
in  1932-33  by  Karl  Borders,  who  also 
headed  it  as  nat.  chmn.  until  its  national 
convention,  held  at  Lincoln  Center,  Chi- 
cago, May  13-15,  1933,  at  which  time 
Tom  Dixon  (of  the  Proletarian  Party's 
(Communist)  "Workers  Leagues")  be- 
came nat.  chmn.;  A.  Guss  (of  the 
Communist  Party's  "Unemployed  Coun- 
cils") became  vice  chmn.;  Eddy  Statt- 
man  (organizer  of  I.W.W.  "Unem- 
ployed Unions")  became  treas.;  George 
Leach  (of  Border's  "Chicago  Workers  Com- 
mittee on  Unemployment"  (chmn.  Local 
34)  )  became  sec.  The  I.W.W.,  Proletarian 
and  various  Communist  parties  are,  of 
course,  all  openly  revolutionary  bodies. 
An  executive  committee  was  also  elected 
consisting  of  Hugo  Oehler  (of  the  nat. 
exec.  com.  of  the  Communist  League, 
known  as  "Trotskyites,"  and  representa- 
tive of  the  Unemployed  Unions  of  Gillespie 
111.,  center  of  recent  Communist  agitation 
and  hdqts.  of  the  Progressive  Miners 
Union) ;  Warren  Lamson  (chmn.  of  the 
Communist  Cook  County,  111.  "Unemployed 
Councils,"  teacher  at  the  Chicago  Workers 
School  of  revolution)  ;  Zimmerman  of  the 
Proletarian  Party's  (Communist)  "Workers 
Leagues";  V.  Didwell  (of  People's  Council 
of  Bellingham) ;  D.  Harrington  (of  United 
Producers  of  Wash.) ;  Wm.  R.  Truax  of 
the  "Unemployed  Citizens  Leagues"  of  the 
Conference  for  Progressive  Labor  Action 
(militant  left-wing-Socialist,  Communist- 


The  Red  Network 

cooperating  "Musteites") ;  Lore  (of  the 
S.  E.  Missouri  "Unemployed  Leagues"  of 
the  same  Conference  for  Progressive  Labor 
Action) ;  Welsh  (of  the  N.Y.  "Association 
of  Unemployed"  of  the  Communist  Party 
(opposition)  "Lovestoneites") ;  Mattock 
(of  the  Proletarian  Party's  (Communist) 
"Workers  Leagues") ;  Conners  (of  the 
Allen  County,  Indiana  "Unemployed  Assn." 
of  the  Communist  Party  (opposition) 

The  "New  Frontier"  (April  19,  1933), 
organ  of  the  Chicago  Workers  Committee 
on  Unemployment,  which  was  also  organ- 
ized by  Karl  Borders,  stated:  "Jobless 
leagues  throughout  the  country  have  been 
asked  by  the  Federation  of  Unemployed 
Workers  Leagues  of  America  to  send  dele- 
gates to  a  convention  in  Chicago,  May  13- 
15.  The  Workers  Committee  on  Unemploy- 
ment and  the  Workers  League,  Chicago 
branches  of  the  Federation,  have  agreed 
to  act  as  hosts.  They  will  feed  and  lodge 
the  delegates.  Sessions  will  be  held  at  Lin- 
coln Center,  700  Oakwood  Blvd." 

The  May  3,  1933  issue  said:  "Federation 
Still  Growing — Affiliations  are  still  coming 
in  daily.  The  list  now  includes: 

"Chicago  Workers  Committee;  Workers  League 
of  America  (branches  in  Chicago,  Buffalo,  and  Los 
Angeles) ;  Racine  County  Workers'  Committee  on 
Unemployment;  Downers  Grove  Unemployed  Coun- 
cil; Unemployed  Citizens'  League  of  Michigan 
(branches  at  Detroit,  Lansing,  Owosso,  Battle 
Creek,  Bay  City,  Grand  Rapids);  Unemployed 
Citizens'  League  of  St.  Louis;  Arbeiter  Kultur 
Sport  Verein;  Waukegan  Cooperative  Unemploy- 
ment League;  Dayton  Cooperative  Production 
Units;  Eastern  Ohio  Unemployed  Leagues  (18 
branches) ;  Unemployment  League  of  Des  Moines 
County;  Houston  Unemployment  League;  Com- 
munity Cooperative  Farms  (Visalia,  Cal.);  Mem- 
phis Unemployed  Citizens'  League;  South  Bend 
Unemployed  Council;  Buffalo  League  of  the) 
Unemployed;  Indianapolis  Unemployment  League; 
People's  Unemployment  League  of  Maryland; 
Unemployed  Union  of  Boston;  Tenants  and  Un- 
employed League  of  Washington,  D.C.;  Socialist 
Unemployed  Union  of  Richmond,  Virginia; 
Workers'  Unemployed  Leagues  of  New  York; 
United  Men  and  Women  Workers  of  Terre  Haute; 
Dauphin  County  (Pa.)  Workers'  Committee  on 
Unemployment;  Unemployed  League  of  New 
Bedford,  Mass.;  Summit  County  (Ohio)  Workers' 
League;  Fall  River  Unemployed  Union;  New 
York  Workers'  Committee  on  Unemployment; 
Unemployed  Union  of  New  Jersey." 


Fed.  Unemp.  Wkrs.  Lgs.  N.Y. 

Federated  Feb.  1933  as  part  of  the  Fed- 
erated Unemployed  Workers  Leagues  of 
America  (see) ;  associated  in  New  York 
with  the  Y.M.C.A.,  Y.M.H.A.,  Urban 
League,  N.A.A.C.P.;  Committee  (as  an- 

nounced in  the  Communist  press):  Paul 
Blanshard,  Fannia  Cohn,  Heywood  Broun, 
Rose  Schneidermann,  Morris  Hillquit, 
Walter  Frank,  Arthur  Garfield  Hays,  Freda 
Kirch wey,  Morris  Ernst,  J.  Howard  Melish, 
Bishop  Francis  J.  McConnell,  Rabbi 
Stephen  Wise,  John  Haynes  Holmes. 


Fell.  Christ.  Soc.  Order 

Merged  about  1929  with  the  Fellowship 
of  Reconciliation;  Kirby  Page  was  chair- 
man of  the  executive  committee. 


"Be  ye  not  unequally  yoked  together  with  un- 
believers; for  what  fellowship  hath  righteousness 
with  unrighteousness?  and  what  communion  hath 
light  with  darkness?"  (II  Corinth.,  6:14.) 

Like  the  Reconciliation  Trips  (see)  of 
the  Fell.  Recon.,  it  seeks  to  propagandize 
the  anti-national  internationalism  and 
"reconciliation"  of  all  races  and  creeds  into 
one,  or  none,  that  is  part  of  the  program 
of  Communism  and  Socialism.  "How  Ex- 
pand Patriotism  into  World  Consciousness" 
is  a  typical  program  subject.  Speakers  for 
the  debasing  and  degrading  Hindu, 
Mohammedan,  Pagan  and  Agnostic  Cults 
are  placed  in  "fellowship"  and  on  an  equal 
footing  with  speakers  for  Jesus  Christ. 
The  audiences  chant  a  mixture  of  prayers 
and  ritual  from  all  of  these.  The  savage 
Mohammedan  call  of  the  muezzin  as  heard 
in  darkest  Asia  is  mingled  with  the  propa- 
ganda of  the  Hindu,  Jew  and  agnostic. 
Negro  choirs  and  performers  give  an  inter- 
racial touch  to  the  meetings.  This  jumbling 
of  contradictory  beliefs  leads  only  to  con- 
fusion and  unbelief,  and  robs  Jesus  Christ 
of  His  rightful  place  as  the  Light  of  this 
World.  Its  bulletins  were  handed  out  by 
the  Communist  booksellers  at  the  A.S. 
C.R.R.-L.I.D.  Brookhart-Fish  debate  Mar. 
21,  1932.  Ignorance  of  the  purposes  of  its 
radical  sponsors  enables  it  to  draw  in 
numerous  non-radical  dupes  who  see  only 
the  supposed  beauty  of  "fellowship"  and 
"brotherly  love"  (with  paganism). 

Radicals  of  all  hues  addressed  its  World 
Fellowship  of  Faiths  Parliament,  held  in 
Chicago,  Aug.  27  to  Sept.  17,  1933,  includ- 
ing Raja  Jai  Bahadur  Singh  of  India", 
"founder  of  the  Humanistic  Club,"  an 
atheistic  movement,  W.  P.  Hapgood,  Rabbi 
Hillel  Silver,  Dean  Roscoe  Pound,  Karl 
Borders,  James  M.  Yard,  Philip  LaFol- 
lette,  Carl  D.  Thompson,  Rosika  Schwim- 
mer,  Jesse  H.  Holmes,  Charlotte  Perkins 
Oilman,  Jabez  T.  Sunderland  of  A.  Lin- 

Organizations,  Etc. 


coin  Center  "Unity,"  Rabbi  Chas.  E.  Shul- 
man,  Eliz.  Oilman,  Curtis  Reese,  Mary  E. 
McDowell,  Mrs.  M.  H.  Ford  (Bahaist 
speaker),  Margaret  Sanger  ("Crusading 
Freethinker"),  Ex-Sen.  Brookhart,  Benj.  C. 
Marsh,  Norman  B.  Barr,  etc.,  etc. 

The  speaker  for  the  Parliament  at  two 
sessions  was  the  unfrocked  "Bishop"  Wm. 
Montgomery  Brown,  author  of  atheist 
books  for  children  and  head  of  the  commu- 
nist W.I.R.,  which  runs  the  anti-religious 
Red  revolutionary  Young  Pioneer  camps. 
He  sacrilegiously  wore  a  Bishop's  tunic 
with  a  cross.  To  quote  from  the  Bulletin 
of  Advisory  Associates:  "Brown  soon 
launched  into  a  glorification  of  Soviet  Rus- 
sia stating  there  was  one  place  in  the 
world  where  they  had  dared  to  end  the 
exploitation  of  man.  ...  He  said  that  in 
Russia  science  had  replaced  supernatural- 
ness  and  religion  was  gradually  being 
stamped  out  and  that  the  new  generation 
being  reared  there  was  free  from  the  old 
shackles  of  religious  beliefs  in  God  in  the 
skies  .  .  .  that  the  youth  were  not  per- 
mitted to  have  their  minds  filled  with 
reverence  for  abstract  deities  up  in  the 
skies  and  that  science  was  replacing 
religion  for  the  new  generation.  ...  He 
said  that  the  U.S.S.R.  was  just  the  fore- 
runner of  an  international  Communist  state 
which  would  gradually  absorb  all  capitalist 
states  which  were  gradually  decaying  away. 
Brown  said  that  the  only  way  to  attain 
this  international  Communist  state  was 
through  revolution  and  that  he  used  the 
term  advisedly  knowing  full  well  the  cost 
attached  to  revolution  but  that  the  results 
were  worth  all.  He  said  that  the  present 
corrupt  and  decayed  capitalist  systems  must 
be  torn  down  in  order  to  build  wholly 
anew,  and  that  if  any  government,  church 
or  institution  opposed  or  stood  in  the  way 
of  the  attainment  of  this  Communist  state, 
they  must  be  ruthlessly  overthrown  and 

"These  utterly  seditious  remarks  were 
received  with  enthusiastic  applause  by  the 
audience  and  as  he  stressed  his  various 
points  many  of  the  audience  could  be  seen 
vigorously  nodding  their  heads  in  approval. 
In  concluding  his  remarks  'Bishop'  Brown 
said  that  if  world  unity  were  to  be  attained 
it  must  be  through  International  Commu- 
nism and  could  be  arrived  at  by  banishing 
the  Gods  from  the  Skies  and  capitalists 
from  the  Earth  (his  slogan)  and  then,  and 
only  then,  would  there  exist  a  complete 
World  Fellowship  of  Faiths. 

"His  conclusion  was  greeted  with  a  wild 
round  of  applause.  Charles  Frederick 

Weller  then  arose  and  Brown  was  asked 
to  repeat  his  concluding  remarks,  which 
he  did.  Then  Weller  thanked  the  'Bishop' 
for  his  'stirring'  message  and  said  that  the 
audience,  irrespective  of  individual  view- 
points, could  not  help  but  admire  the 
courage  and  stirring  quality  of  'Bishop' 
Brown's  message  and  he  was  sure  that 
others  felt  the  same  as  he  did,  that  they 
had  been  of  the  same  belief  as  Brown  for 
some  time  but  did  not  have  the  courage 
to  come  out  and  admit  it  and  he  wanted 
to  say  at  this  time  that  he  was  in  thorough 
agreement  with  the  sentiments  as  expressed 
by  'Bishop'  Brown." 

This  Chas.  F.  Weller  and  Kedarnath  Das  Gupta 
are  the  "General  Executives''  of  the  Fellowship  of 
Faiths,  with  hdqts.  at  Room  320,  139  N.  Clark 
St.,  Chicago.  Das  Gupta  is  "one  of  the  three 
General  Executives  of  the  Threefold  Movement — 
Fellowship  of  Faiths,  Union  of  East  and  West, 
League  of  Neighbors." 

"National  Committee  of  300":  Hon.  Pres.: 
Jane  Addams;  Vice  Presidents:  Newton  D. 
Baker,  Prof.  John  Dewey,  Glenn  Frank,  Dr.  John 
A.  Lapp,  Dr.  R.  A.  Millikan,  Frank  Murphy 
(Gov.  of  the  Philippines),  Chester  Rowell,  Mary 
Woolley;  Chmn.,  Bishop  Francis  J.  McConnell; 
Vice  Chairmen:  Rabbi  Stephen  S.  Wise,  Prof. 
E.  R.  A.  Seligman,  Patrick  Henry  Callahan. 

"Chicago  Committee  of  200":  Chmn.,  Dr. 
Ernest  F.  Tittle;  Vice  Chairmen:  Dr.  Preston 
Bradley,  Dr.  Albert  Buckner  Coe.  Other  Chicago 
Committee  members  are:  Dr.  Chas.  Gilkey,  chmn. 
South  Side;  Rev.  Irwin  St.  John  Tucker,  chmn. 
Northwest  Side;  Rev.  E.  F.  Tittle,  chmn.  North 
Shore;  Chas.  Clayton  Morrison,  Chmn.  Chicago 
general  committee;  Rabbi  Chas.  E.  Shulman, 
James  Mullenbach,  Rabbi  S.  Felix  Mendelsohn, 
Chandra  Seena  Gooneratne  (see  China  Com- 
mittees), Thos.  W.  Allinson  (father  of  Brent 
Dow),  W.  Frank  McClure,  Frank  Orman  Beck 
(Recon.  Trips),  Mrs.  B.  F.  Langworthy,  Rev. 
Norman  Barr,  and  the  following  who  are  also 
A.C.L.U.  committeemen:  Rabbi  Louis  L.  Mann, 
Mary  McDowell,  Robt.  Morss  Lovett,  Fred  Atkins 
Moore,  Horace  J.  Bridges,  A.  Eustace  Haydon, 
Amelia  Sears,  Curtis  Reese,  Wm.  H.  Holly,  Clar- 
ence Darrow,  Jane  Addams  (an  A.C.L.U.  founder), 
etc.,  etc. 

Communist  Brown's  talks  before  the  Fell. 
Faiths  1933  Parliament  in  Chgo.  are  now 
printed  and  being  advertised  by  him  in 
his  atheist  children's  book.  They  are 
entitled  "Communism — the  New  Faith  for 
the  New  World"  (price  lOc,  Bradford 
Brown  Edu.  Co.,  Galion,  Ohio).  He  calls 
them  "Two  outspoken  appeals  on  behalf 
of  communism." 


Fell.  Recon. 

A  radical-"pacifist"  organization  of  about 
10,000  members  employing  Christian  terms 
to  spread  communistic  propaganda;  con- 
ducts Reconciliation  Trips  (see) ;  widely 
circulated,  in  1932,  petitions  for  Recog- 
nition of  Russia  (see) ;  affiliated  with 
socialist  Pioneer  Youth  of  America;  a  sec- 


The  Red  Network 

tion  of  the  ultra-radical  War  Resisters 
International;  sponsored  the  Lane  Pam- 
phlet against  military  training  for  the  pub- 
lication and  distribution  of  which  the  red 
Garland  Fund  spent  $5,400;  a  supporting 
organization,  in  conjunction  with  revolu- 
tionary Communist,  I.W.W.  and  Socialist 
bodies,  of  the  communist-called  and  con- 
trolled Congresses  Against  War  (U.S.,  Stu- 
dent, World  Congress  of  Youth) ;  its 
executive  secretary,  J.  B.  Matthews,  took 
an  active  part  in  these  Congresses  either 
as  chairman,  speaker,  or  organizer.  I  heard 
him  cheered  at  the  huge  communist 
Mooney  meeting,  May  1,  1933,  when  he 
expressed  his  friendship  and  solidarity  with 
the  Reds  and  said  he  wished  Mooney's 
chances  of  getting  out  of  jail  were  as  good 
as  his  were  of  leaving  the  Socialist  for  the 
Communist  Party.  His  selection  as  co- 
chairman,  with  Communist  Donald  Hender- 
son, of  the  U.S.  Congress  Against  War,  to 
preside  over  the  two  platforms  from  which 
the  Communist  Party's  outstanding  revo- 
lutionary agitators  were  to  speak  was  an 
"honor"  indicating  reciprocal  esteem  for 
him  on  their  part.  The  Feb.  1933  issue  of 
"Student  Outlook"  (militant  Socialist 
L.I.D.  organ),  of  which  he  is  editor,  stated 
that  he  is  "not  oppjsed  to  a  war  that 
would  end  capitalism"  (for  his  further 
remarks  see  under  Student  Congress). 
Henri  Barbusse,  Tom  Mann,  Earl  Browder, 
Michael  Gold,  "Mother"  Bloor,  Jack 
Stachel,  all  Communist  leaders,  and  J.  B. 
Matthews  were  the  speakers  at  the  dinner 
given  in  honor  of  Tom  Mann's  arrival  from 
England,  Oct.  6,  1933,  at  Hotel  Paramount, 
N.Y.  City. 

A  Fell.  Recon.  leaflet  stating  the  position 
and  purpose  of  the  Fell.  Recon.  admon- 
ishes: "Position  A.  Keep  Central  and 
Typical  the  Reference  to  Jesus"  in  order 
"to  influence  churches  and  the  Christian 
Student  Movement  and  to  secure  their 
cooperation  in  spreading  radical  Christian 
views  on  war  economics  and  race  issues" 
and  "for  demonstrating  left-wing  Christian- 
ity" as  "hitherto  our  leadership  and  sup- 
port have  come  mainly  from  Christian 
sources.  These  sources  especially  have 
made  possible  the  extension  of  our  work 
in  Europe,  Central  America,  and  Southern 
United  States"  (quoted  in  first  article  on 
Pacifism).  . 

It  sponsored  and  called  the  conference 
for  the  communist  All-America  Anti- 
Imperialist  League  at  Wash.,  B.C.,  Oct. 
29-30,  1926  (Federated  Press,  Oct.  21, 
1926).  It  is  one  of  the  branches  of  the 
International  Fellowship  of  Reconciliation 

which  originated  in  Holland  about  1914. 
The  American  branch  was  organized  1917 
by  Norman  Thomas  aided  by  his  fellow 
radicals  Jane  Addams,  Harry  Ward,  Emily 
Greene  Balch,  Jessie  W.  Hughan,  W.  Rau- 
shenbush,  Oswald  G.  Villard,  etc.,  later 
joined  by  Scott  Nearing,  Anna  Rochester, 
Paul  Jones,  John  Nevin  Sayre,  etc.  It 
participates  in  International  War  Resisters 
(see)  conferences. 

The  International  Fellowship  of  Recon- 
ciliation conference,  held  at  Lyons,  France, 
Aug.  29,  1929,  issued  a  pamphlet,  widely 
distributed  by  the  American  branch.  It  is 
entitled  "Christ  and  the  Class  War"  and 
states:  "We  are  agreed  in  our  conviction 
that  the  class  war  is  a  fact;  that,  whether 
we  will  or  not,  each  one  of  us  is  involved; 
that,  as  a  Fellowship,  we  must  work 
toward  a  radical  reorganization  of  society" ; 
recommendations  for  activity  include: 
"Joining  political  movements  which  aim  at 
the  replacement  of  private  capitalism  by 
a  system  of  collective  ownership"  (Com- 
munism-Socialism) ;  "aiding  movements 
for  the  freeing  of  exploited  colonial  peoples 
from  alien  control  by  imperialist  powers, 
for  opposing  race  discrimination,"  (same 
as  revolutionary  Socialist-Communist  prop- 
aganda), "supporting  movements  for  dis- 
armament, the  abolition  of  compulsory 
military  service  and  the  settlement  of 
conflicts  by  judicial  method  or  conciliation 
realizing  that  so  long  as  military  force  is 
maintained  for  possible  international  war 
there  is  grave  danger  that  it  will  be  used 
in  the  class  war"  (the  very  meat  of  Social- 
ist-Communist so-called  "pacifism") ;  "We 
urge  on  Fellowship  members  the  study  of 
the  experiment  of  Soviet  Russia  in  relation 
to  the  class  struggle  and  in  those  countries 
which  do  not  yet  recognize  the  Soviet 
Union  we  urge  them  to  support  efforts  to 
establish  normal  diplomatic  relations"  (with 
the  Soviet  Union  which  aims  for  world 
bloody  revolution);  etc.  1933  Chairman: 
Reinhold  Niebuhr  (the  Marxian,  also  U.S. 
Congress  Speaker). 

Executive  Secretaries:  J.  B.  Matthews  and  John 
Nevin  Sayre;  Secretary:  For  South,  Howard  A. 
Kester;  for  Latin  America,  Chas.  A.  Thomson; 
for  Industry,  Chas.  C.  Webber;  Vice  Chairmen: 
Adelaide  T.  Case,  Edmund  B.  Chaffee,  Kirby 
Page;  Treas.  Wm.  C.  Biddle;  Asst.  Treasurers: 
James  M.  Boyd  and  Tucker  P.  Smith;  Chmn. 
Exec.  Com.  Wm.  C.  Bowen. 

National  Council  members  whose  terms  expired 
1929:  Jane  Addams,  Don  M.  Chase,  Elmer  Cope, 
Juliette  Derricotte,  Carol  Hyde,  A.  J.  Muste, 
James  Myers,  Roy  Newton,  Wm.  B.  Spofford. 
Grace  Watson,  Theresa  Wilson;  terms  exnired 
1928:  Devere  Allen,  Kath.  Ashworth  Baldwin, 
Roger  Baldwin,  Gilbert  Beaver.  Helena  Dudley, 
Benj.  Gerig,  Harold  Hatch,  Caroline  LaMonte. 
Scott  Nearing,  Edw.  Richards,  Galen  Russell, 

Organizations,  Rtc. 


Tucker  P.  Smith,  Chas.  Webber.  Recent  execu- 
tives: A.  J.  Muste  (militant  labor  agitator  and 
Socialist),  Paul  Jones,  George  Collins,  Amy 
Blanche  Greene,  etc. 

European  headquarters:  2126  Doubler- 
gasse,  Vienna;  17  Red  Lion  Square,  W.C.I., 
London.  New  York  City  hdqts.,  until 
recently,  383  Bible  House  Astor  Place,  now 
29  Broadway. 


Fell.  Recon.  Pet.  Russ.  Recog. 

A  petition  headed  "For  the  Recognition 
of  Soviet  Russia"  circulated  in  1932  by  the 
Fellowship  of  Reconciliation,  in  behalf  of 
the  Soviet  government,  which  proudly 
announces  that  it  intends  to  overthrow 
ours  by  bloody  Red  terror  and  Commu- 
nist revolution,  stated:  "In  the  interests 
of  World  Peace  and  as  a  measure  of  mutual 
economic  advantage  I  urge  the  immediate 
recognition  of  the  Soviet  government  of 
Russia  by  the  United  States."  The  letter 
inclosed  with  this  petition  stated  that 
"shortly  after  the  November  election"  the 
petition  would  be  presented  to  the  Presi- 
dent-elect" and  was  signed  by  J.  B. 
Matthews,  as  exec,  sec.,  who  is  so  promi- 
nently featured  as  speaker  at  Communist 
affairs  in  company  with  Communist  Party 
leaders.  Attached  was  the  following  list 
headed:  "The  following  college  and  uni- 
versity presidents  have  signed  this  request": 

W.  A.  Neilson,  Smith  Coll.;  Marion  E.  Park, 
Bryn  Mawr  Coll.;  Ellen  F.  Pendleton,  Wellesley 
Coll.;  G.  Bromley  Oxnam,  DePauw  U.;  Horace 
D.  Taft,  The  Taft  Sch.;  John  Hope,  Atlanta  U.; 
Daniel  W.  Morehouse,  Drake  U.;  H.  C.  Bedford, 
Penn.  Coll.;  J.  A.  C.  Chandler,  William  and 
Mary  Coll.;  Earl  E.  Harper,  Evansville  Coll.; 
Howell  A.  King,  U.  of  Baltimore;  M.  H.  Knud- 
sen,  Snow  Coll.;  Clyde  L.  Lyon,  Eureka  Coll.; 
Henry  T.  Moore,  Skidmore  Coll.;  Earl  A.  Road- 
man, Dak.  Wesleyan  U.;  Chas.  J.  Smith,  Roanoke 
Coll.;  Paul  F.  Voelker,  Battle  Creek  Coll.;  John 
H.  Wood,  Culver-Stockton  Coll.;  Paul  H.  Buch- 
ho!z,  U.  of  Dubuque;  Arlo  Ayres  Brown,  Drew 
U.;  W.  J.  Hutchins,  Berea  Coll.;  W.  Douglas 
Mackenzie,  Hartford  Sem.;  F.  E.  Eiselen,  Gar- 
rett  Bibl.  Inst.;  Arthur  E.  Morgan,  Antioch 
Coll.;  Wallace  W.  Attwood,  Clark  U.;  I,  N. 
McGash,  Phillips  U.;  W.  H.  Hall,  Wilmington 
Coll.;  William  T.  Holmes,  Tougaloo  Coll.;  H.  L. 
Kent,  N.  M.  Coll.  of  Agr.  and  Mech.  Arts; 
Lucien  Koch,  Commonwealth  Coll.;  Robt.  Wil- 
liams, Ohio  Northern  U.;  C.  P.  McClelland, 
MacMurray  Coll.;  W.  O.  Mendenhall,  Friends  U.; 
Margaret  S.  Morriss,  Pembroke  Coll.;  Wm.  H. 
Powers,  S.D.  State  Coll.;  John  O.  Spencer,  Mor- 
gan Coll.;  Wm.  J.  Wilkinson,  Colby  Coll.;  Harry 
A.  Garfield,  Williams  Coll.;  Daniel  L.  Marsh, 
Boston  U.;  Henry  Sloane  Coffin,  Union  Theol. 
Sem. ;  Thomas  E.  Jones,  Fisk  Univ. ;  Henry  J. 
Doenmann,  U.  of  Toledo;  Wm.  Pearson  Tolley, 
Allegheny  Coll.;  B.  I.  Bell,  St.  Stephens  Coll.; 
Harvey  N.  Davis,  Stevens  Inst.;  Ralph  K.  Hickok, 
Western  Coll.;  O.  E.  Kriege,  New  Orleans  U.; 

H.  L.  McCrorey,  Johnson  C.  Smith  tT.;  John  S. 
Nollen,  Grinnell  Coll.;  Albert  B.  Storms,  Bald- 
win-Wallace Coll.;  Robert  E.  Blackwell,  Ran- 
dolph-Macon  Coll.;  Albert  W.  Palmer,  Chicago 
Theol.  Sem.;  Ernest  H.  Wilkins,  Oberlin  Coll.; 
W.  P.  Behan,  Ottawa  U.;  Norman  F.  Coleman, 
Reed  Coll.;  Franklin  S.  Harris,  Brigham  Young 
U.;  V.  F.  Schwalin,  McPherson  Coll.;  C.  W. 
Tenney,  Gooding  Coll.;  Arthur  Braden,  Tran- 
sylvania U. 

Some  of  the  350  Professors  who  signed  are: 
Earle  Eubank,  Cincinnati  U.;  Jerome  Davis,  Yale 
U.;  Gordon  W.  Allport,  Harvard  U.;  Ernest  F. 
Tittle,  Garrett  Bibl.  Inst.;  T.  V.  Smith,  U.  of 
Chgo.;  Daniel  A.  Prescott,  Gen.  Edu.  Bel.;  H.  A. 
Overstreet,  City  Coll.  of  N.Y.;  Paul  Monroe, 
Teachers  Coll.;  Frederick  Efershuer,  Butler  U.; 
Charles  P.  Rowland,  Yale  U.;  Charles  W.  Gil- 
key,  U.  of  Chgo.;  D.  F.  Fleming,  Vanderbilt  U.; 
John  Dewey,  Columbia  U.;  Zechariah  Chafee, 
Harvard  U.;  Benj.  H.  Williams,  U.  of  Pitts.; 
Ida  Sitler,  Hollins  Coll.;  Ernest  Minor  Patterson, 
U.  of  Pa.;  Reinhold  Niebuhr,  Union  Theol. 
Sem.;  James  C.  Miller,  U.  of  Pa.;  Robert  Morss 
Lovett,  U.  of  Chgo.;  S.  Ralph  Harlow,  Smith 
Coll.;  Arthur  N.  Holcombe,  Harvard  U.;  Her- 
bert F.  Fraser,  Swarthmore  Coll.;  Stephen  P. 
Duggan,  Inst  of  Intl.  Edu.;  John  R.  Commons, 
Wis.  U.;  Thomas  Woody,  U.  of  Pa.;  Edwin  R  A 
Seligman,  Columbia  U.;  0.  Myeing  Niehus,  No. 
Tchrs.  Coll.;  Edward  C.  Lindeman,  N.Y.  Sch.  of 
Soc.  Wk.;  Hugh  Hartshorne,  Yale  U.-  Wm 
Trufant  Foster,  Pollak  Found.;  Horace  A.  Eaton, 
Syracuse  U.;  Phillip  W.  L.  Cox,  N.Y.  U.;  Henry 
Nelson  Wieman,  U.  of  Chgo.;  Alva  W.  Taylor, 
Vanderbilt  U.;  Wm.  F.  Russell,  Columbia  U.; 
Paul  Jones,  Antioch  Coll.;  Wm.  H.  Kilpatrick, 
Columbia  U.  Tchrs.  Coll.;  Harry  Emerson  Fos- 
dick,  Union  Theol.  Sem.;  Harold  U.  Faulkner, 
Smith  Coll. 



A  Union  Theological  Seminary  (see) 


Became  the  Youth  Section  of  the  Fellow- 
ship of  Reconciliation,  about  1928. 


Formerly  published  the  Socialist  "World 
Tomorrow"  and  rec'd.  money  from  the 
Garland  Fund  for  this  purpose. 


Section  of  the  Revolutionary  Writers 
Federation  (Communist). 

A  Communist  Party  affiliated  group. 


Affiliated  with  the  Workers  and  Farmers 
Cooperative  Alliance  of  the  communist 


Of  the  Communist  Party  Foreign  Lan- 
guage Groups  (see) ;  includes  Finnish 


The  Red  Network 

Workers  Clubs,  Finnish  Women's  Club 
(Chicago),  and  groups  in  various  cities; 
conducted  Young  Pioneer  Camp  at  Lake 
Zurich,  111.  1933;  its  publishing  plant  in 
N.C.  City  printed  the  "Pioneer  Song  Book" 
for  Young  Pioneers  1933. 


1st  Am.  Tr.  Un.  Delg.  to  Russia 

In  Aug.-Sept.  1927;  was  exulted  over 
by  the  Communist  Party;  repudiated  and 
denied  the  sanction  of  the  A.F.  of  L.  be- 
cause of  its  communistic  character;  its 
trip  was  reported  for  the  Federated  Press 
and  Daily  Worker;  its  first  report  "Russia 
After  Ten  Years"  was  published  by  the 
communist  International  Publishers;  its 
later  report  entitled  "Soviet  Russia  in  the 
Second  Decade"  sold  by  Communist  book 
stores  and  recommended  by  the  Soviet 
Union  Information  Bureau  (see  Mar.  1931 
issue  of  its  official  publication  "Soviet 
Union  Review") ;  this  book  report  was 
edited  by  Stuart  Chase,  Rex.  Tugwell  and 
Communist  Robert  W.  Dunn,  fellow  mem- 
bers of  the  delegation,  and  is  a  mass  of 
misleading  communistic  propaganda;  Frank 
P.  Walsh,  counsel  for  the  expedition  in  a 
letter  soliciting  funds,  dated  July  12,  1927 
(reproduced  in  the  Better  America  Fed- 
eration Bulletin  of  July  27,  1927)  said 
in  part: 

"Dear  Comrade:  We  are  running  into  strong 
opposition  from  the  reactionary  president,  Wm. 
Green,  of  the  A.F.  of  L.,  who  has  learned  about 
our  planned  mission  to  Russia  and  has  refused  to 
this  date  to  sanction  and  authorize  our  commission 
to  be  a  representative  body  of  the  A.F.  of  L." 
(gives  names  of  members,  etc.).  "We  have 
picked  these  men  personally  and  there  is  no 
danger  of  sabotaging  the  mission  by  any  one  of 
the  delegation's  rostrum,  for  the  majority  is  in 
our  hands.  However.  1  do  expect  opposition  from 
Johnson,  Ziegler"  (these  evidently  did  not  go) 
"and  Fitzpatrick  but  since  I  am  the  Counsel  for 
the  mission  you  may  trust  the  rest  to  me.  The 
American  Trade  Union  Delegation  .  .  .  feels 
justified  in  calling  upon  all  persons  outside  the 
ranks  of  the  organized  labor  movement  to  defray 
the  cost  of  pur  traveling  expenses  and  of  cover- 
ing the  publication  of  our  report.  .  .  .  Knowing 
your  relations  with  the  Liberal  movement  of  Cali- 
fornia especially  with  Mrs.  K.  C.  Gartz"  (see 
this  "Who's  Who")  "I  am  forced  to  ask  you 
for  financial  contribution  to  the  amount  of  at 
least  $5,000,  which  I  figure  should  be  California's 
contribution  to  this  greatest  of  all  undertakings 
for  the  cause  of  Russia.  .  .  .  Remember  we  need 
$20,000  and  by  the  end  of  July.  For  cooperation, 
Sincerely  Yours,  Frank  P.  Walsh,  Counsel,  The 
American  Trades  Union  Mission  to  Russia." 

Efforts  of  the  Delegation  to  pose  as  offi- 
cially representative  of  the  A.F.  of  L.  were 
quickly  spiked  by  Wm.  Green,  President 
of  the  A.F.  of  L.,  who  on  May  27  issued 
a  statement  asserting  in  part: 

"For  the  purpose  of  relieving  any  wrong  public 
impression  which  may  prevail,  this  delegation  is 
not  clothed  with  authority  to  speak  for  American 
labor,  or  for  the  American  Federation  of  Labor." 
(Chicago  Tribune,  May  28,  1927). 

At  the  Workers  Party  (the  name  of  the 
Communist  Party  at  that  time)  Cenvention 
held  Sept.  1927  in  N.Y.  City,  Jay  Love- 
stone,  then  national  secretary  of  the  Com- 
munist Party,  called  special  attention  to 
the  fact  that  the  Communists  had  been  able 
over  the  protest  of  the  A.F.  of  L.  to  send 
a  "labor"  delegation  to  Soviet  Russia 
(Marvin  Data  Sheets) ;  during  the  tour 
Frank  Palmer  (see  this  "Who's  Who") 
wrote  reports  for  the  Federated  Press,  the 
first  from  aboard  ship  appearing  in  the 
"Federated  Press  Labor  Letter,"  August 
18,  1927,  and  headed  "Labor  Mission  on 
Way  to  Europe  and  Russia";  the  Daily 
Worker  published  an  article  Oct.  12,  1927, 
after  their  return,  headed  "Palmer  Praises 
Labor  in  U.S.S.R.";  in  1930  Palmer  was 
made  field  secretary  of  the  Chicago  A.C. 
L.U.  committee  headed  by  Arthur  Fisher, 
a  fellow  delegation  member  and  president 
of  the  A.C.L.U.  Chicago  branch.  Fisher 
is  a  Winnetka  neighbor  of  Carleton  Wash- 
burne  of  the  delegation,  who  is  Supt.  of 
Winnetka  Public  Schools. 

The  book  report  "Soviet  Russia  in  the 
Second  Decade — a  Joint  Survey  by  the 
Technical  Staff  of  the  First  American  Trade 
Union  Delegation,  edited  by  Stuart  Chase, 
Robt.  Dunn  and  Rexford  Guy  Tugwell," 
lists  as  labor  members  of  the  American 
Trade  Union  Delegation  to  the  Soviet 
Union:  James  H.  Maurer,  John  Brophy, 
Frank  L.  Palmer,  Albert  F.  Coyle,  James 
W.  Fitzpatrick;  and  as  "technical  staff" 
members:  Stuart  Chase,  Robt.  W.  Dunn, 
Jerome  Davis,  George  S.  Counts,  Rexford 
Guy  Tugwell,  Paul  H.  Douglas,  Arthur 
Fisher,  Carleton  Washburne  (all  listed  in 
this  "Who's  Who")  and  a  few  other  pro- 
Soviets  ;  the  preface  states  that  "The  mem- 
bers of  the  party  did  not  travel  or  work 
singly  and  at  all  stages  of  the  tour  there 
was  discussion  and  exchange  of  experience. 
.  .  .  Some  of  us  were  in  Russia  for  over 
two  months,  one  or  two  remained  only  a 
fortnight.  We  visited  Moscow,  Leningrad 
and  then  split  into  five  small  parties.  .^ .  . 
Collectively  we  interviewed  the  most  im- 
portant figures  in  the  country,  including 
Stalin,  Menjhinsky,  Kalinin,  Chicherin, 
Lunacharsky,  Schmidt,  Trotsky,"  etc. 

Washburne  in  his  section  of  the  book  on 
"Soviet  Education"  says,  p.  305:  "This 
study  was  made  unfortunately  in  August 
(1927)  when  most  schools  were  not  in 
session.  .  .  .  This  fact,  the  shortness  of  the 

Organizations,  Etc. 


time  available  and  the  necessity  of  talking 
through  interpreters  constitute  the  prin- 
cipal and  most  serious  limitations  of  the 
study";  yet,  he  sympathetically  says  on 
the  same  page:  "We  almost  never  felt  any 
attempt  to  suppress  unfavorable  facts  or  to 
exaggerate  favorable  ones"  (!)  and  feels 
able  to  enthuse  on  p.  306  that  "Today 
Soviet  Russia  as  a  whole  probably  has 
the  most  modern  and  progressive  school 
program  and  methods  of  any  country  in 
the  world,"  a  conclusion  labeled  as  just 
pure  "bunkum"  by  those  unbiased  by  com- 
munistic sympathies. 

Washburne's  "alibi"  for  his  membership 
in  this  delegation  (see  North  Shore  Topics, 
Winnetka,  Apr.  7,  1933)  was:  "I  was 
crossing  the  Atlantic  to  speak  to  an  Edu- 
cational Conference  in  Locarno,  Switz.,  in 
the  summer  of  1927.  On  the  same  ship  were 
some  university  professors  who  had  been 
asked  by  a  group  of  trade  unionists  to 
make  an  unbiased  study  of  the  situation  in 
Russia."  (Note  Walsh's  letter)  "They  had 
no  one  to  study  Russian  schools  and  asked 
if  I  would  go  with  them  and  do  this  job." 
As  a  matter  of  fact,  George  S.  Counts, 
Washburne's  associate  in  the  Progressive 
Edu.  Assn.,  and  a  member  of  this  staff, 
writes  the  companion  section  of  the  book 
on  education,  of  which  Washburne  in  his 
part  says:  "This  section  of  the  report 
confines  itself  to  what  is  called  in  Russia 
'Social  Education' — the  regular  education 
of  children  from  3  to  16  or  17  years  of  age. 
Prof.  Counts'  report  takes  up  the  other 
phases  of  education — higher  education,  fac- 
tory schools,  the  abolition  of  illiteracy, 

Communist  T.U.U.L.  union;  4  W.   18th 
St.,  N.Y.  City. 

"To  get  the  boys  out  of  the  trenches 
by  Christmas,"  according  to  its  slogan; 
organized  by  Rosika  Schwimmer  with 
Louis  P.  Lochner  acting  as  general  secre- 
tary ;  financed  by  Henry  Ford,  who  not 
only  paid  all  expenses  of  the  exposition 
but  handsome  honorariums  to  the  delegates 
besides;  sailed  on  Oscar  II,  the  Peace  Ship 
—Dec.  4,  1915;  the  Lusk  Report  says: 
"Among  the  passengers  ...  we  find  the 
names  of  some  thirty-odd  men  and  women 
afterward  active  in  furthering  'peace'  pro- 
German  or  inter-nationalist  movements, 
many  of  whom  are  active  revolutionaries 
today";  Jane  Addams  whose  place  because 
of  illness  was  taken  by  Emily  Balch,  Wm. 

C.  Bullitt  "well-known  radical"  (adviser 
of  U.S.  State  Dept.  and  now  Ambassador 
to  Soviet  Russia),  Lola  Maverick  Lloyd 
and  her  brother  Lewis  Maverick,  Carl  D. 
Thompson,  etc.,  are  listed  among  members 
"afterwards  active  in  radical  movements." 
Altho  Ford  and  Lochner  finally  broke, 
"Lochner  considered  a  great  deal  had  been 
gained  for  the  cause  through  the  Ford 
Party.  .  .  .  The  'Conference  of  Neutral 
Internationalists  and  Pacifists'  entirely 
financed  by  Mr.  Ford  was  held  in  Stock- 
holm from  about  March  to  July,  1917" 
(two  years  later) ;  "Miss  Balch  was 
appointed  to  organize  an  American  Neutral 
Conference  Committee  in  New  York  on 
her  return;  the  Central  Organization  for  a 
Durable  Peace  was  enriched  by  at  least 
$2,000,"  etc.,  "though  the  Ford  Peace  trip 
was  generally  ridiculed  as  the  irresponsible 
venture  of  nebulous  dreamers,  Lochner  and 
Mme.  Schwimmer  had  in  the  undertaking 
a  perfectly  practical  object.  This  was  to 
•effect  a  powerful  international  'Conference 
of  Neutrals'  to  which  the  Ford  Pilgrims 
were  to  be  delegates  and  the  foreign  dele- 
gates of  the  Central  Organization  for  a 
Durable  Peace  a  sort  of  steering  Com- 
mittee. .  .  .  Miss  McMillan  is  still  an  officer 
of  the  International  Suffrage  Alliance;  and 
Mme.  Schwimmer  has  had  the  distinction 
of  being  the  first  Bolshevik  Ambassador 
from  Hungary  to  Switzerland  in  1919,  her 
career  being  cut  short  by  the  fall  of  Bela 
Kun  .  .  .  perhaps  then  the  Ford  Peace 
Party  may  have  served  a  useful  purpose 
not  generally  understood." 


The  Communist  Party  central  committee 
operates  about  16  Bureaus  which  control 
foreign  language  federations  of  Lettish, 
Italian,  Hungarian,  Finnish,  Chinese, 
Ukrainian,  Czechoslovak,  Albanian,  Polish, 
Jaivish,  Esthonian,  Lithuanian,  Russian, 
Spanish,  Armenian,  Japanese  groups.  Each 
federation  is  composed  of  various  "Work- 
ers" clubs,  cultural  and  insurance  societies, 
etc.,  called  "mass  organizations,"  officered 
and  controlled  by  "Party  fractions"  (or 
"nuclei"  of  Party  members).  These  "frac- 
tions" hold  separate  meetings  and  are 
expected  to  control,  in  accordance  with 
instructions,  the  "mass"  group.  The  Fed- 
eration pays  a  per  capita  membership  fee 
to  the  Communist  Party  as  a  federation. 
Many  of  the  federation  members  are  not 
individual  members  of  the  Party.  The 
policy  in  fact  of  the  Communist  Party  is 
that  all  party  members  must  be  active 
Party  workers  and  organizers  and  control 


The  Red  Network 

from  ten  to  fifty  or  more  non-party  mem- 
bers each  by  officering  and  boring  from 
within  mass  groups  in  order  to  influence, 
bring  and  hold  these  groups  under  Com- 
munist control.  Each  federation  has  a 
secretary  and  an  official  Communist  pub- 
lication in  its  own  language.  A  secretary 
of  all  the  federations  directs  activities  from 
N.Y.  City.  There  are  8  daily  foreign 
language  Communist  newspapers  published 
in  the  United  States  and,  besides  the  pub- 
lications of  the  foreign  language  fed- 
erations named  above,  there  are  Greek, 
Armenian,  Bohemian,  German,  Bulgarian, 
Rumanian,  Portuguese,  Slovak,  Jugo  Slav, 
Yiddish,  communist  publications. 

The  "Party  Organizer"  (for  Communist 
Party  members),  June- July,  1930  issue, 
page  10,  in  an  article  entitled  "Short- 
comings of  Party  Fractions  in  Language 
Work,"  stated:  "Reports  given  by  16 
Language  Bureaus  of  the  Central  Com- 
mittee uncover  many  weaknesses  in  our 
language  fractions.  .  .  .  The  fractions 
directed  by  16  bureaus  and  numbering 
about  5000  Party  members  control  organ- 
izations having  about  50,000  members. 
About  800  Party  members  work  among 
140,000  workers  in  organizations  in  which 
we  have  influence.  .  .  .  Work  in  small,  Party 
controlled  organizations  in  which  in  some 
cases  the  Party  members  are  the  majority 
of  those  present  at  the  meetings  develop  a 
tendency  of  giving  these  organizations 
almost  a  role  of  the  Party,  at  least  similar 
political  functions.  ...  A  redistribution  of 
these  forces  so  that  most  of  the  Party 
members  shall  be  organized  in  real  mass 
organizations  for  struggle  against  reaction, 
for  Party  policies  and  leadership,  is  neces- 

For.  Pol.  Assn. 

Named  in  "Congressional  Exposure  of 
Radicals"  (see)  as  one  of  the  organizations 
interlocked  by  membership  with  the  Ameri- 
can Civil  Liberties  Union  "that  play  into 
the  hands  of  the  Communists";  it  organ- 
ized the  National  Council  for  Prevention 
of  War  1921;  changed  its  own  name  from 
League  of  Free  Nations  1921;  claims  11,000 
members  and  stated  in  1932:  "Last  year 
41,000  men  and  women  met  at  108  meetings 
in  19  cities";  in  order  to  "educate  public 
opinion"  conducts  long  series  of  radio 
addresses,  Institutes,  study  groups,  discus- 
sion meetings,  luncheons,  lectures;  issues 
pamphlets,  maintains  a  "research  staff."  In 
its  1932  pamphlet  series  such  authors  are 
listed  as  Morris  Hillquit,  Paul  Douglas, 

John  A.  Ryan,  Harry  D.  Gideonse,  Geo. 
H.  Blakeslee  (Am.  Friends  Peace  Institute 
faculty  member  at  Evanston),  Max  East- 
man, Maurice  Hindus,  George  Soule,  John 
Dewey,  Wm.  E.  Borah. 

In  an  able  and  lengthy  paper  Matthew 
Woll,  vice  pres.  of  the  A.F.  of  L.,  in  April 
1929,  referred  to  the  Foreign  Policy  state- 
ments favoring  recognition  of  Russia  and 
its  pamphlets  prepared  by  Vera  A.  Micheles 
(Dean)  of  the  Foreign  Policy  research 
staff,  saying  in  part:  "These  pamphlets 
are  not  merely  partisan  in  adopting  the 
Soviet  view  on  this  question  but  by  wholly 
repressing  important  sections  of  the  U.S. 
documents  quoted  and  by  giving  other 
sections  out  of  their  context,  have  mis- 
represented our  State  Dept.  policy  to  the 
point  of  presenting  it  as  being  the  very 
reverse  of  what  it  actually  is." 

James  G.  McDonald,  who  has  been  the 
Foreign  Policy  Assn.  chairman  since  1919 
and  who  gives  radio  addresses  for  the 
Assn.  about  foreign  affairs,  in  a  speech 
before  the  Phila.  branch  stated  that  Soviet 
Russia  wished  to  maintain  peace,  "But 
intentions  are  hampered  frequently  by  the 
activities  of  the  Russian  Communist  Party 
and  the  Third  International  neither  of 
which  the  government  has  power  to  con- 
trol." To  this  false  statement,  long  used 
by  the  Communists  when  trying  to  side 
step  retaliation  for  their  own  activities, 
patriotic  Ralph  Easely  retorted  by  show- 
ing that  the  executive  committees  of  the 
Third  International,  the  Soviet  Government 
and  the  Communist  Party  of  Russia  are 
practically  identical,  Stalin,  Buhkarin, 
Tchitcherin,  Rykoff,  for  example,  being  on 
all  three,  also  by  quoting  Pravda's  official 
statements  concerning  their  plans  for  world 
revolution.  He  commented  on  McDonald's 
statement  that  he  had  never  felt  he  knew 
enough  about  alleged  Bolshevik  activities 
in  America  to  warrant  the  expression  of  a 
positive  opinion,  by  saying:  "If  you  can 
display  such  ignorance  in  the  matter  of 
Red  propaganda  in  a  country  where  you 
have  lived  for  years,  how  reliable  would 
you  be  likely  to  be  in  telling  what  is  hap- 
pening in  Europe  and  Asia  where  you  spent 
only  a  few  months  on  a  tour  last  summer?" 

Francis  Ralston  Welsh  says:  "Of  course 
there  are  some  respectable  fronts  in  the 
Foreign  Policy  Assn.,  of  course  they  do  not 
realize  what  it  is,  and  equally  of  course 
it  is  the  object  of  the  Foreign  Policy  Assn. 
to  have  respectable  fronts  as  part  of  their 
camouflage.  There  is  no  room  for  doubt 
that  it  belongs  in  the  class  with  the  Amer- 
ican Civil  Liberties  Union,  the  League  for 

Organizations,  Etc. 


Industrial  Democracy,  the  Fellowship  of 
Reconciliation,  the  International  League 
for  Peace  and  Freedom,  the  Peoples  Lobby, 
the  National  Popular  Government  League 
and  others  of  the  sort  as  some  of  the  well 
camouflaged  organizations  of  the  American 
Civil  Liberties  Union  crowd  which  help 
the  Communist  cause." 

Among  those  on  the  national  council  are: 

James  G.  McDonald,  chmn.,  Jane  Addams, 
Stephen  P.  Duggan,  Bishop  Francis  J.  McConnell, 
Wm.  A.  Neilson,  Roscoe  Pound,  Rev.  John  A. 
Ryan,  Wm.  Allen  White,  Wm.  Scarlett,  Capitalist 
Thos.  Lament  (a  member  of  the  firm  of  J.  P. 
Morgan,  international  bankers,  and  father  of 
Corliss,  who  is  a  radical).  Among  the  directors  are 
Mrs.  Thos.  Lament,  Lillian  D.  Wald,  Mrs.  Henry 
Goddard  Leach,  Paul  U.  Kellogg  (chmn.  finance 
committee),  Bruce  Bliven  of  the  New  Republic, 
Francis  Biddle  (signer  of  appeals  for  Sacco  and 
Vanzetti,  whose  verse  was  published  in  the  Libera- 
tor, of  which  his  wife  was  a  stockholder  when  Max 
Eastman  was  editor),  etc. 

Branches  are  in  Albany,  N.Y.,  Baltimore,  Bos- 
ton, Buffalo,  Columbus,  Elmira,  N.Y.,  Hartford, 
Conn.,  Phila.,  Pittsburgh,  Providence,  R.I.,  Rich- 
mond, Va.,  Rochester,  N.Y.,  St.  Paul,  Minn., 
Springfield,  Mass.,  Toledo,  O.,  Utica,  N.Y.,  Wor- 
cester, Mass.  National  headquarters:  18  E. 
41st  St.,  N.Y.  City. 

A  Socialist  publication;  Abraham  Cahan, 
editor,  N.Y.  City. 

Senator  Lynn  Frazier's  proposal  to 
amend  the  Constitution  of  the  U.S.  so  as 
to  disarm  and  render  the  U.S.  virtually 
defenseless;  introduced  for  the  third  time 
at  U.S.  Senate  Judiciary  Committee  hear- 
ing April  13,  1930;  backed  by  the  Women's 
Peace  Union,  Women's  International  League 
for  Peace  and  Freedom,  Fellowship  of 
Reconciliation,  War  Resisters  International, 
American  Friends  Service  Committee,  Pa. 
Committee  for  Total  Disarmament;  the 
Amendment  reads:  "War  for  any  purpose 
shall  be  illegal,  and  neither  the  U.S.  nor 
any  state,  territory,  association  or  person 
subject  to  its  jurisdiction  shall  prepare  for, 
declare,  engage  in  or  carry  on  war  or  other 
armed  conflict,  expedition,  invasion  or 
undertaking  within  or  without  the  U.S. 
nor  shall  any  funds  be  raised,  appropriated 
or  expended  for  such  purpose." 


Anarchist-Communists — that  is,  believers 
in  a  cooperative  society  without  state  gov- 
ernment. To  quote  from  the  Nov.  11,  1933 
manifesto  of  the  Chicago  group: 

"Nov.  the  llth  marks  an  epoch  in  the 
history  of  the  working  class  in  America  .  .  . 
four  anarchists  were  hanged  in  Chicago. 

.  .  .  Forty-six  years  ago  Nov.  1887  Par- 
sons, Linng,  Fischer,  Spies,  believed  in  a 
society  without  the  state  ...  the  abolition 
of  private  property,  the  abolition  of  the 
state  and  the  establishment  of  a  masterless, 
stateless  society.  They  were  anarchists.  .  .  . 
We  the  Free  Society  Group  of  Chicago, 
followers  of  the  ideal  for  which  Parsons 
and  his  comrades  stood  .  .  .  pledge  our- 
selves to  continue  their  noble  and  liber- 
tarian work." 

At  the  meeting  at  which  this  manifesto 
was  distributed,  Ben  Reitman  spoke  and 
in  answer  to  questions  declared  that  he  is 
still  an  Anarchist.  He  read  a  letter  from 
his  old  amour,  Emma  Goldman,  who 
expressed  hope  of  returning  to  the  U.S.A. 
under  the  Roosevelt  administration.  She 
was  planning  to  organize  meetings  in  Can- 
ada and  meet  the  comrades  from  the 
U.S.A.  on  Canadian  soil  meantime.  Her 
"slip  of  paper"  marriage  for  the  purpose 
of  giving  her  English  citizenship  would  ad- 
mit her  to  Canada.  Ben  criticized  her  for 
being  temporarily  downhearted  at  her 
exile  from  the  U.S.A.  and  for  her  antagon- 
ism toward  Russia  (which  he  favors) .  Her 
wonderful  work  for  Anarchism  should  be 
enough  to  keep  her  happy,  he  declared. 
He  said  that  he  was  most  optimistic,  after 
having  spoken  in  a  Theological  Seminary, 
at  Chicago  University,  and  to  a  Methodist 
group  during  the  preceding  week,  at  the 
way  the  students  and  particularly  the 
theological  students  were  coming  along  in 
radicalism.  The  seizure  of  the  whole  Hor- 
mel  Plant  at  Austin,  Minn.,  by  red  strikers 
was  another  encouraging  sign  of  the  times, 
he  said. 

M.  Olay  (Spanish  anarchist)  presided. 
He  represents  the  Chicago  anarchists  in 
united  front  activities,  such  as  the  Ky. 
Miners  Def.  and  Relief  Com.  of  the 
I.W.W.,  Nat.  Mooney  Coun.  of  Action  of 
the  Communists,  etc.,  and  as  a  contributor 
to  the  book  "Recovery  Through  Revolu- 
tion" (see). 

The  Chicago  groups  are  conducting 
weekly  forums  for  the  4th  year  every 
Sunday  night  at  the  socialist  Workmen's 
Circle  school,  1241  N.  California  Ave. 
Other  anarchist  forums  (in  English)  are  at: 

Free  Workers  Center,  219  Second  Ave.,  N.Y. 
City,  Harry  Kelley  in  charge;  Jack  London  Guild, 
1057  Steiner  St.,  near  Golden  Gate  Ave.,  Friday 
night  forums,  Clubrooms  International  Group, 
2787  Folsom  St.,  San  Francisco,  Cal.;  Freedom 
Forum  every  Thursday,  at  224  S.  Spring  St., 
Hall  218,  Los  Angeles,  Cal.;  Roseland  Edu- 
cational Forum  every  Sunday,  2 :30  P.M.,  Dutch 
Hall,  233  lllth  St.,  Chicago;  Cleveland,  O. 
Libertarian  Forum,  every  Sunday  night,  Garment 
Workers  Hall. 


The  Red  Network 

American  1933  Anarchist  publications:  "Free- 
dom," a  monthly,  219  Second  Ave.,  N.Y.  City. 
Harry  Kelley,  M.  Jagendorf,  editors;  "The 
Vanguard,"  N.Y.  City;  "Free  Arbeiter  Stimme," 
N.Y.  City;  "L'Adunata,"  Newark,  N.J.J  "Alba," 
Pitts.,  Pa.;  "Man,"  San  Francisco,  Cal.,  1000 
Jefferson  St.,  Marcus  Graham,  editor,  "Culture. 
Proletaria,"  N.Y.  City;  "Eresia,"  N.Y.  City; 
"Dielo  Truda,"  Chicago. 


National  Atheist  organization  in  New 
York  City  linked  with  the  International 
Freethought  Union  of  Europe;  head- 
quarters are  with  the  Freethought  Press 
Association  (for  anti-religious  books),  and 
the  Eugenics  Publishing  Co.  (for  sex 
literature  of  the  most  revolting  type), 
which  have  the  same  cable  and  street 
address  (317  E.  34th  St.,  New  York  City, 
formerly  250  W.  54th  St.).  The  president 
is  Joseph  Lewis,  whose  biography,  written 
by  an  admiring  atheist,  A.  H.  Rowland, 
with  introduction  by  Prof.  H.  E.  Barnes, 
is  entitled  "Joseph  Lewis,  Enemy  of  God." 
Joseph  Lewis  threatened  Mr.  Wm.  J. 
O'Shea,  Supt.  Dept.  Education,  City  of 
New  York,  59th  and  Park  Ave.,  N.Y.  City, 
on  Dec.  21,  1928,  as  follows: 


"It  is  generally  known  that  the  practice  pre- 
vails, in  the  Public  Schools  of  this  City,  of  open- 
ing the  sessions  by  reading  selections  from  a  book 
commonly  known  as  'The  Bible,'  together  with 
the  singing  of  religious  hymns,**** 

"As  a  resident  of  the  City  of  New  York,  a 
property  owner  and  a  taxpayer,  I  hereby  notify 
you  that  I  demand  that  this  illegal  practice  be 
discontinued,  and  that  the  reading  of  'The  Bible,' 
and  all  other  religious  exercises,  in  the  schools, 
be  stopped. 

"Unless  this  is  promptly  done,  and  I  am 
advised  by  you  within  the  next  10  days,  or  two 
weeks,  that  'Bible'  reading  and  psalm  singing 
in  the  Public  Schools  will  be  prohibited  and  ended, 
I  shall  file  a  Taxpayer's  Suit  to  enjoin  this 
illegal  practice. 

"Yours  sincerely, 

(Signed)    "Joseph  Lewis, 

The  suit  was  filed  and  was  being  carried 
on  to  the  Supreme  Court  by  the  American 
Civil  Liberties  Union  (see)  (May  3,  1932 
issue  "American  Teacher").  One  wonders 
how  minister  members  of  the  A.C.L.U. 
can  hold  up  their  heads  for  shame  who 
presume  to  serve  Jesus  Christ  and  the  Bible 
while  paying  for  and  backing  such  a  suit ! 

Officers:  Pres.  Joseph  Lewis;  1st  Vice-Pres., 
Dr.  Charles  A.  Andrews;  2nd  Vice-Pres.,  Garabed 
Locke;  Sec.,  J.  G.  Tallon;  Treas.,  Julius  Jano- 
witz;  Attorney,  Maj.  Joseph  Wheless;  Honorary 
Vice-Presidents:  J.  F.  D.  Hoge,  Herbert  Asbury, 
Rupert  Hughes,  Clarence  Darrow,  Clarence  H. 
Low,  Prof.  Ellen  Hayes,  Mme.  Olga  Petrova, 
Phillip  G.  Peabody,  Theodore  Schroeder,  Prof. 
Harry  Elmer  Barnes,  Mrs.  Maude  Ingersoll 



To  quote:  "In  recognition  of  Col.  Robt. 
G.  Ingersoll's  most  noteworthy  contri- 
butions to  the  emancipation  of  mankind 
from  religious  superstition,"  an  "Inter- 
national Committee"  was  formed  by  the 
Freethinkers  to  collect  funds  for  an  Inger- 
soll monument  to  be  erected  in  Washing- 
ton, D.C.,  and  to  stage  a  memorial  cele- 
bration during  1933,  the  hundredth  anni- 
versary of  Ingersoll's  birth.  Maude  Inger- 
soll Probasco,  chmn.;  W.  McLean  Pro- 
basco, treas. ;  Jos.  Lewis,  sec.  Officers  of 
The  Am.  Assn.  for  the  Advancement  of 
Atheism  assisted  at  the  celebration  and 
served  on  the  committee. 


See  Freethinkers  of  America;  catalogue 
lists  180  anti-religious  books.  Among  these 
are:  "Twilight  of  Christianity,"  by  Prof. 
H.  E.  Barnes;  "Infidels  and  Heretics,"  by 
Clarence  Darrow  and  Walter  Rice;  "To 
the  Pure,"  by  Morris  Ernst  and  Wm. 
Seagle  ("A  study  of  obscenity  and  the 
censor — A  valuable  contribution  to  the 
literature  of  Man's  struggle  with  his  sex 
complex,  and  the  efforts  of  organized 
religion  in  politics  to  stifle  his  attempts  to 
acquire  information") ;  "The  Mistakes  of 
Jesus,"  by  Wm.  Floyd;  "Let  Freedom 
Ring,"  by  Arthur  Garfield  Hays;  "Joseph 
Lewis,  Enemy  of  God,"  by  Arthur  H. 
Rowland  (catalogue  quotes  preface  by  Prof. 
H.  E.  Barnes,  who  calls  Lewis  "the  most 
aggressive  and  effective  leader  of  irreligion 
in  America  today"  and  adds:  "Interesting 
in  every  line  this  book  by  Mr.  Rowland 
(once  a  Methodist  minister)  makes  clear 
the  aims  and  aspirations  of  Atheism  as 
expounded  by  Jos.  Lewis") ;  "The  Bible 
Unmasked,"  by  Jos.  Lewis  ("Its  analysis 
of  so  many  of  the  perversions,  liaisons  and 
licentious  escapades  of  biblical  characters 
is  a  brilliant  and  daring  feat  of  honest 
scholarship  .  .  .  despite  the  censorship 
which  has  been  placed  on  it  in  some  coun- 
tries— notably  Canada,  where  its  sale  is 
still  prohibited — over  50,000  copies  have 
been  printed").  (Author's  note:  I  have 
this  disgusting  obscene  book  which  not 
only  portrays  Christ  as  a  bastard  and  Mary 
as  immoral  but  imputes  immoral  conduct 
to  the  angels  in  visiting  Mary) ;  "The 
Tyranny  of  God,"  by  Jos.  Lewis  (".  .  .  a 
devastating  attack  on  the  theistic  con- 
ception of  the  universe.  .  .  .  Says  Clarence 
Darrow,  The  book  is  bold  and  true  beyond 
dispute.  I  wish  I  were  the  author.' ") ; 
"Atheism— What  It  Is,  What  It  Means," 

Organizations,  Etc. 


by  Jos.  Lewis  ("Rev.  John  Haynes  Holmes, 
famous  minister  of  the  Community  Church 
New  York  City  calls  it  'brilliant  in  the 
extreme,  altogether  the  best  statement  on 
Atheism  I  have  ever  heard.' ") ;  "If  I  were 
God,"  by  Dr.  Wm.  J.  Robinson,  who  is  a 
sex  writer  for  Eugenics  Pub.  Co.  also 
("Albert  Einstein,  the  great  discoverer  of 
the  Theory  of  Relativity  admires  this  book 
so  much  that,  as  he  wrote  the  author,  a 
copy  is  on  his  desk  at  all  times.  It  is  a 
sweeping  criticism  of  religion  with  its 
bigotry  and  intolerance.") ;  "Marriage  and 
Morals,"  by  Bertrand  Russell  (containing 
"sufficient  dynamite  to  blast  a  carload  of 
ordinary  sex  popularizers  from  the  face  of 
the  earth.  Mr.  Russell  deals  most  com- 
petently and  completely  with  practically 
every  ramification  of  sex  and  sex  life.") ; 
"Forgery  in  Christianity,"  by  Maj.  Jos. 
Wheless  ("  .  .  .  proves  more  than  1000 
notorious  frauds  and  forgeries  in  the 
Bible") ;  "Thinker  or  Believer,"  by  W.  H. 
Williamson;  "The  History  of  Prostitution," 
by  Dr.  Wm.  W.  Sanger  ("shows  that  this 
social  evil  had  its  origin  in  obscure  religious 
rites  .  .  .  tends  to  prove  that  prostitutes 
of  our  own  times  come  generally  from 
those  classes  of  society  where  religion  is 
taught  most  thoroughly  and  that  prostitutes 
themselves  are  generally  ultra  devout"); 
"My  Fight  for  Birth  Control,"  by  Mar- 
garet Sanger  ("In  this  wonderful  book 
Margaret  Sanger  tells  how  she  as  a  Cru- 
sading Freethinker  has  struggled,"  etc.) ; 
"Up  from  Methodism,"  by  Herbert  Asbury 
("  .  .  .  He  is  descended  from  a  long  line 
of  clergymen;  one  of  his  ancestors  being 
Bishop  Francis  Asbury,  who  founded  the 
American  branch  of  the  Methodist  Church. 
How  Mr.  Asbury  rose  above  the  faith  of 
his  fathers  is  a  story  every  American  must 
read") ;  and  "Bible  Comically  Illustrated— 
A  book  as  good  as  a  farce  yet  as  instructive 
as  a  schoolmaster.  Both  text  and  illustra- 
tions help  to  expose  the  absurdities  of  the 
Bible  from  Genesis  to  Revelation";  hdqts. 
317  E.  34th  St.,  New  York  City. 


Communist  Jewish  "Foreign  Language 
Groups"  (see)  conducting  Freiheit  Singing 
Societies,  Freiheit  Workers  Clubs,  etc.,  etc., 
in  N.Y.,  Chicago  and  other  cities.  The 
official  Jewish  Communist  newspaper  (pub- 
lished in  Yiddish)  is  the  Jewish  Daily 
Freiheit;  Moissaye  J.  Olgin  is  editor.  The 
building  of  this  newspaper,  which  in  1930 
had  a  daily  N.Y.  sworn  circulation  of 
64,067  copies,  adjoins  the  building  of  the 
official  communist  Daily  Worker  (pub- 

lished in  English).  They  use  the  same 
presses.  Communist  banners,  recently, 
decorated  the  front  of  both  buildings,  26- 
30  Union  Square,  N.Y.  City.  Those  on  the 
Freiheit  building  read:  "Organize  Anti- 
War  Committees  in  Shops  and  Factories," 
"Not  a  Cent  for  Armaments — All  Funds 
for  the  Unemployed,"  and  "Demonstrate 
on  Union  Square,  Aug.  1,  Friday  at  5 
P.M."  Similar  banners  decorated  the  Daily 
Worker  building. 


F.S.  Russia. 

Formed  by  the  Central  Committee  of 
the  Communist  Party  1921;  changed  name 
to  Friends  of  the  Soviet  Union  1929. 


(Carveth  Wells  Boycott) 

A  Communist  subsidiary  (U.S.  Report 
2290);  formed  as  noted  above;  propa- 
gandizes Soviet  Russia  as  the  workers' 
paradise;  sponsors  lectures;  in  1933  driving 
for  a  million  signatures  for  recognition  of 
Russia  by  the  U.S.;  staged  the  Reception 
for  Soviet  Flyers  1929  (see) ;  publishes 
magazine  Soviet  Russia  Today;  claims,  Jan. 
1934,  2,000,000  members. 

J.  C.  Coleman  of  the  California  section 
of  the  F.S.U.  (June  13,  1933),  as  well  as 
Ella  Winter  (Mrs.  Lincoln  Steffens),  lec- 
turer for  F.S.U.,  wrote  letters  protesting 
and  threatening  Mr.  Sol  Lesser  of  Principal 
Pictures,  630  9th  Ave.,  N.Y.C.,  causing 
this  firm  to  halt  the  release  of  a  truthful 
moving  picture  of  Russia  taken  by  Carveth 
Wells.  Our  theatres  are  flooded  with  Soviet 
propaganda  films.  For  example,  three  N.Y. 
Theatres  at  one  time,  Sept.  2,  3  and  4, 
1933,  were  showing  a  Communist  propa- 
ganda film  "The  Strange  Case  of  Tom 
Mooney"  advertised  in  the  "Daily  Worker." 
But  organized  Red  opposition  quickly 
silences  the  truth  about  Soviet  Russia. 

Ella  Winter's  letter,  written  on  stationery 
headed  "Lincoln  Steffens,  Carmel,  Cali- 
fornia, The  Gateway,  Box  855,"  is  signifi- 
cant. She  says: 

"Dear  Mr.  Lesser:  I  am  shocked  and  astounded 
to  read  the  news  that  you  are  releasing  a  picture 
on  Russia  called  "The  Truth  About  Russia"  by 
Carveth  Wells.  .  .  .  Such  a  showing  as  you  con- 
template can  only  discredit  your  studio  as  every 
American  correspondent  in  Russia  and  such  well- 
known  figures  in  American  literary,  professional 
and  business-life  as  Sherwood  Anderson,  Col.  Hugh 
Cooper,  Governor  Philip  LaFollette,  Louis  Fischer, 
Maurice  Hindus,  Curtis  Bok,  Margaret  Bourke 
White,  Cecil  de  Mille,  Mrs.  Cecil  de  Mille,  Walter 
Duranty,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Corliss  Lament,  Mr.  and 
Mrs.  Osgood  Field,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Sherman  Pratt, 
Mr.  and  Mrs.  Maxwell  Stuart  of  the  Foreign  Policy 


The  Red  Network 

Association,  Mr.  Jerome  Davis  of  Yale,  Mr.  Julian 
Bryan,  Elmer  Rice,  Leopold  Stokowski,  Martin 
Flavin,  Dr.  John  M.  Kingsbury,  Dr.  Frankwood 
Williams,  Alexander  Woolcott,  Joseph  Freeman, 
Charles  Malamuth,  Alexander  Kaun,  Max  Eastman, 
W.  L.  Austin  (of  the  Austin  Construction  Co., 
Cleveland),  Senators  Borah,  Wheeler,  Cutting  and 
Barkley,  and  innumerable  others,  would  merely 
ridicule  a  picture  released  by  such  a  person  on 
Russia."  (A  nice  list  of  pro-Soviets.) 

"I  am  afraid  that  if  you  do  release  the  picture 
we  shall  find  it  necessary  in  the  interests  of  truth 
and  fairness  and  an  Administration  which  wishes 
to  recognize  the  Soviet  Union  to  take  such  steps 
as  we  shall  deem  necessary  and  feasible  to  make 
clear  to  all  movie-goers  the  kind  of  a  movie 
author  you  have  selected.  You  will  readily  realize 
that  in  a  world  on  the  brink  of  war  with  war 
feelings  created  by  just  such  reports  as  Carveth 
Wells  puts  out,  in  which  there  is  not  one  glimmer 
of  truth,  one  cannot  allow  your  studio  to  proceed 
without  mobilizing  every  voice  in  denunciation, 
opposition  and  boycott.  Very  truly  yours,  Ella 

Mr.  Carveth  Wells  wrote  to  the  chair- 
man of  the  American  Coalition  of  Patriotic 
Societies  as  follows: 

"Dear  Sir:  "Having  learned  that  you  have 
organised  a  coalition  of  about  one  hundred 
Patriotic  Societies,  permit  me,  although  a  perfect 
stranger,  to  appeal  to  you  as  a  fellow  citizen  for 
assistance  in  bringing  to  the  attention  of  the 
American  people,  a  concrete  example  of  a  Com- 
munist boycott,  organized  to  prevent  the  pre- 
sentation of  an  ordinary  travel  picture  showing 
the  people  and  scenery  of  Russia  from  Leningrad 
to  the  Turkish  border. 

"I  am  an  author  and  lecturer  and  am  not  con- 
nected in  any  way  with  propaganda.  For  the 
last  twenty  years  I  have  devoted  my  entire  time 
to  exploration  in  foreign  countries,  in  order  to 
secure  pictures  and  general  information  which  I 
present  to  the  public  in  the  form  of  illustrated 
lectures.  Entertainment  of  an  educational  nature 
is  my  sole  object,  and  I  have  not  now  nor  have 
I  ever  had  any  political  affiliations. 

"So  much  interest  was  aroused  by  my  descrip- 
tion of  Russia  that  I  decided  to  have  the  motion 
pictures  synchronized  with  my  voice  and  dis- 
tributed to  the  theatres  of  the  United  States,  by 
Mr.  Sol  Lesser,  of  Principal  Distributing  Cor- 
poration, whose  offices  are  in  the  RKO  Building, 
Radio  City,  New  York. 

"The  moment  the  news  leaked  out  that  I  had 
prepared  a  Motion  Picture  entitled  'Russia  Today,' 
which  showed  a  true  picture  of  the  condition  of 
Russia  and  the  Russian  people  after  fifteen  years 
of  the  Great  Experiment,  The  Friends  of  the 
Soviet  Union,  which  I  am  ashamed  to  say  is  an 
American  Institution  with  branches  all  over  the 
United  States,  organized  /a  protest,  by  requesting 
their  various  branches  and  individual  members 
to  write  letters  to  Mr.  Sol  Lesser  threatening  to 
boycott  all  his  pictures  if  he  dared  to  distribute 
my  picture. 

"Here  is  an  educational  motion  picture  which 
has  been  shown  before  the  National  Geographical 
Society  in  Washington,  and  was  actually  taken 
for  the  Geographic  Society  of  Chicago,  yet,  by 
means  of  a  snowball  threatening  letter  organized 
by  Communists,  such  fear  has  been  instilled  in 
the  heart  of  Mr.  Sol  Lesser,  that  he  is  afraid  to 
release  it  to  the  Theatres. 

"It  is  a  good  illustration  of  what  a  well 
organized  and  active  minority  can  accomplish. 

"I  am  most  anxious  to  bring  this  matter  before 
your  Coalition  and  before  as  many  other  patriotic 
societies  as  possible,  in  the  hope  that  I  may 

interest  them  to  organize  a  similar  snowball  of 
protests  against  this  weakkneed  submission  to  the 
demands  of  American  Communists. 

"For  many  years  the  theatre-going  public  has 
been  forced  to  look  at  a  whole  series  of  Russian 
propaganda  pictures,  yet  the  moment  a  genuine 
picture  of  a  purely  Travel  Nature  is  placed  upon 
the  market,  the  American  Communist  Party  has 
succeeded  at  least  temporarily,  in  having  it  banned. 

"My  picture  'Russia  Today'  has  never  been 
publicly  shown.  The  fact  that  in  their  letters 
of  protest  they  refer  to  the  title  as  'The  Truth 
About  Russia'  clearly  shows  that  the  picture  has 
been  condemned  without  ever  being  seen. 

"I  should  be  most  grateful  to  you  for  any  sug- 
gestion you  have  to  make  as  to  my  best  course 
of  action.  "Faithfully  yours,  Carveth  Wells." 

The  American  Coalition  of  Patriotic 
Societies,  823  Albie  Bldg.,  Wash.,  D.C.,  sent 
photostatic  copies  of  these  letters  to  officers 
of  patriotic  societies,  stating: 

"We  trust  your  indignation  will  be  sufficiently 
aroused  to  organize  immediately  among  your 
friends  a  counter  protest  against  the  action  of 
the  Friends  of  the  Soviet  Union  .  .  .  urging  the 
immediate  release  of  Mr.  Carveth  Wells'  film  for 
the  information  of  the  public  on  conditions  in 
Russia.  Mr.  Wells  assures  us  that  the  film  was 
censored  and  returned  to  him  by  agents  of  the 
Soviet  Government  before  he  left  Russia  at  which 
time  there  was  small  probability  that  the  American 
people  would  permit  their  government  to  loan 
taxpayers'  money  to  a  country  which  has  been 
stripped  of  every  marketable  commodity  and  the 
mass  of  its  population  reduced  to  the  verge  of 
starvation  and  hopeless  misery  by  a  remorseless 
clique  of  political  theorists.  We  make  this  appeal 
because  it  is  obvious  that  this  attack  on  the 
Carveth  Wells  film  by  the  Friends  of  the  Soviet 
Union  is  part  of  Communist  propaganda  for  the 
recognition  of  Russia." 

F.S.U.  nat.  hdqts.  80  E.  llth  St.,  N.Y. 
City;  Norman  Tallentire,  nat.  organizer. 

California  branch,  129  West  Third  Street, 
Suite  415-416,  Los  Angeles,  Cal.;  Dr.  Robt. 
Whitaker,  chmn.;  Delta  Weinrich,  vice 
chmn.;  Dr.  J.  C.  Coleman,  educational 
director;  Robt.  Edwards,  treas.;  Clara 
Ward,  sec.;  M.  Movshovitch,  literature 

Nat.  com.  F.S.U.  endorsing  call  for 
F.S.U.  Convention,  Jan.  26,  27,  28,  1934, 
N.Y.  City: 

Thos.  R.  Amlie,  Roger  Baldwin,  Carleton  Beals, 
Alfred  M.  Bingham,  Frank  Borich,  "Bishop"  W. 
M.  Brown,  Earl  Browder,  Julian  Bryan,  Anne  Bur- 
lak,  George  S.  Counts,  Malcolm  Cowley,  Edw. 
Dahlberg,  H.  W.  L.  Dana,  Floyd  Dell,  James  W. 
Ford,  Richard  Farber,  Wm.  Z.  Foster,  Waldo 
Frank,  Jos.  Freeman,  Ben  Gold,  Michael  Gold, 
Lem  Harris,  Clarence  Hathaway,  Donald  Hender- 
son, Granville  Hicks,  John  Haynes  Holmes,  Roy 
Hudson,  Langston  Hughes,  Wm.  N.  Jones,  Howard 
Kester,  Mary  Van  Kleeck,  Corliss  Lamont,  Mar- 
garet Lamont,  Katherine  Lewis,  Robt.  Morss 
Lovett,  J.  B.  Matthews,  John  Meldon,  Robt. 
Minor,  Scott  Nearing,  A.  Overgaard,  Wm.  Pat- 
terson, Philip  Raymond,  Jack  Stachel.  Maxwell 
Stewart,  Genevieve  Taggard,  Justine  Wise  Tulin, 
Chas.  R.  Walker,  Dr.  Harry  F.  Ward,  Louis 
Weinstock,  Susan  H.  Woodruff,  Albert  Rhys 
Williams,  Walter  Wilson.  ("Soviet  Russia  Today," 

Organizations,  Etc. 



"A  non-commercial  cultural  organiza- 
tion" conducting  (1933)  propaganda  tours 
to  Soviet  Russia.  Leaders:  Phil  Brown; 
F.  Tredwell  Smith  (in  Russia) ;  Sponsoring 
Committee:  Prof.  Geo.  S.  Counts,  Prof. 
Harry  Ward,  Prof.  Harold  O.  Rugg,  Prof. 
Goodwin  Watson,  Prof.  Harrison  Elliott, 
Prof.  Reinhold  Niebuhr,  Dr.  Addison  T. 
Cutler.  Hdqts.  261  Fifth  Ave.,  N.Y.  City. 
(Same  address  as  Intourist,  Soviet  Govt. 


Communist  T.U.U.L.  union  with  organ- 
izations at  Grand  Rapids,  Jamestown,  N.Y., 
Rockford,  111.,  Chicago,  etc.;  818  Broad- 
way, N.Y.  City. 


SERVICE  is  popularly  known  as  the 
"Garland  Fund"  or  the  "Free  Love  Fund" 
because  it  was  founded  by  a  radical,  Chas. 
Garland  of  Mass.,  who  served  a  term  in 
the  penitentiary  for  running  a  "Free  Love 
Farm."  Being  an  opponent  of  private 
ownership  of  property,  he  turned  over  his 
inheritance  to  form  this  fund  in  order  to 
further  the  radical  cause.  The  Fund's  offi- 
cial report  states  that  between  1922,  when 
it  was  founded,  and  1930,  $1,378,000  was 
given  away  and  $780,000  loaned.  (The 
Fund  is  practically  exhausted  now.)  To 
quote:  "The  Board  of  Directors  of  the 
Fund  is  a  self  perpetuating  group,  the 
directors  serving  for  terms  of  three  years 
each.  The  original  directors  were  picked 
out  as  persons  of  diverse  connections  with 
radical,  labor  and  liberal  movements,  who, 
despite  philosophical  differences,  were  prac- 
tical-minded enough  to  deal  harmoniously 
with  immediate  issues."  These  directors 
have  been  members  of  the  I.W.W.,  Com- 
munist and  Socialist  parties,  which  are  all 
basically  aiming  for  the  same  ends — the 
abolition  of  the  property  right  and  the 
undermining  and  eventual  overthrow  of 
our  present  form  of  government — the  dif- 
ferences between  them  being  largely  those 
of  stress  on  certain  tactics,  such  as  use  of 
violence  or  of  parliamentary  action,  to 
gain  control. 

The  Fund  has  been  the  life  stream  of 
the  Red  Revolutionary  movement  in  the 
U.S.,  having  sustained  all  the  leading  Com- 
munist, Socialist  and  I.W.W.  activities. 
Samuel  Gompers  of  the  A.F.  of  L.  wrote 

the  Fund  asking  for  money  for  a  legitimate 
labor  cause  and  was  refused,  Roger  Baldwin 
of  the  Fund  replying  that:  "We  do  not 
see  our  way  clear  to  financing  any  enter- 
prise except  those  definitely  committed  to 
a  radical  program  .  .  .  ",  etc. 

The  original  directors  and  officers  were 
(from  the  Fund's  report  of  July  31,  1923, 
"for  the  first  year  of  operation"): 

Roger  N.  Baldwin,  Wm.  Z.  Foster,  Lewis  S. 
Gannett,  Sidney  Hillman,  James  Weldon  Johnson 
(colored),  Robt.  Morss  Lovett,  Scott  Nearing, 
Mary  E.  McDowell,  Judah  L.  Magnes,  Norman  M. 
Thomas,  Harry  F.  Ward,  Morris  L.  Ernst,  Walter 

The  report  of  June  30,  1924,  "for  the 
second  year,"  lists: 

Scott  Nearing,   pres.  ;    Robt.   Morss  Lovett,   vice 
pres.;    Roger  N. 
treas.;    Walter    Nelles,    counsel,    and    Eliz.    Gurley 

Baldwin,   sec.;    Morris  L.    Ernst, 

Flynn,  Wm.  Z.  Foster,  Lewis  S.  Gannett,  Clinton 
S.  Golden,  James  Weldon  Johnson,  Freda  Kirch- 
wey,  Norman  M.  Thomas,  Leo  Wolman,  fellow 

The  reports  show  that  the  directors 
changed  about  during  the  year  in  serving 
as  officers.  The  report  of  Feb.  1929  (for 
the  three  years  1925-8)  lists  the  same 
directorship  with  the  exceptions  that  Com- 
munist Wm.  Z.  Foster,  Robt.  Morss  Lovett 
and  Leo  Wolman  are  replaced  by  Com- 
munists Clarina  Michelson,  Benj.  Gitlow 
and  Robt.  W.  Dunn.  The  report  of  May 
1931  (for  1928-30)  lists  same  directors 
except  for  the  omission  of  Eliz.  Gurley 
Flynn.  The  1932  officers  (given  in  the 
statement  of  ownership  of  the  Communist 
magazine  "New  Masses,"  which  states  that 
its  owner  and  publisher  is  the  Am.  Fund 
for  Pub.  Service)  were: 

James  Weldon  Johnson,  pres.;  Robt.  W.  Dunn, 
sec.;  Morris  L.  Ernst,  treas. 

1933  Officers  are: 

Roger  Baldwin,  pres.;  Clinton  S.  Golden,  vice 
pres.;  Robt.  W.  Dunn,  sec.;  Morris  Ernst,  treas.; 
with  Gannett,  Gitlow,  Johnson,  Kirchwey,  Michel- 
son  and  Thomas  fellow  directors  as  before. 

The  inextricable  interweaving  of  Red 
forces  is  shown  not  only  in  the  personnel 
of  the  Fund's  directorship  but  also  in  the 
organizations  it  has  supported.  Studying 
the  Fund's  reports  is  like  studying  the 
whole  Red  network.  Socialists,  Commu- 
nists and  I.W.W.'s  intermingle  in  organ- 
izations, on  committees  and  in  practically 
all  Red  activities.  One  sees,  for  example,  in 
the  reports  the  sums  of  $500  and  $500 
donated  to  the  anarchist-communist  Fer- 
rer or  Modern  School  at  Stelton,  N.J., 
aided  by  Emma  Goldman  and  Berkman. 
In  1925-6,  $1125  and  $875  were  given  to 


The  Red  Network 

it.  Wherever  treason  has  lifted  its  head, 
it  seems,  the  Fund  has  aided  financially. 
When  Wm.  Z.  Foster  and  other  Commu- 
nists were  seized  at  Bridgman,  Mich.,  with 
two  barrels  full  of  documentary  evidence 
of  their  plans  to  overthrow  the  U.S.  Govt, 
the  Labor  Defense  Council  (later  I.L.D.) 
was  formed  to  defend  these  criminals 
caught  in  their  Moscow-directed  conspir- 
acy. The  Fund  lists:  "To  Labor  Defense 
Council — for  defense  of  Michigan  criminal 
syndicalism  cases  $10,000,"  then  "$3,000," 
then  "$200."  (Incidentally,  treason  is  now 
practically  unchallenged  and  quite  in  the 
open.  Then  traitors  had  to  meet  secretly.) 
Then,  to  its  successor  the  I.L.D.  Chicago 
"for  substitution  of  bail  in  Michigan 
criminal  syndicalism  cases — $7,000,"  and 
again  "$5,000,"  and  "for  legal  fees  in  en- 
deavoring to  secure  dismissal  of  Michigan 
criminal  syndicalism  cases  $500";  also  such 
enlightening  items  as:  To  I.L.D.  (1)  Chi- 
cago Office — for  legal  expenses  in  the  cases 
of  the  Ziegler,  111.  miners,  $2,000.  (2)  Pitts- 
burgh Branch — for  legal  expenses  in  Pitts- 
burgh sedition  cases,  $1,500.  (3)  Boston 
Branch — for  legal  expenses  in  Bimba  blas- 
phemy case,  $500.  (4)  National  Bail 
Fund  for  substitution  of  bail  in  deportation 
case,  $1,000. 

The  "Daily  Worker"  official  Communist 
newspaper,  received  sums  of  $38,135, 
$1,200,  $6,500,  $3,900,  $1,050  and  $6,875, 
at  different  times. 

The  Fund's  own  Communist  magazine, 
"New  Masses"  received  sums  of  $1,500, 
$30,000,  $28,000,  $3,000,  $2,000  and  $400. 

The  Communist  N.Y.  "Workers  School" 
(to  train  leaders  for  the  Communist  Revo- 
lution in  the  U.S.,  so  it  states)  received 
"for  books  for  library— $859.25"  and  also 
for  general  expenses,  $11,122  and  $641. 

International  Publishers,  the  Communist 
publishing  house,  received  "for  promotion 
of  Americanization  of  Labor  by  Robt.  W. 
Dunn,  $298.95,"  and  for  publication  of 
fifteen  Communist  "International  Pam- 
phlets," $1,400  and  $1,500. 

Workers  Library  Publishers  (Commu- 
nist) received  for  publishing  three  pam- 
phlets, $800. 

The  Passaic,  N.J.  Communist  strike  in 
1926  was  called  the  "first  lesson  in  Revo- 
lution" and  the  Fund  spent  generously  in 
supporting  it.  The  committee  formed  for 
this  purpose  by  Norman  Thomas,  the 
A.C.L.U.  and  L.I.D.,  called  the  "Emer- 
gency Committee  for  Strikers  Relief,"  re- 
ceived $1,520  in  1926,  and,  later,  for  Passaic 
and  other  activities,  sums  of  $5,000  and 
$1,000.  The  United  Front  Textile  Com- 

mittee, Passaic,  N.J.,  "for  expenses  of  Mary 
Heaton  Vorse  for  publicity  work  on  textile 
strike"  reed.  $818.  Other  items  are: 
"Passaic,  N.J.  strike  relief,  publicity  and 
research— $25,318";  "bail  underwritten— 
$45,000";  "Wm.  Jett  Lauck,  for  investi- 
gating textile  industry  Passaic,  N.  J., 
$4,500,"  also  $500;  "/.£.£>.— for  premiums 
on  bail  in  Passaic,  N.J.  cases,  $3,022,"  and 
other  fees,  $200. 

Another  Communist  strike,  well  sup- 
ported by  the  Fund,  was  the  Gastonia,  N.C. 
strike,  where,  to  quote  U.S.  Report  2290, 
"there  was  a  bloody  conflict  between  the 
Communist-led  textile  workers  and  the 
police,  in  which  the  chief  of  police  was 
shot  and  killed  and  two  of  his  assistants 
wounded.  Seven  Communists  were  sen- 
tenced to  long  terms  in  prison,  but  jumped 
their  bonds  and  went  to  Russia,  where  they 
presumably  are  today.  The  I.L.D.  headed 
by  J.  Louis  Engdahl,  a  well-known  Com- 
munist, and  the  A.C.L.U.  cooperated  in  the 
defense  of  the  convicted  strikers  and 
assisted  in  securing  the  money  for  the  bail 
bonds  from  the  Garland  Fund,  which  was 
forfeited."  And  so  we  see  in  the  Fund's 
reports  the  items:  "I.L.D.— $29,218"  and 
"I.L.D. — for  legal  fees  and  expense  in  con- 
nection with  Gastonia,  N.C.  cases,"  $15,000 
and  $5,475.  The  I.L.D.  (N.Y.  branch) 
received  other  sums,  such  as  $2,850  and 
$2,000,  for  its  general  activities. 

The  Communist  "  Young  Workers 
League"  (now  called  Young  Communist 
Lg.),  at  Superior,  Wis.  was  graciously  pre- 
sented with  $1,200;  and  its  Chicago  branch 
the  same  amount.  These  gifts  are  listed 
under  "Education" — one  may  well  imagine 
what  sort. 

The  Russian  Reconstruction  Farms  (Jan. 
1926)  reed.  $3,000,  then  $1,015,  and  "for 
purchase  of  equipment  in  U.S.,"  $20,000. 

The  Communist  (there  is  also  an  I.W.W. 
union  of  same  name)  Agricultural  Workers 
Industrial  Union  reed.  $3,000.  The  Com- 
munist National  Textile  Workers  Union 
reed.  $5,570  "for  organizational  work  in  the 
South,"  and  $500  "to  Local  No.  2,  New 
Bedford,  Mass,  for  final  payment  on  a  lot 
in  Fall  River  on  which  to  hold  meetings." 
The  Communist  Marine  Workers  League, 
N.Y.,  reed,  "for  books  for  their  library — 
$599.87."  The  House  of  the.  Masses  (Com- 
munist) in  Detroit  reed.  ?4,000. 

In  1927  the  Communist  A  A. A. I.  Lg., 
then  being  organized  all  over  the  U.S.,  re- 
ceived a  nice  gift  of  $1,000 — "for  organ- 
ization work  during  summer  months,"  and 
in  1929-30,  is  listed  "Anti-Imperialist 
League  of  the  U.S.,  N.Y.C. — for  preliminary 

Organizations,  Etc. 


expenses  of  reorganization — $500"  (same 

The  Communist  Trade  Union  Edu- 
cational League,  of  which  Wm.  Z.  Foster 
was  the  head  (now  the  T.U.U.L.,  and  he 
is  still  the  head),  reed,  at  the  Chicago 
branch  "for  publication  of  pamphlet  on 
Company  Unions  by  Robt.  W.  Dunn — 
$600";  the  N.Y.C.  branch  reed.  $900;  etc. 

The  Labor  Research  Assn.,  N.Y.C.,  a 
Communist  subsidiary  organized  by  Robt. 
W.  Dunn,  reed,  "for  secretarial  assistance 
for  Scott  Nearing  in  connection  with  series 
of  books  on  economic  subjects — $1,000"; 
it  also  reed.  $750. 

"Novy  Mir,"  the  Russian  Communist 
paper  published  in  N.Y.,  reed,  gifts  and 
loans  of  $3,000,  $500,  etc. 

The  Communist  "Daily  Worker  Pub. 
Co."  reed.  (1)  For  publication  of  one 
volume  of  the  works  of  Lenin  in  English — 
$2,500;  (2)  For  publication  of  ten  volumes 
of  the  'Little  Red  Library'— $1,875;  (3) 
For  the  publication  of  Report  of  British 
Trade  Union  Delegation  to  Russia — $2,500, 

The  Communistic  Vanguard  Press  was 
started  by  the  Fund  itself  and  was  a  big 
favorite,  receiving  in  one  report  alone 
$139,453  for  capital,  for  books  on  Negro 
labor,  and  for  "series  of  studies  on  Russia," 
for  which  other  large  sums  were  also 

To  Communist  "Max  Eastman,  Croton, 
N.Y. — for  preparation  and  production  of  a 
historic  film  on  the  Russian  Revolution, 
$2,500."  (Loan.) 

The  Federated  Press,  regarded  by  Com- 
munists as  their  own  press  service,  reed, 
generous  aid;  the  first  year,  $15,640  (partly 
for  salary  of  director  Leland  Olds),  the 
second  year,  $12,640,  the  third  year, 
$10,130,  for  the  next  three  years,  $26,441, 
and  the  next  two  years,  $12,000. 

The  A.C.L.U.,  ever  on  the  firing  line  in 
behalf  of  Red  revolutionaries,  reed,  sums 
almost  too  numerous  to  list.  These  are 
representative:  "A.C.L.U., — for  special  cam- 
paign against  criminal  syndicalism  law, 
$5,000";  "A.C.L.U. — for  expenses  in  con- 
nection with  Tennessee  Anti-Evolution 
case,  $500";  "A.C.L.U.,  N.Y.C.— June  5 
and  July  12,  1923 — for  an  investigation  of 
reactionary  organizations,  $1,972.50";  "A.C. 
L.U.,  Southern  Cal.  Branch,  Los  Angeles, 
Cal.,  Aug.  1,  1923— $1,000,"  (also  other 
sums) .  The  close  connection  between  the 
A.C.L.U.  and  the  Fund  is  shown  by  such 
items  as  these:  "A.C.L.U.,  N.Y.C. —revolv- 

ing loan  fund  for  civil  liberties  cases  admin- 
istered by  agreement  between  the  Union 
and  the  Fund,  $2,000";  "Emergency  Case 
Fund,  administered  by  the  A.C.L.U. — 
$14,989"  (1925-28);  "A.C.L.U.  So.  Cal. 
Branch — for  deficit  incurred  in  campaign 
for  release  of  Mooney  and  Billings — $800"; 
"A.C.L.U.,  special  projects,  $4,197"  (1928- 
30) ;  "A.C.L.U.  Northern  Cal.  Branch,  San 
Francisco,  Cal.  —  $2,395.07" ;  A.C.L.U., 
N.Y.C.  (1)  For  lawyers  fees  in  connection 
with  recovering  of  bail  bond — $750.  (2) 
For  legal  expenses  in  connection  with  Pas- 
saic,  N.J.  strike  cases— $500;  "Pa.  Civil 
Liberties  Committee,  Harrisburg,  Pa. — 
$500";  "A.C.L.U.— for  free  speech  fight  in 
West  Va.— $1,000";  A.C.L.U.  (1)  For 
expenses  of  field  organizer  for  definite  work 
in  civil  liberties  cases — $500;  (2)  For  cam- 
paign against  injunctions  in  labor  disputes 
— $500;  (3)  For  emergency  case  fund — 
$1,726.67  (1929-30) ;  etc.,  etc.,  etc. 

Criminals  convicted  of  treason,  sedition 
and  Red  revolutionary  activities  are  always 
referred  to  sympathetically  by  the  Reds  as 
"political  prisoners."  The  International 
Committee  for  Political  Prisoners,  formed 
by  the  A.C.L.U.  to  aid  them,  reed.  $300 
and  $1,527.50  from  the  Fund. 

Loyal  aid  to  Communists  is  indicated  in 
items  like  these: 

"Walter  Pollak  and  Carroll  Weiss  King, 
N.Y.C. — For  fees  and  expenses  in  case  of 
Emanuel  Vatjauer,  in  the  U.S.  Supreme 
Court,  held  for  deportation  as  a  Commu- 
nist—$1,900";  Isaac  Schorr,  N.Y.C.— Ex- 
penses in  the  case  of  Herbert  Mahler  and 
others,  U.S.  Supreme  Court,  ex-political 
prisoners  held  for  deportation — $300." 

As  soon  as  the  U.S.  Govt.  tries  to  protect 
its  existence  by  jailing  or  deporting  Reds, 
the  Fund,  the  I.L.D.,  the  A.C.L.U.,  and  the 
whole  army  of  Reds  and  their  organizations 
are  there  to  fight  it.  A  united  Red  fight 
against  Criminal  Syndicalism  laws  in  the 
States  is  now  being  waged  in  order  that 
sedition  shall  not  be  punished. 

These  donations  to  I.W.W.  activities 
show  a  "unity  of  spirit"  in  the  "class  war": 
"General  Defense  Committee  (of  I.W.W.) 
San  Francisco,  Cal. — for  fighting  criminal 
syndicalism  cases— $500"  (1923);  to  Chi- 
cago branch — "for  relief  of  released  polit- 
ical prisoners,  $1,250";  to  Cal.  branch — 
"$500";  "for  payment  and  repairs  on  build- 
ing, $6,500";  "for  expenses  in  connection 
with  Centralia  case,"  $170  and  $170;  "To 
Chgo.  Gen.  Def.  Com.— $20,007.79";  items 
of  $10,475.68,  $12,000  and  $6,000  are  listed 


The  Red  Network 

to  the  Equity  Printing  Co.  (owned  by  the 

Harry  F.  Ward,  director  of  the  Fund  in 
1922  and  chmn.  of  the  A.C.L.U.,  had  shown 
his  friendly  spirit  of  cooperation  with  the 
defense  of  the  I.W.W.  murderers  of  four 
American  Legion  men  at  Centralia,  Wash., 
by  presiding  over  a  meeting  held  at  the 
Rand  School,  N.Y.C.,  Feb.  9,  1920,  to  raise 
money  for  their  defense  (Lusk  Report). 
The  Fund,  later,  donated  to  "Centralia, 
Publicity  Committee — For  publicity  in  con- 
nection with  release  of  Centralia  prisoners 

The  Rand  School,  at  which  the  I.W.W. 
defense  meeting  and  so  many  other  Red 
meetings  have  been  held,  must  practically 
have  been  supported  by  the  Fund,  to 
judge  by  the  contributions,  sums  of  $5,000, 
$3,200,  $400,  $4,400,  $7,200,  $10,140, 
$16,116,  $7,957.26,  etc.,  being  listed  from 
time  to  time,  and  large  sums  to  the  Rand 
Book  Store  for  publication  of  the  "Am. 
Labor  Year  Book"  (covering  radical 
activities) . 

Brookwood  Labor  College,  another  So- 
cialist institution,  fared  bountifully  also 
at  the  Red  feeding  trough,  receiving  in  one 
period  (1928-30)  $41,751  and  in  another 
(1925-28)  $74,227. 

The  National  Association  for  the  Ad- 
vancement of  Colored  People  (N.A.A.C.P.) 
was  well  cared  for  with  appropriations  of 
$31,552  (1925-28),  $7,365  in  1923-24,  and 
a  loan  of  $5,000  in  1929-30. 

Significant  items  are  these:  "Teachers 
Union,  N.Y.C."  (1)  "towards  the  campaign 
for  the  repeal  of  Lusk  Laws  $500";  (2) 
"For  research  and  publicity  work  outside 
of  regular  activities,  mimeograph  machine, 
$3,172.50";  the  Teachers  Union  also  reed. 
$6,000  in  a  three-year  period  for  "oper- 
ating expenses";  the  "Minneapolis  Fed- 
eration of  Teachers,  Mpls.,  Minn. — for 
legal  expenses  and  publicity  in  connection 
with  dismissal  of  two  members — $250"; 
"American  Federation  of  Teachers  — 
$2,000";  and  "The  New  Student,  N.Y.C.— 
for  traveling  expenses  of  editors  of  col- 
lege papers  to  conference — $333.06." 

The  Manumit  School  at  Pawling,  N.Y., 
which  is  directed  by  Nellie  Seeds  (wife  of 
Communist  Scott  Nearing),  reed.  1928-30, 
$5,000;  and  1925-28,  $10,907. 

Communism-Socialism  fights  the  Chris- 
tian standards  of  marriage  and  morality. 
Ben  Lindsey  is  looked  upon  evidently  as  an 
ally  of  this  Red  cause,  since  this  item  was 
voted  to  him:  "Ben  B.  Lindsey,  Denver, 
Colo. — For  election  contest  in  Denver, 

involving  the  issue  of  the  Ku  Klux  Klan — 
$1,000"  (1924-25  Report,  April  22). 

The  League  for  Mutual  Aid  received  for 
"Social  Service  for  radicals"  sums  of  $200, 
$450,  $3,000,  and  $500. 

The  Brooklyn,  National  and  N.Y.  Urban 
Leagues  reed,  gifts  and  loans  of  $15,000, 
$1,000  and  $500.  One  item  was  for  the 
study  of  "relations  of  Negroes  to  trade 

The  American  Birth  Control  League, 
another  movement  used  by  Reds  to  break 
down  the  fear  of  sex  relations  outside  of 
marriage  and  to  generally  loosen  the  mar- 
riage tie,  reed.  $10,400,  $500,  and  "for 
salary  and  expenses  of  organizer — $2,000" 

The  Red  agitation  in  behalf  of  Anarchist- 
Communist  Mooney  reed,  hearty  support 
from  the  Fund.  The  "National  Mooney- 
Billings  Committee"  (1928-30)  reed,  "for 
publicity  campaign  for  Mooney  and  Bill- 
ings $1,000,"  and  also  $800.  "Mooney 
Holders  Defense  Committee — for  campaign 
for  pardon  of  Mooney  and  Billings — $500"; 
"N.  Col.  Committee  for  Mooney  and  Bill- 
ings— $250";  "Mooney  Defense  Committee 
—$900"  (also  $100  and  $100),  etc. 

Sacco  and  Vanzetti,  the  gentle  Anarchist 
murderers  and  thieves  who  died  yelling 
"Long  Live  Anarchy,"  reed,  loving  aid  as 
well;  "Provisional  Committee  for  calling 
Sacco  and  Vanzetti  conference,  N.Y.C., 
expenses  in  connection  with  meeting — 
$1,000";  "Sacco-Vanzetti  Defense  Com- 
mittee—$20,000"  (loan),  and  gift  of 
$2,500.  Between  1925  and  1928,  $11,000 
was  given  to  "Sacco-Vanzetti  case." 

Intellectual-Red  papers  and  periodicals 
were  evidently  considered  suitable  agen- 
cies, for  the  New  Republic  (the  Fund 
director,  Robt.  Morss  Lovett,  being  an 
editor)  reed,  a  loan  of  $1,000,  "for  book 
on  'The  Supreme  Court  and  Minimum 
Wage  Legislation,'  published  by  National 
Consumers  League";  The  World  Tomorrow 
(of  Kirby  Page)  reed,  "for  general  ex- 
penses—$3,000"  (1925),  $1,000  (1923), 
$2,000  (1924);  and  to  "Fellowship  Press, 
N.Y.C. — For  operating  expenses  of  the 
World  Tomorrow,  to  Dec.  31,  1925,  (May 
27)— $3,000,"  etc. 

The  Socialist  New  Leader  reed,  large 
sums,  as  did  Labor  Age  (organ  of  the  Conf. 
Prog.  Lab.  Act.) ;  one  item  was  "For 
financing  testimonial  dinner  to  James 
Maurer— $250." 

"For  Mr.  Brophy's  salary  as  director," 
the  Pittsburgh  Educational  Forum  and 
Labor  College,  Pittsburgh,  Pa.,  reed. 

Organizations,  Etc. 


The  Conference  for  Progressive  Labor 
Action  reed.  $5,266  at  one  time  and  also 
"for  publication  of  a  pamphlet  $1,065.76." 
The  Committee  on  Coal  and  Giant  Power 
— "for  completion  of  Mr.  Raushenbush's 
research  work  and  half  budget  of  Com- 
mittee under  Prof.  Bird — $5,266,"  and  also 
$2,847,  1928-30.  The  New  York  Call,  and 
Leader  reed.  $54,500;  etc. 

The  reports  are  peppered  with  donations 
to  the  LJ.D.,  which  changed  its  name 
from  "Intercollegiate  Socialist  Society" 
after  the  unsavory  Socialist  War  record, 
in  order  not  to  frighten  off  prospective 
student  members,  but  which  now  grows 
ever  bolder  and  bolder  in  its  talk  of  Red 
Revolution.  That  it  was  always  con- 
sidered a  useful  organization  is  shown  by 
gifts  of  $6,400  the  first  year;  $3,500  and 
$2,000  the  second  year  "for  field  secretary's 
salary"  and  "for  field  secretary's  traveling 
expenses,  contingent  upon  raising  their 
budget  for  the  year";  between  1925  and 
1928,  $10,500  was  given  for  "field  secre- 
tary's salary";  also  (1)  "For  study  on 
Coal  and  Superpower  by  H.  Stephen 
Raushenbush — $5,000."  (2)  "For  survey  of 
conditions  in  cotton  mills  in  the  South  by 
Paul  Blanshard—  $700."  (3)  "For  study  on 
'New  Developments  of  Capitalism  in  the 
U.S.' — $600";  and  many  thousands  for 
publication  of  pamphlets  (to  be  found  in 
student  Y.M.C.A.'s  such  as  at  N.U.,  Evan- 

The  International  Ladies  Garment 
Workers  reed,  a  huge  loan  of  $100,000  (in 
Communist-led  strike  of  1926)  and  also 
a  loan  of  $25,000  for  their  Workers  Center 
at  Forest  Park,  Pa.  Nor  were  their  friends 
the  Amalgamated  Textile  Workers  Union 
forgotten,  receiving  thru  L.  Hollingsworth 
Wood  and  Albert  De  Silver  (in  strike  of 
1919)  $850.  The  Central  Trades  and 
Labor  Council  reed.  $2,000.  The  Nat. 
Women's  Trade  Union  Lg.,  Chgo.  branch, 
reed.  $1,147.33  and  $629,  and  the  N.Y. 
branch,  $2,500,  $2,500,  and  $913.  The 
Nat.  Consumers  Lg.  reed.  $2,945.84,  $1,000, 
etc.  The  Cooperative  League  of  America, 
N.Y.,  reed.  $2,000  and  $1,500.  The 
Northern  States  Cooperative  League,  "For 
organization  work  in  Minn.,  Wis.,  and 
Mich.,"  reed.  $1,000.  The  Cooperative 
Central  Exchange,  Superior,  Wis.  reed, 
loans  amounting  to  $10,000. 

Commonwealth  College,  where  the  Inter- 
nationale is  sung  with  fervor,  was  hand- 
somely provided  for,  being  given  $1,000 
in  1924  and  $23,580  in  the  next  three- 
year  period.  After  this  Red  sympathizers 

were  called  upon  to  take  up  its  support 
by  donations. 

Pioneer  Youth  of  America  reed.  $25,710, 
1925-28,  $6,227,  1928-30,  and  other  sums. 

W.  E.  B.  Du  Bois  was  paid  $5,000  for 
services  evidently  considered  valuable  to 
the  cause.  "For  expenses  Albert  Coyle's 
trip  to  Mexico  $549.64";  "For  expenses  of 
trip  to  Pa.  and  W.  Va.  coal  fields  by  Louis 
Budenz— $321.29."  These  last  two  items 
appear  under  Federated  Press  gifts  for  the 
year  1925-26.  //  Nuovo  Mondo,  a  daily 
paper,  reed.  $12,000,  1925-28,  and  was  a 
mainstay  in  the  Sacco-Vanzetti  agitation. 

"Am.  Student  Delgation  to  Russia, 
N.Y.C."  cost  $950,  plus  $350  for  "organ- 
ization." The  item  in  the  1924  report, 
"Investigation  of  Department  of  Justice 
'spy  system' — $1,345,"  coincides  nicely  with 
the  cessation  of  funds  granted  the  Dept. 
of  Justice  the  following  year  for  investi- 
gation of  radical  activities  and  the  Dept. 
is  crippled  today  because  of  this  lack. 


Truly  the  Red  tentacles  reach  far.  While 
opposing  the  mild,  liberal,  modern,  so-called 
"Imperialism"  of  America,  England  and 
France,  which  has  brought  civilization  to 
still  barbarous  lands,  the  Socialists  and 
Communists  strive  to  bring  about  a  world 
imperialism  on  Russian  lines  in  which 
absolute  autocracy  and  force  would  rule. 
While  talking  "Peace,"  they  work  to  weaken 
national  defense  and  patriotic  spirit  in 
order  that  at  the  right  moment  a  bloody 
revolution  may  put  the  "dictatorship  of 
the  proletariat"  (in  reality  a  dictatorship 
of  combined  intellectual  and  gutter  Red 
revolutionaries)  into  power.  Bearing  in 
mind  the  Fund's  policy  to  give  only  to 
enterprises  "definitely  committed  to  a  rad- 
ical program,"  the  following  donations  to 
"Peace"  causes  are  interesting: 

"To  a  group  of  students  at  Northwestern 
University  and  Garrett  Biblical  Institute, 
Evanston,  111. — April  9,  1924 — for  anti- 
militaristic movement  —  $497.41";  To 
"Wyoming  State  Conference  Methodist 
Church,  Laramie,  Wyo. — for  publication  of 
literature  against  compulsory  military 
training— $300"  (1926);  "Fellowship  of 
Youth  for  Peace,  N.Y.C. — for  distribution 
of  1,100  copies  of  June  number  of  'World 
Tomorrow,'  among  Japanese  students  in 
America — $88"  (now  Fell.  Recon.) ; 
"Women's  International  League  for  Peace 
and  Freedom,  N.Y.C. — For  traveling  ex- 
penses of  speakers  on  imperialism  to 
Senate  Committee  hearing  and  to  Chicago 
conference,  (Mar.  4th  and  May  22nd) — 


The  Red  Network 

$543.17"  (1924-25) ;  To  "W.IJ..P.F.," 
Wash,  D.C.,  "For  general  expenses,  6 
months  (Oct.  22nd)  $1,000";  To  W.I.L. 
P.F.,  Wash.,  B.C.,  "For  publication  of 
monthly  bulletin  Tax'— $2,400"  (1925-26); 
To  W.I.L.P.F.,  "For  publication  of 
Monthly  bulletin  Tax'— $1,200"  (1926-27) ; 
To  W.I.LP.F.  —  "For  publication  of 
monthly  bulletin  Tax'— $1,200"  (1927-28); 
To  "Committee  on  Militarism  in  Edu- 
cation, N.Y.C."  (1)  "For  preparation  and 
distribution  of  pamphlet  on  'Military 
Training  in  Schools  and  Colleges  in  the 
U.S.'— $5,400"  (Lane  Pamphlet),  and  (2) 
"Toward  general  budget— $5,000"  (1925- 
26) ;  also  "To  Committee  on  Militarism  in 
Education — for  general  expenses — $2,000" 

For  "Studies  of  American  Imperialism 
(research  and  publication)  —  $27,956" 
(1925-28),  is  a  staggering  item  indicating 
to  what  pains  the  Fund  went  to  discredit 
America  by  propaganda  representing  the 
U.S.  as  "bullying"  and  "imperialistic."  Red 
intellectuals  hired  to  "research"  must  have 
been  well  pleased  at  this  appropriation. 

The  Communist  Workers  International 
Relief,  many  radical  "Labor"  schools, 
periodicals,  Pioneer  Camps,  and  "Summer 
Schools  for  Workers  in  Industry,"  were 
financed;  for  the  I.W.W.'s,  "Wayne, 
Alberta,  Canada — for  relief  to  striking 
miners,  $500";  and  the  "Speakers  Service 
Bureau"  reed.  $12,500.  Donations  to  the 
Labor  Bureau  were  $1,107.24,  $1,000, 
$381.07;  to  the  Bureau  of  Industrial 
Research,  N.Y.  "for  Mr.  Raushenbush's 
studies  on  coal  situation — $5,700";  "Mid- 
land Empire  Coop.  Publishing  Co.,  Bill- 
ings, Mont. — for  4  Farmer-Labor  papers — 
$1,500";  "Oklahoma  Leader,  Oklahoma 
City— $6,000";  "Camp  Tamiment,  Forest 
Park,  Pa."  reed,  help;  "Trade  Union  Com- 
mittee for  organizing  Negro  Workers"  reed. 
$2,434  and  $600. 

"In  order  to  get  a  complete  picture  of 
the  enterprises  in  the  labor  and  radical 
movements  in  the  U.S.,  a  survey  was  made 
jointly  by  Roger  Baldwin  and  Stuart 
Chase  .  .  .  ",  so  a  Fund  report  says  (It 
covered  them  nicely  it  would  seem) ;  and 
"after  being  assured  of  the  sound  manage- 
ment of  an  enterprise,  of  the  effectiveness 
of  its  directing  personnel  and  the  signifi- 
cance of  its  objects,  the  Fund  has  given  or 
loaned  without  further  questions." 


Says  the  1925  official  report:  "A  number 
of  research  jobs  which  no  enterprise  was 

equipped  to  tackle  were  organized  and 
financed  by  the  Fund.  Chief  among  these 
is  a  study  of  American  imperialism  under 
the  direction  of  Prof.  Harry  Elmer 
Barnes  of  Smith  College  who  heads  an 
advisory  committee  composed  of  Prof. 
E.  M.  Borchard,  Emanuel  Celler,  Prof. 
Paul  H.  Douglas,  Robt.  W.  Dunn,  Ken- 
neth Durant,  Prof.  Edw.  M.  Earle,  Ernest 
Gruening,  Prof.  Manly  O.  Hudson,  Dr. 
Samuel  Guy  Inman,  Basil  M.  Manly,  Dr. 
Chas.  Clayton  Morrison,  Kirby  Page, 
Judge  Otto  Schoenrich,  Henrik  Shipstead, 
Edgar  Speyer,  Moorfield  Storey,  John  F. 
Sinclair,  Oswald  Garrison  Villard  and 
Arthur  Warner." 

"Studies  are  now  being  made  by  Amer- 
ican investigators  in  Cuba,  Santo  Domingo 
and  Bolivia.  .  .  .  Two  studies  made  last 
year  under  the  auspices  of  the  Fund  have 
been  published  in  book  form.  They  are 
'American  Foreign  Investments'  by  Robt. 
W.  Dunn  and  'Dollar  Diplomacy'  by  Scott 
Nearing  and  Jos.  Freeman.  These  studies 
are  made  under  the  direction  of  a  com- 
mittee of  the  Fund  composed  of  Lewis  S. 
Gannett,  Chairman;  Morris  L.  Ernst, 
James  Weldon  Johnson,  Roger  N.  Baldwin 
and  Scott  Nearing."  (See  A.A.A.I.  Lg.,  etc.) 

Legal  defense  association  of  the  I.W.W. 

corresponding    to    the    Communist   I.L.D.; 

hdqts.  555  W.  Lake  St.,  Chicago. 


Given  yearly  by  Maxim  Gorki  of  Russia 
to  American  Communist  authors  who  pro- 
duce the  best  revolutionary  literature  of 
the  year. 


To  quote  from  its  own  literature,  it  "Is 
a  League  of  students  from  among  the 
schools,  colleges  and  universities  of  the 
world,  intent  on  War  Resistance.  Aims: 
To  direct,  to  encourage  .  .  .  systematic 
War  Resistance.  ...  To  radicalize  the  cause 
of  peace.  .  .  .  Symbol:  The  Green  Inter- 
national Shirt  will  be  the  outward  symbol 
of  War  Resistance — the  visible  expres- 
sion of  World  Patriotism.  .  .  .  The  Green 
International  requires  from  its  members  a 
personal  spiritual  pledge  to  refuse  to  take 
part  in  or  to  support  any  kind  of  war 
either  directly  or  indirectly." 

It  aims  to  enlist  at  least  2  per  cent  of  all 
college  students  in  the  U.S.  to  affiliate  with 
war  resisting  societies.  The  2  per  cent  idea 
was  advanced  by  Prof.  Einstein  in  1931 
(see  "Who's  Who"  for  his  Communist 

Organizations,  Etc. 


affiliations).  The  theory  is  that  if  2  per 
cent  of  the  population  are  organized  as 
militant  war  resisters  they  can  cripple  their 
government  in  the  prosecution  of  any  war. 
At  that  time  thousands  of  buttons  bearing 
the  insignia  "2  per  cent"  were  distributed 
by  radical  pacifist  groups.  The  Green 
International  is  "Sponsored  by  Peace 
Patriots,  War  Resisters  International,  War 
Resisters  League,  Women's  Peace  Society, 
New  History  Society;  Cooperating  organ- 
izations: Committee  on  Militarism  in 
Education;  Fellowship  of  Reconciliation"; 
hdqts.  132  East  65th  Street,  N.Y.  City. 
(See  W.  R.  Intl.  and  W.  R.  Lg.). 


Formed  to  uphold  the  radicals'  Griffin 
Bill,  backed  by  the  A.C.L.U.,  which  pro- 
posed admission  of  aliens  without  their 
taking  an  oath  to  bear  arms  in  defense  of 
the  U.S.  government.  A  letter  signed  by 
the  nat.  sec.,  Alfred  Lief,  asking  that 
friends  of  the  Griffin  Bill  come  out  to  a 
Hearing  Jan.  26,  1932,  and  saying  "Our 
experience  at  the  first  Hearing  of  this  Bill 
during  the  past  session  was  that  the 
patrioteers  and  militarists  filled  the  room 
ahead  of  us,  thus  creating  an  atmosphere 
of  hostility,"  lists  on  the  letter  head  as 
national  chairman  of  the  Griffin  Bill  Com- 
mittee, Lola  Maverick  Lloyd. 

Chmn.  N.Y.  City  committee,  Elizabeth  Black; 
chmn.  Boston  committee,  Helen  Tufts  Bailie; 
chmn.  Northampton  committee,  Elaine  Goodale 
Eastman;  chmn.  Chgo.  committee,  Olive  H.  Rabe; 
National  sponsors:  Willis  J.  Abbott  (Boston), 
Jane  Addams,  Emily  Greene  Balch,  Harry  Elmer 
Barnes,  Mrs.  Victor  Berger,  Alice  Stone  Black- 
well,  Roy  E.  Burt,  Carrie  Chapman  Catt,  Dr. 
Wm.  C.  Dennis  (Pres.  of  Earlham  College),  John 
Dewey,  Arthur  Fisher,  Dorothy  Canfield  Fisher 
(Arlington),  Mrs.  Caroline  Foulke  Urie  (Yellow 
Springs,  O.),  Felix  Frankfurter,  Dr.  Alice  Hamil- 
ton. John  Haynes  Holmes,  Fannie  Hurst,  Mercer 
G.  Johnston,  Harold  D.  Lasswell,  Alfred  Lief,  Robt. 
Morss  Lovett,  James  H.  Maurer,  Prof.  Samuel  E. 
Morison  (Harvard  U.),  Agnes  Nestor,  Willy 
Pogany  (Hollywood),  Elmer  Rice  (N.Y.),  James 
T.  Shotwell  (Columbia  U.),  Lillian  D.  Wald,  Dr. 
Mary  E.  Woolley  (Pres.  Mt.  Holyoke  College), 
and  about  twenty  others.  Hdqts.  135  W.  79th 
St.,  N.Y.  City,  Alfred  Lief. 


Various  committees,  such  as  the  Amer- 
ican Committee  for  Justice  to  China, 
American  Committee  for  Fair  Play  to 
China,  American  Committee  for  Chinese 
Relief,  and  Hands  Off  China  Committees, 
were  formed  under  Communist  inspiration 
to  create  propaganda  against  U.S.  inter- 
ference in  China  when  Red  revolutionaries 

were     endangering     American     lives     and 
property  there. 

The  Kuomintang,  or  Nationalist  Party 
of  China,  founded  by  Sun  Yat  Sen,  were 
in  full  alliance  with  the  Communist  Inter- 
national and  were  at  the  height  of  their 
revolutionary  activities  between  1924  and 
1927,  with  the  Soviet  agent  Grusenberg, 
alias  Borodin,  as  he  was  known  when  he 
visited  Chicago  and  Hull  House  circles, 
acting  as  chief  adviser  of  Chiang-Kai-Shek, 
the  Kuomintang  leader.  Communists  claim 
that  the  Kuomintang  Party  broke  with 
them  and  started  fighting  Communists 
April  12,  1927.  Kuomintang  spokesmen 
place  this  date  as  much  as  two  years  later. 
However  that  may  be,  the  Feb.  28,  1927 
issue  of  the  Third  International  pub- 
lication, called  "The  Communist  Inter- 
national," stated:  "In  order  to  mobilize 
all  the  reserves  of  the  International  Revo- 
lutionary Movement,  it  is  necessary  to 
carry  out,  with  the  speed  commensurate 
with  the  exceptional  importance  of  the 
matter,  the  united  front  under  the  slogan 
'Hands  Off  China,'  while,  at  the  same 
time,  the  Communists'  parties  must  act 
independently  and  employ  all  forms  of 
mass  revolutionary  struggle." 

The  Marvin  Data  Sheets  report:  that 
Communist  Manuel  Gomez  speaking  at  a 
meeting  of  the  "Hands  Off  China  Com- 
mittee" in  Chicago,  May  8,  1927,  said  his 
organization,  the  Communist  All-America 
Anti-Imperialist  League,  had  formed  172 
Hands  Off  China  Committees  in  the  United 
States  and  England;  that  Carl  Haessler 
presided  at  this  meeting  and  Jane  Addams 
spoke,  as  did  also  Chandra  Sena  Gooner- 
atne,  "a  Hindu  U.  of  Chgo.  student  said 
to  be  an  active  propagandist  in  the  U.S. 
for  a  revolution  in  India  similar  to  the 
one  going  on  in  China" ;  Marvin  adds  that, 
counting  the  "Hands  Off  Nicaragua"  (Nica- 
ragua was  then  seething  under  Communist- 
supported  Gen.  Sandino)  and  "Hands  Off 
Mexico"  Committees  formed  for  similar 
purposes,  the  total  number  of  Communist- 
inspired  "Hands  Off"  Committees  organ- 
ized then  was  probably  around  250. 

A  full  page  advertisement  in  the  World 
Tomorrow  of  Aug.  1925  said  that  Harry 
Ward  and  Paul  Blanshard  were  then  in 
Shanghai  and  had  cabled  a  request  asking 
for  immediate  funds  to  aid  the  Chinese 
Communist  group  then  in  charge  of  the 
Hankow  government,  saying  there  was 
little  financial  support  from  Russia  and 
urging  the  stopping  of  "every  effort  to 
use  American  gunboats,  American  money 
and  American  men  to  fasten  foreign  im- 


The  Red  Network 

perialism  on  China."  This  cablegram  was 
quoted  with  the  appeal  that  contributions 
be  sent  to  the  Garland  Fund  to  aid  this 
cause ;  and  the  appeal  was  signed  by  Kirby 
Page,  Robt.  Morss  Lovett  and  Rose 

The  N.Y.  Herald  Tribune  of  April  27th, 
1927  referred  to  Harry  Ward  as  Chairman 
of  the  executive  committee  of  the  Amer- 
ican Committee  for  Justice  to  China,  the 
same  article  referring  to  "another  plea  for 
justice  received  by  William  Pickens  of  the 
Hands  Off  China  Association  from  Earl 
Browder,  American  Communist  editor, 
who  went  to  China  as  a  delegate  to  labor 
conference  there  and  since  Feb.  23  has 
been  a  guest  of  the  Cantonese  government." 

A  vivid  description  of  the  great  commu- 
nist Hands  Off  China  mass  meeting  staged 
in  Union  Square,  N.Y.  City  and  quotation 
from  the  columns  of  space  proudly  given 
it  in  the  communist  Daily  Worker  are  cited 
in  Marvin  Data  Sheets,  and  the  following 
committee  listed: 

Hands  Off  China  Committee:  Prof.  John 
Dewey,  Paul  Jones,  H.  H.  Broach,  Rev. 
J.  H.  Holmes,  Dr.  James  M.  Yard,  Louis 
Budenz,  Rev.  Edmund  B.  Chaffee,  Rev. 
Chas.  C.  Webber,  Lewis  G.  Gannett,  Wm. 
Pickens,  H.  Lanson,  chmn.  Chinese  Stu- 
dents Com.  of  Columbia.  Speakers  for 
their  meeting,  May  9,  1927  (printed  in 
Daily  Wkr.):  Louis  Budenz,  L.  Linson, 
Alex.  Trachtenberg,  D.  Benjamin  (Wkrs. 
Sch.),  Richard  B.  Moore,  L.  Navarez 
(Anti-Imp.  Lg.),  S.  D.  Ogino,  Jap.  Wkrs. 
Alliance  (Communist),  Geo.  Siskind,  A. 
Rosemond,  Haitian  Patriotic  Lg.  (Com- 
munist), N.  Napoli,  Anti-Fascist  Lg. 
(Communist),  Rebecca  Grecht,  A.  Mark- 
off,  Lena  Cherbnenka,  and  Juliet  Poyntz 
(all  of  Communist  Party),  Scott  Nearing, 
Robt.  W.  Dunn,  H.  M.  Wick  (Daily  Wkr.), 
Powers  Hapgood.  (Marvin  Data  Sheets, 
28-29,  May  11,  1927.) 


See  Liberator. 


Communist  club;  1538  Madison  Ave., 
N.Y.  City. 


Communist  Negro  subsidiary  groups. 
Richard  B.  Moore,  director  of  the  National 
Negro  Dept.  of  the  Communist  Party, 
mailed  out  a  report  after  the  1928  Com- 
munist Party  Convention  in  N.Y.  City 

saying:  "The  establishment  of  the  Harlem 
Tenants  Leagues  is  considered  by  the  Cen- 
tral Executive  Committee  as  an  achieve- 
ment in  united  front  work  among  the 
Negroes.  It  is  necessary  to  link  up  the 
problems  of  housing  with  the  issues  of 
unemployment,  segregation,  etc."  (Marvin 
Data  Sheets,  62-3.) 

Communist  T.U.U.L.  union. 


A  new  religion  without  God,  without 
worship  or  prayer  and  without  belief  in  a 
future  life.  The  American  Assn.  for  the 
Advancement  of  Atheism  in  its  June  1930 
report  said:  "However  much  Humanists 
for  reasons  of  expediency  shun  the  title 
'Atheist,'  they  are  godless.  Consequently 
we  welcome  their  aid  in  overthrowing 
Christianity  and  all  other  religions  based 
on  the  supernatural." 

The  first  Humanist  Society  of  New  York 
was  founded  by  a  New  York  preacher, 
Chas.  Francis  Potter,  several  years  ago.  A 
1933  conference  on  Humanism  of  about 
40  ministers  and  educators  meeting  in  Chi- 
cago, signed  the  following  resolutions  said 
to  have  been  drawn  up  originally  by  Prof. 
Roy  Sellers  of  the  U.  of  Michigan  and 
made  public  by  Rev.  Raymond  B.  Bragg, 
Chicago  Unitarian  minister. 

"Religious  humanists  regard  the  universe  as  self- 
existing  and  not  created. 

"Religion  must  formulate  its  hopes  and  plans 
in  the  light  of  the  scientific  spirit  and  method. 

"The  distinction  between  the  sacred  and  the 
secular  can  no  longer  be  maintained. 

"Religious  humanism  considers  the  complete 
realization  of  human  personality  to  be  the  end  of  a 
man's  life,  and  seeks  its  development  and  fulfil- 
ment in  the  here  and  now. 

"In  place  of  the  old  attitudes  involved  in  wor- 
ship and  prayer,  the  humanist  finds  his  religious 
emotions  exprest  in  a  heightened  sense  of  per- 
sonal life  and  in  a  cooperative  effort  to  promote 
social  well-being. 

"There  will  be  no  uniquely  religious  emotions 
and  attitudes  of  the  kind  hitherto  associated  with 
belief  in  the  supernatural.  Man  will  learn  to  face 
the  crises  of  life  in  terms  of  his  knowledge  of 
their  naturalness  and  probability.  Reasonable  and 
manly  attitudes  will  be  fostered  by  education  and 
supported  custom. 

"We  assume  that  humanism  will  take  the  path 
of  social  and  mental  hygiene,  and  discourage 
sentimental  and  unreal  hopes  and  wishful  thinking. 

"The  goal  of  humanism  is  a  free  and  universal 
society  in  which  people  voluntarily  and  intelligently 
cooperate  for  the  common  good. 

"The  time  has  come  for  wide-spread  recog- 
nition of  the  radical  changes  in  religious  thoughts 
throughout  the  modern  world.  Science  and  economic 
change  have  disrupted  the  old  beliefs. 

"Religions  the  world  over  are  under  the  necessity 
of  coming  to  terms  with  new  conditions  created 
by  a  vastly  increased  knowledge  and  experience." 

Signers  and  endorsers  of  the  above  Program 
include  Prof.  J.  A.  C.  Fagginger  Auer,  Harvard 

Organizations,  Etc. 


University;  John  Dewey;  Prof.  Robert  Morss 
Lovett,  University  of  Chicago;  Chas.  Francis 
Potter;  Rabbi  Jacob  J.  Weinstein,  Advisor  to  Jew- 
ish students  at  Columbia  University;  Prof.  Edwin 
Arthur  Burtt,  Cornell  University;  Prof.  Frank 
Hankins,  Smith  College;  Prof.  A.  Eustace  Hay- 
don,  University  of  Chicago;  Prof.  Oliver  L. 
Reiser,  University  of  Pittsburgh;  and  Prof.  Roy 
Wood  Sellers,  University  of  Michigan. 

Communist  mass  foreign  language  section 
cultural  group. 



Section  of  communist  Revolutionary 
Writers  Federation. 


Communist  fraternal  insurance  foreign 
language  organization. 



Communist  Hungarian  mass  organ- 



Jewish  Communist  society  helping  the 
colonization  of  Biro  Birdjan,  the  Jewish 
Soviet  Socialist  Republic  in  Russia;  has 
branches  in  Brooklyn,  New  York  City, 
Chicago,  etc.  Chicago  hdqts.  3301  W. 
Roosevelt  Road. 


The  full  title  is  "The  American  Commit- 
tee for  the  Support  of  II  Nuovo  Mondo." 
II  Nuovo  Mondo  was  previously  heavily 
financed  by  the  Garland  Fund  (see).  A 
letter  in  1931  signed  by  Marguerite  Tucker 
the  secretary  of  the  Committee  said:  "II 
Nuovo  Mondo  is  a  pro-labor,  anti-mili- 
tarist and  anti-fascist  daily  for  the  Italians 
living  in  this  country.  Without  II  Nuovo 
Mondo  the  long  Sacco-Vanzetti  campaign 
could  never  have  been  carried  on,"  and 
solicited  funds  to  aid  the  campaign  of  II 
Nuovo  Mondo  "to  amend  our  immigration 
laws  so  that  the  right  of  asylum  for  political 
prisoners  from  other  lands  .  .  .  may  be 
assured."  Radicals  use  the  term  "political 
prisoners"  to  indicate  those  jailed  for  revo- 
lutionary activities.  Headquarters  81  East 
10th  Street,  New  York  City. 

Clinton  S.  Golden  (of  the  Garland  Fund), 
treas. ;  Marguerite  Tucker,  sec. ;  Nat.  Com. : 
Morris  Berman,  Sarah  Bernheim,  Leroy  Bowman, 
Paul  F.  Brissenden,  Heywood  Broun,  Louis  F. 
Budenz,  Dr.  Charles  Fama,  Dr.  Ninon  Firenze, 

Elizabeth  Gilman,  Arturo  Giovannitti,  Clinton  S. 
Golden,  Florence  Curtis  Hanson,  John  Haynes 
Holmes,  Alexander  Howat,  Harry  W.  Laidler,  Vito 
Marcantonio,  James  H.  Maurer,  Mrs.  John  F. 
Moors,  A.  J.  Muste,  Jacob  Panken,  J.  Nevin 
Sayre,  Joseph  Schlossberg,  Vida  Scudder,  A.  I. 
Shiplacoff,  Dr.  M.  Siragusa,  Norman  Thomas, 
Girolamo  Valenti,  Stephen  S.  Wise. 


Ind.  Lab.  Party  or  I.L.P. 

A  left  wing  Socialist  Party  founded  by 
Friedrich    Engels,     collaborator     of     Karl 
Marx,  in   1893,  aided  by   Marx'  youngest 
daughter,  "Tussy"    (who  disdained  "bour- 
geois" marriage  with  Dr.  Aveling,  her  "hus- 
band"), G.  B.  Shaw  and  others.  The  April 
17,  1933  issue  of  the  American  communist 
Daily   Worker   quoted   from   the   National 
Administrative  Council  of  the  Independent 
Labour    Party    recommendation    "  'to    the 
party  that  its  affiliation  with  the  Labor  and 
Socialist  International   (2nd  International) 
should  be  terminated.  ...  It  takes  the  view 
that  there  is  now  no  hope  of  the  Labor 
and    Socialist    International    becoming    an 
effective    instrument   of    revolutionary    so- 
cialism,' "  etc.  Whether  the  I.LP.  will  now 
join  the  Third  International  (Communist) 
remains  to  be  seen.    It  has  long  been  in 
close   sympathy   with   Moscow   and  "took 
the   lead  in  Pacifist   agitation  'during  the 
war';   its   anti-recruiting   meetings    formed 
the  nucleus  out  of  which  all  Defeatist  and 
Bolshevik   movements   developed."     (From 
"Socialist   Network"    by    Nesta    Webster.) 
Among    its   past   and    present   leaders   are 
Ramsay  MacDonald  (recently  expelled  for 
cooperating    with    the    present    Coalition 
Government),  Tom  Mann   (now  Commu- 
nist), Arthur  Ponsonby,  Chas.  Trevelyan, 
H.  N.  Brailsford,  Josiah  Wedgewood,  E.  D. 
Morel,  Philip  Snowden,  Pethwick  Lawrence, 
A.  Fenner  Brockway  (recent  lecturer  in  the 
United   States   for   the   L.I.D.),   etc.    The 
I.L.P.   program   states:     "The   I.L.P.   is   a 
Socialist  organization  and  has  for  its  object 
the  establishment  of  the  Socialist  Common- 
wealth."   Mrs.  Pethwick  Lawrence  was  a 
co-worker  with  Jane  Addams  in  the  United 
States    in    forming    the    W.I.L.P.F.    (see). 
Socialist  Margaret  Bondfield  was  the  long 
time  associate  in  the  Labor  Party  move- 
ment  of   Ramsay  MacDonald,  who   made 
her  Britain's  first  woman  Cabinet  Minister 
in  his  1929-31  Cabinet  when  he  was  I.L.P. 
Premier  of  England.   She  was  not  made  a 
member  of  the  Coalition  government  which 
followed.    She  took  a  prominent  part  with 
Jane  Addams  in  the  congress  of  the  Inter- 
national Council  of  Women  held  July  16, 
1933  in  Chicago  (see  Ramsay  MacDonald's 


The  Red  Network 

activities  ay  I.LP.  leader  under  "Who's 
Who,"  also  "English  Reds"  for  further 

The  Daily  Worker,  Oct.  4,  1933,  report- 
ing the  arrival  of  Tom  Mann,  English 
Communist,  said:  "Responding  to  a  ques- 
tion about  the  recent  action  of  the  I.L.P. 
of  Great  Britain  in  support  of  united  front 
action  with  the  Communist  International, 
Mann  said  that  'the  rank  and  file  of  the 
I.L.P.  is  more  and  more  taking  part  in 
joint  actions  with  the  Communists — not 
gingerly,  mind  you,  but  heartily!'" 



From  1905,  when  it  was  founded,  until 
the  advent  of  the  Bolsheviks  to  power, 
after  which  many  of  its  unions  and  leaders 
joined  the  Communist  forces,  the  I.W.W. 
was  the  most  formidable  revolutionary 
organization  in  the  United  States.  Only 
about  25,000  of  the  100,000  membership 
remained  in  1933,  but  new  blood  is  now 
being  recruited. 

Among  the  Socialists  and  Anarchists  who 
founded  it  or  served  as  its  early  leaders 
were  Eugene  V.  Debs,  "Big  Bill"  Hay- 
wood,  Wm.  Z.  Foster,  Eliz.  Gurley  Flynn 
and  her  husband  Carlo  Tresca,  "Mother" 
Jones,  Ernest  Untermann,  etc.  Wm.  Z. 
Foster  and  "Big  Bill"  Haywood  went  over 
to  the  newly-formed  Communist  Party, 
which  began  assuming  the  more  dominant 
role.  However,  the  Garland  Fund  donated 
thousands  of  dollars  to  the  I.W.W.  and 
during  the  depression  it  has  had  a  con- 
siderable revival,  largely  in  the  west. 

As  an  Anarcho -Syndicalist  organization 
its  purpose  is  the  organization  of  industrial 
workers  into  unions  to  war  against  em- 
ployers by  any  and  all  means,  including 
sabotage,  burning  of  forests  and  wheat 
fields,  murder  and  violence,  and  eventually, 
by  means  of  the  General  Strike,  to  over- 
throw the  government  and  present  capital- 
ist system  of  society.  A  48-page  I.W.W. 
booklet,  sold  in  1933,  entitled  "The  General 
Strike,"  is  entirely  devoted  to  the  subject 
of  the  General  Strike  as  the  I.W.W.  revo- 
lutionary weapon.  After  the  revolution  the 
plan  is  to  have  no  central  government  but 
only  a  government  by  unions. 

Its  organ  "One  Big  Union  Monthly" 
(Oct.  1920),  describing  its  "Chart  of 
Industrial  Communism,"  stated:  "Please 
note  that  this  plan  leaves  no  room  for  a 
political  party  which  specializes  in  gov- 
ernment and  ruling  other  people.  All  power 

rests  with  the  people  organized  in  branches 
of  the  Industrial  Unions.  From  production 
and  distribution  standpoint  this  means 
Industrial  Communism.  From  Administra- 
tion standpoint  it  means  industrial  democ- 
racy. Such  is  the  program  of  the  I.W.W." 
The  Aug.  11,  1920  issue  stated:  "The 
I.W.W.  views  the  accomplishments  of  the 
Soviet  government  of  Russia  with  breath- 
less interest  and  intense  admiration.  .  .  .  The 
I.W.W.  has  always  expelled  members  who 
were  not  true  to  the  basic  principles  of  the 
world  revolution."  In  answer  to  Zinoviev's 
invitation  to  the  I.W.W.  to  join  the  Third 
International,  the  I.W.W.  moved:  "That 
we  endorse  the  Third  International  with 
reservations  as  follows:  'That  we  do  not 
take  any  part  whatever  in  parliamentary 
action  and  that  we  reserve  the  right  to 
develop  our  own  tactics  according  to  con- 
ditions prevailing.'  " 

The  few  surviving  leaders  of  the  old 
I.W.W.  are  now  free  from  prison  and  came 
from  all  sections  of  the  United  States  to 
attend  the  I.W.W.  convention  held  Sept. 
29-30,  1933  at  the  Irving  Plaza  Hotel,  N.Y. 
City.  Among  these  were:  James  P.  Thomp- 
son, leader  of  the  pickets  in  the  great  1912 
textile  strike  at  Lawrence,  Mass.;  James 
Price,  once  kidnaped  and  badly  beaten  dur- 
ing trouble  in  Kentucky  mines;  Arthur 
Boose,  agricultural  organizer;  Monoldi 
from  the  metal  mining  districts  of  the  west; 
F.  Leigh  Bearce,  building  trades  organizer; 
Jack  Walsh,  marine  organizer;  and  Ben 
Fletcher,  Negro  waterfront  organizer  in 
Phila.  Herbert  Mahler,  who  was  among 
the  group  arrested  after  the  explosion  of 
the  bomb  in  the  Chicago  post  office  and 
afterwards  sent  to  Leavenworth  Peniten- 
tiary with  Thompson,  Walsh  and  Price, 
gave  an  interview  in  Sept.  1933  at  the  new 
I.W.W.  headquarters,  94  Fifth  Ave.,  N.Y. 
City,  on  the  I.W.W.  present  plans  to  build 
anew  a  militant  aggressive  organization  on 
the  old  lines  insisting  now  on  a  four-hour 
day  and  four-day  week  with  no  wage  cuts 
for  workers. 

Official  organs  1933:  Industrial  Worker  (weekly 
newspaper  in  English),  555  W.  Lake  St.,  Chicago; 
Tie  Vapauteen  (Finnish  monthly),  Box  99, 
Duluth,  Minn.;  Industrialiste  (Finnish  daily 
newspaper),  Box  3912,  Sta.  F.F.,  Cleveland,  O.; 
II  Proletario  (Italian  weekly),  Box  24,  Sta.  T, 
Brooklyn,  N.Y.;  Jedna  Velka  Unie  (Czecho- 
Slovakian  weekly),  11314  Revere  Ave.,  S.E., 
Cleveland,  O.  I.W.W.  main  hdqts.  555  W.  Lake 
St.  and  1618  W.  Madison  St.,  Chicago;  branches 
in  England  and  Australia;  legal  defense  society 
is  called  General  Defense  Committee  (555  W. 
Lake  St.,  Chicago);  its  unemployed  organizations 
are  "Unemployed  Unions";  cooperates  with  Social- 
ists, Anarchists  and  Communists  in  the  revolution- 
ary "united  front"  "class  struggle." 

Organizations,  Etc. 



An  abbreviation,  in  typical  Soviet  style, 
of  "International  Press  Correspendence" ; 
published  under  the  latter  title  in  pam- 
phlet form  and  sold  at  Communist  book- 
stores; published  by  the  Communist  Inter- 
national, originally  in  Vienna,  then,  until 
Hitler's  regime,  in  Berlin,  now  in  London; 
in  four  languages — German,  French,  Rus- 
sian and  English ;  contains  articles  by  Com- 
munist leaders  in  various  countries  on 
revolutionary  activities,  speeches  by  Stalin, 
etc.;  31  Dudden  Hill  Lane,  London,  N.W. 


Of  the  League  for  Industrial  Democracy 

INTERNATIONALS  (1st,  2nd  and  3rd) 
The  1st  International  was  formed  Sept. 
28,  1864  in  St.  Martin's  Hall,  London,  by 
a  group  of  peaceful  French  syndicalists  aim- 
ing to  improve  conditions  of  labor,  joined 
by  English  members  and  the  Karl  Marx 
clique,  which  latter  completely  captured 
the  organization.  It  was  then  known  as 
the  International  Workingmen's  Association. 
In  1869,  the  "Alliance  Sociale  Democrat- 
ique,"  a  secret  society  headed  by  the  Rus- 
sian anarchist  Michael  Bakunin  was 
admitted  to  the  International  and  here 
commenced  the  struggle  for  power  which 
ended  in  Marx  wrecking  the  International 
to  get  rid  of  these  powerful  anarchist 
rivals.  In  advocacy  of  the  class  war  and 
militant  atheism  Marxists  and  Bakunists 
were  one,  but,  while  Marx  stood  for  State 
Socialism,  conquest  of  political  power,  that 
is  the  State,  by  the  working  classes, 
"nationalization  of  production  and  distri- 
bution of  wealth"  unttt  all  classes  should 
become  one  and  "bourgeois"  desire  for 
individualism  should  be  eradicated,  at  which 
time  (eternity,  perhaps)  State  control 
would  become  unnecessary  and  the  State 
political  machine  would  then  simply 
"wither  away,"  Bakunin,  in  his  own  resume 
of  his  program,  advocated:  "Abolition  of 
the  State  in  all  its  religious,  juristic,  polit- 
ical and  social  realizations;  reorganization 
by  the  free  initiative  of  free  individuals  in 
free  groups";  and  declared  "I  abominate 
Communism  because  it  is  a  denial  of  free- 
dom and  I  cannot  understand  anything 
human  without  freedom."  In  1872  the 
Anarchists  were  expelled  and  the  head- 
quarters moved  to  New  York,  and  four 
years  later  the  1st  International  expired 

2nd  International:  After  a  13-year 
interval,  during  which  there  was  no  Social- 
ist International,  a  Congress  at  Brussels,  in 
1889,  founded  the  2nd  Intl.  and  set  up  an 
Intl.  Socialist  Bureau  composed  of  three 
delegates  from  each  of  the  Socialist  or 
Labor  Parties  of  the  various  countries 
represented.  Altho  Karl  Marx  had  died  in 
1883,  this  2nd  Intl.  was  more  purely  Marx- 
ian than  the  1st  had  ever  been  owing  to 
the  long  educational  agitation  by  his  fol- 
lowers. By  1893  the  2nd  Intl.  had  become 
completely  Germanized  (according  to 
Adolphe  Smith,  Official  Interpreter  of  the 
Congresses  from  the  outset).  Altho  Con- 
gresses held  in  Brussels,  1891,  Zurich,  1893, 
London,  1896,  Paris,  1900,  Amsterdam, 
1904,  Stuttgart,  1907,  Copenhagen,  1910, 
Basle,  1912,  each  one  developed  increasing 
Socialist  internationalism  or  "class  solidar- 
ity" as  opposed  to  patriotism,  yet  at  the 
outbreak  of  the  World  War  temporary 
disruption  of  the  2nd  Intl.  occurred  be- 
cause so  many  of  its  12,000,000  members  in 
27  countries,  with  the  exception  of  those  in 
America  and  Italy,  adhered  to  their  coun- 
tries instead  of  to  their  Socialist  principles. 
While  some  in  each  country  hindered  and 
sabotaged  their  governments,  yet  because 
of  the  general  weakening  of  international- 
ism, present  day  Communists  refer  to  the 
2nd  Intl.  as  the  "Yellow  International." 

After  the  war,  conferences  held  Feb.  2, 
1919  at  Berne,  in  April,  1919  at  Amsterdam, 
and  at  Lucerne,  Aug.  2,  1919,  revived  the 
2nd  Intl.,  not  however  without  violent 
dissension  concerning  leadership,  tactics, 
cooperation  with  the  Bolshevik  Socialists, 
etc.,  these  points  causing  splits  in  some 
national  parties  and  a  going-over  en  masse 
of  others  to  the  3rd  International,  then 
being  formed. 

The  2nd  Intl.  has,  in  1933,  been  crippled 
by  Hitler's  rise  to  power  in  Germany, 
which  was  its  stronghold,  and  is  looking 
to  Spain  and  the  U.S.A.  as  its  future  hope, 
the  Rooseveltian  regime  being  considered 
the  groundwork  for  Socialism.  There  is 
also  considerable  agitation  among  Socialists 
for  full  affiliation  with  the  Communist 
Intl.  The  Socialist  and  Labor  International 
(see)  is  also  the  name  of  the  2nd  Intl. 

3rd  (or  Communist)  International:  Rus- 
sia, having  by  its  1917  revolution  been  the 
first  to  achieve  a  Socialist  government,  is 
regarded  as  the  "Fatherland"  of  Socialists 
everywhere.  In  Jan.  1919,  the  Soviet  gov- 
ernment, with  the  avowed  purpose  of  plac- 
ing itself  at  the  head  of  the  international 
Socialist  movement  sent  out  a  call  to  the 
revolutionaries  of  the  world  to  send  dele- 


The  Red  Network 

International  Committee 






American  Committee 

A.  A.  HELLE 

H.  w.  L.  DANA 
W.  E.  B.  Du  BOIS 

Chicago  Committee 




T.  v.  SMITH 



Henri  Barbusse,  the  noted  French  author,  who  is  in 
America  to  attend  the  U.S.  Congress  Against  War, 
now  being  held  in  New  York,  will  speak  at  a  mass  meet- 
ing against  War  and  Fascism  at  the  Chicago  Coliseum 
on  Monday  evening,  October  23rd, 

M.  Barbusse  is  one  of  the  organizers  of  the  Internat- 
ional Committee  to  Aid  the  Victims  of  German  Fascism,. 
His  work'  against  war,  both  in  his  novels,  such  as 
Under  Fire,  and  his  public  activities,  is  internation- 
ally known.  Last  year  he  was  Chairman  of  tti2  Amsterdam 
Congress  Against  War. 

A  preliminary  meeting  is  being  called  at  the  CITY  CLUB, 
315  Plymouth  Court,  on  Thursday,  October  5th  at  4  p.m.. 
to  make  plans  for  supporting  the  Barbusse  mass  meeting. 
All  peace  societies,  and  organizations  interested  in 
fighting  German  *ascism,  are  urged  to  send  represent- 
atives. Individuals  are  also  invited  to  attend.  Mem- 
bers of  the  Chicago  Committee  for  Struggle  Against  War 
should  by  all  means  be  present. 

The  visit  of  Henrt  Barbusse  is  a  tremendously  important 
event.  To  make  the  mass  meeting  a  "success  it  is  necess- 
ary that  every  organization  send  delegates  to  this 
preliminary  meeting. 

Sincerely  yours, 

Robert  Morss  Lovett 
Chai  rman 

Or,  S.  B.  Freehof 

Edith  M,  Ltoyd 

7921  S.LaSaHe 

Facsimile  of  notice  urging  support  of  Communist  Barbusse  meeting,  which  was  jointly  sponsored  by  the 
Chicago  Committee  for  Struggle  Against  War  and  the  Chicago  Committee  of  the  communist  National 
Committee  to  Aid  Victims  of  German  Fascism,  Communist  Barbusse  being  an  international  officer  of 
both  organizations.  This  Chicago  Committee  for  S.A.W.  was  called  to  the  platform  to  occupy  seats  of 
honor.  John  Fitzpatrick,  president  of  the  Chicago  Federation  of  Labor,  although  a  member,  sidestepped 
an  invitation  to  speak  as  a  representative  of  the  A.F.  of  L.,  according  to  "Anti-Fascist  Action"  (maga- 
zine of  the  Chgo.  Com.  of  Nat.  Com.  to  Aid  Victims  of  German  Fascism),  which  was  sold  at  the  meeting. 

Organizations,  Etc. 


gates  to  Moscow,  where,  as  a  result,  Mar. 
2-6,  1919,  32  delegates  representing  12 
countries  founded  the  3rd  International,  or 
Komintern  as  it  is  sometimes  called  (from 
a  combination  of  Russian  words  Kom- 
munistitcheski  Internazional) .  The  plat- 
form proposed  in  the  call  (quoted  in  full 
in  Lusk  Report)  included:  "taking  pos- 
session at  once  of  the  governmental  power 
...  in  order  to  replace  it  by  the  apparatus 
of  proletarian  power.  (4)  The  dictator- 
ship of  the  proletariat  should  aim  at  the 
immediate  expropriation  of  capitalism  and 
the  suppression  of  private  property  and  its 
transfer  to  the  proletarian  state  under 
Socialist  administration  of  the  working 
class.  (5)  In  order  to  make  the  Socialist 
revolution  secure,  the  disarming  of  the 
bourgeoisie  and  of  its  agents  and  the  gen- 
eral arming  of  the  proletariat  are  neces- 
sary." (Naturally,  disarmament  is  backed 
by  Communists  everywhere  for  this  pur- 
pose.) "(6)  The  fundamental  condition  of 
the  state  is  the  mass  action  of  the  pro- 
letariat going  as  far  as  open  conflict  with 
arms  in  hand  against  the  governmental 
power  of  capitalism,"  etc.  Sept.  8,  1919, 
a  Manifesto  was  sent  out  urging  all  revo- 
lutionaries, whether  I.W.W.,  Anarchist,  or1 
Socialist,  to  unite  in  forming  a  united 
Communist  Party. 

As  a  result  of  the  formation  and  call 
of  the  3rd  International  a  division  occurred 
in  other  Socialist  revolutionary  ranks.  As 
parties  the  Norwegian  Labour  Party,  Swed- 
ish Left  Socialist  Party,  Hungarian  Com- 
munist Party,  Swiss  Social  Democratic 
Party,  Italian  Socialist  Party,  went  over 
en  masse  to  the  3rd  International,  while 
the  American  Socialist  Party'  split,  the  Left 
wing  forming  the  Communist  Party  on 
Sept.  1,  1919,  in  Chicago.  The  British, 
French,  Belgian,  Dutch  and  Swedish  Par- 
ties and  the  German  majority  Socialists 
retained  their  allegiance  to  the  2nd  Inter- 
national. Communist  Parties  were,  how- 
ever, then  formed  in  all  of  these  countries 
and  the  3rd  International  or  Comintern 
now  controls  parties  operating  in  57 


Intl.,  Am.,  Chgo., 
Com.  for  S.A.W. 

The  communist  Intl.  League  Against 
Imperialism's  agencies  for  agitating  against 
national  defense  in  various  countries  and 
advocating  sabotage,  revolutionary  defense 

of  the  Soviet  Union,  and  the  turning  of 
"imperialist  war  into  civil  war"  or  Red 

A  letter  sent  out  July  19,  1932  signed 
by  Theodore  Dreiser  asking  for  funds  to 
aid  the  communist-called  World  Congress 
Against  War  at  Amsterdam,  Aug.  20,  1932, 
listed  on  its  letterhead  as  the  Intl.  Com- 
mittee for  the  World  Congress,  the  same 
committee  now  listed  as  the  Intl.  Com- 
mittee for  Struggle  Against  War  on  the 
letterhead  (see  facsimile)  of  the  Chgo.  Com. 
for  Struggle  Against  War,  which  sent  out  a 
letter  calling  a  meeting  at  the  Chicago 
City  Club,  Oct.  5,  1933,  to  "make  plans 
for  supporting  the  Barbusse  mass  meeting," 
which  was  sponsored  jointly  with  the  Chi- 
cago Committee  to  Aid  Victims  of  German 
Fascism  (of  the  Communist  W.I.R.). 

At  this  Communist  mass  meeting  at  the 
Coliseum,  called  to  honor  Communist 
Henri  Barbusse,  only  the  Red  flag  was 
displayed  and  the  International,  song  of 
Red  revolution,  sung.  The  Chicago  Com- 
mittee were  called  to  the  platform  to 
occupy  seats  on  the  stage.  Clayton  C. 
Morrisson,  editor  of  the  "Christian  (?) 
Century,"  presided  and  was  cheered  when 
he  said  that  he  was  proud  to  stand  shoulder 
to  shoulder  with  Barbusse  and  that  we 
would  never  have  peace  until  our  capital- 
istic system  was  abolished!  Jos.  Gardner 
of  the  Workers  Ex-Service  Men's  League, 
Robt.  Brown  of  the  Metal  Wkrs.  Industrial 
Union  (Communist),  Jos.  Freeman  of  com- 
munist "New  Masses,"  and  a  representa- 
tive of  the  Young  Communist  League 
spoke.  Prof.  H.  W.  L.  Dana  of  Harvard, 
who  greeted  the  audience  as  "Comrades" 
and  said  he  was  traveling  around  with 
Barbusse  to  translate  his  French  speeches, 
collected  money  from  the  Communist 
organizations  for  the  "cause."  Mrs.  J. 
Louis  Engdahl,  a  Chicago  Public  School 
teacher,  widow  of  the  head  of  the  commu- 
nist I.L.D.,  donated  $20.00.  Communist 
resolutions  were  passed  with  thunderous 
unanimity  and  Barbusse  was  ushered  in 
by  a  delegation  of  the  Wkrs.  Ex-Service 
Men's  League,  a  Negro  bearing  the  velvet 
banner.  Barbusse  is  the  founder  of  this 
organization,  which  teaches  soldiers  of  all 
nations  to  turn  their  country's  war  into  a 
bloody  Red  revolution. 


(Same  as  Intl.  Com.  for  World  Congress 
Against  War.) 

Remain  Rolland,  Henri  Barbusse  (the  honored 
Communist  from  France),  Theodore  Dreiser,  Albert 


The  Red  Network 

Einstein,   Maxim   Gorky,   Heinrich  Mann,   Bernard 
Shaw,  Mme.  Sun  Yat  Sen. 

American  Committee  jor  Struggle  Against 


Theo.  Dreiser,  hon  chmn.;  Malcolm  Cowley, 
chmn.;  Oakley  Johnson,  sec.;  A.  A.  Heller,  treas. ; 
Sherwood  Anderson,  Newton  Arvin,  Roger  Bald- 
win, Harry  Elmer  Barnes,  Jos.  R.  Brodsky,  Wini- 
fred Cbappell,  Jos.  Cohen,  Ida  Dailes,  H.  W.  L. 
Dana,  John  Dos  Passes,  W.  E.  B.  Du  Bois,  Jos. 
Freeman,  Michael  Gold,  Donald  Henderson,  Sid- 
ney Hook,  Joshua  Kunitz,  Corliss  Lamont,  Lola 
Maverick  Lloyd,  Robt.  Morss  Lovett,  Pierre  Lov- 
ing, J.  C.  McFarland,  Rev.  R.  Lester  Mondale, 
Felix  Morrow,  Alia  Nazimova,  Scott  Nearing,  Wm. 
Simons,  Upton  Sinclair,  Lincoln  Steffens,  Leopold 
Stokowski,  Belle  G.  Taub,  Thornton  Wilder,  Ella 

Chicago  Committee  for  Struggle  Against 
War  (which  sponsored  the  Henri  Barbusse 
Communist  mass  meeting  and  which  lists 
on  its  letterhead  these  International,  Amer- 
ican, and  Chicago  Committees  for  Struggle 
Against  War — see  facsimile): 

Robt.  Morss  Lovett,  chmn.;  R.  Lester  Mondale, 
vice  chmn.;  Edith  M.  Lloyd,  sec.;  Edw.  M.  Win- 
ston, treas.;  Miron  A.  Morrill,  publicity;  Eugene 
Bechtold,  Jessie  Binford,  Karl  Borders,  Alice 
Boynton,  Percy  H.  Boynton,  Sophonisba  Brecken- 
ridge,  Edwin  R.  Embree,  Julia  Felstenthal,  John 
Fitzpatrick  (Chgo.  Fed.  of  Lab.),  Dr.  S.  B.  Free- 
hof,  Rev.  Chas.  W.  Gilkey,  Mrs.  Alfred  Ham- 
burger, Carl  Haessler,  Mrs.  Alfred  Kohn,  Blanche 
Lowenthal,  Dr.  Louis  L.  Mann,  Harriet  Monroe, 
Curtis  W.  Reese,  Dr.  H.  M.  Richter,  Donald  Sles- 
inger,  T.  V.  Smith,  Lorado  Taft,  Graham  Taylor, 
Jan  Wittenber,  James  M.  Yard. 

The  full  memberships  of  the  Inter- 
national and  American  Committees  for 
Struggle  Against  War  as  listed  by  their 
Report  and  Manifesto  may  be  found  under 
"World  Congress  Against  War." 


Intl.  Com.  for  Pol.  Pris. 

Formed  by  A.C.L.U.  members  to  aid 
and  raise  money  for  "political  prisoners," 
the  term  used  by  radicals  to  designate 
those  jailed  for  seditious  activities;  reed, 
money  from  Garland  Fund;  sent  an  appeal 
in  1933  to  the  Chinese  government  in 
behalf  of  the  Communist  Chen  Du  Hsui 
which  was  signed  by  John  Haynes  Holmes, 
Oswald  Garrison  Villard,  Arthur  Garfield 
Hays,  Roger  N.  Baldwin,  Upton  Sinclair, 
Lewis  S.  Gannett,  Sherwood  Anderson, 
Theodore  Dreiser,  Floyd  Dell,  Waldo 
Frank,  Malcolm  Cowley. 


The  American  section  of  the  Moscow- 
controlled  communist  International  Red 
Aid,  the  Russian  section  being  called  M.O. 
P.R.;  formed  in  Chicago,  1925;  legally 

aids  and  propagandizes  in  behalf  of  Com- 
munist criminals  arrested  for  revolutionary 
activities;  has  sections  in  67  countries,  37 
existing  illegally;  claims  9,000,000  members 
and  an  additional  1,600,000  in  affiliated 
organizations  (Am.  Labor  Year  Book) ; 
continually  cooperates  with  the  American 
Civil  Liberties  Union  on  cases;  now  agitat- 
ing race  hatred  with  its  money-making 
Scottsboro  campaign  (see  under  article 


Intl.  Ladies  Garm.  Wkrs.  Un. 

"The  Amalgamated  Clothing  Workers, 
the  International  Ladies  Garment  Workers 
Union  and  the  Cloth  Hat,  Cap  and  Milli- 
nery Workers  Union.  .  .  .  And  the  Knit 
Goods  Union.  .  .  All  of  these  organizations 
are  in  the  control  of  leaders  who  are  either 
open  Socialists  or  open  Communists.  .  .  . 
The  membership  of  these  organizations  is 
fully  90  per  cent  Socialist  or  Communist. 
Fully  75  per  cent  of  the  membership  is 
foreign  born,  only  a  small  proportion  of 
this  element  having  gained  citizenship 
papers  or  even  applied  for  such  papers. 
Being  firmly  of  the  belief  that  through 
'general  strike'  they  can  and  will  bring 
about  the  'revolution'  they  expect  soon  to 
control  and  direct  the  government  of  the 
United  States  just  as  their  brothers  now 
control  and  direct  the  government  of  Rus- 
sia. .  .  .  They  join  with  their  communist 
brothers  in  the  celebration  of  a  'red'  May 
Day.  .  .  .  The  Intl.  Ladies  Garm.  Wkrs. 
recently  (1927)  called  a  strike  in  the  city 
of  New  York.  It  was  followed  by  rioting 
and  general  disorder.  .  .  .  The  committee 
directing  this  strike  was  in  the  hands  of 
open  Communists"  (Marvin  Data  Sheets, 
28-18) ;  The  Lusk  Report  says  of  the  Intl. 
Ladies  Garm.  Wkrs.:  "The  preamble  of 
the  constitution  indicates  that  it  is 
founded  upon  the  principles  of  the  class 
struggle;  that  it  adopts  the  One  Big  Union 
idea  and  seeks  to  bring  about  the  over- 
throw of  the  present  system  of  society.  .  .  . 
It  is  affiliated  with  the  Workers  Defense 
Union  of  which  Eliz.  Gurley  Flynn  is  the 
leader,  and  with  which  F.  G.  Biedenkapp 
of  the  Metal  Workers'  Union  is  secretary. 
.  .  .  This  Union  recognizes  the  need  of  edu- 
cating its  members  in  Economics,  Sociology 
and  other  cultural  subjects  so  that  they 
may  prepare  to  conduct  and  manage  the 
industry  if  their  program  of  seizure  is  car- 
ried out  .  .  .  began  its  educational  work 
in  1914  in  conjunction  with  the  Rand 

Organizations,  Etc. 


School.  About  ISO  members  of  the  Union 
were  sent  to  the  school.  ...  It  is  closely 
affiliated  with  the  Socialist  Party  of  Amer- 
ica"; its  hdqts.,  3  W.  16th  St.,  New  York 
City,  David  Dubinsky. 


See   under   All-America   Anti-Imperialist 
League,  its  American  branch. 


Moscow's  Communist  organization  con- 
trolling subsidiary  societies  such  as  the 
Russian  Educational  Society,  etc.  in  var- 
ious countries. 


Organ  of  International  Union  of  Revo- 
lutionary Writers  (see). 


Communist  anti-religious  organization 
formed  at  Moscow  1931;  the  American 
section  is  the  Proletarian  Anti-Religious 
League  (SO  E.  13th  St.,  N.Y.  City).  It  is 
affiliated  also  with  the  World  Union  of 
Atheists  and  its  American  section,  Union 
of  Militant  Atheists,  which  was  organized 
by  the  American  Association  for  the  Ad- 
vancement of  Atheism. 


Section  of  the  Red  International  of  Labor 
Unions  (R.I.L.U.). 

Section   of   Red   International  of  Labor 
Unions  (R.I.L.U.). 


Series  of  official  Communist  propaganda 
pamphlets  selling  at  Sc  and  lOc  each; 
especially  compiled  for  International  Pam- 
phlets (799  Broadway,  New  York),  by 
Party  authorities  and  published  by  the 
communist  International  Publishers;  for- 
merly aided  by  the  Garland  Fund;  "On 
the  Chain  Gang,"  by  John  L.  Spivak 
(printed  serially  also  in  the  Daily  Worker) 
is,  for  example,  number  32;  "The  Church 
and  the  Workers"  by  Bennett  Stevens 
(which  sets  forth  the  militant  atheistic 
standpoint  of  Communism)  is  No.  IS; 
"The  Injunction  Menace"  by  Charlotte 
Todes  is  No.  22,  etc.,  etc.  Among  other 
writers  are: 

J.  S.  Allen,  B.  D.  Amis,  George  Anstrom,  Louis 

Berg,  Grace  Burnham,  James  Barnett,  Donald 
Cameron,  Elliot  E.  Cohen,  Whittaker  Chambers, 
Robt.  L.  Cruden,  Robt.  W.  Dunn,  R.  Doonping, 
Bert  Grant,  Harry  Cannes,  Harold  Ware,  Maxim 
Gorki,  Henry  Hall,  Grace  Hutchins,  Harry  Hay- 
wood,  Milton  Howard,  A.  B.  Magil,  Felix  Morrow, 
Joseph  North,  Vern  Smith,  Anna  Louise  Strong, 
N.  Sparks,  Ray  Stewart,  Wm.  Siegel,  Alexander 


See  under  Inprecorr. 


Official  Soviet  publishing  house  in  the 
U.S.  headed  by  Alexander  Trachtenberg, 
long  an  active  Communist  executive;  381 
Fourth  Ave.,  N.Y.C. 


World  Moscow-directed  organization  of 
which  M.O.P.R.  is  the  Russian  section,  and 
International  Labor  Defense,  the  Amer- 
ican section;  gives  legal  aid  and  relief  to 
Communist  revolutionaries. 

Affiliated  with  the  Intl.  of  Seamen  and 
Harbor     Workers     and     the     communist 
Marine  Workers  Industrial  Union. 


Moscow's  Communist  organization,  a 
Section  of  Agit-Prop,  which  controls  Mid- 
European,  Anglo-American,  Latin-Europ- 
ean, East  Asiatic  theatre  commissions 
headed  by  Soviet  propaganda  theatre 
leaders  who  study  the  "problems  of  the 
revolutionary  theatre";  has  419  affiliated 
Czecho-Slovakian  groups  with  10,000  mem- 
bers, an  English  section,  Holland  section 
and  232  groups  in  Germany;  American 
sections  are  the  League  of  Workers 
Theatres  (see),  the  Proletarian  Dramatic 
League,  and  affiliated  groups;  formerly 
called  the  International  Workers  Dramatic 
Union  of  Moscow;  directs  activities  of 
Communist  propaganda  theatres,  dance 
leagues  and  production  of  motion  pictures. 


(of  the  International  Bureau  of 
Revolutionary  Literature) . 

Moscow's  international  Communist  or- 
ganization ;  the  Revolutionary  Writers 
Federation  is  the  American  branch  (see) ; 
its  2nd  World  Conference,  held  Nov.  15, 
1930  at  Kharkov,  Russia,  commissioned 
the  John  Reed  Club  American  delegation 


The  Red  Network 

of  writers  to  organize  the  Workers  Cul- 
tural Federation  (see) ;  its  official  organ 
is  "International  Literature,"  which  adver- 
tises itself  as:  "Literature  of  the  World 
Revolution — devoted  to  the  proletarian  and 
revolutionary  literature  of  all  countries — 
the  central  organ  of  the  International  Union 
of  Revolutionary  Writers";  published 
every  two  months  in  Moscow  in  English, 
French,  German,  and  Russian.  Yearly 
subscription  $1.  "Send  all  subscriptions: 
Moscow,  Central  Post  Office,  Box  850." 
The  Oct.  1933  issue,  No.  4,  gave  as  its 
International  Advisory  Board: 

M.  Anderson-Nexo,  Henri  Barbusse,  J.  R. 
Becher,  Michael  Gold,  Maxim  Gorki,  A.  Lun- 
acharsky,  A.  Magil,  Go  Ma-jo.  John  Dos  Passes, 
Ludwig  Renn,  Rornain  Rolland,  A.  Serafimovich, 
Upton  Sinclair,  Tokunaga  Naossi,  E.  Weinert; 
Permanent  Contributors  (many  countries  listed): 
United  States:  Emjo  Basshe,  Walt  Carmon,  Jack 

Conroy,  John  Dos  Passos,  Theodore  Dreiser,  Fred 
Ellis,  Ed.  Falkowski,  Joseph  Freeman,  Michael 
Gold,  Horace  Gregory,  John  Herrmann,  Josephine 

Herbst,  Langston  Hughes,  Joseph  Kalar,  Joshua 
Kunitz,  Louis  Lozowick,  Norman  Macleod,  A.  B. 
Magil,  Myra  Page,  Upton  Sinclair,  Agnes  Smedley, 
Herman  Spector,  Mary  Heaton  Vorse;  Germany: 
Oskar  Bauer,  J.  R.  Becher,  O.  Biha,  B.  Brecht, 
W.  Bredel,  E.  Ginkel,  E.  Glaeser,  O.  M.  Graf, 
K.  Gruenberg,  A.  Hotopp,  E.  E.  Kosch,  K. 
Klaeber,  A.  Kurella,  H.  Marchwitza,  K.  Neukranz, 
L.  Renn,  G.  Ring,  F.  Rubiner,  B.  Scharrer,  A. 
Seghers,  L.  Turek,  E.  Weinert,  F.  Weisskopf,  K. 
Wittvogel;  France:  L.  Aragon5  H.  Barbusse,  J. 
Duclos,  J.  Freville,  F.  Tourdam,  L.  Moussinac, 
Remain  Rolland,  P.  Vaillant-Couturier;  England: 
Ch.  Ashleigh,  Bob  Ellis,  Harold  Heslop;  (staff 
changed  but  slightly  from  1932). 


Communist;  changed  name  about  1929 
to  Workers  International  Relief  (see). 


Communist  fraternal  and  agitational 
insurance  society  formed  in  1930  by  7,000, 
mainly  Jewish,  members  of  the  left  wing 
of  the  Workmen's  Circle.  Now,  after 
three  years,  it  claims  34,000  members 
including  branches  of  Hungarians,  Slovaks, 
Ukrainians,  Italians,  Polish,  Russians, 
Armenians,  Spanish,  Bulgarians,  Greeks, 
Negroes  and  Americans;  conducts  Russian, 
Slovak,  Ukrainian,  and  Jewish  Communist 
language  schools  and  about  130  elementary 
and  high  schools  for  children  in  order  to 
counteract  "capitalistic"  and  "nationalistic" 
public  school  influences.  To  quote:  "In 
these  schools  the  children  are  taught  the 
various  languages  and  are  told  about  the 
struggle  of  the  workers  against  their 
bosses.  The  children  learn  not  only  about 
the  workers  and  their  struggle  but  actually 
participate  in  demonstrations,  mass  meet- 

ings, etc.  People  send  their  children  to 
these  schools  in  order  that  they  may  learn 
the  language  taught  there.  Some  parents, 
when  they  learn  what  is  taught  at  the 
schools,  are  drawn  into  the  branches  of 
the  "International  Workers  Order."  (From 
2nd  I.W.O.  Convention  Program.)  "Many 
workers  from  basic  industries  have  been 
introduced  to  the  revolutionary  movement 
through  the  I.W.O.,"  said  the  Chgo. 
Workers  Voice  (Feb.  15,  1933). 

I  attended  the  I.W.O.  Second  Annual 
Convention  held  at  the  Chicago  Coliseum, 
June  17,  1933.  Fully  12,000  people  were 
there.  A  children's  chorus  of  500,  a  mass 
pageant  of  1,000,  700  delegates,  and 
speakers  Max  Bedacht,  Ben  Gold,  M.  Olgin 
had  been  advertised.  The  usual  printed 
signs  about  the  Scottsboro  boys,  Mooney, 
disarmament  (for  America)  and  many  Red 
flags  were  in  evidence.  Children  were 
dressed  in  red.  The  Internationale  was 
sung,  holding  right  arms  upraised  with 
clenched  fists.  Loud  applause  greeted 
speakers  when  they  referred  to  the  coming 
Red  revolution.  Barefooted  girl  dancers 
dressed  in  red,  representing  the  Commu- 
nists, at  the  left  of  the  stage  pageant,  were 
backed  by  grim  bare-armed,  shirt-sleeved 
"working"  men  with  clenched  fists.  In  the 
center  a  group  of  girls  dressed  in  yellow 
represented  the  Socialists.  At  the  right, 
"capitalist"  girls  in  black  decorated  with 
silver  dollar  signs  and  backed  by  a  priest 
with  a  cross,  two  plug-hatted  "capitalists," 
and  police,  danced  about  until  the  Reds 
were  joined  by  the  Yellows  and  finally 
surged  forward,  struck  the  cross  out  of 
the  priest's  hands,  drove  out  all  the  "Cap- 
italists" and  took  possession  of  the  stage 
sets  representing  banks,  factories,  hos- 
pitals, etc.  This  pageant  was  in  four  epi- 
sodes. Wild  applause  greeted  the  riotous 
Red  triumphs.  When  at  the  opening  of 
one  scene  the  priest  was  seen  seated  alone 
on  a  park  bench,  a  mighty  "boo"  arose 
from  the  audience. 


Anarcho  -  syndicalist  association  with 
affiliated  groups  in  24  countries;  head- 
quarters in  Berlin;  its  congress  held  in 
Madrid,  1931  "in  greeting  the  overthrow 
of  the  Spanish  monarchy,  expressed  great 
faith  in  the  ability  of  the  Confederation 
Nacional  del  Trabajo,  which  claimed  a 
membership  of  600,000,  to  do  its  part  in 
the  final  emancipation  of  the  Spanish 
proletariat"  (Am.  Labor  Year  Book) ; 

Organizations,  Etc. 


the  Confederation  National  del  Trobajo 
is  its  Spanish,  and  strongest,  unit,  with  a 
membership  of  about  a  million  and  a 
half  members  claimed  in  1933. 

This  anarchist-communist  group  was 
responsible  for  the  overthrow  of  the  Span- 
ish government.  Anarchist  M.  Olay  of 
Chicago,  in  "Recovery  Through  Revolu- 
tion," writes  of  the  power  of  anarchist- 
communism  in  Spain.  He  himself  takes 
part  in  the  anarchist,  I.W.W.,  Socialist, 
Communist  "united  front"  activities.  Ad- 
visory Associates,  Nov.  8,  1933,  report  that 
the  Intl.  Workingmens  Assn.  has  opened 
headquarters  at  94  Fifth  Ave.,  N.Y.  City, 
and  are  to  issue  a  special  press  service 
release  giving  information  concerning 
Anarchist  activities  throughout  the  world, 
and  comments  that  "Organized  Anarchism 
is  reestablishing  itself  in  the  United  States 
once  more."  (See  Free  Society  Group 


Official  Soviet  government  travel  agency, 
with  offices  in  England,  Germany,  France, 
Chicago,  New  York  City  (261  Fifth  Ave.), 
etc.  Has  sole  charge  of  all  tourist  travel 
in  the  U.S.S.R.;  provides  and  trains  the 
guides  to  show  and  tell  tourists  what  they 
"should"  see  and  hear;  distributes  "Soviet 
Travel,"  a  monthly  magazine  containing 
the  usual  false  propaganda  articles  and 
"staged"  photographs;  affiliated  with  "Open 


304  W.  58th  St.,  N.Y.  City;  Communist 
Party  club;  reed.  200  copies  weekly  from 
Ireland  of  Irish  Workers  Voice  "until 
Duffy's  blue  shirted  heroes  burned  down 
Connolly  House,  the  hdqts.  of  the  Commu- 
nist Party  in  Ireland;  the  group  at  home 
have  had  to  forego  regular  publication  for 
lack  of  funds."  (Daily  Worker,  Nov.  8, 


A  Communist  T.U.U.L.  union. 


Official  organ  of  the  Soviet  government 
or  "All-Russian  Central  Executive  Com- 
mittee"; published  in  Moscow. 


A  section  of  the  communist  Revolution- 
ary   Writers  Federation;   named  in   honor 

of  Jack  London,  the  revolutionary  who 
was  the  first  president  of  the  Intercollegiate 
Socialist  Society  (now  L.I.D.)  and  who 
said:  "Few  members  of  the  capitalist  class 
see  the  revolution.  Most  of  them  are  too 
ignorant,  and  many  are  too  afraid  to  see 
it.  It  is  the  same  old  story  of  every  per- 
ishing ruling  class  in  the  world's  history. 
Fat  with  power  and  possession,  drunken 
with  success  and  made  soft  by  surfeit  and 
by  cessation  of  struggle,  they  are  like 
drones  clustered  about  the  honey  vats 
when  the  worker-bees  spring  upon  them 
to  end  their  rotund  existence."  The 
Newark,  N.J.  branch  was  forming  "Hands 
Off  Cuba"  Committees  in  answer  to  the 
call  of  the  A.A.A.I.  Lg.  (Daily  Worker, 
Oct.  17,  1933.) 


Section  of  communist  Revolutionary 
Writers  Federation. 


Communist  T.U.U.L.  union. 


Communist;  N.  I.  Costrell,  sec.  Nat. 
Exec.  Com.;  I.  Goldberg,  sec.  N.Y.  City 
Com.;  M.  Strassburger,  sec.  Chicago  City 
Com.;  N.  Korman,  sec.  Phila.  City  Com.; 
E.  Kingston,  sec.  Detroit  City  Com. 

The  following  clubs  donated  a  half  page 
advertisement  to  the  10th  Anniversary  edi- 
tion of  the  Daily  Worker,  Jan.  6,  1934, 
expressing  their  wholehearted  backing  of 
its  Communist  revolutionary  agitations  say- 
ing "On  with  the  struggle": 

N.Y.  City  Clubs:  Artef  Workers  Club,  Bath. 
Beach  Workers  Club,  Boro  Park  Workers  Club, 
Bridge  Plaza  Workers  Club,  Brighton  Beach 
Workers  Club,  Bronx  Workers  Club,  Brownsville 
Workers  Club,  Brownsville  Youth  Center,  Coney 
Island  Workers  Club.  Downtown  Workers  Club, 
East  N.Y.  Workers  Club,  East  Side  Workers  Club, 
Hinsdale  Workers  Club,  Jackson  Workers  Club, 
Jerome  Workers  Club,  Mapleton  Workers  Club, 
Middle  Bronx  Workers  Club,  New  Lots  Workers 
Club,  Prospect  Workers  Club,  Vegetarian  Workers 
Club,  Williamsburg  Workers  Club,  Workers  Self- 
Education  Club,  White  Plains  Workers  Club,  Zuk- 
unft  Workers  Club;  Chicago:  Hirsch  Leckert  Work- 
ers Club,  North  West  Workers  Club,  West  Side 
Workers  Club,  M.  Winchevsky  Workers  Club;  Phila- 
delphia: Down  Town  Workers  Club,  Strawberry 
Mansion  Workers  Club;  Detroit:  Jewish  Young 
Workers  Club,  Oakland  Workers  Club,  West  Side 
Workers  Club;  Boston:  Dorchester  Workers  Club, 
Roxbury  Workers  Club;  Baltimore  Workers  Club; 
Cleveland  Workers  Club;  Los  Angeles  Workers 
Club;  Minneapolis  Workers  Club;  Newark 
Workers  Club;  New  Brunswick  Workers  Club; 


The  Red  Network 

Paterson  Workers  Club;  Rochester  Workers  Club; 
Toledo  Workers  Club;  Wash.,  B.C.:  Five  Star 
Youth  Club. 


(Poale  Zion  Left  Wing) 
Socialist,  pro-communist,  Zionist  party; 
a  supporting  organization  of  the  Nat.  Com. 
to  Aid  Victims  of  German  Fascism. 


Communist  Clubs  named  in  honor  of  the 
so-called  "first  American  Communist," 
John  Reed.  Affiliate  of  the  Intl.  Union  of 
the  Revolutionary  Theatre.  As  a  section 
of  the  communist  International  Union  of 
Revolutionary  Writers,  the  New  York 
Club,  430  6th  Ave.,  organized  the  Workers 
Cultural  Federation  (see)  with  which  the 
John  Reed  branches  are  affiliated.  There 
are  now  (1933)  about  30  branches  located 
in  New  York,  Chicago,  Detroit,  Waukegan, 
Illinois,  Madison,  Wis.,  Chapel  Hill,  N.C., 

The  formation  of  the  New  Y'ork  branch 
was  thus  described  by  Communist  Michael 
Geld  ("New  Masses,"  Jan.  1930  issue): 
"The  John  Reed  Club  was  organized  about 
two  months  ago  here  in  New  York.  It  is 
a  small  group  of  writers,  artists,  sculptors, 
musicians  and  dancers  of  revolutionary 
tendencies.  .  .  .  Several  activities  have 
begun.  The  artists  arranged  an  exhibition 
at  the  Workers  Co-operative  House  in  the 
Bronx.  About  35  pictures  were  hung.  The 
exhibit  will  be  shown  for  about  4  weeks. 
Over  300  workers  came  to  the  opening. 
There  was  a  furious  discussion  led  by 
Lozowick,  Basshe,  Cropper,  Klein  and 
others.  ...  At  the  next  meeting  I  shall 
propose  the  following: 

"That  every  writer  in  the  group  attach 
himself  to  one  of  the  industries.  That  he 
spend  the  next  few  years  in  and  out  of  this 
industry,  studying  it  from  every  angle, 
making  himself  an  expert  in  it,  so  that 
when  he  writes  of  it  he  will  write  like  an 
insider,  not  like  a  bourgeois  intellectual 
observer.  He  will  help  on  the  publicity  in 
strikes,  etc.  He  will  have  his  roots  in 
something  real.  The  old  Fabians  used  to 
get  together  and  write  essays  based  on  the 
books  they  had  read.  We  will  get  close 
to  the  realities." 

The  Detroit  branch  publishes  a  monthly 
magazine,  "The  New  Force,"  at  8224 
Twelfth  St.,  Detroit,  Mich.;  the  Chicago 
branch,  1475  S.  Michigan  Ave.,  started 
publishing  (June,  1933)  a  magazine,  "Left 
Front,"  which  issue  announced  that 
Speakers  during  the  1932-33  season  "have 

included  Malcolm  Cowley,  Eugene  Bech- 
told,  Waldo  Frank,  Robt.  Morss  Lovett, 
Dr.  James  M.  Yard,  Wm.  Gebert,  Robt. 
Minor,  Leo  Fisher,  Carl  Haessler,  and  Pro- 
fessors Harold  Lasswell,  Frederic  Schuman, 
Louis  Wirth,  Lawrence  Martin,  Francis 
Heisler,  Louis  Gottschalk  and  Melville  J. 
Herskovitz.  .  .  .  Members  of  the  club 
have  taken  a  leading  part  in  the  organ- 
ization at  the  Workers'  School,  the  Free 
Tom  Mooney  Conference,  the  Chicago 
Workers  Theatre,  the  Committee  for 
Struggle  Against  War,  the  Anti-Fascist 
United  Front,  the  School  for  Workers' 
Children  and  the  May  First  Demonstra- 
tion. A  year  ago  one  of  the  Chicago  Club 
members  helped  to  organize  the  Milwaukee 
John  Reed  Club,  and  during  the  winter  he 
also  assisted  in  the  forming  of  a  John 
Reed  Club  at  the  University  of  Wisconsin 
at  Madison." 

Those  listed  as  signing  the  John  Reed 
Club  protest  against  anti-Red  propaganda 
(published  in  the  N.Y.  Times  of  May 
19,  1930)  are: 

L.  Adohmyan,  Sherwood  Anderson,  Em  jo 
Basshe,  Helen  Black,  Prof.  Franz  Boas,  Alter 
Brody,  Samuel  Brody,  Fritz  Brosins,  Jacob  Burck, 
David  Burlink,  Rev.  R.  B.  Callahan,  Walt  Car- 
mon,  Ralph  Cheyney,  N.  Cirovsky,  Lydia  Cin- 
quegrana,  Sarah  N.  Cleghorn,  Ann  Coles,  Mal- 
colm Cowley,  Franz  E.  Daniel,  Miriam  A. 
DeFord,  Adolf  Dehn,  Floyd  Dell,  L.  A.  DeSantes, 
Babette  Deutsch,  Carl  Van  Doren,  John  Dos 
Passos,  Robert  W.  Dunn,  Max  Eastman,  Charles 
Ellis,  Fred  Ellis,  Ernestine  Evans,  Kenneth  Fear- 
ing, Sara  Bard  Field,  Waldo  Frank,  Harry  Free- 
man, Al  Frueh,  Hugo  Gellert,  Michael  Gold, 
Floyd  S.  Gove,  C.  Hartley  Grattan,  Horace 
Gregory,  Wm.  Cropper,  Rose  Gruening,  Carl 
Haessler,  E.  Haldeman-Julius,  M.  Haldeman- 
Julius,  Ruth  Hale,  Jack  Hardy,  Mina  Harkavy, 
Prof.  S.  R.  Harlow,  Chas.  Y.  Harrison,  Aline  D. 
Hays,  Arthur  G.  Hays,  Lowell  B.  Hazzard, 
Josephine  Herbst,  John  Hermann,  Harold  Hicker- 
son,  Grace  Hutchins,  Eitaro  Ishigaki,  Joseph  Kap- 
han,  Ellen  A.  Kennan,  Rev.  C.  D.  Ketcham,  Rev. 
Frank  Kingdon,  I.  Kittine,  I.  Klein,  Alfred  Kreym- 
borg,  Joshua  Kunitz,  Melvin  P.  Levy,  Louis  Lozo- 
wick, Grace  Lumpkin,  Norman  Macleod,  A.  B. 
Magil,  Jan  Matulka,  H.  L.  Mencken,  Norma 
Millay,  Harriet  Monroe,  Prof.  Frank  McLean, 
Scott  Nearing,  Alfred  H.  Neumann,  Eugene  Nigob, 
Joseph  North,  Harvey  O'Connor,  M.  J.  Olgin, 
Joseph  Pass,  Morris  Pass,  Nemo  Piccoli,  Harry  A. 
Potamkin,  John  Cowper  Powys,  Juanita  Preval, 
Walter  Quirt,  Burton  Rascoe,  Anton  Refregier, 
Philip  Reisman,  Louis  Ribak,  Boardman  Robin- 
son, Anna  Rochester.  Anna  Rosenberg,  Julius 
Rosenthal,  Martin  Russak,  Samuel  Russak,  David 
Saposs,  E.  A.  Schachner,  Theodore  Scheel,  Isidor 
Schneider,  Evelyn  Scott,  Edwin  Seaver,  Edith 
Segal,  Esther  Shemitz,  Wm.  Siegel,  Upton  Sinclair, 
John  Sloan,  Otto  Soglow,  A.  Solataroff,  Waiter 
Snow,  Raphael  Soyer,  Herman  Spector,  Prof.  J.  M. 
Stalnaker,  Genevieve  Taggard,  Eunice  Tietjens, 
Carlo  Tresca,  Jim  Tully,  Louis  Untermyer, 
Toseph  Vogel,  Keene  Wallis,  Frank  Walts,  Prof. 
R.  E.  Waxwell,  Rev.  C.  C.  Webber,  G.  F.  Willi- 
son,  Edmund  Wilson,  Jr.,  Adolf  Wolff,  Chas. 
E.  S.  Wood,  Art  Young,  Stark  Young,  Avrahm 
Yarmolinsky,  Wm.  Zarach. 

Organizations,  Etc. 



A  union  of  radical  organizations  headed 
by  John  Dewey.  A  letter  was  sent  out  by 
him  Nov.  1931,  urging  individuals  and 
representatives  of  organizations  to  come 
to  a  "Conference  on  The  Unemployment 
Program  for  Congress"  to  be  held  Nov.  30, 
in  Washington.  The  letterhead  read  as 
follows:  The  Joint  Committee  on  Unem- 
ployment: 22  East  17th  St.,  New  York 
City.  Washington  Office:  Room  39,  Bliss 
Bldg.,  Washington,  B.C.  Council:  Church 
League  for  Industrial  Democracy,  Wm. 
Spofford  Director;  Conference  for  Pro- 
gressive Political  Action,  A.  J.  Muste, 
Director;  Fellowship  of  Reconciliation,  J. 
B.  Matthews,  Secretary;  Labor  Bureau, 
Inc.,  Alfred  Bernheim,  Director;  League 
for  Independent  Political  Action,  Howard 
Y.  Williams,  Secretary;  League  for  Indus- 
trial Democracy,  Norman  Thomas,  Direc- 
tor; National  Unemployment  League,  Dar- 
win J.  Meserole,  President;  Peoples  Lobby, 
Benj.  Marsh,  Executive  Sec.;  Social  Service 
Commission  of  the  Central  Conference  of 
Rabbis,  Rabbi  Edward  I.  Israel;  Social 
Service  Commission  of  the  Methodist 
Church,  Winifred  Chappell,  Secretary; 
Workmen's  Sick  and  Death  Benefit  Asso- 
ciation, Wm.  Spuhr,  Secretary;  Abraham 
Epstein,  Executive  Sec.  American  Assn.  for 
Old  Age  Security;  Hubert  C.  Herring, 
Exec.  Sec.  of  the  Dept.  of  Social  Relations 
Congregational  Education  Society;  Sidney 
Hillman,  President  of  the  Amalgamated 
Cloth.  Workers  of  America;  A.  J.  Kennedy, 
President  of  the  Amalgamated  Lithog- 
raphers of  America;  Abraham  Lefkowitz 
of  the  Teachers'  Union;  Emil  Rieve, 
President  of  the  American  Federation  of 
Full  Fashioned  Hosiery  Workers  (social- 
istic). The  National  Religion  and  Labor 
Foundation  became  a  member  1933.  The 
Jt.  Com.  on  Unemp.  Conference  held 
March  18,  1933  was  addressed  by  Father 
John  A.  Ryan,  Jerome  Davis,  Rabbi  Edw. 
Israel,  all  of  the  Foundation,  and  these 
addresses  were  broadcast  by  radio. 

Officers:  chmn.,  John  Dewey;  vice  chmn.: 
Harriet  Stanton  Blatch,  Mrs.  Ethel  Hyde,  John 
Haynes  Holmes,  Bishop  Francis  J.  McConnell, 
Father  John  A.  Ryan,  Norman  Thomas,  Stephen 
S.  Wise;  sec.-treas.,  Mary  Fox;  exec,  com.: 
Alfred  Bernheim,  Abraham  Epstein,  Mary  Fox, 
Sidney  Goldstein,  Benj.  Mandel,  Benj.  Marsh, 
Darwin  J.  Meserole,  Howard  Y.  Williams. 


An  I.W.W.  Committee  formed  to  defend 
43    Harlan,  Ky.  miners  arrested   for   Red 

agitation  and  terrorism;  its  letterhead 
gives  its  address  as  1618  W.  Madison  St., 
Chgo.  (I.W.W.  hdqts.),  and  lists  Hoch- 
rein,  Carl  Keller  and  Chas.  C.  Velsek,  as 
chmn.,  sec.  and  treas. ;  Advisory  Com- 
mittee: Ralph  Chaplin  (I.W.W.),  Robt. 
Morss  Lovett,  Norman  B.  Barr;  and  states 
that  it  is  "Endorsed  By":  General  Defense 
Committee  (of  I.W.W.) ;  Proletarian 
Party  (Communist);  Socialist  Party; 
Free  Society  Group  (Anarchist) ;  Socialist 
Youth  League;  Industrial  Workers  of  the 
World;  Arbeiter  Kultur  und  Sport  Kartell; 
Connolly  Club. 



Monthly  official  organ  of  the  Conference 
for  Progressive  Labor  Action,  militant  left 
wing  Socialist  labor  organization;  pres., 
A.  J.  Muste;  editor,  Louis  Budenz;  128  E. 
16th  St.,  N.Y.C.  Changed  1933  to  weekly 
paper  "Labor  Action." 


The  Socialist,  or  Second,  International 
(see) ;  its  1931  Congress  met  in  Vienna 
with  742  delegates  representing  37  parties 
in  29  countries.  Emile  Vandervelde  was 

Socialist  statistical  bureau  analysing 
economic,  labor  developments  from  a 
Socialist  viewpoint;  located  in  New  York 
with  branches  in  Chicago  and  San  Fran- 
cisco; issues  monthly  bulletin  "Facts  for 
Workers";  is  composed  of  Alfred  and 
Sarah  Bernheim,  Stuart  Chase,  Kathryn 
Fenn,  S.  B.  Lewin,  Estelle  Shrifte,  George 
Soule  and  Norman  Ware. 

Monthly  organ  of  the  communist  Inter- 
national Labor  Defense;  editors:  Wm.  L. 
Patterson,  Joseph  North;  assoc.  eds.: 
Louis  Coleman,  Sasha  Small;  contrib.  eds: 
Henri  Barbusse,  Jacob  Burck,  Whittaker 
Chambers,  Robt.  W.  Dunn,  John  Dos 
Passes,  Maxim  Gorki,  Eugene  Gordon, 
Hugo  Gellert,  Josephine  Herbst,  Grace 
Hutchins,  Melvin  P.  Levy,  Esther  Lowell, 
Joseph  Pass,  Paul  Peters,  Ludwig  Renn, 
Lincoln  Steffens,  Chas.  Rumford  Walker, 
Walter  Wilson;  80  E  llth  St.,  Room  430, 
New  York. 


Organized  by  the  Communist  Party  Cen- 
tral Executive  Committee  in  1922,  to  raise 


The  Red  Network 


S'dCER  N.  BALDWIN.  New  York  City 
NORMAN  B.  BARR.  Chic.«o 

Director  Oliver  IratUuu 
DENNIS  E.  BATT.  Deftoit 

£Ji(o/    Detrofc   Lfoor  fftwt.  0.  O. 

Dtt.  Ftd.  Labor 

Chairman    Profrntifc    Vttaf 

I.  C.  BROWN.  Chl««o 

National  Stc'f  farmtr.  Labor   forty 
ROBERT  M.  BUCK.  Chictfo 

Editor  Ntw   Uojorit}.   0.   0.   Cki- 

COfo  Ftd.   of  Labor 
10HN  C.  CLAY.  Cbie*f« 

S«>   T,om,t*n   Loco!  Vniou  lit 
K.   D.  CRAMER.   MioBeapolu 

Ed.ui  ft  Mot.  Lobot  *«««» 
EUGENE  V.  DEBS.  Tcrre  H«uu 
JOHN  C  FLORA.  Cbictf* 
MAX  S.  HAYES.  Ck»eUnd 
DK.  JOHN  A.  LAPP.  Chicago 

Director  Notion*  CoAotic  retf«r« 


MORITZ  J.  LOEB.  Chlw.o 


JOHN  T,  TAYLOR.  Deftoil 
CLOHCE  P.  WEST.  S»  FtwciMO 


loini  toord  Dr€ti  onj  Wminm,k,r, 

Union.  I.  L.  C.  V.  V. 

National    Ur/tnu    Cummillc. 


Mtkin  l/nioi 


Loditi  foitu 


,  . 


,,,1,1     »or 

toot  Woiktrt  »l  Amttic* 

Architect   Ointmtnul   lion   •** 

Brtrut   Voktr,  Union 

Fane,  Ltatktr  Good,  forktr,  Unun 


foiktit   ol   *..   Local   49 


WILLIAM  F.  DUNNE.  New  York  City 
C  E.  RUTHENBERC.  Cknlu4 

NATIONAL  ornccits 

ROBERT  M.  BUCK,  duirmut 
EUGENE  V.  DEBS.   >V<  CA.uww 
REV.  JOHN  A.  RYAN.  D.D.. 

MORITZ  J.  LOEB.  Sicr.ur, 

Stt'f  Dtltn4u>ft  Cum. 


FRANK  P.  WALSH.  Chief  Coun.ol  for  th*  Dof.nd.nU 

For     th.     d.f.n..     of    tho    Michigan     crlmln.l    «yndU«U<t 


To  carry  OB  la  connection  with  the  lof  al  defense  a  carapalrn  a«al»et 
.11  Infrinr.m.nt  upon  the  richt  of  in*  spoock,  froo  pr...  and  frao4«a 
W  MMmblaco  and  all  nMuurot  rtstrictine  tho  right.  o(  tho  vorkorc. 

ROOM  434 

New  York  City 

Motional  Secretary 

Telephone  STUYVESANT  6616 

April  6.   1923 

Dear  Friend: 

The  press  has  brought  you  information  of  the  progress 
of  the  trial  of  the  first  of  the  so-called  Michigan  cases 
at  St.  Joseph.     Every  day  it  is  becoming  clearer  that 
the  issue  in  this  trial  is  the  right  of  free  speech  and  free 
assemblage  in  America,  as  well  as  such  due  processes  of 
law,  as  constitute  the  just  basis  of  any  democratic  society* 
Mr.  Frank  P.  Walsh,  attorney  for  the  defense,  has  stated 
clearly  that  the  provisions  of  the  Criminal  Syndicalist 
Acts,  under  which  Foster  and  his  associates  have  been 
brought  to  trial,  violate  the  Constitution  of  the  state 
of  Michigan  and  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States. 
Evidence  for  this  contention  is  fast  becoming  abundant. 

A  group  of  men  and  women  met  together  peacefully  to 
consider  the  business  of  their  party  organization,  con- 
templating no  acts  of  violence  and  cherishing  no  intent 
to  promote  or  induce  acts  of  violence,  was  itself  treated 
with  utmost  violence  by  the  officers  of  the  law.     If  ever 
there  was  a  trial  involving  persecution  and  tyranny,  it 
is  this  one.    It  cozes  as  the  last  echo  of  the  disgrace- 
ful mania  of  governmental  terrorism,  which  was  one  of  the 
plagues  of  the  war. 

The  defense  of  these  men  and  women,  now  on  trial, 
is  an  expensive  one.     Large  sums  of  money  must  be  raised 
to  guarantee  them  Justice.     This  money  can  come  only 
from  those  who  believe  in  the  vindication  of  basic 
democratic  rights  in  this  country.     We  appeal  to  you  to 
help  us  in  this  cause.     Read  the  inclosed  pamphlet  giving 
the  story  of  the  case  and  then  send  your  contribution 
in  the  inclosed  envelope. 

Sincerely  yours. 



BSfcAU     12646 

Account*  audited  by  Stuart  Cheat.  C.P  A. 

Facsimile  of  circular  letter  sent  out  by  the  Labor  Defense  Council  soliciting  funds  for  the  defense  of 
Communists  arrested  at  Bridgman,  Mich.  Signed  by  Freda  Kirchwey,  Norman  Thomas,  John  Nevin 
Sayre,  Mary  Heaton  Vorse,  Roger  Baldwin,  Rev.  Percy  Stickney  Grant,  Paxton  Hibben,  Rev.  John  Haynes 
Holmes  (see  this  "Who's  Who"  for  their  affiliations).  The  name  of  Father  John  A.  Ryan  of  Washington 
appears  conspicuously  along  with  that  of  Wm.  Z.  Foster,  the  Communist  leader,  as  fellow  National  Officers. 

Organizations,  Etc. 


funds  for  the  defense  of  Communists 
arrested  in  the  Bridgman  Raid  (see) ; 
received  huge  sums  from  Garland  Fund; 
became  in  1925  the  official  Communist 
legal  defense  society,  changing  its  name  to 
International  Labor  Defense  (see) ;  a  cir- 
cular letter  sent  out  April  6,  1923  (see 
facsimile)  bore  the  following  heading: 
"Labor  Defense  Council" — "For  the 
defense  of  the  Michigan  criminal  syn- 
dicalist defendants  prosecuted  at  the 
instance  of  the  Federal  Secret  Service  in 
its  drive  against  organized  labor.  To  carry 
on  in  connection  with  the  legal  defense  a 
campaign  against  all  infringements  upon 
the  right  of  free  speech,  free  press,  and 
freedom  of  assemblage  and  all  measures 
restricting  the  rights  of  workers — Room 
434,  80  East  llth  St.,  New  York  City- 
Frank  P.  Walsh,  Chief  Counsel  for  the 
Defendants— National  Secretary,  Wm.  Z. 
Foster"  (one  of  the  Communist  leaders 
arrested)  "Telephone  Stuyvesant  6616." 
The  letter  read  in  part: 

"Dear  Friend:  The  press  has  brought 
you  information  of  the  progress  of  the 
trial  of  the  so-called  Michigan  cases  at  St. 
Joseph.  Every  day  it  becomes  clearer  that 
the  issue  in  this  trial  is  the  right  of  free 
speech  and  free  assemblage  in  America. 
...  A  group  of  men  and  women  met 
together  peacefully  to  consider  the  business 
of  their  party  organization  contemplating 
no  acts  of  violence  and  cherishing  no 
intent  to  promote  or  induce  acts  of  violence, 
was  itself  treated  with  utmost  violence  by 
the  officers  of  the  law."  (Author's  note: 
This  typical  Red  falsehood  is  daily  refuted 
by  the  Communists'  own  spoken  and  writ- 
ten affirmations,  for  instance  the  following 
in  the  Marx  "Communist  Manifesto": 
"Communists  disdain  to  conceal  their 
views  and  aims.  They  openly  declare  that 
their  ends  can  be  attained  only  by  the 
forcible  overthrow  of  all  existing  con- 
ditions. Let  the  ruling  classes  tremble  at 
a  Communist  revolution"  (p.  44).)  This 
letter,  after  soliciting  funds,  was  signed 
"Sincerely  yours,  Freda  Kirchwey,  Norman 
Thomas,  John  Nevin  Sayre,  Mary  Heaton 
Vorse,  Roger  Baldwin,  Percy  Stickney 
Grant,  Paxton  Hibben,  John  Haynes 
Holmes."  (Their  own  signatures.)  Printed 
on  the  side  of  the  letterhead  was: 

"National  Officers:  Robert  M.  Buck,  chairman; 
Eugene  V.  Debs,  vice  chairman;  Rev.  John  A. 
Ryan,  D.D.,  vice-chairman;  Moritz  J.  Lieb, 
secretary;  Frances  C.  Lillie,  treasurer;  Wm.  Z. 
Foster,  Sec.  Defendants'  Com.;  Cooperating  with 
Committe  of  the  Defendants:  Earl  R.  Browder, 
Chicago,  Wm.  F.  Dunne,  New  York  City,  Wm. 
Foster,  Chicago,  C.  E.  Ruthenberg,  Cleveland." 

National  Committee:  Roger  N.  Baldwin  (A.C. 
L.U.);  Norman  B.  Barr  (Chicago,  Director 
Olivet  Institute);  Dennis  E.  Batt  (Proletarian 
Party,  Detroit);  Robt.  M.  Buck  (editor  "New 
Majority,"  Farmer-Labor  Party) ;  Eugene  V. 
Debs  (revolutionary  Socialist  Party  leader);  Eliz. 
Gurley  Flynn  (Workers  Defense  Union  of  N.Y.) ; 
Moritz  J.  Loeb  (Civil  Liberties  Union  and  Com- 
munist Party);  Eugene  J.  Brock  (chmn.  Pro- 
gressive Voters'  League  of  Michigan) ;  John  C. 
Clay  (Sec.  Teamsters'  Local  Union  712,  Chgo.); 
Lenetta  M.  Cooper,  Chgo.;  John  C.  Flora,  Chgo.; 
John  Haynes  Holmes,  N.Y.;  Max  S.  Hayes, 
Cleveland;  Francis  Fisher  Kane,  Phila.;  Dr.  John 
A.  Lapp,  Director  National  Catholic  Welfare 
Council;  John  J.  Taylor,  Detroit;  Hulet  M. 
Wells,  Seattle;  Geo.  P.  West,  San  Francisco.  N.Y. 
Local  Committee:  H.  Berlin  (Intl.  Ladies  Garm. 
Wkrs.  U.),  Eliz.  Gurley  Flynn,  Henry  R.  Lin- 
ville,  Nerma  Berman  (Nat.  Defense  Com.); 
Brounstein  ( Jt.  Bd.  Furriers'  Union) ;  Benj.  Man- 
del  (Teachers  Union),  etc.  Headquarters  were 
also  at  166  W.  Washington  St.,  Chicago. 

"One  of  the  first  things  done  by  the 
organization  was  the  appointment  of  a 
publicity  department  to  flood  the  daily 
newspapers  of  the  country  with  propaganda 
for  the  movement.  'Press  Releases'  were 
issued  and  spread  broadcast.  Much  of  the 
material  thus  furnished  was  printed  in 
reputable  newspapers  ignorant  of  the  fact 
that  they  were  printing  appeals  for  a  move- 
ment aimed  at  the  overthrow  of  the 
country."  (Whitney's  "Reds  in  America," 
p.  174.)  The  Reds  completely  won  this 
fight  and  the  right  apparently  in  Michigan 
to  openly  advocate  violent  overthrow  of 
the  U.S.  Government  when  these  cases 
were  dismissed  and  about  $100,000  bond 
money  was  returned  in  1933  through  the 
aid  of  Patrick  H.  O'Brien,  A.C.L.U.  at- 
torney, elected  Atty.  General  of  Michigan  in 


A  Marxian-Socialist  Party  ("Socialist 
Network"  by  Nesta  Webster).  "The  con- 
version of  the  old  pre-war  Labour  Party 
devoted  to  the  interests  of  Labour — into 
the  politically-run  Socialist  Party  was 
effected  by  the  unceasing  propaganda  and 
wire  pulling  of  the  Independent  "Labour 
Party,  an  organized  group  directed  for 
years  by  Messrs.  MacDonald  and  Snow- 
den."  .  .  .  "In  the  (Labour)  Party's  printed 
campaign  programme  for  the  1929  election 
— which  was  called  'Labour  and  the 
Nation'  and  put  the  Socialists  in  power — 
there  was  a  foreword  by  Mr.  Ramsay 
MacDonald  saying  'The  Labour  Party, 
unlike  other  parties,  is  not  concerned  with 
patching  the  rents  in  a  bad  system,  but 
with  transforming  Capitalism  into  Social- 
ism'. .  .  .  Many  of  those  Labour  Party 
members  were  Communists;  but  it  has 
always  been  the  policy  of  the  Party  at 


The  Red  Network 

annual  conferences  to  repudiate  Commu- 
nism in  order  to  retain  their  black  coat 
followers,  while  working  hand  in  glove 
with  individual  Communists."  ("The 
Patriot"  of  London,  Oct.  5,  1933.) 


A  Communist  subsidiary ;  received  money 
from  Garland  Fund;  organized  by  Com- 
munist Robt.  W.  Dunn  for  linking  organ- 
ized labor  to  the  Communist  movement; 
prepares  pamphlets  for  Intl.  Pamphlets; 
collects  material  for  use  of  Communist 
speakers,  organizers,  etc.;  Chicago  Labor 
Research  is  a  branch;  N.Y.  hdqts.  80  E. 
llth  St.,  N.Y.  City;  issues  five  bulletins: 
Steel  and  Metal  Notes;  Mining  Notes; 
Textile  Notes;  Economic  Notes;  NRA 
Notes;  is  organizing  (1933-34)  groups  in 
principal  cities  and  industrial  centers. 

The  official  federation  of  hundreds  of 
Communist  labor  sports  organizations 
functioning  all  over  the  U.S.;  American 
section  of  the  Red  Sports  International; 
organ  "The  New  Sport  and  Play,"  pub- 
lished at  813  Broadway,  New  York  City; 
sponsored  the  Counter-Olympics  Games 
held  at  University  of  Chicago  Stagg  Field, 
1932,  in  opposition  to  the  "capitalistic" 
Olympics  held  in  Los  Angeles. 


A  settlement  maintained  by  the  Presby- 
terian Church;  a  center  and  meeting  place 
for  Communist  unions  and  radical  organ- 
izations; features  radical  lectures,  such  as 
the  1929  "New  series  of  lectures  by  V.  F. 
Calverton"  (the  Communist)  on  Freud 
and  "The  Sexual  Motif  as  an  Economic 
Corollary  in  Contemporary  Literature," 
etc.,  announced  with  an  appended  com- 
mendation by  Harry  Elmer  Barnes  (vice 
pres.,  Freethinkers  (atheist)  Society) ;  the 
1932  lectures  for  industrial  workers  and 
"consultation  and  guidance  in  mental 
hygiene  with  5  lectures  in  this  connection: 
'Substitute  for  Religion,'  'Biology  of  Sex'  ", 
etc.  The  director  is  Edmund  B.  Chaff ee, 
whose  sympathies  for  Communism  are 
clearly  shown  by  the  following  example: 
Communist  organizations  commonly  buy 
space  in  each  other's  periodicals  to  send 
"Greetings"  as  a  "comradely"  gesture  and 
a  financial  contribution.  The  March  18, 
1932  issue  of  the  viciously  revolutionary 
race-hate-inciting  "Liberator,"  organ  of 
the  communist  Lg.  of  Struggle  for  Negro 
Rights  (see),  carried  nearly  two  pages  of 

such  advertisements  headed  "Greetings  to 
the  Liberator."  Such  communist  organ- 
izations as  the  Daily  Worker,  Icor,  I.L.D., 
T.U.U.L.,  W.I.R.,  Workers'  School,  Coun- 
cil of  Working  Class  Women,  and  various 
Communist  Unions  and  Party  Sections 
contributed  "Greetings,"  and  among  these 
appeared  the  "Greeting"  of  "Labor 
Temple,  Edmund  B.  Chaff  ee,  Director,  242 
East  14th  St.,  New  York  City."  Dr.  G.  F. 
Beck  is  director  of  the  School  and  radicals 
Harry  A.  Overstreet,  Will  Durant,  E.  C. 
Lindeman  are  its  educational  advisors.  The 
communist  Labor  Sports  Union  held  its 
6th  annual  convention  at  the  Labor 
Temple,  Dec.  23,  24,  25,  1933. 


Official  monthly  organ  of  the  commu- 
nist Trade  Union  Unity  League  (T.U. 
U.L.),  American  section  of  the  Red  Inter- 
national of  Trade  Unions,  Wm.  Z.  Foster, 
nat.  sec.;  editor,  N.  Honig;  mgr.,  S.  H. 
Krieger;  2  W.  15th  St.,  New  York  City. 


A  pamphlet  by  Socialist  Winthrop  D. 
Lane  entitled  "Military  Training  in 
Schools  and  Colleges  of  the  United  States"; 
$5,400  was  paid  to  the  Committee  on 
Militarism  in  Education  for  its  "prepar- 
ation and  distribution"  by  the  red  Garland 
Fund  in  1926;  it  opposes  military  training 
for  the  defense  of  the  U.S.  government  as 
does  all  Red  pacifist  literature;  heading  the 
list  of  signers  endorsing  it  was  Jane 
Addams;  other  endorsers  were: 

Will  W.  Alexander,  Leslie  Blanchard,  Wm.  E. 
Borah,  Benjamin  Brewster,  John  Brophy,  Carrie 
Chapman  Catt,  Samuel  Cavert,  Francis  E.  Clarke, 
George  A.  Coe,  Henry  Sloane  Coffin,  Albert  F. 
Coyle,  John  Dewey,  Paul  H.  Douglas,  W.  E.  B. 
Du  Bois,  Sherwood  Eddy,  Charles  A.  Ellwood, 
Zona  Gale,  Charles  W.  Gilkey,  Thomas  Q. 
Harrison,  Harold  A.  Hatch,  Stanley  High,  George 
Huddleston,  Hannah  Clothier  Hull,  James  Weldon 
Johnson,  Rufus  M.  Jones,  Paul  U.  Kellogg,  Wm. 
H.  Kilpatrick,  Robert  M.  LaFollette,  Jr.,  Hal- 
ford  E.  Luccock,  Frederick  Lynch,  Henry  N. 
MacCracken,  Irving  Maurer,  James  H.  Maurer, 
Francis  J.  McConnell,  Orie  O.  Miller,  Charles 
Clayton  Morrison,  Samuel  K.  Mosiman,  John  M. 
Nelson,  George  W.  Norris,  Edward  L.  Parsons, 
Kirby  Page,  George  Foster  Peabody,  David  R. 
Porter,  Francis  B.  Sayre,  John  Nevin  Sayre,  J. 
Henry  Scattergood,  Joseph  Schlossberg,  Charles  M. 
Sheldon,  Henrik  Shipstead,  Abba  Hillel  Silver, 
John  F.  Sinclair,  William  E.  Sweet,  Wilbur  K. 
Thomas,  Henry  P.  Van  Dusen,  Oswald  G.  Villard, 
Stephen  S.  Wise,  Mary  E  Woolley. 


Communist  T.U.U.L.  Union;  Max  Bur- 
land,  sec. 

Organizations,  Etc. 


American  section  of  the  "Matteotti 
Fund,"  an  international  anti-Fascist  group; 
formed  1933  by  the  National  Executive 
Committee  of  the  Socialist  Party  on  direct 
request  from  German  Socialist  Party  and 
Labor  and  Socialist  International;  purpose 
is  "raising  a  large  fund  to  help  finance 
German  Socialist  activities  against  Hitler- 
ism,  and  secondly,  to  carry  on  vigorous 
anti-Fascist  propaganda  in  the  United 

The  nat.  chmn.  is  Daniel  W.  Hoan,  Mayor  of 
Milwaukee;  treas.,  Morris  Hillquit;  exec,  sec., 
Edw.  Levinson;  National  Committee  members: 
Devere  Allen,  Jos.  Baskin,  Fannia  Cohn,  Jerome 
Davis,  Julius  Gerber,  Daniel  W.  Hoan,  Leo  Krzy- 
cki,  Root.  Morss  Lovett,  Kirby  Page,  Jos.  Schloss- 
berg,  John  Sloan,  Oswald  Garrison  Villard,  Prof. 
Franz  Boas,  Harriet  Stanton  Blatch,  Abraham 
Cahan,  John  Dewey.  Morris  Hillquit,  Darlington 
Hoopes,  E.  C.  Lindeman,  Jasper  McLevy,  John 
C.  Packard,  Cong.  F.  H.  Shoemaker,  Norman 
Thomas,  Lilith  M.  Wilson,  Max  Zaritsky,  Edw. 
L.  Israel,  Albert  S.  Coolidge,  David  Dubinsky, 
Dorothy  Detzer,  Powers  Hapgood,  Paul  Blans- 
hard,  Algernon  Lee,  James  H.  Maurer,  Emil  Rieve, 
Clarence  Senior,  B.  C.  Vladeck.  Louis  Waldman. 
Hdqts.  112  E.  19th  St.,  N.Y.  6ty. 


See  also  Anarchist- Communism;  "New 
York  anarchist  organization"  (Lusk  Re- 
port);  formed  in  1917,  after  anarchists 
Emma  Goldman  and  Alexander  Berkman 
were  arrested,  "To  obtain  the  release  of 
all  political  offenders";  this  organization 
first  popularized  the  title  "political  prison- 
ers" now  generally  given  by  Reds  to  revo- 
lutionaries who  are  jailed  for  seditious 
activities;  M.  Eleanor  Fitzgerald,  said  to 
have  been  one  of  Berkman's  "loves,"  was 
sec.  at  that  time. 

The  legal  advisory  board  consisted  of  Isaac  A. 
Hourwich  (head  of  the  statistical  dept.  of  the 
Russian  Soviet  Bureau),  Jessie  Ashley,  Theo. 
Schroeder.Harry  Weinberger  (counsel  for  Emma 
Goldman  and  Berkman)  and  Bolton  Hall;  gen. 
com.:  Leonard  D.  Abbott,  Lillian  Brown-Olf,  Dr. 
Frederick  A.  Blossom,  Lucy  Robins,  Helen  Keller. 
Eliz.  Freeman.  Prince  Hopkins,  Margaret  Sanger, 
Rose  Baron,  Robt.  Minor,  Anna  M.  Sloan,  Stella 
Comyn,  Lincoln  Steffens,  Alexander  Cohen,  Roger 
N.  Baldwin  and  Rose  Strunsky.  Offices  were  at 
857  Broadway,  N.Y.  City. 



Socialist  in  officership  and  platform. 
Advocates:  socialistic  public  ownership; 
"free  speech  for  minority  groups"  (radicals 
call  revolutionaries  "minority  groups") ; 
repeal  of  the  syndicalist  and  espionage 
laws  (against  sedition) ;  Negro  social 
equality;  revision  of  the  Constitution  (!); 

complete  disarmament  for  America  and 
abolition  of  military  training;  that  we 
"safeguard  conscientious  objectors"  and 
admit  aliens  without  any  pledge  of  alle- 
giance to  serve  the  U.S.  Govt.  in  time  of 
war;  urged  recognition  of  the  bloody, 
militaristic  Soviet  Government,  which  is 
frankly  bent  on  attaining  Socialist  world 
power  through  causing  world  revolution. 
It  opposes  deportation  or  exclusion  of 
alien  "Reds"  (American  Labor  Year 
Book).  Howard  Y.  Williams,  exec,  sec.; 
John  Dewey,  chmn.;  Paul  H.  Douglas  and 
Anna  Clothier  Hull,  vice  chairmen;  Oswald 
Garrison  Villard,  treas.;  The  Federated 
Press  (Communists'),  Sept.  7,  1929,  release 
on  the  formation  of  the  League  named 
John  Dewey  as  chmn.,  James  Maurer, 
Zona  Gale,  Paul  Douglas  and  W.  E.  B. 
DuBois  as  vice  chmn.  and  Devere  Allen, 
editor  of  "World  Tomorrow,"  as  chmn.  of 
the  exec.  com.  Kirby  Page  is  supposed  to 
have  "inspired"  its  organization.  Hdqts. 
52  Vanderbilt  Ave.,  N.Y.  City.  See  Conf. 
for  Prog.  Pol.  Action,  its  new  line  up. 


Militant  Socialist;  headed  by  Robt. 
Morss  Lovett,  active  in  Communist  organ- 
izations; founded  by  the  revolutionary 
Jack  London  in  1905  as  the  Intercollegiate 
Socialist  Society;  changed  its  name  in  1921, 
after  Socialism  acquired  a  bad  odor  owing 
to  the  jailing  of  many  Socialists  during  the 
war  for  seditious  activities;  heavily  sub- 
sidized by  Garland  Fund;  spreads  Social- 
ist-Communist propaganda  and  literature 
in  colleges;  operates  chapters  of  its  Inter- 
collegiate Student  Council  in  about  140 
colleges,  many  under  the  guise  of  "Student 
Councils,"  "Social  Problems,"  "Radical"  or 
"Socialist"  Clubs,  etc.;  in  1933  it  claimed: 
"Last  year  the  speakers  corps  of  the  L.I.D. 
reached  almost  every  state  in  the  union  and 
spoke  to  some  175,000  people.  Norman 
Thomas,  Harry  Laidler,  Paul  Blanshard, 
Paul  Porter  and  Karl  Borders  reached 
about  60,000  students  in  160  colleges  and 
universities  in  40  states.  Likewise  they 
spoke  to  about  100,000  people  in  non- 
college  meetings.  In  addition  to  these 
speeches  there  were  innumerable  general 
meetings,  political  meetings,  and  radio 
broadcastings  at  which  L.  I.  D.  speakers 
appeared";  very  closely  interlocked  by 
officership  with  the  A.C.L.U.;  prepares  and 
widely  distributes  thousands  of  Commu- 
nist and  Socialist  leaflets,  and  pamphlets; 
publishes  four  publications:  "Disarm," 
"Unemployed,"  "Revolt"  (now  "Student 


The  Red  Network 

Outlook"),  and  "L.I.D.";  issues  a  news 
service  and  fortnightly  Norman  Thomas 
editorial  service  to  some  250  leading 
papers  throughout  the  United  States;  has 
a  national  board  of  directors  from  twenty- 
three  States  composed  mostly  of  leaders 
of  over  300  other  interlocked  organizations ; 
conducts  student  conferences  on  red  revo- 
lutionary subjects;  drills  students  in  rad- 
icalism each  summer  at  Camp  Tamiment, 
Pa.;  formed  the  Federation  of  Unemployed 
Workers  Leagues  of  America  all  over  the 
U.S.,  under  joint  Communist,  Socialist, 
I.W.W.,  and  Proletarian  Party  (Commu- 
nist) control;  sponsors  the  Emergency 
Committee  for  Strikers'  Relief  (see),  which 
aids  Communist-Socialist  strikes;  agitates: 
for  government  ownership  (and  against 
individual  ownership)  of  all  banking, 
transportation,  insurance,  communication, 
mining,  agricultural  and  manufacturing 
enterprises,  forests,  and  oil  reserves;  for 
socialization  of  land  and  other  property, 
and  for  social,  unemployment,  sickness, 
old-age,  and  other  State  doles  to  the  public ; 
its  slogan  is  "education  towards  a  new 
social  order  based  on  production  for  use 
and  not  for  profit"  (of  the  individual), 
which  is  of  course  the  Socialist-Communist 
tenet;  joins  the  Communists  in  advocating 
disarmament  of  the  so-called  "capitalist 
state"  and  the  arming  of  the  proletarian 
state  and  endeavors  to  convince  students 
and  workers  that  this  will  bring  about 
"prevention  of  war,"  claiming  the  "capital- 
ists" use  the  armed  forces  to  fight  for 
markets,  etc. — not  mentioning  how  the 
Socialists  use  armed  forces  to  rule  the 
workers  after  the  system  they  advocate 
has  made  them  paupers  and  slaves  (as  in 
Russia) ;  it  calls  on  youth  to  "help  put 
the  War  Department  out  of  colleges  by 
stamping  out  the  R.O.T.C."  and  claims  it 
enlisted  10,000  students  in  1931,  in  150 
colleges,  who  signed  petitions  against  mili- 
tary training  (however,  J.  B.  Matthews, 
prominent  in  Communist  meetings  and  an 
editor  of  its  "Student  Outlook,"  says  he  "is 
not  opposed  to  a  war  that  will  end  cap- 
italism") ;  it  boasts  that  "student  mem- 
bers of  the  L.I.D.  have  been  in  the  thick 
of  the  miners'  struggles  in  Harlan  County, 
Ky.,  and  in  West  Virginia"  and  in  picketing 
and  making  "investigations  of  labor  con- 
ditions," helping  organization  work  of 
unions,  and  other  radical  agitation;  it 
states  of  its  literature:  "These  publications 
are  widely  used  by  college  classes  and 
labor,  church  and  Y.M.CA.  and  Y.W.CA. 
Many  of  these  pamphlets  were  paid  for 

by  the  red  Garland  Fund.  Pamphlets  issued 
in  1929  dealing  with  such  subjects  as  Pub- 
lic Ownership,  Challenge  of  War,  Dollars 
and  World  Peace,  Dollar  Diplomacy,  Im- 
perialism, Socialism,  Communism,  Chris- 
tianity and  the  Social  Crisis,  Roads  to 
Freedom,  The  State  of  Revolution,  Soviet 
Russia,  The  Profit  Motive,  Economic 
Revolution,  and  Capitalist  Control  of  the 
Press,  were  prepared  by  such  radicals  as 
Norman  Thomas,  Kirby  Page,  Scott  Near- 
ing  (Communist)  Bertrand  Russell,  Nor- 
man Angell,  Harry  Elmer  Barnes,  Morris 
Hillquit,  Lewisohn,  Stuart  Chase,  Harry 

F.  Ward,  Harry  W.  Laidler,  Lenin  (Com- 
munist), Robt.  Dunn    (Communist),  Rex. 

G.  Tugwell,    Upton    Sinclair,    Prof.    John 
Dewey,  Jett  Lauck  (employed  by  Garland 
Fund),  John  Fitch,  Prof.  J.  E.  Kirkpatrick, 
Paul  Blanshard,  etc.   (nearly  all  of  whom 
are  listed  in  this  "Who's  Who"). 

Of  these  pamphlets,  "Roads  to  Freedom" 
by  Harry  Laidler  (a  "Syllabus  for  Dis- 
cussion Groups")  is  possibly  the  most 
revolutionary  of  all.  It  urges  these  groups 
to  use:  The  "Communist  Manifesto"  by 
Marx,  "Socialism  Utopian  and  Scientific" 
by  Engels  (Marx'  collaborator),  "State  and 
Revolution"  and  "Soviets  at  Work"  by 
Communist  Lenin,  "Dictatorship  vs.  Democ- 
racy," "State  Capitalism  in  Russia,"  "Rus- 
sia After  Ten  Years,"  and  "New  Worlds 
for  Old"  by  Communist  Trotsky.  In 
"Roads  to  Freedom,"  Laidler  takes  up  the 
study  beginning  with  a  section  on  "The 
Need  for  Change,"  then  "The  Socialist 
Society,"  "Utopian  and  Scientific  Social- 
ism," "Guild  Socialism,"  "Cooperative 
Democracy,"  and  "Single  Tax." 

The  subject  of  the  1931  student  con- 
ference (for  the  West)  held  at  the  Uni- 
versity of  Chicago  was:  "The  Students  in 
World  Revolution."  The  Dec.  1931 
national  conference  held  at  Union  Theo- 
logical Seminary,  New  York  City,  was 
entitled  "Guiding  the  Revolution"  and 
topics  discussed  were:  "America  in  a  State 
of  Revolution,"  by  Norman  Thomas  and 
Harry  Laidler;  "College  Students  in  a 
Changing  World,"  by  Arnold  Johnson  (of 
the  Union  Theological  Seminary,  an  A.C. 
L.U.  representative  jailed  in  Harlan,  Ky. 
for  criminal  syndicalism),  and  a  representa- 
tive of  the  communist  John  Reed  Club ; 
"What  Tactics  Should  Students  Use"  by 
Norman  Thomas  (who  in  1933  was  one  of 
the  "militant"  Socialist  Party  executive 
committee  members  voting  for  immediate 
cooperation  with  the  Communist  Party — 
see  Socialist  Party).  A  "Forum  of  the 
Revolution"  was  held  at  Barnard  College 

Organizations,  Etc. 


with  Norman  Thomas  and  others  discus- 
sing plans  for  the  supposedly  inevitable 
revolution,  and  such  topics  as  Birth  Con- 
trol. The  students  were  asked  to  live  like 
Communists  in  preparation  for  the  general 
upheaval  to  come. 

The  first  page  of  the  L.I.D.  "Student 
Outlook"  for  Feb.  1933  is  headed  "Wanted: 
Students  With  Guts"  and  says  in  part:  "it 
is  questionable  whether  the  student  who 
hasn't  guts  enough  to  get  out  on  his  col- 
lege campus  and  hawk  the  Student  Out- 
look will  overcome  his  delicate  scruples  if 
the  time  comes  to  face  tear  gas  and  machine 
guns.  The  same  sort  of  well-bred  doubts 
and  inertia  that  afflict  one  when  saddled 
with  the  responsibility  of  escorting  a 
petition  or  putting  up  posters  will  arise 
more  urgently  and  subtly  if  the  time  should 
come  to  refuse  to  go  to  war  or  to  picket 
the  Chicago  Tribune.  .  .  .  //  you  have 
enlisted  under  the  banners  of  Socialism 
you've  got  to  carry  the  job  through" 
A  special  announcement  on  this  page  states: 
"With  this  issue  'Revolt'  becomes  the 
'Student  Outlook.'  Students  felt  it  was 
more  important  to  sell  our  magazine  and 
convince  by  its  contents  than  to  shout 
'revolution'  and  have  no  one  listen.  Per- 
sons ivho  give  us  more  than  a  glance  will 
not  mistake  our  colors." 

In  a  letter  published  in  the  Nation,  Feb. 
3,  1932,  Paul  Porter,  L.I.D.  organizer, 
valiantly  defended  the  L.I.D.  from  the 
charge  by  a  Nation  correspondent  (Mr. 
Allen)  that  the  L.I.D.  conference  "Guid- 
ing the  Revolution"  was  an  "example  of 
liberal  futility"  and  retorts:  "Had  Mr. 
Allen  attended  the  conference  or  secured 
a  published  report  of  the  proceedings  .  .  . 
he  wculd  have  discovered  (1)  that  the  con- 
ference was  not  a  talk-fest  of  liberals  and 
(2)  that  the  student  participants  were  not 
wholly  innocent  of  experience  in  the  class 
struggle,"  and,  after  bragging  about  Arnold 
Johnson's  "five  weeks'  jail  residence"  and 
other  student  activities  "in  the  course  of 
which  more  than  one  has  been  beaten  by 
thugs"  he  says:  "Unless  Mr.  Allen  expects 
a  revolution  to  be  suddenly  produced  as  a 
magician  might  whisk  a  rabbit  from  a  silk 
topper,  he  will  recognize  the  necessity  for 
these  humble  beginnings.  They  are  tasks 
in  which  even  college  students  and  college 
graduates  and  readers  of  the  Nation  may 
share.  Paul  Porter." 

National  Office:  112  East  19th  St.,  New 
York  City;  Chicago  Office:  20  West  Jack- 
son Blvd.  1932  Officers: 

Pres.  Robert  Morss  Lovett;  vice-presidents: 
John  Dewey,  John  Haynes  Holmes,  Vladimir  Kara- 

petoff,  Florence  Kelley,  James  H.  Maurer,  Alex- 
ander Meiklejohn,  Mary  R.  Sanford,  Vida  D. 
Scudder,  Helen  Phelps  Stokes;  treas.,  Stuart 
Chase;  exec,  directors:  Harry  W.  Laidler,  Nor- 
man Thomas;  field  sec.,  Paul  Porter;  special  lec- 
turer, Paul  Blanshard;  exec,  sec.,  Mary  Fox; 
Sec.  Chgo.  Office,  Karl  Borders;  B9ard  of  Direc- 
tors: Forrest  Bailey,  Andrew  Biemiller,  Paul 
Blanshard,  Leroy  E.  Bowman,  McAllister  Cole- 
man,  H.  W.  L.  Dana,  Elizabeth  Dublin,  Abraham 
Epstein,  Frederick  V.  Field,  Elizabeth  Oilman, 
Hubert  C.  Herring,  Jesse  H.  Holmes,  Jessie  Wal- 
lace Hughan,  Nicholas  Kelley,  Broadus  Mitchell, 
Reinhold  Niebuhr,  William  Pickens,  David  Saposs, 
B.  C.  Vladeck,  Bertha  Poole  Weyl,  Howard  Y. 
Williams.  National  Council:  California — Ethelwyn 
Mills,  Upton  Sinclair;  Coloradoy-Powers  Hapgood; 
Connecticut — Jerome  Davis;  Dist.  of  Columbia — 
Mercer  G.  Johnston;  Georgia — Mary  Raoul 
Millis;  Illinois — Catherine  L.  Bacon,  Gilbert  S. 
Cox,  Paul  H.  Douglas,  Paul  Hutchinson,  Harold 
Lasswell,  Clarence  Senior,  James  M.  Yard; 
Indiana — William  P.  Hapgood;  Iowa — Minnie  E. 
Allen,  Laetitia  Moon  Conrad;  Kansas — John  Ise; 
Maryland — Edward  L.  Israel;  Massachusetts—? 
Emma  S.  Dakin,  Elizabeth  G.  Evans,  Alfred  Bakei 
Lewis,  George  E.  Roewer;  Michigan — A.  M. 
Todd;  Minnesota — Sarah  T.  Colvin;  Missouri — 
Joseph  Myers;  New  Hampshire — James  Mackaye; 
New  Jersey — James  W.  Alexander;  New  York — 
Harriot  Stanton  Blatch,  William  E.  Bohn,  Louis 
B.  Boudin,  Paul  F.  Brissenden,  Morris  Ernst, 
Louise  A.  Floyd,  Morris  Hillquit,  Frederic  C. 
Howe,  Darwin  J.  Meserole,  William  P.  Montague, 
A.  J.  Muste,  J.  S.  Potofsky,  George  D.  Pratt,  Jr., 
Evelyn  Preston,  H.  S.  Raushenbush,  Nellie  M. 
Seeds,  George  Soule,  N.  I.  Stone,  Caro  Lloyd  Stro- 
bell,  David  Rhys  Williams,  Helen  Sumner  Wood- 
bury;  North  Carolina — Mary  O.  Cowper;  Ohio — 
Isaac  E.  Ash,  Alice  P.  Gannett,  Paul  Jones,  Phil 
Ziegler;  Pennsylvania — Emily  F.  Dawson,  May- 
nard  C.  Krueger,  Simon  Libros,  Agnes  L.  Tierney; 
South  Carolina— Josiah  Morse;  South  Dakota- 
Daniel  J.  Gage;  Utah— James  H.  Wolfe;  Wisconsin 
— Percy  M.  Dawson. 


Sponsors  Chicago  Emergency  Committee 
for  Strikers  Relief,  Chicago  Workers  Com- 
mittee on  Unemployment,  etc.  Chapter 

President,  Paul  Hutchinson;  vice-presidents: 
Lillian  Herstein,  Curtis  Reese;  rec.  sec.,  Ethel  Wat- 
son; treas.,  Frank  McCulloch;  exec,  sec.,  Karl  Bor- 
ders; Executive  Committee:  Chapter  Officers  and 
Catherine  Lillie  Bacon,  Aaron  Director,  Paul 
Douglas,  Charles  W.  Gilkey,  Meyer  Halushka, 
Florence  Jennison,  John  Lapp,  Harold  D.  Lass- 
well,  Hilda  Lawrence,  Sam  Levin,  U.  M.  McGuire. 
Fred  Moore,  Clarence  Senior,  Sarah  B.  Schaar, 
Ernest  Fremont  Tittle,  Edward  Winston,  James 


Designated  by  the  Garland  Fund,  which 
aided  it  financially,  as  a  "social  service  for 
radicals";  hdqts.  N.Y.  City. 



A  radical  internationalist  organization 
with  hdqts.  at  Yellow  Springs,  Ohio,  which 
is  the  seat  of  Antioch  College.  To  quote 
the  communistic  Federated  Press  Labor's 
News  of  Jan.  17,  1931:  "Pointing  out  that 


The  Red  Network 

our  national  income  is  being  cut  at  least 
$300,000,000  a  month  in  wages  alone  as 
the  result  of  unemployment,  Max  Senior 
in  a  political  letter  of  the  League  for  the 
Organization  of  Progress  suggests  the  use 
of  this  sum  in  a  revolving  credit  fund  to 
Soviet  Russia,  to  be  used  in  purchasing 
American  goods.  .  .  .  Senior  believes  that 
the  establishment  of  the  loan  fund  would 
relieve  the  tension  now  prevailing  in  Russia 
due  to  the  constant  necessity  of  meeting 
credit  obligations  and  thus  enable  her  'to 
market  her  surplus  in  a  more  orderly 
fashion' "...  etc.  In  a  pamphlet  entitled 
Notes  of  the  League  for  the  Organization 
of  Progress,  it  states:  "The  following  men 
of  high  distinction  have  agreed  to  serve 
on  the  Board: 

"Devere  Allen,  editor,  'The  World  Tomorrow'; 
Seba  Eldrige,  University  of  Kansas;  Irving  Fisher, 
Yale  University;  William  Floyd,  editor,  'The 
Arbitrator';  Arthur  N.  Holcombe,  head  of  the 
department  of  government,  Harvard  University; 
John  Haynes  Holmes,  minister,  Community 
Church,  New  York;  Paul  U.  Kellogg,  editor,  'The 
Survey';  Harry  Laidler,  executive  director,  League 
for  Industrial  Democracy;  Daniel  L.  Marsh, 
president,  Boston  University;  Arthur  E.  Morgan, 
president,  Antioch  College;  Robert  Morss  Lovett, 
University  of  Chicago,  editor,  'The  New 
Republic';  Philip  C.  Nash,  director,  League  of 

G.  Bromley  Oxnam,  president,  De  Pauw  Uni- 
versity; P.  B.  Potter,  University  of  Wisconsin; 
John  H.  Randall,  president,  World  Unity  Foun- 
dation; N.  B.  Reuter,  University  of  Iowa;  James 
Shotwell,  Carnegie  Endowment  for  International 
Peace;  Edwin  R.  A.  Seligman,  Columbia  Uni- 
versity; E.  A.  Ross,  University  of  Wisconsin; 
Charles  F.  Thwing,  President  Emeritus,  Western 
Reserve  University;  Joseph  P.  Chamberlain, 
Columbia  University;  Quincy  Wright,  University 
of  Chicago." 

"Virtually  every  member  listed  as  serving 
on  the  Board  of  the  League  has  a  con- 
siderable record  of  close  affiliation  and  sup- 
port of  socialistic,  communistic,  inter- 
national pacifist,  pro-soviet  activities." 
(Am.  Vigilant  Intelligence  Fed.  Report.) 

See  Fellowship  of  Faiths. 


Official  Communist  Negro  subsidiary 
organization;  organized  originally  in  Chi- 
cago, Oct.  1925,  as  the  American  Negro 
Congress;  changed  name  to  its  present  one 
at  St.  Louis  Congress,  Nov.  16,  1930;  offi- 
cial organ  is  the  Weekly  "Liberator," 
recently  re-named  "Harlem  Liberator," 
which  agitates  race  hatred  and  tries  to 
make  Negroes  believe  that  the  Communists 
are  their  only  friends  and  that  they  must 

unite  with  tthe  Communists  "against  the 
common  enemy."  For  example,  the  Mar. 
18,  1932,  issue  printed  a  huge  caption  "I 
Ain't  Sayin'  Sir  to  Any  More  White  Men" 
over  "A  Story  of  Camp  Hill,"  also  much 
revolutionary  agitation  and  lurid  horror 
pictures  of  "abused"  Negroes,  and  a  poem 
entitled  "Stop  Foolin'  Wit'  Pray,"  which 
says  in  part: 

"Your  head  'tain  no  apple 

For  danglin'  f'om  a  tree; 

Your  body  no  carcass 

For  barbecuin'  on  a  spree. 
"Stand  on  your  feet, 

Club  gripped  'tween  your  hands; 

Spill  their  blood  too, 

Show  'em  yours  is  a  man's." 

Officers  and  Nat.  Coun.  elected  at 
national  convention  held  in  Harlem,  New 
York,  Oct.  29,  1933  are: 

Pres.,  Langston  Hughes;  Vice  Presidents: 
James  W.  Ford,  Mrs.  Jessica  Henderson,  Wm.  L. 
Patterson,  Robert  Minor,  Benjamin  Davis,  Jr 
Hose  Hart;  Gen.  Sec.,  Richard  B.  Moore;  Asst. 
Sec.,  Herman  MacKawain;  Finan.  Sec.,  Esther 
Anderson;  Record.  Sec.,  Bernice  Da  Costa;  Treas., 
Dr.  Reuben  S.  Young;  Dir.  of  Education  and 
Culture,  Louise  Thompson;  Dir.  Defense  Activities, 
Harold  Williams;  Dir.  Bureau  Intl.  Relations, 
Chas.  Alexander;  Dir.  Young  People's  Activities, 
Leonard  Patterson;  Dir.  Activities  Among  Women, 
Williana  Burroughs;  Liberator  Staff:  Eugene 
Gordon,  Maude  White;  Dir.  Research,  Tom  Trues- 
dale;  Steve  Kingston,  Henry  Shepard,  Harry  Hay- 
wood,  Dr.  Arnold  Donawa,  Rabbi  Ben  Goldstein, 
James  Moore,  Mrs.  Mary  Craik  Speed,  Bonita 
Williams,  Hanou  Chan,  James  Allen,  Cyril  Briggs, 
Wm.  Fitzgerald,  George  Maddox. 

National  Council,  New  York:  Eleanor  Hender- 
son, Agricult.  Wkrs.  Union;  Jos.  Brodsky,  I.W.O.; 
Clarence  Hathaway,  Daily  Worker;  Myra  Page, 
Writer;  Wm.  Z.  Foster,  T.U.U.L.;  Robt.  W. 
Dunn,  Labor  Research  Assn.;  Irving  Potash, 
Needle  Trades  Wkrs.  Indust.  Un.;  Henry  Shepard, 
T.U.U.L.  Coun.,  N.Y.;  Louis  Weinstock,  A.F.  of 
L.;  Jos.  Moore,  Mechanic's  Assn.  of  Harlem;  B.  D. 
Amis,  Communist  Party;  Israel  Amter,  nat.  com. 
Unemployed  Councils;  Peter  Uffre,  Tobacco 
Wkrs.  of  Harlem;  Wm.  F.  Dunne,  T.U.U.L.; 
Gladys  Stoner,  N.S.L.  Com.  on  Negro  Student 
Problems;  Ben  Goldstein,  Nat.  Com.  Def.  Pol. 
Pris.;  Earl  Browder,  Communist  Party;  Ruth 
Ruben,  N.S.L. ;  Samuel  Patterson,  Caribbean 
Union;  Steve  Kingston,  Lg.  Struggle  Negro 
Rights;  Harry  Haywood,  Communist  Party;  Bill 
Lawrence,  I.L.D.;  Leonard  Patterson,  Young 
Communist  Lg.;  Louis  Coleman,  I.L.D.;  J.  Adler, 
I.W.O.;  James  Toney,  Lg.  Struggle  Negro  Rights; 
Gil  Green,  Young  Communist  Lg.;  Wm.  Burdell, 
Lg.  Struggle  Negro  Rights. 

Southern  Sectton:  Al.  Murphy,  Alabama  Share- 
croppers Un.;  Mrs.  Mary  Craik  Speed,  Mont- 
gomery, Ala.;  Rev.  J.  A.  Morten,  Angelo  Herndon 
Defense,  Ala.;  Jane  Speed,  I.L.D.,  Birmingham, 
Ala.;  Mrs.  Ada  Wright  and  Mrs.  Jamie  Patter- 
son, Scottsboro  Mothers  of  Chattanooga,  Tenn.; 
Atty.  Peirson,  Durham,  N.C.;  Anna  Williams, 
Communist  Party,  Charlotte,  N.C.;  Bernard  Ades, 
I.L.D.,  Baltimore,  Md.;  Gough  McDaniels,  High 
School  Teacher,  Baltimore,  Md.;  Robt.  Hall,  Nat. 
Farmers  Com.  Action,  Wash.,  D.C.;  Macey,  New 
Orleans  R.R.  Worker-  Manny  Jackson,  Long- 
shoreman, Savannah,  Ga. 

Organizations,  Etc. 


Chicago:  Herbert  Newton,  Communist  Party; 
Claude  Lightfoot,  Lg.  Struggle  Negro  Rights. 

Pennsylvania:  Dr.  Patterson,  Pitts,  physician; 
Tom  Myerscough,  Nat.  Miners  Un.,  Pitts.;  Henry 
Wickman,  Marine  Wkrs.  Indust.  Un.,  Phila.;  Ben 
Carruthers,  Communist  Party,  Pitts. 

Detroit:      Joe     Billups,     Lg.     Struggle     Negro 

Minnesota:  Alfred  Tiala,  nat.  sec.  United 
Farmers  Lg.,  Mpls. 

New  England:  Mrs.  Cravath  Simpson,  Fed- 
eration of  Women's  Clubs,  Boston;  Ann  Burlak 
(Communist  organizer). 

California:  Tom  Mooney,  San  Quentin  Peniten- 
tiary Cal.;  Lauren  Miller,  Journalist,  Los  Angeles, 
Cal.;  Matt  Crawford,  San  Francisco  Nat.  Scotts- 
boro  Com.  Action. 

Buffalo,  N.Y.:  Manning  Johnson,  Communist 

Missouri:  A.  W.  Berry,  Communist  Party, 
Kansas  City,  Mo.;  Carrie  Smith,  Nut  Pickers 
Union,  St.  Louis,  Mo. 

Cleveland,  0.:  Arthur  Murphy,  Steel  and  Metal 
Wkrs.  Indust.  Un. 

Hdqts.  SO  E.  13th  St.,  New  York  City. 

An  organization  formed  by  Carrie  Chap- 
man Catt,  a  co-worker  with  Jane  Addams, 
to  educate  women  to  take  part  in  political 
life.  It  serves  a  good  purpose  and  is  fair 
enough  in  presenting  various  sides  of  pub- 
lic questions  to  render  the  great  majority 
of  its  innocent  and  non-radical  members 
unaware  that  they  are  also  fed  radical 
propaganda  in  regular  doses.  It  campaigned 
for  the  League  of  Nations,  circulated  the 
W.I.L.P.F.  (Jane  Addams')  petition  for 
total  disarmament  of  the  U.S.  1931,  etc.; 
features  many  radical  speakers.  (See  under 

A  league  of  Communist  theatre  groups; 
an  American  section  of  Moscow's  Inter- 
national Union  of  the  Revolutionary 
Theatre;  formed  April  16,  1932  (at  Man- 
hattan Lyceum,  N.Y.  City)  ;  official  organ 
is  "Workers  Theatre,"  now  called  "New 
Theatre" ;  includes  groups  such  as  the  Chi- 
cago Workers  Theatre  (see),  Workers 
Laboratory  Theatre,  John  Reed  Club  dra- 
matic groups,  German  Prolet  Buehne  of 
Milwaukee,  Nature  Friends  Dram.  Group 
of  Syracuse,  Workers  Experimental  Theatre 
of  St.  Louis,  Dramatic  Council  of  Detroit, 
Harlem  Progressive  Youth  Club  Dram. 
Section,  N.Y.,  and  innumerable  others. 

It  was  formed,  according  to  the  report 
of  its  conference  in  the  May,  1932  "Work- 
ers Theatre":  "to  spread  the  idea  of  the 
class  struggle  by  raising  funds  for  cam- 
paigns and  for  the  revolutionary  press  and 
by  recruiting  workers  into  the  revolution- 
ary unions  and  mass  organizations  and 
especially  to  arouse  workers  for  the  defense 
of  the  Soviet  Union  against  the  coming 

imperialist  attack.  .  .  .  Every  worker's 
theatre  group  must  realize  that  its  existence 
is  closely  tied  up  with  that  of  the  entire 
revolutionary  movement — that  its  aims 
are  the  same — that  its  slogans  are  the 
same.  ...  It  must  win  workers  and  farmers 
including  those  in  the  armed  forces  for  the 
tactic  of  turning  the  coming  imperialist 
war  against  the  Soviet  Union  into  a  civil 
war  against  the  imperialists."  Greetings 
from  the  following  groups  were  received 
at  this  conference: 

International  Bureau  Theatrical  Club,  Moscow; 
Moscow  Blue  Blouse  Theatre;  Secretariat  Inter- 
national Workers  Dramatic  Union;  Workers  Cul- 
tural Council  of  W.I.R.  of  Seattle,  Wash.;  Rebel 
Players,  Los  Angeles,  Cal.;  Writers  Group  of  John 
Reed  Club,  N.Y.  City;  Workers  International 
Relief  ( W.I.R.) . 

Its  Eastern  Regional  conference  was  held 
Aug.  5-6,  1933  at  the  Nature  Friends  Camp 
at  Midvale,  N.J.  Hdqts.  42  E.  12th  St., 
N.Y.  City. 


A  book  published  to  help  along  the  Com- 
munist agitation  in  favor  tof  the  two 
Anarchist-Communist  murderers,  who  died 
yelling  "Long  Live  Anarchy  1"  The  book 
cover  states:  "This  volume  sponsored  by 
the  following  International  Committee: 

"Benedetto  Groce,  John  Dewey,  Theodore  Dreis- 
er, Maxim  Gorki,  Horace  M.  Kallen,  Sinclair  Lewis, 
Romain  Rolland,  Bertrand  Russell,  H.  G.  Wells, 
Stefan  Zweig." 


A  revolutionary  paper  formerly  pub- 
lished at  34  Union  Square,  N.Y.  City; 
founded  before  the  Communist  Party  was 
formed  in  the  U.S.  (1919) ;  second  class 
mailing  privileges  were  withheld  by  U.S. 
Postoffice  Dept.;  some  of  its  Red  edi- 
torials are  reprinted  in  Lusk  Report. 

Editors  were  Max  Eastman,  Crystal  Eastman 
and  Floyd  Dell;  bus.  mgr.,  Margaret  Lane;  con- 
trib.  eds. :  Cornelia  Barns,  Howard  Brubaker, 
Eugene  V.  Debs,  Hugo  Gellert,  Arturo  Giovan- 
nitti  (of  II  Nuovo  Mondo  Com.),  Chas.  T.  Halli- 
nan,  Helen  Keller,  Robt.  Minor,  Boardman  Robin- 
son, Maurice  Stern,  Alexander  Trachtenberg,  Louis 
Untermyer,  Clyde  Weed  and  Art  Young. 

(Note  the  present  day  active  Commu- 
nists.) In  1920  it  had  a  circulation  of 
50,000  and  was  supported  by  stockholders 
(who  are  listed  in  Lusk  Report) ;  reed. 
$500  from  Garland  Fund  in  1923  (Com- 
munist Party-owned  at  that  time.) 

More  recently  the  "Liberator"  has  been 
the  name  of  the  Negro  Communist  paper, 
official  organ  of  the  League  of  Struggle  for 
Negro  Rights  (see). 


The  Red  Network 

A  Communist  T.U.U.L.  union. 


A  Socialist  School  for  "children  of  trade 
union  workers"  at  Pawling,  N.Y.  con- 
ducted by  Nellie  Seeds  Nearing,  wife  of 
Scott  Nearing,  the  Communist  leader;  reed, 
about  $15,000  from  Garland  Fund. 


I.W.W.  union. 

A  communist  T.U.U.L.  union ;  the  Amer- 
ican section  of  the  communist  Intl.  of  Sea- 
men and  Harbor  Workers;  has  been  creat- 
ing considerable  trouble  among  the  crews 
of  American  ships;  official  organ  "Marine 
Workers  Voice";  maintains  Union  hdqts. 
at:  140  Broad  St.,  N.Y.  City;  312  S. 
Second  St.,  Phila.;  1629  Thames  St., 
Baltimore;  7211  "L"  Avenue,  Houston; 
239  Decatur  St.,  New  Orleans;  614  First 
St.,  Seattle;  191^  3rd  St.,  Portland,  Ore.; 
3064  E.  92nd  St.,  South  Chicago,  111.  Head 
is  Roy  Hudson,  61  Whitehall  St.,  N.Y. 
City ;  formerly  called  Marine  Wkrs.  League. 

M.W.D.  Def.  Com. 

Mary  Ware  Dennett,  a  radical  whose 
activities  were  exposed  in  the  Lusk  Report, 
wrote  a  sex  pamphlet,  "The  Sex  Side  of 
Life,"  of  such  a  nature  that  she  was  con- 
victed of,  and  fined  $300  for  publishing 
obscene  matter.  A  group  of  radicals 
leaped  to  her  defense  and,  in  1930,  formed 
this  committee,  carried  her  case  to  the 
Appellate  Court,  and  a  reversal  was  finally 
won.  After  this  the  pamphlet,  "The  Sex 
Side  of  Life,"  was  flaunted  more  than  ever. 
The  Federal  Council  of  Churches'  Sex 
Pamphlet  (see)  lists  it  as  "indispensable." 
The  4A  recommends  it  in  its  1930  Report 
among  "Anti-Religious  Books"  sold  by 
the  4A. 

Committee  chmn.,  John  Dewey;  vice  chmn.: 
Henry  Sloane  Coffin,  Kath.  Bement  Davis,  Abel  J. 
Gregg;  treas.,  Corliss  Lamont;  sec.,  Forrest  Bailey. 
Among  committee  members:  Alice  Stone  Black- 
well,  Edwin  M.  Borchardt,  Sophonisba  P.  Brecken- 
ridge,  Paul  H.  Douglas,  Sherwood  Eddy,  Fannie 
Hurst,  Lewis  Mumford,  James  Rorty,  Jessie  Taft, 
Miriam  Van  Waters,  Goodwin  Watson,  Stephen 
S.  Wise. 


Communist  magazine;  changed  name  in 
1926  to  New  Masses  (see). 


Communist  T.U.U.L.  union. 

Communist  T.U.U.L.  union. 

(Organ  of  Brotherhood  of  Sleeping 

Car  Porters) 

A  radical  publication  for  Negroes  "look- 
ing toward  their  conversion  to  revolution- 
ary radicalism.  ...  It  is  committed  to  the 
principles  of  the  Soviet  government  of 
Russia  and  to  the  proposition  of  organiz- 
ing negroes  for  the  class  struggle.  ...  A 
Philip  Randolph  and  Chandler  Owen," 
editors,  have  been  "instructors  in  the  Rand 
School"  (Lusk  Report).  It  received  money 
from  the  Garland  Fund;  is  now  the  official 
organ  of  the  Brotherhood  of  Sleeping  Car 
Porters,  which  was  Communist-penetrated 
and  also  received  $11,200,  $4,000,  $2,724.56, 
etc.,  from  Garland  Fund,  and  is  now  under 
Socialist  control. 

Communist  T.U.U.L.  union;  John  Mel- 
don,  611    Penn.  Ave.,  Pittsburgh,  Pa.;   35 
East  19th  St.,  N.Y.  City.,  etc. 


A  radical  social  service  organization  co- 
operating with  Socialist  and  Communist 
organizations;  operates  in  the  Methodist 
Church  and  disseminates  its  influence 
through  the  Federal  Council,  Y.M.C.A.  and 
other  church  groups;  has  solicited  funds 
for  the  Moscow-directed  communist  Inter- 
national Labor  Defense  in  its  Social  Service 
Bulletins,  and  stated  in  the  1932  Bulletin 
No.  8:  "The  Federation  has  continued  to 
cooperate  with  boards  and  agencies  within 
our  own  church  and  with  many  groups 
outside  the  church  working  definitely  for 
a  new  social  order.  Among  these  may  be 
mentioned  several  departments  of  the  Fed- 
eral Council  of  Churches,  the  American 
Civil  Liberties  Union,  the  League  for 
Industrial  Democracy,  Labor  Research 
Assn.,  International  Labor  Defense,  Com- 
mittee on  Militarism  in  Education,  .  .  , 
We  simply  cannot  be  respectable."  This 

Organizations,  Etc. 


was  signed  by  Bishop  Francis  J.  McCon- 
nell,  pres.,  and  Harry  F.  Ward,  sec.  (The 
Labor  Research  Assn.  and  I.L.D.  are  Com- 
munist organizations  and  the  others,  except 
the  Federal  Council  of  Churches,  are  red 
Garland  Fund  proteges).  Winifred  Chap- 
pell,  co-editor  and  co-secretary  with  Ward, 
served  on  a  Communist  Party  campaign 
committee  and  signed  the  manifesto  endors- 
ing the  Communist  platform,  principles 
and  revolutionary  program  in  1932  (see 
Communist  P.  G.  for  F.  &  F.).  Harry 
Ward,  who  returned  in  1932  from  a  year 
spent  in  Soviet  Russia  is  the  A.C.L.U.  nat. 
chmn.  and  a  former  Garland  Fund  director. 
Bishop  McConnell  aided  the  Socialist  1932 
campaign.  G.  Bromley  Oxnam  and  E.  F. 
Tittle  (exec.  sec.  and  chmn.  of  the  nat. 
com.  respectively)  also  have  lively  records 
for  radicalism. 

To  quote  from  Bulletin  No.  8,  April 
IS,  1928:  "Through  the  courtesy  of  the 
Federated  Press"  (Communists')  "our  mem- 
bers may  receive  the  'Labor  Letter,'  a 
weekly  summary  of  labor  news  for  $1.00, 
half  of  the  regular  price.  An  increasing 
number  are  availing  themselves  of  this 
offer,  thereby  increasing  their  equipment 
for  the  basic  task  .  .  .  the  basic  task — the 
securing  of  a  Christian  Social  Order.  .  .  . 
To  this  end  every  whit  of  our  work  is 
consciously  and  deliberately  directed.  .  .  . 
The  Bulletin  is  used  in  many  classrooms 
and  as  a  source  material  for  sermons, 
forum  discussions,  theses,  etc.  A  few  of 
the  topics  discussed  during  the  quadren- 
nium  have  been  'The  Spy  in  Government 
and  Industry';  'Missions  and  Our  Chinese 
Diplomacy'  (data  for  several  issues  .  .  . 
were  sent  by  the  senior  secretary  while 
he  was  lecturing  in  the  Orient;  first  hand 
material  on  China  was  also  available  to 
him  in  his  capacity  of  chairman  of  the 
American  Committee  for  Justice  to 
China)."  (Note:  See  Harry  F.  Ward  and 
Hands  Off  Committees) ;  "  'Is  Justice 
Breaking  Down  in  the  United  States'  (deal- 
ing with  the  Sacco-Vanzetti  and  Mooney 
and  Billings  cases.  This  issue  was  speed- 
ily exhausted) ;  'The  New  Red  Hunt'  (our 
close  cooperation  with  the  American  Civil 
Liberties  Union  brings  much  first  hand 
material  in  this  field  not  otherwise  easily 
available  to  our  readers) ;  'The  Present 
Coal  Strike'  (a  second  edition  of  this  was 
ordered  by  the  Emergency  Committee  for 
Miners'  Relief).  ...  As  often  as  our  treas- 
ury permits,  we  send  some  big  pamphlet 
on  a  vital  theme  to  our  members.  Laid- 
ler's  'Public  Ownership'  and  Ward's  'Profit 
Motive'  and  a  reprint  of  his  address  on 

'Repression  of  Civil  Liberties  in  the  United 
States'  .  .  .  have  been  sent  during  this 
quadrennium  as  well  as  some  leaflets  and 
reprints.  All  members  have  received  also 
the  book  'An  American  Pilgrimage,'  por- 
tions of  the  letters  of  Grace  Scribner,  sel- 
ected and  arranged  by  Winifred  L.  Chap- 
pell,  foreword  by  Harry  F.  Ward.  .  .  . 
Incidentally  the  Vanguard  Press  which, 
published  this  book  in  its  50c  series  has 
sold  over  600  copies.  .  .  .  W.  L.  Chappell 
spends  a  month  at  Epworth  League  and 
Y.W.  teaching  in  summer  and  does  occa- 
sional teaching  and  speaking  during  the 
winter,  especially  at  Epworth  League  win- 
ter institutes  and  young  people's  groups. 
.  .  .  Part  of  our  regular  work  is  the  recom- 
mendation of  speakers  for  church  and 
other  meetings.  .  .  .  We  have  frequent 
inquiries  for  book  lists;  we  constantly 
recommend  books.  .  .  .  Earlier  efforts  in- 
cluded not  only  much  counselling  with 
leaders  in  other  denominations  and  groups 
like  the  Y.M.  and  Y.W.C.A.  and  speaking 
for  many  church  and  labor  groups,  but 
also  the  preparation  of  several  curricular 
studies.  These  were  widely  used  by  the 
Epworth  League,  the  Board  of  Sunday 
Schools,  the  Student  Movement  and  others. 
We  have  reason  to  believe  that  these 
studies,  supplemented  by  the  social  inter- 
pretation of  the  Sunday  School  Lesson 
for  two  years  and  the  contribution  of  a 
page  each  month  to  the  'Adult  Bible  Class 
Monthly'  have  promoted  social  thinking  in 
our  own  denomination  and  others.  This 
policy  of  cooperation  has  been  continued 
through  this  quadrennium.  For  instance: 
The  secretaries  are  regular  members  of 
the  Department  of  Social  Service  and  Re- 
search and  Education  of  the  Federal  Coun- 
cil of  Churches,  with  a  voice  in  those  pro- 
grams; we  constantly  use  the  resources  of 
the  Council.  The  office  prepared  eight 
articles  for  a  handbook  on  social  service 
for  the  Research  Dept.  Both  secretaries 
contribute  to  Sunday  School  publications. 
Miss  Chappell  is  on  the  Topics  Committee 
of  the  Epworth  League,  helped  to  prepare 
the  Social  Service  Manual,  has  written  a 
chapter  for  the  forthcoming  social  service 
text  book  and  in  other  words  counsels  with 
that  organization.  .  .  .  The  special  material 
on  the  Passaic  Strike"  (the  Communist- 
led  so-called  "first  lesson  in  revolution") 
"which  was  used  in  the  Passaic  number 
of  the  'Christian  Century'  was  collected  by 
the  office.  The  task  was  undertaken 
because  of  the  bearing  of  that  industrial 
struggle  on  a  Christian  social  order.  As 
this  report  goes  to  press,  the  Federation 


The  Red  Network 

is  joining  with  the  Department  of  Social 
Relations  of  the  Congregational  Education 
Society  in  a  conference  of  preachers  to  be 
held  at  Pittsburg,  April  24  to  26th,  to  face 
up  the  coal  crisis.  ..."  "Soon  after  the 
organization  of  the  Federation  there  sprang 
into  existence  in  several  annual  conferences 
small  voluntary  groups  of  preachers  who 
set  themselves  to  support  our  program.  .  .  . 
Most  o-f  the  commissions  function  most 
actively  at  annual  conference  time.  The 
presentation  of  statements  on  social  issues 
on  the  conference  floor,  obtaining  a  place 
on  the  conference  program  for  the  social 
message  ...  are  typical  activities.  Several 
commissioners  see  that  the  message  is  pre- 
sented at  the  district  conferences.  The  Rock 
River  commission  cooperates  closely  with 
the  Chicago  Church  Federation  and  has 
been  interested  in  free  speech,  preachers' 
salaries,  the  Book  Concern  and  organized 
labor.  .  .  .  The  Colorado  and  Pittsburgh 
groups  have  concerned  themselves  with  the 
coal  strikes.  .  .  .  The  Methodist  Federation 
for  Social  Service  is  celebrating  its  twen- 
tieth anniversary.  A  national  committee 
of  63,  with  Ernest  F.  Tittle  as  chairman 
and  G.  Bromley  Oxnam  as  executive  secre- 
tary, is  sponsoring  the  celebration.  The 
occasion  is  being  used  to  promote  church- 
wide  discussion  of  such  issues  as  war, 
property,  labor,  civil  liberties."  (Signed) 
"By  Francis  J.  McConnell,  president;  Harry 
F.  Ward,  secretary."  (Note  the  Vanguard 
Press  above.)  The  1933  Bulletins,  as  one 
ex-Communist  Party  executive  remarked, 
"read  like  the  Daily  Worker,  only 
more  so." 

Exec.  Com.:  F.  J.  McConnell,  H.  F.  Rail, 
George  Elliott,  Herbert  N.  Shenton,  Ralph  B. 
Urmy;  treas.,  Gilbert  Q.  LeSourd;  secretaries: 
Harry  F.  Ward,  Winifred  L.  Chappell;  National 
Com.:  E.  F.  Tittle,  chmn.,  G.  Bromley  Oxnam, 
exec,  sec.,  F.  W.  Adams,  Springfield,  Mass.;  O. 
W.  Auman,  Chgo.;  Ray  Allen,  Hornell,  N.Y.; 
M.  P.  Burns,  Phila.;  L.  H.  Bugbee,  Minneapolis; 
King  D.  Beach,  Chgo.;  Dan  B.  Brummitt,  Chgo.; 
Stella  W.  Brummitt,  Chgo.;  Esther  Bjornberg, 
Chgo.;  F.  O.  Beck,  Evanston;  E.  W.  Blakeman, 
Berkeley,  Cal.;  W.  C.  Barclay,  Chgo.;  James  C. 
Baker,  Urbana,  111.;  Geo.  A.  Coe.  Glendora,  Cal.; 
R.  E.  Diffendorfer,  N.Y.;  Edw.  T.  Devine,  Wash- 
ington; D.  F.  Diefendorf,  E.  Orange,  N.J.;  E.  T. 
Dennett,  San  Fran.;  A.  E.  Day,  Pitts.;  F.  C. 
Ebinger,  Oak  Park,  111.;  F.  B.  Fisher,  India; 
R.  W.  Graham,  Creston,  la.;  W.  E.  J.  Gratz, 
Chgo.;  W.  M.  Gilbert,  Madison,  N.J.;  A.  A. 
Heist,  Denver;  Paul  Hutchinson,  Chgo.;  L.  O. 
Harlman,  Boston;  H.  S.  Hamilton,  Boise,  Idaho; 
E.  S.  Hammond,  Salem,  Ore.;  Isabelle  Horton, 
Lake  Bluff,  111.;  A.  W.  Harris,  N.Y.;  C.  P.  Har- 
graves,  Chgo.;  Frank  Kingdon,  Lansing,  Mich.; 
Louisa  Litzel,  Vickery,  O.;  J.  C.  Lazenby,  Mil- 
waukee; J.  W.  Langdale,  Brooklyn;  H.  E.  Luc- 
cock,  N.Y.;  Jesse  Lacklen,  Billings,  Mont.;  G.  S. 
Lackland,  Meadville,  Pa.;  Amy  Lewis,  N.Y.; 
W.  H.  McMaster,  Alliance,  O.;  Mary  McDowell, 
Chgo,;  H.  H.  Meyer,  N.Y.;  A.  E.  Monger,  South 

Bend,  Ind.;  Edw.  Laird  Mills,  Portland,  Ore.; 
J.  R.  Magee,  Seattle;  O.  H.  McGill,  Seattle; 
F.  M.  North,  N.Y.;  O.  T.  Olson,  Baltimore;  Earl 
Roadman,  Mitchell,  S.D.;  W.  J.  Sherman,  San 
Fran.;  W.  B.  Spaulding,  Billings,  Mont.;  C.  D. 
Skinner,  Tulsa,  Okla.;  W.  L.  Stidger,  Kansas 
City;  Robt.  L.  Tucker,  Columbus;  W.  P.  Thir- 
kield,  Chattanooga;  Worth  M.  Tippy,  N.Y.;  L.  K. 
Willman,  Wilkes-Barre,  Pa.;  Herbert  Welch, 
Korea;  V.  O.  Ward,  Minneapolis;  James  M.  Yard, 
N.Y.  (now  Chgo.). 

Executive  Com.  1933: 

Francis  J.  McConnell,  Herbert  N.  Shenton, 
Ralph  B.  Urmy,  Halford  E.  Luccock,  Charles  C. 
Webber,  Robt.  Leonard  Tucker,  Gilbert  S.  C9x. 
Officers:  Pres.,  Bishop  Francis  J.  McConnell;  vice 
pres.,  Harris  Franklin  Rail;  sec.-treas.,  Gilbert  Q. 
LeSourd;  secretaries,  Harry  F.  Ward,  Winifred  L. 

Hdqts.  ISO  Fifth  Ave.,  New  York. 


In  1927  Elias  Calles  was  the  Communist- 
supported  President  of  Mexico  and  Amer- 
ican property  in  Mexico  was  to  be  seized. 
Soviet  forces,  aided  by  Communist  agents 
from  the  U.S.,  were  very  active,  and,  lest 
the  U.S.  should  intervene  and  spoil  the 
Soviet  plot  to  gain  control  of  the  Mexican 
government,  the  U.S.  was  flooded  with 
"non-intervention"  propaganda  through 
the  communist  Ail-American  Anti-Imper- 
ialist League  echoed  by  such  committees 
as  the  National  Citizens  Committee  on 
Relations  with  Latin  America,  Non-inter- 
vention Citizens  Committee,  Committee  on 
Relations  with  Latin  America,  and  about 
250  Hands  Off  Mexico  (Nicaragua  and 
China)  Committees.  The  Garland  Fund 
at  the  same  time  spent  thousands  of  dol- 
lars on  "Anti-imperialism"  work.  The  com- 
munist Daily  Worker,  Oct.  8,  1927,  said: 
"The  following  telegram  from  the  Com- 
munist Party  of  Mexico  was  received  yes- 
terday by  the  Daily  Worker:  'Mexico 
City,  Oct.  6,  1927:  Reaction  has  launched 
revolt.  We  request  agitation  on  behalf  of 
the  Mexican  proletariat  in  its  struggle 
jointly  with  the  government.  (Signed) 
Mexican  Communist  Party.' "  The  Daily 
Worker  then  went  on  to  comment:  "The 
foregoing  telegram,  in  harmony  with  all 
reports  from  Mexico,  is  taken  as  indicating 
the  policy  of  the  Mexican  Communist 
Party  in  the  present  crisis.  ...  As  against 
the  present  counter-revolutionary  attempts 
of  agents  of  U.S.  oil  speculators  allied  with 
the  whole  landlord  and  clerical  group  of 
reaction,  ...  the  Communist  Party  of 
Mexico  calls  upon  the  working  class  and 
peasantry  to  resort  to  arms  in  defense  of 
the  Calles  government  and  urges  the 
workers  and  farmers  of  the  United  States 
to  support  the  Calles  government  against 

Organizations,  Etc. 


the  counter-revolutionary  reaction."  Said 
Marvin  (Data  Sheet  25-6,  Feb.  1,  1927): 
"It  is  probably  true  that  the  President  of 
Mexico  is  ...  not  a  member  of  any  Com- 
munist organization.  .  .  .  The  fact  remains 
however  that  the  alleged  constitution  of 
Mexico  is  aimed  to  destroy  both  religion 
and  the  private  property  rights.  The  initial 
steps  have  been  taken  in  both  cases.  The 
attack  on  the  Catholic  Church  is  more  or 
less  of  a  'smoke  screen'  to  hide  the  real 
issue.  It  was  the  belief  of  the  advisors  of 
those  who  put  over  the  alleged  present 
constitution  that  such  an  attack  would 
bring  to  the  support  of  Mexico  all  anti- 
Catholics  in  the  United  States.  It  has  con- 
fused a  great  many.  The  pronounced  anti- 
Catholic  organizations  have  been  swept 
almost  bodily  to  the  support  of  Mexico. 
When  the  final  step  was  taken  to  deprive 
the  Catholiqs  of  the  liberties  accorded 
them  in  the  past  the  forces  in  Mexico 
directing  this  knew  what  was  going  on  in 
Nicaragua.  In  fact  they  were  directing 
them  in  Nicaragua  as  they  were  directing 
them  in  Mexico." 

Sept.  1933  press  reports  stated  that  300 
churches  were  being  closed  in  Mexico 
which  would  indicate  that  Red  influences 
are  still  active  there.  Travel  literature, 
1934,  states  that  any  minister  of  the  Gos- 
pel must  secure  special  permission  to  enter 

Midwest     section     of     the     communist 
Workers  Cultural  Federation   (see). 


New  Red  miners  union  founded  Sept. 
1933;  bd.  of  admin.: 

Walter  Seacrist,  Powers  Hapgood,  Tom  Tippett, 
Dennis  Shaw,  Gerry  Allard,  Loren  Norman,  Wm. 
Truax,  James  White,  Jo  Angelo,  Ricco  Florini; 
Or^an  is  "The  Fighting  Miner,"  first  issue,  Oct., 
1933;  editors,  Loren  Norman  and  Gerry  Allard; 
bus.  mgr.,  Irene  Allard,  wife  of  Gerry. 

Box  202,  Springfield,  Illinois. 

Socialist  Party  newspaper;  Victor  Berger 
formerly  editor. 


Communist  T.U.U.L.  Union. 


Communist  propaganda  paper  published 
in  English  in  Moscow;  M.  M.  Borodin, 

ed.;  Anna  Louise  Strong  (associate  of  Jane 
Addams),  assoc.  ed. 


"Advocate  of  revolutionary  socialism" 
(Lusk  Report);  a  weekly;  founded  by 
Oswald  Garrison  Villard. 

Board  of  Editors:  Ernest  Gruening,  Freda  Kirch- 
wey,  Joseph  Wood  Krutch;  Associate  Editors: 
Mauritz  A.  Hallgren,  Margaret  Marshall.  Dorothy 
Van  Doren;  Contributing  Editor,  Oswald  Garrison 

In  1933  Villard  relinquished  editorship 
of  "The  Nation,"  turning  it  over  to  Board 
of  Editors,  and  became  a  contributing 


Broadcasts  over  nation-wide  network  in 
cooperation  with  the  left  wing  socialist 
League  for  Industrial  Democracy,  featur- 
ing radical  speakers;  recommends  radical 

Officers:  Robert  A.  Millikan,  pres.;  Livingston 
Farrand,  Meta  Glass,  Robert  M.  Hutchins  (pres. 
of  the  Univ.  of  Chgo.),  Walter  Dill  Scott,  (pres. 
Northwestern  U.),  Michael  I.  Pupin,  vice  presi- 
dents; Ralph  Hayes,  treas.  and  chmn.  bd.;  Wm. 
J.  Donovan,  vice  chmn.  bd.;  Levering  Tyson, 
sec.-treas.;  Com.  on  Economics:  Harry  W  Laid- 
ler,  chmn.;  Felix  Morley,  sec.;  Wesley  C.  Mit- 
chell, H.  G.  Moulton,  E.  G.  Nourse,  Rexford  G. 
Tugwell;  League  for  Industrial  Democracy  Com- 
mittee: Harry  W.  Laidler,  Wesley  C.  Mitchell, 
George  Soule,  Norman  Thomas,  Levering  Tyson. 

Hdqts.:  60  E.  42nd  St.,  N.Y.  City  or 
L.I.D.,  112  E.  19th  St.,  N.Y.  City. 


Communists  Wm.  Z.  Foster,  Benj.  Git- 
low,  Scott  Nearing,  Eliz.  Gurley  Flynn, 
Robt.  W.  Dunn,  and  their  fellow  Garland 
Fund  directors,  Norman  Thomas,  etc.,  were 
generous  with  appropriations  of  $31,552 
(1925-28),  $7,365  (1923-24),  and  $5,000 
(1929-30)  to  the  N.A.A.C.P. 

The  official  Report  of  the  Communist 
Party's  4th  national  convention  stated  that 
the  Party  had  penetrated  the  N.A.A.C.P. 
Socialist  Florence  Kelley  (formerly  of  Hull 
House),  the  personal  friend  of  Engels  and 
Lenin,  with  Jane  Addams,  a  founder  and 
"for  twenty  years  a  member  of  the  board 
of  directors,"  was  very  active  in  the  N.A. 
A.C.P.  The  field  secretary,  Wm.  Pickens, 
is  a  Socialist  Party  member,  active  as  well 
in  Communist  affairs  and  organizations 
(see  "Who's  Who").  James  Weldon  John- 


The  Red  Network 

son,  now  and  for  years,  an  executive  of 
the  N.AA.C.P.  and  also  a  Garland  Fund 
director,  has  served  at  the  same  time  in 
company  with  most  of  the  Garland  Fund 
directors  on  the  national  committee  of  the 
"Reds'  aid  society,"  the  A.C.L.U.  W.  E.  B. 
DuBois,  another  N.AA.P.C.  executive,  is  a 
Socialist  and  also  member  of  Communist 
subsidiaries  (A.S.C.R.R.,  A.A.A.I.  Lg.,  etc.) 
and  received  money  directly  from  the  Gar- 
land Fund  in  1928  for  services.  Clarence 
Darrow,  John  Haynes  Holmes,  Oswald  G. 
Villard,  and  other  executives,  have  similar 

The  N.A.A.C.P.  emulates  the  A.C.L.U. 
among  Negroes.  In  fighting  for  "Negro 
rights"  naturally  it  has  won  the  friendship 
of  many  Negroes,  themselves  opposed  to 
the  Red  movement,  who  believe  it  to  be 
a  purely  altruistic  agency  without  radical 
or  political  motivation. 

An  article,  sarcastically  entitled  "Ever 
Sincerely,  Walter  White,"  in  the  commu- 
nist I.L.D.  magazine  "Labor  Defender,"  for 
Aug.  1933,  is  a  typical  exhibit  of  the  quar- 
relsomeness and  professional  jealousy  shown 
between  the  "family"  of  cooperating  rad- 
icals and  their  organizations.  To  quote: 

"Three  months  ago,  pressed  by  its  member- 
ship, the  N.A.A.C.P.,  of  which  Walter  White  is 
Secretary,  asked  the  I.L.D.  for  authorization  to 
collect  funds  for  the  Scottsboro  defense.  This  was 
granted  but,  finding  that  the  agreement  had  been 
broken  by  the  N.A.A.C.P.,  Wm.  L.  Patterson,  Nat. 
Sec.  of  the  I.L.D.  wrote  a  letter  on  June  1, 
demanding  that  the  funds  be  unconditionally 
turned  over  to  the  I.L.D." 

Then  follows  a  very  sneering  analysis  of 
White's  letter  ending  "Ever  sincerely, 
Walter  White";  then  the  article  resumes: 

"Wm.  Patterson's  reply  shows  how  the  N.A.A. 
C.P.  in  1931  and  1932  collected  $7,178.63  for  the 
defense.  The  letter  states:  'This  is  the  most  un- 
principled case  of  robbery,  known  in  the  history 
of  the  struggle  of  the  Negro  masses.'  .  .  .  The 
difference  between  the  legal  'defense'  of  the  N.A.A. 
C.P.  and  the  I.L.D.  policy  of  the  'unity  of  mass 
action  with  legal  defense'  is  then  gone  into  after 
which  Comrade  Patterson  mentions  the  'distin- 
guished white  and  Negro  citizens'  serving  on  the 
Executive  Board  of  the  N.A.A.C.P.,  such  gentle- 
men as  Lt.  Col.  J.  E.  Spingarn  .  .  .  Senator  Capper 
of  Kansas  .  .  .  Governor  Herbert  Lehmann  of  New 
York  and  Frank  Murphy  now  governor  of  the 
Philippines,  and  Mayor  of  Detroit  at  the  time  of 
the  Ford  Massacre  of  March,  1932." 

This  is  a  sarcastic  inference  that  Mur- 
phy is  opposed  to  radicals,  whereas  one 
might  point  to  his  appointment  by  Pres. 
Roosevelt  as  Gov.  of  the  Philippines,  his 
praise  by  the  A.C.L.U.  (see),  and  the  hold- 
ing of  Communist  meetings  in  Detroit 
public  schools  while  he  was  Mayor,  as 
evidence  to  the  contrary.  At  one  meeting 
in  a  Public  School,  Detroit,  the  Commu- 
nists held  a  mock  trial  and  condemned 

Henry  Ford  to  death,  according  to  the 
Communist  press.  The  article  says  Patter- 
son's letter  ended  with: 

"We  call  the  membership  of  the  N.A.A.C.P.  .  .  . 
to  join  and  build  the  Scottsboro  Action  Commit- 
tees. .  .  .  Step  over  the  heads  of  your  leadership. 
.  .  .  Only  mass  pressure  will  free  the  Scottsboro 

A  1931  letterhead  lists: 

J.  E.  Spingarn  as  Pres.;  Vice  Presidents:  Arthur 
Capper,  Senator  from  Kansas,  Bishop  John  A. 
Gregg,  John  Haynes  Holmes,  James  Weldon  John- 
son, Arthur  B.  Spingarn,  Oswald  G.  Villard; 
Executive  Officers:  Mary  Ovington  White,  chmn. 
bd.;  Walter  White,  sec.;  Dr.  W.  E.  B.  DuBois, 
Robt.  W.  Bagnall,  dir.  of  branches;  Wm.  Pickens, 
field  sec.;  Mrs.  Daisy  Lampkin,  regional  field 
sec.;  Herbert  J.  Seligmann,  dir.  of  publicity;  Wm. 
T.  Andrews,  special  legal  asst.;  National  Legal 
Committee:  Arthur  B.  Spingarn,  chmn.;  James 
Marshall,  Herbert  K.  Stockton,  Felix  Frankfurter, 
Chas.  H.  Studin,  Clarence  Darrow,  T.  J.  Nutter. 

The  official  name  of  the  group  directing 
the  Pioneer  Youth  of  America  (see). 

Cooperates  with  the  Federal  Council  of 
Churches,    Central    Conference    of    Amer- 
ican    Rabbis,     Catholic     Association     for 
International  Peace,  American  Civil  Liber- 
ties Union,  etc.;  dir.  Social  Action  Dept, 
John    A.    Ryan    of    the    A.C.L.U.    (same 
position  held  by  John  A.  Lapp,  1920-27). 



Abolition  of  child  labor  is  a  worthy 
humanitarian  cause,  with  which  most 
kindly  people  are  in  sympathy,  but  the 
outstanding  Socialists  active  on  this  com- 
mittee, in  accordance  with  Socialist  prin- 
ciples, seek  more  than  is  apparent  on  the 
surface.  They  back  all  laws  giving  parents 
less  and  the  State  more  and  more  control 
over  children.  Socialism  aims  at  abolition 
of  private  ownership  of  children,  and  of 
Christian  marriage,  as  well  as  of  property 
rights.  Complete  State  control  of  children, 
free  abortions,  and  free  love  in  Russia 
today,  are  the  fulfillment  of  this  Marxian 
Socialist  dogma. 


Nat.  Citiz.  Com.  Rel.  Lat.  Am. 

A  committee  echoing  the  communist 
A.A.A.I.  Lg's.  "Hands  Off"  propaganda; 
similar  to  the  Non-intervention  Citizens 
Committee;  formed  in  Wash.,  D.C.,  with 

Organizations,  Etc. 


hdqts.  at  the  Peoples  Legislative  Service, 
in  1927,  when  the  U.S.  Govt.  was  having 
trouble  with  the  Communist-supported 
Nicaraguans  and  Calles'  Communist-sup- 
ported Mexican  Govt.,  which  was  intent 
on  seizing  American-owned  property  (and 
was  persecuting  religion  in  true  Soviet 
style)  ;  it  circulated  the  statement  of  the 
revolutionary  Nicaraguan  Governor  whom 
the  U.S.  Govt.  refused  to  recognize;  and, 
said  Marvin:  it  "is  the  organization  which 
we  are  forced  to  opine  sent  Rev.  Samuel 
Guy  Inman"  (of  the  Garland  Fund  Com. 
on  American  Imperialism  (see)  )  "into 
Mexico  for  the  purpose  of  manufacturing 
a  little  additional  propaganda  with  which 
to  flood  the  United  States.  John  F. 
Moors  of  Boston,  who  is  listed  as  president, 
in  a  recent  statement  said  the  committee 
...  believed  'that  our  present  Latin 
American  policy  as  manifested  in  Nicara- 
gua, Mexico,  and  elsewhere  is  in  violation 
of  every  sound  American  tradition.'  .  .  .  The 
Honorary  President  of  the  Nat.  Citiz.  Com. 
is  Senator  George  W.  Norris  of  Nebraska 
who,  just  now,  is  being  strongly  touted 
as  a  candidate  for  President  on  a  third 
ticket  to  be  guided  by  the  same  Socialist- 
Liberal  forces  that  guided  the  candidacy  of 
LaFollette  and  Wheeler.  Practically  all  of 
them  were  backers  of  the  Socialist  ticket 
—  LaFollette  and  Wheeler  —  in  1924. 
...  In  view  of  the  Communist  agitation 
in  connection  with  the  Sacco-Vanzetti  affair 
...  the  same  names  in  many  instances,  will 
be  found  attached  to  petitions  in  favor  of 
the  two  condemned  murderers  ...  a  large 
percentage  ...  are  closely  related  with  the 
Socialist  Party."  (Marvin  Data  Sheets, 
25-12,  28-23,  34-15,  1927)  "The  complete 
list  follows": 

Hon.  pres.,  Senator  Geo.  W.  Norris;  pres.,  John 
F.  Moors,  Mass.;  sec.,  Mercer  G.  Johnson,  Md.; 
treas  W.  P.  Neville,  Wash.,  D.C.;  hon.  vice 
presidents:  Mrs.  Edw.  P.  Costigan,  Colo.;  Mrs. 
J.  Borden  Harriman,  Wash.,  D.C.;  Bishop  Francis 
J.  McConnell,  Pa.;  Cong.  R.  Walton  Moore,  Va.; 
Sen.  David  I.  Walsh,  Mass.;  Wm.  Allen  White, 
Kans.;  Rabbi  Stephen  S.  Wise,  N.Y.;  Members: 
Dr.  Felix  Adler,  N.Y.;  Judge  Geo.  W.  Anderson, 
Mass.;  Mrs.  Francis  C.  Axtcll,  Wash.;  Hon.  New- 
ton D.  Baker,  O.;  James  H.  Batten,  Cal.;  Judge 
Robt.  W.  Bingham,  Ky.  ;  Mrs.  Emily  Newell  Blair, 
Mo.;  Mrs.  Harriet  Stanton  Blatch,  N.Y  ;  Rev  W 
Russell  Bowie,  N.Y.;  Alfred  Brandeis,  Ky.;  P.  H. 
Callahan,  Ky.;  Wm.  F.  Cochran,  Md.;  Everett 
Colby,  N.Y.;  Pres.  Ada  A.  Comstock,  Mass.; 
Herbert  Croly,  N.Y.;  Oscar  K.  Gushing,  Cal.; 

.  , 

Dr.  Edw.  P.  Devine,  Wash.,  D.C.;  Prof.  John 
Dewey,  N.Y.;  Prof.  Wm.  E.  Dodd,  111.;  Judge 
Chas.  A.  Douglas,  Wash.,  D.C.;  Prof.  Edw.  Meade 

Arthur  Garfield  Hays,  N.Y.;  Morris  Hillquit, 
N.Y.;  Prof.  Wm.  E.  Hocking,  Mass.;  Dr.  Samuel 
Guy  Inman,  N.Y.;  Will  Irwin,  N.Y.;  Rabbi  Edw. 
L.  Israel,  Md.;  Cong.  Meyer  Jacobstein,  N.Y.; 
W.  D.  Jamieson,  Wash.,  D.C.;  Edw.  Keating, 
Wash.,  D.C.;  Paul  U.  Kellogg,  N.Y.;  Mrs.  Eliz. 
T.  Kent  Cal.;  Horace  G.  Knowles,  N.Y.;  Cong. 
O.  J.  Kvale,  Minn.;  Sen.  Robt.  M.  LaFollette, 
Wis.;  Cong.  F.  La  Guardia,  N.Y.;  Geo.  La  Monte, 
N.J.;  John  A.  Lapp,  111.;  Mrs.  Henry  Goddard 
Leach,  N.Y.;  Jos.  Lee,  Mass.;  Hon.  John  Lind, 
Minn.;  Pres.  H.  N.  MacCracken,  N.Y.;  Judge 
Julian  W.  Mack,  111.;  Amy  G.  Maher,  O.;  Basil 
M.  Manly,  Wash.,  D.C.;  Lowell  Mellett,  Wash., 
D.C.;  Prof.  S.  E.  Morison.  Mass.;  James  H. 
Moyle,  Utah;  Pres.  Wm.  A.  Neilson,  Mass.;  David 
K.  Niles,  Mass.;  Mrs.  Gordon  Norrie,  N.Y.;  Sen. 
Gerald  P.  Nye,  N.D.;  John  D.  Pearmain,  N.Y.; 
Prof.  Bliss  Perry,  Mass.;  Dr.  Albert  H.  Putney, 
Wash.,  D.C.;  Jackson  H.  Ralston,  Cal.;  Donald 
R.  Richberg,  111.;  Dr.  Wm.  L.  Robins,  Wash., 
D.C.;  Elmer  E.  Rogers,  Wash.,  D.C.;  Hon.  Cato 
Sells,  Tex.;  Prof.  Frederick  Starr,  Wash.,  D.C.: 
Moorfield  Storey,  Mass.;  Prof.  F.  W.  Taussig, 
Mass.;  Norman  Thomas,  N.Y.;  Hon.  Huston 
Thompson,  Colo.;  Mrs.  Eliz.  Towne,  Mass.;  Oswald 
Garrison  Villard,  N.Y.;  Hon.  Carl  S.  Vrooman, 
111.;  Henry  A.  Wallace,  la.;  Frank  P.  Walsh, 
N.Y.;  Cong.  Knud  Wefald,  Minn.;  Sen.  Burton 
K.  Wheeler,  Montana;  Wm.  Allen  White,  Kans.; 
Prof.  Tyrell  Williams,  Mo.;  Prof.  A.  P.  Winston, 
Tex.;  Pres.  Mary  E.  Woolley,  Mass.;  Peter 
Witt,  0. 

Nat.  Com.  Def.  Pol.  Pris. 

Formed  1931  as  an  outgrowth  of  the 
communist  Emergency  Committee  for 
Defense  of  Southern  Political  Prisoners 
— "political  prisoners"  being  the  radical 
term  for  those  arrested  for  seditious  revo- 
lutionary activities;  communist  intellectuals 
and  sympathizers  led  by 

Theo.  Dreiser,  chmn.;  Lincoln  Steffens,  Sher- 
wood Anderson,  vice  chmn.;  John  Dos  Passes, 
treas.;  Melvin  P.  Levy,  sec.;  Adelaide  G.  Walker, 
asst.  sec.;  com.  members:  Harry  Elmer  Barnes, 
William  Rose  Benet,  Prof.  Franz  Boas,  Lester 
Cohen,  Eleanor  Copenhaver,  Malcolm  Cowley, 
Bruce  Crawford,  Edward  Dahlberg,  Floyd  Dell, 
Adolph  Dehn,  Edgar  Fraley,  Waldo  Frank,  Hugo 
Gellert,  Lydia  Gibson,  Murray  Godwin,  Eugene 
Gordon,  C.  Hartley  Grattan,  Paul  Green,  Horace 
Gregory,  Julius  Heiman,  Josephine  Herbst,  Lang- 
ston  Hughes,  Grace  Hutchins,  Maxwell  Hyde, 
Leon  Kahn  Yereth  Kahn,  Alfred  Kreymborg, 
Suzanne  LaFollette,  Pierre  Loving,  Louis  Lozo- 
wick,  George  Maurer,  Claude  McKay,  Edna  St. 
Vincent  Millay,  Dr.  Henry  Neumann,  Samuel 

..  .          . 

Earle,  N.Y.;  Mrs.  Mary  E.  Fels,  N.Y.;  Prof. 
Irving  Fisher,  Conn.;  Wm.  Floyd,  N.Y.;  Mrs.  J. 
Malcolm  Forbes,  Mass.;  Sen.  Lynn  J  Frazier 
N.D.;  Zona  Gale,  Wis.;  Dean  V.  C.  Gildersleeve) 
N.Y.;  Eliz.  Gilman,  Md.;  J.  W.  Gitt,  Pa.;  Prof. 
Chas.  W.  Hackett,  Tex.;  Norman  Hapgood,  N.Y.; 

beaver,  Upton  bmclair,  Bernard  J.  Stern,  Ruth 
Stout,  William  Monroe  Trotter,  Mary  Heaton 
Vorse,  Charles  R.  Walker,  Webb  Waldron,  Eric 
Walrond,  Walter  Wilson,  Ella  Winter  (Mrs.  Lin- 
coln Steffens),  Carl  Zigrosser,  Marguerite  Zorach, 
William  Zorach. 

Hdqts.  Room  337  St.  Denis  Bldg.,  llth 
and  Broadway,  N.Y.  City.  (Communist 

The  Daily  Worker,  Nov.  13,  1933,  car- 
ried a  picture  of 

"Members  of  delegation  of  Nat.  Com.  for  Def. 
Pol.  Pris.  now  in  Tuscaloosa,  Ala.  .  .  .  Members 


The  Red  Network 

of  the  delegation  are:  Alfred  H.  Hirsch,  secretary 
Nat.  Com.  for  Def.  Pol.  Pris.  (of  N.Y.);  Jessica 
Henderson,  Boston,  prominent  in  Sacco-Vanzetti 
defense;  Howard  Kester,  Nashville,  Term.,  South- 
ern Secretary,  Fellowship  of  Reconciliation;  Bruce 
Crawford,  Norton,  Va.,  editor,  Crawford's  Weekly; 
Hollace  Ransdell  of  Ky.,  investigator  for  A.C.L.U. 
in  Scottsboro  case;  Grace  Lumpkin  of  South 
Carolina,  author  'To  Make  My  Bread,'  proletarian 
novel;  Barbara  Alexander  of  Savannah,  Georgia, 


Formed  by  A.C.L.U.  1932  to  prevent 
employers  who  are  harassed  by  radical 
strikers  from  obtaining  injunctions  pro- 
hibiting their  activities.  Chas.  F.  Amidon 
(former  Judge),  chmn.;  Forrest  Bailey,  sec. 




N.C.  to  A.S.M.F.S. 

Formed  to  aid  the  communist  National 
Miners  Union  operating  in  Pineville  and 
Harlan  County,  Ky.,  1931;  an  intellectual 
communistic  group  headed  by 

Communist  John  Dos  Passes,  chmn.;  Hugo 
Gellert,  sec.;  Leon  Kahn,  treas.;  com.  members: 
Sherwood  Anderson,  Roger  Baldwin,  Polly  Boyden, 
"Bishop"  Wm.  M.  Brown,  Horace  B.  Davis,  Agnes 
De  Lima,  Floyd  Dell,  Babette  Deutsch,  H.  W.  L. 
Dana,  Robert  W.  Dunn,  Clifton  P.  Fadiman, 
Sarah  Bard  Field,  Waldo  Frank,  Lydia  Gibson, 
Eugene  Gordon,  Michael  Gold,  William  Cropper, 
Charles  Yale  Harrison,  Harold  Hickerson,  Sidney 
Hook,  Grace  Hutchins,  Horace  M.  Kallen,  Carol 
Weiss  King,  Corliss  Lament,  Margaret  Larkin, 
Melvin  P.  Levy,  Jessie  Lloyd,  Robert  Morss 
Lovett,  Louis  Lozowick,  Paul  Luttinger,  M.D., 
Clarina  Michelson,  Elsie  Reed  Mitchell,  M.D., 
Lewis  Mumford,  Liston  M.  Oak,  Harvey  O'Con- 
nor, Samuel  Ornitz,  Webster  Powell,  Harry  Alan 
Potamkin,  John  Cowper  Powys,  Anna  Rochester, 
Upton  Sinclair,  Lincoln  Steffens,  Bernard  J.  Stern, 
Marguerite  Tucker,  Genevieve  Taggard,  Mary 
Heaton  Vorse,  Alfred  Wagenknecht,  Charles  K. 
Walker,  Rev.  Eliot  White,  Anita  Whitney,  Walter 
Wilson,  Charles  Erskine  Scott  Wood,  and  Carl 

Hdqts.  799  Broadway,  N.Y.  City  (from 
letter  appealing  for  funds,  dated  June  21, 
1932,  signed  by  Chas.  R.  Walker). 


Nat.  Com.  to  Aid  Vic.  G.  Fascism. 

Organized  by  communist  Workers  Inter- 
national Relief  1933,  "affiliated  member- 
ship 400,000"  (Daily  Wkr.,  9/29/33). 

National  Officers:  A.  J.  Muste,  chmn.;  Dr. 
Harry  A.  Warwick,  vice  chmn.;  Alfred  Wagen- 
knecht, exec,  sec.;  J.  B.  Matthews,  treas.;  Inter- 
national officers:  Lord  Marley  (Labor  Party), 
London,  England,  chmn.;  Prof.  Francis  Jourdain, 

Paris,  France,  sec.;  International  Supporters: 
England:  Fenner  Brockway  (I.L.P.);  Alice  Neal 
(Coop,  guild) ;  Saklatvala  (Communist  Party) ; 
Jim  Watson  (Catholic  Crusade);  Havelock  Ellis; 
E.  Sylvia  Pankhurst  (Communist);  France: 
Romain  Rolland  (Communist);  Prof.  Challaye; 
Henri  Barbusse  (Communist) ;  Mme.  Gabrielle 
Duchene  (W.I.L.P.F.  and  communist  Lg.  against 
Imperialism);  Mme.  Wanner  (W.I.L.P.F.); 
Czechoslovakia:  Prof.  Nejedly;  Egon  Erwin 
Kisch;  C.  Weiskopf;  Franz  Hoellering;  Prof. 
Schalda;  Holland:  Regisseur  Joris  Ivans;  Helene 
Ankersmith;  Belgium:  Henry  Marteau  and 
Karel  Van  Dooren;  Germany:  Prof.  Albert  Ein- 
stein, Ernst  Toller,  E.  J.  Gumbel,  Hanns  Eeisler, 
Arthur  Holitscher,  Willi  Muenzenburg  (intl.  sec. 
of  communist  Intl.  Lg.  against  Imperialism),  Prof. 
Arthur  Eddington,  Prof.  Levy,  Hugh  Walpole, 
Ellen  Wilkinson,  Edo  Fimmen,  Harry  Pollitt,  Count 
Michael  Karolyi,  Prof.  Manoury,  L.  Levy- 
Bruehl,  Paul  Langevin,  Charles  Nicolle;  U.S.A. 
Supporters:  Harry  Elmer  Barnes,  Konrad  Ber- 
covici,  Roger  Baldwin,  Prof.  Franz  Boas,  Robert 
C.  Brooks,  Stephen  V.  Benet,  Heywood  Broun, 
Leo  Bulgakov,  Malcolm  Cowley,  Dorothy  Cher- 
tak,  Ralph  Cheyney,  Prof.  Merle  Curti,  Prof. 
Addison  T.  Cutler,  Prof.  Horace  B.  Davis,  Will 
Durant,  Robert  W.  Dunn,  Edward  Dahlberg,  Olin 
Downes,  Prof.  H.  W.  L.  Dana,  Floyd  Dell, 
Joseph  Freeman,  Donald  Friede,  Clifton  Fadiman, 
Rabbi  Benjamin  Goldstein,  Louis  Golding,  Mor- 
decai  Gorelik,  Michael  Gold,  Granville  Hicks, 
Max  S.  Hayes,  Ali  A.  Hassan,  Carl  Haessler,  Inez 

Haynes     Irwin,     Maxwell     Hyde,     Francis     Fisher 
Kane,    Carol    Weiss 

Jerome    Klein,    J.    A. 
;,  Maxim- 

Maxwell     Hydi 
;iss    King,    Ten 

Kittine,  Joshua  Kuntz,  Eva  Le  Gallienne,  Maxim- 
Lieber,  Louis  Lozowick,  Corliss  Lamont,  Jessie 
Lloyd,  Lola  Maverick  Lloyd,  Prof.  Robert  Morss 
Lovett,  Prof.  R.  M.  Mac  Iver,  Dr.  Lillian  Mil- 
grim,  Rev.  Lester  Mondale,  Henry  Newman,  Prof. 
Wm.  L.  Nunn,  Harry  Alan  Potamkin,  Dr.  William 
J.  Robinson,  Burton  Rascoe,  Meyer  Shapiro,  Prof. 
Bernard  J.  Stern,  Harry  Slochower,  W.  R.  Sassa- 
man,  Prof.  Winifred  Smith,  George  Soule,  Prof. 
Margaret  Schlauch,  Lincoln  Steffens,  Otto  Sattler, 
Lucia  Trent,  Ella  Winter,  Nathaniel  Weyl,  John 

Supporting  organizations  (listed  on  let- 
terhead) : 

Workers  International  Relief  (Communist) ; 
Conference  for  Progressive  Labor  Action  (left 
wing  Socialist,  cooperates  with  Communists) ; 
International  Labor  Defense  (Communist) ;  Jew- 
ish Workers  and  People's  National  Committee 
Against  Fascism  and  Pogroms  in  Germany;  Ger- 
man National  Anti-Fascist  United  Front;  commu- 
nist Intl.  Workers  Order;  communist  T.U.U.L.; 
Communist  Party;  Arbeiter  Saengerbund  of  U.S.; 
Neue  Volkszeitung;  communist  National  Miners 
Union;  communist  Natur  Freunde  (Nature 
Friends) ;  German  Workers  and  Farmers  Verband 
(Winnipeg,  Canada) ;  Socialist  Jewish  Workers 
Party  (Left  Paoli  Zion) ;  Amalgamated  Food 
Workers;  communist  A.F.  of  L.  Committee  for 
Unemployment  Insurance;  communist  Needle 
Trades  Workers  Industrial  Union;  communist 
Shoe  Workers,  and  also  Food  Workers,  Industrial 
Unions;  Italian  Anti-Fascist  Committee  of  Action; 
Youth  United  Front  Against  German  Fascism; 
Cultural  United  Front  Against  German  Fascism; 
communist  Finnish  Workers  Federation;  Der 
Arbeiter;  Kampf-Signal ;  German  Workers  Clubs; 
Arbeiter  Turn  und  Sport  Bund,  U.S.A.;  New  York 
German  Branch  of  Socialist  Party;  Elizabeth 
German  Branch  Socialist  Party. 

Hdqts.  75  Fifth  Ave.,  Room  5,  N.Y. 
City;  Chicago  Committee  Hdqts.  Room 
310,  208  N.  Wells  St. 

Organizations,  Etc. 



Nat.  Cons.  Lg. 

A  Garland-Fund-aided,  Socialist-con- 
trolled organization  founded  in  1916  by 
Socialist  Florence  Kelley  (formerly  of  Hull 
House,  translator  of  Marx  and  Engels,  and 
friend  and  correspondent  of  Engels  and 
Lenin);  organizes  workers;  issues  "white 
lists"  to  blacklist  firms  not  conforming  to 
its  program;  ostensibly  promotes  consump- 
tion of  union  made  goods,  etc. 

In  1931,  Florence  Kelley  (now  deceased)  was 
gen.  sec.;  Dr.  John  R.  Commons  of  Madison, 
Wis.,  pres.;  and  Jane  Addams,  Newton  D.  Baker, 
Mrs.  Edw.  P.  Costigan,  Alice  Hamilton,  John 
Haynes  Holmes,  Julia  C.  Lathrop,  Henry  R. 
Mussey,  Mrs.  Franklin  D.  Roosevelt,  Mrs.  M.  R. 
Trumbull,  etc.,  vice  presidents;  Mrs.  J.  Borden 
Harriman,  chmn.  of  the  bd.;  hon.  pres.,  John 
Graham  Brooks;  hon.  vice  pres.,  Irving  Fisher; 
Jacob  H.  Hollander  (John  Hopkins),  Frank  L. 
McVey  (U.  of  Ky.),  Josiah  Morse  (U.  of  S. 
Car.),  Wm.  A.  Neilson  (Smith  Coll.),  Jessica  B. 
Peixotto  (U.  of  Cal.),  Dean  Roscoe  Pound,  Dr. 
John  A.  Ryan,  E.  R.  A.  Seligman  (Columbia  U.), 
Walter  F.  Wilcox  (Cornell  U.),  A.  B.  Wolfe 
(Ohio  State),  Mary  E.  Woolley  (Mt.  Holyoke), 
etc.  (listed  on  the  letter  head).  Hdqts.  156 
Fifth  Ave.,  N.Y.  City. 


N.  C.  for  P.  W. 

Seymour  Waldman,  editor  of  the  N.C. 
for  P.W.  "International  Disarmament 
Notes,"  1931-32,  in  October  1933  became 
head  of  the  Washington  bureau  of  the 
communist  "Daily  Worker."  Has  been 
called  "a  clearing  house  for  Socialist-Com- 
munist pacifist  propaganda";  formed  Sept. 
1921  under  chairmanship  of  a  Foreign 
Policy  Assn.  officer;  its  director,  Frederick 
J.  Libby,  to  quote  Arthur  Sears  Henning, 
"has  gained  national  notoriety  for  utter- 
ances widely  regarded  as  unpatriotic  and 
which  were  the  cause  of  the  board  of  edu- 
cation of  the  District  of  Columbia  barring 
him  from  speaking  in  the  Washington  pub- 
lic schools.  Libby  is  leading  the  move- 
ment for  the  abolition  of  military  training 
in  schools.  .  .  .  Libby  was  a  prime  mover 
in  organizing  the  propaganda  to  deter  the 
President  from  withdrawing  recognition 
from  the  Calles  government  if  American 
properties  should  be  confiscated.  .  .  . 
Libby  has  espoused  the  Calles  side  of  the 
oil  and  alien  land  law  controversy."  (See 
Mexican  Propaganda.)  "...  One  of  the 
common  aims  of  the  pacifist  and  radicals 
is  to  weaken  the  military  preparedness  of 
the  United  States  for  national  defense.  The 
most  active  pacifist  organization  is  the 
National  Council  for  Prevention  of  War 
which  expends  $85,000  a  year  as  a  clearing 

house  for  the  peace  work  of  34  groups 
among  which  are  the  American  Association 
of  University  Women,  the  American  Farm 
Bureau  Federation,  the  American  Fed- 
eration of  Teachers,  which  fights  military 
training  of  youth,  the  Fellowship  of  Recon- 
ciliation, the  Foreign  Policy  Assn.,  the 
National  Board  of  the  Y.W.C.A.,  National 
Education  Assn.,  National  Women's  Trade 
Union  League,  Women's  International 
League  for  Peace  and  Freedom,  National 
Consumers  League,  the  W.C.T.U.  and 
World  Alliance  for  International  Friend- 
ship Through  the  Churches.  These  com- 
ponent organizations  of  the  National  Coun- 
cil expend  independently,  partly  or  wholly 
on  pacifist  propaganda  an  aggregate  of 
more  than  $500,000  a  year.  Other  mem- 
bers of  the  Foreign  Policy  Association 
directorate  who  are  also  members  of  the 
directorate  of  the  National  Council  for 
Prevention  of  War  are  Jane  Addams, 
Katherine  Ludington,  Wm.  Allen  White, 
Bishop  Francis  J.  McConnell,  James  G. 
McDonald  and  Bishop  G.  Ashton  Oldham." 
(From  Arthur  Sears  Henning's  "Govern- 
ment by  Propaganda.")  Five  of  the  co- 
operating organizations  mentioned  above 
are  red  Garland  Fund  proteges. 

In  1927  it  claimed  to  have  sent  out 
"more  than  1,000,000  pieces  of  literature" 
to  13,600  newspapers,  75,000  ministers  and 
others,  against  the  President's  naval  pro- 
gram alone,  to  have  voted  a  budget  of 
$113,000  for  1928  and  maintained  a  staff 
of  11  persons  in  the  two  offices  in  Wash- 
ington and  California  with  7  stenographers, 
14  clerks,  and  3  "speakers  in  the  fields." 
Hdqts.  in  1932  were  532  Seventeenth 
Street,  N.W.,  Washington,  D.C.;  branch 
offices  in  San  Francisco,  Portland,  Ore., 
Louisville,  Ky.,  Springfield,  Mass.,  Des 
Moines,  la. 

Exec,  sec.,  Frederick  J.  Libby;  vice  chairmen, 
Jane  Addams,  Rev.  Peter  Ainslie,  Clement  M. 
Biddle,  Mrs.  Louis  D.  Brandeis,  Mrs.  J.  Borden 
Harriman,  Will  Irwin,  John  A.  Lapp,  Julia  C. 
Lathrop,  Katharine  Ludington,  Bishop  Francis  J. 
McConnell,  James  G.  McDonald,  Hugh  S.  Magill, 
Mrs.  Lucia  Ames  Mead,  Bishop  G.  Ashton  Old- 
ham,  Mrs.^  Arthur  Charles  Watkins,  and  William 
Allen  White;  exec.  bd. :  T.  Janney  Brown, 
William  F.  Cochran,  Edward  T.  Devine,  Elizabeth 
Eastman,  Mrs.  J.  Malcolm  Forbes,  Elisabeth  Gil- 
man,  Mrs.  J.  Borden  Harriman,  Arthur  E.  Holder 
Rabbi  Edward  L.  Israel,  Frederick  J.  Libby,  Felix 
Morley,  Rev.  R.  A.  McGowan,  Mrs.  Sina  M. 
Stanton,  Richard  R.  Woop;  assoc.  secretaries: 
Mrs.  Florence  Brewer  Boeckel,  Eleanor  D.  Bran- 
nan,  Gaylord  W.  Douglass,  Mrs.  Mary  Flahaven, 
J.  J.  Handsaker,  Thomas  Que  Harrison,  Mrs. 
Laura  Puffer  Morgan,  Jeannette  Rankin,  Dorothy 
Reed,  Cynthia  Smith,  E.  Guy  Talbott,  Jacob  H. 
Taylor,  Harry  E.  Terrell,  Seymour  B.  Waldman 
Arthur  Charles  Watkins,  Mary  Phillips  Webster 
and  Mary  Ida  Winder;  office  sec.:  Mrs.  Gladys 
K.  Gould  Mackenzie;  treas.:  T.  Janney  Brown. 


The  Red  Network 

Listed  on  the  1932  letterhead  as  "Par- 
ticipating Organizations"  are: 

Am.  Assn.  Univ.  Women;  Am.  Fed.  Tchrs.; 
Am.  School  Citizenship  Lg.;  Church  of  the 
Brethren  Bd.  of  Relig.  Ed.;  C.M.E.;  Fell.  Recon.; 
Gen.  Alliance  Unitarian  Women,  Com.  on  Social 
Serv.;  Gen.  Conf.  of  Religious  Soc.  of  Friends; 
Intl.  New  Thought  Alliance;  Nat.  Bd.  Y.W.C.A.; 
Nat.  Coun.  Jewish  Women;  Nat.  Coun.  Jewish 
Juniors;  Nat.  Edu.  Assn.;  Nat.  Fed.  of  Temple 
Sisterhoods;  Nat.  Reform  Assn.;  Nat.  Worn.  Tr. 
Un.  Lg.;  Peace  Assn.  of  Friends  in  Am.;  Soc. 
to  Eliminate  Economic  Causes  of  War;  Woman  s 
Missionary  Un.  of  Friends  in  Am.;  W.I.L.P.F.; 
Cooperating  Organizations:  Central  Conf.  of 
Am.  Rabbis;  Council  of  Women  for  Home  Mis- 
sions; Nat.  Consumers  Lg.;  Intl.  Soc.  of  Chris- 
tian Endeavor;  United  Synagogue  of  Am.; 
Womens  Lg.  of  the  United  Synagogue  of  Am.; 
World  Peace  Union. 




Nat.  Coun.  for  Prot.  For.  Bn.  Wkrs. 

A  Communist  subsidiary  (U.S.  Fish 
Report;  also  P.  77  of  Report  of  Exec. 
Com.  of  Communist  International,  issued 
1924) ;  claims  270,000  members,  staged 
mass  demonstration  when  Congress  con- 
vened Dec.  6,  1930;  agitates  against  alien 
registration,  deportation  of  alien  Reds,  etc. 
The  N.Y.  World,  Oct.  16,  1927,  stated: 

"Jos.  B.  Dean,  pres.  of  the  Moving  Picture 
Operators  Union,  is  pres.  of  the  National  Council 
for  Protection  of  Foreign  Born  Workers;  Nina 
Samoradin  is  nat.  sec.,  and  among  members  of 
the  board  are  James  H.  Maurer,  pres.  of  the  Pa. 
State  Federation  of  Labor,  Timothy  Healey  of 
the  Steamfitters  Union,  W.  E.  Burghardt  Du  Bois, 
editor  of  the  Crisis,  Clarence  Darrow,  Albert  F. 
Coyle,  Robert  Morss  Lovett,  Arthur  Garfield 
Hays,  and  Fred  Atkins  Moore." 

Henry  T.  Hunt  was  legal  advisor.  The 
Communist  Daily  Worker,  Dec.  19,  1927 
told  of  a  conference  of  the  N.Y.  Council 
addressed  by  Robt.  W.  Dunn  and  Dr. 
Edmund  B.  Chaffee  of  the  Labor  Temple 
(of  the  Presbyterian  Church) .  Marvin  says 
the  advisory  board  of  the  N.Y.  Council 
was  in  1927 

"Composed  of  Adolph  Blumfield,  Louis  F. 
Budenz,  August  Burkhardt  (gen.  sec.  Amalga- 
mated Food  Workers),  Stuart  Chase,  P.  E.  Cos- 
grove,  Solon  de  Leon,  Marion  Finn  Scott,  G.  E. 
Powers,  Robt.  H.  Haskell,  John  Dos  Passes, 
Joseph  Freeman,  Paxton  Hibben,  I.  A.  Kittine, 
Horace  Liveright,  Ludwig  Lore,  Scott  Nearing, 
Chas.  W.  Wood,  Arthur  Calhoun,  Rev.  A.  Wake- 
field  Statin. 

"All  of  the  above  are  Communists  or 
Socialists  or  closely  allied  with  the  Com- 
munist-Socialist movement  in  the  United 
States.  Both  the  Communists  and  Social- 
ists openly  state  their  purpose  is  to  destroy 
the  government  of  the  U.S.  ...  On  Jan. 
9,  1926  a  luncheon  conference  in  opposi- 

tion" (to  alien  registration  and  deportation 
bills)  "was  held  at  Hotel  Astor,  N.Y.  City. 
At  this  meeting  the  bills  were  denounced  in 
no  uncertain  terms  by  Max  J.  Kohler,  the 
prominent  pacifist  Sherwood  Eddy,  the 
Rev.  Chas.  K.  Gilbert  of  the  Federal  Coun- 
cil of  Churches  and  Florence  F.  Cassidy 
of  the  Y.W.C.A.  of  Bridgeport,  Conn.  A 
letter  of  denouncement  from  the  Immi- 
grants' Protective  League  of  Chicago,  upon 
whose  directorate  appear  the  names  of 
Jane  Addams,  Prof.  Ernst  Freund,  Julia  C. 
Lathrop  and  other  equally  well-known 
radicals  was  read."  (Marvin  Data  Sheets, 
56-16  and  34-2.) 

N.Y.  officers  and  exec,  com.: 

Pres.:  Joseph  Dean;  vice-pres.:  Max  Orlowsky, 
P.  Pascual  Cqsgrove;  sec.-treas.:  Nina  Samora- 
din; legal  advisor:  Henry  T.  Hunt;  field  sec.: 
Jeannette  D.  Pearl;  Executive  Committee:  Tim- 
othy Healy,  Max  S.  Hays,  James  Maurer,  William 
Cohen,  Fred  Suiter,  Percy  Thomas,  J.  L.  Studder, 
A.  M.  Allman,  Carl  Appel,  Rebecca  Grecht,  A.  G. 

Paul  J.  Zoretich,  W.  E.  B.  Du  Bois,  Clarence 
Darrow,  Albert  F.  Coyre,  Robert  Morss  Lovett, 
Arthur  Garfield  Hays,  Alice  Stone  Blackwell, 
Francis  Fisher  Kane,  Fred  Atkins  Moore.  (1930 
Fish  Report  of  Investigation  of  Communist  Propa- 
ganda, Part  S,  Vol.  4,  p.  1321.) 


Of  the  A.C.L.U.;  to  abolish  censorship 
of  obscene  or  seditious  art,  literature,  and 
movies  and  for  "freedom  in  schools  and 
colleges";  fought  in  behalf  of  Corliss 
Lamont's  Russian  posters,  held  by  author- 
ities as  seditious  matter.  Hdqts.  100  Fifth 
Ave.,  N.Y.  City. 

Chmn.:  Hatcher  Hughes;  vice  chairmen:  Bar- 
rett H.  Clark,  Fannie  Hurst,  Elmer  Rice;  treas.: 
Harry  Elmer  Barnes;  sec.:  Gordon  W.  Moss; 
members:  Helen  Arthur,  Bruce  Bliven,  Dr.  Louise 
Stevens  Bryant.  Witter  Bynner,  James  Branch 
Cabell,  Henry  Seidel  Canby,  Edward  Childs  Car- 
penter, Marc  Connolly,  Mrs.  Mary  Ware  Den- 
nett, Walter  Pritchard  Eaton,  Morris  L.  Ernst, 
Rabbi  Sidney  E.  Goldstein,  Paul  Green,  Dr.  Louis 
I.  Harris.  Arthur  Garfield  Hays,  Theresa  Helburn, 
B.  W.  Huebsch,  Sidney  Howard,  Rupert  Hughes, 
Inez  Haynes  Irwin,  Dorothy  Kenypn,  Kenneth 
MacGowan,  H.  L.  Mencken,  Lewis  Mumford, 
Henry  Raymond  Mussey,  George  Jean  Nathan, 
Rabbi  Louis  I.  Newman,  Rev.  Robert  Norwood, 
Eugene  O'Neill.  Maxwell  E.  Perkins,  Llewelyn 
Powys,  Aaron  J.  Rosanoff,  Robert  E.  Sherwood, 
Claire  Sifton,  Paul  Sifton,  Harry  Weinberger, 
Stewart  Edward  White,  Dr.  Ira  S.  Wile,  Harry 
Leon  Wilson. 


Radical  educational  association  which 
fostered  the  National  Save  Our  Schools 
Committee;  affiliated  with  N.  C.  for  P.  W. 

Organizations,  Etc. 



A  supporting  organization  of  the  Com- 
munist-organized U.S.  Congress  Against 
War  (see) .  Its  leader,  Milo  Reno,  is  active 
in  the  radical  Conference  for  Progressive 
Political  Action  (see). 

Communist  T.U.U.L.  Union;  hdqts. 
Frank  Borich,  413  Fourth  Ave.,  Pittsburgh, 
Pa.;  responsible  for  violence  in  Ky.,  Pa., 
and  Ohio  mining  districts;  now  agitating 
in  New  Mexico  and  Utah,  claiming  over 
1,000  members  in  Utah,  Carbon  County 


Aided  financially  by  Garland  Fund; 
formed  by  A.C.L.U.  to  aid  the  Communist 
agitation  for  release  of  Mooney  and  Bill- 
ings, convicted  of  bombing  the  1917  San 
Francisco  Preparedness  Day  Parade,  kill- 
ing 10  and  injuring  50  persons.  Mooney 
was  then  an  anarchist-communist  labor 
agitator  and  with  anarchist  Alex.  Berk- 
man  started  and  ran  "The  Blast,"  an  anar- 
chist paper.  His  letter  to  Stalin  appears 
on  the  front  page  of  the  Communist  Labor 
Defender  for  Nov.  1932.  In  it  he  says, 
"My  dear  Comrade  Stalin"  and  after 
rejoicing  over  the  Fifteenth  Anniversary  of 
the  Russian  Proletarian  Revolution,  thanks 

"For  the  magnificent  spirit  of  International 
working-class  solidarity  by  the  militant  workers 
of  Russia  in  defense  of  my  fight  for  freedom,  and 
for  the  freedom  of  all  class  war  and  political 
prisoners.  Were  it  not  for  the  Revolutionary 
workers  of  Petrograd  led  by  our  beloved  comrade 
Lenin,  in  militant  demonstrations  before  the  Amer- 
ican Embassy  on  April  25,  1917,  I  would  not  now 
be  addressing  these  greetings  to  you.  Thus  my 
life  was  saved  and  my  usefulness  to  the  revolution- 
ary working  class  prolonged.  It  is  my  hope  that 
these  revolutionary  greetings  to  you  and  through 
you  to  the  Toilers  of  the  Soviet  Union  will  be 
presented  to  you  in  person  on  the  Fifteenth 
Anniversary  of  the  Russian  Revolution  by  my  dear 
84  year  old  mother,  who  will  be  in  Moscow  on 
Nov.  7th,  1932  in  the  continued  interest  of  the 
working  class  fight  for  my  freedom  from  the  Dun- 
geons of  American  Capitalist  Imperialism.  All 
hail  to  the  Russian  Revolution  and  the  Dictator- 
ship of  the  Proletariat.  I'm  for  it  hook,  line  and 
sinker,  without  equivocation  or  reservation. 
Please  accept  my  warm  personal  regards  and  best 
wishes.  I  am,  Comradely  yours,  Tom  Mooney, 

Committee  Hdqts.,  100  Fifth  Ave., 
N.Y.  City;  Henry  T.  Hunt  (Roosevelt 
appointee  as  gen.  counsel  PWA),  chmn.; 

Lemuel  F.  Parton,  vice  chmn.;  Roger  N.  Bald- 
win, sec.;  Harry  Elmer  Barnes,  Alice  Stone  Black- 

well,  John  Rogers  Commons,  Clarence  Darrow, 
Jerome  Davis,  Edward  T.  Devine,  John  Dewey, 
Robert  L.  Duffus,  Morris  L.  Ernst,  Sara  Bard 
Field,  Glenn  Frank,  Gilson  Gardner,  Elizabeth 
Giiman,  Norman  Hapgood,  Max  S.  Hayes,  Arthur 
Garfieid  Hays,  Morris  Hillquit,  Fannie  Hurst,  Inez 
Haynes  Irwin,  Philip  LaFollette,  Sinclair  Lewis, 
Walter  W.  Liggett,  Owen  R.  Lovejoy,  Robert 
Morss  Lovett,  James  H.  Maurer,  Alexander  Meikle- 
john,  H.  L.  Mencken,  Wesley  C.  Mitchell,  Fremont 
Older,  George  D.  Pratt,  Jr.,  Roger  William  Riis, 
John  A.  Ryan,  John  Nevin  Sayre,  Alva  W.  Taylor, 
B.  C.  Vladeck,  Stephen  S.  Wise,  W.  E.  Woodward. 


Formed  1933  by  the  Communist  I.L.D. 
for  the  purpose  of  drawing  radicals 
together  in  a  "united  front"  under  Com- 
munist leadership  for  the  Mooney  ballyhoo 
of  hate  against  our  "capitalist"  govern- 
ment upon  which  Communism  thrives. 
"Free  Tom  Mooney"  has,  with  the  Scotts- 
boro  case,  been  a  money  making  agitation 
for  the  Communist  Party  and  the  excuse 
for  countless  riots,  strikes,  demonstrations 
and  profitable  collections,  as  was  the  Sacco- 
Vanzetti  case,  formerly.  The  "Free  Tom 
Mooney  Congress"  called  by  the  Commu- 
nist I.L.D.  met  April  30— May  2,  1933, 
in  Chgo.,  and  passed  the  resolution: 
"Brother  Mooney  for  17  years  now  the 
symbol  of  the  unity  of  working  class 
martyrdom  must  now  become  the  living 
symbol  of  the  unity  of  the  working  class. 
.  .  .  Just  as  the  frame-up  and  imprison- 
ment of  Tom  Mooney  was  connected  with 
the  preparations  for  the  entry  of  this  coun- 
try into  the  world  war,  so  now  the  con- 
tinued imprisonment  of  Mooney  and  other 
victims  of  capitalist  class  justice  ...  is  the 
preparation  of  a  second  imperialist  war 
by  the  capitalist  nations  and  against  the 
Union  of  Soviet  Socialist  Republics.  .  .  . 
This  council  hereby  establishes  the  National 
Tom  Mooney  Council  of  Action,  a  United 
Front  for  Workers  Rights  and  the  Rights 
of  the  Negro  People.  .  .  .  The  legal  murder 
of  the  innocent  Sacco  and  Vanzetti  was  a 
part  of  the  price  of  disunity  of  the 
workers.  .  .  .  Mass  pressure  not  the  'justice' 
of  the  courts  is  responsible  for  such  vic- 
tories as  the  working  class  has  won." 

"38  Chicago  locals  of  the  A.F.  of  L.,  121 
locals  of  other  cities,  23  locals  of  the  Pro- 
gressive Miners  of  S.  111.,  82  independent 
and  revolutionary  unions  affiliated  with  the 
T.U.U.L. — Delegates  from  the  Commu- 
nist Party,  Socialist  Party,  League  for 
Independent  Political  Action,  Defense 
organizations,  Young  Communist  League, 
Young  People's  Socialist  League,  Industrial 
Workers  of  the  World,  ..."  were  repre- 
sented by  1,200  delegates  according  to